Oxidation/Reduction Two Types of Chemical Rxns Two Types of

Two Types of Chemical Rxns
1. Exchange of Ions – no change in
charge/oxidation numbers
Chapter 20
Two Types of Chemical Rxns
– Precipitation Rxns
– Acid/Base Rxns
NaOH + HCl
Two Types of Chemical Rxns
2. Exchange of Electrons – changes in oxidation
Pb(NO3)2(aq) + KI(aq)
– Dissolving Rxns
CaCl2(s) 
Review of Oxidation Numbers
Oxidation numbers – the charge on an ion or an
assigned charge on an atom.
Al Cl2 P4
Mg2+ Cl-
Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq)  FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)
Remove spectator ions
Fe + Cu2+  Fe2+ + Cu
Review of Oxidation Numbers
Calculate the oxidation numbers for:
1. Classical Definition –addition of oxygen
2. Modern Definition – an increase in oxidation
Fe + O2 
(limited oxygen)
Fe + O2 
(excess oxygen)
Fe + O2  Fe2O3
CO + O2  CO2
C + O2 
C + O2 
(limited oxygen)
(excess oxygen)
Oxidizing/Reducing Agents
1. Classical –addition of hydrogen
2. Modern –decrease (reduction) in oxidation
N2 + 3H2  2NH3
(Haber process)
+ H2 
| |
(unsaturated fat)
(saturated fat)
Oxidizing/Reducing Agents
Oxidation and Reduction always occur together.
Oxidizing Agents
– Get reduced
– Gain electrons
0 Got oxidized, reducing agent
Got reduced, oxidizing agent
Reducing Agents
– Get oxidized
– Lose electrons
Identify the Oxidizing/Reducing Agents in the
following (Calculate the ox. numbers also).
Cu + S8  Cu2S
H2 + O2  H2O
Cu + AgNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + Ag
H2O + Al + MnO4-  Al(OH)4- + MnO2
Balancing Redox Reactions
Half-Reaction Method
• Break eqn into oxidation half and reduction
• Easy Examples:
Balancing Redox Reactions
What’s really happening:
Cu2+ + Zn  Cu + Zn2+
– Al + Fe2+  Fe + Al3+
– Cu + Zn2+  Cu2+ + Zn
– Mg + Na+  Mg2+ + Na
Balancing Redox Reactions
Steps for more complicated examples
1. Balance all atoms except H and O
2. Balance charge with electrons
3. Balance O with water
4. Balance H with H+
5. (Add OH- to make water in basic solutions)
Balancing Redox Reactions
Example 1:
MnO4- + C2O42-  Mn2+ + CO2
1. Separate into half reactions
MnO4-  Mn2+
C2O42-  CO2
Balancing Redox Reactions
Balancing Redox Reactions
MnO4-  Mn2+
C2O42-  CO2
C2O42-  2CO2
+4 (1 e- per carbon)
5e- + MnO4-  Mn2+
5e- + MnO4-  Mn2+ + 4H2O
C2O42-  2CO2 + 2e-
8H+ + 5e- + MnO4-  Mn2+ + 4H2O
Balancing Redox Reactions
C2O42-  2CO2 + 2e+ MnO4-  Mn2+ + 4H2O
(X 5)
(X 2)
5C2O42-  10CO2 + 10e16H+ + 10e- + 2MnO4-  2Mn2+ + 8H2O
16H++5C2O42-+2MnO4-  2Mn2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2O
Balancing Redox Reactions (Acidic
Cr2O72- + Cl-  Cr3+ + Cl2
14 H+ + Cr2O72- + 6Cl-  2Cr3+ + 3Cl2 + 7H2O
Cu +
14H+ +
Cu + NO3-  Cu2+ + NO2
+ 2NO3-  Cu2+ + 2NO2 + 2H2O
Mn2+ + BiO3-  Bi3+ + MnO42Mn2+ + 5BiO3-  5Bi3+ + 2MnO4- + 7H2O
Balancing Redox Reactions (Basic
Just add enough OH- to each side to make all of the
H+ to water.
NO2- + Al  NH3 + Al(OH)45H2O + OH- + NO2- + 2Al  NH3 + 2Al(OH)4Cr(OH)3 + ClO-  CrO42- + Cl2
2Cr(OH)3 + 6ClO-  2CrO42- + 3Cl2 + 2OH- + 2H2O
Balance in Both Acidic and Basic Solutions
F- + MnO4-  MnO2 + F2
HNO2 + H2O2  O2 + NO
H is +1
Voltaic (Galvanic) Cells
F- + MnO4-  MnO2 + F2
8H + 6F + 2MnO4-  2MnO2 + 3F2 + 4H2O
4H2O + 6F- + 2MnO4-  2MnO2 + 3F2 + 8OHHNO2 + H2O2  O2 + NO
2HNO2 + H2O2  O2 + 2NO + 2H2O
Voltaic (Galvanic) Cells
• Galvani (died 1798)– uses static electricity to
move the muscles of dead frogs
• Volta (1800) – Created the first battery
• Voltaic(Galvanic) Cells – redox reactions that
produce a voltage
– Spontaneous reactions ( G<0)
– Voltage of the cell (Eocell) is positive
– Batteries
• Electrolytic cells – redox reactions that must
have a current run through them.
– G>0 and Eocell is negative.
– Often used to plate metals
Voltaic (Galvanic) Cells
Voltaic cell
1. Anode – Oxidation site
2. Cathode – Reduction site (RC cola)
3. Salt bridge – completes the circuit
Voltaic (Galvanic) Cells
Voltaic (Galvanic) Cells
• Cell Notation
Zn | Zn2+(aq) ||Cu2+(aq) | Cu
• Anode Zn
 Zn2+ + 2e2+
• Cathode Cu + 2e  Cu
• Cell
Cu2+ + Zn  Cu + Zn2+
Hydrogen Electrode
1. Standard Electrode
2. Voltage(potential) = 0 Volts
2H+(aq) + 2e-  H2(g)
H2(g)  2H+(aq) + 2e-
0 volts
0 volts
3. Often used in electrodes (like pH)
Standard Reduction Potentials
• Always written as a reduction
• If cell is positive, produces a voltage
• Rules
– Flipping an equation changes the sign of E
– Multiplying an equation does not change the
magnitude of E
Calculating Cell Potential
A cell is composed of copper metal and Cu2+(aq)
on one side, and zinc metal and Zn2+(aq) on
the other. Calculate the cell potential.
Zn2+ + 2e-  Zn
-0.76 V
Cu2+ + 2e-  Cu
+0.34 V
flip the zinc equation
 Zn2+ + 2e+0.76 V
Cu + 2e  Cu
+0.34 V
Zn + Cu2+  Zn2+ + Cu
+1.10 V
Example 1
Example 2
What is the cell emf of a cell made using Cu and
Cu2+ in one side and Al and Al3+ in the other?
Write the complete cell reaction.
Calculate the standard emf for the following
reaction. Hint: break into half-reactions.
2Al(s) + 3I2(s)  2Al3+(aq) + 6I-(aq)
ANS: 2.2 V
Example 3
Example 4
A voltaic cell is based on the following half
In+(aq)  In3+(aq) + 2eBr2(l) + 2e-  2Br-(aq)
Calculate the standard emf for the following
Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6I-  2Cr3+ + 3I2 + 7H2O
+1.06 V
If the overall cell voltage is 1.46 V, what is the
reduction potential for In3+?
Two half reactions in a voltaic cell are:
Zn2+(aq) + 2e-  Zn(s)
Li+(aq) + e-  Li(s)
a) Calculate the cell emf.
b) Which is the anode? Which is the cathode?
c) Which electrode is consumed?
d) Which electrode is positive?
e) Sketch the cell, indicating electron flow.
Given the following half-reactions:
Pb2+ + 2e- Pb
Ni2+ + 2e-  Ni
a. Calculate the cell potential (Eo).
Label the cathode and anode.
Identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.
Which electrode is consumed?
Which electrode is plated?
Sketch the cell, indicating the direction of
electron flow.
Strengths of Oxidizing and
Reducing Agents
• larger the reduction potential, stronger the
oxidizing agent
– Wants to be reduced, can oxidize something else.
• lower the reduction potential, stronger the
reducing agent
– Would rather be oxidized
Example 1
 2F 2Cl-
+2.87 V
+1.36 V
Li+ + e-
 Li
Example 2
Which of the following is the strongest oxidzing
agent? Which is the strongest reducing
F2 + 2eCl2 + 2e-
Which of the following is the strongest reducing
agent? Which is the strongest oxidizing
Example 3
Can copper metal (Cu(s)) act as an oxidizing
Voltaic Cells
•Positive emf
•Can produce
electric current
Electrolytic Cells
•Negative emf
•Not spontaneous
•Must “pump”
electricity in
Example 1
Are the following cells spontaneous as written?
a) Cu + 2H+  Cu2+ + H2
b) Cl2 + 2I-  2Cl- + I2
c) I2 + 5Cu2+ + 6H2O  2IO3- + 5Cu +
d) Hg2+ + 2I-  Hg + I2
Ex 1
Calculate the cell potential and free energy
change for the following reaction:
4Ag + O2 + 4H+  4Ag+ + 2H2O
ANS: +0.43 V, -170 kJ/mol
EMF and K
Go = -RTlnK
-nFEo = -RTlnK
lnK = nFEo
log K = nEo
( Go = -nFEo)
(assume 298 K)
EMF and Go
G = -nFE
n = number of electrons transferred
E = Cell emf
F = 96,500 J/V-mol (Faraday’s Constant)
Positive Voltage gives a negative G (spont)
Ex 2
Calculate G and the EMF for the following
reaction. Also, calculate the K.
3Ni2+ + 2Cr(OH)3 + 10OH-  3Ni + 2CrO42- + 8H2O
ANS: +87 kJ/mol, -0.15 V, 6 X 10-16
Example 1
Calculate G, cell voltage and the equilibrium
constant for the following cell:
O2 + 4H+ + 4Fe2+  4Fe3+ + 2H2O
ANS: -177 kJ/mol, 0.459 V, 1 X 1031
Example 2
Concentration Cells: Nernst Equation
If the equilibrium constant for a particular
reaction is 1.2 X 10-10, calculate the cell
potential. Assume n = 2.
G = Go + RT lnQ
-nFE = -nFEo + RT lnQ
E = Eo -
RT lnQ
(assume 298 K)
E = Eo 0.0592 log Q
Can adjust the voltage of any cell by changing
Using the Nernst Eqn
Suppose in the following cell, the concentration
of Cu2+ is 5.0 M and the concentration of Zn2+
is 0.050 M. Calculate the cell voltage.
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
+1.10 V
E = Eo -
0.0592 V log Q
E = 1.10V - 0.0592 V log [Cu][Zn2+]
E = 1.10V - 0.0592 V log [Zn2+]
E = 1.10V - 0.0592 V log [0.050]
E = +1.16 V
Example 1
Example 2
Calculate the emf at 298 K generated by the
following cell (Eo= 0.79 V) where: [Cr2O72-]=
2.0 M, [H+ ]=1.0 M, [I-]=1.0 M and [Cr3+ ]= 1.0
X 10-5M.
Calculate the emf at 298 K generated by the
following cell (Eo= 2.20 V) where: [Al3+]= 0.004
M and [I- ]=0.010 M.
2Al(s) + 3I2(s)  2Al3+(aq) + 6I-(aq)
+ 3I2 + 7H2O
ANS: +2.36 V
ANS: 0.89 V
Example 3
If the voltage of a Zn-H+ cell is 0.45 V at 298 K
when [Zn2+]=1.0 M and PH2=1.0 atm, what is
the concentration of H+? Note that atm can
be used just like molarity.
Zn(s) + 2H+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)
Example 4
What pH is required if we want a voltage of
0.542 V and [Zn2+]=0.10 M and PH2=1.0 atm?
Zn(s) + 2H+(aq)  Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)
ANS: 5.84 X 10-5M, pH = 4.22
ANS: 5.2 X 10-6M
Alkaline Batteries
• Basic
• Zinc can acts as the anode
Lead Acid Battery
• 12 Volt DC
• Discharges when starting the
car, recharges as you drive
(generator). Running
reaction backward.
PbO2(s) + Pb(s) +2HSO4
2MnO2(s)+2H2O(l)+2e-2MnO(OH)(s) + 2OH-(aq)
Zn(s) + 2OH-(aq) Zn(OH)2(s) + 2e2PbSO4(s) +2H2O(l)
Rechargable uses Ni-Cd
• Iron rusts in acidic solns (not above pH=9)
• Water needs to be present
• Salts accelerate the process
O2 + 4H+ + 4e-  2H2O
Fe  Fe2+ + 2e(The Fe2+ eventually goes to Fe3+, Fe2O3)
Preventing Corrosion
• Paint
• Sometimes oxide layer(Al2O3)
• Galvanizing (coating Fe with Zn)
Fe2+ + 2e-  Fe E = -0.44 V
Zn2+ + 2e-  Zn E = -0.76 V
Zinc is more easily oxidized
(Zn  Zn2+ + 2eE = +0.76 V)
Example 1
An iron gutter is nailed using aluminum nails.
Will the nail or the iron gutter corrode first?
• Cathodic
(sacrificial anode)
• Magnesium used
in water pipes
• Magnesium rods
used in hot water
Fe2+ + 2e-  Fe
Al3+ + 3e-  Al
Al will corrode first (Al  Al3+ + 3e- ,E = +1.66 V)
Ex 2
Electrolysis and Electroplating
Which of the following metals could provide
cathodic protection to iron:
E = -0.44 V
E = -1.66 V
• Plating of silver on silverware
Electrolytic cells
• Must run electricity through them
• Running a voltaic cell backwards
• Used to produce sodium metal
Na+(aq) + e-  Na (s)
Cl2(g) + 2e-  2Cl-(aq)
-2.71 V
+1.36 V
• As a voltaic cell
 2Na+(aq) + 2e- +2.71 V
Cl2(g) + 2e  2Cl-(aq)
+1.36 V
2Na(s) + Cl2 (s)2NaCl(aq)
+4.07 V
• As an electrolytic cell
2Na+(aq) + 2e-  2Na (s)
-2.71 V
2Cl-(aq)  Cl2(g) + 2e-1.36 V
2NaCl(aq)  2Na(s) + Cl2 (s) -4.07 V
Quantitative Electrolysis
• Electric current = Amperes
• 1 ampere = 1Coloumb
1 second
• 1 F = 96,500 C/mol
I = Q
– One mole of electrons has a charge of 96,500 C
– One electron has a charge of 1.602 X 10-19 C
Example 1
What mass of aluminum can be produced in
1.00 hour by a current of 10.0 A?
Al3+ + 3e-  Al
Q= I t
Q = (10.0 A)(3600 s) = 36,000 C
Example 2
Moles of e- = (36,000C)(1 mol e-) = 0.373 mol e(96,500 C)
Mg2+ + 2e-  Mg
Al3+ + 3e-  Al
0.373 mol
Al3+ + 3e- 
0.373 mol
What mass of magnesium can be produced in 4000
s by a current of 60.0 A?
0.124 mol Al  3.36 g Al
ANS: 30.2 g Mg
Example 3
What current is required to plate 6.10 grams of
gold in 30.0 min?
How long would it take to plate 50.0 g of
magnesium from magnesium chloride if the
current is 100.0 A?
Au3+ + 3e-  Au
(6.10 grams Au)(1mol Au) = 0.0310 mol Au
(196.97g Au)
I = Q/t (Actually I = dQ/dt)
I = 8966 C = 5.0 amps
1800 s
Au3+ + 3e- 
0.0310 mol Au
Au3+ + 3e- 
0.0929 mol e
0.0310 mol Au
(0.0929 mol e)(96,500 C) = 8966 C
(1 mol e)
Given the following:
Ag+(aq) + e-  Ag(s)
Fe3+(aq) + e-  Fe2+(aq)
+0.771 V
a. Write the reaction that occurs.
b. Calculate the standard cell potential.
c. Calculate Grxn for the reaction from the cell
d. Calculate for the reaction.
e. Predict the sign of Srxn.
f. Sketch the cell, labeling anode, cathode, and
the direction of electron flow.
Do SO3 and SO32- have the same molecular
shape? How about SO2?
16. a) Not redox
b) I oxidized (-1 to +5) , Cl reduced (+1 to -1)
c) S oxidized (+4 to +6), N reduced (+5 to +2)
d) Br oxidized (-1 to 0), S reduced (+6 to +4)
20 a. Mo3+ + 3e-  Mo
b. H2O + H2SO3  SO42- + 2e- + 4H+
c. 4H+ + 3e- + NO3-  NO + 2H2O
d. 4H+ + 4e- + O2  2H2O
e. 4OH- + Mn2+  MnO2 + 2e- + 2H2O
f. 5OH- + Cr(OH)3  CrO42- + 3e- + 4H2O
g. 2H2O + 4e- + O2  4OH-
26. a) Al oxidzed, Ni2+ reduced
b) Al  Al3+ + 3e- Ni2+ + 2e-  Ni
c) Al anode, Ni cathode
d) Al negative, Ni positive
e) Electrons flow towards the Ni electrode
f) Cations migrate towards Ni electrode
22. a. 3NO2- + Cr2O72- +8H+  3NO3- + 2Cr3+ +
b. 2HNO3 + 2S +H2O  2H2SO3 + N2O
c. 2Cr2O72- + 3CH3OH + 16H+  4Cr3+ 3HCO2H +
d. 2MnO4- + 10Cl- + 16H+  2Mn2+ + 5Cl2 + 8H2O
e. NO2- + 2Al + 2H2O  NH4+ + 2AlO2f. H2O2 + 2ClO2 + 2OH-  O2 + 2ClO2- + 2H2O
34 a) Cd is anode, Pd is cathod
b) Ered = 0.63 V
36 a) 2.87 V b) 3.21 V
c) -1.211 V d) 0.636V
38 a) 1.35 V
b) 0.29 V
41 a) Mg
b) Ca
c) H2 d) H2C2O4
42 a) Cl2
b) Cd
c) BrO3- d) O3
44. a) Ce (weak reductant)
b) Ca (strong reductant)
c) ClO3- (strong oxidant)
d) N2O5 ( oxidant)
46 a) H2O2 strongest oxidizing agent
b) Zn strongest reducing agent
50.a) 3.6 X 108
b) 1041
c) 10103
52. 0.292 V
54 a) 4 X 1015 b) 2 X1065 c) 7.3 X1049
62a) 2.35 V
b) 2.48 V c) 2.27 V
64. a) 0.771 V b) 1.266 V
88. a) 173 g
b) 378 min
90.E = 1.10 V Wmax = -212 kJ/mol Cu
W = -1.67 X 105 J
1a) 14H+ + Cr2O72- + 3Fe  2Cr3+ + 3Fe2+ + 7H2O
b) 2Br- + F2  2F- + Br2
c) 4OH- + 2Cr(OH)3 + ClO3-  2CrO42- + Cl- + 5H2O
2b) 0.463 V
c) -89.4 kJ/mol d) 4.4 X 1015
e) 0.442 V
3) F2 is str. oxidizing agent, Li, str. reducing agent
4) b) 78 minutes c) 1.19 g d) 0.695 g
In a measuring cup:
• 5 mL of oil
• 5 mL of ethanol
• 5 mL of 50% NaOH solution (approximately 30
Place in beaker
• Heat the mixture, stirring with popsicle stick.
• Remove from heat. After ~5 minutes, add 10 mL of
saturated salt solution.
• Collect some of the solid and test the pH of your
soap. Compare the pH to that of commercial bar
soap and liquid detergent solution. See if it