The Senior Internship Experience May 21st – June 1st The Senior Internship is an independent, off-campus internship designed for seniors in good academic standing to challenge and to explore an area of interest beyond their routine scope of experience. Seniors will work a typical day on the job to observe the environment and the demands of that particular field. Seniors are expected to work and to learn from this professional experience. The Senior Internship Options: Participate in an internship in a business, laboratory, law firm, hospital, professional music studio, professional art studio, professional theatre, or charitable organization. Participate in an internship of an intense study of an academic nature free from the traditional classroom setting. Dates to Remember: Monday, February 6th: Official Check in Date with your internship director: Mr. Franklin, last names N-Z or Mrs. Molling last names N-Z. Tuesday, March 14th: Senior Internship Application Due. No extensions will be given. All senior privileges will be taken away from the senior until the application is completed on line. Senior Internship Dates: May 21st to June 1st. Internships Guidelines: Seniors need to complete their internship in order to graduate. Senior will not be granted senior privileges if his application is incomplete, undecided, or late. The senior class will be divided into two separate groups. Last names beginning with A-M are assigned to Mr. Franklin’s internship group. Mr. Franklin will approve the A-M internships. Last names beginning with N - Z are assigned to Mrs. Molling’s internship group. Mrs. Molling will approve N –Z internships. Please work directly with you internship director, Mr. Franklin or Mrs. Molling. Each senior must complete a FULL application, along with his essay, on line. Please note that no incomplete applications will be accepted. Seniors are required to research their internship site to write a well thought out essay. Submit the essays along with the applications on line. Along with the work rules, all school rules apply at the internship site. All internships must be based off campus. Seniors may not work directly for a relative. Seniors may not intern with more than one BL senior at the same location. Seniors may not receive payment for their work. The project supervisor and/or the school have the right to dismiss any senior who is behaving unprofessionally. Seniors must serve a minimum of five hours per day, Monday through Friday, 25 hours per week. Seniors must request for his supervisor to submit his appraisal of the senior’s work to . Some appraisal questions are at the end of this packet. Seniors are to be on time for all Fine Arts & Athletic events and rehearsals. Seniors are expected to seriously approach their internship experience and to use this experience as a professional opportunity that will benefit him in later years. Senior internships are not a two week vacation from school. The Senior Internship Essay Due Date: March 14th Submit this essay on-line along with your application. In a typed, 12 font, essay of 250-275 words clearly and specifically describe the following: How did you learn about this internship? Describe your personal and professional goals for this internship? What do you expect to receive from this experience/internship? How will this internship benefit you in your later years? Prior to submitting your essay and application on line give a copy of your essay to your advisor, parent, and internship director, either Mrs. Molling or Mr. Franklin to have them read and sign off on it. Signatures: Parent/Guardian & Date: _______________________________________________________________ Academic Advisor & Date: ________________________________________________________________ Mrs. Molling & Date: _____________________________________________________________________ Mr. Franklin & Date: _____________________________________________________________________ Internship Application Along with the essay, this application must be submitted on line by March 14th. Prior to submitting this on line, please have your senior internship director, either Mr. Franklin (last name A-M) or Mrs. Molling (last name N-Z) approve your application. Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ I have read, understand, and agree to abide by all of the Senior Internship guidelines and policies. I understand that if I break any guideline, I will have to step down from my internship experience. Student Signature: ________________________. Internship Information: Please fill this section out on line fully and completely. No missing pieces. Date & time of your interview or phone conference with your project supervisor: ___________________________________________________. On-Site Project Supervisor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________. Title & Position: _______________________________________________________________________. Organization’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________. Organization’s Address: ______________________________________________________________. Contact Telephone Number (where the on-site supervisor’s can be directly reached) ________________________________. Supervisor’s Email address:________________________________________________________________ Intern’s Cell Phone Number: ________________________________________________ List of three duties that the intern will work on while at the organization: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Response Chart on line: These answers are certainly a guideline for the on- site supervisor to think about and share with us. However, if he would like to embellish his answers, he may. We welcome it. Responses are emailed back to the school at 1. Did the intern contribute in a significant way? Yes. Or No. 2. Did the intern accomplish his internship goals? Yes. Or No. 3. Did the intern follow company directions and guidelines? Yes. Or No. 4. Would you hire this intern in later years? Yes. Or No. On-Site Supervisor Signature and Date: _____________________________________________________________________.