Soaring High - Detroit Catholic Central High School

VOL. 57, NO. 2
In This Issue
1st Annual
Athletic Hall Of Fame Stag
Family Fest 2007
Young Alumnus Derek Brooks ’04
Boys’ Bowl
Reunion Weekend 2007
Soaring High
Orrin Tibbits ’71
VOL. 57, NO. 2
Associate Editors:
Paula Bullington
Penni Sakowski
Contributing Editor:
Rev. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B.
Editorial Contributions:
Tim Burke ’86
Dan Collins, Jr. ’84
Alex Flood ’10
Bill Galvin ’85
Sherrill Lefforge
Matt Nicholas ’10
Rudy Seichter ’59
Rev. John Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57
Dennis Barnes ’76
Design & Production:
C.O. & Company
Detroit Catholic Central High School
President - Rev. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
Principal - Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
The Aluminator is published three
times every year by the Detroit Catholic
Central Alumni Office.
Articles should be addressed to:
The Aluminator
Detroit Catholic Central High School
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
To reach the Alumni Office:
(248) 596-3838
Fax: (248) 596-3839
For Information:
Vice President, Office of Advancement Dan Collins, Jr. ’84
(248) 596-3834
Director of Alumni Relations - Orrin Tibbits ’71
(248) 596-3836
Director of Development - Tim Burke ’86
(248) 596-3835
Director of Planned Giving - Rudy Seichter ’59
(248) 596-3845
Director of Admissions
& Public Relations - Aaron Babicz ’93
(248) 596-3874
Or visit us on the Web:
Page 5
Page 14
Page 18
In This Issue
Advancement News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
CC Profiles
Best-Selling Author: Jim Garner ’78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Dante Cerroni ’96 Honored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Our Jubilarians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
First Class Inducted To Catholic Central Athletic Hall Of Fame . . . . . . . . . . 14
Alumni Association Committees & Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Boys’ Bowl Reunion Weekend 2007: Soaring High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Family Fest 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Young Alumni
Internship Connects CC Alums: Derek Brooks ’04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Bells
Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Baby Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Calendar Of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
School Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Sports Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Sports Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
On the Cover:
This year’s Boys’ Bowl Reunion Weekend
had more than its share of “high” points
(see page 18).
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Dear CC Alumni and Friends,
I am very proud to report that all is well at our beloved Alma Mater. Enrollment has
increased each year since our move to Novi and inquiries for next year are at their
peak. Our boys continue to excel in the classroom and on the fields of competition,
whether that field be in the form of a football field, soccer field, hockey rink or,
in the case of our State Champion Academic Team, the classroom. And I am most
pleased to report that School spirit has never been better. In fact, the men of CC
were recently recognized as winners of the State Champs School Spirit Award (for
the second time in CC history).
thank you!
As you will read in this issue, it has been a tremendously exciting year so far.
We began September with a wonderful Donor Appreciation Reception (see page 4);
followed by the First Annual Hall of Fame Dinner (see page 14); and ended the month
with one of the most memorable Boys’ Bowl weekends of all time (see page 18).
The year will continue with more great activities, including the Alumni Dinner (see back
cover), which will take place on Campus for the very first time.
As always, we continue to face financial challenges. Fr. Elmer and I are moving slowly but
surely toward the completion of our Live and Die for CC High Capital Campaign. We have
raised $2.33 million of the necessary $5 million that is needed to complete our Financial
Master Plan and fulfill our commitment to our lending institutions.
If you have already made a gift to the Campaign, I ask that you consider an additional gift.
Perhaps your new gift will make you eligible for one of the many recognition opportunities
that are still available. Recognition opportunities are available for gifts and pledges of
$5,000 or more. Gifts can be pledged and fulfilled over a period of one to five years.
If you have not made a gift to the Campaign, I ask for your thoughtful consideration.
It is important that we complete this Campaign just as soon as possible. Upon completion,
we can turn our attention back to the Endowment and renew our commitment to its growth,
which will provide need-based tuition assistance to future generations of CC students.
May God continue to bless Catholic Central and remember…
Everyday is a great day to be a Shamrock.
The following gifts were inadvertently omitted from
the 2006-07 Annual Report.
We apologize for the error and thank our donors for their
continued generous support.
Dan Collins, Jr. ’84
Vice President, Office of Advancement
Class of 1968 Scholarship Endowment Fund
Mr. Dennis M. Antoniotti ’68
Mr. Robert C. Baugh ’68
Mr. Glenn R. Brown ’68
The Hon. Robert J. Colombo Jr. ’68
Mr. James P. Delaney ’68
Mr. James M. Gibbons Jr. ’68
Mr. James Grubola ’68
Mr. Richard P. Hathaway ’68
Mr. Thomas J. Kenny ’68
Mr. Dennis M. Krol ’68
Mr. David Lewandowski ’68
Mr. Michael J. MacDermott ’68
Mr. Alan A. Malinchak ’68
Mr. James P. Massey ’68
Mr. Mark T. Prendeville ’68
Paul M. Romanelli, Ph.D. ’68
Securing The Future
The St. Basil Legacy Society was established
to recognize those Alumni and friends who
have made planned or deferred gifts to
Catholic Central. I am pleased to announce
that membership in this group has grown
to thirty men and/or couples. These people
represent the generosity of those who have
made CC a part of their legacy planning. Won’t you plan on
joining our group in 2008?
In 2008, the Planned Giving office intends to enhance the
information available to you as you establish or revise your
own legacy documents and intentions. We will continue our
investment in the “St. Basil Legacy Society” Newsletter, which
is printed three times per year (call or email me if you wish to
be added to the distribution list). In addition, we are evaluating
educational seminars as optional sessions of select Alumni
events, and the establishment of a comprehensive financial
link to our existing CC website. We shall announce these new
information sources as they become available. The goal of
this effort is simple. If one fails to do the proper planning,
a life’s work will be handed over to the tax man to decide.
With knowledge and study, each of us can be better prepared
to secure the future for ourselves, our loved ones and the
organizations we hold dear. Naturally, in the final analysis,
each of us needs to take the responsibility to evaluate the
information presented and then meet with his tax and/or
financial advisor to put together the plan that best fits his
current situation.
Supporting Those Who Support CC
Catholic Central is blessed to have Alumni, parents and
students who share their time, talents and treasures via
their businesses in supporting our School in its mission.
Please continue to support CC family members and their
businesses. You can find many of these companies online
at, under “General Information,”
and clicking on the Shamrock Business Directory.
Below are some of the businesses who continue to support
the students of CC through their involvement in the
Corporate Partners and Sponsors Program:
Bright House Networks
Moe’s On Wixom
Orin Jewelers
Project 12 Baskets
Todd’s Services
Tom Wilson Agency
Varsity Lincoln Mercury
YTB Travel Network
For information, please visit the Catholic Central website or
contact the CC Advancement Office at (248) 596-3838.
Make Your Gift
Go Twice As Far!
How do you make your gift of $150 worth $300?
It’s simple – your company matches your gift!
Over 500 companies offer matching gift programs and, as
a Catholic Central donor, you and/or your spouse receive
benefits equal to your gift plus your company’s match.
Some companies double – even triple – your gift at no
additional cost to you.
So, please join us in 2008 in learning, evaluating and putting
in place the proper legacy plan for yourself, your loved ones
and Detroit Catholic Central High School.
To qualify for the match, all you have to do is follow
these simple steps:
Have a wonderful Christmas season,
2 Complete the employee section on the form.
1 Pick up a matching gift form at your benefits office.
3 Mail the completed form to Detroit Catholic
Central High School.
We take care of the rest!
Rudy Seichter ’59
Director of Planned Giving
Let your employer help you help CC!
If you have questions, please contact the CC Advancement
Office at (248) 596-3838.
(248) 596-3845
A D VA N C E M E N T N E W S • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Please support
the 2007-2008
Catholic Central
Annual Giving
Stepping Up For CC Students
2nd Annual Giving Donor Appreciation Night
Celebrates Victory In Classroom & On Playing Field
In appreciation of their support of Catholic Central students through gifts made to the
2006-2007 Annual Giving Program, over 130 Alumni, parents, students and friends of
CC gathered in the School cafeteria on Saturday, September 8, 2007, to celebrate victory
in the classroom. All in attendance enjoyed some food and
camaraderie as they were welcomed by Nick Soley ’08,
updated by Tim Burke ’86, blessed by Fr. Dick Elmer ’46,
and thanked by all three. Then, in Shamrock Stadium,
everyone in attendance celebrated victory on the playing
field as our Shamrocks defeated London Catholic Central
in a home football game. It was a nice event and fun night.
All gifts made to the Annual Giving Program support
need-based tuition assistance to qualified students.
I hope this letter reaches you in good
spirits. As you read this, our boys at CC
have almost completed the first semester.
Their spirit and dedication to Mary, Alma
Mater is inspiring and setting the tone
for a blessed School year. Your support
of CC and her boys has made, and will
continue to make, a positive impact on
their lives and our beloved School.
This past fiscal year, members of the CC
family – 1,590 to be exact – stepped up
to support the Basilian Fathers and our
Faculty in the mission of teaching young
men Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge.
This School year, our students have qualified for over $700,000 in tuition assistance.
The goal of this year’s Annual Giving
Program is to increase participation and
raise a minimum of $350,000. All gifts
made to the Annual Giving Program
support need-based tuition assistance
to qualified students.
Plain and simple, 100% of your gift
helps young men attend CC.
In order for us to meet our goal, we must
involve all Alumni and friends of CC.
We respectfully request your support
of the Annual Giving Program. Please
know that, regardless of the amount,
your support is very much appreciated!
For your convenience, contributions to
the Annual Giving Program may be made
online at, or by
using the envelope in this “Aluminator.”
You may also respond to an appeal letter
or a phone call, if you wish.
Let me conclude by thanking all of you for
your generous gifts to CC. Whether those
gifts are in the form of financial support,
volunteer hours, or, most importantly,
your prayers, all are needed in helping
make CC a reality for many young men.
May God continue to bless you, your
family, and Catholic Central.
Tim Burke ’86
Director of Development
A D VA N C E M E N T N E W S • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Staying Connected With Your Classmates
1936 – JOHN J. “Jack” DERNBERGER
lives “downriver” in Wayne County. He
writes, “I am in reasonably good health
and try to stay active. I am now a widower
and my two grown daughters help with
anything I may need assistance doing.
I enjoy telling the stories of time gone by.”
Jack, a retired lineman for Detroit Edison
and superintendent of overhead lines at
Wyandotte Municipal Services, has been
a member of Local 17 (UEW) for almost
70 years. He is a member of the Knights
of Columbus, the American Legion and
the Wyandotte Boat Club.
1948 – JAMES D. McCARTHY received
an Associates degree from Highland Park
Junior College, a Bachelor of Science in
Accounting and a J.D. from Wayne State
University, and an LLM degree from
George Washington University. In the
early ’60s, he left Detroit to settle in
Washington, D.C. He worked for the U.S.
Treasury Department, then moved to
New York to work in the private sector.
Jim later moved to Maryland and was
employed by General Business Services.
In the mid-80s, he started his own tax- and
business-law practice, Specialized Tax
Services, where he continues to work.
Jim has taught accounting and tax courses
at Southeastern University in Washington,
D.C. He and his wife reside in Potomac,
Maryland. Jim’s two children and three
1936 – JOE MACK and his wife, Marie,
visited from Gaylord, Mich., for Fr. Elmer’s
Jubilee Mass on October 14. It was great to
see them both, and we really enjoyed the
pie Marie made for us. Thanks, Marie!
The countdown is done and the wait
grandchildren also live in the greater
Washington area. Jim has remembered
six close friends, who traveled across
town by public bus (about three hours
daily) to attend Catholic Central, with
bricks in the Shamrock Plaza.
1957 – JAMES L. WELLMAN and wife
Marie celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on September 14, 2007, at
their home in Benson, N. C., with their
three children, spouses and four grandchildren. A surprise luncheon with
neighbors and close friends was hosted
by their children. Jim retired in 1993
from BASF after 33 years. He and Marie
have resided in North Carolina for the
past nine years.
of service. He met and married
Ann, with whom he will celebrate
60 years of marriage on January 10,
2008. Jerry’s retirement years have
been spent volunteering as a chaplain
of the honor guard for the Cpl. Neil
W. Reid VFW Post 2358 in Roseville,
Mich. He is a 30-year member of
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Detroit,
and serves as an usher.
is over. Jerome Wilkins is officially
a graduate of Catholic Central High
School, Class of 1944. Michigan
Public Act 181 was established in
2003, to enable honorably discharged
veterans of World War II and the
Korean Conflict to receive diplomas
from Michigan high schools.
Looking forward to his last summer
Although he continued to hear from
before his Senior year, Jerry received Jerry Wilkins ’44 was presented with a Catholic Central
Catholic Central, Jerry never felt
his draft notice to report to duty in diploma at the September 28 Boys’ Bowl Assembly.
quite like a “Shamrock.” He knew
June 1943. Gone was Boys’ Bowl,
he was, but it just never felt that
senior prom and graduation, and
way, until September 28, 2007,
instead it was off to Great Lakes
when Jerry was presented with his
Naval Station, Chicago, Ill., for basic
diploma at the Boys’ Bowl Assembly (see story on page 18)
training. Jerry then received gunnery
in front of family, friends, students and administration.
training and was assigned to work as
Sharing that proud moment was his wife Ann, son Keith,
an armored guard on five merchant
daughter Kristen, brother Stan ’42 and sister-in-law Kay.
ships all over the world. As a Gunner’s Mate Third Class, he
received medals for his participation in the American, European
In thanks, Jerry led his VFW honor guard in a ceremony
and Pacific theaters, a Victory Medal and a Good Conduct
the Boys’ Bowl football game and presented Catholic
Medal. Jerry was awarded an honorable discharge in 1946.
Central with an American flag as a sign of his appreciation.
Upon discharge, Jerry obtained his GED and worked at
Michigan Bell until his retirement in 1982, after 36 years
It was a great day to be a Shamrock!
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
is completing his 25th year of teaching
at Catholic Central (though not consecutively). “The French Exchange program
is alive and well – over 300 students have
participated since 1979. I would enjoy
hearing from former French-Exchangers,
soccer players and skiers to find our how
you are doing,” writes Fr. Wheeler. Contact
him at
1958 – GERALD M. BELIAN, PE, Vice
President/Principal at Soil and Materials
Engineers, Inc. (SME), was awarded the
2007 “Outstanding Leadership Award” by
the Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD)
at their annual dinner. The award recognizes outstanding work by a member and
is based on accomplishment, communications, community relations, education
and professional relations, flexibility and
creativity, finances, forward planning,
operating, organizing, participation,
planning and publications. Jerry’s award
reflects his contribution to the ESD
Construction and Design Committee,
on which he has served for 25 years.
visited Catholic Central this past summer.
Fr. Seguin is serving at a mission in
Medellin, Colombia, where he has been
for 20 years. During the first eight years,
he was in Cali, Colombia, and for the
last 12 years has been in Medellin; the
Basilian Community founded St. Basil
Parish on the outskirts of the city.
1959 – GERALD A. MORAN has retired
and relocated to Gaylord, Mich.. Jerry has
five children and seven grandchildren.
applications, such as medical device sterilization, food irradiation and polymer
cross linking. Gary is a recognized
expert in the field of high-dose radiation
measurements, working with national
standards laboratories throughout the world.
retired, but continues to substitute teach
and does charitable volunteer work.
Jerry and his wife Donna, parents of five
children, have been married 40 years
and reside on St. George Island, Fla.
1967 – RICHARD SASENA and his wife
Margaret, who have been married 25
years, have three children – two have
graduated from The University of
Michigan and the third will graduate
from U of M-Dearborn next year. Dick
was an Administrative Law Judge for 25
years for the State of Michigan. For the
past two years, he has been an ALJ with
the federal government. Dick has been
a youth soccer coach for 21 years.
retired from AT&T June 1, 2007, after a
35-year career involving virtually every
business discipline. He and wife Mary
Ann, live in Bloomfield, Mich. Dennis is
a member of St. Coleman Church Choir,
CC Alumni Glee Club, CC Alumni Board
and a Basilan Partner.
wife Gayle have been married for 32 years.
They have three daughters and three
grandchildren – the newest arrived in
November. Chuck is president and owner
of Beach Wholesale Hardware. He has
been in the business for 38 years. Chuck
is an avid golfer and a member of Walnut
Creek Country Club (formerly Farmington
Country Club) for 30 years. He recently
had the great experience of playing in
the U.S. Senior Open. Chuck serves as
a Governor for the Golf Association of
Michigan and has been a basketball referee
and baseball umpire for the past 11 years.
wife Maria Rosaria are the parents of two
sons – William, who recently earned his
Master’s degree from Syracuse University,
and John, who is completing his undergrad
studies at Nazareth College, Rochester,
N.Y. William practices corporate and
business law and Maria Rosaria is
a Professor of Italian Language and
Literature at Nazareth College. They
spend several weeks at their family
homestead in Frosinone, Italy, each year.
1970 – ROBERT J. WAYNER and wife
Tenchi are very involved in Historic
Ste. Anne Catholic Church. Bob is a tour
guide there. The oldest church in the
Detroit area, Ste. Anne was founded in
1701; it is run by the Basilian Fathers and
contains the tomb of Fr. Gabriel Richard.
Bob retired June 30, 2007, after teaching
special education in Detroit and Southfield
schools. He is now teaching a course at
Marygrove College and works part time
as a special education consultant for the
Wayne County Intermediate School
1961 – GARY M. PAGEAU and wife
Joann divide their time between Delray
Beach, Fla., and Highlands Ranch, Colo.
They are the parents of two children and
have two grandchildren. After brief sales
and management positions at Ehicon J&J
and General Electric Medical Systems,
Gary founded and sold a couple of disposable cardiovascular medical device
companies before starting his current
radiation dose measurement firm, GEX
Corporation in 1983. GEX is a leader in
high-dose dosimetry used in industrial
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Tom LaGarde ’73 (right) and his father, Tom,
visited Fr. Elmer recently and took a tour of the
new Campus. An outstanding student, Tom
was a member of the Gabriel Richard Club,
National Honor Society and won a Phi Beta
Kappa award. He was a member of the tennis
and cross-country teams, but was known for his
basketball talent. Tom was an All-American
basketball player at CC, and played under
Dean Smith at both the University of North
Carolina and as a member of the U.S.
Basketball Team, where he won an Olympic
gold medal in 1976. He played in the NBA
for the Dallas Mavericks, Seattle Supersonics
and the Denver Nuggets, winning an NBA
Championship with the Supersonics, and also played professionally in Italy. Tom, his wife, Heather,
and two children live in Saxapahaw, North Carolina, where he has an architectural salvage business
and does marketing, events and public relations work.
The Fourth Annual Texas Reunion of Catholic Central Alumni was held on July 28,
2007, at Dr. Pepper Stadium in Frisco, Texas. The Frisco Rough Riders, an
affiliate of the Texas Rangers, beat the Corpus Christi Hooks 1-0, on a very
comfortable summer evening. The game was hosted by Lee Maas ’48, John Fowler
’56, and Leonard Kiefel ’62. Other alums in attendance included
Bob Schwartz ’58, Brian Olind ’69, Kevin Stephens ’79, Steve Noetzel ’81
and Matt McDevitt ’91, along with their wives or companions. The group viewed
the game from their private, air-conditioned suite with outside porch, and
enjoyed good food and a great time!
District. Bob writes, “I really enjoy seeing
old classmates. Had a ball at the 35th
Reunion! Also, I had a great time at Coach
Rodriguez’s retirement celebration.”
1976 – DON G. BARTKOWIAK, wife
Mary and two children live in Livonia,
Mich. Don, a band member during
his high school years, received both
his Bachelor of Music (Instrumental
Music Education) and Bachelor of Arts
(Computer Science) from Wayne State
University, and is still playing music
today (
Don Bartkowiak ’76 (front, second from left)
performs with the band Rare Blend.
1976 – DAVID M. JONES and wife
Therese have six children and a grandson.
They reside in Ypsilanti, Mich. Dave
says “hi” to his fellow classmates and
swim-team members.
1976 – TIMOTHY C. ROBISCH, wife
Michelle and son Austin reside in
Overland Park, Kan. Their son Kyle
attends the University of Florida. Tim
has worked in the broadcasting industry
his entire career, in Atlanta, Houston,
Orlando, and Kansas City, as well as
Detroit. He is a member of the Radio
Advertising Bureau Station Advisory
Council. At the ripe old age of 40, Tim
took up ice hockey and plays in a men’s
recreational league.
1980 – TIMOTHY H. REID is Vice
President of Operations at Channel
Chemical Corporation, which produces
a number of industrial chemicals for oil
fields maintenance and the colorants
industry. He and wife Angela have four
children. In his spare time, Tim coaches
volleyball at Ocean Springs High School.
1982 – KEVIN J. BERLIN, D.O. is a staff
member with Downriver Cardiology
Consultants, Trenton, Mich. He received
his B.A. from Albion College and his D.O.
from Michigan State University.
is Medical Director/Senior Clinical for
Abbott Laboratories, specializing in
Rheumatoid Arthritis. He also has a private
practice in Warren, Mich. Freddy, wife
Kelly, and sons Freddie and Seth divide
their time between their Sterling Heights,
Mich., and Palm Harbor, Fla., residences.
Anna and sons Daniel and Aaron live on
a small hobby farm with horses, goats,
ducks, cats and chickens in Mason, Mich.
He is a Research Assistant at Michigan
State University, where he obtained his
Bachelor of Science and Master of Science
degrees in Animal Science.
1983 – BRIAN J. SUPANICH, wife Anne
and three children moved to Virginia in
2001. They love visiting the historical sites,
and partaking of sports, hunting and golf.
In 2008, children Michael and Terri will
both be married, leaving Drew to complete
his senior year in high school. Brian is a
general manager at Ayoub Carpet Service
in Chantilly, Va. He is Vice President of
the Booster Club at Stonewall Jackson
Senior High School and a member of
Manassas Generals Lacrosse Club.
1985 – JOSEPH A. ELLIOTT and his wife
Ellen see a lot of Catholic Central. Their
son Jackson entered the Freshman class this
fall. Joe is an Adjacent Market Manager
for Delphi Corporation in Brighton, Mich.
He received his Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering degree from
General Motors Institute and his Master
of Science - Mechanical Engineering
degree from Wayne State University. Joe
is a board member of “Friends of the
Penn,” a nonprofit organization endeavoring to restore/renovate the Penn
Theatre in Plymouth, Mich.
A Special
When you have a moment to reflect,
I ask that you think about what
Catholic Central High School can do
for the future of your sons, grandsons, nephews and friends’ sons.
Our greatest ambassadors have
always been alumni like you. Your
endorsement and recommendation
to others are essential to our future.
I invite you to contact me at any
time to inquire about CC. I mail a
newsletter to all prospective students
three times a year. It’s a great way
to introduce CC and offer a small
sampling of what the CC spirit is
all about.
Aaron Babicz ’93
Director of Admissions
and Public Relations
(248) 596-3874
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
The Emond family
are well connected
Shamrocks! A recent
family gathering included
Robert ’95, Raymond
’96 and Ryan ’00, as
well as sister Madonna’s
husband, JP Ladouceur
’99. With a new crop of
four boys among their
their five children, we’ll
look for more Emond
Shamrocks in the future!
1987 – JAMES A. FORDYCE is a
Professor in the Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology Department at the University of
Tennessee. He, wife Kristie, and children
reside in Knoxville, Tenn.
1987 – DAVID J. SWICA and wife Elaine
began a party rental business in 2005.
They offer the following: Ice Cream Carts,
Margarita/Slush Machines, Cotton Candy
Machine, Sno-Kone Maker, Popcorn
Popper with cart, Hot Dog Steamer and
Chocolate Fountains. Special rates are
given to CC Alumni. Visit their website:
1988 – GREGORY L. DURHAM* teaches history and social studies at Berkshire
Middle School, Birmingham, Mich.
He received his B.A. (History and Social
Studies) and M.B.A. (International
Management) from Madonna University.
Greg, wife Colleen and daughter Mia
reside in Livonia, Mich. He is Head
Coach of the Lacrosse Team at Northville
High School.
1989 – MARC CORRIVEAU, Democratic
State Representative, represents Michigan
House District 20. Marc earned his
Bachelor’s degree at Michigan State
University and his Law degree from the
University of Detroit-Mercy School of Law.
He also served in the U.S. Naval Reserve
from 1994-2001. Marc is married to
Wendy, and has two children, Eve and Luc.
He is active with the Rotary Club and
coaches his son’s hockey team.
1989 – PATRICK W. MOYLAN, wife
Christina and their three children, live in
Baltimore, Md. He is an adjunct faculty
member at University of Maryland
Eastern Shore’s Aviation Sciences
Department. Pat received his B.A. in
Public Administration, his M.B.A. in
Integrative Management from Michigan
State University and is a graduate of the
U.S. Naval Air Traffic Control School.
He is an active member of the Baltimore
City Environmental Control Board,
the Education Committee of BWI
Development Council, and the Advisory
Board for the Aviation Department at
Catonsville Community College.
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Shown in the photo from left to right are Ryan and Angie Emond of Howell, Mich.;
JP and Madonna Ladouceur with baby Eve of White Lake, Mich.; Raymond and
Angela Emond with sons Raymond and Nicholas of Garden City, Mich.; and Robert
and Tricia Emond with Garrett and Emerson of Columbus, Ohio.
1990 – JASON S. RIES* is a Plant Manager
in the Ford Customer Service Division
(Parts, Service, Logistics) in McDonough,
Ga. He and wife Stephanie have two
daughters, Mia and Kate. Jason writes,
“Mia (age three) begins her first season of
soccer this fall. She’s very excited to get
her first uniform and she wants to wear
number seven. Daddy is anxious to get
her out there, too… it will be a lot of fun.”
Jenna, son Declan and daughter Reagan
reside in Lapeer, Mich. Matt is a Field
Staff Adjuster and Catastrophe Team
member for Assurant Solutions, based in
Miami, Fla. He works from home while
in Michigan. Matt was on the Gulf Coast
during Hurricane Katrina, and stories
and photos he posted on his website
were featured on CNN. He serves on
the Lapeer Zoning Board of Appeals.
1990 – ROBERT W. ZENS, Ph.D. recently
accepted a position a Le Moyne College,
Department of History, in Syracuse, N.Y.
After spending the past decade doing
research, Bob received his Ph.D. from the
University of Wisconsin in Ottoman and
Middle Eastern History. He frequently
makes trips to Istanbul, in addition to
elsewhere in the former Ottoman Empire.
Unfortunately, writes Bob, he has lost
touch with everyone back in Michigan,
so he hopes this blurb may help to renew
old friendships. He still cycles, but does
not race. Bob and his wife, Jill, were
married in 2003.
1991 – JOSHUA D. RAYMOND*, wife
Janet, and daughters Lea and Kiera reside
in Rochester Hills, Mich. He is employed
by Pratt & Miller, also known as Corvette
Racing. Josh is currently the database
administrator and a VB.Net programmer.
He previously ran Pratt & Miller’s IT
operations, which was a bit of a break
from his long history working with databases. Josh concludes, “We are always
looking for great programmers. If you are
one or know one, shoot me your résumé!”
1992 – TIMOTHY D. LOGAN, D.O. is
completing his cardiology fellowship
at Mount Clemens Regional Medical
Center. He hopes to start an interventional cardiology fellowship in July 2008.
Tim attended the University of Notre
Dame for his undergrad studies and
Midwestern University-Chicago College
of Osteopathic Medicine for his medical
studies. He is currently in his sixth year
of postgraduate training. Tim resides in
St. Clair Shores, Mich.
1992 – MATTHEW HOLTZ is a graduate
of Michigan State University with degrees
in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Engineering. He played Lacrosse for four
years at State. Matt is Head Coach of
Men’s Lacrosse at University of DetroitMercy. He and his wife Bree, dog and
two cats, reside in East Lansing, Mich.
* Indicates more information is available on this Alumnus (see “Baby Bells,” page 26).
(a.k.a., Paradime) released
his fourth album, “Spill at
Will,” at a record release
party held at the Magic Stick
in Ferndale, Mich.
1995 – ANDREW R. GIGNAC is a
sixth-grade teacher at West Hills Middle
School in the Bloomfield Hills School
District. He also coaches soccer at
Bloomfield Hills Andover High School.
Andy, wife Julie and daughter Emily
reside in Commerce Township, Mich.
is currently training in Diagnostic &
Interventional Radiology at Baylor
University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
He received his Doctor of Medicine
degree in June 2002, from the Ohio State
University College of Medicine. Jeff and
his wife, Kelly, reside in Irving, Texas.
2000 – DOUGLAS SNYDER received his
Bachelor’s degree from The University
of Michigan in 2004, his Master’s degree
in History from Wayne State University in
2006, and began working on his Ph.D. in
History at the University of Colorado in
the fall of 2006. He is currently residing
in Boulder, Colo.
started his own diesel performance
business, while completing his studies
for a business degree.
2001 – DREW D. KNOPPE moved to
Ohio in his senior year and graduated
from Mansfield St. Peter’s. He attended
Ohio State for two years and took some
time off to concentrate on music. Drew
opened his own recording studio and
produced for a while. He and Missy
(yes, the same girl he dated long distance
since Sophomore year at CC) are the
parents of a two-year-old daughter,
Haylee Renee. Drew will be moving to
South Carolina in December to finish
his MBA. He anticipates a career in
pharmaceutical sales, given his four years
of CPhT experience and having worked
at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, as well
as Mount Carmel West in Columbus,
Ohio. Missy received her degree in
Nursing from Ohio State and is currently
an R.N. at U of M Hospital.
2001 – RON SAKOWSKI majored in
Hospitality Business at Michigan State
University and currently attends the
Culinary Institute of America in Hyde
Park, N.Y. He recently began a fourmonth internship at the Four Seasons
Resort in Palm Beach, Fla.
July 25-27, 2008
Learn More and Register:
Or Call Orrin Tibbits ’71 at the Alumni Office
2 Packages:
2 Days - $249
3 Days - $399
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
MAJ. BRYAN M. SMYLIE, USMC ’89 is a helicopter pilot, currently
stationed in Washington, D.C., with HMX-1, the Presidential Helicopter
Squadron. In addition to his duties as a Presidential pilot (shown here),
Bryan serves as a White House Liaison Officer, responsible for advance
planning and execution of the President’s trips. His assignment has taken
him to numerous foreign and domestic locations, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Argentina,
Columbia, Mexico, Latvia and Bulgaria.
SGT. ROBERT J. WENTWORTH II ’98, a member of the Army Reserve 303rd Military
Police Company based in Jackson, Mich., was injured in June, while serving in Iraq.
Rob sustained a traumatic brain injury, as well as damage to his knee, ankle and back.
Amazingly, he is expected to fully recover from his injuries. Rob hopes to return to active
duty, training troops for deployment overseas. His mother, Michelle, credits Michigan
Military Moms and, especially, Tracey Abshire (mother of John ’99), for the support and
guidance she received after Rob’s injury.
2001 – MICHAEL D. SGROI attended
Stanford University on a football scholarship. He was their starting kicker during
his four years. Mike is currently in his
second year at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. He is
engaged to Melissa Middleton, a secondyear law student. Their wedding is
scheduled for July 5, 2008.
2001 – JOE STUDZINSKI graduated
in August 2006, with honors, from the
College for Creative Studies, Detroit, Mich.,
where he majored in Product Design and
minored in Illustration. Joe is a concept
artist for Midway Games and resides in
Chicago, Ill.
2002 – JEFF GLOBISH will graduate
from Central Michigan University in
December 2007, and plans to pursue
a career in advertising.
2002 – BRAD JARZEMBOWSKI graduated from Michigan State University
with a Hospitality Business degree, and is
currently employed with J. Alexander’s
Restaurants at the Livonia location.
presently living and working on the island
of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
…in the Catholic Central Chapel
2002 – REED DeMARCO is a graduate
teaching assistant for Latin at the
University of Kentucky.
Every Tuesday
at 2:50 P.M.
2002 – JUSTIN DROBA will receive
his Master’s in Electrical Engineering in
April 2008, and plans to pursue a Ph.D.
in Applied Mathematics.
Holy Hour
Every Wednesday
at 2:50 P.M.
2002 – MICHAEL FLAHERTY graduated
from Holy Cross College in 2006, and
is now a manufacturer’s representative
for LaserShield Systems, Inc. Mike lives
in Novi, Mich.
Every morning
at 7:30 A.M.
Monday -Friday
2002 – JOHN PERKOVICH is a Senior
at Michigan State University, pursuing
a degree in Food Industry Management.
John is Captain of the MSU Club Hockey
Team. The team has won two national
championships in which John had an
active part.
2002 – BRIAN SHINNEY graduated from
DePaul University in April 2006. He’s
living in Michigan again, and works for
BBDO Ad Agency in Troy as an account
executive on the Dodge Brand team.
attends Western Michigan University,
where he is majoring in ISM, with
a minor in Chinese.
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
Jim Garner ’78 is an author of perceptive,
humorous, best-selling books that have been
translated into Spanish, Japanese, Greek and
many other languages. His first, “Politically
Correct Bed Time Stories,” has been translated
into 20 languages, including Farsi. Other
titles are “Once Upon A More Enlightened Time,” “Politically
Correct Holiday Stories,” and “Apocalypse Wow!”
His latest work of oddball humor was
published in May and is titled “Recut
“In May, I published a new humor book
entitled ‘Recut Madness: Favorite
Movies Retold for Your Partisan Pleasure’
(Thunders Mouth Press). Since it’s so easy
these days for a person to filter out news
and information with which he disagrees
(either left or right-wing), I took the principle
and extended it to entertainment. Since most
of us can edit movies now on our laptop, why
not edit classic films to reflect our own political
prejudices? For those who don’t believe in
evolution, I rewrote the early scenes of ‘2001:
A Space Odyssey.’ For staunch capitalists,
I changed all that socialist stuff at the end
of ‘The Grapes of Wrath.’ And for all of us, I rewrote ‘The Wizard
of Oz’ as a Republican fantasyland, in ‘The Wizard of Dubya.’”
He continues:
”Also in the spring, I launched with a friend a website entitled
‘Bardball,’ which is ‘dedicated to reviving the art of baseball
doggerel.’ After swapping a bunch of limericks
via email this spring about Barry Bonds and the
wonders of ‘Better Living Through Chemistry,’ a
friend and I had the notion to solicit poems from
fans nationwide and memorialize the entire
2007 baseball season in verse. In addition to
cheers (both traditional and Bronx) for favorite
players and teams, people have submitted
poems on the death of a former hard-living
pitcher at age 38, and the formation of
the first pro baseball league in Israel. The
site was praised by Ernie Harwell in his
‘Detroit Free Press’ column. The plans
are in place to expand the site and keep
it going for many seasons to come.”
You can find out more about Jim’s
books and Bardball at his website: - and
at Bardball’s website:
Dante helped found the Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity and the Cultural
Italian American Organization (CIAO),
an Italian heritage group for students.
At the 30th Annual Columbus Day
Dinner Dance and celebration hosted by
the Italian American Club of Livonia’s
Charitable Foundation on October 7, 2007,
Dante Cerroni ’96 was honored as Italian
American of the Year.
Dante’s Italian heritage has always been
important to him. At The University of
Michigan, where he majored in Economics,
Dante is a member of the Catholic Central
Alumni Board of Directors and is Chairman
of the Communications Committee, serves
on the Detroit Economic Club Junior
Executives Board, the Oakland County
Business Roundtable Quality of Life
Committee and is a member of the Oakland
Executives Association. Dante’s affiliation
with the Italian American Club of Livonia
includes membership on the Board of
Directors, where he serves as Finance
Committee Chairman and Co-Chair of
the Charitable Foundation’s Golf Outing.
He is also Vice-President of the Board
of Directors for the Italian American
Banquet Center. Four years ago, he was
instrumental in revitalizing the Amici
Group, a youth-oriented organization
within the Italian American community,
whose membership continues to grow.
Dante is a wealth management advisor
for Merrill Lynch in Bloomfield Hills.
He thanks his wife, Suzi, his parents,
and many others for their neverending
support. Congratulations, Dante, on this
well deserved honor!
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
Three graduates of the Catholic
Central High School celebrated
Golden Jubilees on June 29, 2007,
in Toronto, where fifty years ago,
Rev. John C. Murray, C.S.B. ’47,
Rev. M. Owen Lee, C.S.B. ’47
and Rev. Richard J. Elmer,
C.S.B. ’46 were ordained together
at St. Basil’s Church in Toronto.
Fr. Elmer, the living senior member of the class, and President
of CC, served as Master of
Ceremonies for the celebration,
and was featured in the Fall 2007
issue of the “Aluminator.” A
Mass and breakfast in Fr. Elmer’s
honor was held at Catholic
Central on Sunday, October 14.
Fr. Owen Lee was born May 28,
1930, in St. Luke Parish, Detroit,
Mich. He graduated from
St. Luke’s Grade School
before attending
Catholic Central
High School.
He entered
the Basilian
Community on
August 4, 1947,
and was first
professed on
August 15, 1948.
He received a
Left to right: Rev. Richard J. Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, Rev. M. Owen Lee, C.S.B. ’47
Bachelor of Arts degree from
and Rev. John C. Murray, C.S.B. ’47 were ordained together at St. Basil’s
Church in Toronto and celebrated their Golden Jubilees together recently.
the University of Toronto
in 1953, and was ordained
in June 29, 1957. He received
Fr. John Murray, born January 31, 1930, in
a Doctorate in Classics from the University of British Colombia
Visitation Parish, Detroit, Mich., attended
in 1960, and has been a Professor at the University of
Visitation Grade School and then Catholic
St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, and Loyola University of Chicago,
Central High School. He entered the
Ill. Fr. Lee is currently appointed to
Basilian Community on August 4, 1947,
St. Michael’s College, University of
and was first professed on August 15, 1948.
Toronto, where he works as Professor of
He received a Bachelor of Arts degree
Classics. He has written several books on
from the University of Western Ontario
the classics and opera, and is also known
in 1953, and taught at Catholic Central
nationally as the opera expert for his
during 1952-1953. He was ordained in June
appearances on the weekly Texaco Opera
1957, and that year received a Bachelor of Theology degree
Broadcasts. He is a baseball enthusiast
from St. Michael’s University. In 1959, Fr. Murray earned
and film buff, and has also written books
a Doctorate degree in Sacred Theology from the Angelicum
on these subjects.
in Rome, and was appointed to the
University of Windsor, where he worked
as Professor of Theology from 1960-1964.
In the years 1964-1965, he taught at
St. Michael’s in Toronto. Fr. Murray
taught at St. John Fisher College in
Rochester, New York from 1966-2001,
where he currently resides in retirement.
Two-hundred fifty Alumni and friends gathered at Catholic Central on October 14, 2007,
for a Mass and breakfast to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B.
On September 13, 2007, family and friends
gathered for the induction of the first class to the
Catholic Central High School Athletic Hall of
Fame. The inaugural class of 10 included Basilian
Fathers and Alumni, spanning seven decades of
athletic accomplishment. Their achievements
form the foundation for CC’s 40 state championships, 57 district titles and 122 regional titles.
Fr. James Martin, C.S.B.
(dec.) was introduced
as the first inductee by
Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46.
Fr. Martin served as CC’s
first Athletic Director
from 1942-49. As CC’s Baseball Coach,
he won 13 City Championships
and 14 consecutive Catholic League
Championships between 1936 and 1949.
In 1944, he envisioned a football game
between the best high school football
team in Michigan and the best high
school football team in the United States,
Fr. Flanagan’s Boy’s Town from Omaha,
Neb. – and the tradition of the Boys’
Bowl was born. Fr. Martin was Football
Coach from 1932 to 1933 and Basketball
Coach from 1933 to 1934. Fr. Martin is a
member of the Catholic League Hall of
Fame and Michigan Sports Hall of Fame.
Fr. Gerard French, C.S.B.
(dec.) was introduced by
Bob Santello. A legendary
figure in the history of
CC, Fr. French served
for 56 years. He created
the Belmont Athletic Club in 1942, and
Bob Santello ’58, master of ceremonies, set the tone for the
evening, which was full of fun and very entertaining. Guest
speaker Drew Sharp ’78 (Detroit Free Press, ESPN, WXYT)
spoke about his pride in being a Shamrock, and how
great it was to come back to CC. Broadcasting legend
Ernie Harwell was a surprise guest speaker who was
invited to introduce his good friend, Frank Tanana ’71.
Guest speaker Drew Sharp ’78
coached the CC Boxing Team from 1942
to 1961. His devotion to boxing helped
many CC boys earn Golden Gloves
Championships. Fr. French was Baseball
Coach from 1953 to 1955, and Athletic
Director from 1949 to 1964. He is a member of the Catholic League Hall of Fame.
Fr. James Enright, C.S.B.
was introduced by Rudy
Seichter ’59. Regarded
as one of the founding
fathers of CC Hockey,
Fr. Enright was Coach in
1948, and again from 1954 to 1973. Fr.
Enright founded the Metro High School
Hockey League, the first in the state.
His teams won State Championships in
1959, 1961 and 1968. Fr. Enright was an
Assistant Baseball Coach for 27 years,
and his summer recreation teams won
championships in 1963, 1964 and 1970.
Fr. Enright is a member of the Catholic
League Hall of Fame and the Michigan
Hockey Hall of Fame.
C C AT H L E T I C H A L L O F FA M E • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Dr. John Ronayne ’37 (dec.)
was introduced by his son,
Tim Ronayne ’74. Dr.
Ronayne was CC’s team
physician from 1950 to 1985,
and cared for many of our
Basilian Fathers for most of his career. As
a student, Dr. Ronayne was a guard on the
powerhouse Football Teams of 1935 and
1936, and played on the first CC Hockey
Team in 1936-37. Dr. Ronayne is a member
of the Catholic League Hall of Fame.
Vince Banonis Sr. ’38
was introduced by his son,
Vince Banonis Jr. ’68.
Vince played Baseball for
CC in 1937 and 1938. His
strength as a member of the
great CC Football Teams of the 1930s earned
Vince All-Catholic and All-State honors in
1937. He went on to be named a Collegiate
All-American at the University of Detroit
in 1941. Drafted by the Chicago Cardinals
in 1942, Vince earned NFL All-Pro honors
in 1947 – the same year the Cardinals won
the NFL Championship. In 1951, he joined
the Detroit Lions and helped win NFL
Championships in 1952 and 1953. Vince is
a member of the Catholic League Hall of
Fame, the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame
and the College Football Hall of Fame.
Al Moran ’57 was perhaps
the finest all-around athlete
in CC history. A multisport star who, during
his CC career, earned 11
Varsity letters in four
different sports (baseball - 1954 to 1957;
football - 1954 to 1956; hockey - 1955-56;
and basketball - 1956-57), Al won AllCatholic and All-State honors in both
football and baseball. He earned a
football scholarship to Michigan State
University, but instead pursued his
dream of becoming a major league baseball player, and was drafted by the Boston
Red Sox. Al spent 10 years playing
professional baseball. He also spent
23 years as an Assistant Baseball Coach
for CC. Al is a member of the Catholic
League Hall of Fame.
A three-sport star, Bill
Downs Jr. ’61 captained
the great CC State
Championship Basketball
Team of 1961, as well as
the 1960 Catholic League
Champion Football Team. In basketball,
Bill earned All-Catholic, All-State and
All-American honors and in football,
both All-Catholic and All-State accolades.
As a Senior, he won the Sam Madden
Award given by the Detroit Catholic
League to the Outstanding Student
Athlete. Bill also won the Fr. James
Whelan Award as the outstanding
Scholar/Athlete/Gentleman in 1961.
He was a member of the CC Track Team
1960-61. Bill went on to play basketball
for the University of Detroit.
Frank Tanana ’71, considered by many to be the
greatest pitcher in CC
history, was a multi-sport
star, earning All-Catholic
and All-State honors in
both baseball and basketball. He finished
his CC baseball career with a 32-1 record,
a career ERA of .30, and struck out an
average of two batters per inning. After
graduating from CC, Frank became the
number-one draft pick of the California
Angels, and spent the next 21 years as a
pitcher in the major leagues, most notably
with the Angels and the Detroit Tigers,
winning 240 games in his career. Frank is
a member of the Catholic League Hall of
Fame and the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame.
Mark Messner ’84 is one
of the finest football players
ever to wear the royal
blue and white. A two-way
player (tight end and nose
guard), Mark earned AllCatholic and All-State honors as a Junior
and again as a Senior, while also being
named a high school All-American.
Mark continued his football career at The
University of Michigan, where he was
four-time All-Big Ten and two-time AllAmerican. In 1989, he was drafted by the
NFL Los Angeles Rams. Mark is a member
of the Catholic League Hall of Fame.
Steve Campbell ’88 was
perhaps the finest tennis
player in CC history, and
a major contributor to
the great Tennis Teams
of the 1980s, winning
State Championships in 1985 and 1986.
Steve was a four-time Catholic League
Champion, four-time State Champion,
three-time All-Catholic and two-time
All-State award winner. With a career
record of 108-3, he was named a high
school All-American in 1988. Steve was
awarded a scholarship to Rice University
and named a collegiate All-American
in 1992. As a professional tennis player,
Steve competed in all four Grand Slam
events and achieved a career-high ranking
of number eight in the United States.
The evening was a great start to a new tradition, and we look forward to welcoming
next year’s class of inductees. The next time you visit CC, take time to see the Hall of
Fame Wall in the trophy hallway, outside the gym. Proceeds from this annual event
will benefit the Basilian Fathers’ Scholarship Fund, which supports need-based tuition
assistance to qualified students.
Shown are: (above left) surprise Guest Speaker Ernie Harwell; (left to right, at far left) Bill McHenry,
Chuck McHenry, Rocky McHenry ’71 and Tony Tedesco ’71; (above) Fr. Arthur “Tunney” Hathaway,
C.S.B. ’44; Pat Brick ’83; and CC Seniors Nick Soley, Greg Merrill, Eric Sarlitto, Cameron Innis and
Harrison Nguyen.
C C AT H L E T I C H A L L O F FA M E • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Fellow Alumni:
from the
Alumni Association
Mission Statement
The Alumni Association sponsors several events and programs
throughout the School year. Two of these events have
developed into marquee bookends – the Boys’ Bowl Mass &
Breakfast in September and the Alumni Dinner in April.
Recently, I attended the Sixth Annual Alumni Association
Boys’ Bowl Mass and Breakfast. This event included Mass in
the gym followed by a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast
at no charge. After breakfast, you could tour the School and the Campus
and, of course, attend the Boys’ Bowl football game. Alumni have donated
money, time and effort throughout the years at CC and this event serves as
recognition for those contributions.
The best part of this event is the number of families who attend. Alumni from
all classes show up with their families, proud and excited to show off CC.
Catholic Central
Alumni Association
Amongst all of this is one common theme – Alumni. Alumni are contributing
to this weekend on every level. Alumni are found among the Basilians, faculty,
administration, Dads’ Club, Athletic Department and, of course, the Alumni
Association. I am sure a few members of the Moms’ Club are married to
Alumni. All of these entities work together for the Boys’ Bowl Weekend.
The mission of the
Catholic Central Alumni Association
is to provide services, benefits
and activities of interest
to the alumni and foster
an alumni body which is interested
and involved in the affairs
and functions of the School,
and to provide such assistance
to the School as may from time
to time be requested of it.
All Alumni Are Welcome
All graduates of CC are members of
the Alumni Association. Please join
us as we discuss the current year for
the Alumni Association and the School.
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Dates Thurs., March 6, 2008
Thurs., May 1, 2008
Location Embassy Suites Hotel
Mass 6:15 P.M.
Hors d’oeuvres 6:45 P.M.
& Refreshments
Meeting 7:00 P.M.
Over the years, Boys’ Bowl Weekend has grown from a football game against
Fr. Flanagan’s Boys Town at Briggs Stadium, to the rivalry games at Wisner
Stadium, and finally to its current status as Homecoming and Reunion
Weekend on our own Campus. It truly is a homecoming weekend. Not
only does the football team return to its own field after playing on the road,
but Alumni come from all over the nation for Reunions at CC.
This is probably the most significant weekend on CC’s calendar. It involves
planning and coordination of Class Reunions, student assemblies, preparation
of breakfast for hundreds, Sunday Mass, and parking for thousands of football
fans, and culminates with a football game in the afternoon and homecoming
dance in the evening. I cannot think of another event involving students,
parents, faculty, administration and future students, all participating and
volunteering work at the same time.
As a member of the CC Alumni Association, you are always encouraged to
come back to CC as a volunteer or a participant. No matter how, if or when
you come back, try to remember to make a trip to CC on Boys’ Bowl Weekend
next year and attend the Alumni Association’s Mass and Breakfast. It won’t cost
you any more than a Sunday Mass, a free breakfast and a $5 ticket to your
homecoming football game. Of all the days that CC shines, this one stands out.
Bill Galvin ’85
President, Alumni Association
The Alumni Association Communications Committee is looking for Alumni to submit articles of interest on a freelance basis
about Alumni and Alumni Association events and programs. Selected articles may be published in the “Aluminator” and/or on
the Alumni website. Please contact Chairman Dante Cerroni ’96 at (248) 645-7162 or
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
Dear Alumni:
I wish all of you could have been here during Boys’ Bowl
Weekend! It may have been the best ever, as Catholic
Central put its motto on display in a very real sense when
Fr. Ranalletti, our Principal, presented a CC diploma to
Jerry Wilkins at the Boys’ Bowl Assembly. Jerry was drafted
into the military after his Junior year at CC and did not
receive his diploma in 1944. But, after all of those years,
the lack of that diploma still meant so much to him that
he made a formal request for one. It was a proud moment for all
of us when the students rose and gave Jerry a standing ovation,
welcoming him home and into the ranks of our Alumni
simultaneously. It was the only assembly that I can
ever remember where tears of joy flowed so freely.
and the spirit of the students was on full display and never
more impressive. Anyone who participated in any of the
festivities that weekend understood why the level of
ownership and involvement by the Alumni, students, and
parents is so high. Every day, in countless ways, the activities
that go on at CC not only keep alive the traditions that you
remember, but they are added to and strengthened.
After completing one year as Alumni Director, I feel very privileged
and blessed to be here. The glow of the tabernacle as I walk in the
door each morning reminds me that this is a very special place and to
say a silent “thank you” to my parents for the sacrifices
they, like so many other parents since 1929, have made
to send their boys here. Parents are often overlooked
because much of what they do goes on behind the scenes,
but their level of effort is inspiring. They truly love and
cherish the gift that God gave them in their sons and
Michael ’11, Jim ’90
their dedication to help CC succeed shows that love.
Jerry’s graduation was followed by a great speech from
another proud Shamrock, Major James P. Bernthal,
USMC ’90. He spoke of what his days at CC meant to
him and kept the boys enthralled with a story of how a
and Orrin ’71
Shamrock always trumps a Warrior – even in Mississippi
As we head into the Christmas Season, please keep us
where he is stationed. The Major and a fellow Marine pilot then
in your prayers, and you and your loved ones will be in ours. You are
performed the first military flyover at a high school football game
welcome to stop by and say “hello” and visit our beautiful Campus –
in Michigan history at Sunday’s Boys’ Bowl game.
you can come home again. We look forward to seeing you during the
On a personal note, I am passing along a sincere thank you to Major
Christmas Season at one of our many events. God bless you and as
Bernthal, my stepson, for his service to our country and his loyalty
always, Go Shamrocks!
to CC. From the bottom of my heart, thanks, Jim, for all you did in
creating a very special weekend here on Campus. You made not only
myself and your Mom very proud, but also the entire CC family. For
the second time during the weekend, tears were very common as you
Orrin J. Tibbits ’71
soared by. The team thoroughly trounced Orchard Lake St. Mary’s
Director of Alumni Relations
Alumni Association Committees & Contacts
All graduates of CC are members of our Alumni Association.
Any Alumnus who is interested in one or more of the committees
listed is encouraged to contact the chairperson associated with
Alumni Dinner
Promote, organize, and conduct the
Annual Alumni Dinner.
Chair: Stan Targosz Jr. ’67
Alumni Golf
Promote and organize golf for Alumni.
Chair: Mark Messner ’84
Boys’ Bowl Alumni Mass and Breakfast
Promote, organize and conduct the Boys’
Bowl Mass and Breakfast.
Chair: Gerry Di Ponio ’65
Career Guidance
The implementation and organization of
Career Day at Catholic Central.
Chair: Bill Matthews ’58
a particular committee. If you are interested in participating
in other areas or have any questions, please contact the Alumni
Office at (248) 596-3838 or
Shamrock Club
Through the use of multiple forms of
communication, this Committee keeps the
Alumni informed of Alumni- and Schoolrelated events.
Chair: Dante Cerroni ’96
Early Involvement
Develop and implement events, programs,
activities and strategies which will engage
and retain the interest and participation of
graduating Seniors and recent Alumni.
Chair: Scott Hauncher ’89
Nominating Committee
Provide recommendations for Board membership and election of officers.
Chair: Bob Barnes ’56
Identify and implement events, programs
and activities which will foster Alumni
business and career networking.
Chair: Jeff Gatt ’83
Silent Majority/Out of State
To reconnect Alumni to the School and
Alumni Association, including those
Alumni who reside out of state.
Chair: John Rioux ’61
Spirituality and Vocations
Develop and implement events, programs,
and activities to provide for the spiritual
enrichment of Alumni.
Chair: Carmine Palombo ’70
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
A few short years ago, a new tradition
year for that “special” diploma. CC did
the right thing for a fellow “brother” and
arrangements were made for Jerry to
He told the students and team to set
their sights high, not only in the upcoming
game but in life. He assured the team
that their hard work would pay off
against the Eaglets. He also told all the
students to cherish their days at CC,
as they would be some of the best days
of their lives. Major Bernthal and Jerry,
thank you for your loyalty and service
to our country and to Mary Alma Mater.
All of a sudden, it became an even better
day to be a Shamrock.
graduate in front of the entire School
and many guests at the Boys’ Bowl
Assembly. The students gave Jerry a
standing ovation and welcomed him
fully into the brotherhood. The ovation
brought not only Jerry to tears, but most
of the guests had wet cheeks and goose
bumps. As a new graduate, Jerry felt he
had to say thank you to his Alma Mater
for not forgetting him, so he gave the
School a United States flag that will fly
over the Campus. It was certainly a
great day to be Shamrock!
Jerry Wilkins had to leave CC after his
Junior year because duty called in the
form of a draft notice. Jerry was proud
to do his patriotic duty in World War II,
but he never lost his desire to have his
name on a CC diploma. Jerry made a
formal request to the School earlier this
Twelve classes from 1942 through 1997
were represented at our Reunion Dinner,
held on Saturday evening, September 29,
at the School. Three hundred Alumni
and guests enjoyed the food and fun,
while sharing many CC memories. This
annual event hosts each class celebrating
a five-year reunion. This somewhat new
event is becoming another beloved CC
tradition. The years just seem to fade
away as the Alumni walk through the
front doors, seeing classmates, some
whom they have not seen since graduation many years ago and, in some cases,
many pounds ago. This is one of the
happiest nights of the year on Campus,
as the halls are filled with lots of handshakes, hugs and laughs. It’s great to
come back home and to be surrounded
by all the memories and tradition held
in these walls. If your Class will be planning a Reunion in the coming months,
there is no better way to celebrate than
by returning to your Alma Mater and
experience the feelings that cause our
students and Alumni to say, “It is a great
day to be Shamrock.”
Jerry Wilkins ’44 (middle) presented Principal
Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B. with an American
flag at the September 28 Boys’ Bowl Assembly.
Also shown is CPO Michael Hanson, USN, who
presented Jerry with a military service award.
As the national anthem came to an end
before the football game on Sunday,
Major Bernthal made another spectacular
appearance, piloting one of two military
jets soaring over Shamrock Stadium in
the first flyover ever approved for a high
school! Many of the fans who witnessed
the event were brought to tears and gave
the Major an ovation at half-time. The
roar of the jets inspired the team and the
crowd to new heights as CC pounded
previously unbeaten Orchard Lake
St. Mary, 21-10.
was established here on Campus: Reunion
Weekend which is focused on bringing
our Alumni “home” to CC during
Boys’ Bowl Weekend. The theme of
this Reunion Weekend was: “It’s a Great
Day to Be a Shamrock.” This powerful
combination of events has already created
many lasting memories, but no Reunion
Weekend has created more memories
than this Fall of 2007.
The Assembly kicked off the weekend
in grand style with an extremely loud
drum line and countless banners hanging
from the ceiling and walls, highlighted by
the mural which predicted what would
happen to the Eaglets of Orchard Lake
St. Mary’s on Sunday at the football game.
The Assembly highlighted two proud
Alumni, Jerry Wilkins ’44 and Major
James Bernthal, USMC ’90.
The featured speaker for the Assembly
was another proud Shamrock, Major
James Bernthal. The Major is a very
proud Alumnus and he enthralled the
audience with a very funny story involving
the birth of his first son and the connection
of that blessed event to an alumnus
of “Halloween High” in Birmingham.
Needless to say, the Shamrock triumphed
over what Jim called a “pumpkin head.”
The student section put on a stirring
exhibition of CC spirit that helped lead
to our first Boys’ Bowl victory on our
home field in Novi. Members of the
State Champion Football Teams from
1992, 1997 and 2002 were honored during
half-time ceremonies. The Boys’ Bowl
Dance that evening was packed with our
boys and their dates. Who wouldn’t want
to dance and celebrate after all that had
gone on during the weekend! It was
another successful piece of a truly
wonderful weekend, and Sunday ended
with everyone ready to say,” It was
a great day to be a Shamrock.”
We thank all those who gave freely of
their time, talent and treasure to make
Reunion Weekend 2007 the success that
it was. God bless you all. We know that
the traditions of the past will continue,
and each class of Shamrocks will add
a little something of their own. To be
a Shamrock is to be part of something
very, very special that lasts a lifetime.
Hopefully, from father to son, their children and grandchildren will be able to
experience CC pride. Shamrocks of all
ages share the bond of brotherhood and
can proudly say,
“Every day is
a great day to be
a Shamrock!”
1962 & 1967
Thank you so much for having me as a special guest at this
year’s Boys’ Bowl. It was an honor to be the motivational speaker
at the assembly. As I met some of our students prior to the event,
I realized that the more things change, the more things stay the same.
CC may have changed locations – and what a beautiful facility we
have now – but what has stayed the same is the strength and character of
the young men who attend CC. I will always remember the energy and
warmth I received from them that weekend.
The assembly was very special as we
honored two very special Alumni. First,
Mr. Patrick Nesbitt, a very successful
entrepreneur who gave Catholic Central
the largest contribution ever received.
Because of his generosity, we now have
a beautiful School that matches our
pride and spirit. Next, we gave a long
overdue diploma to Jerry Wilkins ’44,
who was called to duty during World
War II prior to graduating. Mr. Wilkins
was also honored with a military service
award by local Navy Chief Petty Officer
Michael Hanson. It is men like these
that make CC such a special place.
They embody service and generosity!
Since earning my wings as a Naval
Aviator in 1999, I have wanted to do
something special for my Alma Mater.
As it turned out, patience and persistence paid off and not a minute too soon.
The day prior to flying the jets up to
the assembly, I was authorized to do
something no other
pilot has ever done,
a flyover for a high
school football game.
If ever a school
deserved that special
honor, CC is it.
Sunday came and what a beautiful day it
was! We had perfect weather to execute
the flyover. As I took off from Willow
Run at 12:35, I was very excited. My
wingman joined up on me and we
checked in with Detroit Approach.
They were expecting us, so we received
special treatment. It took all of two
minutes to get to CC, and as I flew by
four miles to the West of the stadium,
I could see our stands were already
packed. I held the flight five miles to
the Northwest of the Stadium until my
contact on the ground, Kevin Walsh, told
me the Band was ready. I told him to
play the music as I flew inbound to the
School. As the last note played, we split
the uprights and turned toward the
West. I could hear the sound of the jets
followed by the roar of the crowd over
the radio as we passed by. The best
part of the day was a 21-10 victory over
an unbeaten Orchard Lake St. Mary’s.
Mission accomplished, men!
The flyover may be watched
on YouTube. The address is
God Bless,
Major Jim Bernthal
United States Marine Corps
Class of 1990
Coming Soon: Heritage Mass & Breakfast - April 13, 2008
On April 13, 2008, a new tradition will begin at Catholic
Central when members of the Class of 2008, who have fathers
and/or grandfathers who are CC Alumni, celebrate the first
Heritage Mass and Breakfast. Over the years, CC has been
blessed to have a large number of Alumni who have entrusted
the education of their sons to the Basilian Fathers and lay
teachers at CC. What higher praise can a man give CC than to
believe that he can do no better for his son than to give him
what he received during those very important years in any
young man’s life? CC is an institution that is built on tradition
and tradition survives by being handed down from one generation to another. It is a very common practice in Catholic
schools across the nation to honor this passing of tradition from
generation to generation within a family. CC is a School based
on creating a sense of family within our students, staff and
parents – and nothing fosters that sense of family more than
spanning the generations by sending our sons to walk the
same halls that we wandered and be immersed in all the
wonderful traditions that exist here.
It is time to do this at CC, so the Alumni Association will
be hosting the first Heritage Mass and Breakfast at 10:00 A.M.
on April 13, 2008, on Campus. Letters will be going out to
the appropriate families in the next few weeks. If you are
an alumnus father or grandfather of a 2008 graduate, please
reserve this date to attend this very special Mass and ceremony.
This is a way for the School to honor your commitment to
CC and to say thank you for this very high level of trust you
have placed in your Alma Mater. We hope to see you and
your son there, surrounded by other Alumni passing on to
your sons a new tradition.
Sixty years!
On Friday, September 7, 2007, the Class of 1947
gathered at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Livonia. The evening
began with Mass celebrated by Frs. Dick Elmer ’46 and John
Murray ’47. With an attendance of 51 – 31 of them classmates –
story after story flowed forth. With the usual catching up after
a five-year break, and a fabulous meal, they were treated to a
“look back in time.” Jerry Coyle ’47 spent time, prior to the
evening, taking pictures of each member’s home as it now looks,
as well as scenes of Belmont, and had them made into a DVD
with music included. The DVDs were available that evening
for a nominal fee. The consensus was to meet again in two
years, instead of the usual five. Looks like Jim Aston ’47 and
Jerry have their work cut out for them.
We May Be Silver, But We’re Not Tarnished!
The Class of 1982 held their 25th Reunion at the Novi Sheraton
on Saturday, August 11, 2007. Approximately 65 Alumni and
spouses, traveling from various points in our nation, spent
their evening sharing stories and renewing friendships. While
careers and lives are varied, all felt fortunate for the great foundation and education received at CC.
A visit to the new Campus was on the agenda for some and
they suggested that their classmates make time to do likewise.
The 14th Annual Tom Herzog Memorial Golf Outing was held
at Hartland Glen Golf Course on Friday. A big “thank you”
goes out to the Reunion Committee and CC’s Alumni staff
for their assistance in organizing the Reunion.
It took the Class of ’57 two full days to celebrate their 50th
Reunion! Former classmates gathered at the Eagle Crest
Golf and Resort in Ypsilanti, Mich., on Friday and Saturday,
September 7 and 8. The first evening was mainly “stag”
as members of the Class renewed old acquaintances and
exchanged “war stories.”
Golf was on the menu Saturday afternoon for those who were
willing and able. The two-man scramble was won by Jerry
Black and his partner Fr. John Wheeler. Highlights of the
weekend were a dinner Saturday evening, preceded by Mass,
which was concelebrated
by the three priests
from the Class of ’57:
Frs. Bob McGrath,
George Hosko, C.S.B.,
and John Wheeler,
C.S.B. At this Mass,
all members of the
Class who had gone
to their rest were
by name.
Numerous pictures
were taken of the occasion, and Orrin
Tibbits ’71 from CC’s Advancement Office spoke to
the gathering about the present state of their Alma Mater.
Attention Members of the Classes of:
1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998
Your Classes will be holding Reunions in
2008, and you are invited and encouraged
to hold your Class Dinner at CC. We
have hosted the All-Class Reunion for
the last two years with great success!
The Dinner will be held on the Saturday
evening of Boys’ Bowl Weekend, with the
exact date to be determined in January.
Individual stags and/or golf outings may
also be arranged at the discretion of each
Class Committee. An organizational
meeting for all Classes will be held in
the Alumni and Development Office on
January 23, 2008, at 7:00 P.M. We want
to help you make the planning process
as easy as possible to ensure that your
Reunion is successful, enjoyable and
memorable! We hope you’ll plan to
attend. Please RSVP to Orrin Tibbits ’71,
Director of Alumni Relations, at
(248) 596-3836 and as always,
Go Shamrocks!
F A M I LY F E S T 2 0 0 7
Since its inception October 4, 1992, the Family Fest has been drawing crowds.
B.D.’s Mongolian Barbeque - (248) 735-1900
This year was no exception, as hundreds lined up to fill their plates, sampling
the best of the area eateries. Sponsored by the Dads’ Club, the Family Fest’s
behind the scenes coordinators are Chairman Terry Carroll,
Laura Collins (restaurant procurement) and Janice Sharkey
(reservations). The following establishments generously
gave of their time, talent and food. It is hoped that you
will patronize them when the opportunity presents itself:
Buddy’s Pizza - (734) 261-3550
Caribou Coffee - (248) 305-9072
Clemente’s Restaurant - (313) 388-2525
Colasanti’s Produce - (248) 887-0012
Dukes of Highland - (248) 887-8230
Embassy Suites Hotel, Livonia - (734) 462-6000
Epoch Events Catering - (248) 735-7222
Famous Dave’s - (248) 735-1111
House of Fudge - (734) 459-1990
Jaguar Vodka - found in local liquor establishments
John Cowley & Sons Irish Pub - (248) 474-5941
John Edwards Catering - (248) 474-2828
Laurel Manor - (734) 462-0770
Lazy Lizard Cantina - (248) 449-6555
Mother’s Pizzeria - (734) 207-8925
Nestle Toll House Café - (248) 773-0003
New Jade Garden - (734) 432-9770
Omelette & Waffle Café - (734) 454-6510
Polish Village Café - (313) 874-5726
Red Lobster - (734) 326-7655
Red Robin - (248) 349-3220
Stone Fire Bistro - (810) 534-0440
Zoup - (248) 374-1000
Stay Connected On The Alumni Website
To stay connected with fellow alums, receive the Shamrock
News e-newsletter, keep current with activities and events,
as well as to update your personal profile, logon/get
connected today! If you haven’t already done so, it’s easy
to do, and it’s free. Simply go to CC’s Home Page at Click on “Alumni Home Page”
under the “Alumni & Development” link, then “Register”
or “Sign In.”
1 6 T H A N N U A L FA M I LY F E S T • W I N T E R 2 0 0 8
This will get you registered on the Alumni Website. Again,
there is no cost, and it is a great way to stay in touch with
fellow alums, the School, and receive the “Shamrock News”
e-newsletter. Over 3,500 alums have already registered
on the site. Update your personal profile today –
it only takes a minute.
More information is coming your way today!
Please Help Us Help Others…
As the holidays approach, many of us are
You may send a financial contribution to
help purchase the needed items and
backpacks. Any amount will be
greatly appreciated, and may be
sent to Orrin Tibbits ’71,
Director of Alumni Relations
at the CC Alumni Office.
reminded of all the wonderful blessings
we have received throughout the
year. At the same time, our
thoughts also turn to providing
some form of comfort to the
less fortunate. We all have
our own way of doing this,
whether through our parish,
helping at a soup kitchen or
providing some other type
of service. I would like to
make you aware of another
opportunity to help the less
fortunate, through the CC
Alumni Association.
The CC Alumni Association will be
working with the CC student body to
provide backpacks filled with items for
the homeless, which will be distributed
by Ste. Anne Parish. Ste. Anne is staffed
by the Basilian Fathers and serves the
Hispanic community in Detroit. The
backpacks will be delivered by CC students to Ste. Anne just before Christmas.
Please refer to the list for information
about what is going into each backpack.
You may also choose to put
together your own backpack with the listed items.
Several Alumni did this
last year and found it to be
a great experience. Some
made it a family event, taking
their children shopping for the
items and making it a more
personal experience for them.
Christmas Charity
for Ste. Anne Parish
Thanks in advance for your consideration and generous support of this effort.
(Staffed by Basilians)
What are we asking of you? That you
consider participating in this worthwhile
project to help make the Christmas season
a bit nicer for those in need. There are
a couple of ways for you to get involved.
Carmine Palombo ’70
Items needed for every backpack:
Paper (small pad) and Pen
Rubber gloves, one pair
Cotton gloves, one pair
Toilet paper, one roll
Vaseline, travel size
Sewing kit
Hand cream, travel size
Q-tips, travel size
Cotton balls, travel size
Shampoo, travel size
Conditioner, travel size
Shaving cream, travel size
Whatever you choose to do, you will be
helping others and doing it together
with other members of the CC family.
Any contributions received by Friday,
December 14 will be distributed before
Christmas. Please rest assured that all
contributions received after that date
will also find their way to those in need.
Mouthwash, travel size
Dental floss
Toothpaste, travel size
Bandages, travel size pack
Antiseptic wipes
White Tube Socks, three pairs
Poncho, plastic rain-type
Wash cloth (thin)
Hand towel (thin)
Hard candy, one bag
Gum (3 packs)
Breakfast Bars (2)
Power Bars (2)
Peanuts (2 bags)
Cookies (2 small pkgs.)
Crackers (2 small pkgs.)
CC Alumni Association
Peanut butter crackers (2 pkgs.)
Cheese crackers (2 pkgs.)
Pudding cups (2)
Peaches, one pull-top can
Pears, one pull-top can
Vienna Sausages, one pull-top can
Tuna, one pull-top can
Spam®, one pull-top can
Sardines, one pull-top can
Juice box (2)
Plastic knives, forks, spoons (3 each)
Hand wipes (3)
Bible, one small
Bible, travel size
Blanket (1)
Small blanket
Batteries for flashlight
Items are to be packaged in zip-loc bags according to use, e.g., food items, toiletries, clothing, etc.,
then all bags and items packed into a large, heavy-duty backpack (e.g., L.L. Bean® Turbo Transit).
Getting To Know New Alumni Association Members
The first thing you notice about Derek
Brooks ’04 is his hair, and how there’s
not as much of it. Maybe it’s the corporate look for interns at Plante & Moran,
where Derek spent last summer working.
Although a few years apart in age, when
Derek and Bill Matthews ’58 visited CC
in August to talk about Derek’s experience
with Plante & Moran’s intern program, it
quickly became apparent how much the
two have in common.
In 1958, Bill graduated seventh in his
Class and was a member of the Gabriel
Richard Club. His guidance counselor
at CC, Fr. James Collins, wrote of Bill,
“William Matthews has not done very
much wrong by way of academic standards, as anyone can plainly see.” An
outstanding goalie, Bill played hockey
all four years while at CC, both on merchant-sponsored CC teams and for Fr.
Enright on CC’s Varsity Hockey Team.
His Emmert Chevrolet/Koenig Juvenile
Hockey Club won the Detroit Recreation
and Lower Peninsula Championship for
1955-56. Fr. Collins also said of Bill, he
“has taken an active part in one phase
of high school life, the hockey team. He
needs more ‘pushing’.” Well, not much
more, because after graduation Bill
attended the University of Detroit,
where he majored in accounting. He
joined Plante & Moran, a certified public
accounting and business advisory firm,
Internship Connects CC Alums
where he eventually became a managing
partner and, after 41 years, retired in
2002. Bill’s retirement hasn’t slowed him
up. He serves on the boards of several
foundations and still maintains an office
at Plante & Moran, where he enjoys
spending time with colleagues.
Bill is an active Alumnus, having served
on the Alumni Board of Directors, and
the School Finance Committee. He
organized and chairs the Career Guidance
Committee, which brings Alumni to CC to
speak to students about their professions.
In addition, Bill has been a generous
supporter and is one of Fr. Elmer’s
“go-to guys” for business and financial
Derek, as we all remember, is no slouch
academically or athletically. A member
of the Gabriel Richard Club, National
Honor Society, a Student Council
Representative, and Class Vice-President
both Junior and Senior years, Derek also
played baseball, basketball and football.
As a tailback on three CC State
Championship football teams, Derek
was named to the All-State Dream Team,
All-Catholic Football Team, won the
Walt Bazylewicz Athlete of the Year
Award and was named 2003 Catholic
League Athlete of the Year. He was
awarded the Rev. James H. Whelan
Award, which is given annually to the
CC Senior who has excelled academically,
is an outstanding athlete, and is looked
upon by his peers as a Christian gentleman. Derek received a scholarship to
Princeton University, where he played
football for three years. He will graduate
in May 2008, with plans to pursue a
career in the wealth management field.
Derek said that the new Campus hasn’t
made him feel any differently about
CC. “It feels the same,” he said. “CC
deserved the new building.” He wishes
he’d had the opportunity to go to such
a nice place, but appreciates now how
much CC was able to accomplish with
the limited facilities on Breakfast Drive.
When asked how CC prepared him for
college life, Derek said he had to learn
to manage his time in order to do all the
things he was involved in. That discipline
turned out to be very important as
a freshman at Princeton.
Bill said that, besides the change in location (two of them since ’58), CC is doing
a much more effective job of providing
tuition assistance and scholarships than
when he attended. The only fund-raising
done while he was a student, and
for the next ten years or so, was
the Student Ticket Drive. Alumni
weren’t kept informed about
the needs of the School, like they
are now.
The internship came about when Derek
visited CC about a year ago and spoke to
Tim Burke ’86, Director of Development.
Tim asked Derek for his résumé and
then contacted Bill about intern opportunities at Plante & Moran. With Derek’s
credentials, it was a good fit. Derek said
he enjoyed the experience, working with
the research and marketing teams, and
meeting with clients and institutions
about their portfolios. He also did some
writing, which was used in a publication
sent to clients. Bill said that Derek
is, obviously, very well suited to join
Plante & Moran, and has been offered
a position after graduation. Derek said
his post-graduation plans have not yet
been finalized.
About the internship program at Plante
& Moran, Bill explained that during two
yearly sessions, summer and winter,
approximately 100 students are recruited,
giving them an introduction to the
culture of the firm. “Fortune Magazine”
rates Plante & Moran as one of the 100
best places in the country to work. They
recruit from 45 colleges and universities
and take only the best students. A high
number of interns
are offered positions
with the firm. Derek
spoke very highly
of his experience
at Plante & Moran
and offered to talk to anyone who has
questions about an internship.
Twelve Catholic Central alumni, including
the firm’s current managing partner, Bill
Hermann ’68, are presently employed
with Plante & Moran. When questioned
about the connection, Bill said, “Plante
& Moran only hires the best candidates,
and Catholic Central prepares its young
men very well academically.” In the
early days, Plante & Moran was the
dominant accounting firm in the area,
and the Irish Catholic connection made it
another reason why so many CC Alumni
have worked for them over the years.
Bill and his wife, Peggy, are parents
to four children and have eight grandchildren. For “frustration,” Bill plays
golf, but maintains that he’s still the
best goalie of the three CC partners at
Plante & Moran (John Mach ’71 and
John Bebes ’83).
Please Recycle
Please recycle any old memorabilia you were
considering discarding. The Archive Department
is interested in just about any kind of Catholic
Central souvenir, from old programs and
photographs, to sports items, etc., and
especially yearbooks.
To make arrangements for pickup or delivery
of your items, please contact:
Dan Collins ’84
(248) 596-3834 or
Tim Burke ’86
(248) 596-3835 or
Derek has always enjoyed music, and
when time permits, he drums with a
jam band named “Where’s Waldo.” The
band members are all Princeton students
or grads, and they perform at Campus
and frat events. For this, Mr. Normandin
may forgive him for dropping out of
band after his Freshman year… maybe.
Bill and Derek, whose paths would probably never have crossed were it not for
the bond they share by virtue of their
Catholic Central education, are both
intelligent, successful and driven to excel.
Seeing them together as co-workers, Bill
supporting Derek as a mentor and brother,
confirmed what CC Alumni have always
done for each other. “Once a Shamrock,
always a Shamrock.” We say it over and
over, because we know it’s true.
1st Annual Alumni
Association Weekend Retreat
The Catholic Central Alumni
Association’s Spirituality Committee
will be hosting our First Annual
Retreat Weekend beginning Friday,
January 11, 2008, and concluding
Sunday, January 13, 2008, at St. Paul
of the Cross Retreat Center. This is
a wonderful opportunity to start the
New Year off by sharing a weekend
with other CC brothers as you search
for personal renewal and a deeper
relationship with our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ. The theme for the
weekend will be “God Believes in
Me.” The recommended donation
is $150, but do not let the cost be a
deterrent. The weekend includes two
nights and six meals. Registration is
required on or before January 2, 2008.
Please contact Dennis
Antoniotti ’68 at (248) 852-2337
or to
register, or for more information.
Wedding Bells
GORDON COUTURE ’67 and Cheryl Nagy were married on
May 26, 2007, at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Shelby
Township, Mich. Kevin Green ’67 participated in the ceremony,
which was also attended by Nagui Matta ’70. Gordon and Cheryl
honeymooned at Yellowstone National Park and are living
in Shelby Township, Mich.
DAN McSWEENEY ’94 and Kelly Stirling (Mercy HS ’93)
were married on May 14, 2005, at Our Lady of Sorrows in
Farmington, Mich. Best Man was Patrick McSweeney ’84 and
Groomsmen included Matthew McSweeney ’90, Jeff Dobson
’94 and Tim Kuhns ’94.
Mandra Stanley were married
on June 25, 2007, in Antigua, West Indies. Attending the couple
were Best Man Joe Studzinski ’01 and Matron of Honor Sue
Stanley. A reception was held in Livonia, Mich., where Shamrocks
in attendance included Matt’s uncle, Karl Kolbe ’69, cousins
Connor Bush ’06 and Kevin Bush ’10, and friend, Mike
Florkowski ’96. Matt is employed by UPS and the couple
resides in Dearborn, Mich.
BRIAN WLOSINSKI ’95 and Angela Wong were married on
July 14, 2007, at the Community House in Birmingham, Mich.
Shamrocks in attendance included Patrick Brady ’94 and Bryan
Riffle ’94. Brian is employed by The University of Michigan
and Angela is a teacher for Plymouth-Canton Schools. After
honeymooning in Italy, Brian and Angela are living in Dearborn.
STEVE GRIKSCHAT ’98 and Misa Naruse were married on
September 9, 2006, in the Chapel of Sacred Heart Academy,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Shamrocks attending
the reception included
John Grikschat ’94,
Mike Gould ’98, Larry
Secord ’59, Matt Secord
’98 and Brian Gould
’95. Steve and Misa
reside in Hudson, Mass.
Shamrocks in attendance, pictured left to right are Groomsman Ryan
Morrison ’00, Joe Boumaroun ’02, Eric Schmidt ’01, Patrick Hayes ’01,
Groomsman Mike Sgroi ’01, Ryan Romanczuk ’00, Groomsman John Kava
’00, Tony Leon ’05, Best Man Abe Leon ’01, Tom Jakacki ’02, Groomsman
Dave Tovey ’01, Kevin George ’03, Chris Guajardo ’01, Anthony Coratti ’01,
Matt Markowicz ’01, Joe Sgroi ’98 and Groomsman Mike Morris ’00.
MATT LOPICCOLO ’01 and Nicole Press were married at
Paradise Point in San Diego, Calif., on July 21, 2007, and 18
Shamrocks made the trip out west to attend the wedding.
After a two-week honeymoon to Sicily, Rome and Positano,
Italy, the newlyweds are living in La Jolla, Calif., where
Matt works for a real-estate investment firm and Nicole is
a real-estate investment banker.
Baby Bells
Laura – a daughter, Julianna Scarlett,
born August 10, 2007.
and wife Mary – a son,
Timothy John, born
October 4, 2007. He joins
big sister, 2-1/2-year-old
Timothy John Burke ’26
and wife Colleen – a
daughter, Maya Susan,
born September 27, 2006.
JASON RIES ’90* and wife
Stephanie – a daughter, Kate
Isabella, born July 1, 2007.
wife Misty – a son, Jonathan,
born May 2, 2007. Jonathan
has a big brother, Zachary,
age seven.
and wife Cassi – twin daughters,
Maura Elizabeth and Olivia
Grace, born April 3, 2007.
JP LADOUCEUR ’99 and wife
Madonna – a daughter, Eve
Catherine, born July 25, 2007.
wife Kelly – a daughter, Maura
Elizabeth, born July 4, 2006,
and a son, Brendan Joseph,
born on August 25, 2007.
Jonathan Hudzinski and
brother Zachary
Eve Catherine Ladouceur
* Indicates more information is available on this Alumnus (see “Chatterbox”).
The following members of the Catholic Central Family have passed from
this life to the next. Please remember them in your Masses and other
prayers. Our sincere condolences are extended to their loved ones.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
STANLEY B. GALUP ’33 – July 25, 2007. He
is survived by his daughter Victoria Peters and
two grandsons. Stan had a rich and remarkable
life, serving as a Detroit Police Officer, a Capuchin
Monk, and finally retiring from the U.S. Secret
Service after having protected Presidents
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,
Bush Sr. and Vice President Humphrey. He
finished his career in the Secret Service Detroit
Field Office. Stan was a Eucharistic Minister and
devoted parishioner at St. Ladislaus Catholic
Church in Hamtramck. He was also an
Associate Member of the Sisters of St. Francis
in Sylvania, Ohio. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Bonaventure Monastery, where he
once resided as a novice Brother with the well
loved Fr. Solanus Casey in the late 1940s.
JOSEPH T. O’ROURKE ’37 – April 20, 2007.
He is survived by seven nephews – including
Edward ’42 and Patrick Donnelly ’46 – and
six nieces. He was predeceased by his parents,
three brothers, four sisters and a niece. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Sylvester
Catholic Church, Warren, Mich.
February 19, 2007. He is survived by his wife
Gwenn, daughters Judith Chabala (CC faculty),
Nancy Grisel and Cynthia O’Brien, stepchildren
Kay Anderson and Christian Anderson, seven
grandchildren, including Michael Chabala ’96,
and three great-grandchildren. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at St. Fabian Catholic
Church, Farmington Hills, Mich.
GERALD L. BLACK ’39 – August 20, 2007. He
is survived by four sons and 10 grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his parents, a brother and
wives Rosemary and Helen. Jerry was a U.S.
Naval veteran, having served in World War II
and Korea. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Farmington, Mich.
WILLIAM H. DEE ’40 – August 13, 2007. He is
survived by his wife Muriel, four children, 10
grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and
his sister. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
St. Mary Queen of Creation Church, New
Baltimore, Mich.
ROBERT J. ALLGEYER ’43 – October 8, 2007.
He is survived by six children, 17 grandchildren,
22 great-grandchildren, five sisters and three
brothers, including William ’59. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at St. Priscilla Church,
Livonia, Mich.
JOHN C. YOUNG ’43 – July 29, 2007. He is
survived by his wife Phyllis, five children,
including Richard ’70 and John Jr. ’71, five
grandchildren and his twin sister, Jean. John
was predeceased by his parents and son
Thomas. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Farmington, Mich.
LEWIS E. MOIR ’46 – September 17, 2007. He
is survived by his wife Betty Jean, three children,
four grandchildren, a sister and his brother, T.
William ’42. He was predeceased by his parents
and sister Rosemary. After 44 years with
Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, he
retired and became a real-estate agent in the
Dearborn area. The Funeral Mass was celebrated
at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Brighton, Mich.
ALEX J. PETKUS ’46 – October 13, 2007. He is
survived by his wife Dolores, five children and
eight grandchildren. Alex attended Dun Scotus
Seminary and was a member of the K of C
Bishop Foley Council #2660, a Fourth Degree
Knight and the Alhambra Barcelona Caravan. In
the ’80s, he was a lecturer at Bishop Foley K of
C and a Eucharistic Minister at St. Alphonsus
Catholic Church. The Funeral Mass was celebrated
at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Dearborn, Mich.
CARMEN A. RECCHIA ’46 – August 15, 2007.
He is survived by a sister and his brother,
Richard ’57. He was predeceased by his parents,
Anthony and Bernadette, and brother Edward
’55. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Harry
J. Will Funeral Home, Livonia, Mich.
August 29, 2007. He is survived by his wife
Marjorie, five sons, 17 grandchildren and nine
great-grandchildren. Don was predeceased by
his parents, a sister and his son, Kevin. He was
a reporter/columnist for the “Detroit News” for
40 years, and had also been an Associate Real
Estate Editor and Chief City/County Bureau
Editor. For the past four years, Don wrote a
column for the “Lapeer County Press.” His
topics ranged from his beloved dog, Murphy, to
his long marriage (almost 57 years) to Margie.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Cornelius
Catholic Church, Dryden, Mich.
WILLIAM J. “Jack” FURLONG ’48 – April 15,
2007. With a twinkle in his eye, this “Bagley
Boy” has taken his bit of blarney home to
heaven. He is survived by Mary, his bride of
56 years, five daughters and their husbands,
13 grandchildren, a great-granddaughter and
brothers James ’43 and Frank ’51. He was predeceased by his parents and sister Margaret.
Jack loved his family deeply, and was known for
his stories, jokes and selfless ways. Classmates
are invited to leave a “Jack” story or message
at, for a book
being compiled by the family. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at St. Colette Catholic
Church, Livonia, Mich.
ROBERT W. JAYE ’48 – August 13, 2007. He
is survived by his wife Rita, daughters Paula
Radtke, Cheryl Paine and Janice Teno, son
Robert and seven grandchildren. The Celebration
of Life Memorial Mass was held at St. Louise
de Marillac Catholic Church, Warren, Mich.
JOHN L. GLORIO ’52 – September 2, 2006.
He is survived by his wife Barbara, daughter
Nancy, son Gary, granddaughter Amanda and
sister Mary. John was predeceased by his parents
and brothers Edo, Robert ’59, Perio and Elmo.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. John
Vianney Church, Shelby Township, Mich.
FREDERICK E. GAUSDEN JR. ’58 – October 8,
2007, after a long battle with lung cancer. Fred
is survived by his wife Wanda, daughter Nadine,
son Brent and stepsons Steve and Michael.
He retired from UPS in 1990, and started a relatively successful food business in Saugatuck
and Mackinac City, Mich. A Memorial Service
was held in late November.
GLENN A. McDONALD ’58 – September 18,
2007. He died suddenly while playing his second hockey game of the day (scoring a winning
goal). Glenn is survived by his wife Sharon
“Sherri,” daughters Katie and Margaret, two
grandchildren and his brother Al. His passion
was hockey and if he’d had his way, his entire
home would have been decorated with hockey
memorabilia. After 40 years with Conrail, Glenn
retired in 2005. He spent his time touring the
country playing in hockey tournaments. Glenn
will be remembered for his oddball sense of
humor, which was heavily laced with sarcasm.
He was also a human dictionary and a whiz
at crossword puzzles. The Funeral Service
was held at Schrader-Howell Funeral Home,
Plymouth, Mich.
ANTHONY L. MOHA ’58 – August 22, 2007.
He died of pancreatic cancer. Tony is survived
by his daughters Elizabeth Marshall and Susan
Moha, two grandsons, brother John ’62 and his
life partner, Barbara Piper. He was a basketball
aficionado, having played for CC, in college and
as a center in various pick-up leagues in the
Chicago metro area. Tony served in the U.S.
Navy from 1962 to 1968, as a lieutenant. He
was a financial analyst for Sears for 32 years,
and, after retiring in 2002, spent his time traveling
and serving as a tax preparer for the elderly
at Elgin Senior Services. He was predeceased
by his parents and former wife Sharian. The
Funeral Service was held at O’Connor-Leetz
Funeral Home, Elgin, Ill.
Sr. Mary Cabrini Hohl, I.H.M., Educator
SR. MARY CABRINI HOHL, I.H.M. – September 22, 2007. She
is survived by her sisters Jane Wummer and Georgeanne
Rothenburger. Sr. Cabrini was predeceased by her parents,
George and Letitia Huttinger, and her brother, George. She was
born in New York, but graduated from St. Martin High School
in Detroit. In 1945, Sr. Cabrini joined the Sisters, Servants of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from
Marygrove College, a Master’s degree from the University of
Detroit and a Ph.D. from Wayne State University. For 50 years, she
taught at various schools, including St. Mary Academy, Monroe, Blessed
Sacrament and Catholic Central, Detroit; St. Mary, Akron, Ohio; and
Marian, Bloomfield Hills. Sr. Cabrini taught Advanced Chemistry
(1973-1977) to CC students, earning them college credit from the
University of Detroit. She also guided many of our students to National
and State awards in Science Fairs. In 1995, she returned to research missing
alumni for the Alumni and Development Office, and stayed for three
GREGORY A. LORENTZ ’59 – May 20, 2007. He
is survived by his wife Clara “Chris,” daughter
Nicole, sons Tony and Mark, four grandchildren,
a sister and brothers Michael ’63, Gary ’64 and
Daniel ’71. Greg filled his life by serving his
church as a Eucharistic Minister and Acolytes
Instructor. He was a member or volunteer
for the following organizations: Knights of
Columbus (Grand Knight – twice), Greenwood
Lions Club, Greenwood Museum, Humane
Society of Greenwood, Operation Hope (26-year
volunteer), Greenwood Kitchen, Muscular
Dystrophy Association and Highway Clean-Up.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Our Lady
of Lourdes Catholic Church, Greenwood, S.C.
ROBERT S. SWOISH ’70 – October 5, 2007.
He is survived by his parents Robert and Mary
Frances, five brothers, including Craig ’73,
Michael ’75 and Daniel ’77, and six nieces and
nephews. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
St. Joseph Catholic Church, South Lyon, Mich.
JAMES A. BANONIS ’73 – August 4, 2007. He
is survived by his parents Vince ’38 and Marilyn,
brother Vincent ’68, sister Carolyn Anglin, and
several nieces and nephews. James was predeceased
by his brother Stephen ’77. A private burial was
held at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield, Mich.
PATRICK G. LePINE ’75 – October 3, 2007.
He is survived by his wife Lisa, his mother
Catherine, brothers Bill and Arthur ’71, and many
aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
A private service was held.
KARL HANSEN ’04 – June 30, 2007. Suddenly.
He is survived by his parents, Joseph and Susan,
and sister Erica. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church,
Hamburg, Mich.
years. In addition, Sr. Cabrini also taught at Marygrove College
for 16 years, and was an instructor at Madonna University,
Livonia and Shaw College, Detroit. Her post-doctoral work
in cancer research took her to Montreal, to the University of
California at Santa Barbara and to Oregon State University.
Grants from the National Science Foundation allowed Sr. Cabrini
to direct several NSF Institutes that offered educational opportunities to high school Science teachers at Marygrove College.
Her overseas experience came when she was sent to consult at the
Regional College of Education in Bhopal, India by the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID). For years, her research
skills were used for consulting, program analysis and computer services.
She retired to the I.H.M. Motherhouse, Monroe, Mich., in 1997, and
entered the Health Care Center in 2003. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated
at the I.H.M. Motherhouse Chapel.
Rest in Peace, Sr. Cabrini.
Extended Family
DANIEL F. BERRY – June 25, 2007. He is survived
by his wife Brenda, two children, two grandchildren and five brothers, including Gerald ’65,
and many nieces and nephews. A Memorial
Mass was celebrated at St. Regis Church,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
MARY J. BOHN – September 24, 2007. She is
survived by her husband Daniel ’59, sisters
Eileen Rohr and Loretta Conway, brother-in-law
Russ ’63, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and
great-nephews. The Funeral Service was held at
Potere-Modetz Funeral Home, Rochester, Mich.
PETER DANTZER – May 5, 2007. He is survived
by six siblings, Kathleen Unangst, Brian, Robert ’67,
Leon ’70, Patrick and James ’76, and numerous
aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Peter
was a proud veteran and long-time U.S. Postal
Carrier. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
Divine Saviour Catholic Church, Westland, Mich.
THEODORE E. DRAPAL – March 29, 2007, at
the age of 91. He is survived by his son Robert
’63, two daughters, five grandchildren, two
great-grandchildren and three siblings. He was
predeceased by his parents, two wives, Hattie
and Stephanie, and a great-grandson. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Patrick
Catholic Church, White Lake, Mich.
JOAN E. FITZPATRICK – August 25, 2007. She
is survived by her children Bridget Sawmiller,
J. Patrick ’83, Maureen Otting and Michael ’87,
eight grandchildren and three siblings. She was
predeceased by her parents, husband John and
a brother. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated
at St. Gerald Church, Farmington, Mich.
RICHARD P. HEBERT – September 8, 2007. He is
survived by his wife Teresa, daughters Sansanee
Trusi and Tracey Runyon, son Richie, stepdaughter
Tabitha Miller, mother Ruth, siblings Judy Allen,
Michael ’64 and Yvonne, 12 grandchildren and
ex-wife Linda. Richard was predeceased by his
father Joseph and brother Brian. The Funeral
Service was held at Riverside Chapel, SimpsonModetz Funeral Home, Waterford, Mich.
JOSEPH J. McSWEENEY – August 24, 2007.
He is survived by six children – including
Patrick ’84, Matthew ’90 and Daniel ’94 – and
14 grandchildren. He was predeceased by his
parents, wife Helen and a granddaughter. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at Our Lady of
Sorrows Church, Farmington, Mich.
CARL P. “Skip” NEUBAR – August 25, 2007.
He is survived by his wife Sharon, son Carl
“Chip” ’87, daughter-in-law Kristin, granddaughter Sarah, a sister and many nieces and
nephews. The Funeral Service was held at
Union Lake Chapel of the Elton Black & Son
Funeral Home, White Lake, Mich.
BERNADINE RICE – September 7, 2007. She is
survived by children Robert ’67 and Kathleen,
three granddaughters and a great-grandson. She
was predeceased by husband John, her parents and
two siblings. The Funeral Mass was celebrated
at St. John Bosco Catholic Church, Redford, Mich.
JOHN J. SCHROT – August 16, 2007. He is
survived by his wife Mary Eileen, eleven children,
including John ’68, Thomas ’69 and Stephen ’70,
18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
John was a U.S. Army veteran, serving in World
War II, a Worthy Sir Knight, Fourth Degree of the
Knights of Columbus and former CCHS Dads’
Club President. The Funeral Mass was celebrated
at Holy Name Church, Birmingham, Mich.
JOSEPH D. VETTRAINO – May 20, 2007.
He is survived by his wife Joan, eight children,
including Patrick ’90, and five grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his wife, Elizabeth
Flynn. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
St. Edith Catholic Church, Livonia, Mich.
DOLORES A. ZIENTEK – May 27, 2007. She
is survived by her husband Alvin ’46, son Gary
and two grandchildren. A Memorial Service
was celebrated at St. Dorothy Catholic Church,
Warren, Mich.
2008 Calendar of Events
Alumni Association Basketball League - 6:00 P.M.
Sophomore College Night - 7:00 P.M.
Classes Begin
Mothers’ Club Fashion Show - 11:00 A.M.
Dads’ Club General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Alumni Dinner - Catholic Central - 6:00 P.M.
Mothers’ Club Mass & General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Heritage/Legacy Mass & Brunch - 10:00 A.M.
Dads’ Club Evening of Recollection - St. John’s - 6:00 P.M.
Dads’ Club General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Ash Wednesday Mass & Lenten Meal - 6:30 P.M.
Alumni Association Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
8-18 Student Educational Ticket Drive
Band Spring Concert
Dads’ Club General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
28th Annual Golf Outing
Mother/Son Mass & Brunch - 10:00 A.M.
Senior Exams
Shamrock Business Bash - 6:30 P.M.
Dads’ Club General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Incoming Freshman Scholars’ Night - 7:00 P.M.
Mothers’ Club Mass & General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Graduation - Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor - 2:00 P.M.
Alumni Association Board Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Band “Night on the Town” Dinner/Dance - 7:00 P.M.
Dads’ Club General Meeting - 6:00 P.M.
Incoming Freshmen Night - 7:00 P.M.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - 6:00 P.M.
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Alumni Association Chairmen’s Meeting - 7:00 P.M.
Classes Resume
27-29 Underclassmen Exams
Harper/Belmont/St. Basil Legacy
Mass & Luncheon - 11:00 A.M.
Please visit the CC Website for
the most current information about events:
Current Events At Catholic Central
2007 State Champs
Below is the address given by Jason Jones, Quiz Bowl Moderator, at the assembly honoring the State Champs.
2006-2007 Academic Teams: (left to right, front row) Eric Muller ’07, Carl Nelson ’07, John Cunningham
’07, Mike Wolfe ’09, Bryan Berend ’09, George McIntyre ’10, Chris Zachariah ’10, Jobin Philip ’10, Tom
Mathew ’07, Carl Thompson ’07, (back row) Sean Bridenbaugh ’09, Jonathan Vargo ’09, Brett Harrison
’09, Joe Sheeran ’08, Kayvon Rashidi ’09, Jeff Harmon ’09, Matt Nicholas ’10, K. C. Perlberg ’10, Tom
Bolig ’08, Michael Yurko ’10, Dan Folk ’10, and Don Tappan ’07.
Where winning is concerned, there is
no such thing as a day off. When the
final bell rings, the last man left standing
is the man who has worked harder. No
amount of talent or skill can replace the
value of lifting the weights, hitting the
ball, or hitting the books. The key to
success is never taking a day off. The
champion works while his competitor
takes a day off. Be it in the weight room
or the classroom, the champion knows
the value of preparation and hard work.
In the last few days, many of you have
spoken to me of a perceived separation
between academics and athletics. Apart
from the School’s floor plan with its
academic and athletic wings, I see no
such division. Talk of such a division
is shortsighted. To separate the body
from the mind helps neither and
damages both. The things needed to
build a champion athlete or scholar
are the same: dedication, drive, and
perseverance. Hard work pays the
same dividends in the sports arena
as it does in the classroom: success.
In his 1988 book, “Talking Straight,” Lee
Iaccocca said, “A country’s competitiveness starts not on the factory floor or in
the engineering lab. It starts in the classroom.” To remain competitive, we as a
School cannot expect a few talented individuals to shoulder the weight of eighty
years of tradition. To remain competitive,
we must mark Mr. Iaccocca’s words.
It starts in the classroom. Dedication
and commitment cannot be compartmentalized. To be champions, these
attributes must be present in all that
we do. It starts in the classroom. Only
when we hit the books as hard as we
hit the weights, do we help to keep our
winning tradition alive. Only when we
acknowledge our responsibility both as
student and athletes, do we truly bring
honor to Catholic Central. Only when
we realize that where winning is
concerned, there is no such thing as
a day off, do we earn the right to chant,
“We are CC.”
The members of Academic Team know
there is no such thing as a day off. While
most of you were enjoying the first month
of summer vacation, the Academic Team
competed against 128 different teams
in a national tournament where they
finished fourth in the country. While
most of you were enjoying the last
month of your summer vacation, the
men seated before you were practicing
for this season. While you enjoyed your
first Drive holiday this year, they were
winning an academic tournament in
Chattanooga, Tenn. Hard work and
discipline separate the champions from
the rest of the field. This is something
your State Champion Academic Team
has been proving for the last six years
in a row. Senior Carl Thompson will
now introduce the members of your
Academic Teams and the 2007 State
Academic Champions.
Our 2006-2007 National Merit Scholars
Catholic Central recognizes and congratulates the following
Seniors who were named 2007-08 Semifinalists and Commended
Students by the National Merit Scholarship Program.
National Merit Achievement honoree Melvin Farr III is
the grandson of Mae R. Farr and Mel Farr. National Merit
Semifinalists are Daniel Jonik, son of Bruce and Julie Jonik
of Canton; Jacob Lank, son of Michael and JoAnn Lank of
Livonia; Dustin Parmenter, son of David and Shelley
Parmenter of Walled Lake; Joseph Sheeran, son of David
Sheeran of Novi; and James Weaver, son of Thomas and Jane
Weaver of Northville.
Commended Students are Brandon Bruen, son of George
and Anita Bruen of Novi; Harrison Nguyen, son of Hung and
Loan Nguyen of Northville; Conor Parks, son of Douglas and
Margaret Parks of Milford; Michael Pienta, son of Ken and
Michelle Pienta of Ann Arbor; Gary Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy Zajaros of Farmington; and Matthew Tolkacz, son of
Joseph and Nancy Tolkacz of Novi.
Catholic Central’s Commended students are Seniors (left to right):
Matthew Tolkacz, Gary Taylor, Harrison Nguyen, Michael Pienta,
Conor Parks and Brandon Bruen.
This Year’s National Merit Achievement Honorees
Daniel Jonik ’08
Mel Farr III ’08
Jacob Lank ’08
Dustin Parmenter ’08 Joseph Sheeran ’08
Shamrock Shuffle
By Sherrill Ann Lefforge, CC Teacher and
Shamrock Shuffle Coordinator
It was that time of year, again.
Yes, the
Friday of Boys’ Bowl Week – Shamrock
Shuffle time!
Friday, September 28, 2007, many new,
and not so new, feet graced the Tony
Magni Track in pursuit of that pesky
eaglet (a.k.a., Senior Greg Merrill).
Runners and walkers took aim and
raised over $8,000 for the Make-A-Wish
Foundation of Michigan.
The fastest runners were, in first and
second place, Austin ’11 and John Paul
Zebrowski ’11. Andrew Garcia-Garrison
’11 placed third. Again, a sweep by the
Details about total amounts raised
and top homerooms will be published
in the next issue of the “Aluminator.”
James Weaver ’08
Math Winners
Congratulations to CC’s Math Team
of Tom Mathew ’07, Donald Tappan
’07, Carl Nelson ’07, Eric Muller ’07
and Michael Wolfe ’09. The Team
finished first in their division at
the Math Field Day held at The
University of Michigan - Flint. Don
and Carl won medals for winning
their two-person event. Tom gave a
five-minute presentation on infinite
series. Congratulations again for
a job well done and bringing back
a first-place trophy to CC.
College Board Names AP Scholars
Thirty-two Catholic Central Students have been
all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3.0 or higher on
four or more of these exams. Recipients include
Andrew Aaron ’08*, Nicholas Caverly ’07, Joseph
Cobb ’07, Christopher Egyed ’07, Michael Kluz ’07,
Harrison Nguyen ’08* and Brian Timm ’07.
named AP Scholars by the College Board for their
achievements in the Advanced Placement Program.
National AP Scholar is granted to students who
receive an average grade of at least 4.0 on all AP
Exams taken, and grades of 4.0 or higher on eight or
more of these exams. Thomas Mathew and Donald
Tappan III, both 2007 graduates, earned this honor.
Thomas Mathew ’07
AP Scholar with Distinction is granted to students
who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on
all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3.0 or higher on
five or more of these exams. Recipients include 2007
graduates Adam Budde, David Galyas, Christopher
Harrison, Eric Muller and Carl Nelson.
AP Scholar with Honor is granted to students
who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on
AP Scholar is granted to students who receive an
average grade of 3.0 or higher on three or more AP
Exams. Honorees included Logan Bonathan ’07,
Brandon Bruen ’08*, David Bushart ’07, Zachary
Crawford ’07, John Cunningham ’07, Michael
Dunleavy ’07, Eric Franz ’08*, Joseph Malinowski
’07, Conor Parks ’08*, James Poteracki ’07, Joshua
Radtke ’08*, Joseph Sheeran ’08*, Kevin Soubly
’07, Sean St. Charles ’07, Carl Thompson ’07,
Evan Tindall ’07, Ryon Wiska ’07 and Roger
Zatkoff ’07.
Donald Tappan ’07
*Indicates students who have one more year in which to complete college-level work and possibly earn another AP Scholar Award.
Science Olympiad is an International
Organization that promotes the study
of science. President George W. Bush
recently said, “Science Olympiad
brings together bright minds from
middle and high schools across the
country and helps them prepare for
opportunities ahead.”
On March 17, the Team was awarded
the most improved team, and Region 6
is considered one of the toughest in
the state. The Team finished seventh.
Robert Wallet and Kevin Armbruster
came in fourth in Astronomy. Joe
Cobb and Arun Dutta ’08 came in
sixth in Physics Lab. Joe Carzon ’09
and Robert Wallet came in fourth
in Rocks and Minerals. Joe Carzon
and Shawn Rupp came in second in
Wright Stuff. Mike McCarthy ’08 and
Arun Dutta came in second in Write
It Do It. Congratulations, Team!
From the beginning of the
School year, the Science
Olympiad team has been
persistently practicing in
preparation for a day of competition that is short-lived
but carries so much weight.
The obdurate work ethic of
the underclassmen and the
legacy of the upperclassmen
indicate much promise for
the future to come. This
year’s Seniors are: Kevin
Armbruster, Joe Cobb, Jason
Janicki, Emerson Lowrance,
Shawn Rupp, William
Schultz, and Robert Wallet.
Left to right: (front row) Emerson Lowrance ’07, Ross Verploegh ’08, Harrison Nguyen ’08, Tyler Seling ’08,
William Schultz ’07, Kevin Armbruster ’07, (second row) Gary Taylor ’08, William Waterstreet ’08, Robert
Wallet ’07, Asiri Liyanaarachchi ’08, Conor Parks ’08, Joe Cobb ’07, (third row) Shane Verploegh ’10, Michael
Yurko ’10, Arun Dutta ’08, Joe Carzon ’09, Michael McCarthy ’08, Shawn Rupp ’07, and (fourth row)
Co-Coaches Karen Fanning and Susan Wardle. Not pictured: Jason Janicki ’07 and Co-Coach Jim Janicki.
Senior Broadens His World
Steven Bokshan ’08 had an opportunity
to work in a medical clinic in an impoverished area of Alajuelita, Costa Rica,
for three weeks in June 2007, through a
program sponsored by The University of
Michigan. A typical day would consist
of organizing patient charts, distributing
medicine, assisting patients, speaking
with the local parents, and organizing
community health education lesson
plans. Steve spent a lot of time simply
talking with the children and playing
all sorts of games, like “mono” (monkey
in the middle). Although his Spanish
was not what he’d call fluent, he knew
enough to break the language barrier
and realizes that the people he was helping were incredible individuals. Steve
learned a great deal about himself and
others during the trip. He would definitely return. He also spent some time
in Santa Ana, staying with a local citizen
named Carmen. She cared for Steve and
his sister, Alyson (shown at top right), and
they soon came to think of her as a second
“mom.” The experience taught Steve so
much about living in a different culture,
and he now feels that he has a legitimate
knowledge of universal fraternity.
John Paul Gutierrez ’08
John Paul Gutierrez ’08, like many
of his fellow Seniors, dreams of
becoming a professional athlete,
but he isn’t waiting until high
school is over to get started.
Gutierrez wants to become a NHRA
top fuel driver and he has spent
the last four years as a full-time
crew member of Jack Ostrander’s
IHRA Team as a way to help realize
his dream. According to the “Detroit
News,” NHRA is the top level of the
sport of drag racing and the IHRA is
the equivalent to Triple A baseball –
like the Detroit Tigers compared to the
Toledo Mud Hens. Also, according to
the “Detroit News,” NHRA cars can
achieve speeds over 330 mph, while
IHRA cars can top out at 328 mph.
who has
Ostrander all
over the country, heads to
Waterford every day after school to work in
Ostrander’s shop to further learn the business.
John Paul told the “Detroit News,” “I’m
learning every aspect of the motor. I used
to do cylinders. I do the clutch and the
bottom end of the motor now. I’ve become
such an integral part of the team now that
I know how to run the operation.” His
ultimate goal is not to be the Pit Boss but
to drive a top fuel dragster, one that will
top 320 mph. There is a complex licensing
procedure that must be completed before
John Paul can drive a top fuel dragster,
but if things go according to the path
that John Paul, his parents and his brother
Phillip ’01 have mapped out, he should
be competing in the IHRA top fuel class
in 2009. Phillip also serves as John Paul’s
chief engineer and financial backer.
John Paul wants to reach his dream
with his brother and his parents at his
side. He said he is very lucky, because
of his brother’s help to realize his
dream and because his parents are
one-hundred percent behind him.
New Teachers Join CC Faculty
By Matt Nicholas ’10 and Alex Flood ’10, Staff Writers
Now that we have been in School for about a month,
you may have noticed quite a few new faces walking
through the hallways.
Granted, most of them are bewildered Freshmen, but
there are also many new additions to the CC staff.
Perhaps you have seen them walking to their classrooms;
perhaps you have them as teachers; perhaps you have
not seen them yet this
year. We have had
the pleasure of interviewing and learning
about each of them.
Now you can, too.
CC Alumnus. “It was always a dream and a goal for me to
teach here,” said Mr. McMichael. When asked if he had ever
gotten into trouble during high school, he enigmatically replied,
“Ask Mr. Hayes.” Such a reply is only indicative of his lighthearted personality.
If you ever find yourself leisurely walking through the second
floor, you may notice a new name on the room between Mr.
Gagnon’s and Mr. Alpiner’s classrooms. Come in and meet
Mr. Steven Lemieux! He is a graduate of Grand Valley State
and Wayne State. This
Biology and Earth Science
teacher says he chose to
teach at CC because “it
does not have any time for
nonsense, only excellence.”
Who is Mr. Lemieux’s role
model? His mother. Even
though she had polio as a
child, she “has been a very
successful business woman
and parent.”
As you enter the School
through the main
entrance, you’ll find
a new addition to the
administrative office: Ms.
Jacci Brown. She may be
new to CC, but she’s cerAs you continue walking
tainly not new to teaching.
on the second floor, you
Ms. Brown has been teachmight hear Mrs. Renee
ing for the last 47 years. A
Zwick’s Spanish class in
major fan of Shamrock spirit,
progress. She graduated
she says “Other schools
from William Tyndale
New CC teachers are (left to right) Anne Stock, Jacci Brown, Leah Petrovich, Renee
don’t compare with CC.”
Zwick, Steven Lemieux, Daria Sunday and Craig McMichael ’01.
College and Madonna
Our students have “always
University and did her
stood above the rest!” This year, Ms. Brown is teaching
student teaching last year at Northville High. When asked
New Testament and supervising the rest of the new teachers.
about her first impressions of CC, she smiled and replied,
As you continue your walk on the ground floor, you may run
into Ms. Leah Petrovich. A graduate of EMU, Ms. Petrovich
chose to teach at CC because “being a part of CC automatically
means you’re invested in a family. Who wouldn’t want to
be part of that?” The spirit of the Catholic Central family is
especially evident during our assemblies, and Ms. Petrovich
is “always amazed by the School spirit at CC.”
Another teacher on the ground floor who may be familiar
to you is Ms. Daria Sunday, a “new” English teacher. Our
upperclassmen may remember her. She taught here in 2006,
before leaving for a year at Divine Child. What drew her
back to CC? “There is no place like it that I’ve seen thus far,”
she said. Ms. Sunday is a University of Michigan graduate
who is currently working on her Master’s degree from
Madonna University.
As you pass Mrs. Nanni’s room, you might be surprised
to see a new face teaching social studies. Mr. Craig
McMichael, who is a graduate of Georgia State, is a 2001
“I was amazed at the School spirit and sense of community.
The air was buzzing with excitement!”
Another new foreign-language teacher on the second floor is
Mrs. Anne Stock. “Sumus… CC!” says Mrs. Stock, who teaches
Latin and is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University. She
loves the enthusiasm at CC assemblies and is “thrilled to be
teaching in an environment of faith.” She chose to teach at CC
because she is impressed with the Latin program and wants to
help the program grow. Mrs. Stock’s role model is her father,
a surgeon. “I’d like to emulate his compassion-–it helps bring
us together as human beings.”
These seven new and youthful draft picks bring with them
a variety of unique stories, experiences, and knowledge.
So, even with the loss of Maestro, Coach Rod, and company,
the CC family still has a bright future.
Could there be any future CC legends in the making?
Keeping Up With Catholic Central Athletics
The Varsity Football Team fell one game short in their quest
The 2007 Shamrock Cross Country Team earned a third-place
to return to the State Finals. After winning their first three
games, including a Regional Championship, the Shamrocks
were defeated by defending State Champion Macomb Dakota,
17-7. The Shamrocks finished with a 10-3 record for the season.
Congratulations, boys, and thank you for a wonderful season!
finish at the League finals with a third-place finish by
Alex Toloff ’09. The team won all four of their dual meets.
The Varsity Soccer Team had a great 2007 season and the
The Varsity Tennis Team finished in great fashion as second in
the Catholic League and sixth in the State. Michael Ayaub ’08
and Steve Strycharz ’08 qualified for the State Semis at third
in Doubles, and Joseph Dube ’11 was a State Champion at
second in Singles.
future is very bright for the entire program. The Varsity
squad finished the year with an overall record of 19-5-3.
The team was Catholic League regular season Champion
and added a State District Championship plaque to the trophy
case. Based on the successes of the Freshman and Junior
Varsity teams, we’re looking forward to even more victories
in the coming years.
We recognize and congratulate the following athletes
for their outstanding accomplishments during the fall season.
Cross Country
All League
All Academic
All Catholic
All League
Michael Dompierre ’09
Zachary Oleski ’08
Alex Toloff ’09
Austin Zembrowski ’11
John Paul Zembrowski ’11
Mel Farr III ’08
Josh Gatt ’08
Nick Kristock ’08
Nick Pelon ’07
Hendrik van Holsbeeck ’07
Matt Bessesen ’07
Paul Kemennu ’07
Andy Parsons ’07
Brad Smith ’07
All-Catholic Academic
Honorable Mention
Edwin David ’08
Chris Long ’07
Brian Murphy ’07
Bryan Raycraft ’08
All Catholic & All State
#1 Singles
Nick Carroll ’07
#1 Doubles
Chris Atallah ’07
Kevin Hager ’08
All Catholic
Ryan Houska ’08
Joe Kinville ’08
Michael Martin ’08
All League
Ryan Houska ’08
Paul Kanaan ’08
Joe Kinville ’08
Michael Martin ’08
Shane Morris ’08
Honorable Mention
Cory Amble ’07
Michael Heath ’07
Jim Morasso ’07
Brad Smith ’07
All District
Joe Bellino ’08
Josh Gatt ’08
Nick Kristock ’08
Andy Parsons ’07
Nick Pelon ’07
Brad Smith ’07
Hendrik van Holsbeeck ’07
Soccer Coach Joe Nora was
named Catholic League
Coach of the Year and District
Coach of the Year
All Region
Josh Gatt ’08
Nick Kristock ’08
All State
Honorable Mention
Josh Gatt ’08
Nick Kristock ’08
Supporting Our Young Athletes
Dec. 15
Dec. 21
Jan. 4
Jan. 8
Jan. 11
Jan. 15
Jan. 18
Jan. 22
Bishop Foley
De La Salle
Divine Child
University of Detroit
Brother Rice
O.L. St. Mary’s
De La Salle
6:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
Jan. 25
Jan. 29
Feb. 1
Feb. 5
Feb. 9
Feb. 12
Feb. 17
Feb. 23
Divine Child
University of Detroit
Brother Rice
O.L. St. Mary’s
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
Dec. 15
Dec. 22
Jan. 5
Jan. 11
Jan. 12
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Jan. 25
Jan. 26
Jan. 30
Feb. 2
Brighton - Compuware
University of Detroit - Compuware
Port Huron Northern - Compuware
Trenton - Compuware
Grosse Pointe North - Mt. Clemens
Cranbrook - Compuware
Culver Military Acad. - Culver Ice Arena
Culver Military Acad. - Culver Ice Arena
Trenton - Kennedy
De La Salle - Compuware
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Feb. 8
Feb. 9
Thurs. Feb. 14
Feb. 16
Sat. Feb. 23
Mon. Feb. 25
Mar. 1
Tues.-Wed. Mar. 4-5
Thurs.-Fri. Mar. 6-7
Mar. 8
MIHL Tournament - Trenton - Kennedy
MIHL Tournament - Trenton - Kennedy
Port Huron Northern - McMoran Ice Arena 6:00 P.M.
CHSL Tournament - O.L. St. Mary
Brother Rice - Compuware
7:00 P.M.
State Regionals Begin
State Regional Final - Compuware
2:00 P.M.
State Quarterfinals
State Semifinals
State Finals
Dec. 15
Jan. 10
Jan. 12
Jan. 31
Feb. 1
Feb. 2
Brother Rice Invitational
Grosse Pointe South
7:00 P.M.
Cranbrook Inv’l - Cranbrook Academy 10:30 A.M.
University of Detroit
7:00 P.M.
Oakland County Championship TBD
Royal Oak Middle School
Oakland County Championship TBD
Royal Oak Middle School
Week of Feb. 4
Thurs. Feb. 7
Feb. 9
Feb. 29
Mar. 1
Mar. 7
Mar. 8
De La Salle
Grosse Pointe North
6:30 P.M.
Ann Arbor Pioneer
CHSL Prelims - Livonia Rec. Comm. Ctr. 5:00 P.M.
CHSL Championship 8:00 A.M.
Livonia Rec. Comm. Ctr.
State Prelims
8:00 A.M.
State Championship
8:00 A.M.
CC’s home meets will be at the Livonia Recreation Community Center, 15100 Hubbard, Livonia
(located on Hubbard and Five Mile Road between Farmington and Merriman Roads).
Dec. 21
Dec. 22
Jan. 4
Jan. 9
Jan. 12
Jan. 16
Jan. 19
Thurs. Jan. 24
Oakland Co. Tournament - Milford H.S. 3:00 P.M.
Oakland Co. Tournament - Lake Orion H.S. 9:00 A.M.
CC Quad - Hartland/Flint
5:30 P.M.
Kearsley/Rochester Adams
Dundee & JV
5:30 P.M.
CC Invitational
9:00 A.M.
Lake Orion & JV
6:00 P.M.
CC Super Duals - Addison, Anchor 10:00 A.M.
Bay, Bedford, Davison
Adrian/Ann Arbor Pioneer/Southgate 5:00 P.M.
& JV - Ann Arbor Pioneer
Jan. 26
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
Observerland - Livonia Churchill H.S.
Clash of the Counties - Clarkston H.S.
CHSL Championship - Riverview
Gabriel Richard
Thurs. Feb. 14 Team Districts
Feb. 16 Individual Districts
Wed. Feb. 20 Team Regional
Feb. 23 Individual Regional
Fri.- Feb. 29- Team Finals
Mar. 1
Thurs.-Sat. Mar. 6-8 Individual Finals
Schedules are correct as of November 15, 2007, and are subject to change.
For updated information, please consult our website or call the Athletics Office at (248) 596-3829.
Note: Bold type denotes home games.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
20th Annual Alumni Dinner
Honoring John J. Ronayne III ’64
This Year’s Recipient of the
Fr. Canning F. Harrison Award
April 10, 2008
Catholic Central High School
It is probably safe to say that there is no more
defining institution in my life than Catholic Central.
For three generations, the young men in my family
have had the benefit and blessing of a Catholic
Central education. The influence of Catholic
Central on me and my family has been profound
and it is an association from which I benefit daily.
Please contact the Alumni Office
for information or advance reservations at (248) 596-3838
or online at:
If you are interested in helping to promote, organize and/or conduct
the Alumni Dinner, please contact Stan Targosz Jr. ’67 at
Detroit Catholic Central High School
The Aluminator
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
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