LS Recycling Program - Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy

1/31/14 - 1 Adar I 5774
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Parshat Terumah
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LS Recycling Program
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! The JKHA Lower School in cooperation with PTC is very excited to
have a new recycling initiative. Before winter vacation, the students participated in a school
wide kick-off for our recycling program. Now that we are back from vacation, we are ready to
help do our part in taking care of the Earth. Each class was provided with green and blue
recycling bins. The students and faculty have already started to recycle paper and plastic.
Recycling not only helps protect our natural resources but it has made the students more
aware of what they use and what they used to throw out.
From the time of Adam, our job has been to help protect and take care of G-d's creations. We
can now take a more active role in fulfilling that mitzvah. For more information about
recycling, please visit
Look What's Happening In....
Pre-K students learned that in this week's parsha, Parshat Terumah, Hashem instructed the
Jewish people to make a menorah. They learned to differentiate between a menorah and a
channukiah. The students enjoyed doing simple addition by counting the six branches and the
We read several versions of the folktale Stone Soup and discovered that the message was the
same in each version; by caring, sharing and working together everything is better (and
tastier!). The Kindergarten students acted out Stone Soup before they prepared their own real
stone soup to enjoy together.
Washing, peeling, cutting and measuring are real life skills that the children were able to do
independently. The students will now write about their experiences, which will be collected
into a Stone Soup classroom book.
First Grade
In addition to our daily tefilah, we have been discussing how to take care of our siddurim as
well as learning new tefillot. We have just added the first part of Ashrei to our repertoire. The
students were excited to learn that Ashrei is part of sefer Tehillim which was written by David
Hamelech. It is quite moving to see the kavana and love of davening in first grade.
Second Grade
After completing a writing assignment called, “How to Get Ready for School in the Morning”,
our 2nd graders created pictorial timelines depicting the steps involved in getting ready for
school in the morning.
Third Grade
Drawing, reading, playing sports, playing a musical instrument, gymnastics and writing poems
are just a few of our favorite hobbies. As part of our language unit, students came to class
excited to share their hobbies with their teachers and peers. The students shared samples of
their hobbies by viewing videos, seeing pictures, and sharing show-and-tell items. Then, they
wrote about what they love to do most during their free time. We learned a lot about each
Fourth Grade
Fourth graders designed surveys, collected and analyzed data about their classmates and then
created tally charts, tables and bar graphs that depict the information. The graphed topics
ranged from favorite ice cream flavor and candy to favorite leisure activities. The final
products are proudly displayed in the fourth grade wing.
Congratulations to the Winners of the Sinai Essay Contest
SINAI Schools sponsored an
inclusion art and essay contest
with their partner schools including
JKHA/RKYHS. The topic of the
contest was “Together We Are a
Symphony Embracing Diversity
and Inclusion,” and it was broken
into categories based on age
(grades 3-5, 6-8, and high school).
Students submitted entries that showed great thought and perspective on how being in an
inclusive environment affects them, and how their lives are impacted by sharing their
community with students who are different from themselves.
We are excited to announce that a large number of JKHA/RKYHS students submitted essays.
Winners from JKHA/RKYHS were:
Nina Gerszberg, 7th Grade: 1st place, Art Grades 6-8
Rebecca Arian, 4th Grade: 1st Place, Essay Grades 3-5
Leora Shua, 8th Grade: 2nd Place, Essay Grades 6-8
Dafna Fliegelman, 12th Grade: 1ST Place, Essay HS
Honorable Mention:
Jacob Colchamiro, JKHA, 5th Grade (Essay)
Abigail Rubin, RKYHS, 11th Grade (essay)
Mishloach Manot
This year the JKHA middle school
student council is excited to offer
all families the opportunity to send
Mishloach Manot to the lower,
middle and high school faculty
Order forms will be sent home
early next week
Thank you and we look forward to
your participation!
Gan Ktan - Feb 9
Parsha Q&A
1. Which of the kelim in the Mishkan was like a sandwich- two sides one material and in between
a different material?
2. Who lived in the Mishkan?
3. How does the Menorah of the Mishkan differ from the Chanukiyah we use on Chanukah?
4. How was the Mishkan different than the Beit Hamikdash?
5. Who paid for the construction of the Mishkan and all of its furnishings?
Answers to Parsha Q&A (source in parenthesis)
The Aron: wood which was plated gold on the outside and inside.
Menorah in Mishkan- 7 branches, Chanukiyah 8 branchs (+shamash)
The Mishkan was a movable building, while the Beit Hamikdash was a permanent structure
All of B’nei Yisrael contributed voluntarily.
Q&A by Rabbi Nachum Wachtel
Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy
Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School
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