In This Issue - Detroit Catholic Central High School

VOL. 60, NO. 2
In This Issue
19th Annual Family Fest
Jim Bernthal ’90
Walks Away From Crash To New Life
Rob McIntosh ’02 Is Dapper Dude
Editor in Chief:
Rev. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B.
VOL. 60, NO. 2
Managing Editors:
Mike Carrier ’06
Dan Collins Jr. ’84
Editorial Contributions:
Sharon Bowling
Theresa Green
Tim Henry ’72
Georgea Kovanis, Detroit Free Press
Robert Rimm
Ryan Shinkel ’12
Stan Targosz ’67
Denny Barnes ’79
Sharon Bowling
Theresa Green
Mike Rossi
Design & Production:
C.O. & Company
Detroit Catholic Central High School
President - Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
Principal - Rev. John Huber, C.S.B., Ed.D.
The Aluminator is published three times every
year by the Detroit Catholic Central Alumni Office.
Submissions can be emailed to:
Rev. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B.
(248) 596-3864
Submissions can be mailed to:
The Aluminator
Detroit Catholic Central High School
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
To reach the Alumni Office:
(248) 596-3838
Fax: (248) 596-3839
For Information:
Director of Alumni Relations - Mike Carrier ’06
(248) 596-3844
Director of Advancement - Dan Collins Jr. ’84
(248) 596-3834
Or visit us on the Web:
On the Cover:
This issue spotlights the history of the Catholic
Central Athletic Hall of Fame – now in its fourth
year – and the six new honorees who were
inducted at this year’s ceremony.
Page 5
Page 20
Page 30
In This Issue
Advancement News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Young Alumni: Ex-Metro Detroiter Blogs Dapper Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CC Profiles
Dr. Don Jablonski ’61 Elected President Of North Carolina Medical Board . . . . 10
Training Future Leaders: A Naval Aviator’s Split-Second Decision
Leads To A New Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Author Kevin Roberts ’87 Helps Others Fight ADHD & Cyber Addiction . . . . 11
Alumni Association Committees & Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
CC Athletic Hall Of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
19th Annual Family Fest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CC Business Profile: Advancement Design Associates Builds Brand At CC . . . 22
The Bells
Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Baby Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Basilians Of Yesterday & Today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
School Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Sports Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Sports Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
A Note from the Editor
Many of you tell me that you begin reading your Aluminator by looking at “Chatterbox” and “The Bells.” Please don’t forget that
those are the parts that we cannot include without help from you. We need you to send us updates of your milestones and
accomplishments. Your travels and other activities are also of interest to your classmates.
Submissions: For inclusion in the Spring 2011 issue of the Aluminator, all updates, articles and photos must be received by
January 11, 2011.
Photographs: Original film prints are acceptable. They will be scanned and returned to you undamaged.
Digital photographs should not be printed on a personal color printer. Instead, please provide the original electronic file. Digital
photographs should be shot at as large a size and in as high a resolution as possible for the camera used, with care being taken to
get a sharp image. This yields the best printing results. Please send the raw or uncompressed original TIF file or high-resolution JPG
as an attachment. Do not open and adjust or resave into any other format. Photos should not be embedded into a Word document.
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Some will look over this issue of the Aluminator, check out an
article or two and toss it aside because the rest of it is simply
a list of names of people who gave the school some money.
Putting these names in a list, however, is more than just a
Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge
way of saying thanks or trying to motivate you to join the
list. These are the people who saw in the past, or see now, that there is something of great
value going on here, something that needs support in a different way than it did in the past.
thank you!
For the first half-century of its life, the “business model” for Catholic Central depended on the lives
of as many as 30 Basilians each year working at below minimum wage because of their vow of poverty
and because they saw this school as a way of passing on their faith. They were joined by a small lay staff
who also had a deep faith and who found teaching here to be their vocation, too. They never expected to
make the salary of a public school teacher, but they made do with a salary that many would call grossly unfair.
Regardless of your theological outlook, everyone has to recognize that model doesn’t work anymore. There
are now nine Basilians here, and, while they are generous to a fault, their number and their age means they
can’t have the economic impact of 30 of their predecessors. We have replaced the rest with good and generous
lay people, but they are people who have families to support and who in justice deserve a living wage. The
people on this list see that. Whether their gift was ten dollars or hundreds of thousands, they are doing what
they can to keep the school in reach of the people who need it most and can afford it the least.
With a school facility that is the envy of most, why do we still need money? Here’s the short answer
to give you an idea. The carpets in our academic wing have a ten-year life span. We should be over halfway
through saving for their replacement. The turf on the stadium field is in the same boat. All of the over
four hundred computers have already been replaced once and are ready for another round. Their effective
span is a little over three years. Have you noticed the cracks in the asphalt? Soon, they will look like the
rest of the roads in the state!
Then, there are the human costs. Two years ago, we froze salaries and tuition for a year. We still haven’t
caught up to the steps that the faculty should be on.
And finally there is the unattractive debt. People promised money in better times, and they haven’t been
able to keep their promise. We have to keep chipping away at that unanswered problem.
Are we in deep financial waters? Actually, we’re not. We’re current on our bills and our plan to navigate
this waterway is working. It will continue to work as long as we can publish our annual list of people who
help address the challenge. If you are a parent who is already paying more tuition than your budget says
you can afford, pray for the people on this list. They bridge the gap and make Catholic Central work.
Gratefully in Christ,
Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
(248) 596-3833
A D VA N C E M E N T N E W S • W I N T E R 2 011
Staying Connected With Your Classmates
“Mystery” Band Members Identified!
Thanks to Jim Barrett ’57, Jim Boudreau ’56,
Terry Brady ’58, Bernie Fligger ’55, Don
Melotik ’56 and Ed Moylan ’58 for helping
solve the mystery. Pictured are, clockwise, from
top: James Stevenson ’57, Walter Green ’56,
Jim Boudreau, Joe Cockburn ’58 and Bob
Battista ’57.
23rd Annual Alumni Association Dinner • March 31, 2011
Please Join Us…
The Catholic Central
Alumni Association
cordially invites you to
attend the 23rd Annual
Alumni Association
Dinner honoring Greg
Normandin ’78 as the recipient of the
2011 Fr. Canning Harrison Distinguished
Alumnus Award.
Thursday, March 31, 2011 • 6:00 p.m.
Annual Alumni Association Dinner Reservations
Photocopy this form – or complete this one and cut it out – and return it in the enclosed envelope in
this issue, along with your check, or fill in the credit-card information on the envelope.
Name: _________________________________
Year: ______ Ph: ________________________
Email: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________
__ My address has changed
$150 per person; $250 per couple
2001-2010 Alumni - $50 per person
$1,250 for a sponsored table
$150 per Person • $250 per Couple
❏ I/We will attend. Enclosed is $______
for ____ seats.
❏ I/We cannot attend, but would like to
make a donation of $______ in honor
of ________________________.
$50 per Person for 2001-2010
Graduates and Current Students
❏ I would like to be a Platinum Patron.
Enclosed is my check for $500 or more.
$1,250 for a Sponsored Table
❏ I would like to be a Gold Patron.
Enclosed is my check for $250 or more.
Embassy Suites Hotel
19525 Victor Parkway, Livonia, Mich.
For reservations or information, please call
(248) 596-3838 or use the convenient reservation form on this page.
❏ I would like to be a Silver Patron.
Enclosed is my check for $100 or more.
❏ I would like to be a Bronze Patron.
Enclosed is my check for $50 or more.
❏ I would like to sponsor a Basilian to attend the
Dinner. Enclosed is my check for $150.
❏ I would like to sponsor a CC student to attend the
Dinner. Enclosed is my check for $95.
Please list names of guests at your table, as their
names should appear on name badges (with CC
class year, if applicable). Use an additional sheet
of paper if necessary.
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________
7. ___________________________________
8. ___________________________________
9. ___________________________________
10. ___________________________________
Table to be reserved in the name of:
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 011
AL WINKEL reconnected at the
1945 Class Reunion last June. Jerry
and Al both entered different
branches of the U.S. Military after
graduating from Catholic Central.
At the Reunion, Jerry shared a story
about how he and Al ran into each
other overseas during World War II.
Neither knew the other was in the
military. The picture shows the two
of them when they met during the
war in Yokohama, Japan. The story
was retold at the Class of 1945
Reunion last July.
Help Solve Another CC Mystery!
Do you recognize any of the CC students
shown above?
Please contact the Office of
Alumni Relations at (248) 596-3838.
celebrated the 50th anniversary of his
ordination on June 29, 2010. Father Al
taught as a scholastic at CC in 1955-56,
and again in 1957-58. Later, as a priest at
CC, he taught from 1981 to 1986. Other
CC classmates who were ordained as
Basilian priests with Father Al in 1960
were: Fr. Charles Christopher, C.S.B. ’50;
Fr. Allen Genca, C.S.B. ’50; Fr. Charles
Smith, C.S.B. ’50 (all now deceased); and
James Jordan ’50 (now a layman living in
California). Father Al is currently in his 16th
consecutive year at St. John Fisher College
in Rochester, New York, where he continues to teach courses in mathematics,
and where he has written mini-homilies
for “The Family Digest” publication
since 1992.
was honored by The
Conroe Noon Lions
Club with their highest
tribute: a Melvin Jones
Fellowship. Dick joined
the Lions Club in
October 1988, and has
served in many positions,
Dennis Kapp ’65 was inducted April 14, 2010, into the NAMTA
(National Art Materials Trade Association) Hall of Fame at the NAMTA
Show in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dennis is shown with his family (left to
right): daughter Dawn, granddaughter Ashley, son Lawrence, granddaughter Alyssia, and daughter Elizabeth.
including that of Club President from
1994 until 1995. He received the “Lion of
the Year” honor in 2001, and has served
on numerous committees and projects.
He is a terrific asset for the Lions and
leads by example.
1956 – DON MELOTIK has been active
with the Republican Party for several years
and has, once again, been elected a precinct
delegate from Northville Township.
1963 – DAVID SIGETICH writes, “I am
now working as a freelance training and
performance consultant in Toronto, working
mostly for large banks, developing
management training and supporting
software launches.” He also reports
becoming a grandfather for the first time.
Ralph began to write his column. After
two years of writing, he saw that the
paper was changing its direction, and
the retirement column was not getting
much acceptance, so Ralph volunteered
to retire again. During that time, though,
he was asked to write a restaurant review
column for the area, which he agreed to
do. Also, two years ago, Ralph applied and
was accepted as an Adjunct Professor at
Mount Olive College in North Carolina.
He teaches HR Management to adult
students in an accelerated program.
He teaches three to four classes a year.
The website for all of Ralph’s columns is
1965 – RALPH CWIK retired from
General Motors in 2005 after 39 years,
and moved to Garner, North Carolina, the
following year to be close to his family.
A new local newspaper started printing
around 2008, and Ralph asked the editor
if he would like a retired person to write
a column about the trials and tribulations
of retirement. He accepted the offer, and
Mea Culpa:
Last issue, we incorrectly stated that Robert Schikora ’65 was ordained a permanent deacon; he was ordained
a transitional deacon, and will be ordained as a priest in the future. We offer our sincere apology for the error.
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 011
1969 – RICK PFEIFFER “borrowed” his
Catholic Central cross-country uniform and
has stored it, along with his letter sweater,
for the last 41 years. In early September,
he ran a 5-kilometer race in his hometown
of San Diego; he decided to break out the
old jersey for the occasion. The uniform
must have inspired him since he came in
25th out of 1,000 runners and won his
division by several minutes. Afterwards,
he did sky-view repeats, the favorite
work-out of the 1969 cross-country team.
1979 – ED GABRIELS is a food and
beverage stylist in New York. He works for
Halley Resources and has worked with
such big-name clients as Coca-Cola and
Betty Crocker. Chances are you have seen
some of his work in magazines, on billboards, and in commercials. Check out his
portfolio at
Ed is also a coach for Open Sky Training.
He trains and competes in multisport
events all over the country. For more
information about Open Sky Training,
1980 – CHRIS SABO was inducted into the Cincinnati
Reds Hall of Fame on July 17, 2010. Chris, two years
after being inducted into the CC Hall of Fame, was
honored by his peers and fans for being one of the
most popular ballplayers during the late 1980s and
early 1990s. Chris was named the NL Rookie of the
Year in 1988 and was a member of the 1990 World
Championship Team. He was also selected for three
All-Star Games. Before joining the Cincinnati Reds, Chris was a standout athlete at
CC and at The University of Michigan. Chris was a key member of the 1979 State
Championship Baseball Team at CC.
1990 – JASON BALDAS is very proud
of his son, Jayden, who is now a second
grader at Glengary Elementary School.
Last May, he was awarded the PTSA
Reflections National Award of Excellence
in Visual Arts at the primary level (K-2).
His winning painting is on display at the
Department of Education - LBJ Building
in Washington, D.C., until June 2011.
Jayden also received the Award of
Excellence at the state level last March.
been working for DeWolff, Boberg, &
Associates, Inc., a management consulting
firm based in Dallas, Texas. His current
assignment is working in Washington,
D.C., for the Department of the Navy.
Past assignments included working at
Indian Point Energy Center north of New
York City, and Brown’s Ferry Nuclear
Power Plant near Athens, Alabama.
2002 – JONATHON MARSHALL graduated from Kalamazoo College in 2006
with a degree in Chemistry. He then
moved to the San Francisco area, where
he worked as a research associate for
Aurora Biofuels after studying abroad at
the University of Bonn in Germany. Jon
started a Ph.D. program in Chemistry at
the University of Oregon in the fall of 2010.
Second-grader Jayden Baldas, son of Jason
Baldas ’90, was awarded a PTSA Reflections
National Award of Excellence in Visual Arts for his
painting, “The Beauty of the World” (shown above),
on display at the Department of Education - LBJ
Building in Washington, D.C., until June 2011.
2002 – LUKE RAJLICH was one of the
co-founders of a software company called
MyMiniLife. MyMiniLife was acquired
by Zynga, a social-network game developer. Luke is the Chief Technical Officer
of FarmVille, one of the largest mainstream social network games in the world.
As CTO of FarmVille, Luke is in charge
of the engineering team that handles all
of the technical difficulties that the game
and its users experience.
2004 – LUKE MARSHALL graduated
from Michigan State University in 2008
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 011
of reaching All-American status. During
the season, he was ranked as high as 13th
in the Nation at 149 lbs. Andrew has an
overall collegiate record of 56-48. He is
the son of Waad ’74, who was a two-time
state champion and All-American while
wrestling for Coach Rod at CC.
with degrees in International Relations
and History. Since graduation, he has
been employed by the Kroger Company
and has done contract work for the
Michigan Bar Association. Luke entered
the MSU College of Law in the fall of 2010.
2005 – MATT RODEGHIER stopped by
to visit CC on August 25. He recently
graduated from Albion University,
where he earned a Political Science
major and a Pre-Law minor. He plans
to attend the Wayne State University
Law School for his post-graduate studies.
Currently, Matt works as a paralegal
for Huth-Lynett Real Estate.
2006 – STEVE MUNCY just graduated
from The University of Michigan-Dearborn
this past May with a Bachelor’s in
Information Technology Management.
Steve is currently working as a Data
Management Associate for Thomson
Reuters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2007 – CONOR KEENAN is currently
finishing his undergraduate studies at
Michigan State University. He plans to
graduate with a major in Communications
and a minor in Philosophy. He plans to go
to medical school after a year of volunteer
work and a year with a specialized
school in Maryland.
Andrew Nadhir ’06
2006 – ANDREW NADHIR has been
named one of the captains of the 20102011 Northwestern University wrestling
team. Andrew, a redshirt senior, is coming
off of his most successful season as
a Wildcat grappler. Andrew won a
career and team high of 24 matches
last season and qualified for the NCAA
Championships, coming within one victory
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3. “Login” or “Register”
More information is coming your way via the Alumni Website.
To stay connected with fellow alums, receive the Shamrock News
e-newsletter, keep current with activities and events, as well as to update
your personal profile, login/register today! If you haven’t already done so,
it’s easy to do, and it’s free.
It’s simple to join other Alumni with online information. Just update your
profile, mark any information that you want unpublished as “Private” with
a check mark, and change “NetCommunity” to “Yes.”
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 011
Mike Clemente ’08, K.C.
Perlberg ’10, and Tom
Becker ’10 are all members
of the Michigan State
University Marching Band.
Navy Master Training Specialist, as
well as contributed numerous hours
of community involvement with the
Southeastern Wisconsin Special Olympics.
Patrick has recently completed the
Navy Cargo/Weapons Elevator
Maintenance (Mechanical) School and
Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Systems
Technician School en route to his next
duty station, the U.S.S. Iwo Jima. Homeported at Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk,
Virginia, he will be the ship’s A/C&R
technician. Patrick will be accompanied
by his fiancée, Marissa Anderson. They
are planning to marry in the fall of 2011.
Col. Tom Redford ’80 (left) and his brother, the Hon. Jim Redford ’78, at the Evening Parade at the
United States Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., July 23, 2010.
is in the Navy Reserve and serves as
the Commanding Officer of the Navy
Reserve Trial Judiciary. He is a captain in
the Judge Advocate General’s Corps. Jim
served on active duty for five years after
graduation from law school and has served
in the reserve component for 20 years. The
billet in which he now serves was held
several years ago by another CC Alumnus,
the Hon. James Ryan ’50 of the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. Judge Ryan
is also a retired U.S. Navy Captain in the
Judge Advocate General’s Corps.
1980 – TOM REDFORD is an active-duty
Colonel in the U.S. Air Force. He has just
returned to the states after a two-year
tour as the Logistics Group Commander
graduated from Eastern Michigan
University in the summer of 2009 and
joined the Air Force in January 2010.
Graduating from technical school in
September 2010 as a Geospatial Imagery
Analyst, Andrew will be posted to the
for the Air Force on the Korean Peninsula.
Tom is now the head of the Petroleum
Office for the entire Air Force and is
stationed at the Pentagon. He has been
on active duty since June 1984. He posed
with his big brother, Jim ’78, last July,
in Washington, D.C.
2000 – PO2 PATRICK DALY has just
completed a three-year tour at the Center
for Naval Engineering, Great Lakes,
Illinois. As a Naval Engineering and
Damage Control Instructor, he has been
involved in training over 15,000 entrylevel sailors. While stationed at Great
Lakes, Patrick earned his certification
as a First Class Stationary Engineer
from the American Society of Power
Engineers. He qualified as a
Calling All Veterans!
Catholic Central has a proud history of its Alumni serving in all
branches of the armed forces. There have been many attempts to form a
group for these veterans, and now is the time. There will be a formational meeting
in the Media Center at CC on Tuesday, January 4, at 6:00 p.m. We will discuss
interest in a permanent group and what possibilities exist for the group’s future.
For more information, contact Jim Muir ’65 at or call the
Alumni Office at (248) 596-3844.
Andrew MacFarlane ’03
13th Intelligence Squadron as part of
the 548th Intelligence Group at Beale Air
Force Base, north of Sacramento, California.
His job will be to conduct the exploitation
of intelligence data collected by the
reconnaissance and surveillance missions
of the manned U-2 Dragon Lady and the
unmanned aerial vehicles Reaper, Predator,
and Global Hawk. Go, Big Blue!
C H AT T E R B O X • W I N T E R 2 011
Getting To Know New Alumni Association Members
By Georgea Kovanis, Detroit Free Press
Meet Rob McIntosh ’02. He’s 25,
grew up in Livonia, lives and works in
Manhattan as a freelance fashion editor
for men’s magazines such as GQ and
Esquire, and is author of a smart blog
for men called
McIntosh – who graduated from
Michigan State University with a degree
in Retail Merchandising – likes to think
of it as a lifestyle blog.
(I’d prefer to think of
it as required reading
for all men.)
He says the Dapper Dude
blog is aimed at the sort
of “guy who is interested
in style and wants to be
knowledgeable about it but
probably, at the end of the day, would rather
kick back with a beer and watch the game.
Someone who doesn’t think about fashion
all day long, but they like to look good
and present themselves in a nice way.”
The blog is divided into four departments:
Dress, Drink, Dining and Design.
Read them and you’ll get McIntosh’s
take on L. L. Bean, booze, burgers and
good buys.
While most of the places he highlights are
not exactly around the block – they’re in
New York – his writing is entertaining and
the site’s photos and design are handsome.
Among the blog’s most helpful – and
fabulous – tidbits are McIntosh’s rules
for being a Dapper Dude.
“I think most guys need rules when it
comes to style,” says McIntosh. “They can
be broken on occasion, but you have to
know them in order to break them correctly.”
Here are three that are very important:
• “If your jeans have an abundance of
unnecessary stitching on the [butt] ...
they’re the wrong jeans.”
This story is reprinted with permission
from the “Detroit Free Press.”
C C P R O F I L E • W I N T E R 2 011
• “Wash your own car. A man takes care
of his own possessions.”
• “If you really want your suit to fit,
have the tailor bring it in ... then bring
it in a little more.”
I chatted with McIntosh on the phone
and also via e-mail recently. Here’s more
of what he has to say:
On what a Dapper Dude must know:
“A Dapper Dude is not fashionable, he’s
stylish, in both appearance and manners.
(He should) know how to mix a good
cocktail – at least for entertaining purposes.
Know how to grill a good burger. And
know how a suit should fit.”
On the most dapper dudes of all time:
“Paul Newman and Steve McQueen –
real men who rode motorcycles, raced
cars, drank, smoked – I don't condone
it – and looked good doing it.”
On shopping for clothing: “Buy classic
clothing. When it comes to fashion, keep
it simple; don't buy into trends. It’s not
that difficult nor is it that expensive to
look good. Stick to Levi’s and the plain
T-shirts, and you’ll be able to wear that
stuff for the rest of your life.”
On a Dapper Dude’s home: “A home
should be an extension of the person who
lives there, not just a place to crash. Your
guests should know a lot about you by
simply walking through the front door.”
On why being a Dapper Dude is
important: “It shows people who you
are and what you care about. If you’re
dressed well, you come off as being
more knowledgeable, more passionate.
I think it’s more of a respect thing than
anything else. If you’re unkempt, you’re
basically saying you don’t care about
yourself or anything else.”
Are the guys on “Mad Men” Dapper
Dudes? “Men in the early 1960s were
truly dapper – well groomed, well dressed,
well decorated – but they never really
talked about it. It’s just the way things
were. Nowadays, men who dress well,
or take interest in design, are considered
to be ‘metrosexual.’ I despise that word.”
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
Dr. Don Jablonski ’61 Elected President of North Carolina Medical Board
A native of Michigan, Dr. Don Jablonski ’61
took his undergraduate degree at the
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario,
Canada, with graduate study at Oakland
University, Rochester, Michigan. He received
his DO degree from the Chicago College of
Osteopathic Medicine. He did his internship
at Lakeview General Hospital in Battle Creek,
Michigan, where he served as chief intern.
Dr. Jablonski is a member of numerous
professional organizations, including
the American Osteopathic Association,
the American College of Osteopathic
Family Physicians, the Association
of Osteopathic Directors and Medical
Educators and the North Carolina
Osteopathic Medical Association. He
is a fellow of several professional groups.
He is licensed and has practiced in Florida
and Ohio, as well as North Carolina. Before
of osteopathy to ever serve on the Board.
coming to North Carolina, he was an associIn the Board’s 150-year history, he is also
ate professor of family medicine at the Ohio
the first DO to ever serve as president.
University College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Dr. Jablonski chairs the Executive
The list of his professional activCommittee. He was elected
ities over the years contains over
Board treasurer in 2007, in July
50 citations. He was a member
2008, he was elected to the
of the Mountain Area Health
combined position of secretary/
Education Center and a preceptor
treasurer, and in November 2008,
for Duke and North Carolina
he was elected as president-elect,
medical students. He was also a
a position he now vacates to
preceptor for the Virginia College
serve as president.
of Osteopathic Medicine and, in
2009, was the “Preceptor of the
Dr. Jablonksi was president
Year” for western North Carolina.
of the North Carolina Society
Dr. Jablonski is currently the
of the American College of
medical director of a communityOsteopathic Family Physicians
based outpatient clinic for the
Dr. Don Jablonski ’61
and has served as president of
Department of Veterans Affairs
the North Carolina Osteopathic
in Rutherfordton.
Medical Association. At the same time, he
is very active in community affairs.
Upon his appointment by the Governor in
2005, Dr. Jablonski became the first doctor
This story is reprinted with permission from
Training Future Leaders:
A Naval Aviator’s
Split-Second Decision
Leads to a New Life
By Robert Rimm, ____________
By Robert Rimm
March 4, 2008. A malfunctioning jet with no warning
upon landing. Responsible for himself and a student in
the second seat. No time to react. An immediate decision
whether to try fixing the situation or ejecting. Seconds
away from death, Jim Bernthal ’90 correctly chose the
latter option, able to walk away from the accident yet
receiving compression fractures in his spine and a
completely dysfunctional thyroid. He had 15 pieces of
lead in his face and left eye, but could still see 20/20
as they were pulling each of them out. While he flew
again after the accident, he did not know the true extent of the injuries
for a long time and could not figure out why he had no energy and
was in constant pain. This led to self-battles every day and to severe
questioning about why this happened. Why at that moment in his life?
He continues to overcome those injuries, determined not to let the
accident define him, allowing it to make him better, not bitter – all
while leading by example.
Jim relates his story with the kind of humility and matter-of-fact realism
that suggest no time for self-pity. “I was the happiest person you’d
ever want to meet, completely satisfied with everything. A gorgeous
wife, four beautiful boys and now another baby on the way. With such
responsibility, how am I going to take care of them? What am I going
to do with my life? But people have suffered far more than me for sure,
and I still have some time left on this earth to do something. It wasn’t
my time to go, but my time to grow, and my own suffering gave me
so much. I often feel that it was definitely supposed to happen.”…
Researching a speech led Jim to a YouTube clip of Martin Luther King
Jr.’s famous speech, to the march on Washington, D.C., and to signs
in the background to march for this or that cause. In an epiphany, he
realized that he ejected on March 4th, that he needed to march forth
in another direction, that he was not going to be a pilot anymore.
He fully grasped the irony, both in his life and hometown. “Look at
Detroit. People have to march forth in a new direction. The jobs are
gone. Those people are being forced, just like I was, to seek a new
way. This carries a tremendous message.”
Jim started coaching high-school varsity soccer and realized that
with the exception of a couple of kids, they were lacking in character
development compared to the students he was teaching to fly. He
attributed this to age, maturity level and commitment to the sport.
Prospective pilots, on the other hand, were totally committed, mature
and focused. A clear need existed for a leadership program in high
school sports, a period in their lives that young people are particularly
This story is excerpted with permission from
C C P R O F I L E S • W I N T E R 2 011
Author Kevin Roberts ’87
Helps Others Fight
ADHD & Cyber Addiction
Kevin Roberts ’87 (formerly Campion) recently
had his first book, entitled, “Cyber Junkie:
Escape the Gaming and Internet Trap,”
published by Hazelden Publishing. For the last
13 years, Kevin has been working as an ADHD
Coach, helping those struggling with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to succeed in
school and in life. Furthermore, he organizes a
support group for people suffering from cyber
addiction. A nationally recognized expert and
speaker regarding cyber and videogame
addictions, he has written this book as a tool
for those struggling with it. says: “In this groundbreaking
book, recovering videogame addict Kevin
Roberts uses extensive scientific and social
research, complemented by his and others’
personal stories, to give compulsive gamers
and surfers – and their family and friends – a
step-by-step guide for recovery. He outlines
the ways that ‘cyber junkies’ exhibit the classic signs of addiction and reveals how they
can successfully recover by following a pro-
Kevin Roberts ’87 credits Fr. Ned Donoher, C.S.B.
with “turning on [his] creative mind” and
inspiring him to become a writer.
gram similar to those used for other
addictions. Readers learn to identify
whether they have an addiction, find
the right resources to get individualized
help, and regain a rewarding life away
from the screen by learning new
thoughts and behaviors that free them from
the cravings that rule their lives. Included is a
guide for parents for working with their
addicted children.”
Kevin wrote: “The greatest impact Catholic
Central had on my life came from the connections I forged with extraordinary teachers.
Many people treasure Fr. Donoher’s white-hot
School Spirit and admire his wholehearted
commitment to the institution. He lives large
in our collective Catholic Central consciousness. For me, he was the man who put my
receptive. In contrast, by the time a marine officer
hits the fleet, he has had 935 hours of dedicated
leadership training within over 2,500 hours in 38
weeks of overall training, even before starting to
train in a military occupational specialty.
Armed with this awareness, Jim sought out Harry
Cohen, a doctor of psychology and a man whom
his father had mentored. He told Jim that if he was
anything like his father (which he is), he did not want
a job. He wanted a passion and needed to be an
entrepreneur, which Jim already knew in his heart.
Harry’s advice was to find something he could do
that would help people, that he would have fun
doing, and that would make money. After intensive
thought, research and determination, Jim designed
a leadership system to create exceptional achievers,
and SALTE – Student Athlete Leader Training and
Education – was born.
life on a different path. I was a deceptive
slacker before Fr. Donoher. Fr. Ned
showed me that
learning was a
joyful experience
and a worthy
challenge. He
danced, sang,
joked, shuffled,
and ranted us into
proficiency with the
Old Testament. I had
never before actually
enjoyed going to
school. Fr. Ned showed
me how to have fun and
get good grades at the
same time. I credit him in
the acknowledgments of
the book with turning on my creative mind.
Without his potent influence, I may well never
have become a writer. He saw attributes
in me that no one else had.
“I also credit two gifted CC English teachers.
I never thought I was a talented writer before
I found myself under the zany literary tutelage
of George Duffourc. I had hated every required
novel up to that point in my academic career,
Cont’d on p. 20
similarities in training, but the military takes it to an
entirely different level given the more dangerous
terrain and the acceptance of extreme risk to accomplish missions.
SALTE’s training programs, with a strong characterdevelopment component, are adaptable and can
be used in virtually any situation. “I’ve been very
impressed with a number of our students, who likely
have relatively strict parents and are held accountable.
Those who don’t perform as well are not generally
held to such a standard. The future leaders who
have caught my attention have strong parenting
backgrounds. I take a longer-term view so that
youth have the means to get through not only
tomorrow but the rest of their lives.”…
SALTE’s trainers and coaches are life mentors as well.
At its heart, the organization exists for life skills, not
for teaching kids how to block, kick or throw, but more
He began giving leadership briefs to student
about how to perform better when in those positions
athletes that consisted of knowledge combined with
as a student, athlete and leader. SALTE’s curriculum
Jim Bernthal ’90 and his brother
true stories to cement key points. From there, he
stresses leadership, teambuilding, mental edge and
Michael Tibbits ’11
built more and more briefs, concepts and materials,
goal achievement, skills transferable to any aspect
and started to consult with other fighter pilots, professional athletes,
of life. Jim grew up as an athlete, and the leadership and natural
coaches, trainers, psychologists and educators to make the best proteambuilding of the Marine Corps and officer-candidate training
gram he could. At the same time, he did not want it to be completely
Cont’d on p. 20
military. Being a former college athlete and fighter pilot, he realized
C C P R O F I L E S • W I N T E R 2 011
Fellow Alumni,
from the
Alumni Association
Mission Statement
The mission of the
Catholic Central Alumni Association
is to provide services, benefits and
activities of interest to the Alumni
and foster an Alumni body
which is interested and involved
in the affairs and functions of the school,
and to provide such assistance
to the school as may from time
to time be requested of it.
Catholic Central
Alumni Association Meetings
All Alumni Are Welcome
All graduates of CC are members of
the Alumni Association. Please join us
as we discuss the current year for the
Alumni Association and the school.
This summer sure went by fast. I hope you had a good one.
The new school year has begun, and the coming year
promises many great things. Our Committee Chairmen’s
meeting previewed an event-packed year. There will be
ample events for all Alumni to participate. The activities
vary from spiritual to sporting events. All Alumni should take the opportunity to participate and see firsthand all of the activities that are taking place.
Events are available to keep us in contact with current CC students, as well
as our brotherhood of graduates. Read the Aluminator and view the different
committees that are available. Contact one and get involved.
The Hall of Fame Dinner in August was a great success. Those who attended
had an enjoyable evening accompanied by good camaraderie and food.
Boys’ Bowl weekend was spectacular. There was an overflow of attendees for
the Mass and Breakfast. Many thanks go to Jack Rajkovich ’67 for coordinating
a splendid day. I would encourage you to attend the Retreat Weekend we
participate in at St. Paul of the Cross in January. It’s a great time of year to
get our spiritual and personal lives in order. This year’s Alumni Dinner will
be on March 31, and we anticipate the event will be well attended as we
honor CC’s current Band Director, Greg Normandin ’78.
The Spirit of CC is in full force. The participation of our Alumni has been
appreciated. The character that we developed as CC grads does make a
difference in all of our lives. It would be great if more Alumni would
contribute to our “Chatterbox” section of the Aluminator. It’s nice to keep
up with what old classmates are doing. I look forward to seeing many
of you during the course of this year.
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Dates Thurs., Mar. 3, 2011
Location Catholic Central
Mass 6:00 p.m.
Refreshments 6:30 p.m.
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Stanley J. Targosz Jr. ’67
President, Alumni Association
Every Photo Tells A Story…
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Fellow Alumni,
The first few months of the 2010-11 school year have flown
by! We are about to finish our first semester and break for
the holidays. As I look back at my first semester as the
Director of Alumni Relations, I am amazed at what we
have been able to accomplish with our Alumni.
Alumni Moms’Association
“Once a CC Mom…
… Always a CC Mom”
Reunion Weekend was a huge success! The annual Boys’ Bowl
Homecoming Weekend has hosted our reunions in the past, and the
reunions that took place a few months ago saw record-breaking attendance.
Each event proved to be very special to our Alumni and showed just how
significant CC has been in the lives our many Alumni. The memories shared
and the stories told were incredible, and they really show the loyalty that all
of us have to Catholic Central.
I am also proud of how we have begun to help Alumni and CC Family
members with ongoing job searches in our present economy. We have begun
to use our website and offer job postings and directories that are sure to
continue to help us lean on one another and persevere during these times.
The involvement already has demonstrated how successful this can become.
As we move forward into the second semester, let us continue to prove how
strong the CC Family truly is and why CC is on top.
Feel the Spirit of Catholic Central… and embrace it!
Mike Carrier ’06
Director of Alumni Relations
To our Alumni Moms:
We have many events planned and are
preparing for a wonderful year. Contact
us if you would like to be added to our
new CCAMA newsletter email list.
If anyone within the CCAMA community
is in need of prayers or special intentions,
feel free to send Cyndi Bower McGee
an email ( to
have your request for prayers extended
to others.
The CCAMA likes to assist the students
of Catholic Central with scholarship needs.
For more information about donating to
our scholarship fund, contact either Sandy
Stanis at or Laurel
Marmul at
Checks should be made payable to the
CCAMA and directed to: Catholic Central
High School, Attn: Mrs. Angela Kelley,
27225 Wixom Road, Novi, MI 48374. We
thank you for the interest you have in
continuing your time here at CC…
Calling All Shamrocks from the Classes of
Blessings to all,
and May the Lord be with you!
1941, 1946, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981,
1986, 1991, 1996 & 2001
Susan Larsen Heise
In preparation for your 2011 Class Reunions, a very important planning meeting
will be held on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, in the Catholic Central Media Center.
After a Mass at 6:00 p.m., the meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m., with food and beverages
provided. Anyone willing and able to get involved is invited to attend.
For more information or to RSVP,
please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (248) 596-3838
Mary Ellen Nagrocki
Catholic Central
Alumni Moms’ Association
Leadership Co-Chairs
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 011
2011 Alumni Association Committees & Chairs
A ny Alumnus who is interested in one or more of the committees listed below is encouraged to contact the chairperson associated with
a particular committee. If you are interested in participating in other areas or have any questions, please contact the Advancement Office
at (248) 596-3838.
ALUMNI DINNER - Promote, organize, and
conduct the Annual Alumni Dinner and
designate the honoree for the annual Fr.
Harrison Distinguished Alumnus Award.
Bob Forte ’69 •
BOYS’ BOWL ALUMNI MASS AND BREAKFAST Promote, organize and conduct the Boys’
Bowl Alumni Mass and Breakfast as a zerocost event for Alumni and their families
to show our appreciation.
Jack Rajkovich ’67 •
CAREER GUIDANCE - In cooperation with
the administration of the school, implement
and conduct career-guidance programs
with the assistance of Alumni. Such
programs would include career-day trips,
a speakers’ bureau featuring selected
professions and occupations, and other
similar projects.
Jeff McGowan ’84
CC AMBASSADORS - A group of Alumni who
are committed to Catholic Central High School
in support of Institutional Advancement.
Dennis Antoniotti ’68
CHARITY GAMING - Promote and organize
charity gaming events for the Alumni
Stan Targosz Jr. ’67 •
COMMUNICATIONS - Develop and implement the means – including the Internet –
by which to effectively inform the Alumni
of Alumni and school activities, events
EXECUTIVE - Comprised of the Alumni
Association President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer and immediate Past
President to manage committees of the
Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Stan Targosz ’67 - President
Carmine Palombo ’70 - Vice President
John Foley ’73 - Secretary
Scott Hauncher ’89 - Treasurer
Bill Galvin ’85 - Past President
and developments. The committee is
expected to provide content on an ongoing
basis to the Alumni Association section
of the Aluminator, the Alumni page of the
Catholic Central website, and any other
modes of communication which are
Dante Cerroni ’96 •
implement events, programs, activities
and strategies which will engage and retain
the interest and participation of graduating
seniors and recent Alumni.
Scott Hauncher ’89
IDENTITY - Promote the image and identity
of the Alumni Association.
John Ronayne III ’64
NOMINATING - Determine the qualifications
for membership in the Alumni Board of
Directors; identify and nominate for Board
membership Alumni who will actively participate in Board activities; recommend
members for advisory member status;
nominate officers.
Bob Barnes Sr. ’56 •
SHAMROCK CLUB - Identify and implement
events, programs and activities which will
foster business and career networking.
Stan Targosz III ’92
SILENT MAJORITY/OUT OF STATE Develop and implement events, programs
activities and strategies specifically
intended to attract and engage those
Alumni who have not been meaningfully
involved in the affairs of the school and
the Alumni Association, including those
who reside outside of the southeastern
Michigan area.
John Rioux Sr. ’61 •
and implement events, programs, and
activities to provide for the spiritual
enrichment of Alumni; identify events,
programs, activities and strategies which
may be recommended to the administration
of the school with the objective of increasing
religious vocations.
Carmine Palombo ’70
The effect is so natural that perhaps you didn’t notice right away that the present issue is in full color. Except for
the covers and some ads, previous issues of the Aluminator were printed in two colors. It came as a pleasant
surprise to us that by adjusting a few processes, and fully using modern technology, the addition of two more
plates to provide full color did not raise the cost of printing per issue. This is thanks to the highly appreciated
cooperation of Allied Printing and Tony Pelc ’79. We hope that you, our readers, enjoy this new effort.
This may be the time to remind you that when you send us pictures to be included, they should be of the
highest possible quality and size, whether digital or on photo paper (please see credits page for additional
– Editor
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 011
Sha mrocks Across The Country
Left to right: (front row) Ryan O’Connor ’14, Bill Haller ’83, Thomas Haller, John Merucci, Mike Merucci ’82, Bruce Bowling, Sharon Bowling, Matt
Merucci, Ron Moskal ’66, Mike Carpenter ’75, Sean McDonald, John Eddingfield, Eddingfield boys and friends; (back row) Joe O’Connor’s parents,
Dave Green ’84, Joe O’Connor, Tim Moran ’84, Trevor O’Connor ’09, Carol Austin, Shane O’Connor ’06, Debbie O’Connor, Ryan Connor ’04,
Kyle Austin ’86, Jeff Black ’81, Jeff Koppy ’87, Kevin Carpenter ’81, Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, Will Carpenter, Tim McDonald ’69, John Radtke ’81,
Gary Schaefer ’64, Pat McDonnell ’67, John Connor ’84, Mike Carrier ’06, and Dan Collins ’57.
Chicago Reunion
at Wrigley Field on June 18, 2010
As mentioned in the Fall 2010 issue of the Aluminator,
Show Your CC Spirit!
Alumni Items – Going Fast!
many CC Alumni and their families got together
at Wrigley Field to celebrate the large number of CC Alumni living in the Chicago
area. John Radtke ’81 helped our group take a photo behind home plate before
the start of the game. This past Chicago Reunion was certainly the best one yet,
and we look forward to continuing our Alumni reunions in the Chicago area.
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The 7th Annual Texas All-Class Reunion
was hosted by John Fowler ’56 on
Saturday, July 17, 2010. The event was held
at Dr. Pepper Ballpark, home of the Frisco
Roughriders (AA) Baseball Team, in
Frisco, Texas. Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
was in attendance as approximately 15
Alumni showed up to share memories
and watch the game.
Left to right: (front) Roger Lanciault ’63, Rough
Rider Mascot “Daisy,” Steve Noetzel ’81; (back)
Len Kiefer ’62, Jim Fowler ’56, Kevin Stephen ’79,
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, Jeff Haithcock ’94,
Brian Olind ’69, Diane Maas, Lee Maas ’48, John
Kauffman ’77, Scott Herbert ’89, Rob Walsh ’81,
Bob Schwartz ’58 and John Fowler ’56 (not
pictured: Matt McDevitt ’91).
The Texas Reunion has become one of
our most constant successes thanks to
John Fowler and the Alumni living in
Texas. As we begin to form more and
more area Alumni groups, we look to
Texas and how they have grown into
a great Alumni chapter.
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A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 011
The 2010 Reunion Weekend was one of the best in recent
memory for Catholic Central. This was the first year in quite
a while that a formal dinner for all reunion classes was not
planned. Instead, the Reunion Captains for each
class were asked to take on a more active role and
organize a reunion event for their individual classes.
The Alumni who gave of their time and talents to
organize the many events that took place are to be
commended for stepping up and making the 2010
reunions so special.
their class reunions were invited to attend the stag in the
school cafeteria. Approximately 100 Alumni attended and
had a great time.
Reunion Weekend concluded, as always, with
the Mass and Breakfast sponsored by the Alumni
Association and the 66th Annual Boys’ Bowl Game.
This year, over 630 people attended the Mass and
Breakfast, making it the largest in its nine-year
history. As for the game, the weekend couldn’t
have ended any better when the Shamrock Football
Team defeated De La Salle, 27-7!
The weekend also saw the 2nd Annual All-Class Stag on
Friday night of Boys’ Bowl Weekend. All Alumni celebrating
1950 Reunion - The Class of 1950
celebrated their 60th reunion by attending
the Reunion Stag on Friday night and
having dinner on Saturday at Oakland
Hills Country Club. Fr. Al Cylwicki,
C.S.B. ’50 celebrated Mass before the
dinner, and Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.,
President of Catholic Central, also
attended. This was one of the more
remarkable turnouts with well over
20 Alumni attending the dinner.
Congratulations to the Alumni of 1950
on celebrating 60 years since graduation!
1955 Reunion - The Class of 1955
celebrated their 55th reunion by attending
the Reunion Stag on Friday night after
golfing on Friday morning at the Links
of Novi. Bill Galvin ’55 and Ray
Billinghurst ’55 organized the reunion
for their class. Approximately 15 Alumni
and their wives had dinner at the Lyon
Oaks Country Club.
1960 Reunion - The Class of 1960
celebrated their 50th reunion with a
very busy Reunion Weekend. Because
a committee was formed very early
on, this class was able to have great
participation in all of their scheduled
events. They started off the weekend
by attending the Boys’ Bowl Assembly
at CC. They proceeded to Walnut Creek
Country Club, where they played a
round of golf and enjoyed an exclusive
cocktail stag night. The following day,
they had Mass at CC, celebrated by
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, and tours
of the Novi campus conducted by Mike
Carrier ’06, Director of Alumni Relations.
Then, it was back to Walnut Creek, where
the guys and their wives enjoyed dinner
and shared memories and stories of their
days on Outer Drive.
1963 Reunion - Russ Bohn ’63 decided
that once every five years was simply
not enough. Russ organized a “Happy
Hour” event for the Class of 1963
at Gus O’Connor’s Irish Pub on the
Friday night of Reunion Weekend.
Russ was able to convince the guys
that, “At our age, we can’t wait five
years anymore.” Russ plans to keep
this Happy Hour going every year
during Reunion Weekend.
Class of 1960 (left to right, front row): Jon Fox ’60, Paul Dietz ’60, Gerry Gerbig ’60, Don Wodkowski ’60, Don Merenda ’60, Brian Sullivan ’60,
George Smrtka ’60, John R. MacInnis ’60, Tom Durkee ’60, Nick Lucas ’60, Tom Recca ’60, Jerry Zboch ’60; (middle row) Jeff Lee ’60, Jim Sanderson ’60,
Lee Fitzpatrick ’60, Gerry Ratkiewicz ’60, Tom O'Connell ’60, Tom Marshall ’60, Mark Rymsza ’60, Tom Trybus ’60, Ron Smillie ’60, Jim Clancy ’60,
Doug Gurka ’60, Andy Perrie ’60, Jeff Hornyak ’60; (top row) Larry Morin ’60, Marty Janiga ’60, Pat O’Hara ’60, Fred Capaldi ’60, Bob Martin ’60,
Mike Ashley ’60, Fred Heiler ’60, John Sprys ’60, Mike Paulin ’60, John Smoltz ’60, Dennis Sinclair ’60, Bob Walker ’60, Dave Kauchek ’60, John DiPonio ’60,
George Hanley ’60, Mike Daly ’60, Frank Dmuchowski ’60, John Grossa ’60 and Mike McKernan ’60.
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 011
1990 Reunion - The Class of 1990 cele-
Class of 1965 (left to right): Dan Stevenson ’65, Pat Devine ’65, Denny
Voytovich ’65, Denny Lukasik ’65, Bern Trompeter ’65, Don Jacobites ’65,
Tom Swift ’65, Brian Duffy ’65, Pat Curtin ’65, Jim Muir ’65, Gary Wasiak ’65,
Dave Richardson ’65, Bill Kase ’65, Gary McKeown ’65, Dan Durack ’65,
Lou Miodeszewski ’65, Mike Harrison ’65, and Mike Schloff ’65.
1965 Reunion - The Class of 1965 graduated from 6565 W.
Outer Drive, and now will forever be known as “656565.” Mike
Harrison ’65 was the chief organizer for this class and all of the
activities they had during Reunion Weekend. They began by
going to the Boys’ Bowl assembly, and then they took their celebration downtown, where they tailgated at the Detroit Athletic
Club and attended the Detroit Tigers game. They got an early
start on Saturday, with Mass in the morning celebrated by
Fr. John Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57. Then it was off to Tanglewood
where they played a round of golf and had dinner afterward.
The guys from 656565 finished their weekend by attending both
the Mass and Breakfast, and the Boys’ Bowl Football game.
Congratulations to 656565 on their 45th Reunion.
1970 Reunion - The Class of 1970 had the highest participation
during Reunion Weekend of all of the reunion classes. They had
40 classmates attend the stag on Friday night, and they tailgated at
the MSU Football game on Saturday. Their party lasted even
longer after the game due to the trouncing the Spartans gave
Northern Colorado. They all attended the Mass and Breakfast on
Sunday morning, where they brought up the gifts during Mass.
1985 Reunion - The Class of 1985, representing the Breakfast
Drive campus in Redford, celebrated their reunion by gathering
at the Box Bar in downtown Plymouth on Saturday night. Joe
Elliot ’85 and his wife, Ellen, organized the gathering. There were
20 grads in attendance. On a special note, Greg Padilla ’85 came
into town from the Seattle area and ran in the CC Invitational
for the Cross-Country team on Saturday morning. Congratulations
to the Class of 1985 for celebrating their 25th reunion.
brated their 20th reunion by golfing at
Tanglewood on Friday afternoon, and
then going to the stag at CC on Friday
night. On Saturday night, the guys met at the Courthouse Grill
in Plymouth for dinner. Thanks to Chris West ’90 for organizing
the events.
1995 Reunion - The Class of 1995 reunion was organized
by Andy Gignac ’95. They gathered at Gus O’Connor’s Irish
Pub in Novi on Saturday night. A great time was had by all.
Left to right: (front) Don Jacobites ’65, Gil Bazil ’70, Fr. John Wheeler,
C.S.B. ’57, John MacInnis ’60, Mike Schloff ’65; (back) Stan Targosz Jr. ’67,
Larry Morin ’60, Pat Devine ’65, Lou Brohl, Don Melotik ’56, Mike
Harrison ’65, Jeff McGowan ’84, Phil Cole ’61, Ric Cicone ’65, Tom
Longhway ’64, Gerry DiPonio ’65, Reed DeMarco ’02, Jack Rajkovich ’67,
and Dennis Antoniotti ’68 (not pictured: Roy Wilson ’66, Bob Rice ’67,
Rob Schikora ’93, Bob Schikora ’65, and Mike Faubert ’57).
Alumni Glee Club
The Alumni Glee Club, under the direction of Fr. John Wheeler,
C.S.B. ’57 and Dennis Antoniotti ’68, has been a presence at
CC events for many years. They have lent their musical talents
to many Masses and other Alumni events, and they hope to
do so for a long time to come. Their rendition of Mary, Alma
Mater in the traditional three-part harmony is a wonderful
trademark that often leaves Alumni and parents in tears.
If any Alumni would like to join the Alumni Glee Club,
they should e-mail Dennis at
Class of 1985 - Included in this photo are Joe
Dulzo ’85, Tom Bridenstine ’85, Dan Logan ’85,
Joe Cabadas ’85, Chris Koziol ’85, Tom Bohland ’85,
Daryl Thomson ’85, Tim Mailley ’85, Joe Stachelek ’85,
Ron Wandzel ’85, Steven Thibault ’85, Joe Elliott ’85,
Kevin Marchi ’85, Chris Rito ’85, Mike Dewan ’85,
Kevin Daly ’85, Dan Sheehan ’85, Tom Kenny ’85,
and Greg Padilla ’85.
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • W I N T E R 2 011
The Detroit Catholic Central Athletic Hall of Fame began in the
fall of 2007 and has now seen four very impressive classes
inducted. Since we are currently experiencing unparalleled
athletic success at CC, the Hall of Fame celebration is
a great occasion for us to remember those men that
established the tradition of Catholic Central athletics.
For more than 80 years, the Shamrocks have worn
their valiant blue and peerless white into competition,
and for much of that time, they have come out on top.
The six MHSAA Team State Championships and the
five MHSAA Individual State Championships that
were won during the 2009-2010 school year show
that after all the years that have passed, Catholic
Central is still as successful as ever.
Fr. Gerard French, C.S.B., and men like Mike Rodriguez, Bill
Foley ’42, and Bernie Holowicki. These men all played important
roles in establishing the proud foundation that we look to for
strength. Continuity and consistency from those men –
and men like Fr. Ned Donoher, C.S.B., Bob Santello ’58,
Tom Mach, and Tony Magni – have led to the great
successes of such athletes as Frank Haggerty ’64, Ray
Herbert ’48, Frank Tanana ’71, Mark Messner ’84 and
Casey Rogowski ’99 and teams like the 1979 Football
Team, the 1983 Cross-Country Team, the 1961 Basketball
Team, the 1969 Wrestling Team, the 1985 Tennis Team
and the 2010 Bowling Team.
As we honor these great athletes, coaches and teams, we
look back at our history and embrace it. We celebrate
our past successes and make connections to our current
and future successes. By celebrating those that built
our athletic tradition, we are able to gain a greater
understanding of what it means to wear the interlocking
CC and “Shamrocks.” Our current athletes do so in honor of
those men and that proud Shamrock tradition. Every day is
a great day to wear
the Blue and White!
Every day is a great
day to be a Shamrock!
Shamrock excellence in
athletics took root in 1929,
with CC’s first title – the
MHSAA District Basketball
Beginning in the winter of 1929 with our first
championship – the MHSAA District Basketball
Championship – the Shamrocks have experienced
great success in every sport that has been offered.
The banners that hang in our new gymnasium and the many
trophies displayed in the halls are some of the many symbols
of that success. Nonetheless, the Hall of Fame began as an effort
to recognize those that worked especially hard to expand the
tradition and reputation of Detroit Catholic Central. These were
Basilians like Fr. James Martin, C.S.B., Fr. James Enright, C.S.B., and
Appearing clockwise from upper left (left to
right): Boys Town Coach “Skip” Palrang,
Fr. James Martin, C.S.B. and Fr. Edward Flanagan;
Coach Bill Foley; Coach Bernie Holowicki; Coach
Mike Rodriguez; Fr. James Enright, C.S.B.; and
Fr. Gerard French, C.S.B. with Whelan Trophy
winner Paul O’Brien ’62.
4 T H A N N U A L C C AT H L E T I C H A L L O F FA M E • W I N T E R 2 011
Left to right (top photo): Lou Yeager ’50, Dr. Michael Haynes ’66, Casey Rogowski ’99, and Carol Munce, next to members of the 1979 State Championship
Football Team; (row of photos) Pat Moug ’80, speaking about the 1979 State Championship Football Team; Al Moran ’57, speaking on behalf of the late
Don Munce ’57; Dr. Michael Haynes ’66; and Casey Rogowski ’99.
CC Inducts New Members into Athletic Hall of Fame
By Ryan Shinkel ’12
At the 4th Annual Catholic Central Athletic Hall of Fame,
anyone cannot help but notice the inductees’ achievements
during and after high school. For excelling on the field,
One of those men was the late Rev.
John Ward, C.S.B. ’59, who taught and
coached at CC for over two decades. A
track and cross-country runner, he knew
from an early age that he wanted to
become a priest. He returned to CC to
become one of the most treasured Basilian
Fathers in CC history. From 1988, until
his untimely death in the fall of 2009, he
Rev. John Ward, C.S.B. ’59
coached hurdles for the Track and Field
Team. Shot-put Coach Gene Grewe described Fr. Ward as, “the
most selfless person I’ve ever met. He was entirely devoted to
his students’ becoming better math scholars and athletes.”
Dr. Michael Haynes ’66
Another inductee was Dr. Michael
Haynes ’66, a former wrestler and football
player in high school. After graduating
from Harvard and the University of
California Medical School, he came back
to CC to serve 28 years as team physician
for CC athletics. Always protecting players
from injury, Dr. Haynes described when,
“during a football state championship
in the classroom, and with their families and jobs, these
men were honored for their exceptional commitment
to the Family of Catholic Central.
game some years ago, the opposing team intentionally eyegouged five CC players. Though it’s been exaggerated, I threatened
to do the same to the opposing trainer. I went to him and told
him what was going on.”
Also included was the 1979 CC Football State Championship
Team. Led by Head Coach Tom Mach, they finished the season
12-0, along with 6 shutouts and a national ranking
of #8. Coach Mach garnered Coach of the Year honors
from both the Detroit News and Free Press. Mike
Lewis ’80, the first-string quarterback for that year,
said that, “after the whole season of hard work,
1979 CC Football State Championship Team
4 T H A N N U A L C C AT H L E T I C H A L L O F FA M E • W I N T E R 2 011
relentless training, and buying into the
system, we thought we were going to win
the championship. And sure enough, we did!”
The second
induction for this
year was Don
Munce ’57. One
of the greatest
athletes in school
history, Munce
was a three-year
Don Munce ’57
letterman in
both Varsity Football and Baseball, and
lettered all four years in Varsity Hockey.
Don also earned All-State honors in
all three sports.
While some excelled as athletes in high
school, others like Lou Yeager ’50 evinced
talent in coaching. Besides playing hockey
and baseball, Yeager began his senior
year as JV Football Coach because,
Roberts ’87 Helps Others
Cont’d from p. 11
but Mr. Duffourc had a way of making literature
come alive. I still remember my research paper
from Freshman year. He pushed me, saying,
“I think you have the makings of a great writer.”
I was shocked and thought he was full of it,
but I worked hard because I just didn’t want
to disappoint him.
“Detail-oriented and hard-grading Bill
Petrovich, on the other hand, presented an
academic barrier that befuddled me. Despite
all my efforts during the first semester of his
class, I could not get higher than a B+ on his
papers. Frustrated, I sought his guidance, and
frequently came in before school to work with
him. “You need more concrete imagery,” he
would say. “It feels like you’re trying to force
cleverness.” He was always willing to spend
time outside of class. He hammered me with
advice that ultimately made college writing a
breeze. He was tough, but I always had the
sense that he was invested in my success
as a writer, and I have never forgotten the
wisdom he imparted.
“Without CC and these three incredible men,
my book would probably never have been
written. I have three more titles in the works.
I remain grateful.”
“I injured myself
and therefore
couldn’t play for
Varsity Football,”
said Mr. Yeager.
“So Coach [Bob]
Wines came to
me and asked if
I wanted to coach
Lou Yeager ’50
JV. I said sure.
I wasn’t half bad, as we ended up 5-2.
I was expecting Rookie JV Coach of the
Year, but, unfortunately, there was no
such award.” Lou would go on to be the
first coach for the CC Wrestling program.
One result of that program, along with
football and baseball, would be inductee
Casey Rogowski ’99. Perhaps the most
decorated athlete in CC history in terms
of championships, the five-time State
Champion earned All-State honors in
Let The CC
Archive Department
Recycle Your Memories
he Archive Department
at Catholic Central needs
old memorabilia you
might otherwise consider discarding. We
welcome just about any
kind of souvenir, including everything
from old programs and photographs,
to sports items, etc., and especially
yearbooks. Many items may find
themselves on display at our
campus in Novi.
Please contact Dan Collins ’84 at
(248) 596-3834 or
or Mike Carrier ’06 at
(248) 596-3844 or
to make arrangements for pick-up
or delivery of your items.
4 T H A N N U A L C C AT H L E T I C H A L L O F FA M E • W I N T E R 2 011
football, baseball,
and wrestling.
He also earned
honors in
wrestling and
was named
Michigan’s Mr.
Baseball in 1999.
Casey Rogowski ’99
Drafted by the
Chicago White Sox, Rogowski said his
motivation to succeed so greatly came
from, “walking down the hallways as the
history was just pouring down from the
walls. You could look at the pictures of
past state champions and go onto the field
with teammates and know the history
you were going to make. Everyone had a
story, and I just wanted to add my own.”
Like Rogowski, these inductees did that,
and so much more.
Naval Aviator’s Decision
Cont’d from p. 11
made him a much stronger and more driven
person, skills that he would love to have
obtained in high school himself.
Today, Jim spends almost all of his time
developing SALTE’s programs, promoting
them and working with clients who include
athletes of all levels, pilots, young people
seeking military futures and anyone trying
to better themselves. His passion is helping
people achieve their dreams and getting
there with uncompromising character. He
does not tolerate lying, cheating or stealing
to get what they want. This means no
steroids, cheating on tests or having others
do the work. No hazing or bullying. Nothing
that suggests any kind of compromise
or lack of integrity.
While the idea for such an organization came
to him beforehand, Jim had several job offers
and may well not have actually committed to
SALTE had the accident not occurred. Here
is a man who leads by example, along the
way embracing a new life both rewarding
and far-reaching in ways that he could never
have imagined.
For more information, visit
A beautiful Sunday afternoon, September 12, was the setting for the 19th Annual
Family Fest at Catholic Central. Fr. James O’Neill, C.S.B. celebrated Mass before we
shared in the delicious choices of food put before us. The event was a huge success
in bringing together Catholic Central families from the past and present, including
grandparents, who were honored on National Grandparents’ Day!
Special thanks and congratulations to Terry Carroll, Laura Collins, the Dads’ and
Mothers’ Clubs and everyone involved in making this year’s Family Fest a great event.
We thank the following businesses who generously donated their time, and their
food, and we very much encourage your patronage of their establishments.
Novi – (248) 449-1592
Northville – (248) 349-1466
Westland – (734) 326-7655
Livonia – (734) 261-3550
Novi – (248) 624-9620
Locations throughout Metro Area
Novi – (248) 344-4019
Livonia – (248) 477-4333
(734) 502-6763
Plymouth – (734) 453-4455
South Lyon – (248) 446-8898
Brighton – (810) 534-0440
Northville Twp. – (734) 420-1141
Livonia – (734) 462-0770
Plymouth – (734) 455-7144
Milford – (248) 685-0989
Novi – (248) 347-6358
Northville – (248) 305-6555
Canton – (734) 414-1850
Wixom – (248) 960-7771
Livonia – (734) 462-6000
Plymouth – (734) 207-8925
Novi – (248) 735-1111
Hamtramck – (313) 874-5726
Spotlighting Special Businesses In Our CC Community
Advancement Design Associates Builds Brand at CC
For some time now, the halls of Catholic
Central have been taking on a new look,
celebrating past accomplishments and
promoting the spirituality of the school.
This, in part, is mostly due to three
Alumni: Mike Dewan ’85, Ed Turek ’85
and Tim Barrett ’77.
Working on a relocation
campaign for their home
parish school, Mike and
Tim realized that the
Catholic schools in the
area lacked the structure
that they needed to promote their schools and
increase enrollment. Expanding on the
concept of Institutional Branding to
include the spirituality and excellent
education that Catholic schools provide, a
new company was formed, Advancement
Design Associates LLC. After approaching
Ed Turek, who at the time was the
Advancement Director at CC, they
proposed that the new CC facility could
be their pilot project.
Mater, school song and crest on the
windows and walls.
A campaign was launched to give Catholic
Central a brand infusion. The first phase
was two-fold: the Advancement Office,
and the Basilian Wall outside the chapel.
The purpose for the office WallScape™
was to present a pictorial history that
would unify all of CC’s locations and
depict the importance of the role of
the Alumni in promoting the school.
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 also wanted
the design to reflect Catholic Central as
a place of pride and tradition. This was
accomplished by displaying the Alma
Being given the keys to the janitor’s closet
at Breakfast Drive, Tim started sifting
through the archives complete with mold
and dust, to find the resources necessary
to compile the rich history of the school.
After hours of scanning photos and
documents, the history was ready to
be displayed in the form of WallScapes,
plaques, and window graphics.
The Basilian Wall represents a pictorial
history of some of the priests who helped
instill the principles and values of the
school. The wall appears, appropriately,
just outside of the school’s chapel.
When the school officially opened in
2005, the positive feedback from Alumni
and visitors alike was more than enough
to move to phases two, three, and four:
the design of the Athletic, Hall of Fame
and Academic Hallways.
At each event at CC, you can find Alumni
strolling down the halls searching for
familiar faces of days gone by, while
present-day students are instilled with a
The Athletic Hallway, which was updated this year
with new team photos, now wraps around the
west gymnasium entrance. The hallway features
state and regional champion teams, CC Alumni
athletes from their collegiate or professional level,
and annually updated Whelan Award winners.
C C B U S I N E S S P R O F I L E • W I N T E R 2 011
Some of ADA’s work as it appears at
Catholic Central today. From top to bottom:
the CC Athletic Hall of Fame Wall, the
Dillon Award Winners Wall, and the
National Merit Semifinalists Wall.
sense of commitment to one day “get on
the wall.” Whether athletic or academic,
each accomplishment by the men at CC
is immortalized on one wall or another.
ADA has installed athletic wall graphics
that honor the rich tradition of CC athletics
while featuring team photos of every
regional and state champion. Also
featured in the athletic wing is the CC
Athletic Hall of Fame Hallway, which is
updated annually with new inductees.
The academic wing features walls that
honor CC’s National Merit Semifinalists
and Dillon Award
winners. Both wings
also feature stories
about many of the
endearing personalities that have
been a part of CC
through the years.
Externally, each
year, the CC
campus is adorned
with poll banners
and a stadium billboard that carry a
theme based upon
the principles
and values of the
CC motto.
As for Advancement Design Associates,
the excellence that CC reflects is contagious,
resulting in many schools throughout the
Midwest requesting ADA to “tell their
story.” To date, 19 secondary schools and
one college have had their walls transformed, carrying their branding to their
most prized possession – their facility.
Ed, Mike and Tim continue their commitment to Mary, Alma Mater, as the
new permanent Gabriel Richard Wall
will be unveiled this fall.
Advancement Design Associates LLC
is located in Howell, Mich., and can
be contacted by calling Tim Barrett
at (248) 705-2465 or visiting
C C B U S I N E S S P R O F I L E • W I N T E R 2 011
Wedding Bells
Joe Mack ’36 (left), his wife Marie, and
Bishop Bernard A. Hebda of Gaylord.
Joe Mack ’36 and his wife,
Marie, recently celebrated their
70th Wedding Anniversary.
The couple was married on
July 4, 1940. Marie is the sister
of Joe’s classmate, Bill Smith ’36.
The anniversary Mass was
celebrated by Most Rev.
Bernard A. Hebda, Bishop
of Gaylord, Michigan.
Jim Galvin ’54 and his wife
Shella celebrated their 50th
Wedding Anniversary on
February 13, 2010, with
a Mass at Our Lady of the
Lake Catholic Church in
Hendersonville, Tennessee.
In attendance were Jim and
Shella’s four children, their
Shella and Jim Galvin ’54
spouses, and 14 grandchildren.
Also attending were Jim’s eight brothers and sisters, Shella’s
brother, and their spouses. CC graduates included Jim’s brothers
Pat ’51 and Bill ’55, and brothers-in-law Jerry Dietz ’50 and
Ed Janisse ’50. Following Mass, a dinner was held at the
Bluegrass Yacht and Country Club.
Lisa and Jack Johnson ’82
JACK JOHNSON ’82 and Lisa Martinuzzi
entered into the Sacrament of Holy
Matrimony on July 22, 2005, with the Rev.
Timothy Laboe presiding at St. Valentine
Church in Redford, Michigan. They had
a wonderful honeymoon in Rome and
Assisi, Italy. Jack is employed by SEM
Resource Capital in Livonia, Michigan, and
assists small businesses with obtaining
financing through government lending
programs. Lisa is an attorney for the State
of Michigan in Lansing. They recently
celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary.
WAYNE WOROSZ JR. ’91 and Katie Rebel (photo at right)
were married on July 25, 2009, in Harbor Springs, Michigan.
Wayne currently owns a residential construction company, WW
Construction Services, performing work as simple as installing a
lock on your front door to as involved as building you a new home.
Left to right: (front) James Buda ’91, Mike Duffy ’91, Wayne ’91 and Katie
Worosz; (back) Joe Sebestyen ’91, Joe Nora ’90, Brian Bieda ’91, Tom McEvoy ’91,
Brian Duffy ’91, John Murphy ’95, Jason Kolka ’90, Brian Maahs ’92, Jon
Podolak ’91, Jeremy Podolak ’95, Eric Gregory ’95, and Matt Monczka ’91.
Left to right: (seated) Jessica and Kirk Wideen ’99;
(standing) Eric Wideen ’96, Ron Sarata ’99, Kevin
Atto ’98, Doug Duncan ’99, Rick Waligora ’99, Matt
Miller ’99, John LaRuffa ’99, and Jeff Kruszewski ’99.
T H E B E L L S • W I N T E R 2 011
KIRK WIDEEN ’99 and Jessica Loffreda were married on
August 7, 2010, at St. Joan of Arc in St. Clair Shores, Michigan.
Kirk and Jessica met in school at the University of Detroit.
They currently reside in Ann Arbor.
RYAN LOWRY ’02 and Megan Brady were married on May 7,
2010, at St. John’s Chapel in Plymouth, Michigan. Fr. Jeff
Thompson, C.S.B. celebrated the wedding Mass. Ryan and
Megan honeymooned in Sedona, Arizona, before returning
home to Washington, D.C. Ryan works for DDC Advocacy,
a grassroots public-affairs firm, and Megan works for GMMB,
a strategic communications agency.
Left to right: Tim Addison ’02, Zach Fellrath ’02, Fr. Jeff Thompson, C.S.B.,
Jim Beson ’02, Megan and Ryan Lowry ’02, Tony Magni, Scott Lowry ’05,
Matt Esper ’02, and John Krawiec ’02.
ADAM RALKO ’02 and Charis Fischer were married on May 29,
2010, at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Short Hills, New
Jersey. Adam and Charis both graduated from Washington
University in St. Louis, Missouri. The couple spent their honeymoon in Turks and Caicos on the Caribbean. They currently
reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Left to right: Bob Santello ’58, Bobby Ficano ’03, Joe Yelick ’03, Joe Johnson ’03
and Stephanie, Greg Normandin ’78, Gene Grewe, and Tom Mach.
JOE JOHNSON ’03 and Stephanie Warren were married on
August 7, 2010, at Tri-Lakes Baptist Church in Brighton, Michigan.
A reception followed the ceremony at the church. For their
honeymoon, the couple enjoyed a cruise in the Caribbean. Joe
and Stephanie met at Central Michigan University, where they
both earned their undergraduate degrees. Joe is in his second
year of law school at the University of Toledo. Stephanie is
employed as an occupational therapist. They reside in Ypsilanti.
Baby Bells
Donnie Periard
is the proud grandfather of Donnie Periard.
Donnie is the son of
Don’s daughter, Kristin,
and her husband Jim.
DAVID SIGETICH ’63 reports that, in
“December 2009, I became a grandpa for
the first time. Weston Lorne Wolgemuth,
the first son of daughter Dr. Melanie
Sigetich, was born. Melanie and her
husband Matt Wolgemuth live on a lake
near Bracebridge, Ontario.”
Melanie Catherine
Maya Elizabeth and
Finn Alexander Buckley
and wife Jackie celebrated the birth of their
third child, daughter
Melanie Catherine,
on March 12, 2010.
The family resides in
Hinsdale, Illinois.
and his wife, Rebecca,
welcomed new twins
to their family. A
daughter, Maya
Elizabeth, and a son,
Finn Alexander, were
born on July 19, 2010.
Benjamin Thomas
Left to right: (front row) Chris Roskelly ’06, Nick Aiello ’06 and Allison, John Carrier ’06,
Fr. Jeff Thompson, C.S.B.; (middle row) Mike Carrier ’06, Ed Duggan ’06, Joe
Aiello ’08, Matt DeMars ’06, Joe Liebau ’06, Bob Maertz ’08; (back row) Mark
Carrier ’06, Dave Lopez ’06, Peter Aiello ’13, Matt Kelley ’06, and Tim Kelley ’75.
NICK AIELLO ’06 and Allison Laskey were married on June 27,
2010, in the Chapel at Catholic Central High School. The Mass
was celebrated by Fr. Jeff Thompson, C.S.B. A reception was
held at Crystal Gardens Hall in Howell, Michigan. Nick and
Allison reside in Howell.
JAMES BUDA ’91 and
wife Kelly, who live
in Charlotte, North
Carolina, welcomed a
son, Benjamin Thomas,
on April 5, 2010. James
is the mid-Atlantic
manager of Hope
Family Wines.
STAN TARGOSZ III ’92 and his wife,
Colleen, had their daughter, Selah Rose,
baptized on May 2, 2010, at the CC
chapel. Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
performed the baptism.
and his wife, Gretchen,
welcomed Caroline
May on July 19, 2010,
in West Point, New
York. She weighed
Caroline May
7 lbs., 10 oz. and was
20 inches long. She will
be baptized in December 2010, where the
Godparents will be Wayne Brigee ’98
and his wife Rachel.
Gabriel Joseph
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 baptized Selah Rose,
daughter of Stan Targosz III ’92 and his wife Colleen.
JOSEPH URBAIN ’92 and wife Alicia
(Sikkenga) Urbain (at right) welcomed
their third child, Holland Dorothy Urbain,
into the world on June 6, 2010. Holland
joins big sister Genevieve and big brother
Andrew. Holland is blessed to have
Michael McGuire ’92 as her Godfather.
Left to right: (back)
Joseph Urbain ’92, Shawn Liefer, Fr. Karl Pung, with
Holland Dorothy, Alicia Urbain, Michael McGuire ’92,
and (front) Genevieve and Andrew Urbain
and his wife, Sheila,
are happy to announce
the birth of their son,
Gabriel Joseph. He
was born on June 13,
2010, weighing a heroic
8 pounds, 9 ounces.
The following members of the Catholic Central Family have passed
from this life to the next. Please remember them in your Masses and
other prayers. Our sincere condolences are extended to their loved ones.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
Mercy of God, rest in peace.
July 31, 2010. He is survived by
four children and four grandchildren. He was predeceased
by his wife, Marie. The Funeral Mass
was celebrated at Our Lady of Good
Counsel, Plymouth, Mich.
PAUL J. PEROSAK ’43 – July 18,
2010. He is survived by his wife,
Patricia, and three nieces and
nephews. The Memorial Service
was held at MacDonald’s Funeral Home,
Howell, Mich.
D.D.S. ’45 – July 2, 2010. He
is survived by his wife, Mary
Ellen, two children, five grandchildren and his brother Kenneth ’52.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
St. Thomas More Church, Troy, Mich.
October 2, 2010. He is survived
by his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death
by his wife, Loretta. The Funeral Mass
was celebrated at Our Lady of the Lake
Catholic Church, Holland, Mich.
September 27, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Diane, his
children and several grandchildren.
The Funeral arrangements were made
in Biloxi, Miss.
August 26, 2010. He is survived
by his wife, Rita, five children,
I N M E M O R I A M • W I N T E R 2 011
2010. He was the father of Alan Barker,
long-time CC teacher.
RITA R. BOHRER – September 18, 2010.
She was the wife of John ’45 for 58 years.
the wife of Kenneth ’67.
JAMES C. MESKILL ’36 – July 10, 2010.
He is survived by his five children, including Dennis ’66 and Sharon Polkowski
(Stan ’70), 11 grandchildren and eight
great-grandchildren. He was predeceased
by Betty, his wife of 50 years. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at St. Thomas á
Becket Catholic Church, Canton, Mich.
Extended Family
including John ’84, Tim ’86, Kevin ’88
and Greg ’95, and ten grandchildren. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at Our Lady
of Victory, Northville, Mich.
July 3, 2010. He is survived by
his wife, Susan, three children,
11 grandchildren and a brother,
Patrick ’65. He was preceded in death by
his brother, James ’57. The Funeral Mass
was celebrated at St. Joseph Catholic
Church, Howell, Mich.
JAMES G. ZAPTON ’65 – July 31,
2010. He is survived by his
wife, Patricia, his daughter and
two brothers, Daniel ’61 and
Steven ’62. Jim was a long-time Tennis
coach at Catholic Central. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at Holy Name
Catholic Church, Birmingham,
August 28, 2010.
September 8, 2010. He is survived by his brother, Thomas.
Fr. Kazer was ordained a priest
for the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1980, and
served as pastor at St. Anne in Warren, and,
most recently, St. Edith in Livonia. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated by Archbishop
Allen Vigneron at St. Edith, Livonia, Mich.
September 15, 2010. He is survived by his wife, Janine, two
children, his mother and his
sister. The Memorial Service was held at
Harris Funeral Home, Livonia, Mich.
August 28, 2010. He is survived
by his wife, Molly, and four
children. The Funeral Mass was
celebrated at St. James Catholic Church,
Novi, Mich.
September 23, 2010. He was the father
of Douglas ’94 and Nicholas ’99.
FRANK R. CARAMAGNO – September 29,
2010. He was the father of Nicholas ’08
and Evan ’11.
2010. He was the father of James ’83 and
grandfather of James ’14.
GERALD F. HARDING – August 14,
2010. He was the father of Michael ’11.
BETTY LANE – May 15, 2010. She was
the wife of Edward ’48.
GREGORY M. NICHOLAS – September 28,
2010. He was the father of Zachary ’11.
PETER A. SHMINA – August 9, 2010.
He was the son of Andy ’82.
OLGA A. SOUBLY – August 22, 2010.
She was the grandmother of Kevin ’07.
JOHN SPILLANE – July 23, 2010. He was
the father of Dr. Dennis ’76, Dr. Shawn ’77,
Brian ’78, Kevin ’85, and Daniel ’90. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated by the late
Fr. Michael T. Kazer ’71.
JULIA STACKHOUSE – August 18, 2010.
She was the mother of Frank ’69. The
Funeral Mass was concelebrated by
Fr. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B.
DIANA J. TARNACKI – July 24, 2010.
She was the mother of William ’90 and
Thomas ’98.
2010. He was the father of Derek ’10.
EUGENE A. WALEGA – September 14,
2010. He was the father of James ’72,
Gary ’76 and Kenneth ’78, and the
grandfather of Steven ’10.
FRANCES M. WALKER – August 16,
2010. She was the wife of Robert ’60 and
the grandmother of Joseph Wenderski ’12.
2010-2011 Calendar of Events
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Vacation begins
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Alumni Association Ash Wednesday
Mass & Lenten Meal – 6:00 p.m.
Classes resume
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Veterans Group Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Incoming Freshman Night – 7:00 p.m.
Alumni Association Basketball begins – 5:30 p.m.
Incoming Freshman Registration – 8:00 a.m.
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
14-16 Alumni Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross
Band “Night on the Town” – 7:00 p.m.
Legacy Mass & Breakfast – 10:00 a.m.
23rd Annual Alumni Dinner
Shamrock Business Bash – 7:00 p.m.
11-21 The Drive
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Mother/Son Mass & Brunch – 10:00 a.m.
National Honor Society Induction – 7:00 p.m.
Reunion Planning Meeting – Mass at 6:00 p.m.
– Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Fine Arts Festival
Mothers’ Club Fashion Show – 11:00 a.m.
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Academic Awards Banquet – 6:30 p.m.
18-25 Easter Recess
Classes resume
C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S • W I N T E R 2 011
Basilians of
Yesterday & Today
Basilians at CC
With the move of CC to Novi came the
need to move the Basilian residence to
Novi as well. The Basilians are now just
a couple of miles from school. The new
residence, while more modest in size than
the one in Livonia, has space for 12.
At the moment, there are ten Basilians
living there. This may not be as many
as you remember from the past, but
compared to other religious institutions
where numbers have been decreasing,
this is still a relatively large number.
When they come to visit, Alumni often
wonder which Basilians are currently at
CC. We thought this would be a good
occasion to list them for your information:
• Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, from
Detroit, Michigan - special development;
• Fr. John Huber, C.S.B., from Rochester,
New York - the new CC Principal;
• Fr. Dennis Kauffman, C.S.B., from
Rochester, New York - Director of
School Improvement;
Basilians of Yesterday
Shown above are (left to right):
Top photo: Basilian scholastics at 6565 West
Outer Drive who were graduates of CC: David
Heath ’48, James Rankin ’48, Richard Elmer ’46,
and Bertram Rohlman ’47.
Middle photo: Priests at CC, looking at the
plans for 6565 West Outer Drive. Surrounding
Rev. Bernard Regan, C.S.B. (center), Principal
and Superior, are: Rev. George Phelan, C.S.B.,
Rev. Edwin Young, C.S.B., Rev. James Enright,
C.S.B., Rev. Ralph Kohler, C.S.B., Rev. John
Barry, C.S.B., and Rev. Canning Harrison, C.S.B.
Bottom photo: Fr. Ned Donoher, with students
at Outer Drive.
At right: The entrance to the new Basilian
residence, showing the chapel on the left.
B A S I L I A N S O F Y E S T E R D AY & T O D AY • W I N T E R 2 011
After the opening school Mass on August 26, 2010,
Basilians at CC gathered in the school chapel in front
of the iconic stained-glass window that came from the
Outer Drive residence. Shown with Basilian Superior
General Fr. George Smith, C.S.B. (center) are:
• Fr. Edwin Kline, C.S.B., from Grand
Rapids, Michigan - counseling;
• Fr. Robert Moslosky, C.S.B., from
Chicago, Illinois - computer teacher
and consultant;
• Fr. James O’Neill, C.S.B., from Ottawa,
Canada - biology teacher, athletic
moderator and House Superior;
• Fr. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B., from
Houston, Texas - editor of the
Aluminator and CC archivist;
New President & Principal
Installed at Opening Mass
This summer, the Basilian General Chapter elected Very Rev. George Smith, C.S.B. as
Superior General of the Basilian Fathers. At Fr. John Huber’s invitation, Fr. Smith came to
CC on August 26, 2010, to install officially the new President and Principal. At the opening
Mass of the year, Fr. Smith presided with ten other Basilians concelebrating. He installed
Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B. as President and Fr. Huber, C.S.B. as Principal. Then, all the
Basilians present offered their own commitment to the mission of the school for the
coming year. The entire faculty then professed their commitment, and finally the student
body professed their devotion to Mary, Alma Mater. All found the ceremony very moving.
(left to right, front row) Fathers John Wheeler ’57
[retired], Edwin Kline, Raymond Paramo, Richard
Ranalletti; (back row) Robert Moslosky, James O’Neill,
Jefferson Thompson, John Huber, and Dennis Kauffman.
• Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B., from
Rochester, New York - new CC President;
• Fr. Jefferson Thompson, C.S.B., from
Jamshedpur, India, and Toronto, Canada French and theology teacher; and
• Fr. John Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57, from
Detroit, Michigan - presently retired
from CC but living at the residence.
It may also be worth noting that only
two out of ten of the current Basilians
at CC are Alumni of CC. In another
issue, we will try to list
those Basilian Alumni
who serve in other
Basilian schools.
Concelebrating with Fr. Smith are (left to right) Basilian Fathers Richard Ranalletti, John Huber, Jefferson
Thompson, Robert Moslosky, Raymond Paramo, Edwin Kline, Dennis Kauffman, John Wheeler ’57 and
James O’Neill from Catholic Central, and Fr. Jose del Toro, from Detroit Christo Rey High School.
In his talk, Fr. Smith brought greetings from the rest of the Basilian Community,
especially from the other Basilian high schools. This showed the students the place
of CC in the work of the Basilian Fathers.
Two special guests were mentioned. First
was Fr. Jose del Toro, C.S.B., from Detroit’s
Christo Rey High School, the new innercity educational project where he teaches,
representing the Basilian Fathers. Second
was Mr. Henri Barralon, from the Collège
Privé du Sacré-Cœur in Annonay, Ardèche,
France. This is the Basilian school where
the Basilian community began in 1822. He
happened to be visiting at the new Basilian
Residence in Novi. He said he was very
impressed with what he saw of CC.
Newly elected Superior General Fr. George Smith,
C.S.B. installs Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B. as
President and Fr. John Huber, C.S.B. as Principal
of Detroit Catholic Central High School at the first
school Mass of the year on August 26, 2010.
At the same Mass, Fr. Smith received the commitment of the whole faculty and students to seek God’s
help in the new school year.
B A S I L I A N S O F Y E S T E R D AY & T O D AY • W I N T E R 2 011
Current Events At Catholic Central
Summer In Peru
This summer, a group of 14 Catholic Central students, teacher
Renée Zwick, and Roland Trombley, father of Connor Trombley
’12, traveled to La Merced, Peru, to serve with an organization
that focuses on rescuing boys from the streets. Because of dire
poverty and the breakdown of the family unit, the boys in the
program have either been abandoned or have run away from
home and are vulnerable to the crime and dangers of life on
the streets. From June 7-17, our team labored on the finishing
touches of a site that was set to open in August, providing care
and discipline for those boys. We also went into the local schools,
both primary and secondary, and offered a program that teaches
values for living. Because they had to return early to Lima, the
capital, the group stayed at a site that housed orphaned boys.
The CC students were able to play and interact with the boys
who would benefit from the earlier labor of our team.
In general, the trip provided first-hand experience of Peruvian
food and culture, the real-life use of Spanish, daily meditation
on God’s Word, and the opportunity to help those in need. Many
of the students admitted that because of the trip, they have
become more aware and thankful for what we have as Americans.
Thanks to all those who supported us with their donations!
The trip was a huge success!
Stephen Jarzynski ’13, Christopher Tabazynski ’13, Joel Savalle ’11, Daniel
Farrugia ’12, Joseph Muscat ’11, Brandon Roach ’13, Joseph Talbot ’13,
Renée Zwick, Nicholas Aprilliano ’11, Connor Trombley ’12, Tyler VanAcker
’12, Max Wanko ’12, Jimmy Haubert ’13, and Steven Schmitt ’12.
Dads’ Club Tuition Assistance Raffle
The Dads’ Club sponsored a Tuition Assistance Raffle that began at the beginning of
the 2010-2011 School year. The concept, created by Jim Govan ’80 and Rick Bloomfield,
gave current CC families the opportunity to purchase up to five raffle tickets for
a chance to win a free year’s tuition ($9,400). Over 400 tickets were purchased, and
five winners were drawn at the Boys’ Bowl Mass & Breakfast. The winners were:
S C H O O L B E L L S • W I N T E R 2 011
1st Prize
Michael Williamson ’14 - Brighton
One Year’s Tuition
($9,400 value)
2nd Prize
Michael Drouillard ’12 - Dearborn
One Semester’s Tuition
($4,700 value)
3rd Prize
John Megdan ’14 - Canton
One Quarter’s Tuition
($2,350 value)
4th Prize
Ryan Liszewski ’14 - Waterford
$1,000 Cash
Jason Smullen ’11 - Howell
$1,000 Cash
National Merit Semifinalists (left to right): Joshua Bindon ’11, Robert Cernak ’11, Matthew Messana ’11, Kevin Piotrowski ’11, Eric Rettig ’11,
Joseph Szuma ’11, Kevin Wegienka ’11, Austin Zebrowski ’11, and John-Paul Zebrowski ’11.
2010-2011 National Merit Scholars
Once again, Detroit Catholic Central has more National
Merit Scholars than any other Catholic school in Michigan.
This is determined by the results of the PSAT exam that the
students take during their Junior year. For the 2010-2011
School year, Catholic Central boasts nine National Merit
Semifinalists and 12 National Merit Commended Students.
Joshua Bindon ’11
Robert Cernak ’11
Matthew Messana ’11
Kevin Piotrowski ’11
Eric Rettig ’11
Joseph Szuma ’11
Kevin Wegienka ’11
Austin Zebrowski ’11
John-Paul Zebrowski ’11
AP Scholars
2010-2011 AP Scholars
Detroit Catholic Central is proud to announce that 67 students
have earned distinction as Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars.
Many students take AP classes each year in hopes of earning
college credits before they graduate from high school. Currently,
Catholic Central offers 12 AP classes, including American
Government, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Computer Science,
English Composition, English Language, Statistics, European
History, American History, Chemistry, Biology, and Spanish.
The examinations are taken at the end of the year and are scored
on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest achievable score.
The following are the students recognized as AP Scholars for
the 2009-2010 School year.
AP Scholars with Distinction
3.5 Average on all A.P. exams taken and 3 or better on 5
or more exams.
Commended Students
Nicolas Baumgartner ’11
Nathaniel Beck ’11
Joseph Digby ’11
Ryan Dillon ’11
Timothy Hoffman ’11
Michael Kirsch ’11
Gabriel Kowalczyk ’11
Ryan Majsak ’11
Mitchell Rozman ’11
Michael Siberski ’11
Connor Teevans ’11
Louis Walters ’11
3.00 Average on all A.P. exams taken and 3 or better on 3
or more exams.
Joshua Bindon ’11, Alexander Bodner ’11, Andrew Campbell ’10,
Peter Cernak ’10, Robert Cernak ’11, Joseph Conder ’10,
Joseph Digby ’11, Thomas Doot ’11, Spencer Francis ’10,
Michael Fredendall ’11, Ricardo Galindo ’10, Nicholas
Guerriero ’11, Jacob Hostetler ’10, Michael Kirsch ’11, Graham
Mackie ’10, Ryan Majsak ’11, George McIntyre ’10, Matthew
Messana ’11, Marc Nemeth ’10, Jerome Nosal ’10, Peter
Nowak ’11, Neil Nypaver ’11, Austin Parsons ’11, K.C.
Perlberg ’10, Steven Pyzik ’10, Eric Rettig ’11, Jonathan
Savakus ’10, Michael Siberski ’11, Connor Spehar ’11, John
Stallings ’10, Walker Tarter ’11, Daniel Thiesen ’11, Michael
Tolkacz ’11, John Vinton ’11, Thomas Zahari ’11, Austin
Zebrowski ’11, and John-Paul Zebrowski ’11
Sean Carney ’10, Daniel Chang ’10, Alexander Flood ’10,
Matthew Keast ’10, Andrew Killian ’10, Arturo Klisowski ’10,
Andrew Morton ’10, Jobin Philip ’10, Matthew Schaeffer ’10,
Enzo Stante ’10, Jack Taffe ’10, Matthew Thompson ’10, Shane
Verploegh ’10, Thomas Voutsos ’10, and Michael Yurko ’10
AP Scholars with Honor
3.25 Average on all A.P. exams taken and 3 or better on 4
or more exams.
Adam Aaron ’10, Nicholas Bolig ’10, Michael Crawford ’10,
Ryan Dillon ’11, Timothy Hoffman ’11, Nicholas Kemp ’10,
Gabriel Kowalczyk ’11, Matthew Montgomery ’10, Matthew
Mueller ’10, John Rotondo ’10, Mitchell Rozman ’11, Jason
Smullen ’11, Kevin Wegienka ’11, and Stephen Werner ’10
Michael Kirsch ’11
Eric Rettig ’11
Michael Kirsch ’11 and Eric Rettig ’11 both scored a perfect
score of 36 on the ACT. The ACT Test is the nationally recognized
college entrance examination. Congratulations to Michael and
Eric as they join a very short list of students to earn such a score.
S C H O O L B E L L S • W I N T E R 2 011
Beginning with the last issue, we asked Department Heads to let us know
what their departments were doing that our Alumni might like to know about.
The response was so great that we have made this an ongoing feature. – Ed.
The Catholic Central English Department
continues to grow and evolve. We have
added courses in Drama and Creative
Writing, as well as an additional Advanced
Placement English course in English
(2009), 24 students took this Advanced
Placement Test for the first time. The
results were phenomenal. Half received
the highest possible rating of a 5; all scored
a 3 or better. This is in addition to the
Advanced Placement Literature course
that netted similar results.
Creative Writing, another semester-long
elective, has resulted in student participation in a number of writing contests.
Several extracurricular activities have been
added. In Poetry Out Loud, students select
and perform pieces of poetry for an audience. This is a contest that begins at the
school level, with a winner advancing to
state competition. Winners at the state
level compete in Washington, D.C., with
the possibility of earning college scholarships. Kevin Griffin ’96 coordinated the
46 students who participated.
The Advanced Placement English
Language course is now offered to Juniors.
This class emphasizes the analysis and
composition of nonfiction. Last year
The annual Fr. Enright Writing Contest,
which takes place every winter, continues
to grow, with over 50 students participating this past year.
The new Drama elective is a semester long
and fulfills the Fine Arts requirement. Fortyfive students enrolled, and many of them
took part in CC’s spring drama production.
This year marked the third spring performance as part of CC’s Fine Art Festival.
Poetry Out Loud Competition
Congratulations to Tim Hoffman ’11, who represented CC in the Poetry Out Loud
state championship held at the Michigan Library and Historical Center in Lansing,
on March 6, 2010.
Forty-six CC students competed in the first-ever School-wide competition.
Tim won the right to represent CC in Lansing with his recitation of Carl Dennis’
“Progressive Health.” Runners-up included Ryan Dillon ’11 (2nd Place) and
Matthew Barnauskas ’10 (3rd Place).
The Poetry Out Loud program, a Michigan Humanities Council partnership program
with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, the Michigan
Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Library of Michigan, and the Michigan
Youth Arts Association, encourages high school students to learn about great poetry
through memorization, performance and competition. This year, Michigan’s Poetry
Out Loud state championship included participants from 24 schools with more
than 4,500 students.
Poetry Out Loud helps students master public-speaking skills, build self-confidence,
and learn about their literary heritage. Each student’s performance is judged in six
categories: Physical Presence; Voice and Articulation; Appropriateness of Dramatization;
Level of Difficulty; Evidence of Understanding; and Overall Performance.
S C H O O L B E L L S • W I N T E R 2 011
CC students performed excellently
throughout the past year in various
mathematics competitions. Matt Nicholas
’10 and Matt Keast ’10 both qualified for
the second part of the American High
School Math Examination. Several students
won certificates in both the Max Fax
competitions and the Michigan Math
League. Matt Thompson ’10 and Wes
Harding ’10 competed at a computer
programming contest held at The
University of Michigan-Dearborn.
At the Math Field Day held at The
University of Michigan-Flint, the team of
Mike Yurko ’10, Matt Nicholas, Nicolas
Baumgartner ’11, Robert Cernak ’11, and
Evan Joseph ’12 finished third in their
division. Mike won an award for his fiveminute presentation, and Robert and Matt
won their individual competitions.
Primary sources are considered an essential
element of a course. For this reason,
speakers are often brought in to tell our
students about their experiences and
expertise. These speakers have included
veterans of past wars, experts in the
banking industry, and holocaust survivors.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the wealth of experiences that
are available in our community. Field
trips include:
Law Day - Many leading figures in
Michigan law are graduates of CC.
For more than a decade, our students
have visited the Frank Murphy Hall of
Justice and the Theodore Levin Federal
Courthouse at the invitation of CC
graduates who are now judges and
attorneys. In fact, some of our students
report that they have begun their own
careers in law with a boost from these
prominent people.
Holocaust Memorial - Students who are
enrolled in the elective “Holocaust Studies”
course visit the Holocaust Memorial in
Farmington Hills. The tour includes the
opportunity to listen to the very personal
story of a holocaust survivor.
Civil War Field Trip - Students are
given the opportunity to visit a site
where the Civil War was fought.
Gettysburg, Antietam, and Harpers’
Ferry have been visited.
Retired Teachers
As each school year comes to an end, so do the careers of certain faculty members who have dedicated their
professional lives to the education of our students. This past year was no different. Catholic Central said goodbye
to five long-time faculty members who will not be forgotten because of their lasting impact on CC students.
Bill Hayes retired from his
position as Dean of Students
after 21 years at CC. He has
decided to remain the Head
Coach of the two-time State
Champion Golf Team.
Don Stock retired from the
Guidance Office after 15 years
at CC. Don spent most of his
professional career in education
outside of Catholic Central,
but chose to end his career as a Shamrock;
he remains one of the biggest Shamrock
supporters at every football game.
He also still attends weekday Masses
in the chapel quite frequently.
Ken Anderson retired from the
Guidance Office after 29 years
at CC. Ken spent the majority
of those years as Director of the
Guidance Office and moderator
of the National Honor Society.
George Duffourc was forced
Lastly, Donna Redford was
to retire due to health reasons
also forced to retire from CC
after 34 years of teaching
due to health reasons. Mrs.
English at CC. George has
Redford spent the last 25 years
had a lasting impact
as the attendance
The entire Catholic Central community thanks
on many of his students over
secretary in the main office.
these individuals for their dedication and professionalism
the years, and we are all sad
over the years. They made CC better with their presence,
to see him go.
and they will be missed. Congratulations on retirement!
Shamrock Shuffle
I have to admit, even before the downturn in the economy, asking for something –
even for someone else – is difficult for me. I know you've heard me say this before;
this is the first place I’d ask – not because of wallets bulging with money, but because
of hearts filled with love.
…in the
Catholic Central Chapel
And so, I continue to ask, and, blessedly, you continue to give. And with great
pleasure, I am privileged to continue to
thank you.
Your generosity of $4,490.23 has enabled
the wish of a dying child to come true.
The people of Make-a-Wish of Michigan
are most appreciative, too.
Every morning
at 7:30 a.m.
Monday -Friday
I continue to thank the administration and the Student Council for sponsoring the
Shamrock Shuffle. Thank you to Coach Tony Magni and the Cross-Country Team for
setting the course and manning the route. A special thanks to Andrew Garcia Garrison ’11
for being my money man. Thank you to Greg Normandin ’78, the Band and Gail Levens.
Every Tuesday
at 2:50 p.m.
As for the race results: in third place, Simon Shanks ’14; in second place, J. P. Mulcahy ’14;
and our fastest runner is Joe Brinkman ’11.
Since 1997, we have raised $98,212.11 for Make-a-Wish of Michigan.
This year’s top, day-one donors are: in third place - Kristen Raskey’s Freshmen with
$265.50; in second place - Roy Dudas’ Juniors with $553; and in first place with $746 Sarah Borgelt’s Freshmen.
Thank you, everyone!
Sherrill Ann Lefforge
Catholic Central Teacher
Shamrock Shuffle Coordinator
S C H O O L B E L L S • W I N T E R 2 011
Keeping Up With Catholic Central Athletes
Athletic Department Ranking
In the fall issue of the Aluminator, it was mentioned that the Athletic Department at
Detroit Catholic Central was ranked #10 in the country by We have now
received word that our Athletic Department has been ranked the #4 private athletic
program in the nation by That means that among all of the private
schools in the country, Catholic and otherwise, Detroit Catholic Central is judged to have
the fourth-best program. This is due in large part to the outstanding commitment and
dedication of our athletes and coaches. The
foundation and great tradition of success has
been set by the many generations that
have competed and excelled at Catholic
Central since 1928. Aaron Babicz ’93, our
Athletic Director, has continued to hold
all of our teams to the high standards
that have become our norm. Here’s to the
many successes that we have achieved in
the past and to the many more successes
that we will strive to achieve in the future.
Left to right: CC Athletic Director of 35 years Bob
Santello ’58, Coach Tom Mach and current
Athletic Director Aaron Babicz ’93.
Go Shamrocks!
Cross Country - State Champions!
Athletic Director Aaron Babicz at the 4th Annual
Athletic Hall of Fame.
Left to right: Mackenzie Boyd ’11, Austin Zebrowski ’11, Andrew Garcia-Garrison ’11, John-Paul
Zebrowski ’11, Coach Tony Magni, Jack Malinowski ’13, Ryan Boyd ’12, and T. J. Fagan ’12.
Anthony Darkangelo ’13 running the ball with
John Lawless ’11 leading the way.
The Varsity Cross Country Team has
The Varsity Football Team finished the season
with a 9-3 overall record. The team began
the season with a perfect 6-0 record with
wins over Dearborn Fordson, Hudsonville,
Inkster, Divine Child, De La Salle, and U of D
Jesuit. The Shamrocks then suffered heartbreaking losses to Brother Rice and St. Mary’s.
In the playoffs, the Shamrocks hosted three
games. They began the postseason by
defeating Detroit Mumford, 42-6, and then
they beat Northville, 35-10, to claim the
MHSAA District Championship. The season
came to an end, however, in week three of
the playoffs after losing to Plymouth, 9-7.
continued its success and repeated as
Division 1 State Champions! The Shamrock
runners completed the regular season
with an undefeated dual-meet record
and won their fourth consecutive Central
Division Title. The team also won the
Lansing Catholic Central Invitational,
the West Bloomfield Invitational, the
Holly Invitational, the CC Invitational,
and the Oakland County Championship.
In the postseason, the team won the
S P O R T S B R E A K • W I N T E R 2 011
Catholic League Championship and came
in second in the Regional, just as they
had done a year ago. The Shamrocks
went to MIS and successfully defended
their State Championship, finishing
ahead of Dexter by 11 points. Austin
Zebrowski ’11, John-Paul Zebrowski ’11,
Andrew Garcia-Garrison ’11, Mackenzie
Boyd ’11, Ryan Boyd ’12, Jack
Malinowski ’13, and T. J. Fagan ’12 were
the top seven runners who competed
in the final race.
The Varsity Soccer Team, coached by Joe Nora ’90, has completed
the 2010 season. The team played many close games and closed
out the regular season by tying U of D Jesuit 1-1 and giving them
their first blemish in league play. The team struggled to score goals,
but their defense played stellar all season long. The Shamrocks
opened district play by defeating Ann Arbor Skyline and North
Farmington. However, their season came to an end after losing
to Novi 2-0 in the District Finals. Thank you to all the seniors
who dedicated themselves to the program and good luck to the
underclassmen as they look to improve for next year’s season.
Tennis - State Champions!
Cross Country
All State
All League
Andrew Garcia-Garrison ’11
Austin Zebrowski ’11
John-Paul Zebrowski ’11
Mike Birney ’11
George Darany ’11
Matt Godin ’12
Justin D’Agostino ’11
Justin Messner ’11
Brandon Tammaro ’11
All Catholic
All-State 3rd Team
Alex Lang ’11
Honorable Mention
All-Catholic Academic
Andrew Nelson ’11
Gino Pulice ’11
Left to right: (front row) Michael Trupiano ’13, Joseph Dubé ’11, Brandon
Kosinski ’11, Eric Guindi ’12, Kevin Hodges ’12, Timothy Hoffman ’11; (middle
row) Coach Stafford’s son, Willy Willson ’12, Zachary Wisniewski ’11, Joseph
Muscat ’11, Michael Dubé ’14, Peter Hariri ’14, Head Coach Joe Stafford;
(back row) Coach Justin Toth, Kevin Wegienka ’11, Matthew Hermiz ’12,
Ryan Shinkel ’12, Derek Mumaw ’11, and Gregory Pilchak ’11.
The Varsity Tennis Team, led by Coach Joe Stafford, has just
completed perhaps the most successful season ever! They
won the Catholic League and Regional Championships
in dominating fashion and won the program’s third State
Championship and first since 1986. An undefeated dual-meet
record and first-place finishes in the Forest Hills Central,
Grand Blanc, Saline, and CC Invitationals also belong to the
Shamrocks. After a fourth-place finish last season, they defeated
Ann Arbor Pioneer by two points in the final team standings
to take first. At the finals, the Shamrocks had three individual
state champs and three state runner-ups. This was a special
season for obvious reasons, but also because it was dedicated
to the late Jim Zapton ’65, a long-time Tennis coach at Catholic
Central. He was definitely with the team all season and would
be very proud of their accomplishments.
All Area
All State
Joe Dubé ’11
Michael Dubé ’14
Kevin Hodges ’12
Willy Willson ’12
Joe Dubé
Michael Dubé
Eric Guindi
Kevin Hodges
Willy Willson
All League
Brandon Kosinski ’11
Derek Mumaw ’11
Michael Trupiano ’13
All Catholic
Joe Dubé
Michael Dubé
Eric Guindi ’12
Kevin Hodges
Willy Willson
Detroit Free Press
Mr. Tennis Award
Joe Dube ’11
State Champion Individual
Michael Dubé
Eric Guindi
Michael Trupiano
Joe Dubé
State Champion Doubles
Kevin Hodges/Willy Willson
Brandon Kosinski/Derek Mumaw
USTA Hoxie Award
Outstanding H.S. Player
Joe Dube ’11
S P O R T S B R E A K • W I N T E R 2 011
Supporting Our Young Athletes
Dec. 10
Dec. 17
Dec. 21
Jan. 4
Jan. 7
Jan. 11
Jan. 14
Jan. 21
Jan. 25
Jan. 28
Feb. 1
Taylor Kennedy
Guido Classic
Detroit Loyola
Brother Rice
De La Salle
U of D
O. L. St. Mary’s
Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard
Brother Rice
De La Salle
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Feb. 4
Feb. 8
Feb. 11
Mo.,We.,Fr. Mar. 7, 9, 11
Mon.-Wed. Mar. 14, 16
Tues. Mar. 22
Thurs.-Fri. Mar. 24-25
Mar. 26
U of D
O. L. St. Mary’s
Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard
State Districts
State Regionals
State Quarterfinals
State Semi-Finals
State Finals
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Port Huron Northern - Compuware
Howell - Compuware
Michigan HS Hockey Showcase - Trenton
Michigan HS Hockey Showcase - Trenton
Port Huron Northern - McMorran
CHSL Championship - O. L. St. Mary’s
CHSL Championship - O. L. St. Mary’s
Grosse Pointe North - Compuware
State Playoffs begin
7:00 p.m.
7:20 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Dec. 10
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
Dec. 21
Jan. 5
Jan. 8
Jan. 12
Jan. 14
Jan. 15
Jan. 21
Jan. 22
O. L. St. Mary’s
U of D - Compuware
Livonia Stevenson - Eddie Edgar
Brother Rice - Oak Park
U of D - City Arena
Trenton - Compuware
De La Salle - Great Lakes
Cranbrook - Compuware
Culver Military Academy - Culver
Culver Military Academy - Culver
8:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
Jan. 29
Feb. 2
Feb. 5
Feb. 11
Feb. 12
Feb. 17
Feb. 18
Feb. 19
Feb. 20
Feb. 26
Feb. 28
Dec. 11
Jan. 8
Jan. 15
Jan. 22
Jan. 27
Jan. 29
Feb. 1
Feb. 3
Feb. 5
Warrior Swim Relays - Kettering H.S.
Schack Invitational - Cranbrook
Ann Arbor Pioneer
Four State Meet - University of Notre Dame
Brother Rice - Livonia Rec. Comm. Center
East Grand Rapids Invitational
Grosse Pointe North
Oakland County Championship
8:45 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 10
Feb. 12
Week of Feb. 21
Thurs. Feb. 24
Mar. 5
Mar. 6
Tues. Mar. 8
Mar. 11
Mar. 12
Notre Dame Prep - Mercy H.S.
7:00 p.m.
De La Salle
U of D - Livonia Rec. Community Center
7:00 p.m.
CHSL Championship - Livonia Rec. Comm. Center TBD
CHSL Championship - Livonia Rec. Comm. Center TBD
State Diving Finals
State Finals
State Finals
Dec. 8
Dec. 11
Dec. 17
Dec. 18
Dec. 22
Dec. 30
Jan. 8
Jan. 12
Jan. 15
Davison/Swan Valley/Linden - Davison HS
Kent County Classic - TBA - Grand Rapids
Oakland County Tournament
Oakland County Tournament
Rockford/Lakeshore - Rockford HS
Goodrich Tournament of Champions
CC Invitational
Lake Orion/Oxford/TBD & JV
CC Super Duals – Alumni Day (Bedford,
Clarkston, St. John’s, Dundee, Richmond)
5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
Jan. 16
Jan. 22
Jan. 29
Wed. Feb. 2
Thurs. Feb. 10
Feb. 12
Wed. Feb. 16
Feb. 19
Fri.-Sat. Feb. 25-26
Thurs.-Sat. Mar. 3-5
Chippewa Hills - CMU (Rose Arena), Mt. Pleasant 10:00 a.m.
Cincinnati Moeller/TBD
10:00 a.m.
Adrian/Monroe/Rochester & JV
5:30 p.m.
Team District
Individual District
Team Regional
Individual Regional
Team Finals - Kellogg Arena (Battle Creek)
Individual Finals - The Palace (Auburn Hills)
Notes: Home games are shown in bold. Schedules are correct as of October 5, 2010, and are subject to change. For updated information, please consult our website or call
the Athletics Office at (248) 596-3829.
CC’s home Swim meets will be at the Livonia Recreation Community Center, 15100 Hubbard, Livonia (located at Hubbard and Five Mile Road between Farmington
and Merriman).
S P O R T S S C H E D U L E • W I N T E R 2 011
Detroit Catholic Central High School
The Aluminator
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
Don’t Miss Out on the Fun & Fellowship of Catholic Central
Alumni Association
Basketball League
Save The Dates!
The 4th Annual CC Alumni/Dads’ Club Retreat
CC is the place to be on Sunday evenings
beginning January 9, 2011, when the
sixth season of the Alumni Association
Basketball League will begin.
For more details, contact:
Scott Hauncher ’89 at
Andy Slankster ’94
Dan Griffin ’93
“The Retreat Center
is a safe haven to
escape from everyday
life… to reflect, gather
your thoughts and be
at peace. When you
leave the center, you’re
a better person for the
remaining 51 weeks
of the year.”
The 4th Annual CC Alumni/Dads’ Club Retreat will
once again be held at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat
Center in Detroit, on the weekend of January 14-16,
2011. Please join us as we explore the theme:
“Knowing the God of Jesus.”
This is a wonderful opportunity to:
• Renew and refresh, physically and spiritually
• Gain peace and reconciliation
• Ask God’s help in important decisions and
pressing problems
• Enjoy a weekend away in good company,
with good food
• Enter a raffle where two
scholarships will be awarded
Contact Dennis Antoniotti ’68
at (248) 376-9115 or
for registration and/or
information about the
Scholarship Raffle.