Word Doc

Name ________________________________________ Date _____________________________ Period ___
Personality, Skills & Career Essay
Due Date:
Typed final drafts are due on _______________________. This assignment will be placed in your portfolio
when it has been graded and returned to you.
Paper Set-up:
Double Spaced
1 inch margins (top and sides)
12 point font (Times New Roman)
2-3 pages long
Preparing for the Essay:
Take the Career Clusters Interest Survey at http://www.iseek.org/careers/clusterSurvey
Take the attached Work Values Inventory
Take the attached Skills Inventory
List your top three career clusters here:
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Based on the results of the Career Clusters Interest Survey,
list 3 possible occupations that you may pursue in the future:
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Based on the results of the Career Clusters Interest Survey,
list 3 possible majors that you may pursue in college:
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Organization of Paper:
Paragraph #1: Describe your personality type based on your results of the personality test at
http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test Include words that describe you in this paragraph. Also
include your skills as measured on the Skills Inventory.
Paragraph #2: Visit http://www.iseek.org/careers/clusterSurvey and take the career survey. List at least three
careers that you may be interested in pursuing. Describe what the careers are and why you might enjoy each
career. Include the values that you would like in a career based on your results of the Work Values Inventory.
Paragraph #3: List and describe one or more field(s) of study or major(s) that you might pursue in college that
will help lead you to your future career(s).
Paragraph #4: Google your possible majors and see which colleges have them. List at least 3 colleges that have
the major(s) you need to prepare you for your future career(s). Of those colleges, pick one that is the best match
for you. In a few sentences, describe how this college might be a fit for you.
Paragraph #5: Conclusion
Work Values Inventory
A “value is something that is important to you. When picking a career, you should think about which values are
most important to you. If a career fits your values, you’ll find more satisfaction in what you do. Check the
values that you consider important in a career. Record your top five values at the end.
Creativity & Self
Flexible Work
Helping Others
High Salary
Intellectual Stimulation
Outside Work
Physical Work
Public Contact
Research Work
Routine Work
Seasonal Work
Work with Children
Work with Your Hands
Work with Machinery
Work with Numbers
I’d like a career where I take risks.
I’d like a career where I compete with others.
I’d like a career where I use my imagination to find new ways to do things.
I’d like a career where I choose my hours of work.
I’d like a career where I help people with problems.
I’d like a career where I earn a lot of money.
I’d like a career where I get benefits such as health, dental, eye, retirement, etc.
I’d like a career where I choose what work to do and how to do it.
I’d like a career that requires a lot of thinking.
I’d like a career where I direct, manage, or supervise others.
I’d like a career where I work outdoors.
I’d like a career where I convince others to do things.
I’d like a career where I get a lot of physical activity.
I’d like a career that gives me status and respect in the community.
I’d like a career where I meet different people every day.
I’d like a career where I discover new facts and develop new ways to apply them.
I’d like a career where I do the same things every day.
I’d like a job where I only work certain times of the year.
I’d like a career where I take frequent trips.
I’d like a career where my job tasks change a lot.
I’d like a career where I teach or care for children.
I’d like a career where I work with my hands or hand tools.
I’d like a career where I use machines or equipment.
I’d like a career where I use math or statistics.
I’d like a career where I work with others.
I’d like a career where I receive attention from others.
I’d like a career where I perform tasks that are difficult or risky.
I’d like a career I have adequate time off.
I’d like a career where I wear a uniform.
I’d like a career where I will be recognized as a member of a particular organization or
I’d like a career that offers opportunities for continued education/training, & promotions.
I’d like a career that is close to home.
List your top four work values below.
My first work value choice is:
My second work value choice is:
My third work value choice is:
My fourth work value choice is:
My fifth work value choice is:
Skills Inventory
Skills come in a variety of forms. We all have them! Skills are the things you do well and that are important to
let selection committees, prospective employers or school admissions officers know about as you pursue your
next steps. Read through the list below. Check off the skills that you possess. Use a highlighter to highlight
skills that you like to use.
Physical Skills
□ Coordination
□ Outdoor skills
□ Love of outdoors
□ Athletic
□ Physically strong
□ Stamina/endurance
□ Agility/quickness
Verbal/Written Skills
□ Clear communicator/spoken
□ Clear communicator/business
□ Clear communicator/creative written
□ Expressing Ideas
□ Imaginative
□ Good writer
□ Curious
□ Persuading
□ Defining
□ Editing/restatement
□ Interviewing
□ Summarizing
Motivational Skills
□ Relates well to others
□ Builds teams and alliances
□ Negotiates agreements
□ Settles disagreements
□ Persuades and guides
□ Sells ideas/promotes
□ Motivates individuals and groups
□ Encourages others
□ Observation
□ Identifying trends
□ Synthesizing
□ Analyzing/assessing
□ Summarizing
□ Retains facts and details
□ Learns by doing
□ Learns by reading
□ Learns by listening
□ Learns by process in the moment
□ Extrapolates to other situations
□ Manages self
□ Sets priorities
□ Identifies direction
□ Tries new things
□ Accepts responsibility
□ Delegates
□ Monitors progress
□ Manages meetings/conferences
□ Identifies problems and solutions
□ Works without supervision
□ Adapts to new situations
□ Builds teams
□ Works well independently
□ Motivates
□ Guides and coaches
□ Demonstrates integrity and values
□ Self starting
□ Handles emergency situations well
□ Adapts to new situations
□ Listening
□ Identifying learning areas
□ Provide instruction/input
□ Create learning opportunities
□ Facilitate group process
□ Encourage/guide
□ Design lessons
□ Summarize/provide overview
□ Instruct/provide detail
□ Advise/coach one on one
□ Explaining
□ Advising
□ Inspiring
□ Demonstrating
□ Leading groups
□ Constructing
□ Handling
□ Cooking
□ Installing
□ Operating tools/machines
□ Producing
□ Repairing/restoring
□ Gardening
□ Designing
□ Preparing
Administrative Skills
□ Setting goals/priorities
□ Execution of projects
□ Delegate
□ Planning
□ Follow-through
□ Build alliances/teams
□ Anticipate problems
□ Motivating
□ Scheduling
□ Responding
□ Evaluating
□ Operates under stress
□ Assuring quality
□ Recommending
□ Forecasting
□ Computer literate
□ Managing
Artistic Skills
□ Noticing beauty/aesthetics
□ Designing visual materials
□ Symbolic thinking
□ Creating/shaping things
□ Imaginative
□ Performing
□ Interrelating materials/themes
□ Improvising
□ Creative
□ Expressive
□ Visualizing abstract ideas
Interpersonal Skills
□ Good listener
□ Problem solving
□ Sympathetic
□ Helping
□ Accepting
□ Forms good rapport
□ Mediating
□ Handles problems/complaints
□ Providing service
□ Relates well with others
□ Sensitive to others
□ Concerned about others
□ Team player
Innovative Skills
□ Noticing trends
□ Developing new approaches
□ Demonstrating foresight
□ Experimenting
□ Adapting ideas
□ Tolerating lack of structure
□ Creating
□ Imagining
Math/Financial Skills
□ Math computation
□ Using statistics
□ Identifying trends
□ Problem solving
□ Accounting
□ Forecasting
□ Estimating
□ Financial planning
□ Budgeting
□ Good with money
□ Accurate