Unit 2: Technology Unit 2: Technology (World Pass, Combo Split A, pp. 14-25) Class Objectives By the end of this unit, students should be able to: understand basic idioms related to technology, use some noun+preposition collocates, use active and passive voice, use the appropriate forms of objects of prepositions, write a paragraph discussing the pros and cons of a technology, and make a presentation on the technology of this era. Throughout this unit, students are suggested to find the meaning of the words with which they are not familiar from http://dict.longdo.com. Lesson Plan Class #1 (90 minutes) Pre-class orientation - Introduction to class activities (5 minutes) - Explanation on students’ participation Each student is expected to give at least two responses to questions asked in the class. These questions generally do not have absolute right or wrong answers but serve merely to get students to share their ideas and opinions. Each question responded gets a green post-it tag. Activity #1 (5 minutes) Vocabulary Focus (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 14, Activity 1A) Elicitation of students’ ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of instant messages (IMs) - What are IMs? - What Internet programs can be used for sending IMs? - Do students use any one of those programs? What do they use it for? - How much time do students spend on it? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of sending IMs? Activity #2 (35 minutes) Coursebook Activity 1A (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 14) A. Ask students to categorize the phrases provided about the advantages and disadvantages of IMs. Also, show the result on the screen. (5 minutes) B. Let students do guided Internet search for more ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of sending IMs. (15 minutes) (Student Task Sheet #1 and Attachment #1 for Teachers) 1 Unit 2: Technology Suggested links: Advantages 1. http://www.oncourseworkshop.com/Miscellaneous019.htm 2. http://allbusiness.businessweek.com/technology/computersoftware-productivity-applications/1229-1.html 3. http://www.uwm.edu/~wjj8612/ALISE2006.ppt#271 4. http://www.blackberryforums.com/24751-post1.html 5. http://www.websearchguide.ca/newsletter/010929.htm Suggested links: Disadvantages 1. http://tiger.towson.edu/users/jhoehn1/disadvantages.htm 2. http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Instant-MessagingBusiness-Networks.html 3. http://www.uwm.edu/~wjj8612/ALISE2006.ppt#271,16,Negati ve%20Aspects%20in%20Using%20IM%20(1) C. With the result of A on the screen, brainstorm students for additional ideas from their Internet search and put those ideas after the list in A. (15 minutes) Activity #3 (45 minutes) Noun+Preposition Collocation (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 15, Activity 1D) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on noun+preposition collocation. (5 minutes) - Teachers introduce the definition of collocation. (Attachment #2 for Teachers, p. 1) - Which preposition does the noun ‘access’ collocate with? - Which preposition does the noun ‘advantage’ collocate with? - Which preposition does the noun ‘hope’ collocate with? B. Follow Activity 1D in the book. (5 minutes) C. Let students do guided Internet search for more noun+preposition collocates. (15 minutes) (Student Task Sheet #2 and Attachment #2 for Teachers) Suggested Links: 1. http://www.bedavaingilizce.com/prepositions/noun_pre.htm 2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/le arnit/learnitv212.shtml 3. http://www.say-it-in-english.com/Lesson23.html D. Teachers may wrap up with the collocates provided in the websites if students have limited proficiency or as teachers see appropriate. (5 minutes) E. Ask students to (compete to) write five sentences with five different noun+preposition collocates on the board. (15 minutes) 2 Unit 2: Technology *In case teachers do not have enough time to do this activity, they may choose to use the exercise on p. 8 of Attachment #2 for Teachers instead. F. Homework: Students are to go to Link #1 again and then list all the noun+preposition collocates. After that, they are to use Google.com to find three examples for each collocate. Finally, they are to underline the collocates in the examples. Class #2 (90 minutes) Activity #1 (55 minutes) Passive Voice (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 16, Activity 3) (Student Task Sheet #3 and Attachment #3 for Teachers) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on passive voice (5 minutes) - What is passive voice? - What components should a passive structure consist of? - How is passive voice different from active voice? - When should passive voice be used? B. Follow Activities 3A and 3B in the book. (15 minutes) C. Let students do guided Internet search for more information on passive voice (20 minutes) (Student Task Sheet #3 and Attachment #3 for Teachers) Suggested Links: 1. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_actpass.htm l 2. http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-voice_passive.htm 3. http://www.english-zone.com/verbs/pssvchrt.html D. Follow Activity 3C in the book. (15 minutes) Activity #2 (35 minutes) Technological Achievements (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 17, Activities 3D and 3E) (Student Task Sheet #4 and Attachment #4 for Teachers) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on the technological achievements of this era (5 minutes) - What kind of technology do you use in your daily life? - How is technology important to you? - In your opinion, what are the most important technological achievements of the 21st century? Why? - Can you live without technology? If yes, how? If not, why? B. Let students do guided Internet search for more information on the technological achievements of this era (20 minutes) - Why were they invented? 3 Unit 2: Technology - How has the world been changed by those inventions? (Student Task Sheet #4 and Attachment #4 for Teachers) Suggested Links: 1. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/hybrid-car.htm 2. http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/ipod.htm 3. http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/remote-control.htm 4. http://communication.howstuffworks.com/teleconferencing.htm C. Elicitation of students’ data (10 minutes) - Why were hybrid cars invented? - How has the world been changed by the invention of hybrid cars? - Why were iPods invented? - How has the world been changed by the invention of iPods? - Why were remote controls invented? - How has the world been changed by the invention of remote controls? - Why was teleconferencing invented? - How has the world been changed by the invention of teleconferencing? *Students must use the passive voice. e.g. It was invented so that … It was invented in order to … It was invented because … Natural energy can be saved … TVs can be controlled … *Students should give a new answer until teachers move to a new question. D. Homework: Students are to find from the Internet five different inventions other than those discussed in the class. They are to give the links they use for each invention. Then, they are to write two reasons from their search why each invention was created. Also, they are to write two ways in which each invention has changed the world. All the answers must contain passive sentences. Class #3 (90 minutes) Activity #1 (75 minutes) Objects of Prepositions (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 18, Activity 4) (Student Task Sheet #5 and Attachment #5 for Teachers) A. Follow Activities 4A and 4B in the book. (10 minutes) B. Let students do guided Internet search for more information on objects of prepositions (15 minutes) Suggested Links: 1. http://www.eslgold.com/grammar/subjects_objects_types.html 2. http://www.eslgold.com/grammar/noun_clauses.html 4 Unit 2: Technology 3. http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-gerunds_2.htm C. Ask students to (compete to) write on the board four sentences: the first one with a noun as the object of a preposition, the second one with a pronoun, the third one with a gerund, and the last with a noun clause. (10 minutes) D. Ask each student to give a 1-minute talk on “I’m good at …” (40 minutes) - Students are to tell the class what they’re good at doing. - Also, students are to explain how to do it. Activity #2 (15 minutes) The Pros and Cons of Technology (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 22, Activity 3) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on the pros and cons of technology. (5 minutes) - Ask and explain to students the meaning of “pros and cons.” - What technology is most important to students? - What are the advantages of that technology? - What problems might that technology cause? B. Follow Activity 3A in the book. (10 minutes) Class #4 (90 minutes) Activity #1 (45 minutes) Pros and Cons Essay (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 22, Activity 3) (Student Task Sheet #6 and Attachment #6 for Teachers) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on the pros and cons essay (5 minutes) - What is a pros and cons paragraph? - What components should a pros and cons paragraph consist of? B. Let students do guided Internet search for more information on the pros and cons essay. (20 minutes) Suggested Links: 1. http://dis.fatih.edu.tr/download/file753.doc 2. http://www.thepaperexperts.com/prosandconsessay.shtml 3. http://bogglesworldesl.com/files/weighinganargument.doc 4. http://www.antiessays.com/free-essays/953.html 5. http://sv2.123helpme.com/preview.asp?id=82575 C. Elicitation of students’ data (20 minutes) - What is a pros and cons essay? - What components should a pros and cons paragraph consist of? - What words or phrases can be used to list advantages? - What words or phrases can be used to list disadvantages? 5 Unit 2: Technology - What words or phrases can be used to list or add points? - What words or phrases can be used to contrast points? - What words or phrases can be used to introduce conclusion? - Teachers may wrap up with information from Link #1 in Attachment 6 for Teachers. Activity #2 (45 minutes) The Pros and Cons of RFID (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 22, Activity 3) (Student Task Sheet #7 and Attachment #7 for Teachers) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on the pros and cons of RFID (5 minutes) - What is RFID? What does it stand for? - What are RFID chips used for? B. Follow Activity 3B in the book. (5 minutes) C. Let students do guided Internet search for more information on the pros and cons of using RFID chips for tracking people. (20 minutes) Suggested Links: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RFID 2. http://www.rfident.org/ 3. http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2005/08/68271?c urrentPage=2 4. http://web.ecs.baylor.edu/faculty/newberry/myweb/Ethics/Web %20Pages/Shih%20test/rfid_controversy.htm 5. http://healthcare.infologixsys.com/products/Products/RFID/RFI D-Advantages/default.asp D. Elicitation of students’ data (15 minutes) - What are the advantages of using RFID chips for tracking people? - What are the disadvantages of using RFID chips for tracking people? - How would you feel if you know you’re being tracked? Would you like it or not? - Teachers may show students’ responses on the screen so they can use it for their writing. Class #5 (90 minutes) Activity #1 (35 minutes) Model Pros and Cons Essay (Student Task Sheet #8 and Attachment #8 for Teachers) A. Elicitation of students’ ideas on good pros and cons essay (5 minutes) - What is a good essay? - What is a good pros and cons essay? - What should a pros and cons essay consist of? 6 Unit 2: Technology - What shouldn’t a pros and cons essay be like? B. Model paragraph analysis (30 minutes) - Introduction - Topic sentences - Listing transition words as well as their use and punctuation - Contrasting transition words as well as their use and punctuation - Cause and effect transition words as well as their use and punctuation - Conclusion Activity #2 (45 minutes) Students’ Writing (Student Task Sheet #9) Students are to write a 200-word essay discussing the pros and cons of using RFID chips for tracking people, using the data they’ve compiled in the previous class. During this activity, teachers walk around in the class to answer queries, clarify doubts, help translate some words and structure some phrases, and control students to focus on their work!!! Activity #3 (10 minutes) Wrap-up and Q&A Class #6 (90 minutes) Activity #1 (10 minutes) Technology Now and Then (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 23, Activity 1: 4A) (Attachment #9 for Teachers) A. Ask students to close their books. B. Let them compete to answer questions in Attachment #9 for Teachers. (10 minutes) *Teachers can design their own games. Activity #2 (20 minutes) Technology Solution (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 23, Activity 2: 4A and B) (Student Task Sheet #10) A. Ask groups of students to brainstorm to think of a simple problem in their daily lives that could be solved with the right technology. (5 minutes) - What is the problem? - How could it be solved? B. Let groups of students do free Internet search for more information on their problems (the same problems as they suggested earlier) 7 Unit 2: Technology and technologies that could be used to solve those problems. (10 minutes) C. Elicitation of students’ data (5 minutes) - What technologies have they found? - How could their chosen daily problems be solved by those technologies? Activity #3 (60 minutes) First Technology Solution Presentation (World Pass, Combo Split A, p. 23, Activity 2: 4A and B) (Student Task Sheet #11 and Attachment 10 for Teachers) - Students are to integrate the technologies they have found during Activity 2 into a new invention. - Then, students are to present their chosen daily problems and how they are affected by those problems. - Also, students are to present how their inventions could solve their daily problems. - Each group should consist of 5 people. - Each group should spend no more than 10 minutes for the presentation. - After each group’s presentation, 2 minutes is allocated for questions and answers, and 2 minutes for teachers’ and friends’ comments. A. Free Internet search for data (20 minutes) - Free Internet search according to each group’s chosen problem - Note-taking B. Preparation for presentation (30 minutes) - Prepare presentation outlines (to be submitted to teachers after class). - Divide presentation roles. During these two activities, teachers walk around in the class to answer queries, clarify doubts, help translate some words and structure some phrases, and control students to focus on their work!!! C. Presentation Rubric Explanation (10 minutes) Class #7 (90 minutes) Actual Presentation and Evaluation (Attachment #10 for Teachers) 8