CASE STUDY The Client: Mega Brands Inc. The Challenge: Maximize Compressed Air System Efficiency The Conclusion: Quincy Efficiency Quotient Analysis Quincy Efficiency Quotient Uncovers Major Savings and Efficiencies MEGA Brands, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of children’s toys and games, achieves significant efficiency improvements and energy savings by implementing Quincy Efficiency Quotient recommendations. The Client equipment. Before selling replace- vative, affordable and high-quality based on the capacity of the MEGA Brands Inc. produces inno- ment equipment to MEGA Brands products designed to stimulate existing machines, Quincy The company manufactures over Montreal, Compresseurs Quebec, and nurture creativity in children. 100 products including a broad Compressor’s distributor in suggested an audit of the plant’s assortment of construction toys, air system to determine the effi- craft and activity products, as well the potential for energy savings. play sets, games, puzzles, and as an extensive line of sta- ciency level of the equipment and tionery, pens, pencils, markers The Quincy Efficiency Quotient, or EQ, is a detailed per- world’s second largest manufac- of a facility’s compressed air company in Canada. Its products are sold internationally in over Brands’ compressed air system uncovered significant opportuni- ties to reduce the system’s oper- ating costs. According to the audit, the system was operating at an Efficiency Quotient of 71%, with of the 10-year life cycle costs of headquartered in Montreal, tion toys and the largest toy The EQ analysis of MEGA account for approximately 80% the top 10 toy brands in North turer and marketer of construc- The Conclusion Typically, energy costs building bricks ranks as one of Quebec, MEGA Brands is the for an entire week. performance to 81%. system of interlocking plastic Founded in 1967 and and performance data was logged the potential to increase overall and crayons. The Mega Bloks® America. plant’s air system was monitored formance and financial analysis systems. Using advanced datalogging technology, the EQ monitors and evaluates functions a plant’s compressed air system – so efficiency is a key considera- tion when selecting new compressors or planning system upgrades. For the MEGA Brands system, a Quincy QGV variable speed rotary screw compressor was recommended to provide from both the supply and demand appropriate turndown for efficient- system storage, compressor demand. The QGV compressor is milled, assembled and distributed nance, ambient conditions, controlling header pressure and in Montreal. The plant’s aging inefficient uses, leak management maintenance and repair; manage- quantifies energy saving opportu- 100 countries. The Challenge MEGA Brands’ toy products are from its large production facility compressors required increasing ment was ready to replace the sides – including control mode, sequencing, equipment mainte- artificial demand, inappropriate/ and more – and identifies and nities. At MEGA Brands, the ly managing the variations in air uniquely capable of accurately efficiently managing a stable pres- sure in the system. Plus, the EQ showed that a smaller compressor could satisfy the plant’s require- ments. continued on reverse WORLD’S BEST WARRANTY = 10-YEAR AIREND COVERAGE When it comes to reliability, everyone is making the same promise. But when it comes to keeping the promise, Quincy Compressor stands alone. This is why Quincy Compressor has introduced its exclusive ten-year airend warranty, which covers both parts and labor on select models. Reliability is about confidence, performance, and trust – every day. Quincy Compressor’s Royal Blue Warranty program is proving reliability for the next ten years. continued from front In industry, 50% of the compressed air generated is wasted. The EQ analysis indicated that MEGA Brands’ system was maintaining 9 psi more pressure in the system than necessary, resulting in artificial demand of 300 scfm “The new installation eliminated the need to use multiple compressors which also helped in energy savings.” that contributed significantly to Alain Sirois Industrial Supervisor and Quality Assurance operating costs. The QGV compressor is designed to accurately 1560 gallons was proposed to delivered a simple payback of improve efficiency of the air sys- 27 months. tem and reduce header pressure fluctuations. “Besides the actual savings from the Quincy QGV variable The energy costs for MEGA speed equipment, the new instal- Brand’s existing compressed air lation eliminated the need to use system amounted to $40,360 per multiple compressors which year. Installing a Quincy QGV-100 also helped in energy savings,” compressor and additional storage says Alain Sirois, MEGA Brand’s volume translated into an energy industrial supervisor and quality control system pressure with its to variations in air demand. reduction of nearly 367,000 kilo- assurance. “The installation also unique ability to sense pressure Based on the EQ analysis, an watt-hours – and annual savings eliminated the extra maintenance downstream of the air treatment increase in total system storage of $22,015. Based on costs to on the previous equipment which equipment and react quickly from the existing 400 gallons to retrofit the system, the project had become old and unreliable.” PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MARKETS AND INDUSTRIES U N D E N I A B LY T H E W O R L D ’ S F I N E S T Quincy’s product line includes the following categories: n Agriculture/Farm n Automotive/Tire n Climate Control n Contractor/Builder n Dry Cleaning n Energy Exploration n Food & Beverage n Low Pressure n Manufacturing n Medical & Dental Climate Control & Medical Systems n Pharmaceutical n Plastics n Vacuum Pumps n Woodworking n Air Treatment 701 North Dobson Avenue EQ Auditing Services Bay Minette, AL 36507 n Rotary Screw Compressors QSI 50 - 300 hp QGV 50 - 200 hp QGB 10 - 60 hp QSLP 10 - 200 hp QSF 50 - 200 hp n Reciprocating Compressors QR25 1 - 25 hp QT 3 - 15 hp PLT 3 - 15 hp n n Quincy Compressor specializes in compressed air technology, offering top-notch products and services since 1920. Serving the industry nearly eight decades, Quincy is on the cutting edge, engineering reliability and quality into every offering. Awardwinning accomplishments have allowed Quincy to build solid relationships with its customers and achieve compressed air systems best practices. Quincy’s flagship products include the QSI and QGV rotary screw compressors, the reciprocating QR-25, QT and Climate Control packages along with its innovative Royal Blue Warranty, widely recognized as the industry’s strongest warranty program. Phone 251.937.5900 Fax 251.937.7182 Email: