Seattle Preparatory School 2011-2012 Freshman Class Elections

Seattle Preparatory School
Freshman Class Elections
Student Government Elections 2011-2012
Application Checklist
Through this application process you will demonstrate your ability to follow through with important tasks
and deadlines, a skill that is necessary to be a successful class or ASB executive.
In order to run for office, candidates must meet the following deadlines and adhere to the rules and
guidelines outlined in this packet. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.
o Commitment agreement
o Parent consent form
Campaign Posters
Posters Removed
Friday 9/16
Tuesday 9/20
Tuesday 9/20
Tuesday 9/27
Tuesday 9/27
Turn In To:
Ms. Kheriaty, OSL
Email Ms. Kheriaty & Mr. Kelly
Check email for approval message.
Approved by Ms. Kheriaty or Mr. Kelly &
posted in halls
In the Theater.
Remove & recycle all posters by 3pm.
Freshman Class Executive Job Description
Freshman Class President & Freshman Class Executives will be part of the ASB and will be
involved in all ASB-sponsored events as representatives for the freshman class. Class officers will
also plan class-specific activities and events. Duties will include:
Plan and run events, activities, and fundraisers for your class.
Help plan and run class-sponsored and ASB-sponsored dances.
Manage class funds in coordination with class moderator.
Help facilitate the school assemblies.
Help plan, set-up, run, and clean-up for student activities including Olympic Week,
Homecoming, and other spirit events.
Meet with ASB (Executive Officers and Class Officers) every Wednesday at lunch.
Meet as a class officer group with your moderator one-two times/month.
Student Government Elections 2011-2012
Election Process, Speeches, and Campaign Materials
Election Process & Run-Offs
• All candidates run for a “Freshman Class Executive” position.
• All freshmen will vote on their class officers immediately after their candidate speeches.
• The student receiving the highest number of votes will be named Freshman Class President.
• The students with the 2nd and 3rd highest vote count will be named Freshman Class Executives.
• There must be a 10% margin between the candidate with the 3rd and 4th highest vote count. If
there is not a 10% margin, a run-off will take place between the two candidates.
• Regardless of the margin, the candidate with the highest vote count in a run-off will win the
Your speech must be one minute minimum, three minute maximum.
Email a copy of your speech to Ms. Kheriaty ( prior to the deadline.
Your speech should address the qualities that make you an excellent candidate to represent your
classmates and ways you will enhance the freshman experience as a student government leader.
Your speech should not refer (directly/indirectly) to anyone else running for office or any previous
officers. The speech should be about your own qualities and actions – not about anyone else.
Be very careful about making promises or suggesting ideas. While it is good to be clear about
what you plan to do, you must only make promises you have the ability to keep. If you want to
suggest a new idea but are not sure if it would be reasonable or not, please run the idea by Ms.
Kheriaty prior to the speech deadline.
Your speech should not include inside jokes or inappropriate references or innuendos. Including
such things in a speech submitted to Ms. Kheriaty could result in your disqualification.
Your speech must be approved by Ms. Kheriaty. You may not make changes to the content of
your speech once it has been approved or you may be disqualified.
Your speech is an opportunity for you to simply speak to the students – it is not a presentation and
may not include films, videos, PowerPoint, or other multimedia.
Campaign Materials
• Campaign Posters
A maximum of 10 posters (size limit 3 ft x 4 ft) may be hung around campus.
Posters must be approved prior to posting by Ms. Kheriaty or Mr. Kelly.
Posters may not be taped to any painted surface or any doors on campus. They must be
on tack strips, glass, tiles, or other surfaces and must be posted with painters tape.
You may use paper found in OSL to make your posters. You supply your own paint/pens.
• You may not distribute “hand-out” campaign materials such as stickers, buttons, gum, etc.
• Negative campaigning including addressing any other candidates in your materials or removing
of posters may result in disqualification.
Student Government Elections 2011-2012
Application Agreement
Student Name:______________________ Email Address*: _______________________
* please check your email address frequently throughout the elections process as important information
will be communicated to candidates via email.
I understand that by running for class office, I am committing to participating in all related activities
and projects.
I recognize that as an officer, I will be working in service to the school community and the students
that I represent.
I understand that I will have an obligation to serve as a liaison between the student body and the
administration. Part of my duties will be to solicit student ideas and concerns and share those with
the administration in a constructive way.
I recognize that as an officer, I am expected to maintain the qualities expected of student leaders at
Seattle Prep, including integrity, honesty, compassion, strong work-ethic, and commitment to service.
I commit to being a positive, actively contributing member of the Seattle Prep community and of the
ASB organization.
In addition to the activities listed in the job description, I commit to doing each of the following:
• Attending every ASB meeting including weekly Wednesday lunch meetings and additional
meetings. If I cannot attend due to illness, I will let Ms. Kheriaty know prior to the meeting.
• Attending class officer meetings when scheduled (at least once/month).
• Being present for and helping with set-up and clean-up for all ASB events including:
o Assemblies
o Dances
o Olympic Week & Homecoming Events
o Other ASB sponsored events
I commit to participating in all of the activities listed as well as those listed in my job description unless
there are extenuating circumstances that prevent me from doing so (in which case I will communicate and
work with Ms. Kheriaty). I realize that failing to participate in any of these activities may result in
termination from office held.
Name (printed)
I have read and understand the above agreement and support my student in this commitment.
Parent Name (printed)
Parent Signature