Professor G. Civil, Ph.D. (651) 690-8797 (office) E-mail: Fall 2011 MW 2:55-4:35 Office: Whitby 206 Office Hrs: TBD +by appointment Classroom: Whitby 120B English 2305 Writing for Life: Developing Skill & Confidence In this class, we will write. In other words, we will read, consider, discuss, scribble, scrawl, compose, scratch out, record, assert, explore, claim, argue, denounce, concede, support, communicate and express ideas. Together we will define and demonstrate good writing, focusing on style, voice, clarity, coherence and correctness. Writing in this class will never be mere product, but will constitute a process of jotting, drafting, sharing, revising and polishing. Our readings and discussions should help inspire passion and purpose for writing. We will learn and practice critical reading strategies; we will write liner notes, textual analyses, film reviews, open letters and critical, persuasive and personal essays. Grounded in trust, enthusiasm and mutual respect, our community of writers will practice giving and receiving constructive feedback. Our approach to writing will not only contribute to academic success, but will also encourage personal exploration and broader participation in the world. Here, we will write for life; we will work to develop greater skill and confidence. Enjoy! COURSE REQUIREMENTS Required Texts (Available in the SCU bookstore) English 2305 COURSEPACK-ed. G. Civil Rhythm Science-Paul D. Miller The Perforated Map-Elena Rivera The Bedford Handbook Eighth Edition-Diana Hacker & Nancy Sommers * *Note: You must have a comprehensive grammar and style handbook for this course. The Bedford Handbook is the selected handbook for Writing Intensive Courses at St. Catherine University. If you have another handbook, we can discuss using it instead. Recommended Texts A good dictionary (could be on-line) A good thesaurus (could be on-line) Required Assignments The writing in this course will address a variety of purposes and occasions and will vary in length from 1 sentence to 4-6 pages. Each assignment will receive a detailed introduction in class. Almost every assignment will move through a process of pre-writing, drafting, peer conferencing, revising, proofreading and polishing. Assignments can loosely be organized into three categories: 1) Essays (45% total) Critical Essay Persuasive Essay Personal Essay 1 (15%) (15%) (15%) 2) Occasional Writing (35% total) Liner Notes Food Writing (Thanksgiving) Film Review Open Letter 3) Class Assessment Exercises (20% total) Threshold Writing (5%) Truism / Cogent Question / E-Mail (5%) Style Analysis of Course Text (5%) Portfolio Cover Letter (5%) (10%) (10%) (5%) (10%) Note: There will also be an In Class/ Open Note/ Open Book Quiz. This will be Pass/ Fail and will be factored into assessment of class preparation and participation. Class Preparation + Participation: This class is all about writing and reading. Students will need to write and read something for every session. You should arrive to each class, ready and eager to offer opinions, exchange words and share fire. You should also willingly engage in lively conversation, constructive peer critique and effective use of writing revision opportunities. Together, this all constitutes class preparation and participation. Standard preparation/participation over the course of the term will receive no additional credit. Subpar preparation / participation over the course of the term will result in a half grade deduction of the final grade. Excellent preparation and participation over the course of the term will result in a half grade increase of the final grade. (If only St. Kate’s allowed grades of A+ . . . .) COURSE POLICIES Attendance Policy The Formula: Three times late / leaving early = one absence. Six absences = 1 final grade deduction. Eight absences = 2 final grade deductions More than eight absences=automatic F Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism will not be tolerated in writing for assignments. (You’re brilliant and have great words and ideas! You don’t need any one else’s language.) If you have any questions or concerns about citation, please feel free to consult me, the MLA Guide for Writers of Research Papers and /or the O’Neill Center. If caught plagiarizing, no credit will be given for the assignment. Other action will be taken in accordance with college-wide policy. In case of repeated class plagiarism, a student will be unable to pass the course. Assignment Policy: Please print out (and staple) your assignments. E-mailed Assignments may be satisfactory pending instructor approval. (Ask me first!) If you do send me an e-mail, make sure you receive a message back from me confirming receipt. If you don’t hear from me, it likely means that *I did not receive your message* and so you need to resend. Late assignments may receive penalties or may not be accepted. Contact me if you need to discuss extensions or changes in assignment due dates. Communication is key to success! Professor’s Statement I love to write and I love to teach. I believe in rigor and also in joy. It is an honor and a pleasure for me to serve as your writing professor this term. 2 English 2305 Writing for Life: Developing Skill and Confidence Projected Reading & Assignment Schedule (Readings in parentheses are supplementary.) 9/7 Introduction In class work with: “What I Love: Aegeodrome”-Odysseas Elytis “Imaginary Syllabus”-Kristin Prevallet “Disclosure”-Dana Teen Lomax “Beginner’s Mind, Pen and Paper,” “First Thoughts,” “A List of Topics for Writing Practice”-Natalie Goldberg (“Introduction: Advice to Young Writers”-Annie Dillard) Introduction of Threshold Writing Assignment 9/12 Opening the Word “Articulation”-Anne Bogart from Days of Awe-Achy Obejas (“The Word ‘Love’”-Nathalie Sarraute) Threshold Pre-Writing (Word Map) Due 9/14 “Notes on the Netherworld” from Wasted-Marya Hornbacher (“Short Talks”-Anne Carson) Threshold Writing Due Introduction of Liner Notes Assignment 9/19 Engaging Voice / Building Skills “Potential Heuristics”-Miranda Mellis Rhythm Science-Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid Liner Notes Pre-Writing (Description) Due 9/21 9/26 Rhythm Science-Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid Liner Notes Pre-Writing (Summary) Due Constructing Sentences “Sentences: An Introduction”-Samuel K. Delaney Liner Notes Assignment Due In Class Writing: Story Variations 9/28 “Truisms,” 1977-1979-Jenny Holzer from Grapefruit-Yoko Ono TED Lecture: “The Danger of a Single Story”-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Bring Your Own) Truism Due Threshold Writing Revisions Due In Class Writing: From Sentence to Thesis Introduction to Essay #1 (Critical Essay—Reading Eléna Rivera) 3 10/3 Writing Gender & Language “Remembrance of Things Plastic” “Writing as a Trajectory of Desire, Consciousness & Language”-Nicole Brossard Essay #1 Pre-Writing (Textual Analysis) Due Bring to class The Perforated Map-Eléna Rivera 10/5 St. Kate’s ACTC Writer in-Residence: Eléna Rivera The Perforated Map-Eléna Rivera Liner Notes Revisions Due Essay #1 Pre-Writing (Paraphrase) Due 10/10 The Perforated Map-Eléna Rivera Essay #1 Draft Due (Bring 4 copies) Peer Conferences Coming into Language 10/12 “Poetry is Not a Luxury”-Audre Lorde “Coming into Language”-Jimmy Santiago Baca In-Class FILM: SLAM Essay #1 Due 10/17 “Slices with a Hmong Knife”-Kou Lor “Aria”-Richard Rodriguez (“Living in Tongues”-Luc Santé) +Class Visit: ACDC Writer-in-Residence Eléna Rivera Cogent Question for Eléna Rivera Due Film Review Due Writing the Body 10/19 “The Female Body”-Margaret Atwood from Wasted-Marya Hornbacher (Methodist Hospital, Take 1-Marya Hornbacher) in class: “Homage to my Hips”-Lucille Clifton possible in class writing with Marya Hornbacher Midterm E-mail to Instructor Due Writing Persuasion & Argument 10/24 “Rape and Modern Sex War”-Camille Paglia “The Case Against Babies”-Joy Williams Essay #1 Revisions Due Introduction of Essay #2 (Persuasive Essay) 10/26 “Adoption Myths and Racial Realities in the United States”-Dorothy Roberts Pre-Writing Essay #2 Due Film Review Revisions Due 4 Writing Self & Other 10/31 “Chimera”-Gerald N. Callahan **Happy Halloween!** (“Economic Miracles”-Sun Yung Shin) In class: “Dead”-Ishmael Houston Jones First Draft of Essay #2 Due (bring 4 copies) Peer Conferences 11/2 “It Was My First Nursing Job,” “Twenty-Four Week Preemie, Change of Shift”-Belle Waring “Regarding the Pain of Others”-Susan Sontag Essay #2 Due Introduction of Open Letter Assignment 11/7 Writing Open Letters from Field Guide to Female Interrogators-Coco Fusco Pre-Writing Essay #3 Due Midterm E-Mail Revisions Due 11/9 (“Letter to a G-Man”-Moustafa Bayoumi) In-Class Film: “I Like Girls in Uniform” Open Letter Draft Due (Bring 2 copies) Peer Conferences Writing Self, Sexuality & Place 11/14 “Haiti: A Memory Journey”-Assotto Saint Open Letter Assignment Due Introduction to Essay #3 (Personal Essay-Self & Place) 11/16 “New York City,” “Buffalo” -Kazim Ali Pre-Writing Essay #3 (Self & Place) Due Essay #2 Revisions Due Writing about Food 11/21 “Pancakes”-Evan Hunter “Watermelons”-Henry David Thoreau “Soul Food”-LeRoi Jones “Possum”-Paul Laurence Dunbar “Black Cake”-Emily Dickinson (“Toward Fried Chicken”-John Berry) In-Class, Open-Book, Open-Note Skills Quiz Introduction to Food Writing (Thanksgiving) Assignment 11/23 “Celebrations of Thanksgiving: Cuban Seasonings”-Ana Menendez “A Meal You Love,” “Writing is Not a McDonald’s Hamburger,” “The Power of Details”-Natalie Goldberg *Happy Thanksgiving!* 5 More Writing about Place 11/28 “Minneapolis”-Emily Carter Food Writing (Thanksgiving) AssignmentDue 11/30 “On Seeing England for the First Time”-Jamaica Kincaid Essay #3 (Pre-Writing Place) Due 12/5 Writing Self & Society “Shooting an Elephant”-George Orwell Essay #3 Draft Due Peer Conferences 12/7 “Going Native”-Francine Prose Essay #3 Due Introduction of Final Portfolio Assignment Conclusions 12/12 “Happy Endings”-Margaret Atwood Style Analysis of One Course Text Due 12/14 “Things I Never Knew I Loved”-Nazim Hikmet Course Wrap Up and Evaluations Essay #3 Revisions Due Final Portfolio (w/Cover Letter) Due 6