English 1D Sample Assignments from Faculty Compiled by Dr. Pamela Pan English 1D Coordinator October 31, 2015 Essay Assignments from: Ludmila Buettner Pamela Pan Mark Slakey, Paula Sheil Anna Villegas 1 Sample assignment from Ludmila Buettner Directions for the Research Paper (online English 1D) Compose an argumentative essay. Use at least five reputable sources (articles, books, etc.) that you find on your own. In addition, refer to one essay from Reading and Writing Short Arguments related to your topic. Do not use more than eight sources, however. Use the 7th edition of the MLA style for parenthetical and in-text citations and works cited page. Use reliable, factual evidence from your research to support your position on one of the following subjects: 1. Government: Do we need to limit government involvement in people’s lives? 2. Airport security: Do we need tighter airport security? 3. Cohabitation before marriage: Is cohabiting before marriage beneficial? 4. Cloning: Should there be restrictions for cloning? English 1D Sample Assignment from Pamela Pan This assignment requires students to choose one of the topics listed below, do literature review on this topic, conduct field research by doing surveys and interviews, collect and analyze data, connect what they find in their own research with articles they have read for literature review, and then write up a research paper reporting their findings. The purpose is to help English1D students acquire both primary and secondary research skills as well as skills in writing academic research reports, all of which could be useful for their upper division work in UC schools. Research Paper with Primary Data In this paper, you will conduct both primary and secondary research. For primary research, you will collect your own data regarding a topic. Secondary research is the kind of research you have been doing through outside sources such as books, journals, and magazines. In your essay, you will report your research findings and integrate secondary research throughout. You need at least five secondary sources. For each of the following topics, you will define the terms according to your understanding. Explain your position and why you have taken such a stance. You can find one or two visuals (photos, cartoons, etc.) representing one or two oppositional views. Survey/ interview at least ten people regarding their position. Try to have representatives from different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds. Report your research findings in your paper. When you survey or interview, remain neutral and do not disclose your own position. You might skew your data if you do. 2 Choose one from the following topics: 1. Define marriage and same sex marriage. Should same sex marriages be legalized in the United States? 2. Define pro-life or pro-choice. Should women be able to terminate their unwanted pregnancies? Why/Why not? 3. Define gun control. Should there be tighter gun control laws in the U.S.? 4. Define race. Should race be a factor in college admission and employment? Guidelines: 1. Introduction (one paragraph) In your introduction, explain why you are interested in doing research in the area of your choice. Provide background information of the issue and the importance of investigating it. Why do you want to do this research? This is where some of your secondary library research information can be cited. What is your own position on this issue? Why? 2. Research findings (one paragraph) Briefly list your research findings. 3. Literature review of two oppositional views (1-2 paragraphs) In this section, discuss the two opposing camps on this issue. If you have visuals, integrate them here and analyze the views these visuals represent. 4. Methods (one paragraph) Explain how you conducted your research. Explain the number of people surveyed or interviewed, why you have chosen these people, and these people’s backgrounds. 5. Research Findings and discussions (3-4 paragraphs) This is where you report your findings. Explain in detail what you have found through your research. You can organize y your findings into tables or graphs. Discuss the importance of your findings and what you learn from this research. This is also where your secondary research should be integrated. Compare and contrast the results with findings from your secondary research. Your own results could confirm or disconfirm other people’s studies or theories. Explain why it confirms or disconfirms. 6. Conclusion (1 paragraph) Summarize the important points from your study. Add final comments about your study and the issues you have investigated, what people can learn from this project. You can also add a call for action if appropriate. 7. Your whole essay should be 6-7 pages, excluding references. 8. Your secondary sources need to include a book, a newspaper article, a magazine article, a database article, and another one of your choice. Half a letter grade will be deducted from missing one source or lack of a source from the above. Do not use Wikipedia, personal webpages, blogs, and quote-focused websites as your research sources. 9. With each quote and citation, add at least three comments connecting the quotes to your writing. Your research should be smoothly integrated into your essay and enhance 3 your writing rather than being a distractor. Use APA style of in-text citation. Include a “References” section at the end of your essay. 10. Do peer and tutor review and revise after these reviews before turning in your final draft. Lack of either peer review or tutor review will result in half a letter grade reduction. Peer review sheet is due in class. English 1D Sample Assignment from Mark Slakey In this essay, I focus my evaluation on the students' ability to Develop their body paragraphs with specificity and by using sources as evidence; Effectively employ principles of causal analysis, including the avoidance of the post hoc fallacy; Use sources effectively as evidence for claims and as a lead-in when dealing with opponents’ arguments. Students do not have to conduct independent research, but must use sources that I have provided, cite correctly, use signal phrases, provide a context for cited material, and effectively rely on paraphrasing rather than quoting; Respond to at least 2 major arguments by opponents; Show beginning ability to evaluate research studies for validity. English 1D Essay Assignment #3: Are Video Games a Menace? The Assignment: The following excerpt from the website www.mavav.org argues strongly that video games are a great danger to today’s youths. Write an essay in support of or against such hostility to video games. You can also take an intermediate position in which you agree with some of the criticism of video games but disagree with other criticism. Note exactly what the assignment is asking you—not whether video game should be restricted or banned, but rather, what the effects of video games are. Also, the issue is not limited to whether video games make kids violent (though you could focus the essay on this if you choose); instead, the assignment is asking you about a wide range of criticism (see below). Due Date: Important rules for submitting this essay: Submit your essay to Turnitin.com. Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, double space, 1” margins Length—6-9 pages (this includes the works cited page) MLA Citation Minimum of 6 sources Use all of the sources that we read for class, including the MAVAV website You must respond to at least 2 of your opponent’s arguments 4 The Mothers against Videogame Addiction and Violence organization is dedicated to educating parents of the world's fastest growing addiction and the most reckless endangerment of children today: Video Game Addiction and Violence in Underground Video Game Cultures Video game addiction is without a doubt, becoming this century's most increasingly worrisome epidemic, comparable even to drug and alcohol abuse. All the while, the video game industry continues to market and promote hatred, racism, sexism, and the most disturbing trend: clans and guilds, an underground video game phenomenon which closely resembles gangs. Parents NEED to be aware of the hidden dangers. Video Games: The Frightening Facts Fact: Video games are not just in the business of "fun" anymore. In 2002, the video game industry generated $10.3 billion in record-breaking sales, surpassing the film industry. Fact: Publishers exploit cute, huggable and lovable franchises such as Pokemon and Splinter Cell, in hopes of hooking more potential gamers in today's youth. This is the same strategy practiced in the tobacco industry. Fact: Video games are proven to prevent proper development of social interactive skills which is needed for a happy enjoyable life. Gamers who pick up a controller very early in their lives are the most prone to life long burdens such as long term depression and sadness. Fact: Psychological studies have proven that, even the most casual teen gamers are affected by video games and suffer from low self esteem issues compared to their more athletic and social peers. The studies also revealed, younger gamers were more likely to become lifetime addicts and social outcasts. Fact: Very hardcore gamers are known as "underground." Illegally downloading video games, multimedia, and software, known as warez, is the only acceptable standard of living in the underground culture. Video Game Addiction: What to Watch Out For Symptom: Teen spends many hours in front of the computer This is the most classic sign of gaming addiction. A teen spends the majority of his free time indoors on the computer, only taking breaks for snacks and the bathroom. This behavior is commonly known as "grinding" and "farming," and typically lasts several hours to an entire evening. In the most extreme cases, it may lead to an out-of-control 24 hour gaming binge. 5 It is highly recommend that a teens bedroom be absent of all forms of electronic devices: personal computers, printers, video game console systems, television sets, cellular telephones, clock-radios, battery recharger’s, and calculators. Encourage your teen to be more active outdoors. Take necessary steps to arrange activities for them: schedule play dates after school, a party at your home, or even sign up your teen for an after school sport or activity. Symptom: Poor school grades A typical report card of a gamer: English Poor Mathematics Excellent Science Poor Social Studies Poor Typing Class Excellent Physical Education Poor Never assume drugs or otherwise is responsible for your teens poor academic performance. Video game addiction should not be underestimated. It is a problematic epidemic plaguing students worldwide. Symptom: Role Playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) are a digital escape for those emotionally unattached to their surroundings and others. It is a place of gathering in a virtual reality world, home to millions of socially inept and outcast individuals. These fantasy world's provide a false sense of security where one can journey freely without feeling discouraged by the harsh realities of their real life. MMORPG's severely affects a persons mental and physical well being: increased anxiety and irritability, argumentative, paranoia, sudden gain or loss in appetite and weight, "raiding" behavior, impaired judgment, sadness and depression, loss of interest in appearance, and sleeplessness. MMORPG's are the most addictive genre of video games and are developed around that concept. Developers and publishers take advantage of its addictive quality’s to profit on hefty monthly service 6 charges and costly expansion packs. We caution parents to never hand out credit card information and check for suspicious monthly charges. Video Game Violence: The Hidden Dangers Danger: Do video games make people violent? Yes. What was once debatable is now a proven fact. Researchers have conclusively proven a relationship between behavioral violence and video game violence. Danger: Do video games teach people how to kill? Yes. When video games were linked to a high school shooting, a frenzy of research was launched to gather facts and investigate links between shooting violence and video games. Research concluded that first person shooter video games train players for killing. This research was proven so conclusive that the United States Army developed a popular free recruitment video game used as a virtual boot camp and killing simulators. English 1D Sample Assignment Paula Sheil Eng1D Final Project Essay Topic Spring 2015 Sperling and Gordon, authors of 2 Billion Cars , like the authors of Carjacked , have identified issues in our current “transportation monoculture” that mean the status quo is unsustainable, both in the U.S. and abroad. Sperling and Gordon believe that electric-drive technology should be at the center of any policy shift and were dismissive of mass transit as a solution to any of our problems. In contrast, Lutz and Fernandez Lutz argued for a re-investment in public transportation and policies that would encourage its use. They would probably argue that electric-drive technology would only address environmental concerns and not solve the many other problems that car dependence creates. What policy solution do you think the U.S. should pursue? There are a number of factors to consider here, including (but not limited to) convenience, cost, environmental impact, social justice, and safety concerns. Note: In this context, a policy solution is a law or practice that the federal government would create and enforce. Your 2000-2500 word (6-8 pages) paper must include at least 10 credible sources (8 text sources and 2 illustrations, charts or graphs) and be in APA format. English 1D Sample Assignment from Anna Villegas 7 FALL 2014 JOURNAL ONE: WHO ARE YOU? BACKGROUND: A starting point for metacognition--thinking about how we think--is to determine how and why our background affects our interpretation and evaluations of the world. An essential requirement of English 1D is that we synthesize our readings with our own critical thinking about particular issues and arguments. Our journals require that you do both. Look at the Venn diagram on the cover of your handbook, which represents our course’s “rule of thirds.” In our first journal assignment, Ruggiero’s textbook chapters supply the conceptual dimension; Brianna Ehley’s editorial article supplies the empirical dimension; and you are supplying the critical thinking and writing dimension. THE WRITING TASK: After reading our assigned textbook chapters and the module titled “Front Doors Are One Percent,” brainstorm your thoughts in response to the following questions. (The chapters are located in your textbook titled Beyond Feelings; the module is located online.) How do the elements described in Dr. Ruggiero’s chapters titled “Who Are You?” and “What Is Critical Thinking” affect your responses to the many implications of the editorial concerning “poor doors” in New York City’s high rise apartments? After brainstorming your answers, use the following question format to generate a synthesis of the two readings with your own experience, which is a skill our course calls the "rule of thirds." "How does my generational, familial, geographic, cultural, educational, occupational, and/or experiential background shape my response to the issues surrounding New York City’s ‘poor door’ policies implied by the article?” 8 COMPOSING STRATEGIES: You can build your body paragraphs by exploring any three of the frames of reference in the example above. A good formula to use throughout the semester is to borrow the language of the journal question in forming your thoughts. This borrowing technique will help you to compose the topic sentences in your essay’s body, which should look something like this: “My generation, the ______ generation, shapes my response to the issue of poor doors by…/in that…/because….” Or “My economic status of __________________ leads me to believe that…because….” Or “My college studies, which included a course in ________________, have shaped how I respond to the “poor door” issue because….” Remember the journal topic is not asking you to argue what you think about economic segregation, the poor versus the rich, or affordable housing as such; it’s asking what in your background causes you to respond to the issue of “poor doors” in a particular way. All of our journals should conform to the structure of any informal essay including an introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs. Show your mastery of the essay formal by using the five-paragraph essay structure to compose your first journal. (See handbook pages 98-99 for a review of the essay form.) Practice the MLA in-text citation formula you learned in English 1A by citing from Ruggiero’s text and the editorial. Your journals and formal papers will require correct MLA citation, so use the opportunity to polish up your source references. Our handbook 9 has review pages for you (see pages 1-9). For a sample response to the poor door journal topic, see Mrs. V.’s essay in discussion. DISCUSSION IS FOR YOUR BENEFIT: If you are a student who prospers from more interaction with your teacher and classmates, use our discussion forum to share your thinking. Involvement in discussion is encouraged, and you can always ask questions about our assignments there. Questions are welcome! 10