Second Class Particles and Cube Root Asymptotics for Hammersley's Process Author(s): Eric Cator and Piet Groeneboom Source: The Annals of Probability, Vol. 34, No. 4 (Jul., 2006), pp. 1273-1295 Published by: Institute of Mathematical Statistics Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/07/2011 07:44 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Institute of Mathematical Statistics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of Probability. TheAnnals of Probability 2006, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1273-1295 DOI: 10.1214/009117906000000089 ? InstituteofMathematical Statistics, 2006 SECOND CLASS PARTICLES AND CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS FOR HAMMERSLEY'S PROCESS Eric By University Delft We show on of a longest of the length from (0,0) to (f, t) is equal to 2E(f - X(f))+, of a second the flux and the path and Groeneboom contexts particle, 33 (2005) continuing and the between the approach of 879-903]. [8] show that in paper Kim and Pollard are confronted with estimators which converge at rate rate nl//2 and that in this situation the limit distribution A prototype this phenomenon "cube root asymptotics." is the maximum likelihood estimator of a decreasing density, to the (almost surely unique) locally at rate nI//3 after rescaling They of such an estimator location class [Ann. Probab. t) path L(t, is the location of we of the usual is nonnormal. which North-East where X(t) the positive In an influential 1. Introduction. many n1/3 instead weakly with process, on class variance statistical Amsterdam ? at time t. This that both E(? X(i))+ particle implies . are based on the relation of L(t, Proofs t) are of order i2/ a second Cator Groeneboom for a stationary of Hammersley's version jt-axis and Poisson sinks the positive that, the variance j-axis, Piet and Vrije Universiteit of Technology sources Poisson and Cator call converges of the maximum motion minus a parabola. The characteriza in terms of Airy functions was given in [6]. that the asymptotics for longest subse conjectured increasing can be analyzed North-East Ham of by studying longest paths of Brownian tion of this limit distribution It has been which quences, in estimation is related to these cube root phenomena process, mersley's theory to derive the asymptotics and, in particular, that it should be possible along similar lines. However, up till now, the cube root limit theory for longest increasing subse and quences longest North-East paths has been based on certain analytic relations, see, for example, [2] and [3]. involving Toeplitz determinants; In this paper we will work with Hammersley's process with sources and sinks, as defined in [4]. We will give a short description 1.We here, based on Figure the space-time on as of consider that started the jc-axis sources, paths particles to a Poisson distribution with parameter X, and we consider distributed according as a time axis. In the positive quadrant we have a Poisson process of what we call a-points 1 by x), which will have intensity (denoted in Figure 1, unless otherwise On the i-axis also sometimes will be called (which specified. j-axis) we the i-axis Received AMS 2000 Key words process, cube July 2005; revised September subject classifications. and phrases. Longest root convergence, 2005. Primary 60C05, 60K35; increasing subsequence, second class particles, Burke's 1273 secondary Ulam's theorem. 60F05. problem, Hammersley's 1274 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM (0,*) (M) (0,0) FlG. 1. a Poisson Space-time (3,0) paths of the Hammersley' s process, with sources and sinks. of what we call sinks of intensity 1/?. The three Poisson are independent. processes to the right of it jumps At the time an a-point appears, the particle immediately the leftmost particle At the time a sink appears, to the location of the a-point. we at time s, intersect a line at time disappears. To know the particle configuration have process at the space-time paths. The counting process of the particle configuration time t is denoted by Lx(-, t), where we start counting at the first sink on the ?-axis t) equals (0, oo) x {t}, so Lx(x, up to (0, t), and continue counting on the halfline x the total number of sinks in the segment [0, t] plus the number of crossings {0} s with of space-time [0, x] x {t}. paths of the segment The total number of space-time paths in [0, jc] x [0, t] is called theflux at (jc, t). = 1, we will denote L\(x, X If It is in fact equal to L\(x, t) just by L(jc, t), t). The flux Lx(x, t) equals the length of a longest unless this can cause confusion. that to (x,t), where "weakly" means path from (0,0) weakly NE (North-East) are allowed sources or sinks from the ?-axis, 1, trace back a longest up of-points. To see this from Figure (jc, t) to (0,0), and note that one will pick up exactly one weakly < x < or one sink from each space-time or one source path. Note that, if 0 a-point ? of (or crossings t) is the number of particles paths) t) Lx(x, y, Lx(y, space-time on the segment [x, y] x {t}. we to pick up either from the x-axis before we start picking NE path from of the length A heuristic argument for the cube root behavior of the fluctuation runs as fol of a longest weakly NE path for the stationary Hammersley process = with NE A ? 1. that for simplicity, lows. Suppose, length path longest weakly = t) can pick up points from either x- or j-axis before starting on a L\(t, L(t, t) let, for -t <z<t, strictly NE path to (t, t). Furthermore, (1.1) N(z) - ?number of sources in [0, z] x {0}, in {0} x [0 |z|j j number of sinks if z > 0, if z < 0, 1275 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS and . ; I(12) A ru; ( )= length of longest strictlyNE path from (z, 0) to (t, t), if z > 0, length of longest stricliy NE path from (0, |z|) to (t, t), ifz<0. Note that the processes At and N are independent L(t, t) = sup{N(z) +Mz) (1.3) The process ogy of uniform - and that :-t<z<t}. < z h> t~l/3{N(zt2/3) \z\ \z\t2/3}, on to two-sided convergence compacta in the topol tl/3, converges Brownian motion, originat the expectation of t~l^3At(zt2^3) has an ing from zero. As will be shown below, upper bound (as t -> oo) of the form asymptotic 2,2/3 _k|/l/3_lz2f is seen by taking expectations and optimizing the choice of X in the inequal 4.1. This suggests that the distance to zero of the exit point where the longest path leaves either jc- or y-axis cannot be of larger order than r2/3, since oth cannot cope with the downward parabolic drift erwise the Brownian motion ?\z2, the that fluctuation of At{z) is of order The latter assuming temporarily Op(t1/3). fact we know to be true from the analytic approach, not used in our probabilistic approach. On the other hand, we will derive this in Section 7; see (7.7). The limit behavior of the exit point can be compared to the behavior of the which ity in Lemma location of the maximum of Brownian motion minus a parabola, which plays a key role in the asymptotics for the cube root estimation above. The theory, mentioned crucial difference, is that the exit point is the location of the maximum of however, the sum of two independent processes instead of the maximum of just one process. We note here that the n]//3 convergence in estimation theory (so slower con than the usual n1^2-convergence) to the t2^3 order of the vergence corresponds to zero of the exit point, which distance (after a time-reversal argument, based on Burke's theorem for Hammersley's can be called be process) "super-diffusive" of a second class particle. The slower convergence in estimation theory is caused by the fact that the estimators have an interpretation in terms of the location of amaximum, just as the exit point for a longest weakly NE path inHammersley's havior process. The key relation which allows us to make the heuristic argument above rigorous is Theorem 2.1 of Section 2, which, in combination with (time-reversal) results = of Section where Z(t) is the rightmost 3, tells us that Var(L(i, t)) 2EZ(f)+, see (3.2), Section 3. It is point where a longest weakly NE path leaves the x-axis; = shown in Section 4 that this implies EZ(i)+ In Section 5 we compare 0(t2^3). NE with NE and obtain a bound on the longest strictly paths longest weakly paths difference between the lengths of these paths. This allows us to also obtain a lower bound for EZ(i)+ in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7 we discuss tightness results 1276 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM for the original Hammersley results of Sepp?l?inen [9]. sources without process and sinks, in connection with in par Our methods in [4], which concern, heavily rely on the ideas developed in behavior below and above the path of a second class parti ticular, the difference cle and Burke's theorem for Hammersley's process, which enables us to use time reversal and reflection. 2. Variance the concept's an important of the flux and location second class particle role in later sections. of a second and dual class particle. We will need class particle, which also play second class particle is created by second A "normal" the first sink), and a dual putting an extra source at (0,0) (thus effectively removing an extra at is sink thus effectively second class particle created by putting (0,0), as the location at time t of a second class the first source. Define X(t) removing a in with source and sink intensity equal process particle stationary Hammersley to 1 (the symmetric case), particle for this case. as the location and Xf(t) at time t of a dual second class in [4], a "normal" second class particle X(t) jumps to the previ explained ous position of the ordinary ("first class") particle that exits through the first sink at the time of exit, and successively of particles jumps to the previous positions a to to at to the the of times where these it, directly right particles jump position a of The dual left the second class particle. second class particle was concept of a in [4], but there it is seen as second class particle for the process also considered As "moving from left to right." Figure 2 shows the trajectories of a second class parti cle and a dual second class particle. Note that we always have X(t) < Xf(t), which is evident from Figure 2. .o. -O?O?O?<8>?O??? (X(t\t) . (x,t) >?? o o 5S?e?? o o o o <t>?o?o?o?0?<$> * * * * * <&?*?*?*?*?* FIG. 2. Trajectories of(X(t), t) and (X'(f), t). (X'(t),t) 1277 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS 1, source process with ?-intensity Hammersley > 0 and consider the flux L\(x,t). 1/?. Fix x,t intensity ? and sink-intensity and X'x(t) as the locations at time t of a second class particle and Denote X\(t) a dual second class particle, respectively. We use the subscript ? to indicate that of the location of the (dual) second class particle depends on ?. If the distribution = ? result: 1, the subscript is suppressed. We have the following Now a stationary consider Theorem 2.1. Var(L?(jc, Remark A 2.1. location of a second exclusion processes Remark 2.2. t)) = -kx similar + + A 2?E(jc between relation class particle has been (TASEP) in [5]. the variance proved that taking ? = JTfx Note Var(L?(x, t)) = Xx(t))+. for totally of the flux asymmetric and the simple yields 2?E(jc Xx(t))+. clarity we use the four wind direc tions N, E, S and W to denote the number of crossings of the four respective sides = N + = N + W. of the rectangle [0, x] x [0, t] [so L?(jc, t) W]. Clearly, S + E We also know from Burke's theorem for Hammersley's process (see [4]) that N Proof of Theorem 2.1. and E are independent, For notational just like 5 and W. This means that = Var(W + N) = Var(W) + Var(A0 + 2Cov(W, N) (2.1) = Var(W) + Var(A0 + 2Cov(5 + E-N,N) Var(L?(jc, 0) = = We want to investigate Var(W) --Xx A - + Var(A0 2Cov(S, N) + 2Cov(S,N). A^). It turns out that we can do this by varying the For s > 0, we define a source-intensity of ? + s. source-intensity appropriately. The sinks remain a Poisson with We denote process 1/?. intensity expectations with respect to this new source intensity by Ee. Define Cov(5, an=Ee(N\S Note = n). that an does, in fact, not depend on e, since we condition on the number in [0, x], and the sources outside this interval do not influence N. Then sources 3s ?=0 ds 8=0^ n\ of 1278 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM = 1 ^?v-? (xX) -> e _ ^ ^-^ -?e XKan-n-x} This shows -E(NS)-xE(N). ? that - Cov(N, S) = E(NS) (2.2) = X E(N)E(S) d de where ^ XKan n=0 n=0 = (xX) E?(N), e=0 we use that E(S) = ?jc. will calculate this derivative in the following manner. Fix, independently, a Poisson 1 of or-points in (0, oo)2, a Poisson of of intensity process process on sources of intensity X on the jc-axis and a process of sinks of intensity the l/X /-axis. Now we add an independent Poisson process of intensity s to the process of We sources. Define N? as the number of crossings of the North-side [i.e., (0, jc) x {t}] for the process with the added sources. Note that if we add an extra source at (z, 0), then N increases by 1 if and only if Xx(t; z) < jc, where Xx(t; z) is the location of a second class particle at time t, that which started at (z, 0). We denote Xx(t) = Xx(t; 0). This means E(N?) = E(N0) + s f (2.3) Therefore, by using the stationarity E(t{Xx(t;z)<x})dz + 0(e2). of the Hammersley Cov(N, 5) = ??I de = \( process, E(N?) \e=o E(tlXx(t;z)<x])dz (2.4) =X fX F(Xk(t) <x-z)dz Jo = X = fXF(x-Xx(t)>z)dz Jo XE(x-Xx(t))+. Combining thiswith (2.1) gives Var(L?(jc, Now sity 1.We t)) = -Xx+t- a stationary Hammersley denoted the flux of this process consider + 2?E(jc process Xk(t))+. with at (jc, t) by L(x, source D (and sink) inten t), and the location of a 1279 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS started at (0,0), at time t, which (dual) second class particle Note that under the map by X(t) i-> (x/X,Xt), (x,t) source intensity 1 gets transformed process with source intensity X (and corresponding sink intensity shows ing argument a stationary process with XXk(t) = X(t/X) (2.5) where = and XX[(t) = into a stationary l/X). This rescal X\t/X), equality in distribution. like to bound Var(L^(i, t)) in the case where t)) in terms of Var(L(i, 2.1 and (2.5), we get, using the inequality Theorem (A + B)+ < denotes We would X > 1. Using A+ + B+, Var(L?(i, t)) If we [resp. Xf(t)]. = -Xt + t/X + 2E{Xt t/X + t/X X(t/X))+ <(X\/X)t + 2E(t/X X(t/X))+ = (X\/X)t + Var(L(//?, t/X)). the intuitively show clear result that, for X > 1, (2.6)Var(L(i?X, t/X)) < Var(L(i, t)), we have proved that (2.7) Var(L?(i, t)) <(XWe can show (2.8) that Theorem (2.6) by noting V<ir(L(x,t)) l/X)t + Var(L(i, t)). 2.1 for X = 1 is equivalent to = -x + t+ 2 ? Jo F(X(t)<z)dz. Define (j)(x,t) = Var(L(jc,i)) source the and sink intensities since (p is symmetric, Clearly, reflection symmetry of the process. Furthermore, (2.8) shows that 0 is a continuously are equal, which differentiable function, = gives with di(?(x,t) -\+2F{X(t)<x). < t) > can show that F(X(t) have proved (2.6), since 1/2, we would > 0 for a that is function in t. d\(t)(t, t) 0 implies (j)(t, t) symmetric increasing Since reflecting Hammersley's in the diagonal preserves the distribu process If we tion, while interchanging the trajectories of X' and X, we know that = < ?(X(t) > jc) P(X'(jc) < t) P(X(jc) < t). Choosing /=i,we see that F(X(t) >t)< which shows that ?(X(t) <t)> F(X(t) <t) = F(X(t) 1/2. As noted before, < t), this proves (2.6). 1280 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM 3. Connection between second class we and exit points. As has al the flux L\(x, t) in two ways: particles can view ready been noted in the Introduction, it is the number of space-time paths in the square [0, jc] x [0, t], but is also the to (jc, t), where of NE the length longest weakly path from (0,0) "weakly NE" means as long that we are allowed to pick up sources or sinks, as well as a-points, we as we are going North-East. To work with this latter representation, will which use in the symmetric case when both the source- and the sink-intensity mainly are 1, we define, for ? t < z < t, N(z) and At(z) by (1.1) and (1.2). Remember are TV that the processes and and that At independent L(t, t) = sup{W(z) +Mz) (3.1) :-t<z<t}. important aspect of this representation leaves either the x-axis or the y-axis. Define Another path at which is the location a longest : + At(z) = L(t, t)} Z(t) = sup{z e [-t, t] N(z) (3.2) and Z\t) = inf{z (3.3) We call Z(t) and Z'(t) : +Mz) [-/, t] N(z) exit points for a longest path, that leave the axis on (Z(t), 0) [or (0, -Z(f))] From this definition and using the symmetry = L(t, t)}. since there exist longest of the situation, we can see that and Z(t) = -Z\t). (3.4)Z\t)<Z(t) We have defined will need another link between the two representations. as the position at time ? of a second class particle, and X\t) respectively second class particle, that starts at (0, 0). Now define We Y(t) = X(t) dual if X(t)<t, t-X(t), M{s paths or on (Z'(i), 0) [or (0, -Z'(i))L >0:X(s) >t}-t, ifX(t) > t, >t}-t, ifX\t) and y\t) = Since X'{t) X and Y. It also shows > X(t), mf{s >0:X'(s) < we have Y'(t) two relations a<t if X'(t)<t, t-Xf(t), =? which we will (3.5) =? Figure 3 shows be important {X(t) <a} = {Y(t)>t-a} {X'(t)<a} a>t Y(t). {X(t)>a} {X\t)>a} = = = > t. the relation later: and {Y'(t)>t-a}, {Y(a) <t-a) {Y'(a)<t-a}. and between 1281 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS -Y(a) -Y(t) A t FIG. 3. Relating X and a Y. Figure 4. The left picture shows a realization of the Hammersley to Z(t) and Z'(t). The two and process longest weakly NE paths, corresponding now same but reflected in the point realization, right picture shows the (r\t, ^t). of a second class and a dual Note that the longest paths become trajectories Now consider to Y(t), and that Z(t) corresponds process, to in states the reflected Burke's theorem that [4] Y'(t). Zf(t) corresponds so that we can is also a realization of the stationary Hammersley process, process indeed conclude that second in the reflected class particle while Z(t) = Y(t) In particular, that and Z'(t) = Yf(t). using Theorem this means, (3.6) Var(L(t,t)) 2.1 and noting = that (t ? X(t))+ o <|> <> o I Y'(t) o o 4> <> o o ? o <> <!>-? o z\t) o <t>O O O O O O b o o o1 o o Z(t)t FlG. 4. Longest path is distributed Y(t)+, 2EZ(t)+. <J>-O0-0-0-? <> <> = as trajectory of a second class particle. 1282 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM is of order 0(t2/3). 4. EZ(t)+ We wish to control the exit point Z(t). We an auxiliary Hammersley to the do this by considering process L\, coupled > 1 sources a to X the Poisson of process original one, by thickening intensity a and thinning the sinks to Poisson process of intensity l/X. The process At then satisfies the following inequality. will LEMMA Let X>\ 4.1. and define t) as the flux L\(x, of L\ at (jc, t). Then, forO<z<t, Mz)<Lx(t,t)-Lx(z,0). that a strictly NE path from (z, 0) to (t, t) is shorter than a to either this path is allowed longest weakly path from (z, 0) to (t,t), where x on or sources of with of L\ L\ [z, t] {z} x [0, t]. {0}, pick up crossings pick up this longest weakly NE path is equal to the number of space-time However, paths in turn, is equal to L\{t, the number of in [z, t] x [0, t] of Lx, which, t) minus PROOF. It is clear NE sources We on [0, z] x can now there exists Theorem {0}. D theorem. We use the notation a(x) the following < such that, for all parameters x,a(x) Mb(x). show <b(x) a constant M 4.2. Let0<c< Then t/EZ(t)+. ,iz"i>tEz('ws(i4?(?+?)' PROOF. that, for any ? > Note 1, = L(t, t)} ?{Z(t) > u) = ?{3z > u :N(z) + At(z) < P{3z > u :N(z) + Lx{t, t) - Lx(z, 0) > L(t, t)} = F{3z > u :N(z) - Lx(z, 0) > L(t, t) Lx(-, 0) is a thickening of L(-, 0), we get that ?X-\(z) ? 1. This means is in itself a Poisson process with intensity ? Since P{Z(0 >u}< To have a useful bound E?x-i(u) is maximal. - This means F{?x-\ for all 0 < u < E{Lx(t, t) - (w)< Lk(t, t) \t, we L(t, /)} = (A that we choose xu = choose (i-u/trl/2. - - Lx(t, := Lx(z, that t)}. 0) L(t, /)}. X such that \)u - tik + - - 2\ - N(z) if CUBE ROOT AS YMPTOTICS useful Some that hold for all 0 < u < inequalities, elementary 1283 \t, are K<2, (4.1) - E?^-ii?) E{Uu(t, t) - L(t, 0} > \u2/t, k?-\/k?<2u/t. Note that, due to (2.7) and (3.6), < 2(Var{L??(i, t)} + Var{L(i, t)}) Var{L??(f, r) L{t, t)\ Now we can use Chebyshev's ?{Zit) >u)< <?EZit)+ + 2tiku-l/ku) <8EZ(i)+ + 4w. inequality: < Pj?^-iOi) Lk?it,t) - Lit, t)\ <P|Vi(?)<EJVi,_i(H)-?2/(8/)} + ?{LXuit, t) Lit, t) > E?^-iiu) < (4.2) 64i2(?M - \)u t2 t) - we ?r see that 3 ) P{Z(0>h}<p{z(?)>-?}<^3 we now follows use (4.2). This means u= from choosing 4.3. limsup that (4.2) Let Z(t)+ f_>oor f2/3 = hmsup ,-W t. The 0(t2/3). t) be defined Var(L(M)) EZ(?)+ = r ?^? + ?2EZ(0+ M4 D that EZ(t)+ and L(t, i2 is true for all 0 < u < cEZ(t)+. can show this theorem we COROLLARY Lit, t)) + u2/iSt)} t2EZ(t)+ u? |f, - u* ^ t2 If t > u > Lit, t) > E{LXuit, t) 64i2(8EZ(r)+ + 4w) U^ With h2/(80} ?4 + ?{LKit, where - ??^-< 2?2/3 as in (3.6). Then , +oo. theorem 1284 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM Proof. there exists (3.6), we only have to prove Using a sequence such that tn f +00 EZfe)+ r hm -r?? n-+oo Using 4.2, we Theorem = the statement )+. Suppose +00. tn1'5 see that + P(2??,+ ;l)Al. >?Z(,?)+l<5^-?(-l Using dominated this shows that for EZ(f [note that t2/(EZ(tn)+)3 convergence is a bounded sequence], POO / F{Z(tn)+>cEZ(tn)+}dc^O, Jo which would the absurd imply assertion that lEZ(i?)+J As a corollary we get the following: 4.4. Corollary Let c > 1. Then nz(t)>ct2'3}<^. This PROOF. corollary. Remark. is an immediate consequence c? of Theorem 4.2 and the previous D to a result on transversal fluctuations result can be compared path in [7]. He shows that all longest stricly NE paths from (0,0) in a strip along the diagonal of width ty, with probability tending This of a longest NE to (t,t) remain to 1, as t ?> 00, for any y > 2/3. To this end, he uses the analytic results in [2]. with Corollary 4.4, shows that the transversal fluctuation Section 3, in combination ? < s a t at time of s)2?3. longest weakly NE path from (0,0) to (t, t) is of order (t the reflected This is due to the fact that any longest weakly NE path lies within see Figure 4. trajectories of a second class particle and a dual second class particle; same NE for on result the NE Our result strictly paths, as the weakly paths implies the longest strictly NE path that is short argument will show: consider following to the right of all other longest strictly NE paths and suppose, at time s < t, this of Since the sources and sinks are independent path is to the right of the diagonal. a at of is least we there still this have that, given this event, event, 1/2 probability that Z(t) > 0. The corresponding longest weakly NE path (so the weakly NE path that is most to the right) cannot be to the left of the considered longest strictly NE 1285 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS to the right of a they cannot cross), so the order of the fluctuations same cannot than the order for NE be longest weakly higher path longest strictly to the left, a similar argument holds. The remark at the NE paths. For fluctuations lower bound result. the corresponding end of Section 6 discusses (because path To get a lower bound 5. Strictly NE paths and restricted weakly NE paths. a strictly NE path and on EZ(t)+, we need to control the difference between a weakly NE path in a stationary Hammersley process L\ (with source inten sity 1), where the weakly NE path is only allowed to pick up sources in an interval [0, st2/3] x {0}. To do this, we consider another independent Hammersley process 1; for Lx on [0, t]2 with source intensity X, sink intensity l/X and a-intensity are of the this process, the corresponding sources, sinks and a-points independent to this process Li, we consider Lq as the correspond for L\. Coupled processes but has no that uses the same a-points, process ing (nonstationary) Hammersley or sinks. sources We denote space-time segment L$(x, t) as the number of the Hammersley process that, for 0 < z < t, paths) [0, x] x {t}. Note - (5.1) AM This of particles At(z) = L0(r, t) the number (i.e., without - - L0(t of crossings or sinks with sources of the z, t). ? from the fact that Lo(t z,t) equals the length of the longest (strictly) NE path from (0,0) to (t z, t). Also note that {N(z) :z e (0, t)} [the number of sources of the process L\ in the interval (0, t)] and {Lx(t, t) ? Lx(t ? z,t):z e are two Poisson (0, t)} processes. independent follows Define process (5.2) as the position at time t of a dual second X[(t) Lx, that started in (0, 0). Then we know that x < y < X[(t) =? Lx(y, t) - Lx(x, t) < L0(y, class t) - particle L0(x, of the t). to the fact that if we leave out all the sources of Lx, the space-time not do paths change above the trajectory of X'x (this is one of the key ideas in [4]; the reader might want to check this fact by looking at Figure 2). This means that if we define the process Lasa uses a same that the process Hammersley -points and we sinks as L^, but starts without that have sources, any This is due x < X'k{t) =? Lx(x, t) = L(x, t). from the fact that the set of particles of L is at all (5.2) now follows Inequality times a subset of the set of particles of the Hammersley process Lo, since this no has L whereas does have sinks. sinks, process Theorem limsupPJ 5.1. sup Fix L > 0. Then {N(z) + At(z)} - At(0) > Ltl/3\ = 0(e3), e?0. E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM 1286 PROOF. We will use the auxiliary constructed process Hammersley above. De fine X=\-rrx'3. If Xfx{t) > t, (5.2) tells us that, for 0 < z < t, Lk(t, t) - Lk(t -z,t)< L0(t, t) - L0(t - z, t). Using (5.1) and defining Nk(z) we see that (remember that N = Lx(t,t)-Lk(t-z,t), and At are independent) sup {N(z)+Mz)}~M0)>Lt1^3} ( J lze[0,e?2/3] ^[0,??2/3] (5.3) < The second sup {N(z) Nk(z)} > Ltl/3\ + F{X[(t) < t). p{he[0,8t2/3] i term on the right-hand 4.4: side of can be bounded (5.3) using (2.5), (3.5) and Corollary = F{X'(t/k) < Xt} P{X'k(t) <t} = ?{Zf(t/X)>t(l/X-X)} (5.4) <F{Z(t/X)>t(l/X-X)} = P{Z(i/(l > rt2/3(2 rt'l/3)) - r/"1/3)/(l rt~l/3)} <P{Z(f)>rf2/3}<r~3, t = t/(\ ? ri~1/3). 4.4 with argument for all r e [1, i1/3), applying Corollary side of (5.3) concerns a hitting time for the dif The first term on the right-hand this can be written After rescaling, ference of two independent Poisson processes. as P{30<z<, : ?~1/3{7V(z?2/3) - The process z ?- t~xl3{N{zt2/3) Brownian motion process (5.5) Wr(z) - converges, ?k{zt2/3)} = W(2z) + ?x{zt2'3)} > L). as t -> oo, to the drifting z > 0, rz, on compacta, where W is standard Brown in the topology of uniform convergence of Donsker's on R+. Hence, we get, by a standard application theorem, ian motion lim P{3o<z<, r: l/3{N(zt2/3) (5.6) = P sup Wr(z)>L\. Ue[0,e] - Nk(zt2/3)} > L) 1287 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS now get, for r < L/e, We pj supWr(z)>L\ <PJ = sup W(z)>L-sr\ supW(2^)/v/2e>(L-^r)/V2e| PJlze[0,l] J (5.7) supW(z) > (L ?r)/V2??} j e[o,n 2 e-^u2du. Vtt/o(L-er)/>/2? Taking r= L/(2s), V*V we get -(1/2)?2 du er)/j2e 2 ? du H L/Vs? nr- ^- _j2 s ==-, | 0, L\f2? y/2n in the last ratio approximation for the tail of a normal distribution using Mills' that, with this choice of r, our estimate for the second term on step. This means so (5.4) now proves the theorem. the right-hand side of (5.3) is dominant, D that we Note at a certain uniformly could use the proof of the theorem to show that L can even go to 0 -> 0, and still the considered speed when e probability would go to 0, in t. 6. Lower bound We wish to bound the probability for EZ(f)+. that Z(t) e we to an In order introduce do station this, [0, et2/3]. again independent auxiliary ary Hammersley process L^, but now with intensity X > 1. In fact, we will choose -1/3 X=\+rt to this process, we again consider the Hammersley process Lo without Coupled sources or sinks, but with the same a-points. This time, however, we will leave out the sinks of the stationary process; to be more precise, we have that (6.1) y > x > Xk(t) => L0(y, t) - L0(x, t) < Lx(y, t) - Lk(x, t). reason is that if we consider the stationary process Lx and leave out the sinks of this process, below the trajectory of X\ the space-time paths do not change. The set then follows from of fact that the the inequality particles of a process which, The like Lo, has no sinks, but starts with sources and uses the same a-points, will at all E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM 1288 times be a superset of the set of particles this to the explanation of (5.2). We again define = ?x(z) and will show Theorem the following Lk(t,t) of the Hammersley - - Lk(t process Lq. Compare z,t) result. 6.1. limlimsupP{0 t^ ?40 Proof. Let = < Z(t) < et2'3} 0. to find s > 0 such that r\ > 0. It is enough < Z(t) < st2'3} < 3r?. limsupP{0 f?>-oo For any L, r > 0 and X= I+ rt~1'3, we have P{0 < Z(t) < st2'3}< PJ sup (N(z)+Mz)) < sup (N(z)+ At(z))\ h>et2/3ze[0,st2/i] J < (6.2) sup {N(z) (MO) Mz))} PJyz>?t2? j + which allows (6.1), which Z < rt2/3, Ltl'3\ sup {N(z)-(M0)-At(z))}>Ltl'3\, PJ{ze[0,et2/3] i since for any L e R, X < Y implies F(X <Y)< < that either X < L or Y > L, so F({X < L] U [Y > L}) < F(X < L) + F(L < Y), over L. For the first term of (6.2), we want to use us to "optimize" ? on event {Xk(t) <t the rt2'3}, we know that, for all implies that, L0(t, t) - L0(t - z, t) < Lk(t, t) - Lx(t - z, t). Therefore, P{0<Z(O<^2/3} < (6.3) sup PJhe[st2/\rt2/3] {N(z) Nk(z)} < Ltl/3\ + F{Xk(t)> t rt2'3} J sup {N(z)-(At(0)-At(z))}>Ltl'3\ > +PJhe[0,st2/3] =F + sup {N(z) Nk(z)} < Ltl/31 + F{X(t/X) > Xt Xrt2'3} jlZe[et2/\rt2/3] J PJ sup {N(z) (A,(0) Mz))} > Ltl/3\. CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS Using ?Z'it) 1289 - krt2? > (3.5) (note that kt t/k when r < ?r1/3), Z'(i) < Z(f) and = Z(t), we get, for the second term in (6.3), > kt - krt2?] = ?{Zikt - krt2?) < (1/? - k)t + krt2?) < ?{Z\kt - krt2?) < (1A - k)t + krt2?} P{X(i/?) = = - ?{Zikt >ik- krt2?) ?{-Z'ikt >ik- krt2?) second that we start by choosing than r?, since krt2?) krt2?) -r2/1/3 l+r?-l/3 r sufficiently can term is smaller \/k)t - - rt2? = P Z(?(l -r?r?li))> This means \/k)t large to ensure that the 2/3 r2tl? >{z(ta-r2r2^>-i+rt_r/3 = + 0(i,/3)) > rt2? + pjz(i where Now found 0(?1/3)j = 0( r\ t OO, we use Corollary 4.4 in the last step. we turn to the first term in (6.3). This in the previous section. We term is very similar to the term we as in the proof of Theorem 5.1, that the have, process z^r]/3{N(zt2/3)-?x(zt2/3)} converges, as t -> oo, to a drifting (6.4) Wriz) Brownian = Wi2z)-rz, in the topology of uniform convergence on R+ ian motion (this time the drift Donsker's theorem, get, again using lim P sup motion process z>0, on compacta, where W is standard Brown is negative instead of positive). Hence, we 1/3 {Niz)-?xiz)}<Lt ze[st2/3,rt2/3] sup Wr(z) <L Ue[?,r] (6.5) sup Wr(z) <L Z < [0,r] sup Wr(z)<L\+] ze[0,r] sup Wr(z)<L, ze[s,r] sup Wr(z) > L ze\0,e) sup Wr(z)>L ze[0,s] 1290 E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM Since sup Wr(z)<L\=0, limPJ ?4? J lz [0,r] Ue[0,r] we L = L(r?) > 0 sufficiently can choose small to ensure sup Wr(z)<L\<r]/2. J ze[0,r] It is also clear from the argument can next choose e > 0 sufficiently 5.1 of the proof of Theorem small to ensure that supWr(z) > l\ < PJ sup W(2z) >l)< [see (5.7)] that we rj/2, for this choice of L = L(rj) > 0. It is now seen from (6.5) that this bounds the first term of (6.3) from above by rj that we have already fixed r > 0 to bound the second term of (6.3)]. [remember we can choose s > 0 so small that the third term in (6.3) is smaller than rj, Finally, D 5.1. This completes the proof. using Theorem COROLLARY Let Z(t)+ 6.2. . fEZ(t)+ hminf?x-pz? f-*oo tn Proof. Using ? oo such that and L(t, . = fVar(L(M)) hminf-^-> t-+oo t1'5 (3.6), we only have as in (3.6). Then t) be defined to prove 0. 2tll5 the statement for EZ(i)+. Suppose EZfa)+ ~> U 2/3 In Then Since -Z'(t) = Z(t) and Z'(t) < Z(t), we have thatF{Z(t) > 0} > 1/2, for all t > 0. This would mean that, for all s > 0, liminfP{0 < Zfo.) < ?in2/3}> i, which would Remark. contradict We Theorem can again make 6.1. D a comparison with the results in [7]. Johansson shows that the probability that all longest strictlyNE paths from (0,0) to (t, t) stay within a strip around the diagonal of width ty does not tend to 1, as t -> oo, for all 6.1 shows that the results in [2]. Our Theorem y < 2/3, again using the analytical to from NE all that (0, 0) (t, t) stay within a strip paths longest weakly probability around the diagonal of width tY tends to 0, as t -> oo, for all y < 2/3 (see also the Remark at the end of Section 4). 1291 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS 7. Tightness drodynamical process, with In the preceding sections it was shown, using the "hy a of [4] that, for version of Hammersley's stationary on 1 for the Poisson axes and in the the point processes results. methods" intensity the variance of the length of a longest weakly t2/3, in the sense that NE plane, path L(t, t) is of order 0 < liminfi"2/3 Var(L(i, *)) < limsupi~2/3 Var(L(f, *)) < oo. (7.1) This means, that, for any t > 0, the sequence in particular, nt) n~x/3{L(nt, n = 2nt], 1,..., is tight. As noted ? in [9], the distributional limit result for n~l/3{Lo(nx,nt) 2n*Jxt\ sources and sinks in [2] can be translated into a for Hammersley's process without limit of Yn/n1/3, where Yn (7.2) = znt([nx])-nx2/(4t), and Znt([nx]) is the [nx]th particle at time nt, counting particles at time nt from the left. Theorem 3.2 in [9] gives a tightness result for a more general version of Yn, in the context of a version of Hammersley's line, with a process on the whole (possibly) initial state. The random result is that, under his conditions D and E, the sequence n= Yn/(nl/3\ogn), l,... is tight. He conjectures that, in fact, n1/3 logn can be replaced by n1/3. The results, derived above, are a further indication that indeed n{/3 logn might be replaced by methods. nlj/3, and that this can be derived by hydrodynamical For the stationary version of Hammersley's 1 of the process, with intensities on we in can the and as the the define axes, processes plane znt([2nt]) location of the [2n?]th source at time nt, where we count the sources from left to right, starting with the first source to the right of zero. Note that at time zero the particles are just the sources. The particles, escaping through a sink, are given Poisson location zero at times With this definition, - (7.3) for each (7.4) n~l/3{znt([2nt]) t > 0. This t > 0, the "switch larger than or equal to the time of escape. our results give tightness of the sequences can be seen nt}, in the following n= 1, 2,..., way. We have, for M > 0 and relation" n-x,3{znt([2nt]) - nt) > M ^=? L(nt + Mnx'3, nt) < [2nt]. E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM 1292 Theorem 2.1 yields = -nt - Mnl/3 +nt + Var(L(nt + Mnx/3, nt)) 2E(nt + Mn1'3 Xx(nt))+ = -Mn]/3 + 2E(nt + Mn1'3 Xx(nt))+ < Mnl/3 + 2E(nt X\(nt))+, where we use direction, opposite < (Y + Z)+ 1+ + Z+ in the last step. Theorem in the yields - 2E(nt = Xi(nt))+ we get, by (7.1) and Chebyshev's Hence, 2.1, applied Var(L(nt,nt)). inequality, P{^"1/3{^([2^])-^}>M} = We similarly F{L(nt + Mnl/3, nt) - Mnl/3 + Vcir(Li(nt,nt)) [Mnl/3 + 2nt-[2nt]}2 - that, if nt ? [2nt] - 2nt Mnl/3} Mn1'3 + 0{(nt)2^3) _~ _{ ?{M }* M2^3 ~ nt} < = -M] 0(M~l), > 0, Mn~1/3 - (7.5) < Mnl/3 get F{n-l/3{znt([2nt]) using - 2nt n-l/3{znt([2nt]) < -M nt} <=^ L(nt - Mnl/3, nt) > [2nt], which (7.3). proves the tightness of the sequences the tightness of the sequence process Although (Yn/n1^3) for the Hammersley sources or sinks, as defined in (7.2), is known from the results of [2], it without sections. The is of some interest to derive this from the results of the preceding tightness will (7.6) follow from = n~l/3{L0(nx,nt)-2y/xt} n -+ oo, Op(l), for all x, t > 0, where Lo(nx, xt) where the intensity of the Poisson We again have a "switch [1], we know (7.7) show L0(nt + Mnx'3, nt) < that Lo(nx, so if we ?=> -nt}>M n-l/3{znt([2nt]) From is a strictly NE path from (0, 0) to (nx, xt), in the first quadrant is equal to 1. process relation" similar to (7.4): that, for each n~x/3{L0(nt, nt) = Lo(nVxt, n^/xt), t > 0, nt) - 2nt} = Op(l), n -> oo, [2nt]. and 1293 CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS we get, for each e > 0 and t > 0, ?{n~l/3{znt([2nt])-nt}>M} = = + Mnl/3, ?{L0(nt - nt) 2nt ?{L0(ntyJl+Mn-2/3/t, - < Mnl/3 [2nt] - 2nt Mnl/3} + Mn~2'3/t) ntjl + Mn~2/3/t 2nt^l - + 0(M2rc~1/3) <[2rc?]-2rc?-Mrc1/3} for sufficiently = M large M > (s) > 0 and all n no(M, s). Relation (7.7) similarly implies < < e, nt} -M) ?{n-l/3{znt([2nt]) = > 0 and all n > no(M, s), for sufficiently M(s) large M using < -M ^=> nt} L0(nt nt) > Mnx/3, n-l/3{znt([2nt]) In order to prove (7.8) to show it is sufficient (7.7), t) t~l/3{L0(t, - [2nt]. 2t} = t -* oo. Op(X), Now first note that the length Lo(t, t) of a longest strictly NE path from (0,0) ? to (t, t) is the same as At (0) in the proof of Theorem 5.1. Let, for X = 1 rt~1/3, 5.1. By (5.3), we have Lx be defined as in the proof of Theorem {N(z) + At(z)} sup z - MO) > Ltl/3 [0, Kt2/3] (7.9) <P We first deal with sup {N(z) - Nx(z)} > Li1/3 + P{X^(i) < t}. he[0,Kt2/3] ' the second term on the right-hand side of (7.9). By (5.4), we have = (7.10) F{X'x(t)<t} for r e [1, uniformly \tl?3]. we note that first (7.9), z^ is a zero-mean Mr(z) = martingale. To deal with the first term on the right-hand - rl/3{N(zt2/3) So we 0(r~3), ?x(zt2/3)} -rz, z> 0, get sup {N(z)-?x(z)}>Ltl/3}=?\ p( ^ze[0,Kt2/3] J he[0,K] sup {Mr(z)+ rz}> l] J sup Mr(z)>L-rK\. side of E. CATOR AND P. GROENEBOOM 1294 r = L/(2K) Taking and using Doob's submartingale sup {N(z)-Nx(z)}>Ltl?\ > we get sup Mr{z)>L/l\ <p( h ze[0,KtV3] inequality, i [0,K] sup Mr(z)2>L2/4 z [0,K] We also have, by Corollary - ^ 4EMAK)2 4.4, {N(z) + At(z)}? sup sup {N(z) + At(z)} ze[-t,t] ze[-Kt2?,KtW] < 2P{Z(i) > Kt2?) < \/K3. So, taking K = L1/n [note that this means for L < t4/5], we ?i1/3, that r = L/(2K) = < jL5'n obtain sup {N(z) + At(z)}-At(0)>Ltl/3\ i lze[-f,?] = P{Li(f, for all L<t4>5. If L > t4/5, we first note P{Li (/, /) - ?) A,(0) > Li1'3} < L'5'*, that A,(0) > Lt1/3} < P{Li (r, i) > Li1/3} > > < < 2P{Pf 2?{P, ?Li1/3} 2L1/6?}, t. Let [x] denote the largest integer where f, is a Poisson variable with expectation < x and let a = term in an expansion the remainder Then, using Lagrange jL1/6. of ?, we get, for a 0 (0,1), F{Pt Stirling's formula > ?L1/6i} < P{/>, for the gamma r(a? + l) L, > implies that ?{Pt if L > t4/5, uniformly [fli]} function =-?- T(x) t[at]e-(l-9)t < ?-. z [aty. yields {[at] [at]\ that, uniformly in t > 1, 1 tat This > :g-?(loga-l)f a^oo. V2?H7 tends to zero faster than any negative \Ltx?) that in all large t and hence, we can conclude P{Li(f, 0 - A,(0) > Ltl/3} = 0(L_5/4), power of CUBE ROOT ASYMPTOTICS for all L > 1295 1, implying 0 < 2f - EAt(0) = E{Li(t, t) - Af(0)} (7.11) = 0(?1/3). <?1/3{l+^??L-5/4dL} Thus, - E|At(0) - 2t\ = E\L0(t, t) 2t\ = 0(tx'3). This proves (7.8) and, as noted above, (7.6) now also follows. 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