MODERN ARITHMETIC AND METHODS PROBLEMS By THEODORE ^INDQUIST KANSAS STATE NORMAL EDITED SCHOOL BY . GEORGE THE SCOTT, CHICAGO UNIVERSITY FORESMAN MYERS W. OP CHICAGO AND COMPANY NEW YORK ^ COPYHIGHT, 1917 BY SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY PREFACE AUTHOR'S below Students from benefit good senior class a than text in for this review of is to of that while author teachers. plans and the found been actual the makes touchstone scholarship the the search for basal the also the only to in such results the has by The have as in teachers of the derives text attitudes, highest eflficiency the it demands efficient '*big idea/' " the " " 111 426918 a plans aptitudes and ization social- importance; ideals broad methodology "big its and motivation sane ; all such form. are the conditions. real method of material syllabus offered best the upon as to in by instruction this metic arith- of evolved been years interests, It looks and as is as a gave teacher the two contained good in varied arithmetic of has herein of under economy sider con- presentation. methods average results suggestions children. of the past excellent from methods and of engaged the treatment dents stu- to which inadequate, volume productive practice The of actively with used been of discusses needs present During of a subject-matter. the the upon need drill-book is which all supply arithmetic form old greater majority great methods as arithmetic grade exclusion It the methods-book purely the well as purpose of teachers subject-matter For The much is based instruction lectures. upon -classes which in receive rank college thing/' the and and ; it sound it makes always the AUTHOB'S IV first a of the concern review of teacher. seeking always become an effective how The development considerable in which been of sine the ough thor- a of subject- in non qua be teacher units and broken is put in to teaching example an The serviceable more The live as will of with will two is to a The to adapted as the text. the at suggest to both this needing how view re- a from standpoint upon the texts one-semester a end object: needing not second to only. course time much subject-matter. chapter will been well in the of also exercises teachers material twofold a teachers hours, depending each has as book five review which references found the in this and the the found exercises with study from them be to Appended treated will the supplement to experienced study of from in the Prospective later. while will text given which been of subject-matter subject-matter standpoints, work of less adopted selected been has use been fully longer. and structure contained review a material teacher This accordingly chapter serve the has of sort a more are are chapter for subject-matter each than short form it has used, and retained has appear given time of period it would be can forni teachers beginning that outcome The experience. before work short better is the book ii"portance than of a unities. in this classroom greater Small grasped to along need prospective teacher the is that varied completeness of all reorganizing A presented material found be. to thinker. study to demands train to teachers young student. a of most and recasting, matter, of As subject-matter, it reviewing, children PREFACE for selected for be their found the short a raphy bibliog- accessibility of the bearing upon the topics chapter. is suggested teachers in as a text for experienced college, normal, or or experien in- high-school AUTHOB'S training is suggestions Miss R. Avice State Lena of Parker Chapters IX Emporia, October, Dr. V and acknowledge which Mr. Flora and Kansas. 1917. who Keller, H. of problem the J. the Miss and Kansas the of a the material X. Theodore leagues, col- my and Cooke, contributed helpful many from Lull, G. vidual indi- " come W. ; School, ; the have Herbert Miss circles courses. contributed who Chapter W. to Hansen, B. Wright; Normal, part here criticisms and reading correspondence and ; privilege my V institutes; teachers' courses; self-help It PREFACE Lindquist. large cis Franfor EDITOR'S characteristic The indeed as social worth, ideals of they and are implied in of problems with these high a the and actual, the broader following tioned men- ideals of ical arithmet- of treatment claims pages to notes. implies material it of In results. cational edu- means: training the that similarity close teachability, usableness in children and skills of ready a Instructing knowledge into them the arithmetical of measure judged has race of fund the metical arith- preserving worth them. for 2. Giving children of vocations and 3. native Doing enthusiasm for experiment, the under Let subject-matter. material of the this shaping either gauged objectively or book occupations foster the pupil's learning. be may will that methods the and adulthood, modern by for preparation some this all Teachability of specifically educational degree procedure 1. oft-cited vx ^ to the in The not characterizing Practicality " The worth. tion, educa- practicality, are soundness. efficiency are social and accord education, modern and arithmetical modern psychological economy methods in all and practicality of notes of because be PREFACE has by it be grown of influence " Vll " empirically, intrinsic noted into extended in by room class- characteristics passing its present classroom that the form trial, EDITOR'S VUl form, herewith final the marked PBEFACE offered, having been with attended success. is directed Attention the to following internal of marks teachability : The book in presentation later the seeks great fully the It material to the for supplies of reading supplementary teaching degree and practicality After go aids far have the material exemplified, and exemplify to topics study practice lists appended ample sources topics treated. the on dren. chil- with well-graded exercise teachableness realizing toward plain it the to to high a three'meanings the of from stimulating is of sources **big'' thing is the life situations copious and and snappy real that " able consider- that pupil-teacher is essential exercise drill drawn the guarantee systematic drill to of first above. stated making in sort and bibliographies furnish The chapters. These abundance is the study. to discontinue to every **big" idea, This of how judge accurately an right the to purpose. in search to his pupils. secret which at and controlling, the into the to attempts motive gauges essential, the stages guide usability the guide in and teacher-pupil the acquiring in book The pupil this habit implant step the as the the struggles continually for motivated, and habituate for to early grades It work to situation and the work. purposeful It simplicity, childlikeness, makes " ^problem prescribed, such material and are cited. The text commercial of men material both treating this material Sometimes is shown, of affairs a teachers to adopt as social, industrial, from fully so sources actuality. used draws to better and give it way are even the better for guidance a close the than counseled way, but the approach way to actually one to and try the to get habitual EDITOR'S of way the treated Tidbit the methods of study/ into working editor The marks feels chapter this In A of phase well material social of reason distinctly to secure of this show poor book and its other Its so nate fortu- empirically conceded to not to to to prove moreover, sess pos- it of explicitly. to that teaches how adapts adult and of subjects. The interests and that all make of this use its to is for this erally gen- arithmetical school as a by concerns is It opportunity interest. The matter, author and to profitable. presents fmiciion, its by selves. them- is not treatment do fully pursuing. are consider psychological through speak employment high excellent an values socializing phase point of view material motwation of this group well this both as arithmetic school subjects done ter of common practice make to over significance of arithmetic to, is the school has sStoow^ It takes social certain A modifies and social value the how sociaUzaiion the the be treatment exemplified. has to as carry are judged said been socialization from who must is, attended group book There the and the this of worth. out perforce will whether that already method chapter and practicality. treating brought then has social results teachings merits, Enough beget in teacher- children the ship scholar- of degree to as usableness of the text, must both use, This of high ^^^"^ and by the habits internal from or of such have to as sufficientlywell always with presented, so fostered and urged the IX exemplified. material, pupils is world workaday and Such PREFACE office. doing. actual knowledge its departure to mat- It It immaturity. from what the EDITOR'S X child it that will and can of way three will in not social with few a the The pupil. is conceived, pupil. These found again be will merely take isolated that of logical psychothe always of ear-marks and again but places, that a in clerical by out through- attitude attitude toward of this growing present October, It of number education. arithmetic who take and We a need function. 1917, who those education, past class book. modem for book George Chicago, viz.: soundness. a modem the the meets education, termed reducing toward volume modern be this rapidly that this psychological and propriety all aid augment capable claims worth, moreover, teachers books the characteristics essential feels, will rightly to therefore, editor, then He to such book. practicality, may learning reader, this teaching-technique makes teacher, soundness careful The the of way psychological the It do. study-technique becomes normal PEEFACE W. Myers. gressive pro- more CONTENTS 1. Introduction I. Chapter for the as to A Seek following II. Chapter 6. broad of the for ia metic Arith- 4. of formal in Improvement pline disci- arithmetic subject-matter pensable. indis- idea." **big Exercises. chapters. 9. of Use Bibliography. ^Notation History Early doctrine knowledge always arithmetic Why arithmetic. of The 5. arithmetic. 7. 2. value life. larger 8. teaching. arithmetic. utilitarian The 3. taught. the of leaching Poor 1 tion Numera- and " 10 Why 10. history. the study number-reckoning. Tallying and 17. system. Arabic notation Boman III. Chapter being The Notation 18. Hindu- the world's ing count- distribution and origin system. in the Arabic, and Development of numeration. 19. Exercises. superseded. 13. Hindu-Arabic things big and bases. 14. counting. Hindu- The counting different to two iTie 16. system. Hindu- The 15. number-system. Arabic of forms other Primitive 11. Numbers 12. raphy. Bibliog- Arithmetic op 18 . 20. Early history arithmetic upon 24. 27. got Topical 25. Exercises. of Spiral in 26. of United the early States. teaching. Object Rational 28. teaching. object Hindu influence The system. How 21. Europe. 22. Arithmetic 23. system. views Two in schools. the arithmetic. later Chapter arithmetic of into method. Bibliography. IV. Subject-Matter The 28 Arithmetic op . ' 29. Duality 31. Elimination duty teacher's son for matter subject-matter. and by Many should 37. grades. should fit the in in aid Interest. season. in 32. arithmetic. curricula. selecting 38. subject-matter. arithmetic. in changes material Basic 30. curtailment regarding arithmetic 35. work of 34. word material. Motivation. Exercises. A of 36. 39. The Bea- 33. tion. cau- The Subject- Bibliography. CONTENTS XU V. Chapteb Socialization C!orbelation and of Artthmetio 40. 36 Socialization. class. fourth Illustration. 41. Sources 43. Correlation 44. material of with other illustrative 46. example. the Motivating teaching 47. Sources 48. VI. Chapter material. of 42. An for example subjects. of of such 45. An problems. in accounts Exercises. the metic. socializing arith- grade Value of arithmetic. Bibliography. Problems 45 . . of 51^ Solution good problems. arithmetic. in 53. Interpreting English Step one; silent reading highly important. 54. Step two; in solving problems. of exercise 55. ''Casing judgment Inverse idea off" 57. of 56. The problems. processes. arithmetical 58. jeciprocity. Step three; computation. orderliness. 59. Short and 60. 61. cuts. Step Accuracy preting. inter62. Visualizing and four; interpretation of results. of problems. 63. Formulation 64. Changing bers numin textual Office of difficult problems. filroblems. 65. 66. "Fake'' Unmotivated 67. practical problems. lems probExercises. are Bibliography. impractical. 49. of Historical. , VII. Chapter 68. engage 73. Drill of drill. 79. monthly Number drill. A 82. team for game 86. Foreword. 92. teacher. to for and and class. team A 83. of scores ''field cises. Exer- tests. 72 of 97. save Bibliography. and thought thought 89. Confusion of arithmetic. Unification. Later matter plan. How devices competition Value 85. of Language teaching. Symbols 94. a Mode 87. 88. 90. the small a Skillful Miscellaneous arithmetic. in Group drills. for 77. Other 78. individual Keeping Approximations. Bibliography. VIII. 99. 81. exercises subject-matter. Forms cards. drill. tion. calcula- Drill unify 74. drill 84. Chapter to brief. 80. games. records. Mental 71. Drills 72. for numbers 69. drills. good activity of afi. arrangements in of drills. and be periods must 76. Using example. An meet." reviews for Essentials 70. 75. 61 Drills Necessity must Value 50. 52. problems. instances of 93. of and language children 91. Early with instances of 95. teaching, not textbook writing. Waste 98. assignments. time. 100. General suggestions. Lesson tions. frac- cautions Some unification. of guished distin- be must fication. uni- tion Unifica96. of son Lestime. Exercises. CONTENTS Chapter IX. Primary Basis 101. work. of in requirement of Chapter arithmetic. minimum Illustratiye 107. detail. Exercises. Chapter Addition XI. History. 115. The teacher's duty 118. Advantageous Short Austrian 127. 130. work in No nines." Other Order 124. of division. 139. Order Cheeks. 142. 143. Number relations. 145. Order of priority Checks. 129. ber Num- Division and addition. of troductory In136. Two 138. 140. forms division. Long in checking. labor-saving devices. signs. Exercises. Some 144. plication. Multi- 132. observed be to . multiplication. 134. division. of .113 . symbolism. in work Cautions 141. first. at Example. 126. checks. step. 135. Steps accompanying Division. 137. two-digit numbers. With Difficulty tens subtraction. Arithmetical 131. by binations. com- Bibliography. MuiiTipucATioN History. addition 120. of subtraction. 128. addition. in up the 45 addition. grouping of 116. operations. Ck"mbinations taking of Exercises. 133. of fundamental 117. Order 125. the relations. ... here. of 97 Subtraction four The order method. XII. with 113. 3. Lesson 121. process. 123. Methods cuts. "Casting Chapter Descriptive a strong son. Subsequent les- 109. 1. Lesson development and Order 119. "carrying" 122. 88 . Bibliography. 114. of 112. nificance Sig- 106. Exercises. (Continubd) further 2. Lesson 111. class. 108. minimum projects. Arithmetic lessons. A 104. requirement. Possible 110. Social 105. construction Early 102. work. number early Primary X. work. number of the 84 Arithmetic early Forms 103. XllJ arithmetical Bibliography. Chapter XIII. 146. History. introduction. 150. 151. Business Addition and numbers in The introduction. introduction idea, the XIV. of to usage subtraction. way followed be Weights with Division. 157. 159. objective. writing All What fractions. fractions. Multiplication. 153. Formal 148. fractions to shorthand 155. multiplication. of numerators. by comparison cancellation. 158. Aliquot parts. know. Exercises. Bibliography. Chapter 129 Factions Informal 147. 149. the After Common 152. Mixed 154. 156. in Division one step- pupils should Measures and 143 .... 160. 162. History. Standardization 161. Choice of of weights units and by measures. early 163. peoples. Mone- Xiv CONTENTS standards. tarj ideas. 166. should tal . Chapter 170. Decimal 175. First both on 169. introduction. method. methods. work. 188. Advantages. 198. The Decimals Bib-, Thermometry. vantages. Disad185. problem. of the Development Exercises. Bibliography. Percentage 186 of cents per teacher's The of important. cent-forms. per inverse XVIII. Application plication Ap- fundamental statement Special ject. ob- 193. percentage. 194. 197. cents. The 191. of 199. Problems for problem. 200. as Percentage unitary analysis. percentage. a common corruption of unitary analysis. excessive analyses. Exercises. Chapter to Exercises. 187. 190. Introduction. History. 192. Teaching the language phase of the language. 195. problem. Variety of form Per ductions. Re- 173 189. 196. 181. traction. sub- 179. Fundamental 184. XVII. Chapter and System Metric 186. Formal method. Division. 178. History. 172. Addition 176. Multiplication. Circulating decimals. fractions. 182. common Approximations. liography. 183. fundamen- Second 174. 180. XVI. Four that 158 177. Chapter units Bibliography. Informal 173. Remarks Fundamental Isolated Fractions 171. History. introduction. 165. years. 167. Reductions. Exercises. operations. XV. four measurements. 168. learned. be First 164. Indirect socializing Avoid 201. Avoid 202. Percentage op 199 . 203. Motivation brokerage. 205. 208. through activities. Discount. 206. Profit and life Sick Exercises. Chapter XIX. benefits 204. and Commission loss. insurance. . and 207. 209. surance. In- nues. Reve- Bibliography. Banking Interest and 207 .... 211. ing. bankbanking. Learning directly about 214. 213. 212. Interest. Interest Savings banks. 215. Abbreviated forms an as application of percentage. tial Par216. of computing interest. interest. 217. Compound 219. notes. 218. Discounting Exchange. payments. checks. 220. Banks collecting agencies. 221. Travelers' as Exercises. Bibliography. 210. Chapter General XX. Partnerships and Corporations 217 . 222. Partnerships. statements. 224. 223. Treatment Corporations. of the Stocks interpretation and . of bonds. CONTENTS 225. Stock 227. Bonds stocks defined. 228. bonds. 229. and XXI. Chapter Bills Bills. 230. The 232. literal literal ography. Bibli- 223 Bibliography. 227 Arithmetic A of Problems in teaching teacher. the 236. Treatment for Reason 233. duty equation. 237. company. difficulty with Exercises. Exercises. equation. literal stock a child's a Accounts and 234. of Bankruptcy. Literal equation. the Dramatizing Cause Accounts. 231. XXII. Chapter 226. companies. XV later materi"l as 238. grades. the ducing Intro- 235. for Literal translating. solution of 239. The literal problems. equations in the ratio 240. The solution of with and proportion. equation with 241. of literal the equations. Advantages problems translated fundamental relations 242. The equation method. numbers. into without 243. Problems sign language. lustrations. must be followed 244. General by specificquestions. 245. IlExercises. Bibliography. 237 Graphs XXIII. Chapter Introducing versus graphs. 251. Essentials of 250. graphs. Exercises. Bibliography. 246. Why 247. taught. continuous-line Chapter Ratio XXIV. 252. 245 .... of Change definition 249. Proportion and 253. History. Common 255. ture subject. 248. PicLocating points. Material for problems. the notation. of source much Ratio. 254. confusion. 256. Omit 257. Proportion. complicated proportion problems. than 258. treated Proportion equation rather by the by 259. direct inverse and unitary analysis. Graphing portions. pro260. A 261. Solving problems by proportion. 262. Ratios that of proportion. use plea for the reasonable 263. seem equal not necessarily so. Majorities, pluralities, Exercises. Bibliography. averages. Mensuration XXV. Chapter History. 264. essentials. of 265. four Construction 267. formulas. First 256 269. Fundamental 266. years. 268. Inductive work. proof for Suggestions Exercises. problems. Bibliography.Chapter 270. 274. forms XXVI. Powers History. 271. ** Carpenters ' that deserve and Powers. rule'' study. 272. for 272 Boots Roots. square Exercises. 273. root. Square 275. Bibliography. root. Badical CONTENTS XVI Geographical XXVII. Chapter Measurements and Time 276. 278 Province 278. time. of The 280. Exercises. 277. Introduction problems. time. Standard 281. 279. of the Longitude International date ject. suband line. Bibliography. XXVIII. Chapter study. the fundamental / Series 285 . 282. series. Arithmetical Exercises. and geometrical Miscellaneous series. Bibliography. 283. Forms of 2 MODERN ARITHMETIC METHODS these young people high schools. Some of these fault-finding, but employ This apply he of lack to is ability of the the subject important second, the life brings all business it does making lack of for other the no they the subject indeed in obtained International Report on United States as cited be less standing, Notwith- criticisms these to that edly unconcern- go metic portion of arithif Or, allotted evil that by time to in they good died. reme- fifty large cities of time results. satisfactory ject sub- investigation " arithmetic. amount be not can late a the to While to arithmetic, it is^at the where give this such time, same instances Many have results been time. Commission Mathematics Bureau devoted produce to cient ineffi- plays in subjects. time found exorbitant an an school was in of the on the Teaching Elementary Education. : consideration, they attribute it was total the entirely sufficient * to twofold be responsible. are momentary a States means important may comparison this branch other improve to which hand, it of United the an spicuous con- more is often grades that efficiencyto the limited 15.25% by in therefore attention no and, therefore, consider is is the superintendents and attempt no stop to give it of principleswhich practical importance in the of the paying way, teaching that to person inefficiency into the lime-light, case teachers their on On warranted. young criticism must part this in the do not many the mere inseparable relation criticism this for reason ; do the of the first,the teaching of arithmetic and of course, world. The as are, school to its itself,and subject business in subjects because other teachers arithmetical mastered more of part the of the entirely are many the on have to and the criticisms general j)ractice the supposed with great a from and PROBLEMS AND of Mathematics. Schools Bulletin, 1911. of the No. American United 13 : 17. States. 3 INTRODUCTION it Therefore, grades, from the himself concern the upon effort raise to the helping been 2. in clearing of **how of the arithmetic situation, to put personal a work to is for It point a the purpose especially of and has *'how and children of civilization Our questions involving much" know what cake, or a to savings the then, game, machinery, necessary 3. The and measurements, to The put to into a necessary the simplest complicated most computations and as suflScient From building of the the whose quantitative is not case. our three, heap two, interest. in each and savage ingredients pays counting Utilitarian written " mechanic, bank crude and some enter as a element. arithmetic, need what use, jects sub- eliminated. wholly these It attention other the the of many." a^^mount to full relations **how this more of questions, element, and to, **One, are number medicine to know modem lives and that thing is child's daily be much that be limited is many." be would number-knowledge *'how would ments, measure- the essential an titative quan- measurements curriculum, music, would as of Without the lack subjects, such general of side with answers much?" grades would games comparisons with is the It deals Arithmetic quantitative of these Arithmetic Taught. grade curriculum. quantities. of the The this Is size, and many?" the said this stigma for arithmetic, by making up Arithmetic Why and to superintendent, cause importance. the prepared. with The with inexperienced teacher, that this little volume the side to its the to the of the status with aiding of connected one teacher removing teacher grade every primary in commensurate of behooves of the a of ** Value late bread good of Arithmetic. the regarding and command butter" of Much utilitarian side of its arithmetic by the up-to-date farmer, has by the by been value of importance. the skilled progressive pro- 4 MODERN fessional AEITHMETIC is housewife, cient has also obvious so for will, however, depend how far the more upon The be found of problem-solvings. for call from drawn its first in the in training earliest through have passed such inferences must receive subsequent taught music receive to or the the extent But aid the pick we It pupils as pupils for Just is true they draw to arithmetic, the great with might should English to ourselves that larger and they but more is which the concerning argued taught, then lish Eng- A child altogether. believe of first of must they must all also complete the life. material the that fimction sary neces- baker, ''get along'' through to only schools the in or thereby and butcher, be abolished be is the the is sometimes as musician, painter that is not child great it why reason English teaching to no A a metic arith- because reason. If arithmetic bread-winners, the that a is value become only force render teachers Life. returns. enough not can schools. which grades up Larger conversation on to degree unable are not become may restricted carry receives pupils, when teacher, may candlestick-maker, in can be to were he he financial big be must greater a the solely for that that drawing the for studied be in If the essentiallypractical should that blame. 4. Arithmetic an daily first little problem the eight grades, properly, the of grades. the through with of judgment exercise to long series one Conclusions continues and is met are solution the Life judgment. This grades all the has Situations value only utilitarian the of arithmetic. given data. in his vocation. progresses is not but followed; vocation individual of arithmetic of amount the upon study exercise an the Much discussion. no practical affairs of life. Thia these ability to compute in the to need as effi-* by the and mercbanty regarding conducting PROBLEMS AND successful said been necessary the by man, METHODS American equip prepare life; that their these which 5 INTRODUCTION of esthetic will Space of Formal Doctrine 5. The permit not of the Doctrine training in the study the of comprehension of mental establish to established of number long mentioned the may many of keenness keenness in her whether to No can one of mode in and of that found that other subject judgment to it offers degree a deciding of afforded so on. valuable a the by grade for opportunity an have in cook- quantities and possesses no girl a will recipes, in small or that will, however, arithmetic in also of by its it seasoning keenness size large for argued of jection re- first be arithmetic use the development made be insight in her the for not not can Before It must made are modifying thought exercise arithmetic arithmetical dispute curriculum claims large a of matter for. looked be discriminating food which be can studied. the velopment de- sary neces- are theory any been in Her buy namely, ; general as time, during have It the in of disproof the and in the developed. serve of validity the conclusions Such or Arithmetic. Discipline subjects and modifications supporters. developing ing as particular subject will aid in a instances study ardent most her well as to as concerning Formal long a theory that through other after decided of this of proof varying very of brawn. the only Discipline discussion a invalidity that ethical the and material. the or the of cognizance takes the other no subject. Arithmetic in a it have an in the pupil his or This has can skim either over that for right or the and makes which results it training it affords. mental is unable because is absoluteness teacher he definiteness a he to each lesson a has do he wrong. must It a In the lesson secure has study a some passed unsur- subjects yet fool either and accomplished with obtained of a an desired himself results. arithmetical definite ethical lems, probwhich result value as well, 6 MODERN which and a valuable the teaching below' children the been grade be relative inculcate these difference the in in ceiving re- of study opportunities have, opposed the is far of advantage numbers, of study a more his into portuniti op- oxygen When you arithmetic phlegmatic foresight, of it these ties qualito necessary done have class. inertia and proportions, of into it the of two " discrimination, Breathe your and over. without the what in this, of Instead it will alive be finger tips. the in Improvement furnish no the nevertheless, vital given cautioned method which and be never A an Broad Arithmetic-Teaching. for panacea take never 7. is living, vital subject. a of study It breathe passed their children take system, habits. conclusions. at gives of keenness be from or, to a four. acquiescence 6. merely and will you it dull failed arriving and watch has is not the stubbornly, too to that mind either that values, of keenness of make in it schools benefits borne and four and two, A the teacher Arithmetic is through advantages to to lightly go there likely, the and not it must arithmetic these surface, is above-mentioned the have the and truth trutii is this thoroughness, neatness, care, simplicity, perception, industry, accuracy, seeing of need of short opportunity the Moreover, one. of absolute lesson accepting nothing of PROBLEMS AND The emphasized. necessity most If little is too the METHODS ARITHMETIC place to obtain scholarship the being is to rob the make a extremist it or Knowledge comprehensive At the knowledge requisite of good arithmetic common led away by this be must or teaching of arithmetic Always can sense; time, the same joy forever. a of or and results, methods best consideration. about methods difficulties of teaching, the of Mere teacher that new of its perplexities, be rational ; faddist. of Subject-Matter of the Indispensable. subject-matter teaching. It would is a prime be a^ absurd 7 INTRODUCTION for who one piano, for as have must only this,but Not of the of arithmetic word he least at Only geometry. comprehend which their have 8. Seek of workable well is ideas may cases where later be they constantly essentials latter of must method. a period, idea even or have is to The of form at by if cannot be teacher constantly cause with compare future harmful will to children. present teacher to past get on into The drills recitation the The ideas. This sane, quiet in a no revolutionary the of all such teacher all spirit of the pupils, help contrary, Above big life. of new possible the the to the details. in his work. grow results. that day. minds characterize must special advised so full out the and Whenever with the and the on the These whether produce in improve in is also of carried will, but revolution'' not that as course, ideas. during or trying ever a distinguishing features time bewilderment or usable incidental drills snappy is by prospective the big idea the end, other some stages results the the at teacher easy this student the as In adaptable the with experimentation, manner, be for accepted all such successful for thorough followed teaching, The alert beginning, principles be instance, it is immaterial For the at come needed. be never of to confused not are quately ade- he can This should lookout the on the of year a mathematical teaching. work modified are on of later to be urged sense knowledge and '*Big Idea." the methods the during teacher be in ject. sub- arithmetic. subject-matter the course as for portion biggest thorough algebra the try field of the preparation such impart in root of to of any in the this year by and Always knowledge a arithmetic teacher successful be to teach to expect of the whole grasp supplement must by successful a to of knowledge a The subject. of arithmetic plane lacking piano the played never one that teach to has ** the lution Evo- ments experishould it behooves work first, 8 MODERN while ARITHMETIC student, and a later the 9. Use this remaining book be may be written for what text is recommended in ink. this to pick out chapter This care and in and future in fixing mind the I. 1. What States? 2. is the Wherein How To student deavor en- in incidentals in emphasis proper here as aid under sented pre- and schoolroom, brought each. as for up cussion. dis- in elucidating consideration. EXERCISES status lies the cause? should matter the chapter of greater be useful contained the point the present time much each else will each in use found material. the the serve pre- always be let from to should similar placing in find to for Nothing in later possible illustrate as will big idea the grasp Try idea some far to will aid him teaching. essentials the Any gestions Sug- desirable and inspirational value, for problems consultation. notebooks and metic. arith- problems. be size envelopes of the acquainting the good it may paper-clippings of each while which Legal work for for of subject-matter few a constitutes in loose-leaf kept preserving make contain eight chapters phase the to used, primarily, discussions and made be with arithmetic ing dur- each nature; topical some which be to are student-teacher good will exercises These review. with deals the general a first The Chapters. of are reference No enthusiasm spirit and in grow Following ones in to PROBLEMS AND of teaching. work of the of except METHODS be of arithmetic How can devoted each teaching it be in United the remedied? day to* arithmetic in the grades? 3. State subjects 4. grade 5. of Discuss essential the the standpcHnt. between arithmetic and the other grades. arithmetic curriculum Discuss differences the and value as of of illustrating the quantitative side of the life. arithmetic from the "bread and butter '* CHAPTER 10. Why real, the since teacher devoted to system and history of will taken be Of of any attention of ability to various the of form counting count to each clothes; of of only fingers beyond other today in ten. secretly mien three, Most vised ad- are mentioned by the the of touching two to men are is needed communicated of hands the but many; counting this lowest the limited five, and board-of-trade 10 only be four, merchants Early The accomplishment an may tribes many on subject possess ability nevertheless. and that today two, one, is extent, This civilization. the Number-Reckoning. and limited a tribes counting, the on to of complete histories the brief. very more a the each. 17. p. Counting count, of engaging are in of topics discussion a which of some be must into phase The teaching interested historical list, separate enter questions further Primitive to Those any various the be number- our arithmetic. references historical mooted of of with impossible appended 11. is be the connection these consult to it in historians. development of of many of the development will chapters two to quite manner a evolution the development up will the of general the the it Therefore, race. consideration a necessity Hence the the especially in develops more through appeals study a becomes apparent more individual the of that to Such history. its science Any value its NUMERATION AND History. and vital, of similar the Study more study in NOTATION HISTORY" EARLY n done to prices their under signal to each EARLY by other of digits. has of means Further, conclusively Arabic in except found been that base of Numbers 12. that ten five base a as be being absent, to numbers the is five 100 express as we now fives,would five, twenty-five we small Its to use now for necessitate two 20. express Twenty twenties, expressed by been as base, but a about 13. a It has 100. have ev^n also so after Tallying notches record in One the cut to hundreds, upon each a of and as five is too is too large. be be it would that selected been had to would hundred, recognized used to bring ages. of Counting. similar the so units, a was interested into were split in order parties. ments instruof recording second Accounts on. Pebbles, crude and developed was stick which the four sticks,and counted man by 1000, which by 10, would early counting the 20. twenty- futility of trying Forms Pinger-eounting sj^tem. third in used numbers. cut be symbols for 10, 11, if twelve the Oth^ sticks,nuts, notches were has all these and or long been fortunate more change figures, or 9 written hundred base, twenty 19, and etc., through be expressed Just additional ten be One tens. number of 10, would would ten expressed hundred one convenient a would use state would then tens. be With consist would for fives,would ten fortunate symbols 6, 7, 8, and symbol the Twenty-five, which just The the as twenty. or they represent 14, while 11, 12, 13, and ten figures,or Two five. express founded was It is quite number-system 0. quite mystery. place of five 1, 2, 3, 4, and required great a base, or showing origin of the called are counting Bases. the present our only the symbols then in selected was of form Different to numerals radix, the twenty, or is not number-system our the even cases, Hence finger-reckoning. upon two earliest the 11 NUMERATION number-system five, ten, be to AND finger language; a Hindu- universal the NOTATION HISTOBT" From regular a the tens, a kept by to give this we a 12 MODEBN have ARITHMETIC counting the upon tablets. times The recording before numerals used are The ' ' Two of the symbols simple; V, of C while which gives of the to express in the system Arabic each the well are today for separate of few They the so other about had the nine All on. its sixth the for ten symbol such origin in words century and a. d. is Japanese They have together and so on, page. and that for hundred for four number-systems computation 7, principle thousand, for by and numerals opposite symbol with hundred place value the on forty with it, and first several twenty system. a used was expressed was Chinese ten, hundred, nearly useless course of such coming of this additive from tion posi- one the value represents The shown are it ; five five beneath for Until ? 1000. and in value the 5 as of place value idea forty upon and simple 100 that system. zero ones so which away the which write beneath idea Roman breaking it took based system known characters in is the form. especially special character a or together fifty by ?^?, Another with number, added and ten. system in System. as easily than the Like not are fully is of the the letters Hindu-Arabic in another. have number- words. hundred-fold a Arabic These greatly changed more or it would Hindu- characters 9? digit ten- a as form notation, made are what over the M and ing Count- Hindu- have first big thing of this system The of Roman the early extensively on The just Arabic Hindu- coins. and to Big Things" upon those used number-symbols letters, the 15. are of alphabet. numbers alphabet common are number-system. present form to forms strewn carried thus arithmetical the sand tablets were our in Number-System. compose symbols a of Later records stone numbers Hindu-Arabic more writing and PROBLEMS tally." only permanent invention the 14. The abacus inscriptions upon were and AND expression **keepiiig a the stone METHODS purposes. written The one second and are The after biflf EARLY HISTOBY" thing was These invention the ideas two numbers zero, by out The million Italians in the completed was Lyons, France, who The on. use present for of arithmetic because 16. The of The by added the terms makes in the now it the the comma of four the adoption of the being introduced great world different is used Nicolas tion numera- of Chuquet, billion,trillion,and has years. retarded usable World's Hinduinto the are decimal The a science long time number-system. Arabic both very for in universal been Counting System. number-system China counting-system. countries for by the present our hundred simple and a needed. introduced simple number-system previously been lack carried not was the NUMERALS Hindu-Arabic, universal ^it is " the and 1520 only about had zero was about of computations the century CHINESE so and simple invention the later. two or present our Before (great thousand) fourteenth century a in which abacus 13 NUMERATION constitute expressed be of the term, zero integers. could means of the practically for number-system AND NOTATION and Japan Variations slight. point while In in " found Germany England 14 MODEEN it is the ARITHMETIC dot 2*5. thus, placed higher In southern large numbers while in periods would be and of this the Hindu in the The to the were the not was the eclipsed of hands the developed. writing or The system learned with historians extending symbols years. the develop the often further left for later of perts ex- is As into passed they tem. Sys- themselves wholly soon were whom into came spread it the latter and very simplicity simple number-system purpose knowledge also this fact Arabic wrote the idea with contact the India, tliey naturally adopted of tion adop- Hindu-Arabic computations. hundred Arabs, through disseminated, was for its in fact also that retarded the its much. very Arabs world-wide a of this development not difference considered class several States. needs. whoili by class did the From digits, separated are marked Such their records meager period of progress The States three in United as any began out merchant trace same " numerals class the educated As they speaks volumes secondary one. class,very a United the periods of Distribution and carrying merchant which States, 23,567,486,356,892,139,504 astronomers astronomy Because United 139504 universal The primary over to Origin and case, the PROBLEMS the Europe forms. number-system The aid into 9, shows written adaptability in to in that million " character, the one 17. and 356892, 'billion " printed and in northern digits so 567486, trillion the than Europe and of six AND read 23, Only up separated are England into METHODS to other treatises gained origin, although properly acknowledged the of the times of merchants the simple number-system parts of the civilized on this of world. notation. the notation early Arabic writers currency the simple was invention that as coming from HISTOBY" EABLY the Hindus. inventors used were before 18. Notation general and the middle this line is done however, confuse not expect this development a teacher the on is in like and attention must the of the of its child's the growth; as work best with excellent early a along The teacher, accidental, and without accord own A forms The hence as show to will money Numbers be must be must also given up in the be is initiative by cautioned telling after the child he should be has him too been permitted against told to work much the out be ber. num- always zero destroying numbers the others in give thoroughly, consideration directly. used helpful 20, 200, 304, 460, 7000, 6800, 4060, 3007, teacher of each written found make ideas can slowly and especial order which chalk, containing taken in the in 444, as race Much toothpicks, as the the this matter Sticks, of child. the to explaining place value States which among difficult to to number ment develop- this closely that differently'colored in teaching place value. difficultyand that proved material illustrative in United follows child. the to figure is written advantage child mind stumblingblock a hundreds. and in therefore, be given must, it home bear of place value manner bring tens ever of part idea The race. to his a counting, to as episodically. happen chapters Let in incidental to century. directing hand. The to Some of north- children, only given need a his games. of numbers. incidentally, or must be during separate work of as come fifteenth As here writing and of part by those early number development necessary all of the no numerals Hindu merchants at in and Italian hardly suggestions will reading number the Numeration. the to The system. but the and devoted few the century, Europe will be of distributers the were 15 NUMERATION AND extensively by very the thirteenth em Arabs The the sense NOTATION such etc. child's the For instance, fifteen-, through of the ** teens" 16 MODEBN himself. by The reasoning exercise to it. for the best in child the of notation and at is in numbers clocks. some Number-symbols in such a symbols Roman letters been notation, will notation. LION, lOOOW Thus and so found be Why to and special after the the on tion. atten- other numberthe through letters in teaching this 50I0N becomes on. EXERCISES should teachers the study of history subject they any are teachf 2. Describe 3. What Hindu- the the is the Suggest 5. Make a f system counting of radix or Why "f better of the numbers. ajj^drecording number-system a is What is it for What f likely origin most the are are the using numerals universality two 5 better as a of this big called of that with tilings the in the f base: multiplication using Hindu its Compare What addition f oUowing the is this Why base. following the Make 401. 7. base Arabic 4. 6. methods early f system + Arabic the after one COW, becomes II. 1. as Roman The by stimulus a to on. chapter headings into translated given be so replaced words, out reasoning " arranged spell to as have also not, therefore, be given and manner of the tunity oppor- ^including spelling " in A such Superseded. mainly It need is there must being the hundreds. fifty-six,and Being is found present words more the cultivation a hundred and more to for by stimulating him study Attention Notation Roman for developed other no forty, thirty-five,two 19. be PROBLEMS is recommended also on; arithmetic. in writing so can helping as process and And AND procedure same twenties, thirties, child's METHODS ARITHMETIC 5 as 313 a 2^1 + base 231 : ''Arithmetical the Hindu literal + 1^ 14. X bet alpha- alphabet. number-system? Illustrate. 8. Compare 9. Give called Arabic a the brief f Homan and history of the the Hindu Hindu number-systems. number-system. Why is it CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT THE 20. Early of adoption from and not the learned the learned did in class Greece, wholly either the ; hence of idea world The abacus the be not merely in of vacant after the invention zero dust was strewn a expressed antiquated had passed Hindu complete first used upon in away stone 18 the with tablets. d. could by for 10 's. persisted invention ing contain- number-system computation small with 407 abacus abacus the custom a. Japan. and that column, bol zero-sym- 1100 to the on the ized civil- the the like number that in China in putation Com- time 400 from second the its usefulness The zero be could another zero. the the with extensively of Schools. the numbers time some used leaving long of philosophical known universally they as extent. from general was adopted, still into of development the great any Oot writing the but many the is to became written Like of value finally Before abacus until was art in putations com- those the to aid not Arithmetic the place the or Hindu with did in arithmetic, in themselves they merchant, the Wherever interested was interested mainly was devoted they that matters. became science How 21. class, fact the to arithmetical and side due the after development the numbe:^'-system new satisfactory the centuries several metic arith- required labor great the to in progress the to For computations. making far owing Prior Europe. number-system, slow extremely was in Arithmetic of Hindu the ARITHMETIC OF History of invention in in figures The ten writ- school of THE DEVELOPMENT using these men dust algorithmic, from For tended the for the and used was a the of these took salts. the A merchants' eon- give to of astrological and cities in the to way algorists. tables aided in TOBM 01* did records. THE their as the The use church ABACUS little very calculating tween period of rivalry be- legislate agaiust the business knowledge, in this during have to XAKLT revival of study; this potent more at time this only correct they in which schools subjects the learning, to in interest time of the mote proputation com- yearly- was productive which encouraged arithmetic taught. These of and excellent felt was recognized the institutitms higher influence, however, o^anizationa, arithmetic, and principal method arithmetic Easter. the up had monasteries lay With aiacists numerals arithmetical of the scientific methods new coming until thing common and of algebra. on algoristic numerals. AN schools schools called was writer Arabic an two almanacs two numerals these more establishing the It of 19 ABITHMETIC gobar) or name supremacy simpler Widely (gubar centuries several OF the establishment accounting special schools re- in value the of of counting were for the teach- 20 MODEBN ARITHMETIC ing counting arithmetic The until introduced more in the included steps until The 22. prevailed was work the Influence designed, material much useful from one much of which on table the through written writers arithmetic The issued with the are Riese, TnjJOH, and (Nicolo Simon period that in any the to way rithmic algo- first English The in rare connected 1522 and nently promi- most Gerbert : Pisa op Christopp John (FibonRudolfp, Napier, States. P^talozzi, in incident school. The as 1788 At to ^.n the find teacher two did books was Pike's used were of of the United lished pub- mostly were the conduct nial colo- Complete very copies not in the arithmetic and first,texts the adoption taught was 1729 During the after Although early as publications. one gave Leonardo United poorly. appeared a largely treatises ToNSTALii little arithmetic Boston Arithmetic was activities. early arithmetic first years the and States, and it were Fontana), Stbvin, in the constitution, very English d. it had Grxtbe. Arithmetic in commercial men of development naci), Tabtaglia 23. of the some Sylvester II), Boethius, Adam interest, etc., in by Guthbert volved in- measures long after numerals. dust as terms, and of books later time in Latin. following (Pope their and was written was abacus, which of the use of weights a, The contained large rules The that it at with various 1000 easy mind." schools studying changes about by lems puzzle-prob- the quicken i"ersistedin the later obsolete books ** commercial another, to grades. Arithmetic. complicated to those to the into increased Later many the when ago prevail. exchange, reduction money The been Early upon for century extensively declared, was PROBLEMS a partnerships, fractions complicated become of written works about grades has contained it AND conditions present early arithmetics later METHODS scarce and same text recitaticms THE DEVELOPMENT arithmetic, in ''set but individually. out manuscript-book the pupil its time than was success took child of the his writing and life of schools. Rules related for been In of fact that of the cording Ac- him chief formulated the the as from each other; puzzles only Special texts. unfortunately as ceas pana- have they considered be the or methods offered were will basis of affairs is still state which teenth nine- subjects of conditions, this these of part the arithmetic to not under paragraphs. Topical System. of the is treated as application or reference Such been used topic any from such the as interest, is considered comprehensively As of arithmetic teaching it is studied pupils will permit. accidental. The topical plan has time, when '* given of day time to Some its extreme one His guided taught commercial ills but numbers, at of desires long, complicated present our arithmetical separate form he latter were often time panaceas. 24. the Unfortunately from arisen ahead material. problem was one existing to quite prevalent in have 7n- since. the to rigidly.separated were were child. the in become problems slightly his children the it had texts; topics the of yeiars, until the grammar of the appeared measure increasing attention century the farther impulses and natural his book. Constantly throughout in large selection in the has vate pri- duty of the published was that been due his statement, to in doubt no 1821, which has text any account normal in his examples, but the was Colburn Warren Arithmetic it work to from the only not pupils selected he well, which as reproduce. to tellectual he solutions complete examples containing his for examples" These 21 ABITHMETIC OP soon for as as to it thereafter a plan excludes a considerable the a by a first. very nominate fractions, de- exhaustively period understanding so-called topic is will some be slight and mature and of the ** pleted com- wholly treatment of 22 subject taken any is deferred topical plan later to the certainly early PROBLEMS and in the to hold the direction extreme the to concentrate give methodical not cludes, ex- topic material any It is well conserve also and years^ of use years. sufficiently to energies of the pupils and study, but the years, AND the during up these during which METHODS ARITHMETIC MODEBN their to heretofore measure mentioned. 25. Spiral Systooi. of the topical system, times during the mensuration in the and later of various numbers instance, thoroughly be considered. 10 during found a secure for any time. treated of good In the regularly rotation results. to up a tion. construc- the up the taken 12, should as up to second the trial in have could 13 numbers during Germany, or more appeared from these, a topic will be fifty or sixty pages. will be The propriety of calling into found For up. texts, based of in its tions, factors, combina- to Several views known pupil before 100 spiral radical such thorough extreme every their be be various spiral system, most volumes very confined was unsatisfactory. the and with number the by given was had number one and the general. more should all the work upon each number first year theory extremely that that The found He man. next in solids, and in connection known one of areas complicated, the problems conditions comprehended the This method the operations be to finding in next stance, in- first grade very of surfaces more or insisted believed he and time other subject and was the eral sev- For principle, is brought or the widely any entirety before less larger, are than year. work. grade rectangular topic, a ifemore system of areas site oppo- topic is studied each in lengths, of difficult,and Grube but years finding the time used more the eight just the geometrical figures, together with Each on that volumes in grades in of is spiral system is considered measurement rectangles are The far too Such mechanical to use a DEVELOPMENT THE principle operation previously learned, whenever or clearly recognized. arises, is, however, of combination trying are 23 ABITHMETIC OF these will embody, to plans which two rational a of texts most doubt no So far by prove sion occa- today the most satisfactory procedure. 26. Object of object an extremist the more of teaching, and appealing, who those than extremist. ardent had it carried the used It Speer using it; and not much far as was found, method were hence, it has pupil a and further, might as teaching Tillich, pupils. not was his make to object teaching Speeb, of this country, pupils his to He it today. objects only nator origi- really the was know we used Pestalozzi, carried an as and real of such Pestalozzi Teaching. be expected that however, less advanced versally uni- almost been discarded. Two 27. two of ways is to Views base a measuring, for on, looking the and speak, idea second the use of will connect an of the value be and motivating a The no is the in the In necessary that that one addition to will be in Difficult solved. of solution of sketches use to be discontinuance longer against so and to so work the of good productive illustration or drawings simple by this made been one blocks, as clarifying of objects throughout use over-estimated. problem objects, such warned graphic representation, w^hich of objects, jxermanently with second as concrete and not is hence object idea later, there are of one teaching; of use teally are paper-folding, paper-cutting, teacher arithmetic, such hardly make to There of object upon noted, the first has and results of numbers purpose As Teaching. this matter at jjra wings, the in hand. Object of such tinued con- a children the object. The work the in problems, drawing to problems scale in considered picturing can tail de- tions condi- the often are means. of the is use urged of objects just as as soon strongly. as A they crutch ^ 24 is noti meant be to most mensuration and fully Such a based upon the of use 28. the text and at the formula for arrives arrived and of part it the is one far as and how far the much the It is so. older a the working^ there for a has ; to themselves. of the Each pupil different model, of the formula much very is grave to mend com- of danger of discrimination deal great a rules development with and children the truthfulness the was these triangle. a in which to teacher be doing, over- the on far how to that much the gain more younger to rationalize. The ; to extent of any particular class. all of the the can pupils processes the have of will all majority course pupils. depend be of to largely grasp the of the done do, far how will members expect process art wn ahUMy the the as carried be may inquire into to studied far to carry ahility to understand decided with all times at should work science; how individual Again, than procedure of reasoning underiying most of which rationalization is too do a habituate, and the from teacher explain to stimulate area of the part any far upon grade. work the by to method a for the how which first teacher. and of the requires It is necessary how duced intro- arithmetic down mentioned be result same it is be instruction arithmetic essayed methods may This at. it,but to laid rules establishing for himself thus is tions transac- to in the very be This grade. grades, needs earliest The finding the at is to work topic, as business insure endeavor and illustration an passed principle of proceeding teacher we rules it has abstract. arbitrary formulate will MethocL present advancing counting as for objective in the last the later ; new fundamental to upon Each objects the Bational based each PROBLEMS need the with objectively as concrete As idea. erroneous AND that hold (gradually discontinued a after used teachers Many away. METHODS ABITHMETIC MODERN with It all time. class the 26 MODEBN 11. DistingiiiBh 12. Diflcuss Illustrate 14. A drawing a John 16. riding in hour. How the far of giving will the they be object teaching. to a 6" of the of rate of 3 and In f hours 5 into drawing. bicycles, on miles 15 the lead a time same 12 If water. with Illustrate at Show ascertained. irregular lump an in class. it is wide. as contains A at in be can leadf of from directions least at three each per Solve f hours four other which in above suitable problems drawings for objects or work class will aid in solution. Discuss 18. dimensions lump long as ^'' diameter start apart a clear a times the arising tioned. men- drawing. the to of Henry opposite use similar its and is four by immersing 7%'' volume Suggest 17. of object teaching presentation objects its PROBLEMS of dangers in acres simply to is the it, what 320 how is raised water use glass cylinder A 15. by of of AND forms two and advantages the farm the between the 13. by METHODS ABITHMETiC rational the method of its teaching; and advantages dangers. 19. for 20. 21. of use How selff should various the Explain the by far How a work f grades how fully far the habituated be far how and ized rational- Illustrate. should subject a introduced be inductively illustration. concrete should pupil each required be to do the work for him- to take up their Illustrate. 22. Illustrate arithmetic work how the do they as lead would you pupils your difficulties which arise in their play. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ball, W. W. B. Short A Account of the History of Mathematics, 188-204. pp. 2. Branford, 3. Brown, Gajori, 45-55, F. The Lotus and Coffman, and Co., Chicago, Teaching S. U. 47-60. Bureau and of D. How Teach metic, Arith- 11-16. pp. History Ed., to of Circular Mathematics 3, 1890. in pp. the 9-18, 106-13. 5. Fink, KarL 6. Hall, Frank Book C. Peterson States. United pp. Joseph Bow, 4. B. Co., New pp. H. York. 18-60. The Werner Arithmetic " ^Book III. American 7. 8. Jackson, Jessup, S. U. Subject. Seeley, 12. Barnes Educational D. and 15. Co., Education, 16. Suzzallo, Bui. 13, 1911. Bui. Supervision of 65-72. Arithmetic of as a School 1917. 10, Arithmetic. Teaching Development LII: E. A. S. York. pp. Henry. Am. pp. Boston, 93-120. Arithmetic, Inter. Mathematics. millan Mac- 42-70. and The Com. American Elementary of Modemieation The 541 Co., of Teaching C. of 109. The New MifSin Beport Sixteenth 8. The pp. of Method The LXXVIII: Houghton, 17. E. John Stone, Ed., of Beview, Smith, of York. D. Smith, York. Development Gruhe's New Co., 13. S. Levi. and 1846 100-06. pp. Bureau D. Lotus New Co., No. Becord Goffman, and Walter in Significance College and Paul. Monroe, 11. A. Macmillan Klapper, 10. Educationat The Teachers Walter Arithmetic and 352. L. Arithmetics. 27 ABITHMETIC Spelling XIY: Lambert Arithmetic. 14. 8. Review, School Century 9. W. V. Hedgepeth, Today. OF DEVELOPMENT THE Arithmetic. Journal of 548. Teaching pp. Cam. of Arithmetic. Primary 42-68. on the Teaching of Math. U. S. CHAPTER Duality arithmetic composed of basic element, first, the The future and until and of textbook comprises and but later instruction object pupils in as fractions, these addition useful used This applied to relations, ; the the it should information, four of that dealing vast with 28 value the tic arithmeto language various forms principles of interesting quantitative the of of derlying un- ments; ; measure- principles. these store tials essen- object. of operations all his of between the the of more the its of tinct; dis- recognizes matter various fundamental application include and the and and this include integers quite are who secure because must studied. is lesson, basic The problems, games, between each to primarily life. number and motive selected after arithmetic of element eflfectiveness the metic arith- tion atten- second more distinguish parts the all teacher The for understood elements partake Subject-Matter. be to the and Basic will he of material two increase transitory the and is will of basic material. because form the problems divisions two 30. the The these years basic of nature real earlier the teachers. useful acquire to commonly is the which needs nearly in of mass receiving and agencies through on, During these the all so the writers elements. subject-matter what been has that child the is this to, recently includes the distinct less or of subject-matter The more When use. referred is two which knowledge quantitative present Subject-Iffatter. of is ARITHMETIC OP SUBJECT-MATTER THE 29. IV In and conditions, THE which SUBJECT-MATTER does keeping laws, loaning in changes has matter modern considered of finding curtailed modified: and numbers with together proportion to be being of as weighing one fractions problems too foreign Many business to fear The Modifications are much teacher's the duty various outside liable more to has for is also unreasonable elephants or involved lems, prob- pupils the the of to keep before from esses ; proc- pace with these do because of usual custom. the in decrease. such changes anticipate appear in our metic. Arith- in arithmetics our than to even persisting Changes material increase and simply passed away still are Regarding Duty textbooks problems following large denominators; or conditions break to Teacher's over practice of today. usefulness and the long mature number and their immobility too or ratio ning day, is just begin- sixty pounds, uncommon, technical topics long after with weight, proportion involving fifty pounds; hundred of tables partnership. as problems weighing ; greatly troy as of its had such nature less: books numbers, 32. and about been reductions; many progressions ; general a less used as has ess proc- problems root; used, superiority the been Euclidean have the have ago cube seldom are (although recognized) Material of requiring analysis, which unitary topics which topics extraction problems subject- factor, intricate Other that the to Several decades common discount. Due since alligation,duodecimals, highest the true denominate and : few a on. modifications began. important eliminated exchange, on arithmetic of so of living, this part tal pos- banking^ in Arithmetic. continuous undergone study wholly of of and procedure, as plans, elements Curtailment custom subject^such architects' of accounts, business and our grade reading general money, other any simple Elimination were in of thermometers, reading 31. arise not 29 ARITHMETIC OP the It as is the arise them texts. in with A 30 has fitting there as in used is simpler and better adopting about adopting it becomes always in the as be may cited excavating, 33. Reason main for should at in Much that a child is in In the processes of the tables * 8ee Sec. classes use standing 118. of is up aid material have only. of the addition actually and a found For at them to quaint ac- in the placed and in or arithmetic there for use only time multiplication class period. during This The quantitative the multiplication hindrance. the ulum curric- present instance, the addition recite to from been order of cost necessary arithmetic child, the examples Curricula. in in the activities to seems makes tables his of the present arithmetic the Material it will that consider to standpoint. courses Arithmetic well methods. day present be to as of the in used text including material be future, the the the own As If papering. and convert teacher computation are measures, to method. and man's from with for reason notation and in his the they as the improvements where backward teachers It behooves business pupils method, man adopt are men arithmetic and to of weights system for deviate business the method. plastering, the teachers the man's the should teacher of the serviceable of lookout : duty case duty business arithmetic, metric better the on of the most the the the to the business the that than In of practice the it is the case about them that methods. business teach for others discarded be this is entirely should schools the that fact criticism later must of Much the to the why reason no occurs is the such is due into life. actual often It is of arithmetic practice. teaching practices which arithmetic able receiving consider- sufl"ciently. Such done been not PROBLEMS present business of arithmetic criticism AND bringing the work with conformity closer of is that attention is at which proposition general METHODS ARITHMETIC MODEBN a * knowledge and many SUBJECT-MATTER THE similar 34. A various Word of out themto look arithmetic Consequently few a instance, fractions with 10, 20, 25, 32, etc., are uncommon to confine world, yet business forms Many chance, of authors and vital a these ficial super- element are. Assistance first 'four years operations with devoted forms of of receive then Work up by a a considered educators present study this in to as study various can suits pur- limited thorough detailed for omission, modification, be In the learning and main the the four fractions, and "the fifth and study of measures of mensuration tions addi- and work and is now the fundamental should sixth years of the fractions, decimals, which of measures extent, common study, attention. proper Grades. integers fractions, Much making engaged men be their should to to from later questions The taken will topic various 36. asked in province will meet as thorough a haphazard to of other and tion selec- of life. walks each will be made The It is the material select such needs profitably As of arithmetic have very left be not in texts. they these and must after what are made to and narrow the and work Selecting Material. customs teachers and needs in prevailing get together day be be may subject-matter to or Aid Should this of the industrial the most a 2, 4, 5, 8, than arithmetical child give the to other in For quantitative considerations. 35. to denominators training a mechanically. computation of fractions, which idea in be would to accustom into degenerate the is to teaching quantitative standpoint. not of special forms before keep activity and be not may always arithmetic the must caution teacher the things from at tion considera- the under of word in arithmetical children the engage later object in chief the A Let here. that 31 ABITHMETIC topics. of Caution. place himself to do will be discussed instances of the OF and taken three centage. per- late in 32 eighth grade the in METHODS ARITHMETIC MODERN well may with connection The business furnished be and girl's education. and short cuts should form well be given cations appli- such elementary boy's of every computations systematic a thus ples princi- the of in usages years can of for part a two years study a Commercial can two material through which procedure, these application Excellent previously learned. can last the to over PROBLEMS during studied be measures. largely be given very AND at treatment this time. far As This unit of usable to leave The possible the as is furthermore material school to as following is a to in Bulletin No. in the Grade r"um6 of the work Elementary include compelled completed. given in arithmetic States Education, matics Mathe- States work" incidental found as on of the United others : include multiplication. addition, subtraction, Addition 3. division; some unit. multiplication" and others division. Grade and subtraction introduction Grade 4. Multiplication Grade 5. Fractions; Grade 6. Decimals; Grade 7. Percentage Grade 8. Business completed; of fractions. and division decimals some and completed; and percentage some multiplication and fractions. some measurements. interest. and applications. applications, proportions, and mensuration; algebra. some 37. It Some and only or been United of Schools nothing addition, subtraction, 2. of the has a amount is who pupil eighth grade 13, 1911, Bureau 1. Some Grade the be maximum the the by grades in fiftylarge cities should year encompass aid an before of each work Interest. gives to zest Interest work to succeed. energies of interest must the teacher is the and imbues Interest mischievous the hence must not be a prime the pupils with eliminates waste into useful part of each stop here. He must education. in mover a ation determin- by directing Arousing channels. teacher's direct the work. the But energies 34 MODERN ARITHMETIC the As grows older the teacher must in last years and little the the 39. that also interest be can gardens. Hence it written are quite liable promotions. modifying little A the The of of and under of use outside and grades discussed work fit the to planting of the to As text. this condition year, the semi-yearly the x"art of the on care in having schools on advantageous problems the problems the on work. situation teacher will in easily aright. selection the of during in number this matter set arise to December group a be used to in May child in number the octjasionally be may position of the during during or plays seasons portant im- The Season. motivating developed interested enterprises. the of the in recognized be presents texts changing men simple dressmaking, and Fit little be easily community Should the Christmas change cooking the During into grow then can change, the change. children and Subject-Matter life must is of sports activities his likewise girls side in boys role No The women. PROBLEMS AND and the grades arithmetical in the and child of appeal METHODS the problems from activities of the chapter children Socialization on other the and subjects will be Correlation Arithmetic. . IV. 1. Distinguish EXERCISES the between elements two of subject-matter. lUus- trate. 2. Point out the in elements two lesson a for of one the first four grades. 3. this Consider with 4. similarly that Explain of 5. Make 6. What grades? for the Ex. advantages list of should lesson for the last grades. two Compare 2. subject-matter. a a what of Apply should predominate distinguishing to Exs. constitute in the 2 and the earlier between the two ments ele- 3. basic element. grades? In the later SUBJECT-MATTER THE OP 35 ARITHMETIC . State 7. basic the subject-matter should What 8. day present with together the be in tendency the reasons for the in the action teacher's of matter the changing same. Illustrate. matter of f changes Illustrate. 9. Explain the suggestions Discuss the business 10. teacher's the and State 11. text's of means of treatment the 12. State and 13. State the. purpose 14. How arithmetic material. teaching and from practices differing the subject. of value and interest. of law the spurious the basic the same. business two explain can the overcoming explain of criticism man's of selection the on interest in distinguished be schoolroom. the from the genuine est inter- class. trate. Illus- f 's part 15. State the teacher 16. Show the importance 17. Give of the six school illustrations in securing of the of motivation interested an arithmetical second for element. various times and ages year. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 3. and Jessnp, Walter Myers, Scott, of Foresman Suzzallo, Henry, 6. Wightman, Mathematics 8. 9. M. Wilson, H. B. 10. Young, 11. Minimum 12. Beport 1911. What J. W. II: metic. Arith- for Six W\"rJc Years. Wilson, and Beport A. on pp. Inter. 16-33. the Comprise lY Subject Matter 162. : Course the in Arithmetic. 147. and Com. pp. Arithmetic Shortening Essentials. Am. in Text a 162. : Should Teacher, Schools. Elementary 13, J. Mifflin Houghton, the Bui. G. of of 32-52. pp. Teacher, Wilson, Work. Summary Sherman. Williams, XV Teacher, Mathematics Arithmetic. in Co., Chicago. and 5. 7. in W. Course 83. for Introduction Grade School H. XXVII: the and 39-64. pp. A. George Superintendent Review, Coffman. Jessup Elonentary 4. The Educational Arithmetic, 2. V. Collins, Joseph Co., the B. H. Boston, N. of E. School of 158-82. pp. Motivation Proceedings Motivation The the A., Children 1911: 's Worlc 528. 216-223. Journal Com. of on Education, the Teaching LXXVII: of Math* 576. U. S. OHAPTEB SOCIALIZATION V OP CORRELATION AND ARITHMETIC Socialization. 40. of their for materials of subject-matter subjects school outside in all of the instruments grades of solving of sake in should is of There sake the share of the The preparing time with ordinary for the On the organization analyzing the the number By cannot the be the of the all-efficient arithmetic. The the the pupil of the time. this but pupil to principles, and as a of may the very be to would while ones, not means, socialized, but transactions, minor textbook be should separate use materials many for work. arithmetic source 36 of socialized case text ciples. prin- transactions used for rather or into are of nature very the problem combinations the objects hand, munity com- arithmetic of mathematical same into large part mathematics, requires other life teaching of the introduce the for mathematical a at and but -school socializing collection heterogeneous measured. for more textbook involving problems a place a used problems home mathematics, consideration primary course important out-of the problems introduced not are the use problems applied developing and in problems receive of terms illustrating The They specific and social the not social it does applied reality problems. problems the so-called in are illustrative sake The terms upon rarely solve in conventionalized the but to life draws illustrate to school. tipper but the the think to instruction curriculum, the as fail pupils Our work. school phenomena Our in or the end. arithmetic truly suggestive plied, ap- in SOCIALIZATION furnishing never AND socialized typical the real provide can Arithmetization desired result main The will namely, the the and from acts illustrate only illustration is single a only problems, in his various they weigh (2) that and woman have effect. and to This arithmetic. to solved be problems, are significance real a socialized for pupils themselves the they ; is intended problems the forming and manner; cause problem they after in that so pate particiall gathering required. following problem The what constitutes entailed in presupposes improving, repairing, property, also, certain the property between in expenses leased although division of expenses rule there these classes are division lessor there of expenses. 1. Furnished 2. Unfurnished 3. Furnished 4. Unfurnished are and carry The : apartments. apartments. houses. houses. lessee. for of of expense with connected This of upkeep general of division by the class of property considerable classes of property usually found is provided four the living expenses is determined general and first,of knowledge, a and, second, of the division rent the the ; the (3) that discovering at illustration, however, an and arithmetic. man of socialized real social pupils, of quantitative standpoint source requires, (1) that data thoughtful the expresses rational most following arithmetic for the the The the The look to standpoint in things proportionately Illustration. 41. perhaps child the act quantitative. their consider teach it course, given community. socialization than quantitative think of any life 37 ARITHMETIC but, of problems child's the is to OP problems clearly more from life he look at of object activities CORRELATION in individual dwelling different four variation leases. places contracts classes of in leased as the As a and regards dwelling places 38 ARITHMETIC MODERN An 42. Example determine University Addition from July 1, 1907, for the The The have it cannot in and house 10, of the city, where the the future), renting it than that loss a north in increase from of the house be house the could for 1, 1907, from July July 1, 1910, chase pur- for rate The house 1, 1910, for July to the fair a Seattle. in property is July 1, 1917, for $25 to : $3500. was than more cent per follow problem July 1, 1907, sold Seven such rented month, a of To 10, block mile district class. certain and one solution for the 1, 1917. invested would $30 for the paid amount price July money or a 1, 1917, rather July necessary probability all gain a 9 County, growing fourth the lots following rented. data 1. The owning undoubtedly to Glass. length of time, assuming same been have King a will values property In in University, State in lost or to PROBLEMS economically was Seattle, Washington, (located in AND of example gained was Fourth the an it whether much how of with deals problem METHODS a month. following The 2. during against thb property made assessments paid the at annual due were of time had assessment the improvement local to of way, had which bore 5% in cash interest due either the for assessment to be paid at were All period. ten-year notification of date paid plus the the notification be installments exception of from assessments and unless Each interest.. in or each five equal time with of right condemnation once, ASSESSMENTS Oct. May 10, 1909 5, 1910 Nov. 12, 1912" Jan. 1, 1913 May 5, 1913 June 6, 1914 " " $125.00 65.00 110.00 " " " 75.00 100.00 37.00 for trunk sewer condemnation grading for right of way street constructing lateral for sidewalk sewer constructing street bridge to street SOCIALIZATION COEEELATION AND IMPROVEMENTS 5, 1910 5, 1912 1, 1912 5, 1913 20, 1913 Oct. 2, 1914 Dec. 2, 1914" June Aug. Nov. Oct. Oct Sept. 14, Yearly MADE BY THE OWNER exterior of house " 50.00 painting exterior of house " 35.00 fencing 125.00 " " " " avera^je" sides two building of lot walk cement 25.00 grading 50.00 decorating, 32.00 building playhouse 60.00 painting exterior 40.00 other REGX7LAR 39 ARITHMETIC painting 50.00 $ " 1915 OF lawn interior RUNNING of and repairs and floorfl varnishing house improvements EXPENSES Telephone $2.50 a month averaged 75 a month Light averaged 1.50 a month Gas 1.25 a month a year Water averaged Coal and 43. wood of Material Sources for graphs, net papers, For keeping chickens and hours interesting the later here nation,state, Within this range postal department, natural so on. material excellent of cost equipment, activities,such of there material be and of velocities. and school, as so on, and selling working hares, gardening, or Foot-races games. furnish first interest computation forms, out grades would football and socialized for of law The ing dur- provide data. supply of community sense and Commercial games. vacation much and the plays in many averages of costs of measurements Baseball, basket-ball, of material with quantitative side give practice in Socializing Arithmetic. sources conformity In the comes for will find many alert teacher problems. 80.00 averaged included county as would come practically for problems. as to the railroads parcel In immediate ; express post manufacturing unlimited an its widest referring problems well including resources; is and to the locality. companies savings enterprises; ; posits; deand 40 MODEBN particularly useful A comiection in arises of the other description of based of the upon the these above will various the of and so A on. excellent problems many excursion. each upon partment, de- description in order a solution the and furnishes Such gathered under mills excursions require mentioned detail prises enter- postof"ce, fire lumber as English work. data sources in more of will complete be activities each for material real problems various the to stores, bank, as local more grain elevator, flour mill, creamery, localized more the excursions community PROBLEMS AND of source with bakery, to METHODS ABITHMETIC Many considered be much will each topics where naturally fall. Correlation 44. is the side of the quantitative subjects Such include full a necessitates Subjects. grade curriculum. in complete a they that which the various other nature plays, it is sary neces- of them. one grade closely correlated be and of any treatment of development All gardening, as quantitative side a Arithmetic physiology, activities outside present games, to Orade history, geography, as study, together with and Other with subjects arithmetic with throughout. Especially is arithmetic and history part a nothing local has conditions of the been grade done possibilitiescontained of arithmetic of place these various give their faculties exercise. as well the with Such as grade an which a to take in a the rational, other school subjects correlation value curriculum opportunity to So will add to each of the exceptional tion correla- subjects. children will while interest every providing apply their arithmetical In the then be This discernment and coming be- far, practically comparatively. and day more common-sense grade the present and more advantage of observation educational are with curriculum. learning facts merely studying with correlated be to will constant stimulus and subject the of pupils knowledge. 42 tain will that does will grades affairs and 47. the present the very For instance, the they they of teaching the geography or made great given of knowledge arithmetic not to be world the more its importance of at the more of the vital, and by the Material. nearly the than that history be may progressive, arithmetic more teacher measure the usable that the quantitative this of sort of teaching- merits. The all exhaustive but from the of problems possibilities a is definite, wants in time correlated and when day arithmetic hands told more The qualitative knowledge, vague, Sources In of formal socialized real, a will receive that attention a to deal be motivates given nor topics. returns procedure. it is realized When knowledge, 48. time more a arithmetic. kind a receives teacher common-sense be a proportionately. decreased can such and be can may This slighted be through work computation arithmetic. neither will of time its share the be used may arithmetic new to- beyond problems of expenses gardens. time to are gardening their in accounts Arithmetic school accounts planning first are keep to are in class of of state time pupils Such study. sad solutions abilities of the further subjects of in Arithmetic. from whose effectivelyas forerunners used that arise A arithmetically. of Accounts teacher by the this their feet upon Teaching arithmetical for eliminate simplest lesson. other the often so the arithmetic the tion solu- outside and solve to con- The fright stage with to which problems stimulus a much reference judicious in of arithmetic do studies upon arise not Motivating many called arithmetics problems. the remove place the pupils to the to PROBLEMS our other from when correlation proper as much pupils by problem the do of distorted such selected problems activities shown of AND Still many practice. number great a of A in arise never METHODS ARITHMETIC MODERN following merely other list is not tended in- suggestive of grade subjects : the SOCIALIZATION OOREELATION AND OF Geography of Per cent of Value Batios Finding increase population. in crops. value between Distances of with between freight dates Battles and periods. killed cent ; per Financial country one History time. and Longitude 43 ABITHMETIC and so on. changes. products; Civics another. towns; Parcel and car post. Support rates. of public enterprises; taxes. Worlc Hand Measuring and Drawing material for tions. construc- Domestic Per Amount and certain make material of price of cent sizes Changing articles. farms sections Feeding Butter divisions and and so rations of cost feed. raise to Discuss 3. Solve 4. Give 5. Explain staling mider 6. its fully obtain Explain data is meant arithmetic. of life. disadvantages. 42. for suitable should and so on carried be for work. grade practice, source mentioned arithmetic with one any in out the by correlation of the grade subjects. Develop fully 8. Suggest at 9. Discuss would 10. what and under scheme the the what 7. too under how child of stated socialization 43. other of volumes. measure. the by illustrations fully to is meant advantages problem other two Training EXERCISES arithmetization the the how what fully with 2. materials, out Costs. V. Compare Board 30- a crop. Explain ratio. economy. Manual Areas, Nitrogen required 1. recipes, on. and com of marking cost, and of fat. bushel values. costs. Sewing; Agriculture of food to Various Areas Science What affect 45? would a Give be how the be may personal six least fully of two the other such topics. Develop socialization a teaching the nature in improper it. of danger illustrations an subjects suggested of what question. data correlation would by a metic arith- Whatf asking questions problems be of danger? any offence for 48. one. and there giving securing of Is under proper as suggested as well as 44 MOI"EBN ARITHMETIC METHODS AND PBOBLEMS BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 1915: 2. C. Doolejy in a B. Student Proceedings Finances, Klapper, 5. Park, in W. A., V Teacher, for XI: Teacher, Should Seventh the D. 6. Smith, 7. The World 8. The Daily 9. Local Reports E. The Data Applied Mathematics Arithmetic, Teaching The Almanac. from of Nearest 9. and 48-51. Almanac, News : Be 285. Teacher, 18. 10. E. N. Application Arithmetic School pp. L. Practical Mathematics Community Paul. Louis of Arithmetic, Elementary Grades, 4. Minimum What Course W. Hart, Eighth V: W. 908. Included 3. E. Barnhart, of New Station News, Daily Auditor's of pp. World, York The County Arithmetic, N. 24-31. Y. Chicago. Office. U. S. Weather Bureau. City. CHAPTER VI PROBLEMS 49, Historical. factor in the During the of largely early the of conform to the to socialization by The commonly problem will Value 50. taught of are be adhered of Oood vital and quantitative and business given for of the with a to For of is which the given furnish driven be home Any so as presented as and well principles of to in well First work. industrial our teacher to children. follows. as selected problem and problems involved struct. in- to example what pertaining the problems were arithmetic reason too, was, the application principles correctly. must in certain a motivation of Good the partook these between and here of this the show must each that to see problem the lem proboutside from the forcibly it illustrates. Problem-solving namely, to information solution principles distinction recently, for interest to today. they elements seek them There children Problems. are use text the element life. is solved the today we accepted a the lacked which all, problems it that of ability called arranging or always quite reasoning. grading further They in not textbooks the They puzzles. skill at attempt no in found than from until indeed, important an have they asking are and of nature been always but we years, rather or that problems the shrewdness little result have arithmetic of study the produced many Problems has exercise situation. function another of judgment In no 45 it other peculiarly demands subject its own in grappling in the entire ; 46 MODERN curriculum grade in ABITHMETIC judgment he Prom the of confronted is in afifords is the Solution Problems. of the Reading 2. Deciding what principles 3. Computations and 4. Interpretation of Many take step teacher to fair the to the all this two lower grade of teacher. former strenuous so work, To will serve efforts will to a It may not with and cast the stimulus overcome pupils selves, them- work answer." be The easier teaching, in work for nor the is it problem- grades, application of the discussed be now has fairness blame this in this ''give the upon more from received with unacquainted may *^ the unfortunately first-class teacher as at because computation the effective earlier who children the apply them. work their it is not but These speak, to problem do altogether. the procedure to metical arith- an : how for to Really teacher in looking by steps mentioned. The and use steps pupils children. solving requires, from detail. to miserably this they omit do steps of results. first check to fourth ship,'* in checks. fail the and mode vital This statement. teachers requiring a in fact, life problem-solving solution distinct 1. four ; daily are problems, especially The four includes problem only value grades. later they "We which of values price, The judgment situations great certain a problem-solvings. of ing of find- that solution. the requiring with at of that as to inestimable. is series of boxes, drill arithmetical such bought making situations coping one bonds judgment with practice 51. from in continuous one the in drill such in two of marbles is necessary judgment like the of simplest problem, the of income rate PROBLEMS solution given in the is finding the number AND pupil given anything is the that problems. METHODS rational up the former inefficiency of the will and he the previous make even teacher's more sins 47 PBOBLEMS of omission. for such 62. real The English in Arithmetic. irrevocably parents have Often that thought because this fails he in fact the used made pupils clear with encounter their failure to that they not do obviate To him. to understand taught to as the the grasp meant and direct, even of high and dry to that 53. Silent will be the the will ever is in importance. One and the to relate reading among problem. in this is form members some The form of notes. teacher be ready to fact state, pupils are to By suggest and reading proper the pupils to carry of language. the on English or arithmetic the The for difficulties alert either so page. printed of the to turn whenever metical arithlesson necessary. Reading Highly general more attention to given class pupil receiving a oral to read distributing (see 66), each card an reads it its article practice of Excellent by and with commensurate others. be Important. than use frequently requested of the first this the difficulties may which the to is not used," gist of it never traced be is not teacher ever should, therefore, receive has and in the teacher much understand used the of lack intelligently for themselves Silent Interpreting reading a language a to can From contained language of language one class. these over the and " into from as give illustrations sympathetic teacher arising the problems that but problems, to meaning this is not terms matics" mathe- difficulties the his by his teacher. ^which " bonds and let difficulties, these read to of bonds recognize read, the problems or technical the the inability Most stocks for through not through frequently " head no has and work recognized not was child a understand not arithmetic, his ability, but language '*had he did he arithmetical been repaid well Many arithmetical his in lost simply because used and be always effort. extra Step One; been will teacher cards bearing silently; then a 48 ARITHMETIC MODERN he the states contents orally the is unconsciously of that English, 64. Exercise Step Two; far By the the last primary the grade drill in in how directly means first of all the range of some simple numerical This has is a order In the to of group shown of a upon a treated and of the make than be told the as In if they in were subject-matter it appear much solve to the proceed. be for necessary of the text ones. the came different new Such destroy more the pupils the one the upon section and were that under depending wholly each texts characteristic and which a older common any problems placed mental make to problems by themselves of the problem-solving. it may simple problems how of the pupil each to to way modify possessing group were the in of problems, after the as special principle for solution. divisions lem. prob- suggestions actually difficult Problems. **case" to solve principles and to Ofif^' Another text of his within him himself, more additional in for this scheme out problems how **case." same by sometimes placed the proper if ever, part well explicit directions carry ''Casing the on better counterfeit introduce 55. were problem poor to of and seldom, problems Far pupil. given teacher or of use computations teacher selection of judgment exercise the in pupil should in pupil receives each questions of problem ones it that the lems. Prob- proceed. to active of page process first little satisfactory solution way the the complicated to see a the but helpful be for necessary Stimulus An must of use Salving in the more exercising his judgment principles may the to real written a in step From one. in the Thus in arithmetic. as Judgment important grades teacher well as solution. from meaning of most is this problem-solving in the others, to for class getting practice grasping ideas conveying and child the to PROBLEMS AND METHODS of the depended highly artificial unity difficult than of metic arithit is. 50 MODERN When first the For pupils will thus of which solution inverse relation inverse relation of numbers the as gest sug- could ' ' price ? and its helpful The matter a reciprocal ^the " either will which question mark area = fl^. few written down question marks or numbers, the pupils The to schematic letters the take to permitted are with to given the the take will readily suggest letter this Another such operation number give the or = a bringing of is that 6 for themselves. in children. the to breadth X has teacher this work and easily comprehended place of the unknown do that at naturally, home problems Z X solutions, with chairs many dollars is very scheme or, the *'How the to they understand. Length After similar incidentally may problem a PROBLEMS problems teacher connect of accompanying The to solution the of course, the example, be led AND several for seventy-two bought be solved above inverse. its METHODS has class mentioned one then ARITHMETIC place of itself to the pupils. the in work devices are, as textbook solutions schematic These soon of with excellent merely crutches arithmetic of course, as they today inverse relations. depend largely upon carried be may are gives Hence the no very All success. and much teacher. The Some will texts be carded dis- average recognition of what such be to are longer needed. little throughout on to done even these will retain 51 PEOBLEMS the division where of distinct three base, and a of sort have cases the numbers the other two of the by The been Idea inverse of the made These the inverse they to their we three of product simple what to for themselves. are heretofore has of simple and so artificial such they some, will when become the at time same it brought to find eager others reciprocity^ solution rational aiding in the of that by directing that find simple idea of arithmetical advantage and will groups. or natural so children the teacher the This has the double Recognition dividing of problems into classes notice, and problems is the one the- introduction by relations their attention of given above, Reciprocity. readily recognized by are here* p. = will make process as "" of Arithmetical complex machinery Yet ; 6 X 57. that centage, per- enjoying cases own. that as fact its percentage, finding of the three these condition in as for principality of same connected classes; given are rate, each independent exactly into problems unify to serves the subject-matter. Furthermore, the number is aided of not mto a but that that these generalized type more Step to of problems Their the also fact there thinking of mental Three; of This elements tion generaliza- leads but pupils the activitywhich mental Computation. all attention is thus and can should Pupils operations involved symbolically before Cancellation memory is a activity. express process The fewer are related. are with compared as really insignificant. only simplifiesproblem-solving higher type 58. is cases'' only by the not to consider ** principles of the number carrying centered later then be wholly at in the out first upon resorted any to be solution tions. computa- wholly the couraged en- upon tions. computa- quite often to 52 ABITHMETIC MODERN METHODS AND PROBLEMS simplify the computations, especially where This acceptable. are of of whieh problems 59. calculation nothing will than will be the a for required the inaccuracies of the will have computation. As repetition estimates instance, a been $253.40, made later in the we Orderliness Problems and and without answers be bered, remem- original the discovered again. by that If, for topics insisted be found has error taken be the an brings Discussion point. will a inary Prelim- computation be will numerical necessity of should certain various should accuracy the from first checks. arranging be consequence work the and problems of not decimal the in in with the operations with fewer with are almost the system this Illustrations rough is $25 are various connection to good as placing in of checks serve teacher accomplishing common of over first estimate a of result going or in the lems prob- checks, it rule, mistakes a Let can children Good in accuracy consequences the taken. of them. of solution Solution of means nothing or be accuracy. disastrous impress little always upon" checks all in all things. accuracy the examples, since usual practically time to mere cent per in Absolute insisted eflfective more of use 100 be given for solution, and be time but should Orderliness. always should big aids of the one advantage and Accuracy accept is approximations work of herein up arithmetic. of also are all times. at upon for excellent ducive con- ing teach- self-reliance. 60. may Cuts. Short give the before abbreviated this which reasoning opportunity more contracting the As This work. the work in can the depends power, and teacher upon is soon of way not be of process, form, is thoroughly care the should fundamental understood. prevent the the progresses memory, forgotten. that teacher short-cuts permitted, which Only it by for ever, how- is an cising exer- artificial knowledge rather than the 53 PBOBLEMS Step Four; Interpretation 61. teachers, consider often " answer'* in little value The each of a equally well by 11, 45, or by 4 speed In 16. or 45 second, feet per the minute. train 660, the or of book designated 660 book feet per represents dollars 4 was ingless. mean- certain a and hour, of the cost be train, 11 represents per is There nation special desig- may cost and their when absolutely are certain miles The for stands of the case represents without Numbers one Pupils, answer-book. in the one work. what to as such the Besnlts. fully solved problem a tallies with of 16 or marks. necessity of The addition division these in or subtraction, it abounds. difficulties always be used surest method work the demand for not think using to and teacher and first,the If the vertical figure are drawn each and row a m the In the unreasonable in as the to of case ploying em- company a but one the would teacher used horizontal unit rows, most ever form that of finding lines there in that with he the The the be made volumes. and areas accompanying the be for solids. solution if there will ask and important in of means carefully specifying of surfaces apart, and then Another problems It is quite process and the vary child. to see, at in rectangular again of the No school habit the found be of volumes progress rule, day. avoid number results. quite Interpreting. child is to must in multiplicand. as inculcating in the areas and early number in the daily payroll of per in is,undoubtedly, final this thoughtless, Visualizing number $3 at say This it becomes to arise to abstract an designating of the 3 that children the adherence men radical, each of by which process multiplier. teaching amount 284 usual not multiplication in but require to the as strict finding the 62. is time, however, a of The necessity of course interpretations does such are n n X squares w* units in of 54 MODERN ARITHMETIC in surface the that equals of units obtained length the by this of units number the AND From rectangle. number the METHODS PROBLEMS arrive we of surface in by multiplying the of number units of the at clusion con- rectangle a number width. of This m n general ** is then process length times treated in the is that notice we width in It is always number a result this number number which chief the problem in must be the best with never operations the in care the the to value *' in but rather this of 63. more of with the of the final it is still computation. part lems prob- numbers. In but to solution a Hence of a tions opera- and manner distorted such exemplified in illustration. proportion phase a the perform solution labeled the in thing found. be properly found one rational" up be of operation often called is to the operations calculatory use of which possible accompanying The in be the as wholly must must in be to are fundamental all computations that formula the Volumes The manner. concerned are area.'' equals same into contracted broader as suffers definition of ical numer- a by too of ratio. problem-solving and a much of rigid enforcement more It so- is not loosening is advocated, that ment treat- common-sense it. Fonnnlation problem work of Problems. than is found Successful in the average teachers text give Such 55 PBOBLEK., will problems will be difficult so or their while helpful very nearly be not found irksome so tion formulabe might as expected. 64. with teacher new number seat work. Third, increased For how the interest upon so of teacher for 8% at the ask may $500 has the in greatly involved. from $560 the pupils. a principles upon class 6 of explained of substituting by range of the interest the repetition a drill, but mental pupil one be mental applications find to in his at give practice in to afforded is the only not made not drill problems difficult,at will. or be yet within instance, after months, and come number solution thus excellent result, resourceful the of number simple, can relations which will This made work much numbers be can board Second, furnishes text unlimited first, an disposal which the Simply possibilities. great means Problems. Textual in in numbers the changing It Numbers Changing board- a for 7% at the find, mentally, to for months, 3 months, 5 and on. Fourth, the Fifth, by changing the assignment handicap greatest the namely} " arithmetic basis of is this will a the treatment remove that while. reason the the alone of continual great will who work home our do found of to the making teacher's is removed teaching to text It furnishes home be the teaching, furnish as its suggested '*help," very of teaching good to ; home incompetent arithmetic most and text *'help." in the hindrance be answers upon recitation the hindrance upon of the the injudicious, greatest ones of arithmetic good criticism much that, too, by Such to numbers day prevalent By far '^help. the on children the of work. by this kind removed be can of dependence the much and cause. above and for worth 56 MODEBN Office of Difficult 65. puzzles; if if too teacher the problems difficult those that member of of merely problems for driving home solve to the ambitious average a class balanced that assignment the work to the slower 66. the to dictate largely hy from it year growing computed have only five than of of the bright, as optional, thus and more is seldom It alert lus stimu- a brighter the of the few A pupils is is .an problems of to best the are serve six or every Solutions data class. needs Practical Problema. needs problems The in ability teacher pupil as that well so equal adapt to well to as little practice. a in the those local the problems pupils elsewhere upon results which Additions up-to-date. may be can and the be secured the to in the will be of the into this card the text sub- margin. collected, teacher. letters written the form and preserves master-card included and should through burden numbers in the written teacher a numbers the written made A in direction is then data cards and be desired may under can This to year. text the those to If become to change to of formulation The way no similar problems pupils. problems from of the the for by the are duty oral for Data pupils who number same selecting ones. made too ones. with stituted be It is the teacher. come can a are of to and secure that principles. all. outside to difficult for **Pake" these Data the few These if it contains even to better wisely interspersed those attention, that as like are simple problems arithmetical giving practice for the great so It is far a brighter pupils. than the simple everyday difficult problems more problems ambition all several upon the that of formulation the hold not nearly attempt based PBOBLEMS selecting problems difficult. class a them of is not too are do discourage danger simple, however, In recognize they they The AND Problems. must simple too solution. have METHODS ARITHMETIC system containing file. The of uses keep the copying 58 MODERN ARITHMETIC and Explain 3. arithmetical illustrate and the and principles Explain 4. AND METHODS of use PROBLEMS in problems the teaching of solution of operations. illustrate need the of in judgment the problems. 5. Explain 6. Solve 7. Why do so the teaching problem-solving! in, say, teacher a in preparation adequate no judgment. steps in problem-solving. four of procedure had have developing the fail in teachers be in problems illustrate to many should pupils whose of problem a 8: What value the the trate. Illus- sixth grade problem-solving? Illustrate. What 9. and fully into enters problem-solvingf Discuss this pupils illustrate. would How 10. English of phase to cultivate conditions given proceed you in power your f Illustrate. Read in and the explain the following nine il. A remits he the notef A 12. left. lawyer has note collected How What 14. Corn How bushels of How 16. In bond issue carry by How 17. make A and the much return will what 19. A his actual per hour. 20. 65 cents face value was and money of face the had a of $3.75 will tax which gain total man a give {f will bushel per if the sold was $208.81! was who pay gain of 10%. a $24,500 owns wortb is % mill! tax of and 40 be added all the voted votes cast *'no." Did to the carry a election votes! water must to 100 of cc. alcohol 90% to pure! house heated three with is pipe be f of 60 by "yes" 60 by his i of than requiring 60% voted or it 60% 18. 10" 120 is the What first! at school which $608 collection. less cents at election 24 5% for school if the an less were much property client divided sold was his he number many 15. had much desired results the state : to 15 spent man 13. problems and rate Suggest a to be air climbing of motion other the the return a mast at ship problems heating pipes two of area total the of if the has furnace If of f that is two hot S'' diameter. diameter the sailor by the of areas cross-section the hot air with of pipes, pipe! rate of sailing at the is for reading 6' per the and second. rate of Find 12 miles interpretation. 59 PROBLEMS Discuss 21. into of degree difficultyto permitted be to enter problems. should 22. Why 23. Where this least at Explain 26. State 27. Discuss the into "cases"! in placed be Illustrate. teaching problem- accomplished? three quite dissimilar depending problems upon solution. of nature inverse the emphasis the fully classified be not be for principle same 25. "inverse for problems of advantages above. given 11-19 the Illustrate. processes." inverse problem- in processes Illustrate. solving. Explain 28. the can Suggest 2^. the problems should How solving? a the fully fully how would you introduce inverse the to processes class. 29. should Why out? carried are all 30. Apply 31. In problems grading 33. Explain out of any them the value above. 19 importance should disastrous consequences of inaccurate estimates preliminary to curacy? ac- tations. compu- before ing carry- Illustrate. of estimates preliminary given be Illustrate. making of computations. any before what checks? good are Make 34. the and 13, 14, 17, 18, problems Illustrate What indicated be Illustrate. to 32. computations results for 11-19 problems above. Explain 35. from Discuss 37. Interpret 38. Explain 39. Explain and how to of Give three handicap of is to of problems fundamental of final interpreting solution this treat changing the the increased be the phase in numbers results. 11-19 of the above. problem-solving. problems of the illustrations. resulting from essentials of "home help." How can overcome? What 42. Criticize 43. Discuss for the various Discuss Formulate primary the are supplying 45. results the use. 41. 44. work computation necessity the fully Discuss 40. it be its how year. 36. text of to year illustrate and loose the and use of illustrate the the good term real problems? "practical meaning of Illustrate. problems." practical problems grades. the method such as a is not problem of gathering data for outside obtainable. based upon such data. problems and 60 MODERN ARITHMETIC METHODS AND PROBLEMS BIBLIOGRAPHY " 1. Brown 2. Field, Jessie. 3. Hatch, K. Practical with Howell, 5. "[lapper, 6. Richards, 7. " 8. Henry Alva Book Co., J. Educational 9. C. 10. The M. American Practical W. A New Textbook York. Elementary Arithmetic, ,m Some VII: L. Book. of Arithmetic. 96-97. pp. Sources Teaching the on York. of Failure Solve to a Problem. 26. Measurements Pedagogical Year New Co., and Peterson Agriculture Elementary 521. Edward Problems, A. Chicago. 91-97.. pp. Bi-Monthly, Thomdike, J. Co., Flanagan 106-11. pp. XVII: Stamper, Stone, B. Mabel A. Lady, Row, 71-91. and Haselwood, and Paul. Teacher, American Com The L. 43-65 pp. Arithmetic, 4. School Coffman. and D. of Seminar, XXI: Appleton and Ability to Solve 495. Co., New York. metical Arith- CHAPTER Vn DRILLS 68. each begin to of but close of the the studied in matter the quick review those the plan the of arise comes fix to as unify to serve well the at come should vious pre- will generally one as year good a may principal This is which parts reviews year. during It it well mind. arithmetic Good the various can Number that the he facts them alphabet of use be is in of spontaneously is the drills Much another he of parts big the thing ; child's the work an in tion habituadrills these into essential of through such done mind letters the way be large a tions opera- repetition only also can is simple does Ceaseless words. daily in as this in way number same today of other no the application through teacher In drills. thoroughly so various the which their and attained. connect of schedule full form to intelligent whole, as successful accomplished habituated be uses can the reviews daily The use be With must drill. constant work of- minutes. item. of makes much so requires work forms arithmetic to of the Drills. a Shopt year. topic, just before with work coining each and especially work, the during Reviews year's year's end for Necessity a in unified ful success- teaching. 69. Calculation. Mental arithmetical is called be carried computations upon out to perform mentally. A that are As the so a 61 large average simple rule, of percentage that however, man or they can children the woman easily show "2 ABITHMETIC MODEBN if called bewilderment utter mentally, complicated of men the remove today. the through cause acrobats such B. will B and What 2. each At what be at clock is right angles far investment and much from the as schools. The thing critic to adverse an teacher drills and with 70. drills which first of keep the all be will Good of to the " much as How will the long hands of a Drills. the and snappy, on business of their public teaching questions lating re- room school- drills but They life,such The be of possibilities. results. full of do man our drills in the It is not will dren, chil- of the the ttie alert. by the children excellent an in the study desired arid efficiencywill succeed with time The supporter to child of the modem apply these to it,if the drill to found be otherwise may needs. the turn would pupils constantly exhibited o'clock this mental ardent an produce quick, in dayf one development commensurate of of do can development mental who later energy Essentials in will arithmetic, therefore, is urged to A be devoted drill work general one solution prevalent and mow seven may development any produce other! each time in cluding in- work, to the to : of his present-day in the desire teaching of arithmetic much short oral were days each and six to the good will 10 teachers field f the between expended energy field the in severely by the no most before text most much ago neglected the arithmetical will fall the drills in oral years field a mow however be, and as to time However work of few a mow part it take of can of is following, which the as of use There means arithmetics A 1. as by problems mental with putation com- the out carry behooves It simplest the can paper upon approximations. mental do to they PROBLEMS inefficiencyis justly criticized business the AND upon though even operations This them. METHODS must as life and directly good will thusiasm en- propor- 63 DRILLS " tional for hunt must of that to the the teacher. his and drills Sluggish the or class require quick, spontaneous must dictation the pupils should addition examples, be to before should or after given all slow be each of work, to the in as permit the to in as drills none enough example, drills Oral that ready are swers an- written In rapid so for annoyance. drills. no of inattentive and worry who class hunt to answers. either give results can result be a become may than barely better are have time teacher the cause so much require questions, restless, and will drill question next slow, listless pupils who to slow, listless teacher A tion multiplica- the of integers. Drill *71. only child time. is studied and upon those which to be the teacher children the must number mixed child judiciously while habituafted given is thus throughout the and the to that the serves of minute the attention lately been the most out daily look- the on be review create such find with what hand, the easier other not variety be still have with a Not have as be must All. every children the facts and be attention wh neglected, mly troublesome more of all the to hold animation processes his active the during period. class 72. made Drills as thinking teacher work. Subject-Matter. Unify useful very The the this operations of must to focus teacher On The ones. do they activity previously studied. operations must the facts To they have but for too Activity but number difficulties which for Engage number and diflScult. in engaged It is well such upon Must drills be snappy, the must every the Exercises work New a of means may can do be Drills unifying much to introduced also can be the subject-matter. connect all parts by drills and of oral " ft problems forms should and on the old with principles which be joined which it is allied. often together in drills. arise Those together in number practice 64 ARITHMETIC MODERN Periods Drill 73. drills will be will continued begin for fall of forms of the class. In work from Pointed or teacher advised all Let of spur to The in of the In unnecessary. teacher been able the give read to Neither does definite idea careful studied unless a to for but from introduce it be it as to to give his of respect does subjectnot mean miss and on rious long, labo- mean is to what to work. strongly the hit save be drill. at first card drills able this is chosen may the are paper of that allotted drills will gain the mind teacher giving or command work a time be must the drills upon some roopi. must for is thus and this in but book class moment. inexperienced outline has the borne preparations, accomplished the efficieney of teacher having it be the it is before be to forms the to The drills in which aimless the times. attention matter. of the labor, as long additions, number reference pupils for the by board stand in order greatly increase without undivided be later. mimeographed for oiher the time, the teacher paper, or fications modi- easily can at few a and ones may or only middle the near some short* be dictation working involving much text a permit comes seated requiring and Dictations First be may results correct the he is sufficient conditions local stand to examples in seat numbers the teacher children must Additional are be grades. will drill. pupils time the dren chil- must the minutes Ten lower teacher. drills after never snappy of the accuracy Hence, and Space suit to the times other the for by the When for well and these out teacher. At for PROBLEMS Vigorous, the grades and Drills. for illustrations worked and results. upper proportionately Forms Brief. time short a give unreliable to 74. Be oflf perceptibly. for only drills in the ened Must quite fatiguing soon AND METHODS jot down this will outside soon the nothing introduce a a skeleton become beyond new the text what fact. 66 ARITHMETIC MODERN of are on the right side the line. the sum of The last of the in the and 10 or 78. at write teacher the as be ber num- one the times teacher One glance. a board write to children by the given may down on so If the to sent is will, of course, sum 5 results child each and site oppo- number first column. be may number this placed line third give the final result child result at two sum the this sum, to is repeated can the or written The the The second. added for, of are line. and added top then vertical a the the numbers form, left of the product, sum, center. another In on the at one PROBLEMS AND called is operation whatever the give the children circle, the the METHODS the down or column dictates. Other Devices Drill. for Problems and examples , placed be used can done A as by each most to the useful as little involved alert means for should be such at as used problems teacher, but practice. at In order first prepare gradually learn a to set which The similar Such lems prob- practice in the one work, of ciples prin- hold and teacher's the and the best which one to the as the new before lessons a teacher class of enced inexperi- quite simple after problems them same. be handled in 64. gain self-reliance,the dictate work composition, off-hand, found of such the for the can difficult matter a will be to kept of arithmeticians good seem is work giving problems of much This to pupils credit extra numerical continually. may is mentioned in as all times. producing record given time, give well to the using numbers previously was require class but A is that exercise work is he and out given are of drill. sort a pupil written mentally which cards upon time proceed. little may and 67 DRILLS Games. Number 79. forms will be found variety. Children likely are and pupils, create Group is very in useless out as soon misses one to those of its chief received time, 81. such other Keeping flash cards the work on result the In team a to with once, providing child has other school games, be may for teams child for coaching thus outside effective stimulus more Team Scores be used with In records. is given either to his in Drill. excellent the case The results children one point for eveiy own individual score score. room children be added spell-down," of each records a drops provide. and child child permanent The oan team or each paper into can a ** clude in- which rivalry Wholesome pupils is often teacher a is, of affording drill that month. just mentioned for individual or a in which in the old as by keeping as number Often Games versa. or room Individual either correct vice most. the the large class will be almost a children it the by the poor any in purposes, competition and certain than he the Records. Monthly fails to answer, as dividing by group a of the needing created and class, and part a game a;mong in pupils forms (2) give life rivalry the great game. successful small a only entire Oompetition which game of a many operate, to good number good wholesome all the Every few than repetition and of teacher a include (4) activity throughout 80. the for easy class, (3) the to tire not confusing. become to (1) be must, do useful more excellent A early grades. much be to provide games drill, especially in the of games Number only learned. learn to pupils in the can thus be than more the will be grade facts number such This one an room. The supervised by accomplishing a one used by children of the play* older purpose. for the of the any in at each as incentive known younger twofold are added combinations all may a rural pupils in such 68 MODEEN A 82. ARITHMETIC Game Team excellent an writes of contains order. writes and after answer gives his piece of chalk his place the at end pupil in the column has of the pupils in is unable to pupil The answered. made by then takes and question all interest to permitted is his board is repeated If mates. writes a in front every order pupil each his question he answer until in He in line of his team one but the to process In operation playing. line a goes next through on binations com- first question. line. so been every error any and in captain the the to of the by this second correct The number questions forms is teacher teams are number then team questions. the there same The of columns as following The class: small many the Each of column a as PBOBLEMS Class. a questions other column for board AND Small a game the or different for team upon Each METHODS to pupil a the upon name board. At conclusion the follows: as next the to for each unable The to it may the record daily board, of the score social such drill in of keen spirit of cooperation stage of our to in these number the have children manner. work, threefold they motivation, and the which classroom, every civilization this that child given not The the to serve spirit responds. spirit needs compose time advantage; possess they school grades to on, do. same place some of lower are can 1 pupil rural a so team a at For paper. one him. month questions each in a ability, and same as taken as games kept for 10, the of each name fell to which scored are is subtracted which the 2 for suitable next The but and be a from on, teams is given last by placing the those is otherwise element on teams. teams Such afford or the game question may modified various so remaining together, then the 20, and answer be the finishing team last error the upon The of of all to and they stimulating promote fellowship In the nurturing. the in present 69 DRILLS 83. referred may be into teams printed total Each is school when year supply often to this boy of useful 23 at meat Such of estimated. radius X 80. 13 is the 85. most of the from tional educa- quite near to both and 25 $2 X cents only afford 3.1416. in find to pounds tell about arithmetical self-reliance. and of This which is isH^ this very check on circle a X be solved, before the 3.2, useful actual of than more or part for by requiring approximations to be hardly can rough a how pound. per in problems 3.2 is given of 17 cost 35 -at fully exceptional can not practice mentioned of Tests. beneficial who or also of 26 problems was It is instance, the circumference is obtained as little attention of such use desired are discrimination in also successful of most Value of operations procured very give practice product but most solution, fundamental be for bought continual For arithmetic results yet ; Approximations 3.1416 The of of a work. written 25 will but computations, value form end or one drill is needed. can pound, per be can problems The days, This day. give the approximate can cents pounds many several beginning of arithmetic. part girl who or the point towards Approximations results exact as the correct companies. Approximations. as a fractions Papers for four the upon and integers the teacher. reads one each general review a based games 84. is given at Work the is continued useful available. teacher the as result **meet'' especially Card with corrected pupils if the by not are addition, being **run'' as game copies Exercises done. copied that one is divided room been given signal from correct The and is game The already not teacher a and score. event, has at stops useful very ''field meet." a mimeographed exchanged results. A as the by or begins and are to if that dictated are Meet/' ''Field A work in 59, Short teacher tests and coming frequently pupils. Those are which 70 MODERN unannounced come benefits The the to Tests ^ve 2. Tests tell which 3. Tests show Tests This the the day pupils be work the again teacher Tests bring home 3. Tests show the emphasis. pupils the are mentioned for work daily one : less the to factors. bene- greatest from problems two or industrious. pupils their the to pupils their weaknesses. weaknesses thrown when their upon resources. 4. Tests self-reliance. develop EXERCISES VII. should 1. What 2. end of the Is today. 4. What 5. Compare demands be done should be this overcome arithmetic of teaching of of criticism few a f Illustrate. years with ago the discuss 9. When and for 10. Discuss 11. Suggest 12. Suggest Give an Make Explain numbers the two the the use solved good drills be drills. Illustrate. given? outlined in 75-78. in school which card as of short upon the mentioned those or given illustration a of drills the latter some out should drills f daily forms. other how for essentials long how satisfy to material criticize and drills. daily the and longer criticism arithmetic of State 14. to value the 8. drills. at 'Illustrate. mental the 6. Discuss 13. and beginning the at f today. of modified given be to man's business justifiablef can 7. What review the in arithmetic reviews of object year. the it the be fully Discuss 3. Discuss on tion. prepara- 's lesson. 2. own the : self-reliance. in by including enhance can follows as pupils' daily only be can incentive an prove the further the case, sununarized be lacking needs of results. productive regarding are PROBLEMS AND most may evidence wliat These 1. teacher written should generally are 1. As METHODS ARITHMETIC in 75-78 can be condition. paper or book need not be used suggested. drill board. problems similar Illustrate. to those with 71 DRILLS discuss 15. State 16. Discuss 17. Suggest two 18. Suggest modifications satisfy and the 19. What 20. Give i. is the school ii. to What will iv. What is Oive 22. What three is of miles 3 go latter stated those or herein to 19 yards 1120 feet bushels of Illustrate. f approximations of the of cloth following: 14 at second, per cents how yard. per will long take it it f 235 interest the for $935 on for at 5 75 cents months at teachers per in f bushel 6%? in approximations of weakness greatest cost com suitable problems the the results travels iii. 21. of cost sound If games. 81-83. condition. yalue the number good games. for approximate Find in additional the of essentials mentioned games given some the the grades. drill conducting Illustrate. workf 23. What is 24. State the 25. Prepare of object the essentials test a of on any f tests good a topic test. of arithmetic. grade BIBLIOGRAPHY Theodore. Lindquist, 1. of 2. XrV: 319. Mills, Educational 4. College Games J. in F. Smith, D. Record, E. E. Nov. Beport Arithmetic Appeal Bimonthly, Mental on Arithmetic, nal Jour- 183. Pauline Mathews, and 3. LXXY: Education, Plays Suggestions VI Number 1912. Drills. the to : of Play Experiments Elementary Instinct in the on School Teachmg Value Teacher, Arithmetic. 386. Games and Number Bhymes. Teachers of OHAPTEB " Vm MISCELLANEOUS questions, present with together various for The Foreword. 86. have reasons few a will general suggestions, included been not contain chapter some which under the vious pre- discu^ions. 87. of Mode Arithmetic which it as **how many?" French, ancient or mental (1) the of terms language as Greek. of means operations invented Hindus 88. between arithmetic. fractions, 120% are are new Thought notations encountered of mode instance, percentage identical of are Be or thought of and ing showmetical arith- simple before the all old expressing children in 72 requires the and language ideas. their 1^, and decimal 1.2, and percentage of Many study that this unconsciously, fractions; Decimals in Distinguished fractions, common statements. by symbolical centuries arithmetic consciously the For and Must teaching recognize, for use and thought number-system. present and ideas Counting in this of further the the three by of use in thought statement deriving been Successful teacher difference of the Language Teaching. the had represented the ideas. between is the (3) and of race (2) thought, relations the the process own English, is as such its also has language itself to relation of It a The of symbols, a questions distinct as development stages: in is Arithmetic. peculiar thought much?'' **how or which language, of quantitative answers of Language mode a possesses by and Thought of the culties diffi- arithmetic 74 MODERN how of the sum of the required three method 90. to of will space work of to two in had they were learn to which be that further choice taken of here the these will permit. this have of the bolically sym- sive' progres- 147-151. see the for necessity in both results as the From expressed are discussion English, to of meaning three-sixths and As treated been also places emphasis has stating problems discussed, been number The recapitulate. fully in II Chapter requisites for The criminati dis- as a good a consistency,clearness, simplicity, and are use. 91" Some times, as Arithmetic. of symbols universal well For of this nature system the they when first one-half interpreting final not has system nator denomi- explanation . in the in the and today teaching fractions, Symbols and of equal thoroughness. that see as f = with up meanings by i of fractions, after of is led identical product fractions more or the met confused teacher is taken child pupils were and numerator the t by placing S + process. new idea the symbolism the add progressive The upon 1 they PROBLEMS add over these " + to entirely an fraction other AND would of each When of text pupils product denominators. the METHODS Some proceed. to the ARITHMETIC Cautions avoid such forms usage Teacher. the to as as are that It is best, inconsistent found with in the Denominators placed above the should done. a Too because operation, together the teacher on its forms many good form One use, of fractions. in any numerator detriment common never expression of fractions, as been they for each be be mon com- has here are erally gen- are idea lyith insistence will all accompanying illustrating the addition diagram at found fusing. con- and by best. 75 MISCELLANEOUS carefully as never be though they * * 3 5 + in it is for well the set is the neatness the habit it inculcates series of him their unified arithmetic is unification in the as recently, this few has been upon the pupils at heart, Systematic and accuracy, A habit ^a " principles for unification will and further generally of teacher also will which is value tematic sys- that in be valuable in- largely as and operations, together this reason the much as end, the who his or increased mean in the is accuracy is taught of a be taught be to English has own method not as Literature clearness, greater of time. attention; but a in desired teaching of elementary such as subject-matter great saving given insufficient but good upon topics. It is,however, founded possibilitiesresulting from urged connection, insist child, of being should and phase this tion atten- prerequisite, the teacher, a teaching of History thbroughness, and, In to arithmetic necessary It Geometry. conscious his life. wholly unrelated A no in this matter. record, Basic whole. of operation doing anything, particularly throughout symbols, forms and computation. permanent comparatively upon As in the in Unification. 92. with of careful a to always first requisite of foundation making teacher good example a very and operation. 14. " give him they neatness. the or even illustration, may an symbols any out general himself, must the that carrying figures and a As 56-4-4 " master thoroughly so 8X7 = pupil should The a ' ' be understood. can statements thereafter, teacher as mentioned: be of the by accepted just learned be must use principles. Incorrect, slipshod new should their and symbols New make the it one only the welfare selfish interests. Until metic arith- great to be of his It is safe 76 to MODERN ARITHMETIC that say of results 93. real so successful make and these number with the discussion and fractions to their place, it its related and 56. The basic will fact,7 and number 25, 9f , lOJ, 6J, 484, and for much a the | of only one facts,or relations, with this primary 9 to adding by tens based any then one, with together multiplication by practical value, practical point in arithmetic that spasmodic teacher must recur. And for can be upon Let in drill will constantly on textbook practice, " easily supply it be this 11, 22, unification a the it the borne lookout not of additional for ever, how- mind, grouping them they as suflScient will problems, not, or or The result. no or supply doubtless teaching of in method necessity, the rather, bring little does as or unifying of view, relations if the such of phases. all its number unifying teacher learn to Again, are on, with relations. number from so fact 8, i of 56, and -f- the as processes the first Thus together. aliquot parts Hence, gers inte- number connection increasing In every number it. around unit. in connection tion is to call atten- here required their from to cuts, such 56 7, -f- other The grouped one all short So 56. = amounts deducting 56 As operations with studied be to the community. better that in this way, easily grasped be mind putations; com- himself simple illustrations. 8X7, are, 8 X treated is necessary in are for will in accurate his fundamental few a computations. and of which relations as them men be can borne come pupils one, of by facts should 7X8 business all that be of arithmetic well as for of the value must alert secure relations relations Number teacher, of number and of the productive be business in especially thus commendation will teaching in the unification keen his pupils PROBLEMS Unification. of by the v^e AND lasting. so serviceable, most The and instance one of method Instances Enxly represent is other no METHODS " terial ma- the simply 77 MISCELLANEOUS the event, drill in be should these for the does in of arithmetic phases with division It child the division when the old good which 94. division of any operation will understood. involving equation, percentage the of 95. not for necessary but teachers must and mutual out was be and are some of Similarly, in inverse the tions opera- much of do very in plifying sim- (See 198.) treated the as wonders The in amply be discussion 55 to with graphically special recognize relations enough the suggestions to the are These recurring existing bring children. to that texts needed. are the to Textbook it is evident no teachers resourceful brief Not Teaching, alert silflSeiently home operations relations wiU also already one of inverse idea ing mean- readily more with plan successfully also the here. foregoing this for inverse Indeed problems. such specially prepared relations following P, = Matter the volution. in- and point are grasped principles together them between decimal fundamental 6 X of a tion, addi- with familiar. the of the repeated From carrying ideas be example, with the as decimals be principles Unification Writing. of such r solution recurring will and him to Unification. Application problems for ; various the subtraction as clearly, if it is connected more cuts taught. so Instances much use be short evolution and already placing Later of and should is he for rules multiplication and and presented are day. suggested subtraction as operations such they further groups natural, and, hence, easier more learn to inverse, multiplication, is much operations with to its operation, with every carried any after arithmetic practice of unifying be may day countless business the In text. family zeal the to the as unrelaxed This grades. upper relations refer not of problems with considered are the number continued This, however, which in numbers change the The teachers 78 MODERN for ARITHMETIC This first requisite is includes language the old after until pupils' Stress for lookout they of operations, be be a in the short time mind Constant keen seeing these simplify numbers in attention 3. New relations in this **the from episodes 4. in the class work the main reviews and so inverses it will only its inverse supplied his in thus a will end Problems without afford lent excel- the pupil's in these than rather process by ability for the only is stated the dovetail, the is made are foresight by They of current a upon the incidental the those ready al- glide into to they must along come of shock teacher, and should be as thought. necessity. by taking stock ascertaining with experiencing introductions are it were, as pupil without accidental. most, as answer." careful merely Constant count such with planned the surest time. save upon topics incidentally far and Thus While constant relations developing and operation topics should newness. classes the on stimulus connection, because understood. new in wonders the and than work, will the and is concentrated numbers a pupil. work which become to as reciprocity,i. e., operation each general work practice the early in the number the grasped; are number and introduced the will be to If watchfulness teacher ones problems. until of with connected principles, rather on pupils taught the new new command good a frequently so recurring principles in occur laid be and the used languaga. voc?ibulary. own should problems, or be may as tactfully be of meanings the these part of the should terms of the symbolical arithmetical the use ability known the as New which 2. teaching of arithmetic comprehension a abjjity to well as of English. the the PROBLEMS unifying the subject-matter: 1. The to AND increasing their efficiencyin through be METHODS what from has These can be time made time to of the been neglected and 79 MISCELLANEOUS particular attention. needs what concerning connection, taking of up from arises a limit. time the work, normal The to of inverse use All With teaching should this in end given special attention. To future requires, of work of the with it. school At child the be for 96. Lesson have future well as Each lesson It dbject. own quite strictly throughout; it make during impossible recitation the which but should when the work ought up will made give with depend of of the to page to or, Whether how margins as rule for. each this be much as ested, interRules said as as To time, same tailed before, dove- far this lesson as possible. end, let the before burdensome use the bility flexi- some the to arise may of At lessons to in itself really are the this to that admit a grade. anticipated. it. strive upon largely not previous thing class. not amalgamated the of of unit hold pupils demand consideration some the be to is the had as the whole, each a matter a the teacher iron-clad so that Unification it which circumstances with teacher the be never in of strictly,however, so consider to be to the teaching the present is well on sympathy complete should not eye development for as be should one unified one arithmetical the Plan. its into which knowledge as to application. years arithmetic time, the coordinated for all the well required process thus, with as well-known a and thorough a of lengthening it. of use the unification time succeeding teach years same working future of course, succeeding can teacher and in applied within principle and view, every work be work of instead for be the will that and the work prescribed certain down such teacher required processes cut less doubt- tendency the the topic with one training school in the school, actually of the cover of deplorable idea perverted tried out as complete 5. the is necessary course This one. new a abandoning the timely in this is word A taking or teacher previously suggested in not has 66. 80 MODERN ABITHMETIC Preparation the lesson with need not in work the PBOBLEMS solving of it must twentieth all for acquainted It action. ** slogan of century in problems becoming mean laying plans general and itself into AND the mean but assigned the METHODS solves re- ness." prepared- , Lesson 97. Assignments. consideration demands This portance. need where each ones. Assignments lesson work be connected be may given of shorn into said nothing in 98. that, if put from very there Three During which drill examples in only inches often in ing count- part of the the assignments make casually. teachers time waste their transform would of the requiring the pupils the when board, every First, recitation There children fifteen," instead some pupil is there than on may possible as new" largely be avoided. can at topic discretely and beginning five equals work new brought proficient arithmeticians. the repetitions, as times thus time, same is really to work work little as find to New is,at the wholly is not order lesson. all the in order use, to at in preparation Too proper mediocre papers needless further to Time. is the waste out *' Careful material of A Much necessary new Waste and tation reci- Review possible. as it ; It is of the course next counting by quarter is,however, introduce and the whole. new. inches. by whole far incidentally with being newer as direction or unified the preceding hurriedly. necessary, connect purpose, a its about teacher to introduced be if up, of its strangeness, some together thus a it im- arithmetic in the made during with brought than upon be never its son subject do the les- no much so made be by which something is thus depends they and In ment assign- with attention should lesson commensurate more that of matter rarely receives. it assignments suggested The of in ing giv- are the to merely teachers has say, ** teen." fif- assign completed 82 the pupils will Teach 1. do just 3. what such his from the and work. unsettled it is desired it should case from that be day end the at teacher careful be must to pupils. assigmnent lesson work which a teacher actual to The example. and requires the no to devote the but process Suggestions. he Leave question In time more by precept Complete 2. attention, because more have PROBLEMS AND subject is slighted by this no General 100. a that parents really given is METHODS AMTHMETIC MODERN of a cleared up do not unless consider it be further. of beginning the at day. should pupils the to recitation the next lesson. Require 4. explanation of what done a working It gives him gives and 6. Do be revolution" any 8. the oral the be and Always and extremist the look the the essential. big illustrate in the text, gives the in the work of every the to teacher. pupil Let "Evolution and not to improve by adopting and ing adapt- Idea. Be careful to never confuse tho EXEECJISES the difference between the language and arithmetic. necessity the to examples be ideas. with thought Explain dictate can resourcefulness. lookout the on for and This confidence see has of not confusing the language and mode thought. 3. for of mode 2. of Explain to plete com- English. to reference to work possible. ability pupils arithmetic in as faddist. or VIII. 1. far as him his slogan. the practical non-essential the the in boy Permit mistake The opportunity teacher continually new text without boards interested an when the work. himself an then to general strength not 7. Be the in the first and attention stop his grammar. correct without at confidence but to say his of most teacher also to teach to with class has direct Learn 5. problem a he settled been English good Oive the 4. mode of Suggest 5. What i^ymbolsf illustrations two showing how the language may be taken thought. two degree Illustrate. examples of freedom of incorrect should use pupils of be symbols. given in the use of 83 MISCELLANEOUS 6. DiBcnss need the of orderliness and system arithmetical in work. XUnstrate. is 7. What 8. What is meant Explain teaching and system Illustrate. unification the by unification how requisite for first teacher's successfully f neatness 9. the will arithmetic? of simplify Illustrate. work the and time. save Illustrate. 10. Give 11. Discuss illustrations three and the unification of illustrate the Explain how 13. Make a very 14. When and 15. Discuss 16. Suggest in mentioned of are attaining for suggestions the various of plan^which the of forms of Illustrate. in used be can time wasting other unification. lesson day's next forms discuss form a lesson should how and each processes. be trate. Illus- assigned? mentioned wasting teaching. under time than 98. those 98. What 17. brief the inverse subject. short-cuts 12. of the are of advantages grouping work the for suggested as schools? rural Suggest 18. eombined for 19. Discuss 20. Discuss workable a rural the other each of in plan schools as suggestions the which the work under mentioned general suggestions grades ia 99. time saving for the of on in rural a methods under school. 100. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Brown 2. and Educational School How Bimonthly, VI: A. Elapper, 6. Olds, 7. D. Smith, D. to Get Greater Effloiency in in AritMnetic. of Time pp. School Arithmetic. Elementary 111-34. of Mathematics, E. Arithmetic, 103. Opportunity and Science in 461. Paul. G. Work 294. Economy XIV: Teacher, 5. School U. V. Jessup, Walter 4. 110-30. XIV: Mathematics, and Collins, Joseph 3. pp. Development Collier, Myrtle. Science and CofPman. The the XII: Teachmg Teacher in the Classroom. 355. of Arithmetic, pp. 32-37, 60-71, 88-101. 8. Stamper, 9. Eeport S. Bui. Alva Am. pp. 196-224. Inter. Com. W. Com. 13, 1911. pp. 36-42. on the Teaching of Mathematia. OHAPTEB IX ARITHMETIC PRIMARY Basis 101. of delight free, when convenient any water, wood, word. The the and medium painting the is in educative of seeking teacher a which tasks, pating antici- in pleasure the satisfy definite, own the and cutting must her printed The the sand, or action result. when almost paper, written spontaneous cease as with as the or children, through ideals desired a value imposed are their dolls, realizing Normal expression, of ready-made in Work. realizing in pleasure or Number Early quirements re- ceived precon- results. tests which children the That it be that powers Thai 3. it lowing fol- the stands adapted be can purpose a their to saiisf action or tends connected cultivate to physical a/nd menial overstrain no unconsciously it it efforts, best so there in feel their arouses 2. unless valuable not : That 1. good with it. taste in children, the 4. it is work That as which the of work, things designed it. based the the children the school failure For are have in ; 84 in the cize criti- purpose for included been constructive and instance, brought grounds fulfill the to creative can themselves might grade the upon children. the on in children the its work outline that discover they they All an is suggested Work in the contact garden in ties activi- nature-study daily ; in with their real trips p L L f# " " r typical landscapes, to and so to their continual unlimited literature In them The for the stories dramatized are chart community, The skill 102 is selected the In needed making plan is often number The 102. suggests various different months spring much grades such of first of early as are plans the work convenient, most by the class. thus verifying, and the daily quantitative use. tions ques- much?'' The the naturally here chart work construction In ing, mak- shown for early fall and be replaced by the late door out- activities. Early need what to determine necessity into Work. will children guide continually planning, of ''How and of this work of and power times many making of real year. and these under the a best, or the are the Forms articles them. never child actual comes forms excursions 103. the children Construction Early pupils making directly applied in the it may each for many?*' things which home, cases is continually meeting of ''How many school judging, estimating, and are and is made. which element pupils article articles the comparing, the in many though selected this work that article after demands. care classified however, This, however, is the the and the the of the use one making, independently, In noticed making for with for month not, of another. making how in imaging only the presents each are It will be give them image-growth selected are the immediate or gained clear, definite them by the children. of section exercises heads. various help the effort is to expression which actually be made can the to which those are questions, and own opportunity genuine and farm the performed experiments answer of visit to swamps, plants of the city. industrial The shore, sand-dunes, the lake as their in on: 85 ARITHMETIC PBIMABY to Number measure suggested Work. constantly in the chart In in and the primary constructing in making 86 MODEBN simple ARITHMETIC keep of the account tell to time, and order they and value. foot should but his in judging 104. have A Mmimum should be a minimum grade, which should of the in grade cooperation with of grades first year, the school. functioned be relied knowledge 105. in 'each ready upon small, for measurements for facts present and their The 106. minimum planned There for each teacher of perience ex- each higher next the required oughly thor- be children the may arithmetical of too increasing great, for will in to constantly demands be will be that responsible problems they struggle metical arith- of knowledge these that but children not suflSciently are the to do full limit them. overcome work work projects, there teacher Significance of the arising in the ment. measure- should fund children the involved processes ability to If for and difficult to require the of that so factor a and be processes growing social concrete obstacles should fact, needs of the a use. Projects. operations. the and a the teachers grade, have to upon Social facts for arithmetic by little Very certain but the as in decided as foot the in isolated an tool by ard stand- inches Arithmetic. determined gently, intelli- the in requirement children, culations cal- time, weight, 12 of the necessary Requirement be and with as memory a as learn to work are knowledge and power numbers volume, there to a to games, they buy, acquainted that committed school work. lines, areas, instance, should of this mathematical do may in be not their in other scores that recognize early become For keep materials and soon measure child the they must of units books they that and to count essential are In need They PROBLEMS AND cooking^ gardening, and in apparatus activities. METHODS Minimum may the take grade, Requirement. the and children many lems Prob- beyond individuals the in OHAFTEB PRIMARY 107. three Concrete the activities aid to the number early on are teacher work The equipment. earliest very third the might third have teaching, the lessons since for instead of success might apply this and their the first or the grade; beginning or children class were it in the a and in many activities. were being kind and play. 88 of the they in given the full real, a its described, ask. tj^e since situations initiative If the to worthy judgment little are of type dominates stimulated mathematics, knowledge and seems too children their lesson by gauged valuCi, the of for teacher The but highest the represent results the be independently work little among the second the opportunity give hypothetical, a the beginning of primary any be would of ments measure- with and lessons last not questions, responsibility without class the in since primary these given one but the upon lessons children. the and questions do they of part directions of two the in any grade. first The size at come IX, be may (measuring) number Chapter based which first from important lessons the whatever chosen be in so selected been classroom, the mentioned illustrative three have on order might problems measurements grades, of In lessons type typical school linear no Lessons. prepared. been of (Continued) ARITHMETIC lUustratiye following the X gain arising of number But lesson even for children a will immediately naturally in PEIMAEY such Throughout with associated write would they drew. allowed In question Lesson would process from attention not be central the lesson indicate quotation marks the direction. or purpose: (a) To teach (b) To help foot the which of height as chUd each height) An long which foot a 1. Teacher's Child's line dren chil- The lesson. the teacher's 108. children's the illustrative each each be would it represents. (length) under **foot'' word the word-association the distract point of the idea the word But to lesson a the 89 ABITHMETIC linear a find to he unit measure. approximate an in use can of (his measure distances judging and own the objects. purpose. interest merely in a activity which this at age is end an in itself-^ interest. game Lesson. Time, 25-minute of Exposition Teacher Number period. in class, 20 as a maximum. lesson. asks: '^'Who is the (One child result "How tallest that requested John can you is prove classf pick to out the tallest child with th" chosen.) with agree many "How is child in the that the choice John madef is the tallest T" "HowtaUisheT" "Who knows how to find outT" ' 109. Descriptive Defail. kindergarten experience, the children are each As the given foot foot the children ruler rulers have is suggested, to examine. had and 90 MODERN They ARITHMETIC then fpre of paper, ones and measure One asked on horizontal the line lines board foot and Children class one hand foot the between their of number devices what considers the a 110. With very Possible a return to lesson and the Further "How strip long as lesson will of depend ten "How other a distance its time might ask that the energy. this at point. Class. Strong a the the teacher would first part children they had and end with in the upon particular class, and of children to found of hold and up the the measure strips a foot long would it take to make a is tallT" indicating that answers in foot long. these John than apart, the the spite of the day's experience, the teacher have John's a of many as In and just were much jei foot measures of the presented next paper a children above hand one use group perhaps line lines all the exactly Development problem strips of colored which best class, a mature more Then to go how horizontal hands used of the need slow to ruler. a judgment With note quickly teacher's he After it. lines, and the then teacher with hands the The the all asked under lines. perpendicular while are long drawn to hold draw ; to teacher's). foot correct have teacher's) rulers, a perpendicular a pendicular per- a the children opposite the other; apart, choosing they blackboard the (like line and asked are longer among After room. strips yellow or hun^ (like the " long horizontal a those upon draw, without accurately they the long foot a measure they have draw erased, the are long and more red, blue, judgments. to foot a of the their is asked child these wall a verify line a select to PROBLEMS AND exaciVyi a foot long, from shorter and METHODS John is anywhere will possibly between two feet tall. may height we T" measure more easily than with the strips to find out PEIMARY this At a point it is expected reach by the asked to teacher The lesson four bring and Lesson 111. To review (b) To teach (c) To continue the long, and work, the seat wide as bring Also tomorrow. foot the fact new the the as ruler, your ruler.'' your that there of problem unit. finding inches 12 are the in of height (during pleasurable activity " take in their form 25-minute minds) home, quickly up his and at foot. a children. the this lesson a definite . the all of work Children wall, until Teacher class is select accurate after in class (20). trial. one is not child be to Effort made paper Each ones. accuracy is holds expected approved. discarded. and four has strips of examine teacher disproved child each children : choose, from then of number strip. Great correct Careless lesson help the Children Same period. of Exposition colored strips hung strips, each 1 foot on the long. directs: "Hold up "Tell how correct more. : Time: from tall, and purpose: continue Lesson is firmly against this children, for foot one impress and Children's will John purpose: (a) problem this need. 2. Teacher's To class to is 4 feet placed within spaces, heels and discover will : strips, each them foot by giving the ends following directions ''Make he that child some foreseen his back tt is found board, has who with stand that off into marked plank planed 91 ABITHMETIC ones." the strips that many strips are you right had to which choose yourselves you in order to made." have four 92 MODERN ''Who like would ''If how ARITHMETIC each much each "How can "Yesterday much "How can "Please that June find could we tall you John is tallT" he as out jutt out inch ' ' year. how long as in PROBLEMS feet 4 was nowf are mare." and moret" find we take "Tell this just out found we strip grown find AND strip just a another has one you "How have to made one METHODS outT" rulers your what these small examine and them are."* divisions carefully.'' points (Teacher spaces.) in then teacher The much the "How same The class counts claps With way inches many Glass there one 12 inches for we shall are ' ' If child children ' ' to Paste have before. ruler. the on counting cise exer- the knowledge gained The lesson ends with that lowing fol- the work: make to of each the a long strips our her better a to see how tall be the way, done. asks the * ' teacher follows: as way, four your it could which in way suggests follow to '''Divide tell each may no . taught class repeats the seat today was idea ' ' now. You begin inches the foot. a inch-unit foott" a to the in foot-unit the points. children directions "We in devices all of the are there girl points one as the child teach to that are as various until proceeds strips into correct 1 inch strips together, allowing one-inch the on end spaces.'' of each strip your long overlap." "When strip with you a many "Any one the "All ' ' Those pasted the four strips together, measure ruler." "How make have inches who short of 4 may make can, long strip just bring their who make 4 short a in feet long strips the feet to is itt" strip just long enough short length. ' class ' tomorrow." strip bring it to class also. ' ' to PEIMARY laesson 3. 112. to a when arose loam, that the another, that the makes great deal a find which out the water need the use make their for and bring each it to school home from which seemed getting a convenient should morning, before in the the paper or ^the science this was was a tion objec- no things children to of make of cardboard, cubic 4 to boxes at shape being that The inches. teacher lesson, the value any only requirement exactly which lesson Points hold the certain asked " Although home at teacher, seeing opportunities the teaching wrapping gestions sug- child, who box there order the one sized same measure, in tests Among of own they would that the that was tomorrow." it,and box for to held his perform to value. the make for suggestion number [ soil the by the class, and them, accepted each of soil which and ; holds desire the to gested sug- seeds soil the teacher of any comparisons growth of water, the of child led wanted by amount same This child each soil (sand, One which most suggested was way made in the As the water the held could round-about of of difference. measuring said, **We with do .plant their to best. grow to amount longest. it to much soil experiment, to ' had light would problem in which to find given was The getting ready were seeds children. grade experimenting were clay) or third lesson number following children the gardens, and The fifteen of group 93 ARITHMETIC next gave the follows: which lesson seemed the to teacher portant im- : initiative and (a) To encourage (b) To make children responsible in independent for the judgment. preparation of their own be exact materials. and (c) To teach economy (d) To make dear should (e) To be the the fact use that of a materials. tool of measuring must convenient. review work in lines, areas, and cubical contents, hy pre- 94 flenting similar problem new a METHODS ARITHMETIC MODERN others to PROBLEMS AND children the have previouslj solved. Possible children it had sure of part was important interesting experiment an had themselves they question to the and asked, by answering method a of a measuring suggested. in response 113. itself activity The (b) seemed lesson : (a) Because they the why reasons interest the such finds experiment an a children. of Lesson: Subsequent Time: in involved 25-minute Number period. in children of class, 15. Exposition The first Lesson. Number " minutes 5 in spent were examining the boxes made at home. Three shapes The held 4 by boxes, of each which the of the best teacher of different which had they and made added shape. No. 1, 4 X 4 X 1, with open area at top of 4 X 1. Box No. 2, 2 X 2 X 1, with open area at top of 2 X 2. Box No. 3, 2 X 1 X 2, with open area at top of 2 X 1. Box No. 4, 1 X 1 X 4, with open area at top of 1 X 1. pick out children for No. the box paper the blackboard after asked were chose select name, four Box piece of to of set two convenient most her found They to selected class made The presented children. in. cu. The two then teacher the by brought were in use which hold and measuring this purpose. 2 for and to be could 4 cubic recorded looking carefully box the soil. They of the They from the inches. Each child judgment the boxes. under Three shape mously unani- then were made his at the asked smallest passed his own children 96 METHODS ARITHMETIC MODEBN AND PBOBLEMS BIBLIOGRAPHY Buxton, 1. Flora Cooke, the in matics XII: Francis English in Beguirements and School Elementary School, Parker W, Board Press. Minimum J. Card and liathe^ Teacher, 245. Journeys in Larkin, 4. the Child* 72, 109, 5. s Morey, Charles Sage, Co., and and Kindergarten Chicago. Numbers Teaching Fint Based First Grade, upon II: 12, TrohUms 16L Little The Folk's Number Book. Charles York. Dorothy H. An Arithmetic Tournament, Primary cation, Edu- Primary cation, Edu- 162. Sanders, Smith, W. New Sons, and 9. The of McLean. 151. F. XXV: 8. Foresman Method A Experience, XXV: 7. J. Mary Scribner'e 6. Scott, Numherland. Lillian Waldo, and Stone Van Ada Harris, 3. XXV: Wis., Faper L. Fred Corran, Menominee, Construction. 2. and F. George G. A Lesson with Milk Bottles, 162. E. Lucy First Ayres. Grade, for the 11 Model Number : and Word Sheets, garten Kinder- 237. Grocery Store. Primary Education, CHAPTER History. The subtraction and of the the (1) MCCLIX (2) MMCCLXXVII addition, difference left A. to This D. who are the at right, process of method with acquainted in seems the addition the of sum is first written middle ''1*' 5 + + ^ Beckoning with to of + 1 2 6 + 7 tbe over " to below from which etc., thus 5, actual the of + written the erased, aid + **5," In column 4 12, " below 862. but 4 the to written retained is first the carried is which over never awkward scheme down, column, 'V8'' 3 1600 about illustration an from us beginning of the old to the left then the : Thus, the is vital on until very simpler following The right. carried were be^ A today. are continued course Under multiplication operations which method a pletely com- processes. and operations the reckoning* arithmetical these that was abical and subtraction, what practically consideration a MDCCXXXIV. certain revolutionized came addition in CCCLXVII: + " influence by cients an- operations: CCLXIV + computations appreciated number-system Hindu this be the by encoufitered simplest best can following two The difficulties performing in -SUBTRACTION AND ADDITION 114. XI which abaent. ~^ 97 and a 7 " ; from 15, '*7'' the the the 7 simple making then ''1" goes leaving as which '*7"; the giving practice was 2 6 a final and matter be to 5 sult re- were by 98 MODERN the of use also ARITHMETIC the as 123 Before the minus the century; 115. task The of number the four results to work is fundamental teachers, and least the not grades. Intelligent teachers children under their fundamental burdensome with manner In about set the first is to learn place, the underlying it. will seen as be ; but computation, this to time the teacher's be of process This the when operation be learned subtraction and appeal to the rationalization, side questions during Let the child's this find a a ously seri- systematic them. the and give the to problem not child the now reasons blindly, however, division the child teacher's habituation, and of* the the of poor higher the not before of use readily the object in business its science. years The of perform to always not main discouraging really desire big thing is teaching not an the must The most teachers to their main the 1489. first four they study the purpose occurs " integers. are 14th or in integers, will achieving definite a time ability providing matter and with so with operations ^^^ words facility in the a who care 13th + was The the children's this during accomplished after one Operations. operations Hence, Subtraction Widmann give them to bers num- symbols today. subtrahend. John the during the written symbols Fundamental teacher of during the published by Four the of of first record arithmetic an sometime arose value, of signs. the over lined out- years. value were of instead of place notation were subtraction early additive Roman dot a of idea connecting any by placing and these additatively taken without indicated in be to other plus as*in the in order numbers the Results numbers processes ol the by PROBLEMS numerals. given during introduction indicated written the first two used AND sand above were the were the or The do. we in abacus, written always below METHODS are sidered con- ort of slogan at the very little nature. The early number work child's ADDITION be must AND wholly almost very little with teacher's task in the is twofold: memorization of 116. Teacher's The is taken the produce least the in the in the upon take not general a idea advantageous realize various because a particular be of will the come 117. be lessons for follow that oUiers, this in seems matter the it make he will all may subject, and, further, the teacher text this of introducing is of arrangement following lessons fundamental impossible here to ment arrange- accordingly advised teach from for every arrangement vantageou ad- more concerning the question of and those to this point stand- topic as it consideration. in Oombinations arranged order not presentation of the four advantageous up of the presentation limitations Space order attention some carefully the study of order detail, however, into in these can given in to the aid an do in each logical than they deal with operations. to elements addition, which case that unification, and of of the pends subtraction, de- as As texts traction, sub- subtraction arrangement follow. to of texts is recommended text is ticular par- before of all or The on. certain use new and will like fully the importance more the to plan Most all of addition the so that under addition. to as work New pupils. preceded up and in gradation such the of Therefore, the required teachers in topic, in this related it. preceded as ject sub- work topic of the subject, such any teacher difficulties of any case multiplication, and work various has multiplication, before book text- what do day present the to ^as " The confusion upon section, go and Here. singly and up generally based as it that shows combinations various the Duty that arranged so are has work number the and analysis of An **why." the early '^how*' the application in computation. their the with concerned **what." and the 99 SUBTRACTION one Addition. after the While other in the nine 362,880 digits different 100 MODEBN ARITHMETIC combinations 45 only ways, digits by taking 45 only 7 learned; two of sums is 2 requisite for equals third a the that number of letters spontaneously Teachers children to ; as compared definite A jective of these and Combinations. taken is up memorized thus one table of one a to around the loss nine mechanically he 4 and of in the 7, say time met likely was + but addition children these column came the learned readily them children the by had tables the or, 7 bination com- a 9 just as a he of the of in tables greater of words words, undertaking. the factors. Addition 45 combinations these Not are ago years many of 4 2, 7 + than unable + in 3, in 7 + the turn 4. any apply When addition the 1, 4 +2, alert, to figures. of 7 + who quickly repeat columns with were Children order. usually wpre o"b- that necessary Up could if is tively compara- toward the that might, 1, 7 + a that I's, 2's, 3's, etc., which 4 + fact these small Taking say to at of procedure matter. teachers formation very are thoroug^h a Good the in which order important an contained texts is sums Order The so numbers as be must knowledge with Systematic Advantageous 118. 2 + pronunciation the 45 this part of the teacher the on are including goal naturally daily demonstrating acquire letters learned be combinations. 45 may formation the the children age tions. combina- 45 necessity of absolute land young ; 7 in experience in teaching addition had the with word the throughout from a bination. com- is cat. have realize acquaintance normal spells and be speed single digit two any inevitably as c-a-t as who of sum one and these with are must as combinations these that treated same there 2, which + accuracy acquaintance these that means 7 as, from 7 are, of course, + It is necessary thoroughly This numbers thorough a time. PBOBLEMS made be can a two first The addition at 2 and + AND METHODS of etc., until the In numbers either still older he way case of ADDITION counting turned learned be as of process will be no needed of of suggestion to **run for for will as + have been selecting at In the the above 1. to Draw this of the have next within the of similar to left diagonal two small comer and learn and lines, and numbers first so and on in all the sets One same. learned the order to be to of as between the all left-hand the arise, reference A are separate definite contained sums upper to the column as some order. drawn, the manner, be learned combinations and there until manner a difficulties will lack a that contained list. teacher show Begin 1 is a up the words. should Otherwise combination namely, the the in read into table*' going In in itself by the must useful be to learned is down be combinations there diagonals then letters combining follows: the will the order is reached. sums table 7 + combination Each in fact 4 where scheme added. If it is well above of isolated an selecting them. cases unit addition. Although facts each finger being a " combination figures the that for down 101 SUBTRACTION fingers,thus, 8, 9, 10, 11, the upon AND is as learn diagonal, the binations com- through small sums 102 MODEBN used are ARITHMETIC first and at 5 -f-4, and all such that noted be included are scheme, has as depend There are learned in moving used as well as an fixing these in child already have 119. Order addition 1 this work those Use oral from will cents The 3 then he value vim mind, written work to him the pupils the an pay extent The that of that the in the in work 2, 2 + Make mastered. adapted following how more, 1" until problems cents : many most they directly proportional taken oral work up, but in hand. hand new trouble, without order The teacher which become is recommended neglecting been taken combinations any and should have are it cease oral two, to Let not the combinations to those it. should combinations the later giving in teacher this is all of following as 2 be especial attention Let the thoroughly concrete earns will learned, after previously VII. Chapter combinations are pupils, and progress use of the mind like 1 + new no the have?" in continue of drudgery Begin ous Vari- previously suggested. as the cents difficult. in the Addition. simple of alertness written, should the be system some under consideration this work of and borne when has of some introduce experiences of ''If John be and large number the tion combina- to the more considered 2, etc., + already under a the 2 plans each that combinations in a which simple combinations few a 1, been Work of with 3, 3 + + simpler the such Such that and fact eliminating drill work by combinations providing always isolated from for devices diagonals, teacher. plans of selecting the will likely work be the also 5, and + of pair one simultaneously up ingenuity of many 4 as previously recommended. been the upon taken be It should practiced. any taneously simul- increase sums combinations dual between would hence and more grows PROBLEMS AND numbers both child the as METHODS up. giving to such troublesome. for written work : 104 MODERN able to each ten ABITHMETIC 10 of and quickly. and accurately use in tens in connection thoroughly 121. Grouping No in bear mind that should process of the order of lion idea The hundred each with the Tens at of 10 introduction in ones reviewed be must this process 122. Short of the add to in the of reading short cuts by those new the 5 this If a column a instance, if, in as 6's, then and a a 6 and there 5. are There of number the the the in 4 seven are, few the good times it of times second + occurs column, 8 farther 6's in however, it that some up one rate. accu- is that add instance, glancing in up right hand the over), 4 52 count the up then by occurs 2 + experts 12 ^ gether. alto- in the its value 4 is as besides on 5, multiply is considered column + times several and 5 umn col- gives 10 's make is to in whose groups r^emaining scheme and the which For itself the of used most (8 passed 6 oughly thor- with a following additional 4 to example with 8 its must learned have column. figure repeats number child of numbers found 5, 4 + the a the introduced the are + and when some has digit numiber groups bottom 7 ; the + addition schemes is 10 : of the each selec- by or especially quick in the sum 3 children accompanying from 10 of are out exact* by the never who 10 to the be picking up in the of numbers. each of teacher five years or can One of method combining by used sums the already found, they sum making stims When the Let adding first years, not Outs. of and This schemes. place, but learn that column in the of numbers First. first four the during invariably be groups proper by numbers similar other 8 PROBLEMS of carrying. idea for AND METHODS ; sidered con- two an addition ADDITION who do can right along rather sums of numbers. is, of 123. which a in ployed 1. 10 ii. 10 8 from is taken from 13 13 from and iii. Subtraction becomes, 124. the explanation is 30 50 and the as the the 20 tens make the 30 to 28 to to is result the but when the there units carried the the to Hence tens below 8 which to 3 of an be be is, the right in the of the 5 to this carried line the and writtai was added the can question 3, the be case should Since only the over tion ques- simple that gives 13 T' column remainder. which In above addition the the give first digit to the the In 10 8 and 53 f" so one make to to " the em" making 13 addition Method. nothing is 5, in thus making quite carefully. remainder. and the usually most 3 of added the added the larger than in : to the Austrian to answer and is ones reverse be must **What above subtraction 50. superfluous, 8 in of case in subtrahend, added example added the to 40. considered down and the The accompanying best individual as, the are and much Example. minuend, from is treated ''How subtrahend minuend from 20 case this subtraction both to that methods performing is added subtraction is 8 in the following three this grouping of use Analogous is in the one the by carrying fits the method addition, digit number corresponding The by making of Subtraction. in work follow. to one Methods ^'carrying" than Whichever the course, faster and accurate more 105 SUBTRACTION AND are the 10 20 and to be 106 added to 3 make ' ' 30 tests make to the other and should be other with of relations arithmetic. have learned with one gradual unifying valid of the school other change, be The addition it connects an idea of processes the to to Austrian children who advisability of requiring here already familiar are change to as various given of one advantages is that who system however, the no this number many objections means methods use giving the children thus process. a has It is through of reverse big thing other of since learned who children the method by all children all the is the give to it should no is making found been children than the no are in have who * * method method natural the trian, "^Aus- change, the of it have Austrian by making or children use as addition There and method, be Subtraction subtraction number the methods " the as universally used to progress the ' ' added self-taught arithmeticians. all taught so While the over better methods. relation. it is pupils who those to, many many to naturalness and for method simplest and adding that by almost adopted other, " also be said It may change. the fact the by shown " simplicily The is referred method continental, method. it is This PROBLEMS simply, ''How more or AND question becomes, ''How the 50?'* make 5?" " METHODS 50, and make to added to ARITHMETIC MODERN is A questionable. is not suggested only possible,but highly practicable. 125. Order of tyx"es, pupils types i. A are or SubtractioiL examples thoroughly of addition single digit of taken each subtraction acquainted previously number Introduce with outlined from as the of the soon as lowing folthe corresponding : another single digit nnmber: ADDITION ii. A single digit nmnber less remainder in one iii. Same vi. Several + learn 6 than 6 which in that the time "John has "How many less another the ones in subtrahend: sponding corre- in numbers, is 6 time problems they that such 10 learn is 4 that following, of the as dren chil- the that and 4 than more same addition with daily, will be found great aid a : 3 cents now; how many cents must John earn he must to have earn to have 8 cents, if he 7 cents has f" 5 cents now?" "Mary is 7 years old. In how many years will she be 11 years old?'' "John ouffbles has has 5 James a two than corresponding than digits be given should at this from giving number. 10 Simple many number subtrahend: less three each at 10. = being coordinating subtraction will 4 with digits in thus taken number subtrahend zeros minuend in (iv) as the digit two a minuend: the digits Same more digit from digit two of 107 SUBTRACTION taken A 10. (ii) with as iv. Some By than each digit number, ". AND marbles than and Johnf James ''^ 9 marbles. How many mojfe 108 With themselves. These since the have been which addition And thoroughly untiring drill addition of two idea tion both If these ** is test by dividing dividing vary, it does the upon number a the its 100a can of which and hence remainder from in addi- of used, that as useful at a as any. later time there certain are it is not hence same as digits by nine. for" that the cases infallible. the remainder that of out obtained found from Any number explanation, of be can by represented These ; sufiicient is digits, which pupils, the ''casting but is the nine by of sum test fact the first two. the disclose not and include checks addition The shorter up. subtraction. mean is of type constant to commonly third Nines." the by simple no those is taken disabuse to columns, a of one somewhat is based the in difficulty, subtraction^ in well always most one down confirm which errors three and Casting a The additions generally nines'' This numbers Unfortunately up two 127. of only available. are adding will occasionally Checks. 126. suggest Each the next It is also numbers two and be to course, its inverse before day after day. that of only be accomplished can up will learned. with understood any made occasion are, being are that gradually increase used together thoroughness of the will and example, be must problems numbers easily be can the suit will find teacher alert to time, examples PROBLEMS AND simple problems' of these that, in the practice little a number METHODS ARITHMETIC MODEBN [99a + 9b] + number in the the as into rearranged be 106 + a number + 6 + dividing a-\-b the + form the b [a + + c,] first bracket (1) divided c (1) c. divided by -^-c by nine by 9. is (2) is divisible 9 will The have the remainder technically by 9 same found called tlie ** If the excess." is added (1) above in number 109 SUBTRACTION AND ADDITION another to as 100m the will sum in written m) + form the b [a + which, again, by nine. + m (2) n 'ft is ft]-^ + example 9 + + C the of the digitsis 23, giving 9. The right. note the second, sum IS 4 -f*5 and 8, the the addition excesses then excess of 9 's presence same is of the have as sum. the the likely the as in to sum be been numbers been of the 9 one to k]f " 4- + cj of the is divisible c + as short the digits of each number The etc. excesses Had correct. 9, as been sum divided first,1 + at the 14, its sum excess compared by the we 8 in the of excess added + m A placed in the of and e] -7-9, first is 5 are of the have 6 + of 5 when third, over is **E" also 5 + c [ai+ of the numbers 4 (5) [E + oi remainder place of adding In + n excess other of the excesses as a n)] + excess same The suffice. must + the first bracket of excess the be + m within part **e,'' then must +9(6 m) the Suppose + n the (4) ft), (c + n) + 10(fc + + [99(a + of (3) ft, + be 100(a or lOn. + ; the hence of the would with the "^ 110 MODEEN ARITHMETIC 128. Other AND METHODS PROBLEMS Checks. be suggested that a form It may used by those liable to be interrupted of addition much while adding,is to write done above,and then each to the right,as sums. partial Subtraction can be verifiedby either casting out the nines, the from remainder the subtracting minuend, or by adding was the remainder down sum to add these to the subtrahend. 129. Number Relations. It is often possibleto recast diflference can or given numbers so that their sum easilybe found without the use of penciland paper. For the instance, 49 + 37 34 + 25 28 + 13 + 46 54 The etc. number use " " " " " 56 = 26 " 2 " = 30 2 " similar schemes of these and 87 ; " 28; " for bringing within the range of mental processes gives an practicein seeingnumber relations, ability work excellent which + 36 86; 35 + 25 1 59; 30 + 17 + 40 70 + 17 " 26 " 50 " real arithmetical growth, as has previconstitutes; ously been pointedout. EXERCISES XI. 1. Give historical r^suin^ a of development of the addition and subtraction. 2. What work? time? should the or object of the first four the art of arithmetic to in number years predominate at this Illustrate. 3. Discuss What be Is the scienco method fullythe is the big essential? 4. Should addition be of teachingthe addition combinations. Illustrate. "completed" before taking up subtraction f Why! 5. Explainhow to teach the 6. Discuss the nature 7. Discuss or U the nature three years. 8. Explainthe carryingprocess of the work in addition of the work to a class. duringthe earlyyears. during the last two in addition of groupingthe digitsfor rapid addition. principle 112 a MODERN ARITHMETIC 17. Suggest the 18. Suggest a for order series of taking four AND PROBLEMS subtraction. up for examples subtraction suitable for class. grade 19. METHODS Suggest least at three problems for each, addition beginning subtraction. and 20. Explain 21. What the are in examples three of casting usual checks out the for addition? nines. Apply each three to 9. What 22. idea the are in examples the checks usual subtraction? for Apply each to 16. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arnett, American 3. Processes, The of C. S. Journal A. of IV of of : the of Children. and X: Teacher, Arithmetical Simple XVII: Growth of School 362. Psychology, Measurement School in Memory Psychology The Elementary and Growth Psychology, E. American Courtis, 4. L. Journal Browne, Journal 327. T. Bolton, American Adding. "md Counting XVI: Psychology, 2. D. L. 58, 1. in Efficiency XI: 177, metic. Arith360 171, 528. School VIII: Bimonthly, 7. VIII: 8. 9. Henry Kelly, Frederick Educational Arithmetic. in Educational Tests. C. School Stone, An Cliff Bimonthly, A Study Teacher, W. subtraction. of XIV: Arithmetical College, comparing Journal the of 94-97. Their Marks; College, Teachers article 1915. Teachers' J. L. also 73-84, pp. Teachers Phelps, of March Efficiency Courtis The B. Howell, Them, 12. for 189. Elementary 11. Tests C. Standardization. 10. Elementary 123. E. Hinkle, Arithmetic, in 127. C. E. Hinkle, Scores Standard XII: Teacher, 6. A. S. Courtis, 5. New Errors York. in pp. Tests Variability 5-10 and and 85-89. Ability. of Adding 29. Columbia Austrian Some and Abilities Factors mining Deter- University. and Experimental ** taking Pedagogy away*' esses proc- (London), CHAPTER Xn MULTIPLICATION History. 130. CLXXIV by until idea of with such of vent here place appropriate column each as and pair in the of digits by Often, second 36 X replaced column. for a column 113 digit of learned the simple first single goes the out ad- process 15012. " are a the With the became 417 finding feat a the carried be to impossibility. an multiplication of comJbined was Yet embodying had operations almost was of all impossible. as up number-system the MMDCXV divide or given Multiplication abacus, Products later value, illustrated be today, of S3rmbols. the multiply to try invention division while To would, the DIVISION AND down set in counter over to illustration. and the the next These 114 MODERN ARITHMETIC combinations column. The the gubar of process the which work multiplication. performed as numbers later the and additions work they as final result that so remained referred usually only few to the the as ** upon of the were the only at change not were today, but are a tablets partial products progressed the are processes the quite sand hold could each for counters the As with computations also, instituted numerals, was PROBLEMS in equal-valued 9 necessarily large figures for AND of themselves care containing abacus an in take METHODS tained rebined com- original These end. scratch" or ''galley'' method. early Another as the form the was in shown the so-called ''latticed accompanying illustration multiplication of 417 by 36. The Egyptians left; the Greeks and Hindus from right to plication," multiof multiplied from left to right. Division, prior number-system, excluded our of this method was modem the to a coming sort idea of division of of the repeated of quotient. is too complete subtraction As complicated an to Hindu which explanation be discussed AND MULTIPLICATION in these referred The of use pencils revolutionized the smallness The pencil while upon time. it which of use have may Arithmetical divisor factor, below and division by OuGHTRED used all of the a work, consumed in aid recting cor- matical mathe- Thus by the division and division " of the of the reverse 132. the two be four work same division grounded with manner as What Leibnitz so : for signs the clearly the is the each that them as 1, in need these reading, a be 2, 1 X 1 X becomes d-o-g is dog. to as the last addition combinations time as in operations applies well as no said was fundamental factor a so Harriot that show namely, ; ; multiplication and for they century in 1659. unfortunate as processes multiplication, since containing by Rahn Leibnitz by really only 36 are 17th the other. and There by placing the tiplication day signs for mul- present It is very MultiplicatioiL regarding -f- accepted not were relation and suggested w Our division indicated product after for sign of multiplication and the this time. at Hindus originated during in 1631 as * they dividend. the and the with accurate abbreviation indicated last that division. made in. more The the must completely great a crept Symbolism. the r" also 17. p. difficult and made be be retain to figures is multiplication by writing also on are pencils. 131. X list study multiplication,and possible could computations its computations figures could of all the errors any in the correspondingly were Eetention of which made paper in paper processes with erasures and in interested histories arithmetical the to further those pages, ll5 DIVISION 36 sort so to taken 3, etc. lesson tiplication mul- to traction. sub- and be learned up with The in those pupils combinations, however, of reflex action that 3 X 7 is 21 in much as taneously spon- 116 ABITHMETIC MODERN In order from achieve to combination temptation combinations other **run to down is reached. of the the combinations numbers, same 3 X as For 7. for as be be added this of fact be itself to J common-sense the 3 of often as combinations, such teaching bination com- inversion of 7 X use no command a the by is needed such securing taught this statement, " of or as an abbreviation of fraction will multiplication by that with accord the apart be will there until children on fact drills. on The in not to example, Multiplication should addition. aid suggestions VII Chapter see table" the by that so the One skill, each of degree single isolated a as PROBLEMS AND desired the learned be must all the METHODS as time, in a of a number a no invalidates sense multiplication looking at the early lessons to enter manner not can integers. wise It is not in these discussion this Indeed, As need with, and 133. not abbreviation should texts the without not all teachers and because in of approaching multiplication 134. addition the for with teacher class. being dealt vital importance the work, be of the Because such matter texts of order following general outline the four therefore, can, using Most of the teacher. the an as multiplication work the to as the for suggested. 2's, Step. two explain the finding such by fortunate so Introductory of two the addition. in step integers, and modification are is of Taught in step new corresponding operations followed be each elementary arithmetic combine fundamental sophical philo- multiplier. a^e Multiplication. in addition of follow on Work of which a things. concrete Order the attention the engage it is numbers fact of abstractness the never of matter a of into sums. 3's, three shorter One work by 2's, etc., after which Introduce or process two the " the let ^multiplication multiplication " combina- MUIiTIPLICATION tions be can ieamed in examples such simple problems, ''How each cents and of Friday did cents two put she It might much as child. By week put in her daily thus savings none if he days two these that three earns and a real last and and the of cry fresh other problems in all that deal should of element modern interest many daily life of the the work, How days. '' weekf little Wednesday, Monday, on the experiences humanizing hue bank on bank savings possible with Steps Accompanjdng addition accompanying i. Combinations 3, in earn teaching, is infused into is the work. 135. 3 X her but added, .**motivation,'' the introduced, John in cents last be as numerous " dayf "May will eeots many include must cises exer- following: the as daily with be mixed daily work The which first lesson, after multiplication should addition. in this during 117 DIVISION AND 4 X ii. Numbers 2, yielding Addition. The is recommended products less than following der or- : 10, 2 as: X 2, 2 X 3, etc. of digits two multiplier, requiring no in carrying: the multiplicand and one digit in the 118 iv. AMTHMETIC MODEEN Simple 136. teacher of With to two METHODS Two-Digit explain the at Numbers. meaning It of this time. so on. Multiplication by partial product This paves the in way the such for multiplication by in the the bers num- unit's units, tens, hundreds, ten's tens, hundreds, for is necessary Multiplication by digit gives the first partial product and PROBLEMS involving carrying: examples digits AND digit gives the thousands, multiplications as and : second so on. 120 MODERN in there ABITHMETIC 12?" 4'sf by for from early separation the question many twelve for the each showing in each of forms, two delight in divided by that 2 not Order for they should process no other relationship is the learn 6 teachers and each of in both drilled will of and they learn the two; the other. learn to teachers apples be divided by forms in 2, sophical philothe to be in be can Such results the children the between 6 better would will inches. confusing as fully understood, between undoing be best 12 them apples. The multiplication way 2 by to can from there Many that apples liable When be requiring the as distinguish to tition. par- made from questionable. by following in division. In is be are by matters can formed of divided be it is opportunity of inches able wisdom Division. as of of division such number be that or to of obtained combinations close formed groups division which each to are are with children the into forms and lengths form apples, they soon the each can as as division groups be can excellent an Two the equal but having 6 children one into group sticks measivrement children discussions be each 13 aflfords 3 inches 3 the of names will duced intro- of remainder. by of the these 139. in divide second, with ; the for but sticks is concerned groups It is well the three happily of sticks number Division. of former of be be can in be, to meaning division The inches a also group Forms recognized; 12 of three pupils the Two number division there are sticks!" in 138. PROBLEMS many in would of groups Requesting 3 sticks work AND **How as the which ''How often as The METHODS omitted. division cation, multipli- ing by the correspondlearned have their certain simultaneously to see for inverse so namely, after. there- clearly that the each MULTIPLICATION i. Division of less numbers 6-T-2 of in of V. -^ but 256 be divisor divisors by 56-7-4 -f- 7 18-7-8 the 5 -f- 542-7-4 in is number a above all of the used of is quotient by the examples digit. one The above placed the The pupils will most will this the should of be led to see -j- section of guidance to able be detail. far on the the the and that teacher. to carry of part that the of out the troublesome part of the the volved in- reason Selection most ducing intro- marks the the see : 25 for division all on 576 in drill patience 16 work must by remainder a that they found in time unable : 384-7-32 the be in remainders no the careful require much deal -f- is also may steps be 345 serious most various trial quotient great is it successfully processes a 13 in 12 -H digits resulting As pupils the though and digits resulting 384 two -i- division require the This of 427 upon in two Division. Long will divisor 12 -f- entrance of 182-7-14 long part. remainder: no is recommended. vii. Division the 3 remainder: a 567 which 182-7-13 Even : remainders: should in vi. Division which -H 12 -7-3 the 4)356 140. -r- giving giving and division dividend remainder no 36-5-3 5 16-^5 whenever form 60 4 -T- 65 5 -f- 742 and digit, giving one 36-^6 2 carrying Carrying Short of 4-h2 digit requiring carrying, giving one 54 14 remainder: no 9-r-3 dividend: Divisor no 121 DIVISION giving 46-7-2 40 Later 10 divisor and two 24-7-2 iv. than 8-i-4 ii. Dividend iii. Zero AND the pupils teacher. first digit in a 1 22 MODERN number ARITHMETIC quotient, while increased by much the The future but today, needs excesses casting the in the of 57 that and by the the The this product is added of the dividend. illustration, the their 5, and added As the is also the that literal in which by its out -SfXwi, as equation in advantage andZ" " is work this sum accompanying is 8, of 23 is this is or To 1, making be law 5. idend, div- to be correct. used to of is merely number good excesses, replaced the operations carried for the original numbers. and indicated of likely the and excess of 824, the can stating each excess 19, is the to is 40. excess division the The of multiplied quotient of 35 product is the product If the in the excess excess is excess Thus, of division, the divisor of the 57 excess 4845, the For 85. the In of excess is 4. of the remainder. equal that of the excess excess correct, tion, multiplica- multiplicand. of of the excess be can (12) is 3, which product for preserved the and of 85 of results the For process. cause be- results division and illustration as is work multiplier same " nines" and equals product this P the completion the at all of the when is 3 and Thus, to out numbers original the must be often testing their in multiplication in excess of ** successfully by this very product 487 left nothing the comparison, the Hindus galley method Even checked in of process by the computation sought. first digit the digits in the 1. used their PROBLEMS AND practically decide the Checks. 141. was will 613 as METHODS ^X(i + B. MULTIPLICATION Cautions 142. which, 3652 as must be check to dividend. be The made the division will be there them from 143. in division In the order of order and combining 20 The more the land per easily same at acre, or the X of two teacher will should be that and should For acre be stantly con- that taught numbers can work. number regular more or tion multiplica- by select they should For the the instance, the multiplied tpgether first of 5, or of numbers is divided one factor. $45 per wideawake simplest multiplication. 713 if cases the result numbers product illustrative a the under few pupils three affect the X in the finding the product in the in discussed those than useful more even are Only but first place third error, existing relations number computations the the missing check, thus division and of copy The subtraction. giving first to in the finding others will not in given. considered, be tial par- appear Relations. simplification be the temptation multiplication here never the illustration and the multiplication, and Number addition later and the in the as then cases the obtain multiplier, since will in the and quotient shoiild products both divisor to awkward teacher applying remainder the tion Multiplica- multiplier and the becomes by multiplying the Checking. reversing The in division by adding 64. X by 123 DIVISION in however, cautious quotient Observed checked be multiplicand such Be to also can AND and price of 160 the acres X at of $22^ much multiplied by other that 8. found be price of the as same 315 X often can example, is the 25 80 per 160 acres acre acres at of $90 is the 124 MODEBN of 40 that same as cases the mental multiplication gives and division or of a if the remainder, true of power instance, by is 10 25 is Similar connection of the Use of the above inverse 144. few 1. above The a third 43 the 25, 37 9 For two annex discussed be fractions. under and add to this 328, 546, 287, 654. requires comprehension a dexterity in seeing practice. The following are of which one (40 9 much as from it, comes b^. " 3) is 3) =402 " " 3^ 1591. = between 10 and 20 is of + 90 the form a) (10 + (10 + Thus, 13 X 16 13 6) (10 + " X 16 = = 100 + 3) (10 + 118 a : numbers two will are {a"b)=a^ " divisor multiply by 4, or first by is below 1600 first parts Devices. (40 + = of product the plication Multi- 2. exact an we operations numbers, b) by relation. divide and drill and second = 2. The by devices of two X in quotient true a is together with of much or number relations (a + Thus, simple a simplified which number processes as to divided be multipliers product reduced decimals, multiply time-saving useful both 70, aliquot Labor-Saying Some of these In be -T- Similar results factors, the with 279, by itself. times 30 100. 240 divide or since multiply also useful very places To can latter point oflf two in been in or further thus -= zeros ^ of PROBLEMS acre. per number a a multiply to 35 -T- quotient true a AND example, 120 which has Division For manner. $90 at acres operation. same METHODS AEITHMETIC + 90 a6 + 10 6) =100 = 208. (a+b). + 18 MULTIPLICATION 3. product of The 5) (10a + for (30 + 5) (60 + 65 X 5) digit left and "ts + 25 + 50 1825 + 50 X 9 so 50 + (3 + 6) 1825 + = 6), (a + it to all of the the 450 2275. = writing down by merely adding with through on is effected 11 right then the to 25 + 1800 = Multiplication by the lOOa* == digits ending in 5 is becomes = 4. 5) 125 DIVISION of two numbers two (106 + which 35 AND the to next one digits. It is the same adding in 5. Multiplication by 98, is accomplished times the number a by taking just under 2 times 100 number the 1000, or from as 100 number. . 6. If the divisor first divide 642 146. by this factor. 30 -^ Order is taken with than It is also the All as operations placed used th^ to next denote should raised 2 X rem. 6, of 12. or interest the This Signs. connected to give it undue call attention to The importance. the incorrectness multiply first.'* **You is factor, common practical application. its not to statement, operation takes of here a Arithmetical of urged desire 21, = because more up because parentheses, 5 -f- have Thus, Priority is therefore teacher of the 107 = of question it dividend and within be to position first. performed some : signs of aggregation, [3 + multiplication the power, 5 " comes 2 + 8 X after If the such sign of power-operation 8] .2 the The ' * raising of to " a 126 MODEEN power that so of are ABITHMETIC the 12^2X3 f ^f 6 is 12 X importance equal in 2) X 12 The 18. or I)ortance and 12 4+6-T-3X5+8-f-2" difficulties the Give 2. Apply teacher of [6h-3X5] keep must mind combinations Explain 5. of form +4"5 and the early 2563 364 by methods division and while giving the of and compare multiplication. meant teaching by addition. What in this may object be are the tions. opera- teaching multiplication objections that fundamental object How Why? ideas general four the predominating f is what 5 " today. be' the should [8^2] + .10 CLXIV of multiplication in im- also of equal cases. r6sum6 those to What 4. two (12-f- EXERCISES by the short a with Compare 3. in is 13. XII. MMPCXV formed per- of order: scale 5=4+ " Multiply -" Hence, appear. are " be to are 12-f-6, but nor and signs X " "4+ 1. The signs the and in the last PROBLEMS operations 3), (2 X signs, + come 4. -f- which -f- AND the and in order is not 3, METHODS the tiplication mul- attained? as breviated ab- an sometimes raised? Elucidate. 6. Discuss 7. fully relative When, multiplication be Illustrate 8. the last the to taught? the paragraph under other fundamental four Explain introduction 182. operations, should fully. of the multiplication to process a class. in the of order under each multiplier Explain 11. 12. Explain 13. Show this be the fully two fully that taught each the up of set would various examples work. be good in ways Suggest for at class which least board zeros (i)-(vi) under suggested six examples work. enter may into the multiplicand. of number a which case, and detail taking Illustrate 10. by in Consider 9. to the digits; the division the of meaning of three carrying is the children? the form of multiplication digits. process. inverse usual of Illustrate. Illustrate. multiplication. Why should 128 MODERN 27. Suggest When and what extent 15f by last the Illustrate then 11 taken be for in up class. grade a class grade a carried? divisibility by 9 f is divisible 4 is divisible three number are by 4 by last the by to the 2 f by 3? by by divisible by 25; or if the 25 by or divisible is digits might be involved six least at suitable Explain in work the for order a c, 5 f by 125 125 by i. 3 X42 8. or d-^ " right to left etc., is divisible test. in simplest the by and process each: simplification be similar examples effective made in those to in grade question priority of V. 16-T-4 arithmetical signs. Apply X2; [3-|-2]2-f-5 4X5-h2 3; " X4-i-8 . VI. iii. 4 3 " 6-^9; X iv. 12-5-4 X 12-r-6 8; vii. [4 + 3 5 X X 2] 3 " -- 5 + 32. BIBLIOGRAPHY Browne, 2. 3. C. E. The American Jburnal Psychology of Howell, Henry B. pp. 84-87 Alva W. pp. 92-96. Stamper^ 31 work. 7; + ii. 3 + Processes, 8 or following: 1. 6? part made by d, etc., from b -{-c " divisions grade of h, a, if 11 and following this can by Prove zero. principle How a is divisible equal the of digits Suggest 33. the made Perform workf that it be number a number explain 32. simplification for test digits two the or 31. in suitable examples each. If the by work similar should that part 30. six is the Prove the least PROBLEMS AND METHODS Illustrate. 29. if this What 28. at should to by ARITHMETIC of the Psychology, and 97-105. Arithmetical SMnple XVII: 1. to CHAPTER Xm COMMON 146. the History. of men just of schools past are in that of The fractions the this only have in forms. that is, those well to The with consider Roman divided into separate resulting from The 12 a used copper all the to of tions. reduc- such other than of coin and fractions, will Teachers adopted weighing the and duodecimal 12. this of unit the are, sexagesimal astronomers both nominator, de- constant These the scheme the the numerator used Romans carefully as, by denominator a In Considerable i- had fractions. Hindus The constant a numerator a constant a favored greatly period. of papyrus. reduced be tables Babylonians place was symbol. separate the for which Ahmes i + to J, with of have to i + papyrus sexagesimal as were sexagesimal the a of known early first = was unit-fractions. as had fraction, one 60, fractions in the work devised earliest document known fractions fractions hence, hence the and the tions frac- with were in recorded interesting are given Ahmes The A among fratj-tions, as, |^ is For 1, does difficulties, the unit attention schemes and computations of Many system, in computations feat to children the to complicated as counting our texts. in 1 developing recently, a Egyptians, the numerator sum Until the the overcoming in stumblin^block a stumblingblock a considered late proved ages today. were placed Fractions the they as FRACTIONS by do them. one pound, the 11 was unciae. name the was division given of 129 to this each unit. of These names subcoins were 130 ARITHMETIC MODERN applied also the through also also was fractions. the Hindus but without Thus, according been placing the of the in Leonardo reduction down to 147. Informal Note that that of fractions no of the up The VIII this fear a Formal on said was that judgment get 89 be of the What fractions. entirely objective, the to reduction benefit The etc. is the they done nection, con- elementaryof experienced be of from. away the on we which well, in this be made which can fractions to and full texts introduction confusion Introduction. arithmetical is to is with the introduction incidental and amount in He As in, division. It will the Stifel Michael time present of one unit-fractions into denominators, subject be left to the 148. the tional frac- to fractions. of with incidental common by was computations reference formal to later taking the Pisa find all of this early work and gained at what regarding work devoted we times, Introduction. re-read to must for the hard trying are were divisor the modern more rules complicated of notation. modem treatment it. over denominator, the a wrote oval, an denominators. common inversion the suggested in to a double a Egyptians or is op with present numerals, above abacus scientific the dot, a writing of with The 4". separation of 'fractions the explained we yi? ^V numerator our line, which Roman computations. to numerator dividing columns forerunners 3' 4" written wrote the the denominator the by denominator, The come tItj ^^^ " decimals, duo- these to methods the in first wrote at followed have J would their Vf result would addition 5^, ^, variety great twice. used Three recognized Greeks The single accent, only In 12. which names. There accent fractions of denominator, one they separate forms 11 the to PROBLEMS AND METHODS nation elimi- by children wholly are familiar. un- incidentally- thus teacher. was said language, applies with in Chapter especial force CX)MMON fractions, to of the that perhaps, it is in as symbols. this work topic more degenerates to attention Special of the subject secure grasp of In proper the individual, just is smaller measure smaller 16 as is the larger the nothing counting by inches. The be when of clearly Linear as counting such to Fractions square just as he There is by inches than in inches than in Objective. In fact it is best similar ones, relations be must on just the to four as really operations effective, the alert This integers. by teacher work, with is texts most supplemented the should objective some in mal, for- The fractions include suggested this make to to of each paper-folding mentioned the 16 These squares. quarter informal, introduction measure does by large a square. them counting of unit ^ examples the larger the are it exhibits count can the The illustrations to as useful;, but number in introducing fractions. very diflScult feet; in objective. work of Introduction well as child number more by 149. the and counting fractions individual an child the instance, For unfolded much as may its Embolism. to that -^^ of the large each are pupils to things, separate only way, when other, any and home isolated integers. being same or new their that so one, the that brought be with each squares count can than squares, smaller in folded be can square manipulation Jie did in integers; that as individuals separate mere a in order that, in fractions, he is dealing with and in thought-matter first place, it must the than therefore, be given must, the introduction a 131 FRACTIONS a few great ments suppleshow must as supplies excellent illustrations paper-folding example. Eulers sixteenths fine fourths, eighths, and furnish of tions frac- graduated material for 132 ARITHMETIC MODERN familiarizing METHODS the pupils with the Idea, the AND PROBLEMS of some the common more fractions. After 150. Fractions. As soon let the grasped, writing soon of symbols The each follow, and the ideas, of Eeduction vice to versa, the to idea the to 1 of the time in ago business arithmetics the for use have omitted some from dropped they the time no place altogether. a arithmetic the texts. number 2 J by grasped brought excellent learned. oncq continually jogged. Followed they are objective an they have Fractions. with terms fractions are a have place in not just beginning At the work and in common were deserved consequence, but be these found an numerator may will be These fraction having to long the new ideas to multiply return be to be day. now, get the J there to without ideas the with as in time to fractions of the to 2 that with permitted A needs Usagfe the see These to retaining time to fashion process. according be numerator, and, addition changing led and numbers In be objectively. in Business actual the mixed to combined are not of children memory Some being covered latter used. must these from aid to children 151. with simultaneously of the text mechanical of back demonstrations The ways al- should, however, not, precede should children the facts. of these truth presented in the that They purely a the fractions may adopted J. add 7, in writing ideal danger fraction, pupils make 3 and or in 2 and J's basic improper may, order improper six of way J^,etc., = new be oughly thor- been has shorthand the in Writing former. by the up J recognize is then there as learn to never of Way of fractions practice J;iof = they learn as idea pupils them Give them. i as the as Shorthand present may been to be time, well be COMMON is There texts As half they which the and Addition and Then, its to same In order naming will part denominators. introduced and encouraged both meaning look is the the have tion subtrac- or nominator de- same that the denominator and the numerator to be is the ing great aid in* introduc- a equivalent to for worked the with numbers different fractions resulting to this at multiply fraction, of each will be pupils should which for given may objectively out thoroughly " with ones, denominator, common fractions, the duced re- all the have denominator. same It is advisable is Emphasis fractions c. m. fractions not thus placed reducing To with refer to equivalent to of process Li. found its to 4" place here. term, that so " in The of the terms course be this is understood When time. is fraction denominator e., must fraction of fractions changing ples exam- thus, f + by addition fact the the will be Paper-folding the alike; i. of of through one the tion addi- fraction, as, f -[-i, f -J-^. review part which combinations be must A numbering other permit to fractions the in T^. to is used, where examples equivalent of the that as those come may 32, 7f is be should denominator same is 5^, ^ tions frac- denominator, the Introduction fractions of the is many- business used without that overlooked. be not most Subtraction. and which the are Thus, 5^ subtraction in should written commonly are is 4 understood. 152. be quarters of today notation which, however, omitting are a business common a 133 FRACTIONS carry out a and denominators plan which of upon this at m. idea not common this c. l. the upon ones, to to are is of reduction the mechanical denominator it time. through to necessary easily factorable use at first. After with a the common real meaning denominator of changing has been fractions to those fully grasped, the 134 MODERN term c. l. its and m. be The introduced. be may PROBLEMS AND ing follow- easily comprehensible found to children. Hence, As l. c. m. 2X5X3X7 = rule, it is best a it often since leads learned, permissible in of modes permit of but Contraction as multiplying be to usual the therefore, the bolical sym- English of not are taken, be The things two telegrams must * * the notation of inaccuracies. correctly. Care statements contraction and one telegram a speech. such is learned be must confusion which 210. = discourage to to language, is use will form common the METHODS ARITHMETIC to not fraction J by 4 gives ^." The only variation in addition, is the no fraction in the been It is good a minuend, If plan to the precede ** taken up a fraction only certain names kind present such with examples has diflSculty. serious no than integers in case is there it is smaller which analogous in As before all of It is well completed." of in which that two three or integers. Multiplication. be in from subtraction numbers or this will in examples should a the considered well 153. of of mixed case subtrahend. similar been in in encountered by the a whole to the in addition work begin with 5 X -ft (sixteenths) is to has tion multiplica- the Since number. fraction, then of number multiplication integers, the means be nator denomithat 3 multiplied 136 MODERN 154. ARITHMETIC Mixed to such making Only one of in integer an the out give the product asking of the 7 X than the the average product as in approximations illustration. the pupil erroneously example only are placing the wrong needed, the as in more ducts pro- column, be may mistake to than the less figures found numbers in the reality much The but suffice error give is in found. given by ever, rule, how- of This must of mixed a of found be must made who which but multiplication in right. 9, which multiplication, required simple by illustration arise, that the to As Products multiplication without fraction a computation pointed to best can the One and PROBLEMS fraction. perform to is liable error 3J, improper reduction. a" AND MultiplicatioiL 2J X as an preferable it is in numbers, each reducing as Numbers mixed small METHODS may many the not cases be in as close accompanying : COMMON Division. 155. The of first fraction by factor is, i as, is see, divisor the the II = integers. equivalent 3 divided of fraction the just give 3-cent8, easily be reduced multiplying to the |f-f-4. as, by 4 would T^, which = of numerator factor, a division be gives 3-nineteenths 4 numerator -T- the as by it may divisor 3 -T- reverse of case should class number, divided If of the the the as multiplication, similarly the to whole a 12-oranges or 3-oranges. or given containing 12-cents, in in order taught integers. 12-nineteenths This be done was the examples fraction a as for fashion the should as also to follow It is well to Division multiplication just of 137 FRACTIONS to is not which one pupils will the denominator the a soon the by integral divisor. in Division of order, for **How In order of magic foot-rule the 12-77!. one-fourths not may The be also in 12, there will be be As is, **How 48 an many As 3, -=- sort a used. 12?" comes, be- foot?'' a to appear from made in there question be can the to objectively it are objects should other Applied handle can really is, question 12?" in quarter-inches one-fourths 3 The is next fraction unit a J. -j- pupils many comes by there are the wand, of 48 12 that extension are example, which **How groups number fourths many foot-rule whole a 16 or there such groups. Finally, V" as, are in this way, divisor this a are ^^- one-thirds -^ of two-thirds 2j= examples 156. There fraction one by in another hence V- tion fracthere , ^-r- the "" -^ of division comes method Division division denominator and multiply of if they -f- for procedure fractions thus, f ^. may ^ would of solving several After pupils should by Comparison both ; the in directed be have vert in- covered already dis- not themselves. Numerators. be to Again, in reduced become if to -7- the same if which is 138 MODERN same as the same kind in in those' obtained see not be results their from the into into then be requiring all As better would divisor shrewd reduced can verified, be numbers rule, mixed be 3 with teacher to 3 of compared results a of groups The observation. of 12 groups pupils if reasonably integers. division in occurring divided by multiplication by the own in with done divided may the cases, rigorous too was as The through of unit divided oranges most this cents 12 or each. In inverted. 12 unit; PROBLEMS AND kind certain a of each, oranges will of 10 the cents METHODS ARITHMETIC improper to fractions. All 157. pupils in indicate be used be encouraged of to to by preliminary number of 158. can cancellation first and add effective whenever of short every a quite mental example 1236 a process X the 58. it to As readily for them it suflScientlylarge a goes teacher cut which 16f a has on been in which direct the but of in introduce to process, use use the from dictated aliquot tion multiplicabecomes which value use learned aliquot parts, applied at this work make insists their 100 few also, that he employs is well The . of multiplication only To the by the in use on. It long aliquot parts " consider to admitting problem a be would the that problems. and through merely time time, numbers examples of into opportunity arises,and to parts of better as it is necessary throughout time Some is far these to in out prepared has manner, advisability they will take profitably be brought It can examples. Parts. division. fraction a The pointed solution the as 3-f-4, they should = division. teacher the in work Aliquot very and the that soon operation in this been already that provided enough, f as every actual the As fact the enjoy cancellation children most express has plan a with division, a performing such Cancellation. " fully familiar are before Step One of as in aliquot COMMON parts is often number 25 or in 159. is 725 those that have clear a operations multiply A with suflBciently not which do have of part a 5451, of value the the of absolutely in work following : fraction. a fraction. a fraction. a comprehension thorough is completed the change not divide operations It understanding 2. What 4. in Know. who pupils operations What instances Should 1. What 3. does aliquot part, as, 33^ in 533J X Pupils necessary teacher 9348. X What fractions in useful a the because its value emphasize one lost 139 FRACTIONS of four the fundamental operations fractions. 5. aU That showing final results what both form that be to are is and placed how their in simplest form, it is obtained from the given the study fraction. XIII. should Why 1. children expect we EXERCISES have to difficulties in of fractions? Give 2. modern r6sum6 a How have the Analyze these fractions in before use recently, very handled tions? frac- fractions Illustrate difficulties should how the this children the knowledge children are gain be may likely to during acquired. in experience first years. is What 6. ' ' numbering 7. Explain 8. Show a of texts, until of years? first three 5. to kinds fully. knowledge What 4. modern the Discuss * * various the times. 3. the of meant and that the use calling by ' ' the naming fractions of the ' ' parts units. are paper-folding and numerator in of a fraction denominator ? the Illustrate. Illustrate. presenting the idea of fractions class. 9. Show of 10. symbols 11. arise? to How rather would How numbers pupils how you improper do business are than liable the to real introduce fractions men to and write memorize idea. a mechanical a How may class, the vice i, i, this tion manipulabe reduction overcome? of mixed versa, and f? Where would these 140 MODERN 12. to METHODS Ezplaiiii briefly,how addition AND of PROBLEMS fractions should introduced be class. a State 13. the taken be to are ARITHMETIC which addition subtraction and fractions of Illustrate. up. Suggest 14. in order least at four suitable in examples for each grade a class. 15. of is very It fractions changing giving about Arrange 17. Define in multiple divisor. and of 28, 84, 21, Perform the 21. Discuss fully 22. Discuss to folding 24. taken the and State the 26. Suggest for to ig. multiples and C. H. two the L. M. and H. C. C. D. 12. the L. 0. M. and D. of two L. M. C. the by in Austrian addition, and method: the proper of contracted notation introduce multiplication in early work would you in in this connection tions frac- of paper- multiplication should Illustrate. objectsf order made be can use of which the subject of Illustrate. up. Find reduced fj, and two subtractions of use way similar 25. numbers the What class. a fully. Illustrate. Explain 23. go product. disadvantages the fractions. you it. introduce to Find D. of following 20. time C. H. product their Give meaning 50. the that equals numbers - Jf, H, 42, 35, 63, 70; Show would Explain magnitude: and L. How of M. Define the understandingf C. both understand denominators. common and of 19. be order children the 36 18. in to that them 16. divisors of important fhat the a following products six graded grade improper : in examples class. fractions When f should Whyf the multiplication the mixed numbers of mixed not be COMMON 27. Explain 28. Explain how of division the introduction the 141 FRACTIONS fractions to is the class grade a plication. multi- of reverse division of of fractions.^ 29. Outline 30. Explain order the the fully taking of the pupils be required 31. What part of his income will much How In 32. girls. are boysf 33. A sales What part What was of other 36. A later sells What 39. 533 40. Water pounds feet of ice A half he remainder. 43. clothes of save, who of f other his 1 expenses year? per equals i boys number the girls? boysf are ^ of spends i for and $1600 number How many sold lost retail for ^, $20. f of |J of expands A does 62} A's in a his be his loss the pound? per for $21,000. part did he he gained share sellT one i and how much? wholesaler^, and the cost of manufacture? of his land of sells i has he acres itself of ^ number? foot the was many equals buys papers at cents each part On and by cubic boy Simplify: cents What lose or If of a ice retailer^ problem of foot and 38. weighs water How weigh? land, 372? with cubic on left? equals Compare freezing. has What 6 would of cubic many pounds? money 3 at own? What how what much for What each. section a how sells f " of sells $120 gain increased number f of sugar still he he remainder; what of for Did i. owning weigh does makes the customers factory a horses two at his fraction What pound. a valuation? total he for pounds factory equals 62} together, man number total cheat f of i of 38. 42. he owning man If the ounces 200 sold A 41. 15^ manufacturer article 37. the buying the man the an of a salary a pupils does the A for 40 uses man What 35. ^ of reason fax How girls f grocer A does out part customer 34. salary divisor. the this understand to board, save of by weight a on he school a of to rent, i for for subject. inverting for reason should this up } of B's and money they have The first $40 each? of the the rate but of 3 receives buying price for 5 only did he cents. 2 each cents gain or lose? for one- the 142 MODERN ARITHMETIC METHODS 6* Simplify: 44. AND PROBLEMS 7i ' 3i 3i Criticize 45. .4 3 " the following; 3 + 1 1 8 8"0+9 11 " z= 0. = 2 lU. " . ~ 5 46. 2-f3 " Suggest expect 47. before Give 48. and 37 of 49. 50. in fractions in ~ 3 " 12 which 3 would you stating of of any symbolical of any which all the in operations " them. of statement the operations. operation each problems 33, 34, 36, Compare is worked this out form with the take vantage ad- reasoning. the Suggest of out attempting one 12 difficult. advantages complete with of progress find 21 + problems two carrying a before solution to the Explain problem least at pupils your 6 3 least at three problems which in one may this principle. What aliquot are multiplicationand 51. Perform 52. Suggest 53. Show 54. What parts? division several by following the six examples Explain in the aliquot parts on are their use in illustrations. operations aliquot parts that Illustrate. based simplest suitable upon the for manner: grade principle work. of ciprocal re- operations. work 55. should the in fractions? What kind pupils Illustrate of fractions know after they be avoided? and Coffman. "completed" each. should BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Brown have pp. 182-94. Illustrate. the 1 44 MODERN from France old the ARITHMETIC this about it English it is the that few and which than needs no it English rounded length the nail, and it Romans Romans eU, the end of the yard the Roman the present length of the of length units of to a hand the outstretched; outstretched ; end the of name Thus day. foot. of The pound a **inch," I decreed of the legal length people, today, chin, or nose, to arm. have the been the span, ; pace, a the inch, by terms, the the length little ref hand, from finger when finger-hreadth; fathom, arms of some from yard the Henry the be : three of to one-twelfth unciea, should arm and use, first joint to English the considerably Scandinavians the the as ounce traced of the outstretched Other thumb to length of his measure width have ounce,'' both the that the designated also elbow the length one-twelfth be to is and variously defined and that 20 penny. a universal from give they unit the French of ton from arm, be to of been has pounds pounds. almost thumb held was etymologists and inch held was of the the tip of ** The 100 Babylonians, This is in barleycorns, by the was fore the finger. foot, which the 2240 Egyptians, of middle explanation. the and early integral The origin in the weight length tip of the the the the the was older the of the of at least weight of customhouse was hundredweight. a its has cubit Hebrews a ; fact the schoolbooks in pounds, therefore, contained Pennyweight it called hence, hundredweight, The gave only meats only in the 112 or first articles. heavy found ton did as At grains. interesting from used now grains weighing all is long Eight stones, of stones was, for weigh to is but ago, 7680 7000 now used was origin of the in mines. number is stone, 14 pounds, decades and by which used was PROBLEMS AND contained and avoirdupois pound The to 1300 pound, statute later, however, a METHODS ering to the the the meaning tip of the the the length length of hand of a is the step ; WEIGHTS AND hair's-hreadtk, used of units measuring suiim), length thousand nautical is of the the Gill gallon. drinking Peck box. meaning, perhaps, piece of open of amount For 161. Choice selected time, have of Land order connect of work Yarn per of units In Ih day. are, nations of of was of the any uniformity of been the day. one interesting nections, con- as an 40 be and of the the variety service. special some in perches work buying to and in the acre, in the amount with could spinner in as day. a the upon accomplish selections question. of units uniformity of the pose. pur- prices, merchants accomplished that among question. effort toward made for inventions, such out out modern more tods, depending a units The size of weight modem to of changing which approach were less suit paid for could of obviously units an in plow pack, merely have to those to into sacks course, consideration mentioned, some into day our meant convenient of wages of work amount average Acre a tain-sized cer- a from Peoples. by as units which divided was gilla, meant come are made divided the land Latin, have of quarter one have could Early of been was on tion deriva- supposed there by different used selling. to units instance, instead England the the to oxen sometimes were For of Units always Selections is early peoples, the by regarding all. at of earth's to carry. but other none to pair a the or load a the course, supposed is believed ground land of most is on from comes Bushel glass. is, of qu^rt likely mile geographical or information The gallon. (mille pas- mile great circle a some feet. chain, 66 accurate no of arc of length long; teresting in- Other space. rod, the furrow a (knot), the length of 1' of There the paces; surface; Gunter's minute a are furlong, rod; a denote to 145 MEASURES have been the early establishing early as of Eegulations William a degree the 146 MODERN ARITHMETIC Conqueror, this in the due was would have and but they than time time to that as To plicate com- community the days of the the of merchants the with after, there- Some prices. change varied changes diflferent for even were facts weights these from PROBLEMS satisfactory results. trivial change matters, and without such AND made be^ main to lather METHODS in the week community. same About the defined Winchester the bushel standard in the cu. in. and of Secretary unit of which t^jVtt of be to of Hii 162. the the to inch an unit. accepted By States even the 1893, a This was yard yard English 1855, of that than of copy found formerly the defined was has since time as time. gress Conmeasures The United that century the has been units have measures in established was greatly modified. been international no to Standards last and weights yet the Measures. weights and the from of within and Weights Bureau scope therefore, well the in the accepted present States. governing laws National of of standardization 1901, whose The 1836 meter. 'enacted their of act an United shorter Standardization has and presented was containing In then adopted was replaced were 1824. the been have bushel in of the Union. yard, length, the in. cu. chester Win- the and measures and gallon copies of states in. cu. These England century, ^since 1834, but 2218.19 had various to the sent States imperial State 231 as in. cu. United by England eighteenth gallon 2150.42 as in the 277.274 of the beginning is, It tion standardiza- attained, been though al- decided upon. 163. development It began with value, north Standards. Monetary of moneys direct such countries, or can barter as cattle wampum The hardly fascinating be led up to in Rome, fish the of the upon here. touched that among story a medium in some Indians, and of of versal unithe finally. WEIGHTS metals precious became wondered has name pound. This of for double but words, in reckoned not weight. This reference already coins not do result different the The to a a which in mill sufficient amount these the by sovereigns the a late its to as add of arithmetics article in Dec. its has 1912 gave exchange, on until is often Cajori the that This importance but English early colonists. coins. mark and Farthing" of use the own undue S * * use. The with in the and in penny. day Easterling name now a Tears. All first four very taken be to very clearly issue of the of the origin is that work in denominate the should the informal. be work, however, involving years of years of number the any end of these It is the as Easterlings, brought the name of Monthly, the enable to The as. common easy child of this units and marbles and as or who is period, their use interesting tops. have to A given such measures, compelled to be should foot, inch, yard, quart, pint, gallon, pound, school as U Pour for ton, peoples, Roman by in dollar. numbers during was original values, given received an Science First 164. the to origin of the dollar of out, Spanish lack a but all among debased of matter has The Popular as until deal combination pointed to coin) the upon made colony, also, had great subject due than early times, money these was fourthing separate recently. a which prevailed a is not traders, called Sterling to the from rise to been been having coin later modified Each of money custom possess German England money and a countries. east comes weight in usual having today that found have word the schoolboy a not (the stamp the was their of fact tale of of use the to units Many could English their 147 MEASURES medium. a the why different AND and ounce, drop gained a out of hension compre- in measurements. to add Reductions inches should or be quarts made 148 MODEBN only from ABITHMETIG denomination one pints never thing of the handling feet by the showing or, pints in linear of fractional over 5 feet The the of in the the bulk An is called month, day, week, as Simple problems easily made in in the pints feet and of the the of to will the to be these furnishes fractions as and its and pecks and upon foot selection of division. 2 reciprocal their able and their suggest relations. reduction mentioned. is of division; by a little of to the the 3, of gallons to of number relation amples ex- ing instance, dur- the simple introduction previously for reciprocals; by any The judgment suitable reciprocals. With to he very can but For in and dock. reciprocal ; by 4, of quarts bushels a the in capacity. hour, minute, reductions multiplication by and pecks teacher based of quarts yards to the the is the divisions subtraction and difference and of the measurements any multiplication study to quarts from up is necessary in addition by be must greatly help work year, second, including the telling of time of Weighing weight between little number the and will subject for this informal time, such the object. an takea a children the weighing of a directly, without learned that in on. and pound substances distinguish to important of different of them teaching weight and be length 2 are quarts a be of process 8 should so yards; there account the better in no weighing, except capacity same in that water inches, and 9 over might with the between that ounces ton of process acquainted So little a number pounds measurements actual finding lengths in gallon, and a good a the longer lengths or in quarts parts. or sand pints, It is in time scending de- or gallons, or pints. to example, later of use 4 quart, a In peck. first,and at ascending to this at for measures; inches and gallons or PROBLEMS next quarts practice much give to the from gallons, to AND to reduction as, the but METHODS 8, of practice problems inch elements to WEIGHTS Square in the a of desks, areas of the Much in elaboration formal the informal the teacher not have Teach the idea, at most, for as, of an good be 880 boys, and be not in width referred idea, are of arise baseball and which of the block, dimensions or that may diamond. measured school feet or 300 100 yards. the to measurement of way knowing be may the spent. average feet, 220, 440, and especially events, a every distances 5 in feet. this so on. 60 can cord heavy that Other manner lot, length of building, and the to also do as These ascertained and bushel, the attention no by is knotted sidewalk, street, of the a appeal athletic be which to, of which will in elements children 50, 100, and these slightest No has life of the ''stepped off" measurements are teacher is perfectly the or chief pay the the stretch 100 since Many feet 90 either does little to life. who only gallon community. future the of the of application in the various the they often as has in frequently yards. often a child a may fundamental conception their length plan, therefore, neglected has person the or the and instance, the size of acre, Let in everyday of the meaning in which pupils who Many of review any clear a tables reductions used Distances to the to short a practicaluse the of the where or further no introduction work. measuring. with measurements how of art complicated must already recommended, is children the their and familiar a needs and numbers preliminary give to units It is has measures an special attention this had As just suggested pays various extent in work denominate work object be arise, furnishes on, material. Ideas. of study most so rectangles. here. Fundamental 165. first measure drawing in previous lesson a linear floors,books, and early number into gone later and variety of usable great been of squares drawing Measuring directly from arises measure 149 MEASURES AND a city 150 MODERN 166. ARITHMETIC Indirect METHODS Measurements. The areas fundamental be rectangle must rectangle is divided is linear units of units many dimension of is fact units As soon linear idea of feet square to child that It is only and more A the most in contents Much of which is What which It the of units the weighed of weight gross is well bushels value in only to for your state such problems. within the of to linear a typical : of load and that 10 of permit to length is by the units of This and of contraction being accepted is that to the solution the oats 34 at tare 2780 cents The grains should uniformity in of per finding weighing. problems bushel for pounds, respectively! large weights pounds. of grain by of load is out safe nimiber measurement given a ''reducing above, in which the Europe be various Lack 62. States. of is 4640 point to See this fundamental over seem of breadth. United following the area importance puzzle of the contraction should attention as other the strips. multiplying by area indirect common be multiplied by it would multiplication in the more must undue he will not readily enough accepted in the of be not the rectangle units fully acquainted with that length by the number is area giving can gets a that a strip contains of linear number of area the as each the feet" he the means is cubic to say breadth. so ments. measure- area. child area the total by units of the as by wasted get units finding the that, hence, that to number the as often linear strips directly, in- considerable studied; namely, many as derived are two direction, that one area and Energy him into strip multiplied one the in thoroughly ments, measure- our receive must in idea of weight, from found are PROBLEMS most and phase of the subject All attention. As * excepting time, length, that AND like these standards be the employed various are used in in all states 152 MODERN The of hay 8. One 9. cubic follows as feet taken the to 512 cu. ft. = 1 ton new 422 cu. ft. =s 1 ton stack 5 months 342 cu. ft. = 1 ton stack 1 year 216 cu. ft. = 1 ton stack 3 or e()uals one-half cup of flour A measuring cupful of com A measuring cupful of butter A measuring cupful of chopped A measuring cupful of granulated A measuring cupful of liquid vweighs of wood board thickness a is a pile 4 Lumber is or A bundle of of lots pound. one-third one-half weighs sugar one-half of generally sold contains 250 shingles one-half pound. pound. surface a pound. feet. 8 by pound. pound. weighs meat board old. years one-half weighs with old. 4 weighs by 4 old. one-half weighs meal less. in M. stated is foot 1 in. of age pint. cupful cord the upon stack. measuring A depends ton : measuring A PROBLEMS AND A 10. feet of number the METHODS ARITHMETIC 1 ft. sq. by and 1000 the a board shingles averaging in. wide. 4 Measurement 11. in sections lands If advisable fractions and the city in thereof extended more front feet be must study or entered be may feet square into and thoroughly. until delayed farm the last years. 168. than Reductions. at omission and, hence, their is more of arise is advised. numbers and Eeductions complex. given ing involv- infrequently very following order The suggested: i. Descending of two denominations, as "" "" (t .... it it .. ." iii. '' '* iv. *' u. V. formerly was denominate denominations three than more much were time more reductions to present problems the Much '* Ascending *' vi. Some three '' two " " " " " three schematic is advisable. The form ' * ' ** following are qt. 3 gal. 4 3 1 " pt. to 1 qt. gal. 3 qt gal. 1 pt. " " " " pt. to 1 to 10 qt. to gal. 13 pt. to gal." qt is clear and * which 3 suggestive " takes : pt. pt. to pt. pt. qt. " ^pt. little time, WEIGHTS AND 153 MEASURES Deseending gal." 4 ^ Aa^nding qt." 1 pt. 13 pt. 2) 4 6 qt" 4) 19 qt. 1 gal." 1 2 pt qt 1 " pt. 2 39 169. pt Four the delay to numbers four until in all final results to the reduction no operation to be not derstood un- performed. quire Re- placed in the simplest form. be to that see learned, but been have necessary denominate of operations reductions the exercised is needed It is not Operations. fundamental all of be must care Fundamental 1. Addition: Use the gal." 3 3 4 2 2 11 $ 0 10 3 form common 1 qt." pt. (This auxiliary line 2 but Subtraction carried and introduce Austrian 1 pt. 2 pt. ; 1 qt. and but at firat i"0B8ible.) as denominate numbers more Austrian a than practicable when method (2) little because it It is examples a addition such as is required. those By 1 becomes: plan good the pt. and qt. equals 3 qt. ; 2 gal. and gal.; 1 gal., requires is 2 Example 1 few it. (1) below example qt. and a with borrowing no This gal. of soon up' shortly after taken with which in gal. equals 5 gal. 2 be simultaneously on method equals equals 6 should subtraction given below 3 as used be may diseontiiitted is to be Subtraction: 2. to given below. 2 once gal., and 3 insight into more the 3 qt. and becomes: other form understood. requires a better 3 qt. gal. make reduction of borrowing To bar the knowledge of 154 MODERN ARITHMETIC is like reduction the METHODS PROBLEMS barring, multiplication because by addition work AND without needing we learn to can the do plication multi- tables. 3. As Multiplication: in addition, the results discontinued 4. as first. at soon be may This permitted to give preliminary is to practice, however, be possible. as Division: Division, understood by ^would better grasped. Care reduction partition and by the thoroughly Mention " pupils and is suggested of these be terms omitted, must be borrowing by pupils " but taken, be as two separate ^partitionand the also, that perfectly elear. all must processes The on 2, introduction 3f division by partition requiring of those measurement. no borrowing; requiring borrowing; be of following : 1, examples lems. prob- measurement involved idea be must measurement, WEIGHTS As dividend rule, both a reduced the to would divisor and 6 last. like the (2) (1) 3) be better examples in denomination same 155 MEASURES AND 3 gal." 15 qt g gal." 13 8) i 2 2 qt 3 (3) 2 (4 gal." qt.) under division under mensuration. i. ii Linear V. of Explain What the such 5. this 6. of later Liquid following: the Measure. and Liquid Compare viii. Monej of Foreign ix. Money of the Measures Dry States. fully should fourth arise will Dry Measure. United the 3|. = division, especially development vii. of 3. 4. the Measure. 2. these of report Measures. in V = EXERCISES vi. Variation qt. others and Measure. Dtj 5 qt. h- under arise Weights. iii. Land iv. historical a 18 = by measurement, XIV. 1. Give qt.) problems excellent Many 1 (" -i- how each year? you would child know this use of and work the United States. Regulations. in denominate should what Upon Laws x. Countries. the grades. numbers emphasis be end the at placed during early years? Explain, the as What early What as you would to elementary an class, some one unit, inch. are the main for reasons taking up denominate numbers f should be the main of object the study of denominate the main numbers? 7. What of a 8. What 9. Give is the approximate city block, part the of of the an acre dimensions length width is the of the of of a the library, of street? average baseball city lot? diamond. ing, build- 156 Give 10. i. A horse ii. A march iii. A lake i. A ii. A iii. A "yards 700 yards 2500 's race course per per minute. miles: in of of of 30 miles 22 feet hour per second per measurements? indirect What 13. Explain as 14. Criticize "12 ft. times 15. Answer the following would you hour, per leagues. 5 12. are knots 12 furlongs long, 6 with minute deep. speed speed a paces, fathoms ship flight Compare 400 of following the high, hands 15 4 PROBLEMS AND in feet: following the Give 11. METHODS ARITHMETIC MODERN to with 40 ; 25 miles Give the class a feet second per per ; with hour illustrations. three introduction of square measure. may fractional What 16. How 17. ft." by put What "How pupil: a is the are here? trouble How of part an is acre a garden 40 feetf 60 by feetf 30 by to " feetf sq. remedied? it be 16 reduced feet square question cubic 72 gives 6 ft acres many there are in milef by ^ ^ pasture a 20 by rods? 60 the 18. Explain 19. Locate, by of number How of acres 24. 25. State measuring be grain in eachf for a grade bushels is the cost if the gross three cup. led * ' " gross, " ' ' tare ' and ' ' net in process finding the involving the in terms Ex. 20 plant 40 class. what 35 weight would be used to oats? and cents weight problems the see load? a and at to problems three clover, wheat, com, 15, class least many What Oct. of at suitable are 23. in by the expressions a bushels Suggest 22. sold should How 21. : 6"19"25. sec. there are following the lines. range 4"23"46. sec. 1 of and township Illustrate. weight? that is meant What 20. 1 of acres many of use drawing, a 1 of N-W ii. N-E How of means } of N-W i. S and meaning per is 4620 suitable for bushel of lb. and the a grade a load tare class of 2740 ear eom, Ib.f involving the ' WEIGHTS Give 26. Give 27. and How 28. for suitable explanation, an" weight between suitable explanation, an 157 MEASURES AND grade a for class, grade a of class, cubic of measure. difference the capacity. bushels many of ear wiU com crib a 12 32 by feet 10 by holdf 29. About 30. Discuss 31. State 32. Explain 33. State applied simple to as and Distinguish 36. Suggest under 168, suitable for of in example some work. reduction. operations fundamental four the oral as numbers. illustrating example grade 35. class reduction holdf barrel a suggested in each does water reductions grade a explain an a of examples denominate for feet of order the Suggest suitable cubic many six to 34. in how would be class. the between fully examples two which operation each suitable classes two for a of grade division. class Illustrate. under each case 35. ex. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. and Cajori, F. A History of Elementary Mathematics, pp. 176-79 215-17. 2. Klapper, 3. Myers, Teacher, Paul. George IV: 91. pp. W. 135-57. Modernised Arithmetic. Elementary School OHAPTEBXV DECIMAL 170. History* Hindu Decimal Simon published of set a from 10 of For divisor. the invention is It elapsed is idea of- before the invention, half had receive the this used result of about square root raised 10 the and when, by of number method this, but only mathematicians face have number-system Not extracted the should 450 by to puters com- years ing annex- a power annexed. ciphers the extracting The root square earlier. Decimals about of that the the decimals of years Hindu the the in they dividing and of fractions. Europe in zeros idea 1000 over idea figures Eudolff. to staring was southern their to simple used divided many were fundamental that include to decimals Hindus much ascribed before ciphers equal also incredible of this of 1584 before years as there as use almost extended was number the actually fifty comma a of in mathematician, off with the ited cred- who he About of generally which in German a the it is mathematician, decimals. cutting by right the their of authorship The tables Eudolpp, of powers interest idea this, Christopf Flemish a extension an although doubt Stevin, present our in are fractions. to is system to did 200 years not after recognition And been fractions number-system decimal by FRACTIONS stubbornly the into come with commensurate opposing and States has adoption the 158 even their for a of until however, use, invention their United actual beautiful number the do today metric of not plicity. simyears system 160 ARITHMETIC MODERN these ' did ' If will is the What These only, 6 chairs After these as, February, how much months?" paid is if $8.40 chair, one is followed for each paid for 4 f" ' ' chairs! involving problems by chair cents of cost 6 books 15 at $.15 each?" at involving problems come each? cents the of use the as, zero, "What is the cost "What is the cost During problems require money found very familiar. to point," make be may incidental point of would number to namely, that the ; the for mentioned the new subject are already it takes the into bring to left and the ten to the of the ''decimal name, this during first time be will well do The former. United of going not if introduction. Formal two one children the teacher the a quire re- cost manner it presents this, although between decimal right of the 172. extent, any relations the latter with incidental that which with Along to in later handling Much this in problems helpful ?'* that chairs 6 right the those will **What for arrange to or introducing Thus, chair one will left the bushel?" per teacher to $.05 each?" at $1.05 at wise before it. over wheat carrying point material theory of 6 bushels each? 5 cents at that States through pencils early stage the paid for is 6 this carrying $2.35 of of decimal the from in $2.15 and mal deci- the over simple problems such cost, if $2.15 of carrying no January PROBLEMS as, is the out in two be may "What of the cost be may AND ** require $1.35 during earn "What * They earned John he ' should examples point." METHODS Introduction. quite different in the Decimals points of view writing of fractions ; 2, as be introduced may : an 1, as a new extension tion nota- of the DECIMAL Hindu number-system. both will select the one The suited First Method. expressing Let etc., for its has order the should the used be not advantages, own that text Considered old the are merely ideas. In teacher and may his to confused, He way of convenient a there $2.45 own however, ; a 2 are new and fractions fractions J, J, as which there that way lars. ^^^^ dol- denominators explain writing such of writing way such with now may new notation new a fractions to of. 10. as first suggest teacher reduction powers in to pupils fractions, decimals of each of both. use 173. As presented best inclination. by the be here 161 FRACTIONS with is are a more point, thus, a .75, .4, etc. Considerable fractions common their of these to 179. The Second 174. but given, effective. in the fractional be. the start the it The language What the direct is, that left while to the right, and of the digits to the same decimals direct process. decimals will be than the one that reason as more just more pointed was it would to understand value in rate increase from moved as when and new wise other- moved right of the decimal of units, but as teaching of this be made see process, of must the " to easier the difficult, than at general reducing more 10-fold permit as in of must, early work notation, makes they decrease only parts the for and digits increase that Care fractions with decimal resume, pupils ing chang- 10. comprehend to much first number-system unfortunate historical by introduction Hindu more ing chang- really the side by The pupils is to the represent the of for side on in that is in fractions omitted process, Method. extension difficult out of reverse carried be of Reduction be here notation new powers fractions, which should given only such better would be select to reductions. common an to exercised decimals under this to denominators be course, should practice point decrease 162 MODERN when ARITHMETIC moved United States for readily tV of that children PROBLEMS Thus integers do. as be drill. A do is Confusion in should in decimal the to the be never read, but hundredths, much and ciphers its alters value, effective An both way ciphers annexing that must of terms a 10. avoided by permitting numbers in only of the hundred always, decimal annexing multiplying to of two by the fact special attention way the sion confu- of each value that to Much occasioned are no part clear minds. is to show powers reading and lowed, is fol- plan made be by the pupils. also be may and word by is principle of place their receive equivalent fraction common integral in understand decimal a dime a Whatever must decimals must of is ^ fundamental fixed this matter decimal five Methods. corollary of this, namely, of clearing up a in of which each 18.] clearly recognized be of which decimals not this right of the in pupils will The dimes, 4 are the firmly pupils hence ; of work poor the also extension tration satisfactory illus- only introduction. under Both on and and place [See fractions to the 5 cents, each Remarks value of $.45 there in dollar. a the that method dollar, and 175. the left just or affords money this see a T^T of to AND tV of 1, .01 is tV of .1, etc. .1 is to right the to METHODS order number., join the to Thus, 254.65 sixty- fifty-four hundred of use fifty-four and and two the and sixty-fivehundredths. At be time some taught reads to in last decimals read For them. the as instance, 24.6532 sixty-five,thirty-two. children names not be are of the This introduced busy learning various decimal ; the the idea places. be of should scientific read man twenty- twenty-four, or method during or would two children the business a four, point, six, five, three, should grades two point, reading, however, early years of place value while the and the DECIMAL Addition and of decimals need 176. in which .16 .43. + the that with .5 to up such in will examples result numbers to .5, + tenths, even in with be These such examples either to 18.146 14.06 side X 7, etc. proceed by easy etc., which units and arrived at in a or the product cents. may decimals, as, 4 of that the ; to serious no as as general with way, X examples not such point. is carrying it, as over 64.305 decimal .5 X 2, X $58.32 X much location from the give and 8, or drill if the the product multiplication, these -05, etc. will be the problems product multiplicand is 152 each must tain con- multiplication by integers reversed, and -3, 8 X the multiplier integral,just $62.47 X in 7. X point is of the decimal that 5" 2, .4 X 5, etc., which fact or should point as will there there as 3, .7 X thousandths or be zeros the over to the thousandths of 3, in which point but .6 X tion multiplica- begin to finally, to the general case, 3.426 ; and After the process know the addition, just in which decimal some units hundredths hundredths as the stages from tenths be must of understanding An in right of the decimal the to by examples Carrying give wise be $65.23 X as figures with 3, including X point point give of reverse It will be followed may will in integers. carrying no Practice decimal the as which hundredths decimal the this units, to up pupils that the as Follow .05, etc. + Subtraction added. Multiplication. 177. .08 + see 9-hundredths. and of etc. ; then under comes the add as, children point. which the diflBculty if presented outlined decimal first; used make to tion subtrac- Combinations be is 5-tenths .07 as show always be should matter tenths and diflSculties. no decimals these .6 Addition carrying simple sums the present no a .3, .9 + + Subtraction. position of the the few .2 + is of sum a add in It fixes This is there 163 FRACTIONS integers be Inasmuch same may multiplied by as whatever be children the the changed order to the 164 multiplication of position of decimal the the through fractions have re-reduced to establish 178. may that employed in in which there examples point, '-^ as, 92.64 division comes 25, 3.25 -^ the as general most verified be not with the decimal law The the this the to accomplished dividend question to follow A by all thorough integers by Because powers this work in in of is 10 so the the divisor, decimal is decimal point in the arrived be an of of integer ; at this to be fact, In is not ductivel in- all such divisor both 10. of procedure and it is good a a one decimals. division multiplication and be final step. is the first to reduce at of familiar result. may divisor should thoroughly are the simple it rowing bor- obtained results placing in case should this ** is treated quotient by the power the decimal giving remainders division of cases drill the and multiplication this mode by gradually up division If etc. pupils the manner 3, 5.6-^-4, 38.4 -=-12, -r- the necessary whether in 4.2 position of the the the by will After etc. leads decimal in which others 3, by another general most a the over h- which pupils point by requiring cases as, in integer requiring an experienced decimal a governing for result by Examples before of factors introduced 5, 36.12 point," be attempted Division of number two borrowing multiplication division. placing -r- case, should after ** multiplication of by the little trouble point of is product the the common multiplication; namely, 5, 3.25 -r-25, -~ reverse be no decimal a decimal the over the of is 2, 60.75 -r- the sought. Division to in and product the law of Comparison DivisioiL similar 32.5 decimal. a plied multi- decimals After the inductively at tc^ether, that multiplied been of law The of two each fractions. common PROBLEMS arrived be can of reducing to AND integers. by point places in the decimal to decimals process together soon METHODS ARITHMETIC MODERN included is on no at this account of time. to be DECIMAL in work urged arithmetic. 179. some would of decimals. about the this when it in manner four future as to fractions common decimal a f then to will called consideration. Such be to the be may matter work no in the in the or sidered con- delay will a fraction; while common a exclude decimals with inquiring decimal, before a , it will becomes Pupils 18. to division after reductions such ; denominator a until denominators whose establish to under tion reduc- for selected ciently suffi- a tion reduc- easily be expressed can a to be fractions will be and taken under decimals as of the study in connection to act may three with forms the as a of percentage, 193. a would previously translated This such. Decimals. becomes be and common problems may as later up between simple extended discussed Circulating forms solved more hence the fractions Circulating fractions of common of forerunner relation the some notation decimal such more fractions attention work to of by of fractions fractions 180. the of 10. decimal as |f their operations decimal order solved of for affect the decimals powers In in as with postponed that and large number to is strongly common others fraction, as a later up any those to 14.0000 told fundamental of of of be comes be reduction reduction in the no better may for changed division time, teacher well as 10, the reduction The the merely this Except of power decimals in the future all to of decimals. readily be can this reason, drill Reductions. which importance utmost For give much to difficult forms of it is of since neglected, 165 FEACTIONS The division of part better ", f ^^^ etc., which general be reduction of decimals. introduced produce of through simple repetends. , Approach etc., should In case to be the fractions made text producing long repetends as fV, A" gradually. does not give the language of circulating 166 MODERN METHODS ARITHMETIC decimals, the teacher which reduces would better do is .214285171428517 to decimal decimals dot the Decimals decimals depends to the upon reduction instance, the For to means + Tjit The find Ttv + the ^*c., for ttAttt+ a last figure of of Reduction the of .6 an infinite to culating cir- fairly difficult and is infinite an .21428517, a geometric series. fraction common of sum of such sum of the .6,f by .83, etc. fractions summation of all written Fractions. common ing circulat- pure which and be expressed Oommon to first the mixed a ., is commonly over thus f would repetend. 181. placed . called the in . -^^ example, ., .666 or former The being }, as . it from distinguish to such figures repeat. For so. . circulating PROBLEMS AND series is found number of terms. b^ to a 1 in which a following 1 In the of .83 the case + A series The and hence arbitrary which may age would law be T*ir + better iihn + ratio between Thus omitted upon the equals etc. etc., is summed decimals be depending to (here ^). This at which given is the fraction common is added. ^ of the children one ^ TU tAtf + i^t + which to one (here A)" first term the and term any is the r " the children work are as previous the difficult is too for usually considered, except for following the above mentioned if the teacher series thinks it wise. The whose repetend denominator is written contains as as the many numerator 9's as of there a are fraction figares 168 first two will have value in with begun With a with the the little places discarded 1 increased of place figures the 416 would is start right which the preceding this figure produces second into way which until "When out. the first figure in was not removed in happen the right gives 4, it will not affect the illustration number to carry, result. to come without after tell the will cation multipli- partial product the in plier multi- multiplicand of 3 X the the second to finding multiplication a unit to above ; carry, since is it above Multiplication figures fall case, -02 is or to continued usable a This .1 X 4, hence .06 of or partial product. given nor partial soon prdcess Unless partial product. the the the present figure by each the total first the using right that the to the final the will practice, the multiplication gives only the practice to in no the with farthest figure above in that in in figure multiplication found, case so carried the is the result, never will farthest is the in multiplicand the part a have written in some Thus little A of been off from preserved. off. cut final been be have played not figure first the the two figure would next would cut in partial but since down, practice to have is to which affect the is the It which be operator .32 : left only .31416, Had above, the or that so .31. that product 5, follows as this of giving preserved. approximation of process has been is result. written are be to are final 3.1416 .1 X figures of which decimal the it is beginning as much are multiplier. the process as will as first figure to the down the of natural as The by the in left be places tracted con- multiplications such the to will this appear. case first two been All write and will as this be result. multiplicand the product to many figure practice multiplier In first is,therefore, work decimal as first figure to the right. multiply the final the PROBLEMS AND The value. any give only to as so have METHODS ARITHMETIC MODEBN -02 the down go in decimal multiplication this places in the DECIMAL illustration. of 32.14 product 32.14 32.14 5.26 32.1 5-26 X X 5 = X .2 = must sufSce. decimal places. illustration Another 169 FRACTIONS to 160.70 two " 6.43 " the first the product Jmq third 2*03 169.06 32. X .06 of figure next from the same in 1.93 ="= the partial product. three given IQQvn Find 2 .2 X and places to it 8 was would .14 have the as the changed 3. manner last the as product. Division can be approximated even cutting off figures multiplication by merely simply more to the than right of 3562)48276(13.554 3562 12656 10686 1970 (2 cut off from divisor). (6 cut off from divisor). 1780 190 175 15 (5 cut off from divisor). 12 the The contained had been carried figures only and of illustration accompanying divisor have place of annexing in the divisor ciphers. to we is only three but would two have ciphers the dividend. self-explanatory. digits, the decimal had to division If the could places by cutting off to resort to the annexing 1 70 ARITHMETIC MODERN METHODS EXERCISES XV. 1. Show how 2. Show the advantage Simon Stevin by decimals PROBLEMS AND are of in of extension an decimal a which tem. number-sys- similar system unit's the Hindu the holds figure that to gested sug- separate a position. Give 3. brief a r6sum6 of the effect upon one figure to the to .8? to the and development of status present decimals. What 4. decimal point of effect annexing Discuss 5. first is fully through years, How 6. would Hindu the 7. zero a the right? leftf the to the moving What is the 8.0? States introduce you two of number a introduction informal United of value the of decimals during the addition to form of money. decimals formally decimals formally as an number-system? would How introduce you a as new fractions? 8. Compare 9. What the of methods fractions common i. e., which repeat; two introduction. reduced be can have for their solve in decimal decimals to denominators which some do of power not 10? Illustrate. 10. under Restate and, common fractions: notation 32, 33, 34, 35, and the problems below 36. m 11. to would you go about making the idea of place value clear class? a 12. various 13. in How Discuss the of numbers to be taught would Find teach you a class the location of decimal the the Subtract Give 16. point Illustrate. 67.8^, 7i, 9.6f, 15|, 7.0^, of sum and 4^ correct .001. 15. the throughout grades. How addition? 14. reading by results Compare Austrian the correct finding the to sum method: 83.432 12^ .001. 19i 31 3.0]^ of 23^ 15^ 67.081 23.83 with finding the sum of 15.29 19.13 3.40 to Outline 17. in is by How 60 at cents If .25 times. is the Outline 21. in by is division? this that of power of 10; by 24. Of 25. The law is .6 what have been class 30 at cents 75 culties diffi- the up led be from that multiplying of is this discover to decimal the of point Show fact? multiplication by of 25.56 divisor any quotient? and quotient and or etc. divisor both 10 dividing by or J, by .66", by .125, by .061, the taking of order process. method of is 414.06. If the divisor dividend? is the 11 Criticize 26. lb. subtracted be may location derived inverse the number sum 15 the the governing a .33 what by freight fact? 350 weighing box than point this discover to a number examples should short a send decimal the decimals. of could Give 23. certkin a of means How law led be to cost of number? the application the to division the What 22. added be What class a it location the hundredweight per culties diffi- the up f hundredweight 20. will taking decimals. of should more of order the examples governing How much express per in law the multiplication? 19. of means multiplication the What 18. in by 171 FRACTIONS DECIMAL : .3 .6 X - 3.jB0 X " = .75. 4 B0 6 = " 4 27. If 28. 544.932 29. 6165 30. Express in 31. Explain how decimals 32. of .75 to is what 11.25, decimal is the what number? part of 612.3? ? = decimal a the ratio would you take of 243 with up 540. to class a the of reduction fractions. common What decimals? .831 X is number a two would When in arise cases the take you reduction of each? up fractions common Explain your to reasons fully. Explain 33. of each these Change 35. What 36. What the are Zt e" would you forms two 34. ^f if i) it tf how of 6y decimal tf to decimals corresponding %f tf part with up fractions common following the take Ytst ro" of ton is 8278 a to TSt class to forms "nrj the reduction of decimals. correct decimal t" %f a .001: of the |, ^, 6^, following: iJ, tV" ih' lb.? 6234 lb. 7 12345 Ib.f 172 MODERN ARITHMETIC Change 37. the METHODS following to AND PROBLEMS fractions: common .325, .03125, 8.52, .124. What 38. 2.43156f by meant 39. Qiange 40. Explain an example. by .6f decimals the in .3f Do same for division. 42. Approximate the following J iii. 8969 the ii. 47.5 the fractions. common results 243; "+- in multiplication vi. 1.28; X 3.1416 v. of circumference and area is .01: to .7638 What 46.78 circle a 9.43; X 3.472. X radius whose is inches. 8.52 freight The 44. for 863.4 ship 45. To found in is $100 price the 46. of To how To 48. to how decimal a per it would much be be of area ton cost farm a computed be to cents, X V2 if acre? per is diamond inches in places of 90 in computed order feet. to give f must be ir given radius circle, whose in order to 8 feet, rectly cor- order to at the is inches? decimal many should places circumference the compute xTS should in feet? circumference feet? to places $15 baseball the the may acre? per through many price the $25 diagonal the the compute acre? decimal many length 47. per how should places that $.0047 averages miles. 586 decimal order diagonal The how the in States events by approximation to many acres United the by freight tons how in rate Find mile. each To iv. 1.32; -*- Find 43. 6735 -*- to approximate 41. f .125f 38 ex. of finding decimals "recurring" or .0617325f the i. 637.45 to "repeating" are of the correctly earth in given be ir to inches equator? Suggest 49. six in problems approximations for suitable grade work. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Cajori, F. 2. Stamper, 3. White, Court Open 4. White, Science and A Alva William History W. F. Publishing William F. Mathematics, Mathematics, of Elementary pp. A . pp. 150-54. 97-101. of Elementary Scrap-Booh Co., Chicago, The VIII: pp. Decimalization 409. Mathematics. 59-65. of Arithmetic, School CHAPTER XVI SYSTEM METJIIC 183. History. and weights towards f decimal and of matter earth's quadrant of unit units based were this 1799 made not Scientific United made metric in have in to of metric weights The system, international were made 1894. 173 but was the and Since its John by suggested have attempts adoption. In 1866, legalized electrical the leading system. first measures all England, unsuccessful exclusive and ber, Decem- France, and metric was several its world Russia, the States 1821, secure obligatory. the the adopted other 1837. Japan, United the system made China, In in the selected, units. law the as the arbitrarily a as of All and of Paris through reliable before throughout Adams Quincy upon compulsory men by of the weights (10)-'' the thus passed was of meter. one system a report States, adoption this upon excepting nations, called Con- investigate system meridian they establishing thereby been which length makes Borda, to arbitrarily the along Monqe suitable selected They appointed and more a which easy. 1790 Laplace, selecting measures. in numerals tem number-sys- simplicity, comparatively France Lagrange, DORCET, was of XVI it mere directed Hindu unified a its by up the of system investigation out of only sprung with rounds because of understanding Louis Taken it useful not scientific a purpose. ^'actions universally an of result definite a has the is system which measures is the but chance, metric The legal but units, electrical the not based units 174 MODERN ABITHMETIC United The METHODS States weights, quarter-dollar, of the Of late years, in urging active the metric From on. goes in the the United to the yard units metric upon in half-dollar, the is defined in terms Philippines the the and metric the it using statistics as and more it may is systems a tem sys- universal as more time as inferred be least,the adoption of of all other of value and simple Some system. the to been have pharmacists awakened are at exclusion the as above States silver of adoption and based of and men measures system metric the obliga^ry. well, have and PROBLEMS use are Rico Porto is made as of weights rates even medical manufacturers, the in system Navy amount dime, and while meter, metric total postal is also the as and Army exclusively, foreign AND that, metric the only tem sys- of matter a time. Fundamental 184. metric the is system teacher simple upon tables and only of to their in use be should, however, placed As system. of the The arising from as i. The the metric The of the pupils to see English this phase and advantages in the change the emphasis the old over be recall main the this may to presenting in r"ume a able be system teacher resulting from Disadvantages. advanced and the of metric system prepared. been 185. to following subject the disadvantages has aid an will the behoove elements educating new well pupil who a of adoption the minutes. upon of this great advantages the future few a with that so it in the the of time, it may pupils the measures, use Since matter a acquaint to system called Problem. generation present of these use tables. system, however, anything ii. This but a the serious change as following adoption of the mtist learn The extreme will be disadvantages a new metric set are system of tcAles simplicity of explained later, makes the this matter. of units will produce confusion. : Com- 176 ARITHMETIC MODERN the less should forefathers our desire we impossible be weights For and to measures 231. It United is States measures is to ratio of 277.274 from change to the Britain in the English quart the the to as just because equal not are English speaking peoples. States the to of system common no even it would sentiment, troublesome as But carts. ox of is PROBLEMS gallon of Great imperial quart bit the among fully in there gallon of the United standard Two this since so AND rode who respect do to instance, the to METHODS liter. have they the name. same of metric The V. duodecimal a apparent over but ; purposely made cha/nts will be and beams the converting the people m be remembered permitted so nearly scales. for two gaUon and be required would the to show yard necessary and to advertisement expense would meter replace be in mal duodeci- a 16^, 5^, 3, etc., of the brads and the stick as the the in his stamp changing need two weights one the In used for be only measures are manufacture counter parts addition to the re- could quart eliminate its fractional with expense of The themselves would dry goods merchant parts. this discontinued. be thus The real only liter and time would the scales mer- answering In the the upon of recasting the one could its fractional yard was Hindu the from expense that this process. change the very system to as general. years during measures by the wearing-out great use measures gallon conform factors Spring three or equal, and and course, metric further be small Interchangeable be quart a comparatively graduated. quart entail the is, of The to superiority great ?' mill must of order such upon objection, it issue. anything chcmge and in The system Can English system The the decimal sfystem than vi. decimal a is not that number-system. of the is decimal. system so in that place of it would manufacture meter. manufacturer's they The be the real patterns, METRIC 177 SYSTEM . which would about be the as done without of result a invention. new plants of weights both of To systems. them if it murmur and the Again, measures change brought were facturing manu- many for patterns carry would be would suffer saving actual an expense. vii. various The occasioned manufacturers the by lay out- heavy a of patterns, casts, machines, changing " In etc. first place, all the railroad gauges, ardent, rational for clamor systenoL A patterns, and time long so on, in made the metric of wholly the metric system be using these it wholly manufacture avoided for the this become some loss change to loss is bound expended produce the upon destruction a and be made to only only, why may change time. not ? a better it may not is true, It which While have This change. a few the as much $12,000,000 Moltke, dreadnaught constructive If once. time. would though such through occur would we such very long a view present up, be there. the years, the at even for operative with motorcycles, soon, the rapid our even 1890 sprung it would of manufacturing system twenty-five since Hence, however, come, upon have amount existing patterns on to, and exclusively automobiles completely will in be to improvement in in all that invalidating old adopted new plans, upon limited limit referred the not required. the Except system. operative change. for most of the time a without removed been which of be time fact, the measurements industries Many could Even eliminate soon making on, seldom are would of so same permitted metric the plants, dimensions changes be In be advantages Had and the at use, placed as does system adoption be measurements. existing machines. could could in now abrupt too limit designs might new a the Moreover, metric the such standards, altered. of or designs, patterns, new of hasty be to advocate too a not are universal could be was able to dollars be pended ex- such losses are 178 borne could distributed be it would of the said before, and for be the the merely since Wise standpoint, in and necessary The time, the will they administered laws which much desired by from elbow it will cheaper fewer have all true grown common-sense a is room been has as thus so adoption they will after their plants have than materially. of case tax revenue particular. accepted this in expense matter a it is sooner manufacturers, to make changes in one no is system the slight national a felt by be metric by PROBLEMS AJTD individual, by the generally that METHODS ABITHMETIC MODERN permitted, of advocates the are metric system. viii. The in land change It is very of system time the that The begun. land the these and difficulties it would result place of the many reduction acres get of equal acres of being 65 the as serviceable in the together only one of our variation of acre as are with small measurements, changed only as land out closer complete is sold. a hektares metric land scale. there the city lots, this is not The change. one than 65 in we 160 .3 of over divisions as the making .22 as the places While on in carry noticeable most are this no section. is not measure need thus little a made originally laid only slightly by we it is still usable. 160 irregular pieces, as If lacks, only of quarter a affected be This however, six decimal to Even relation hektares, surveys was to out was metric importance. system. at with of the adoption inconvenient English country connection insurmountable, hektares. a the decimal a Territory in arise of any .404858 to number a by hektares to contents Its conversion all in of the southwest Again, from hektares, to true far that Northwest will venience. incon- cause in this adopted ones are 64.78 Most cent. per to only would regretted the which the equal acre one of in the west vital are been not diflSculties be to survey measurements system much had measures measurements now. east, will Records be METRIC Advantapges. 186. by of men universal is the keeping long so i. best for as it is easy in service simplicity of The by comparing length, with barley the corns 12 m. 3 ft. 51 yd. 320 rd. any for one, learn can use States first part = 1cm = 1 ft. 10cm = 1dm = 1yd. 10dm = Im = 1 rd. 10m = IDm = 1 mi. lODm = IHm been the stubbornly clinging in tables of the a metric which to = the all cent 10mm = 1cm 10 cents = 1 dime 10cm = 1dm 10 dimes = 1 dollar 10dm = Im aid of this unfamiliar any The tables in about of them analogy after children tables. the United and the tables. 1 give customs Excellent familiar, are = to old between mills able IKm minutes. few analogy existing table, with wholly table table. 10 Students the 10mm metric of the can in. the monetary tables 1 is not be made can system. = who one efl"ciency and lOHm Any not are example, English corresponding prehension, com- applica^ we metric the of in nation, a thought modem Tables. be shown 3 As meaning. plicity Sim- essentials neglect the adoption of the metric we Simple in ; of system. the extension, serviceable to as with pace metric simplicity it embodies its men thought. the measures tem sys- for all are of principle of and metric recommendation modes simple of weights definite the scientists great fundamental compact of use sufficient a of and good system tion, and exclusive Our its beautiful Through a is adoption. simple expression of The science 179 SYSTEM of one-tenth our with with the little having schools of the time metric or heard could that no tables hesitation any one learn they have of the these now by new require 180 MODERN the learn to ABITHMETIC and accurately more meaning than there no is refuse order have few a tables. the English the English minutes in posterity might that them surely And learning their of would tables, who this have know also comprehension clearer of knowing one, would They a they have sacrifice to tables. English PBOBLEMS AND METHODS in ones new simple, time-saving device. ii. Compactness cubic while .those for These tables hektare, metric each For Kg. will and in larger Thus of ton and such is used tables, a linear measure are in jewelry and in kilograms; in the ranging host two alone and metric from a " practical an we have there ton. hair to a It in parvo, and to our just is,indeed, and are one an it is this many fifteen for collection of over built decimal constant admirable quality mated. overestiof system only five tables conforms terms, that upon number- together tion illustra- enhances value. Definiteness of and English innumerable ^and which of its powers. " be hardly can the terms constants, only fourteen of m/ultwm definite with of unrelated single principle system, compactness comparison heterogeneous iii. drugs, for weights this of value In its certain coal. The with like hay, be range unnecessary. and coal as The tables weights general the will terms in all. ordinary, drugs ; more wood, several amounts, milligrams table one make to as delicate amounts, only fourteen its land, and list of the of two measuring measuring included, comprise groceries grams,- in used length, duplicates. 10, and in used for exact are and square that constant, one meter are is such instance, weighed only hektometer square table capacity and stere, cubic ton, 1000 complete a weight for tables slightly from only contain If powers. of differ measure The of Tables, means the the same Units. thing Four the liters world is over. perfectly Pour METBIC quarts may ounce, and have so simplify to As metric the bushel, be must metric system. States, by the of terms should has system articles bushel, such foreign trade, States United sold by The great will weight, no other metric system. of adoption the discrepancies existing automatically be the between definitions of bushel varied thus the to usually sold by the are after weight of their reason which order corresponding unit grain, as for if the adopt no In meanings. different have increasing our the reason, also on, Ton, meanings. different three least at 181 SYSTEM in eliminated. " Weight, such bulk, is the not United the and com, iv. so the reduction to meters, Gunter 154 rd. 4 which been has it makes reason, **the it is the work being by relations. tables also are selected was depend upon various units more and V. Metric in of in many important. this an one. computations System and as of Only one unit meaning the aid in such and this facturing manu- time. units The because For the of inches. chain, years professions all mm. based arithmetic." and inestimable to or measures many present existing between yet reduction measuring his for the at of 5 cm. the rods, to system a easy arbitrarily is of 9 with feet, surveyors adopted very 8 dm. m. but learn of by comparing shown to kilometers or simpleness to easy 3 construction establishments, The 7 Dm. value the used clearly lb. of each? The only 2 ft. 7 in. to yd. in decimals is lb. of in more complicate Why Tables. not 5 Hm. centimeters, to recognized upon This of 6 Km. 100 upon and lb. of oats, 56 32 in quantity more west. upon them of measure practice of the makes apply. to easy of Application tables more price instead on, Simple of 3 mi. into put the quoting metric the being true States, especially in the by matters is as cases, only " others thus various the ^length " made given scientific to to the ments measure- specificgravity. DecimM Fractions. The weights 182 MODERN and ARITHMETIC of measures decimals bring fractions of the It here. over is of will 187. of Development not out the with another mean the common advantages be into gone fact that the of adoption saving great the time of as number-system. our Work. the The need point to simplification of great a of fractions. fractions common system as desired will, therefore, will make and fractions common merely elimination metric form its number- of system foreground uncommon PROBLEMS part a metric the the into decimal^ well of AND form country any Adoption system. METHODS In introducing the ft metric to system similarity of the first day, the is to be reduction under For English the second suggested should the should be texts. Several and naturally the be may 5 pleted com- examples. like problems rd. and the yd. 2 ft. 7 in. to cubic to tables measure reference without capacity relations various the weight reference without between text. liter and of and giving practice in these problems the to of the relation of class,again or clear matter 500 that side and one interesting to note that well as to the reductions will tables weight with the our or possess set a the metric English 5c on interesting as school the gram stick,preferably on 34 explained the measure, this 100 meter few a suggested difl"cult of square class the it is necessary a more table in follow. make class a tables has the some only, problems that to The parts, simple linear the S. money. fractional The reduce : it upon rods. given by the showing To by of U. similar comparison, come teacher cubic to gram ; to out fashion a with day that several to base teacher involving system. are worked After in of feet to applied purpose ; to Next tables table and the following be linear graduated the inches metric learned^ the class, let a the of liter a of other. and ments measure- It may 2 the ure, meas- weights, system piece is nearly to mm. be thick, 184 MODERN also should scale METHODS ABITHMETIG called be of the that over f ahrenheit brief a Compare 2. 3. Define 4. What States of that that What f system metric the should How State result of system weights and yard, quart, pound. of metric the may How 8. in system United the to occur i. 3 mi. 125 Km 5 Explain metric the Hm 7 Dm f to kilometers of use in metric the teaching f mentioned and system, 7 in. to ft. 2 which would additional any 8 dm 2 m ones 5 3 cm to mm f to yards to milesf millimetersf to f United the inchesf States table money price iii. The of of price 6D1 various mile, cents 5 in teaching 7 cents cents per with yard of that meter, per $7.50 qt. per meanings with ton per 7 at that kg 2640 of cents per with quart that of liter. attached be may fathom, pace, finding prices: ton. 3 gal. 45 at lb. at metric per 1 at 5 52 5460 of 2 ft. yd. 4 at $7.90 at in following computations 7 dm m ii. The ounce, yd. price 5 What and reduce to you 4 the i. The 11. metric the numerals tables. Compare 10. aim disadvantages it take rd. meters 9. the of Hindu the you. does long chief accomplished be adoption with number-system. teacher's discuss' and ii. 4 complete the this taken system, a be can the from which ton, metric system. system. status present metric the the other any fractions, form 6. the of of liter,gram, is the scale. f decimal 7. review development meter, Show 5. the with -measures historical centigrade the EXERCISES XVI. 1. Give PROBLEMS simplicity of the to AND bushel quart, to of following: the oats, gram, liter, meter? 12. 532.5 7.3 Find lb. the Find specific gravity the of specific gravity Ii of ft. cu. 1000 cc of of cast cast iron weighing iron weighing kg. 13. copper, What is the cork, and weight brass f of a quart and of a liter,each, of mercury, METBIC of 1 yd.; cu. What 15. 3 of 6 qt.; 1 is cu Find .92. of weight the 1 ft. eu. ; m. metric approximate of equivalents lb. 15 gal. 4 ; ton? discuss and of adoption ice of dm; cu the 4^ yd.; State 16. 1 are of gravity specific The 14. 185 SYSTEM the metric from result additional Consider system. would which advantages the than ones the those mentioned. Change, 17. " by 4*"FtoC; 5" " What 18. is of use the 68" figure, a CtoF; F 12'' to of superiorly P to C; 90* C; 5** C to F. C centigrade the the over C 16* F; to F; to fahrenheit scale? BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Collins, Beview, 2. 3. B. School P. Science International The Bureau of Metric in Beform the Staies, United tional Educa- 265. 52: Williams, System. V. Joseph Standards, Universally Teachers Why and Metric Dept. Mathematics, System of of Commerce VI: Weights and Favor the Metric 351. and Measwes. Labor of Bui. the U. S. [Free.] 4. A British Decimal Coinage. Literary Digest, Sept. 22, 1917 : 26. XVn CHAPTEB PERCENTAGE 189. History. He language. increased of speak are from which of terminology the of simpler need to be not time, him in 24 as text examples, the by which new speaking of incidental the connection is easier or hundredths, versal uni- has given in place a does teacher or of of business the an 45 ample them in the the hence refers In of such easily, either very pupils such etc. supply text let man cent, per the little containing percentage, 186 Some problems cent, per of words new is undertaken that used Most the of many study formulate can numbers cent in formal contain not ones. per 8 eliminate introduction. with cent, per the changing entirely it been that over percentage can lurk .24, .08, .45, etc., as the case teacher before week, mention these Whether thirteen rightly has The simple a a say decimals to it and **pj'* wrote improvement Since here. C" arisen. whether is century- **per they or it has that 15th the symbols an his hundredths by likely cent but year, of decimals, into hobgoblins by of the study. dreadful subject is per Introduction. 190. the of course output last has % and usage that century percentage entered metical arith- the 17th thirteen say business the the fractions common man's counting which universal our business arithmetics for By used. **C" of of custom cento" **per say that Italian The one. the not i of This 25%. old an does increased has factory is Percentage or have these by making heard terms men will 187 PEECENTAGE be not wholly thus mentioned the will Interest use. these engaged in actual men they in pupils days, be may asked 100, work In order to make the teacher must more later. the the in of and 20 up the cent the of these teacher's and diflSiculties, Most is Latin teachers to is arisen facts mode suggest of thwart not be. may The is as beginner attack, to ties difficul- of the before in the forms It is the foretell only those are truly of i, .2 the pupil taking a that simpler it much arise which All difficulties makes effective percentage, The to new which the considered expression. His to be wholly decimals. language, evolve difficulties have and into to as this almost of inator denom- all. at are percentage. as terms equivalent expressions. are of to the clearly and The terminology, which him Recognition the Object. fractions in this^iew to business difficulties " common study thinking in made tempting principles involved per language, however with a common introduction technical such percentage language, arithmetical study used of study of on, Teacher's The 191. so is not base informal in decimal simple some nature same the nology, termi- the under be recognize its purpose and 'base,rate, should of use percentage fractions the this by introducing same term of the to reduce This terms. decimals; and, solving are common time. this at to formal the they decimals and in re-state questing re- sions expres- these make to their by any containing of pupils and day to encouraged also be well It may notation. heard the them of part percentage day speaking to problems some fractions when in from or be business with aroused report can cent per be read they Furthermore, few to have may expression also when form terms familiar becoming may the bewilderment no As interested be create incidentally. of language should and new the new of guage lan- subject. to ulate form- pupil's remedies. recognize, in a sort of way, that the difficul- 188 ties of percentage either are standpoint, presents the chief no language PROBLEMS ; of method but from school subjects in the whole misdirection of this Though so. centage per- principles, it is arithmetical the rule, they a as approach do to attempt new being reason a no taught poorest find to make or of those are unable AND METHODS AEITHMETIO MODERN of one the course, emphasis the by teacher. 192. the language, then, is This percentage. of the to stages correct One forms percentage be first to reduce reduced after which be may such common these taken of the to discussion will be the A number. supplying can hy introducing having be made numbers the their ment establish- good to decimals decimals first should easy fractional, decimal, and and to and to the be such will then to may pei*centage, notation tions. frac- common missing parts in as denominator readily, an which and way Decimals following, will be found at duction intro- pupils by expressed in the percentage fractions reductions study of expressions and fractions common in used the language. percentage Daily drill work the a fractions common to as the expressing of lead work between the informal of the the phase of this in turn numbers will which in Learning etymological an continuation above number a reduced columns The in them be be to a connection of the next is not Percentage. of first requirement understanding an use. re-state the used, but terms outlined to Language Teachixig the will very can be helpful : reduced When 100. advance result step in is frac- PERCENTAGE tional per the at the in the of these not the all at come be should of the those as once distributed The study. same numbers into entering relations of At percentage. is process notation that the a reduction 2. Goods a reduction of 3. Goods a of Even after $1200, .25. For at $1200, 25 of per will the part for explanation, and be to should the always language the centage per- in recognize to following, the as statements of fire,were sold fire, were sold fire, were sold only different come after and the after damaged being For what new all help the sold? damaged by the were goods sold? will be language eternal far examples child necessary to from vigilance object of problems facility in its teaching of percentage, it is by goods only through The by sold? goods the were the damaged being what teacher. of being were cent. this work, This mastered. what at valued reduction For h valued after $1200, at of in : valued 1. Goods but as quantity of pupils such problems, problems problem same the solved problems as sufficient A enable to of three sets different not are done be be stated solved and of such. as problems decimals. and should ; re-stated are fractions this work reversed under language not stated and lessons the need be duced, intro- be may previously into examples merely but now solved second application informal in the translation first these problems, percentage off-hand for This problems. to A is the percentage problems decimals and common in Language. the previously mentioned, fractions The of work assignment the by new be Phase language number as at must and early periods Application of the phase at however, drills must these work are problems. 193. at This etc. beginning, throughout used 1|, as, which finallynumbers cents, as, i, i, etc., and 100%, over 189 " on selected for drill at the acquisition of this To use. that this succeed the teacher time, in the never 190 MODERN lose of ARITHMETIC sight of the fact He must language. of the "!learness that be is not work PBOBLEMS difficulties the ever AND alert the on to because clogged those mostly are that see the the is language understood. not 194. Fundamental The in Attention. into the of problems only that not Their the language. fall may just because the it necessary makes also solved, but be careful teacher attention of material arithmetical that lems probcent per excellent importance number great a the receive them new relaxing the simple. are given a should makes however, danger, error finding this learn to of Most point simplicity which is grave There with this hence, Their through Problem. deal percentage number; 4Some be METHODS that they thoroughly understood. Variety necessary, in the so that below, and here are the special but What a connected with most important nevertheless is of 20% a the of exclusion of salary a given (7) (4) which all others. of is We language subject of the who man absolutely or form as general form more one (6), (5), freely as is problem as to the encountering than 4. used standard the the forms such others, be made often of statement son lescentage, per- one. receives $1500 per jeart 5. How much it is $1500 Two 6. per 7. of a of How many total assignment $1500 195. has one they be 15 of man's Variety of for the a same miles apart does his place and go hour and the salary, when at per end the pupil solve of who in the other same 20% 6 hours? fails to solve 20% problems? yearly increased been above of spends 80% the 25 of rate problems natural seems last will a from start the far will who save year! at one How 8. What man a automobiles "direction, faster. does 20% Form pupils by finding: the income be after his present income f of Statement to solve amount Important. problems similar of increase or It to the decrease 192 MODERN The solution present the ARITHMETIC cient of the of inverse similar given .15. for instrument percentage, in the of terms with will found be For first. of cases A had unless numbers, useful with relation isolated this to to make of the be and numbers the old has for texts can of the understanding is commend understood also be retained The use be found the We have here all of place subject under of the to the dots of much in the cases base, be not can be tinued. discon- by expressed process it the three finding percentage, listing of problems it in involved, takes number proper will and the connecting relation gested, sug- pupils, of solution. method everything ing for show- multiplication. idea any pupils question this by the reciprocal simple the form, in which correct a find previously as in supplied simple unification cases; quickly, the the to certain problem the are clear The one by excellent For ones. the numbers rate. between other an equation the scheme accompanying one and the and is suffi- is the $325 is necessary the natural isolated is .15 taught given the them equation given two the literal between at literal operation what relation especially been will as unacquainted the been dividing the product by .The To expressing the relation showing number have have of which one they find number, for PROBLEMS problems, however, and processes numbers, two which unknown and and practice in their application. product in this of AND special diflScultyto pupils who no idea METHODS over the several clearly more much memory and more easily. 199. and for Problems football were Socializing activities Percentage. mentioned as useful Baseball aids in 193 PERCENTAGE socializing arithmetic. batting averages are but always referred and decimals chances of is spoken in are fielder baseball a possible erroneously of spoken as computations involve of older somewhat both batting national to read computation or a than so-called the itself **box and that of versally uni- are sports such interest for the decimals. The excellent most boy will be interested as well A successful be teacher a and use of use this regarding arid knowledge this purpose the in individual informed for to his as general is necessary same but in the averages. Unitary hundred course, because furnish Every score" various as for above only averages 26 This .923. is suggested work average. Not of the Percentage the that game reasoning stance, in- of out or further and ranking, game. in the ability 200. team's requires interest rates. fielding and material our finding his computing rather 24 of "" these this mentioned problems for the For cent,''but is,of per cents figured cents. per average *923 children topic of percentage material per as ing field- three as accepted Because cent. per to has an * as individual expressed who have would reality 92.3 three of teams, Ranking per ibialysis. Unitary cent method, is often sis, analyused 194 MODERN in the the ARITHMETIC of the solution This 15% of a man 1% of a of a 100% in introducing salary = $325, man's salary = 3^ man's salary = $21" when explanations, the is process to and multiplication, the applying of a Common Avoid 201. Care to and the .'. 15% = $325, .-. = $21", = $2166$. 1% .M00% meaning or its it 202. direct as was is or must ideas be different many language study. at the Moreover never us notation, mere the to of the in percentage of of case varieties back manner be used thinking. in or cent, separate, a cannot of one a fractional a as '% As salary, of sense of true forms this first statement give it.* Per to is not work to unitary by man's the Hence brings This used. pupils salary, and ; one the pupils. the to Analyses. Excessive proposition of looking a quantity, question involved problem, in Analysis. Unitary superfluous in the used always of fundamental Avoid sion divi- done was solution intended never number The After separate a permit for symbol a thing existing by itself. above. one %, some intrinsic but which symbol of part as is used of a total = % plete com- abbreviated be by .15, as the of misleading 100% Let sign making necessary. or containing to it is incorrect The use, corruption addition In $2166". in on place of Corruption never following analysis. or able quite service- it should division to or $21", reciprocity. taken be must the use, idea later ^^ the or made be however, multiplication by W^" one 100, X become these understood, $325, of may subject and th6 this treatment, By become, unitary analysis of form would 's PROBLEMS AND problems. inverse problem preceding Hence METHODS the ment state- original largely as treating the 195 PERCfENTAGE subject all later lessons. careful not On of operations are work. The should without soon as literal just as soon and Explain fractional of in What 5. order that Change each of devices, their do work each percentage are fractions. What incidental introduction. placed be a class introduction What tioned men- its strong are in to other in as with least at the table a others to Suggest following the denominators upon reduced be may results list a table a of tions frac- denominators fractions. such ten of forms two tions, frac- i, .145, 12^%, 192: .56}, 31, .126, 245%, these What solved of similar Also driUs. further taons the of must i, 33i%, percentage. 8. similar each? numerators? the Suggest of be of number form can of forms 16.5%, 2.45, 15|%, 5", .06i. 24.8%, 7. and common are use form they integral .1345, 145%, should as criticize restrictions placing 6. and made points f' and 100 decimals truly States other some its weak what in of be 190. Suggest 4. pupils understand EXERCISES that as and fully under and just United the Explain 3. illustrate notation people 2. other other the explain should language be them. XVII. 1. and they problems and as learn to in any as should teacher whicb the as equation, discarded the pupils of inverse understood, be hand, language Solutions thoroughly. solution the require to applied throughout be must other the questions minutely mental here, but end not must be the used in as and percentage. solve, using an decimals Make the the list for the of difficult more for the study forms When each. tion forma- and of for how classroom? in the percentage fractions? common list a for of notation. for should notation always Illustrate. problems translation translation percentage kind each forms two arithmetic suitable of by pupils beginning 192 similar a the in problems from in other stated problems Select that suggest Give fractions three to at into least in the six common language problems fraeof and 196 MODERN ABITHMETIC Select 9. them from Show 10. fraction the 11. found and 7 that in all is always What six text some 5 forms to METHODS PROBLEMS the of type 4 and change 194. problems recognition of problems in used. AND decimal the percentage on form of teaching the Illustrate. take teachers must this of in subject? 12. Solve 13. A that the bought man What price. used being If 14. of the average five years? business the successful are many years? in for men of town a 198. 194, 196, automobile an was six 95% under problems and $750 it for sold of 40% yearly depreciation if of failures, this country men? business 80 are of sold 56? after of how 124? 364? of 15. The the second, the output the decrease 16. for A of and had years. 600? is what What is meant 19. What is 25% his The 1910 of 25. as 32%. The of Solve g Solve means idea of a a per Suggest and 360? more was third the if made year? each 20% year the end of that time? of 36? of 180? of explain cent a explain of as for a per list of each. the another 1800? of the by not the in 1900 to was a a 1910 purpose of per problems of the the two of cent what 9 to the of in that class, problem conveying 1900. cent of Henry assignment from per cent and total town per in years? of was in year what owes certain what grade of it. three cent in first using assignment per 15% mentioned factory the 16 of 24%? of trate. Illus- 65%? of end cent? per 16S% problem population in of that population population diagram of What in The and the an many. increase 24. of year $30,000; in 90% The 1900? the solves solve? was cent per at Henry 23. owe at .2 of third the indebtedness only does it have increase 15%? of 75%? mentioned man John solves for by using original 22. What indebtedness cent per 6% " of what was Solve 21. he 3600? some 45%? 60%? output 15 cases? by of ^ of The problem of cent per 18. 20. does much second. would the his decreases 15% 60? of .81%? in How and first year, the difference second $1400 the than year What the come third the year? owing man 540 less third is $30,000 factory a 15% the three 17. from output in to that 1910? 196 pupils by the cent. problems similar to Ex. 22 for grade work. 197 PERCENTAGE 26. A butter fat butter will will gives milk produces li cow 100 butter? A factory 27. efficiency 15% bill 6%. Find 28. 12, won 29. Gompute in appear the simply 31. "Of terms them 32. Suggest for 33. Explain what ball its fuel f A, teams: 73. the players be solved of percentage who can more Illustrate. 13 problems 17 through eo to as fractions. common three is lost milk the the saved was averages fractions? least at in in of 199. problems numbers problems fielding pounds decreased bill 96, of increased engines following won pound of cent per its fuel the G, 14; under common the Ghange make of What many consumers, original and How on smoke of 8, lost score" class in the batting "box What 30. of won the f produce "percentages" 8; B, butter. One fat. butter improvements cent per 3.8% of by installing the lost milk through and What is pounds of pounds make which such other direct by meant problems for and classes. grade inverse problems. Illustrate. it what weeks in half is In and home, should be A 38. the can A received is in of What be of four had which has 465 votes and changed of for the his farm cent per How at in a test of cases on scale a if percentage in much water 40%? the cultivation pasture? The The cultivated land of How 10. number of 15 questions. 8, 12, and is in land? A remained have medicine"? 80%? to for voting those his elected? been question each 75% cultivated the and the pasture tions ques- remainder is what per is what per cent 60%; by 80%. of pasture? problem 40. Solve 41. Suggest previously to over and could cent per it 45%? make Illustrate has man pasture. cent the 10? what of cent per "90% by marks total and B, still have to teacher sum A month a received A What 390. meant added is not 39. for would What 37. 20% of year? for pupils 36 of election, candidate voted have last attendance enrollment an increase an receive he of percentage with town a competitor, B, could did $1800, absentees? day 36. the is year What year. school a this salary last was What 35. 42 A's Mr. 34. find class. found difficult. a list 39 of after six difficult Let these replacing problems in 75% by percentage or which be tabula4;ed,solved, you expect your and which you future discussed have pupils by the 198 MODERN ARITHMETIC METHODS AND PROBLEMS " the is Why 42. three it of cases good a plan finding the Explain 43. not percentage, the of use divide to and base, literal into problems percentage rate? equation in solving the idea in problems percentage. Show 44. how 45. Explain the with Solve 46. literal the problem 47. Discuss 48. Illustrate by Select 49. for is in data problems to be used. this inverse the of of for classes quainted unac- Illustrate. Show analysis. the of percentage for suggested the advantages method. means from forms unitary by criticism the the equation. 34 of pupil of use disadvantages average each embodies equation Illustrate. process. and literal the problems are the grade under given form that difficulties World's classes. of Almanac Tell the difficulties of the language. or in 201. what other part able suit- sources, of the work 200 MODERN AEITHMETIC to the at this time. the pupils and It is not, under stock asked to get a business city. The the are 1. Buying or 2. Buying or 3. Selling 4. Selling hogs 5. Selling hay 6. Selling fruit 7. Selling real 3% and cheaper selling grain by cattle owner agrees purchaser 60c : and to rarely 8. Securing 9. Selling at take a commission a certain The against. : value. par bushel. ^c per $1 to of $15 carload. per of in states cities the for for selling property. Sometimes acre. per sum charges 2% about at expensive more $1 "net" rate. many some of ton. per uniform no In that above are in carload. law by of be from found not charges maximum a produce: by agreement. lots sold 50c Fixed estate: to per carload: other carload: up $10 sheep: the by head per and the also places, if they guard ^7o of markets may procedures stocks: and An subjects both these to for workings commission commission common bonds selling vacant is often thing most increased Land chief the of the visits to and arising plentiful. are these of data course. illustrations children The on from use practice is following to and in this, and grade a Apt trade, and information encyclopedias live in of in drills Problems teacher interesting. more in use subject of the number strictly for convenience. for the board of topics found Brokerage. part and PEOBLEMS basis quite simple. are exchange, useful be and the on the suggestion introducing explanation to of a topic successfully the division AND lessons, is made two however, this will made Commission 204. the be may The following METHODS his the The property. commission. pays teacher's 5% positions: in merchandise of first always stores: year's salary. low where given, 1% 3%. Selling merchandise 10. ing 33^% 205. to Ooods may agent: generally high, sometimes reach* 40%. Goods Discount. market as price be out ; there of season often are are a or exceptionally large, payment sold number damaged, may below of reasons the be their for purchase made inal origthis. be may- within a APPLICATION certain wish time, keep prices to short able be of classes Selling price second special interest 206. Profit losses in per otherwise a Gain price X marking and Loss. stated. The loss are loss the always upon fundamental buying price + gain, Selling price = buying price X (100% = buying price X (100% Insurance. of banded and arise together will be mutual which may each In cities and special fire several be live rate to for and sale a with at contained in the and towns can usually less than as, each be three (1) (2) or (3) taken advantage it should though Years ago, the this insured years. principle of a following forms fire,marine, building for only The a has short to nado, tor- accident. its own term depends rate construction, proximity spirit It plate glass, and business by present. at : men insurance mutual of the text the losses caused From on. included be even other's so any and lo88%). " explain the stock, burglary, most things of are gain%) communities rural together not loss, " + sprung teacher the company crop, years, for has in or simple. very help share to prevalent well use more buying price, unless side of arithmetic are kindness neighborly companies or profits (or los8)%, Hence, sickness, fire,loss of live stock, and of their is, today, poor. business the which problems gain X Insurance rich men, part (1) : = a two equations Selling price as of calculate price by all those are disc.) " and Merchants buying of Two : systems = 207. also and in this connection. based or first series a may cheaply. The (1.00 arising from cent profit or private discount. following relation Private discounts. in arise those are issuing catalogs prices easily and marked = firm retail merchant the these the upon 201 PERCENTAGE wholesale a to .problems depending The or change to OF of upon inflammable 202 MODERN ARITHMETIC buildings, so PROBLEMS on. Farm anii five Stocks one dwelling and three because the as fact It may be well reinsure such lose opportunity the in 1915 the fire $172,033,200, cents should As the which be 1. ** taken value. do not our of fires. States to against about as In amounted 33 fire protection of necessity insurance and also out nearly not are conditions the as greatly, vary Life and most under these can Sick benefits not so end keeps cancel his on. him thinks the best insured : makes regular, life. Life,*' in which Payment payments of that of life insurance forms common throughout regular the Insurance. if the teacher fifteen,and policy** which face The must connection matter capita per teacher this in the United the insurance fire explained makes may in of property Benefits grpecified.At he nation $1.71 forms payments 2. **Ten, The out Straight Life,'* in which definite insured a in following three also be may solution the here. Sick the in and carry carefully. noted are into 208. and as they gone as about other common so point to lasses or be to mended recom- building alone, but one any on capita for Europe. per two-thirds rule, companies a as companies. other carelessness extreme that, note to large fire risks carry than more insurance. on also year. a is generally consideration into taken be for insurance of amount for rate About valuation actual proper should of problems not of the the values. varying against fire for insured rarely are of their insured are .4 times and 2^ at years three-fourths that properties merchandise of year or or AND building, its private fire protection, and of use METHODS time insured policy and for he the number will have without receive of a further about the years **paid up payment 50% of its APPLICATION ** 3. in Endowment, (2), except is canceled time which 209. face insured of subject funds for is also well carrying tax, inheritance personal better would personal As to of second, that certain finding '* the 2. Give the list a this making 3. Give conditions business (sometimes 4. Find of of all to and found following the service. It the by real income of problem the of tax to and is to find the tax," and the be paid a upon in of applications percentage. think can you of for pupils. your (b) the each of those not the problems (a) conforming to conforming business to tions, condi- texts). products: 98. X 233*. b. 618 X 516J. c. 562 d. 916 X 9i. e. 642 X lOi. f. 624 X 19*. g. 160 X 22*. h. 160 X H*. i. 612 X 16|. j. 125 X 816. k. 632 X 16*. 1. 412 X 47*. 5. Suggest grade work. 6. Outline state, estate 412 a. and problems real first national estate revenue and possible agencies the illustrations two of EXERCISES importance real work need authorities spreading this valuation. assessed Explain at age revenues, on rule, a amount XVIII. 1. and customs, The rate, technically called tax local more taxes. property levied tax the to collected confined be The inti*oduce well may customs municipality. and county, which at the upon internal the by policy- insured. the between direct the property paid made, public improvement on tax, and and been calling attention distinguish to government, teacher by if the and policy. his out The be like those are policy depends a took revenues have will on Revenues. higher are payments value premiums the the"conditions which all the 203 PERCENTAGE premiums that full of amount "in after the OF six similar an introductory examples in lesson short on cuts for commission X and brokerage. 204 MODERN ARITHMETIC 7. Describe the would What 8. is price 98f did What 9. commission estate What of house a the market receive seller the for of cent per if wheat itf for the What $3550. sales his was did the owner net the owner price ' real A For $4500. the dealer estate what of remits 8% sell it to What will commission produce A sell to agrees he must selling price f 11. work the f receive sold of did What man man 3%f at receive! on commission the and trade, bushels 3000 f bushel per of PROBLEMS men. for pay you AND board exchange, commission cents real A 10. etock and brokers various METHODS himself give his commission of 5% bef after his deducting consignee. the to to a commission merchant $289.80 house a What sion commisthe was total sale? Suggest 12. local a 13. Outline an 14. Discuss the 15. What order must of be dining-room chairs bought dealer give a commercial to sell for $5 each, be marked of 25% and yet marked 20% to in discounts given? the a discount. on giving clothes been has having f actions. trans- $30 when 16S%f at discount in make f of kind 18. in 205 19. 20. problem Discuss the 21. 23. relation discount equivalent following: the to 10%. b. 20%, 10%, 30%. c. 10%, 20%, 5%. d. 25%, 20%, 10%. did selling for below the buying the is the them asking illustrate and at $60 at them if marked costing $2000 below What get 25% house upon goods some he in equation problems. of bought each in 205. discount fimdamental the of found 20%, Explain loss illustration an 30%, 16"% 22. of class discount the upon use grade a a. man A the single the price f marked by depending solution Fin^ A solution fully What cost. for Suggest 17. and suit a 25% permit to 20% and of lesson for reasons brokerage, or class. grade a commission on introductory must ^ow 16. was for application, discount ^ problems two marked and them sold he them at 100% above below 50% the price f sold was price. at What is meant what advance an was the of 25%, asking by computing which price f the profit price. in gain per cent 10c per quartf buying peas at $1.90 per bushel APPLICATION A 24. house in cent 25. the is of SolutionB 26. Two A 27. weighs scale merchant's the on illegal gain which What loss or per gain is and loss. the on lossf or is the loss per the fall What customer's the in use gained was pound. the to their profit total the What in 20% was ounces centf per arise each. $2400 15 gain illustrate and equations other. the f $3200 for only is What problems sold were lost was various the houses 20% one, f for $2800 205 PERCENTAGE $3000. fundamental the Explain for bought it for selling OF cent! 28. A decides but shrinks His bought yearly Mr. thefeby his of 31. At 3% or $1 acre be 10% below 10% he for pay $13,460. of the original asking the the year ment? invest- the on price, original asking the above did will acre what and house was real a commission dealer's estate equal? gain cent per bought are sold goods on retail the by which fall should the 34. How 35. Explain A in a Explain 38. The his the man at dealer wholesale at at catalog discount a second company. of a fire 1% loss of f 20% the mentioned under introduced insurance for in $2000 insurance of kinds various 206. to class? a company. a ance fire insur- mutual will What $850,000. be $1200? forms of per of his for factory $15,000 What should $1200? property dwelling a annum for of of class be mutual a total of grade insurance insured house a a equations of of various insured reinsured company subject valuation actual for the workings fire loss premium A within carrying 37. the the has man share suitable illustrations problems 39. case per per company be for for end sales? the on the at th" During 1. goods sold and profit house for price is the Give 36. his of not interest.) invoice the corn order 35%? 33. of cent What $600. what which prices later it and the in later January $9600 If cent? per What 32. ef sold of value a of in corn spring. the months $4500 at his for in it 6 account $2300 per bought gaining gain his was Jones and price the were expenses take for invoiced to bushel per receive not stock goods What $4845. 30. (Do cents higher price a he must dealer's 80 it for lose? a A he year what 13% 29. hold to sustain to is offered farmer in 3 years? against another each house of insurance is $1400. for fire company the three 5 for mentioned, will What years? This $50,000. and $10,000 companies pay in a in 206 MODERN ARITHMETIC 40. Explain 41. How 42. Explain 43. What the briefly should the of subject is meant forms three various the AND METHODS mentioned. tnsurance introduced! be obtaining of means by life of revenue assessed PROBLEMS valuation revenues. of property f is it How determined? If 44. the actual the How much the amount 49. the and $60 is .0341, what does the and for who schools when is the rate on six owning his at problems if collected this on $4500 district taxes are valued in at of is tax your in the above state? pay towards mills? 2} What is the time? revenue suitable for a grade class. BIBLIOGRAPHY Paine, 1. Elementary 2. N. 's -' E. Cassie L. School Teacher, Stitt, Edward A., 1900: W. 566. -- " I " A 1 Strong XIII: School and Motivation for Arithmetic Work. 379. Business f $75001 property that t# yearly salary $90 living man a property owns of teacher's the $220,000. schoolhouse the improve to is district school a will tax man non-payment Suggest increase to a in increased be additional much How valuation tax pay How |)enalty must district maintaining 48. property much mentioned 47. valuation 60% a total of How 46. on valuation? The 45. rate Arithmetic. Proceedings 208 ABITHMETIC MODEBN for teacher the above the with children institution of class most of the days month before only paid common such on interest-paying due each deposit Jan. withdrawn i. e., for 6 mo., $60 are more and mo. for 4 in As of means a banks At the children at frugality and 213. treatment Interest. of the an from the $50 has 1, then Mar. July 1 not mo.; in postal many time a 30- on on on $40 $10, $50 these the and formalities school schools savings throughout the instill into innovations impressionable early and demand, on 60-day notice. or people with young banking, same of interest deposits out pay require may being installed are country. of of is mo. acquainting technicalities and the they states most terest in- specified the account 4 no Interest deducted $60 for is first few draw amount deposited on Ordinarily, savings banks but an in method the " on will be computed interest 6 $20 the are Suppose for and deposit on deposit. April 23, ($50-40) is all withdrawals 1, that after day time varies following 5th determining In date. on as the The accounts made from pay following month. the money half-year longest sums first of the branch obtained usually The usually after " a as money. savings Deposits : in it semi-annually. on the to business a also, been banks communities. and states of the one interest the impressing as interest Savings talk a of bank play well of any as way have, with bank well as the their results Banks. computing different of be absolutely certain. happy a realness about is not interest, compounded 4% in used be stimulating school a Savings to will Excellent by operating S% the of and arithmetic. 212. by the employee It will bank local bank a local he bank PBOBLEMS Bankmg. concerning which matters class by the to consult visit to the A About Directly Leaming 211. AND METHODS age the habits thrift. Interest is a form subject of interest of rent. should A include: thorough BANKING 1. A 2. The 3. The tor need The Securities 7. General of methods of to rate in the of be found 1. An exact 2. A with years, 3. Any 4. Days, 5. Any of notes real penalty the of cases where dispute of during a of months, they represent; months, will be excellent a *c 2 as months, of to any years, use as are est Inter- general a equations which a cause may is that T Interest year. varying must for rates : 6, 4, 3, 2, reducing then, combination them of to months months. number Notei'-^AB as, years 10, 15, 20, giving simple as, grade parts of at vantage ad- years. of 4 6th equations principals with Percentage. the above the fractional of years, niunber the several items, which only thing the and various year of through or number 2 notes, mortgages. devoted above the Application number as time as learning be may an thing in spent interest introduced on of such chattel and estate subject. in years, children name forms of the as be certain fractions MtX all consideration a Interest the the in usually computing important There and state * time vital part well form customs. the be expressed may interest. paying notes. difficultyin handling any the charged various the application of percentage The in permitted the or of local Much can of custom interest. paying interest coupon 6. 214. of the rate. and a of history justice making demand the 209 INTEBEST specified. The such and legal rate, is rate 5. of maximum higher a 4. no knowledge AND and practice the student papers. 7 fractions months. of a month. days. opportunity cancellation precaution and and in this they is warned connection for should en- be against signing his 210 ARITHMETIC MODERN couraged or time of finding at 7% $245 do to be may without once these the may for 6% by realize $210 on, the pupils What interest the 7th is based the follows at introduce be may the interest followed will be taken finding $2500 on immediately be to necessary From shortly after up the of each of various of forms abbreviated some that The interest is recommended for 2 ing Dur- of form puting com- following, which months 6% at is ; for 6% at Interest. Computing introduced. fact $1250 on in problems. grade, principal, Interest to principal of $3000. a may Forms 8th or upon plan found practice be to on with direct the interest y^T of year per Abbreviated 215. be good of interest rate familiar are in used statement: may find the to this problem ; reciprocal problems this time required be question, the T had'considerable have pupils at a by the $1500 incidentally. interest, they 1 year which difficulty. It is also problems When is indicated T, from .07 X X reciprocal the as during which time the Thus, interest give $245 $1500 successfully most interest. the will = treated finding the principal, rate, for Problems so. PROBLEMS AND METHODS 2 yr. 3 10 mo. is da. as : Interest 2 '' $150.00 yr 2 mo. '' 1 mo. " 10 12.50 days (i of 2 mo.) 6.25 of 1 mo.) 2.08 (i $170.83 At be 7% interest subtracted, banks should Until States more \ would be added so The and be recently, explained exact Government by the on. banks. at In tables this been it is making 5% interest in \ would common use by time. has interest only, but ; at a used by the United being adopted 90-day note more they and count BANKING the number exact 216. of days, not of money in thus in 50 placed Partial interest the be 218. to few a United in partial payments Notes. banks As loan of most considerable considered written Absolute gauging his bank to over well as arithmetic, exchange coins and a and recently. out in which he of the to himself borrows standard only a must a upon his bank. be to the early given was of years to used in in of uniformity had hundred About a this the study of exchange. complication arising from lack a made favor attention material, which fifty note which in case computation. In much was in is interest Exchange. a that as by himself accuracy any The attention. their should by discounting notes, this phase of banking 219. be should computations, problems it payments interest, the such exact short three most tion atten- However, ignored. at or of form a moderate only be computing is payments not two, calls for Only turns very compound solved. receive of In Discounting money this amount $1146.70 to The For r]^ receive it must restricted be rule, which followed. of will years, years. Partial should time, problem. one note which same wisely P[l + = Payments. problem ; at need in 100 $13,149.24 to item. interest in 25 $338.63 amounts enormous important an pound com- equation is 217. be three of use the compound to 4 States this 5% at years, and years, interest man date same common savings banks, and in 10 $162.89 The loaned, make example, $100 in to the merely Interest. Compound interest may 211 INTEBEST hence. months to AND the This multiplicity coinage. Much of legitimate place in the arithmetics years ago, all that has needs been to be retained included until for 212 MODERN ARITHMETIC present 'needs is METHODS comparison a AND cost, safety,and expedience to as PROBLEMS in sending money by registeredletter,postal order, private check, draft,and telegraph. SufScient practicein convertingUnited States money into in foreign trade may English, French, and German money be given the pupils to afford them a notion of international exchange and equivalencein values. For example, money English money for one pound, is quoted as as, $4.72. French quoted similarly,as 19c so as franc per or dollars many for marks franc per mark. per and Qerman and cents many 24^c or francs many so so cents is money mark, or as It is, also, quoted 5.21 francs,or 4.15 $1, as marks. Collecting Agencies. Drawing upon a another citythrough a bank is an important business 220. Banks in debtor as Mr. transaction. Mr. B. for payment upon B. resides. where Mr. B. and the if paid this use their home upon they may be banks, of a by an on a book authorized may of the one this is sent to latter bank him a few cents securing through bank a demand in the town receipt for the a of means a a presents the demand A. 's bank, less Checks. journey ting remit- by drawing city in which in the bank same to for collection. money convenient A is of of checks person from These varying amounts, In at checks railroads. whom a they were obtaining the bank or a of carrying way by travelers' companies, and by the holder of them. by these checks as, holder one ; his bank stopping. express small leaves with leaves bank 221. Travelers' money The to Mr. sum Travelers also A. each sold by consist signed bought and money sented repre- hotel, where the stopping,he signs the check in the presence this signature with the paying it who compares be given above. BANKING AND XIX. 2. Give 3. Distinguish historical short a EXERCISES function each fully 1. Discuss between 213 INTEBE8T of mentioned banks of account the 210. under institution. banking and private, state, national, federal reserve banks. 4. Make write deposit slip; a of one each the of forms three of checks. 5. Mr. made A Whose loss itf was 6. Discuss the 7. Outline fully What are 9. Find out 8. nine savings of banking lost who B, got it cashed (3) deposits school a by it. A Mr. 0. due of date (1) paying interest. July Mar. 1, $40; 210. bankf computing 4% at under bank. bank: savings Jan. " mentioned savings a of mode interest the of local 1 following the on June 10, $15; 1, $20. 2, $10. postal 11. Describe 12. Explain 13. Discuss, briefly, the the to as fetnd school class grade a savings of of meaning the history bank. interest; the interest. of reasonableness interest. charging is meant What state? in your Mr. it and to of your Withdrawals-rMay 14. of name management functions from account: 's elements the the Compute 10. B order Whyf (2) rates; interest; the to Mr. it,forged found tramp check a by legal is the What maximum and for penalty f rates charging above What they are maximum the rate? 15. Write 16. Outline 17. What (1) the How Discuss 19. What 20. In 21. Discuss these 22. 5 be overcome? 4%; time the the interest will value $2300 of amount giving What interest. the short this at $2500 to class cuts at trate. Illus- Whyf Illustrate. 6%? different several are grade. 6th Illustrate. interest? in the timef equations. reciprocal problems the are of during useful? methods When should used? be Find the 20 Find at value interest dif"culty this note. coupon a in work cause what months, 23. the to computing of of object the (2) note; is liable can 18. demand a 7%; interest, by days, the at at 6%; the at interest of 8% three (by short 7%; $1450 cut at 5%. for 2 abbreviated of given, years, 7 $2450 months, methods). for 6 1 year, days, at 214 MODERN ARITHMETIC Find 24. interest the exact $1500 on from 7% at Feb. 10, 1916, July to 1916. 15, 25. Find 26. Make for 6% 1 27. what lot is A Solve 30. A 4 if tax the investment? for $30 3 $2000, up Show the is in years at $9000 to investor an $12.50 order which for month, per could What is Find A 1916, $400. A the $2000 of use such per the and taxes afford investor the that for year, upkeep if to pay of interest. money How note for Dec. on 1, 1914 Oct. note 36. What 37. A 1, June terms cash 6 a when note mo. 4 6%. at years plain Ex- regarding interest, made Oct. it: May Mar. Mar. on 15, 1916, had $200; Dec. 15, 1917? 15, and it: upon May 1, 1916, 1, 1914, indorsed $600 partial payments. 6% drawing $750 1, 1915. Oct. on What interest, 15, 1914; is the value interest at of 1915? is bank discount? dated note of for $250 on 8% due dated and the paying by save state your on was following payments he which for 6%? at rule made $2500, goods equation. drawing much will interest States payments What account 12%? at interest $700 of in value compound United worth bank the at for for note cash. legal the following 35. for compound 34. $1250 the the 205, taking 28, page buys written State due the on borrowed 33. $350 If $600. for interest 5% or the the mos. of year. What 32. bad 12 to up end merchant mo. 31. the on the problem money due, on $1000, 6%f 29. with so problem. above at rents per is worth are and sold 6% house $160 are the interest the bought it be realize 28. for table. must may of 2 mos., mo., A interest table a interest an the PROBLEMS AND METHODS June is 1, 1917, 1, 1916, $1200, drawing on discounted Oct 1, 1916, Find 8%. at 6%, the proceeds. 38. A interest, 39. in on Find What order 41. the A that Find Jan. discounts the be the following his Nov. 1, 1916, 1, 1917, 8% note Find 7%. at $1400, on $2500, on the in due drawing 5% proceeds. 3 mos., at the proceeds. must the dated note is discounted Mr. bank. 40. six-month face the proceeds date of dates: of be may maturity Jan. a of 3 note mos. drawing 8% interest for 90 days July 5, 1917. $750? loans 12, 1917; made Feb. at a bank 23, 1916; CHAPTER PARTNERSHIPS 222. AND Partnerships. contained ago several of be to investments taken each from been has Much of the and in place in withdrawals the time-element are salary amount is withdrawn the regular is risk the by each of that of made. and the firm interest, by invested, estimated is the that will of amount taken of form of If large a member ing bear- other similar according vary capital productive of length some some or nership part- partnerships firm. for Arrangements capital partner, member one given the by whole prominent a take they partner by rate the often so in on such of textbooks. account no ferent dif- had the later carried in rule, a of were that deserves reason, small each often is arrangement to this problems is a investment the country As so paid note a the involved; regular time, of arithmetics. the in made account practice abandoned topic, for the Such were all every present-day almost business the business. actual time, to strict which years there withdrawals problems during the time several these time was removed topic the of all some which in from whom, and In partner far of published partnership on each amounts. CORPORATIONS Arithmetics problems partners, number XX power invested of each member. Treatment 223. Any questions problems assignment. which of on may This the Interpretation interpretation arise of should question be of 216 the settled Statements. of in statements at the interpretation, time the of however, its PABTNEB8HIPS be should it is upon One wMeh A of profits $2100 for the This division of the two The the could such interpretation week, $1000 of which B give balance, after this his that will depend. respectivelj, and the B into enter How $3000. a the are agreement possibilities : are bearing $2000 of rate current divided paid, being is the upon following of note a possible since as divided? be to far : per invests year as profits will depend partners, firm interest; of $18 work problems sufSce B in partnership, of the must and $30 earning 1. solution illustration A pupil's ability to make his in the success of the part a 217 CORPORATIONS AND in. the ratio offj. A 2. might willing be The 3. to be divide 224. that the that It is true a should and Europe number in the systems last in twelve and in bonds of the The small shares many States in and investors has universal of the corporations Several **baby" United of the of increased $100 denominations of **baby'' bonds, for of limited means. the it the pletely com- have, in masses largest railroad and the during of value existed $500 it has in this country. however, now, bonds. bonds 124% par arithmetics are for the the topic, as popular one when cisms criti- and and at evenly. abandon to Stocks more drew advocated stocks investments popular taken be Several have essential; but considered. be bonds and would he divided Bonds. modification is mig^t be to study, of stockholders years. stocks only. of profits and daily proving are that salary they curriculum radical long time, been business the at men further arithmetic not the invested money Stocks taught, been hitherto The the all arithmetic from elimination, entering the of Oorporatioxu. of a of partnership, the of profits evenly. power and rate; entering for the earning current desirous so in shares the texts issuing stocks $100, called accommodation Some corporations 218 MODERN ARITHMETIC shares issuing are their secure growing of In form of as a topic in employees cooperation. stocks this give to PROBLEMS AND the to hearty more us stock of popularity behooves METHODS view to of this it investment, thorough a order common-sense treatment. Stock 225. formed today way the and as take to number partnership while the is liable generally Local enterprises in order to thing common making or the owned by 226. for the to under following relation between detail ** which Taking may local a and interest. few in the In country story of and Capital a by only $25 of shares to be the should include an dividends the par ; ; pany com- begin ; of lems prob- with market preferred and the of the valine ; ization capital- and common for the variation and any other reasons value stock solution value of shares, par ; plan explanation value ; par good a supposed a account stock stock''; price from quite shareholders It is they attempt number watered It is number Company. This sales of shares ; market give the head. : companies low, sometimes shares Stock a organization terms of owned. stock them. number limiting the pupils before this for reason to in is individual. one teacher the of the then Dramatizing the stock; value and any interest in corporation a as tions, condi- by the firm, of the stock conducted often are any partner incurred in to such Each this desired as increased be debt value par increase to par $10, even to the large as shareholder a general arouse made easily. any In partnerships. can more often are partnership, under in for liability of " be can made limited, of invested sum also, be companies place the Changes amount. can, Stock of partners result, the a desired the Companies. of the interesting arise. stock the as company city such as a basis companies adds local abound, creameries, grain elevators, and color but the stores AND PARTNERSHIPS illustrations better are with them the on of is available, the The example. corporation a Bonds 227. Defined. secured are by They are Some items of forms the of variation 3^ in 98 " 228. interest for of Child's is of with the given by a rule, they the ordinary private and taxes bonds; on Schools, from 1919 " vestor's in- the income constant a the on briefly: least at bonds bring of stock. shares C. and and borrowed market; problems other any include means, percentage as upon lack of of bonds bank to above far is as by the of the comprehension the mystery and shares clear and easy of the may This class. up this matter of nical tech- of stocks the of the firm a to to pay or and and comprehension. subject should, of some corporation be insolvent the possible. This worthy is, in reality, points. it is said (assets) Bonds. difiicult as show will rational When its debts them a these Bankruptcy. pay a and 'bonds satisfactory treatment a Stocks and looked because from outlined as the of stocks Cancelled all property pay as as K. stocks in often because used. Furthermore, to same Difficulty with involved but treatment over of interest. terms to just as less principles involved 229. As municipal, statements much child by all notes issuing bonds; fluctuate make an as direction and studied be bonds simple thus should that very a the sold standpoint, arithmetic often taken connection in of mortgage government, as interest; The be be individual. an and bought reasons Cause average tion illustra- other no merely are between of points can difference ; hence and form bonds corporations; railroad developed of by some note. If Bonds instead corporation a be pupils. organization the familiarity wider the solution. for given problems of also may the nearest story of because part 219 C70RP0RATI0NS debts form study. and must is able un- turn (liabilities), or of This application phase of 220 MODERN business ARITHMETIC should, least, be at required be should METHODS XX. Criticize 1. tions State Divide 3. under terms. this of What modifiea- topicf which under agreements partnerships formed. be maj general pupils who partnership problems. modernize varieties several the EXERCISES of form to necessary are 2. old the the PROBLEMS before placed learn to AND A profits between $2100 in B and the three named ways 223. 4. Suggest three 5. Criticize the 6. Why similar old form should stocks many $100 of stocks teaching ^onds and partnership in problems class. grade a bonds. and retained be for as metic arith- of topic a f 7. How capitalization 8. must What did What income 2% dividend Compare 11. What 12. the of 4%, 13. 14. during the were sold at Find the rate if they Discuss or of a of Explain as 15. Explain the 16. Give 17. Explain the organization 18. Explain would you of end to 95? class a a was loss, at the when 87i, at dividend yearly over if 761? for 89^; at year a this? mortgage? or bought declare 82i; 84|. partnership. a organization the declared farm 82^? at brokerage? interest gain for stocks the the 6% a corporation a a of of rate on for quoted corporation of which 6%, the advantages the loss is at that stock was rate for year of What this What with or interest sold are bring loss, and gain of shares if issue company $50,000? owner? income end the of $1000 year? the gain of rate stocks of rate the was uniform the five former the net do twice 10. stocks they stock a $350,000? for paid be must f of $200,000 What 87if 9. of shares of a stock company. in can be 19. Account 20. grade Look for Suggest how how in up the the of the the up organization daily stock local stock a play with 226. upon of school connection great three based formation the under used terms illustrations some taken class. various corporations. can company be shown bank. direction and the solution quotations of of in a corporation problems. your newspapers. variations. problems from these quotations suitable for a PABTNEESHIPS What 21. AND bonds are f How 221 CORPORATIONS do they differ from given notes by individuals? 22. with the Compare 5i% a income from 5% a bond quoted 9/2i at mortgage. does Why 23. of rate of price the stocks fluctuate than more of that bonds? 24. Compare 25. Discuss 26. Consider 27. What bonds? assets Ezs. What Explain 29. the investments. mentioned under 227. bonds. in the study a company of stocks and overcome? indebtedness the liabilities in used terms of desirable encountered its can whose pay $83,565? idea general the for 20 be and $56,340 as bonds difficulties cent per and they can bonds regarding 19 the are are with items the How 28. of stocks of and bankruptcy the give meaning connection. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Albert Atwood, XLV: 2. Post, 3. and Atwood, 25, Aug. Albert G. 1917: 31. Journal Van of Vlissingen, Yowr Renting Theodore. Lindquist, XXXI: Stocks Buying for McClure Profit, 's zine, Maga- 58. Bonds. 4. G. Hints Some Jr. Arthur, The Teaching the on LXVII: Education, Saturday Money. 544 StocJcg of 580. and One-Man Evening Bttsiness. System, 438. Bonds. 5. "Baby" 6. The Bapid 7. Owr Government Increase Literary in Bonds. Digest, LI: Shareholders. Outlook, 1300. Digest, Literary Feb. 28, 1917: 379. LI: 904. CHAPTER BILLS Bills. 230. frequently with by their of the average real practical bills may This be least at will store At in is United changing Besides on. few special ones electric sheets work in instances. forms as are well as and Much in practice making the versa; lumber, accounts grain, ing follow- the Coal, : gas, statement. be may filling parts; vice study tice prac- tion multiplica- monthly the in ; bill for give to aliquot of recommended of The and amount equation required. integers money, and' items as merchandise general light, freight, Weekly some the the naturally. or including foreign to finding ; of playing three two stages addition In arise work easy fractions, States discount computing by and of addition and to number only exercise. grade. bills confined be increased so fourth for write can arithmetical as the as field children the enterprises the multiplication in water, early conditions fertile most a as introduced better is soon together number many very introduction convenient bills As This woman. a make business would work so the as addition number while be other they which and at or first them with met are and makes problems. plainly, forms man them under arise various Bills forms, which ACCOUNTS AND simplicity business to XXI the out computations added various involved is advised. 231. Accounts. necessity The for every the farmer, housewife, It the is one small mechanic, daily to be becoming able contractor, man every 222 to and more keep the and simple produce woman accounts. man, in a more whatever the 224 MODEEN ABITHMETIC METHODS AND PEOBLEMS " it with credits estimate an total amount done much of the Not it is be from the with pupils In to addition for store be is kept like which accounts last three gardens, making accounts and so be where the in nection conan other teacher the mercial com- encourage incomes own and chickens, make of time to in pupils play some raise time economic kept by Statements on. also are the arithmetic of may their who from out corporations as of accounts given time all, let the Above sell papers, out topics week, especially those liabilities various of little a of accounts importance being engaged at or keep to expenditures, and can produce. pupils of the business once enterprise. pupils to some be balanced keeping the a the anything phase, the study the to various the running account at and or in work by the computation the involved. pupils field each simple understood Farming bookkeeping entry but advocated awaken issue double of time any strict account a have renting or at invested. has income the tell thus will owning to intelligently when and He grades. Aside will of able be he money in here four will more readily or and invested, and money bring. it would rent advisability of course the on the on outlay a can the house dwelling interest and repairs, tax, by for su^ested resources banks and study and application. EXERCISES XXI. 1. When can 2. What importance grades 3. and f Give state 4. bills be introduced should into be the given to arithmetic the workf of use bills in the Whyf a list of what Suggest jou data the topics expect for a to in which bills accomplish bill of six can through items in be used their which use use to advantage in each is made case. of fiUquot parts. 5. Explain the use of bills in one topic for giving reviews in BILLS studied preTiously in review Thomas cost 7. Write 8. Make 9. Select from and 11. What of per and and cost two teams equation and "credit"! Explain the What report in taught af resources of accounts. grades. the of each and the should following^ the the Compare cents cost for in the . " a three in man for seed acre, per 13 problems for the on hand $256.40 The and 53 * work rate acres 31 was for of $55 section. work by of the bushels two return per teams. upon the 14. Sales 96.34 records of a Disbursements $ day's business: Balance 21.40 Tuesday Wednesday 125.60 Thursday 104.36 109.86 95.24 76.34 92.00 178.35 68.40 Saturday days 20 331.34 Friday 1, bushels at quarter a upon yield and following $ on days' 15 bushel and 53 valued was $65, planted fertilized. Nov. team. was com year: April 10, tax; produced $82 fertilizer and the for investment? farm of tax $24, not blanks The during repairing roof; which corn, leased was 1, $76.40 profitable a yearly seed each Cash Monday following Feb. bushel. per was $8 per in acres paid was cost invested Fill 60 experiment, which the this which $3500, Sept. 15, $12 Was owner $2.50 for Paid painting; 42 an and 15. and years' insurance; production at As capital a same. sheet 1, 1915, month. furnace. the of farm acre the a for Dee. planted worth acre The be aeeaunt per farmer acre explain business "debit" should three for papering A work by house $28 repairing same (d) (c) water, same. weekly meant a for 10, $38 14. electric gas, 1 night over iron! : year $18.75 the simple a 13. 577 does much How burning W light, (b) newspaper which Bought $4.50 furnishing object f statements Jan. the account Make one some is main 12. lamps a and statement explain Explain the p. 223. on W 25 electric (a) monthly a 10. be given using of bill coal. of form for lumber a illustrations. bill two hour per example, additional light 225 ACCOUNTS for leaves he bill a liabilities per if is the load Give electric the waste What topioe; fractions. '6. Explain AND 86.30 $125.60 115.34 104.36 95.24 189.75 226 Is produce. 17. Suggest 18. Give 19. Explain this data for child the activities value of economic and of its ftelling and f gardening school PROBLEMS gardening on raising the on AND problem a suitable other arithmetical for data Suggest 16. METHODS ABITHMETIC MODEBN chickens. suitable such keeping keeping for accounts. from accounts the both standpoints. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bexell, N. 2. Buffum, J. E. Statistics A. Farm A., 19JL5: D. 3. XXX: Farm Accounts XXXI LVII: Van : 5. E. One Cure School Boolckeeping. Simple 4. H. for National Kept. Country Jr. 899. One-Man The in Instruction Waste; IV: Society, and Arthur, Vlissingen, Be Should They as [ 84. Purcell, ceedings Pro- 925. * Life, Accounts, Standardized and Business. System, 438. Zenders, 26. F. A. The Cost System on a Missouri Farm, Colliers, CHAPTER XZn ARITHMETIC LITERAL The 232. of kind Literal that of sum plus All formulas, statements with radius the be can much illustrations various of topics will Reason important that in to be their which able A may be Duty part is not that rather line as of the of these arithmetical of the to also language. chapter, magazine Literal in the cussing dis- articles it Equation. arithmetical greatly to technical A work. few An is equation schools elementary find will eflFective made recognize this and for their tions occupa- advantage articles regarding illustrations be will 242. under 234. the the intelligently read particular found teaching leave they to in the Teaching for pupils arithmetical shorthand in and briefly: relations. for reason many found be arithmetic, quantitative 233. this the height, brevity greater in clearness slant of a equals cone written majority with a and be may the expressed greater Further squared, indeed, and, of pi, (tt), radius, of Thus, surface the is equation statement. of area product times pi total the the literal The mathematical shorthand statement the Equation. serve a as a substitute Teacher. it is In necessary so-called not of forerunner algebra 227 high for that for shorthand Umguage; for order this the work teacher equations are algebra. This school algebra, the pupils to who a work but can 228 MODERN later not AMTHMETIC enjoy that about the cautioned *' ** transpose/' likely terms to 235. prove stimulus. a ambition A subtraction minus the for words words have MvMiend 'been itself has but by an grown-ups. the law for This delayed may the to has or once the the equals the be as sixth been time early or be be in the as seventh sion discus- a below the : remainder, made as soon fourth grade, When in consumed or the the may literal he used it must the as like sentences grade. begun, however, already bols sym- JB write and proper immediately would the only after upon = problems and the above properly may shorthand a signs When written are is there agreed 8 read can tinuously be will in board which used. are " introduction equation arithmetical child a the that subtrahend nwMW Jlf above. of the equals the remainder. Thus they represent children ing obscur- Introduce is used upon explain now by the pupils, they be This write to of the the This thus shorthand scarcely subtrahend teacher first letters word is to writing this expression in of way algebraic : Minuend Let student expression shorthand. is first asked child is coefficient/' other Equation. reference There know to Literal shorthand very ** as and the to teacher the reason subject. the a PROBLEMS expressions confusing as The this fractions/' simple equation statements. of prove Introducing literal of such use AND For study. clear otherwise an METHODS con* learning it will wasted. Problems 236. excellent furnish Material as for material for Translating. this work Problems of translation. No . attempt need solution of upon be made problems. recasting the at The first in using the equation for the attention statement into should this new be placed wholly language-form. LITEEAL Extreme far this early making this of translation of solution shorthand ideas one them to apply to the higher with the still be for the any in making this their pupils the be with made for next. of be it at these commenced once. advanced to solution the be weeks some in needed of any introduction the able unacquainted them to main, be to Teachers introduce be the they present come to will it time the work solution the attempt problems necessary for they should can progress in fail Grades. pupils equation and to Later literal simple prior of whose it will because solution grades pupils, often expect in faster Although before and day Treatment 237. the effective in accuracy early practice in the have symbols problems foundation equation literal Teachers problems. and necessary should into words language general the children The problems. the are of use Facility work. translation satisfactory the of translation of selection too, in the is necessary, care 229 AEITHMETIO of problems. 1238. Literal Equations application of important most solution of inverse -For examples. interest problems, instance, it is problems to only quantities in the general Solution in the as literal the be may solve of Problenuu of any the following three substitute to necessary is the equation in the seen A inverse the given equation I=PX Tx 100' thus reducing the is equation perfectly clear stereotyped, and to solution rules discriminate Mathematically a simple division. easily remembered statement vague to they thus which between are same place both of their because the the hard are " a fact mental funda- recognized. and takes This to close which of One several remember similarity. should be 230 MODEEN emphasized^ a for means eflBcientlythan more 239. The Literal Still another be can Equation topic which has for the the thing every solution of such equation of percentage, problems of percentage done by number a Ratio with plicity of sim- standpoint equation rules handling PROBLEMS the fundamental The problems. furnishes literal innumerable over AND From up. the clearness in its favor far covered not and inverse METHODS ARITHMETIC and is very greatly is ratio and of rules. Proportion. simplified by the * of the use literal equation it is used wherever instruments paving usable for the unifying to way When The the Solution pupils of the literal for its greatest intelligible,and more equation costing buys five times of cost The so that they English equivalent they man a It is wise as more these in work type : for much to are Equatioxu. of the substitute can for the ready select such, language it readily first,as at of solution give example: a as certain the lot. sum and Together builds they a house it upon $3600. What equations : cost each?'' following When For lot Literal with clear understanding a integral solutions. "A Problems of have simple problems. had of the one rationalizing arithmetic, thus and simpler, a is equation Indeed, arithmetic. 240. is the literal the proportion. are are thoroughly fractions forms suggested may mastered take up for the the pupils who problems of the have ing follow- 232 MODEBN ABITHMETIC METHODS 8 AND PBOBLEMS k"T, = r d = diameter r = radius T = tension = constant for the particular formula for the length k A 2. common of of B r I horse 3f = radius of = radius of = length between their rope pulley inches in of centers pulleys in feet. formula foUowing the use is belts cross inches in pulley other of tested. rope r) +2X1, (JB + one often of power the = Automobilists 3. rope pulley on L the to compute the machines: (2)-fL)2A' n.p.= 9.92 D L * N diameter ^ length = feet board cylinders cylinders. formula foUowing L The = diameter = length teacher of or log the work interest 243. and dependence is another are in the smaller number of Such on Without form nature in end inches feet. improbable bewildering Problems numbers the 4)2L " careful particular formula. make at in log of be must assign impossible any give to log: a (d d inclies in stroke cylinder of the use in of number = Foresters 4. of and in giving this work values errors to have will detract the to quantities in the from tendency the to pupils' it. Numbers. Problems of literal arithmetic. of not questions in which without These the lems probpupils LITERAL asked are with certain ''How Many the as an of the but of subject their to will 244. Must Be general The such ''Have produce excellent the a actually must his very and firm binations com- is secured. text child the close without number of the but Their Problems solution I as performed of order answers of grasp these teacher English to by be question, *'How at questions of would applied once little you to eral sev- : make require if I correctly this work at all times Such sentences. the average followed are will, of course, the practice in the formulation in which by Specific Questions. dividing 11,941 by in to work division a 17 Followed division,'* is in examples remainder for the to answer Again, in clear will back questions questions this example an a overlooked. materially in securing specific nature prove anything by trying various in the the is usually allopathically at taken solved answer of are group regard them be not basic idea 'back of the these value. and the Gteneral Unless a teachers lems prob- one importance, which grades when in placed most should of price lists of such problems the the of solution. methods of be answer him aid hence if found f" often are These and be exceedingly doubtful. not can the and value is until know solving problems contain texts they all. at results order given are day throughout use numbers articles book importance the about go articles of secondary reached'' daily would several present addendum minor In of unfortunately end ^*not of price number of the but at the the they given conditions, as, can and one how to state 233 AEITHMETIC pupil a quotient of 5"( 213?" effective definite drill will be and is get it is necessary statements found excellent expression of ideas, an sadly deficient. in art 234 MODEBN 245. ABITHMETIC niustrations. mentioned be may integers 1. If 2. has the following topics, with subtraction the of and them of one how known, are of cost of that number lot the apples of when house a the John lot the f known are of cost has after found, be he 5? John returns he had has 20 cents many the and the can sold 4. of problems f find you together, How numbers two found be can house 3. of sum other How and connection kind : the the can in various the in use PROBLEMS of the illustrations As s:uitable for AND METHODS from town when he with left 20 If cents. how home, could told were you find you how how many dpent? he 5. John John cents many tell how you cents has Teachers will lists of problems after little a to attention of practice the teacher them, to their of reasoning symbolical 1. The area 2. The area whose sides 3. The 4. The base 5. 2L The of of are L volume area and area of entire and the altitude of entire the of the this slant the above entire how How can John many has? them and raneously extempoto the excellent aid to the only the to will be that work bring neglected something at risk of inestimable in arithmetic, but ing develop- EXERCISES for the surface of surface height following a pyramid statements: parallelepiped. rectangular a of eight of square base, 8, pyramid. surface of a regular pyramid of square h. entire of well. as expressions the only caution be powers how dictate to is, that XXII. Give able only in their not know teU you has? lines of arithmetical be can can James many if you The class. robbing the pupils benefit will How difficultyin suggesting similar other the arithmetic of teaching in the how has little find James. know you James cents many than more if surface of a right circular cylinder. LITEBAL 6. The area of 7. The rate of 8. Amount numbers by 11. and buying the time of cone. selling price. and loaned. mooey dividend, divisor, quotient, connecting equation all that numbers even 27i-l,where Distinguish 12. of terms circular right a and f Show 10. in of principal, rate, is the remainder surface gain (loss) from 9. What entire the 235 ABITHMETIO ''literal 2n by all odd and integer. an literal between how Explain is n represented are arithmetic is arithmetic algebra. and of sort a guage. lan- shorthand ' ' set 13. Illustrate 14. Suggest 15. What 16. Explain the 17. Explain the of Ex. 12 solve and inverse are arithmetical several by six problems of literal the of advantage applicable Ex. to 13. Illustrate. problems? use laws. in equation the literal solution. their equation usual the over rules. State 18. further any advantages the favoring the of use literal equation. 19. When 20. Give 21. Give throughout 22. What 23. How of price 24. 25. gain the loss of 28. ^are given. 30. the can the or the cost loss of any The The How Given Given cost lesson. of the of use without "Problems loss or found be literal arithmetic numbers"? the from Illustrate. cost and selling is sale the selling price cent is found be when selling price the given? found be when the cost and found when the cost the given? gain the other loss or How of be cent per a of and weight the a gain the price be of or full of loss of full number number articles if found be the given? wagon tank of number any is the can can of price number weight be article an known? are the of the the can buying 31. gain can given. 29. the per selling price price by can How begiin? study. can How 27. be article? an How 26. arithmetic development is meant can gain or illustrative short a in literal work first a How the and should wheat bushels of water gallons per cent the and the and of wheat and the tank the empty be tank empty contains wagon found? be are found? selling price, how can found? marked found? price and the discount of an article, how 236 32. be ARITHMETIC MODEKN used 33. regular 34. Give outline an throughout of the lUustrate the in lesson Consider the work study of of use AND in PROBLEMS numbers without problems to arithmetic. in problems these with connection any arithmetic. the Ex. METHODS 32 in detail greater for any one topic. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Smith, D. Review, 2. Young, E. Mathematics LIII: J. W. in 391. A. pp. 243-46. the Junior High School, tional Educa- OHAPTEB XXni GRAPHS 246. relations and contrasts of columns do is nations the vividly from year of This quickly the to is of range be can the the which it has of Teachers that fact algebra for final subject of high time will proportion school not, in alone in graphs this work those for justify those the will who who later will study. 237 a not sons compari- be to later one which tion introduc- the of ratio of bear ever as a average difficulties the study treated go mental its in and must the recommended, place prior the to and consideration grades is not bringing them, saved be final the size for and strongly found can states^ relative within to is grades which on. newspapers. grades upper yet, so towns, the well interesting as bank publications. comes the these avoided be can of work The textbook. of exceedingly though even of children made into which of magazines, by of and variations Government and subject a of idea different of money; sizes of sizes; value instrument universally Station is also it clear a varying the of than strength grains explains plan effective most used now bags relative the of grain; by year show reader Experiment As to vividly military other in of architect's an rooms. and stacks or and soldiers by wheat scale to countries; or the in sacks drawn Maps relative The show ^aphs and clearly more portrayed by countries schemes much figures. productiveness deposits Picture Taught. Why and graphs. in mind forerunner high school, have the but as advantages a 238 comparisons, showing magazines will the of use lookout and that in, the study may if necessary, during this material promising pictures with classes. for and The of the of graph continuous-line graph exercises given in found excellent idea of 249. a a motion 2 continuous and at in streets by the the east right angles. local ready-made the as reference pupils and Latitude of example inadvisable. unless more for The use tinction dis- clear. will 240, and as game, a page give to be the Where example from this is the two case, of coordinate lines let points coordinate west of plot of a interest the some local the houses north intersecting streets has the teacher axes. With city even their and axes located condition furnish longitude cities number Most and and schoolhouse, post office,library, and pupils, the made during on some of isolated be must Let change. locating points. south, and teacher interest create to Points. Locating the football a 3, listed and material simple illustrative use of placed in or comparisons for the it. brought Graphs. picture graphs several be looked may of Oontinuous-Line least at brought Some by the papers news- lesson, or wall study. retained be Versus Picture between cases, future may the upon cussed dis- on and been have pictures the been week, a for another subject. they be within these time pinned be now place 248. When which the magazines the school continued be convenient later in to cardboard pictures has that from cut upon explained by the pupil who each and over bring each illustration. mounted one illustrations pictures above, introducing children, suggest the other for for five or mounted comparative such freely by Four and material good PROBLEMS mentioned those as newspapers, found be After and AND Subject. the Introducing 247. METHODS ABITHMETIG MODEBN now on the should be these made it, such homes make a as of this 240 2. METHODS ABITHMETIC MODEBN Answer i. How far f toward What of each the above 'the Emporia distance kicked that toward kicked SynjDori'd^ punt goal Topeka School? High the of ball kicked was in goal of the what was above cent per instances? two ToybeAO'./'** to Tof^ef^a's pant the in each ha^ii. Emporia}^ aeeompaiiyiti{t giaph. toward of goal PBOBLEMS instances? two distance tiie punted actual distance total of the the the was iii. The ball the was School ii tm following quoBtions Ae High AND --""" " BmJ^orloj. to TopeKa^^hallr iv. How toward far the What V. Topeka? by vi. What Emporia was the ball toward 20-yard line caught the 15 ball of cent toward off yards the the football ''kicked total the per ball a Topeka goal? distance that the ball carried was bj Emporia? the 3. Draw the toward goal? Emporia was carried ball the was from returned to distance Emporia goal? that show the it left 10 Topeka carried Emporia carried goal? scale Topeka the that total Topeka field to" the and and side yards the line. ball The directly following was caught Topeka toward plays: on player the the who Emporia 241 GRAPHS Ipoal before "down." Second right. "down/' "down," 2 "down," "punt" The yards Emporia "down," yards line useful in ball 12 ' ' the will it from showing 10 15 be 20 from referred to ' ' conditions which and object do directly 8 to down, right as a not the line. 1^ First past run side 7 goal line. "picture depend side forward "down," end graphs to Fourth right. Second ' ' the Picture proper. left the left. the right. it and First graphs from 10 Third right. to the to brought to yards 12 bounds forward right. the down following and and and ball yards ' ' of out and forward yards 4 forward forward yards 5 to and the distinguish and forward yards forward The 40 "down," yards forward "down," 5 with 4. 2 player catching First yards. First will upon graph" be to found continuous changes. Explain 5. of an Make average the a graph picture man 5 its graph ft. 5 for the in. tall for fully. following different data ages. on the weight 242 MODERN Make 6. of ARITHMETIC States United New divisions. England 5.3 North W. North Central Atlantic 3.4 2.9 South Central 17.4 W. South Central 13.2 Mountain 6.9 Pacific 6.0 of picture graph following the of data 03 May 2.14 1.70 June 1.97 October March 2.71 July 3.88 November AprU 1.74 August.. extremity vertical and of sudn, * * represented by water at the vertical the the at .3.58 right angles eight " inches table graph? through What the top right of the diagram the for left horizontal the upon readings the in feet. in Pressure of pressure pounds. 6 2.60 8 3.40 10 4.33 15 6.49 8.66 20 curve the along point lower the Label and inch .77 depths: different Beginning 09 near ft." each giving . 2.32 long. in each Locate 2. following Mark . December..... axis, ''Depth in lb. Pressure Depth each page horizontal the along intersecting axes of corner in .2.18 September. February hand rainfall the Kansas. January two 1000 per 16.0 E. 8. Draw illiteracy 5.7 E. Emporia, the Explain. Atlantic a of data following geographical Central 7. Make 5 the 7.7 South at in PROBLEMS AND States Middle 1914 from picture graph a United the METHODS 25 10.82 30 12.99 35 15.16 with the is the various the in highest point points. pressure at What a diagram, the use depth be can of draw 12 a made ft.? of smooth of this 27 ft.f 243 GBAPHS what At extended 9. so What Bureau following they data pressure at the of Kansas: 364,399 1880 996,096 1890 1,427,096 1900 1,470,495 approximate table hour daily the to prepared was relative the for at fourteen and the States Weather observations upon the Plot the 1885? in United years. state and 1875 based humidity axes same in population be graph ft.? 45 population the on Could 1870 following observations the Ib.f 107,206 the same give 13.5 1860 showing the at the Ib.f 7 pressure it would was The the that Graph 10. is depth points of taken two of sets interest which show. Dodge Santa Dodge Santa 11. City, Fe, Lbs. !Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Kan 72% 72% 64% 61% 64% 63% Mex 55% 55% 43% 35% 36% 31% Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. City, Kan 62% 62% 63% 64% 66% 69% N. Mex 47% 47% 46% 47% 48% 55% Fe, Graph for curve N. Jan. the each following What zone. Zone table of practical 'Zone Zone parcel post use be can using rates made Zone Zone different a this? of Zone Zone 1-2345678 0 to 150 mi. $0.05 1 150- 300- 600- 1000- 1400- Over 300 600 1000 1400 1800 1800 mi. mi. mi. mi. $0.08 $0.09 $0.11 $0.12 mi. mi. $0.06 $0.07 . 2 .06 .08 .11 .14 .17 .21 .24 4 .08 .12 .19 .26 .33 .41 .48 5 .09 .14 .23 .32 .41 .51 .60 10 .14 .24 .43 .62 .81 1.01 1.20 15 .19 .34 .63 .92 1.21 1.51 1.80 20 .24 .44 .83 1.22 1.61 2.01 2.40 12. Make a 13. Make a division point. graph for graph of These any two should railroad time show time tables trains card. of trains going going in both through a directions. ^iA MODEBN How can made the these this at 14. ABITHMETIC graphs division is What the Explain Suggest 17. Select data 18. Graph the 19. the show status of graphs board for and for conneetioiis in be can arithmetics? Select data for Graph the data on Diseuss the three or graphs graph to as 17 of ordinate co- tion. illustra- as class. a for in problem idea the streets two suitable problems (me class grade longitude any which featjires a lesson three data to as introductory an what f latitude using 16. to PROBLEMS change. a upon axes important point AND used be present of advisability 15. METHODS picture and graphs. point out the portrays. suitable problems for graphing by grade pupils. 20. features important 21. in as II graph of or done was which is it not Why in of it the the connect and of data extremities made picture graphs graphing 19 l^e ezpUun portrays. to proper in problem one any from 8 problems of the in data rectangles problema ^T 9f and BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. and Allyn maiios, 2. Matilda. Auerbach, Brinton, W. 4. Soldiers Wounded Healing neering Engi- Order. to 430. Ow Threaten XXXIII: Work, the 6. Covering 7. The 8. World's 9. StatisticaL Department Will to Prosperity, World's Work, State, Power. of Atlas Principle Nationalism of the in Balkana. 565. Production Country Gentleman, Munsey, Aug. Gold. of of the Sept. 15, 8. 1917. Munsey, 1917: Aug. States, United 1917: Bureau 423. of the Census, Co., New York- Commerce. 10. The American 11. The World York. the and Democracy World's New Facts. Presenting 561. XXXIII: 5. for Methods York. R. TJ 'Boats the Mathe- Graphic Boston. New XXXIII: Work, How Go., in Course Elementary Graphic Lewis Freeman, World's Bacon, G. Magazine 3. An Tear Almanac Book. and D. Appleton EncyclopedicL, and Press Publishing Co., XXIV OHAPTEB. RATIO History. 262; of outgrowth Oolden and similar of to Rule, of and of the All and word, these of the in the century a extension, an called the Chain the est strict- in rules were followed were about and of as place Three, proportion compound formulated. sense of the as far as. until an solution prominent very Rule to the back America Inverse the in dates a and referred power Three is proportion and also great held Europe our was its of ratio Three, of Rule Besides ago. Rule Arabs, arithmetics of theory because The problems. Hindus Our the Rule, PROPORTION AND arbitrarily by the could be computer. The rules these in mechanically used thinking with the on last the by analysis. ditches digging decades problems and the have ago, rules in given be of to way any machines, were unfamiliar. largely remarked been placed re- the that proportion, compound pasturing without wholly have also they problems was should that They user these It of computer. the century complicated long, the fact the solution the of part in lay mechanism whose During few of value cattle, problems on prevalent so more a nearly probable.' 253. the in were Change history of notation the of Notation. Ratio used. and A most Proportion Some of : 245 the interesting is the more phase in gradual change noticeable forms 246 ABITHMETIC MODERN METHODS 4 marbles || 8 4 marbles 8 cents 4 marbles 8 cents " cents AND PROBLEMS || 9 marbles (1) 9 marbles (2) 9 marbles (3) " : : . Because of of the use multiplication, the marbles 4 marbles 4 It should mark this that or reason, number or selected rational so 9 still : : 8 group of did is used (5) has term, early forms. only from largely question the or the The idea real equality of ratios. served to texts, our (5) appreciate an numbers in ? : the not reference any to, prevalent cents in sign a as (4) fourth the proportion a and marbles, it, is absent symbols form the their For separate to one and others were meaning. been changed cents : to the more of one marbles 4 but marbles that changed form the the without last The : : of arithmetic writers of ratio, cents 9 : representing early was . noticed be latter into evolved has point in decimals 8 . which of the far the 9 ': marbles meaningful one 8 = ? cents (6) form 4 marbles 8 cents 9 marbles C cents (7) has yet not 254. Ratio. affairs most and universal Ratios their expressions one arise as contains number one may or cite and so quantity are on. in Ratio is that comparisons the in day every of the such fa" some, including terms **they in continually nomenclature proportional to," times recognition. mathematical common miliar are received ratio asks: of another. commercial of," How *'they many As trations, illus- activities. 248 MODEBN used in the ABITHMETIC ratio text, it should the substitute notation is used 256. of correctly define the time same In order that the work the place of notation The found meaningless the use of ratio equality of the rational thi" to text. rule, the present a as which proportion that than As in the of teaching they the on required, thereafter, in text two hasr been as result a day texts ratios^ at notation 3:4::7:f in to . be proportion that f the children notation. meaningless a it is suggested , greatly handicapped more even for the of the ProportioiL discarded be PROBLEMS of up and it regardless f AND atUside first taken be notation use METHODS (8) one 7 3 w N Children who other is the last involving be found, the for idea of Through proportion, the meaning proper proportion given quantities three reducing thus the of notation, J, will readily it. with text fundamental up form correct in the form taught its correct ratio, together with the been have problem and supplant equation is built an to any which comparison, and cept ac- fourth the solution the to one of a literal equation. Omit 257. Complicated complicated problems mentioned above, have proportion in disrepute. often teacher later. oflfered in or others and involving done much Omission Problems. place the of such problems highly complicated problems the text which are either within be as will which experience of the pupils should of the be of is most simplified by the range as subject The must long, conditions, unlikely to The subject in toto, the not, however, commendable; discussed Proportion be are the standing under- substituted. EATIO AND 249 PBOPOBTION Strictly speaking, ratio is the comparison two quantities having the best to introduce unit same proportion by of the C cents 4 marbles 8 cents of It is hence measure. use 9 marbles by division of the form : (10) rather than by 9 marbles 4 marbles (11) = 8 cents C cents As long but to use as the work (10) makes form as soon as notices child a 9 expresses be absolutely an permitted form any carrying is relation (12) teacher's greatest in work so make to as by an not relation strict adherence make far. which are being dealt opportunities children Here for of that in proportion it is based of the right. the and of one rationalizing feel that is with lies use that child The too true. the feel child the should he to hobby perfectly Proportion Unitary solution or ytA" number will general, and the that the the metic arith- particular a upon real basis. common-sense 258. a relations It is number too above form is the 4 correct A it. use (10) as is teacher to that clearer by the Analysis. of long, use arbitrary Treated of a As the long as proportion problems meaningless notation that in rational the meant the by arbitrary rules, which setting teachers Than Bather Equation complicated procedure surprising by up have embodied of forms, been ing proportion for imitary analysis. A rational also it is discard* application 250 MODERN of the subject through is suggested, unitary really discarded.' which has thus, be can, clear as unitary in his for 259. of graphing well as The of case, will important most from it the equation affords excellent which to do he uses. and not inversely either possess in help The teaching by of portion. pro- far the children the literal The hasty inspection a unitary analysis does which peated re- state Proportions. opportunity for in by the ready proportionality. direct of of solution form of the idea be to recognized be soon of so-called proportionality, by direct graph be can using the simplest directly great a careful By about at first which day every form brought of tionality propor- solution of longer are some and be an value of pupils. Inverse relations, will be found these idea proportion which as the required and relations proportional, and Direct Graphing be ratio and every The the is child ratio,the in form problems, every is to as may of many which reason pupils This analysis. place, proportion business equation the to solution data clear shorthand the teaching, made by to discussed. in solution of many found to herein as advantages too relation referred often form first the been already so affairs In of the number extension notation abbreviated possesses PROBLEMS AND meaningful a an and analysis wholly made METHODS ABITHMETIC not give practice. Solving Problems 260. the proportion, by first,merely of solution problem to of A 261. be may problems Plea may for often approximate the be and a to from equation; advantage to Use be of statement his process This in the Proportion. A fostered. by opportunities the tention at- later mechanical itself,an Reasonable results give his whole number. quality shortened the solving problems unknown the is, in the up given for equation concentration of power or the solving x/ should pupil setting to attention undivided In by Proportion. to of the cancel equa- RATIO tion, which do not This for which been the such of solution expeditious 262. Ratios texts ; not always the ratio would of the be hats In so. be sold The often is graph between 263. business which is found is on a state a retail. to as in the simple a football baseball usually the lower This is as of as equal hats the 200 hats than the important an are 200 cost of direct, or 2 sideration con- clearing up indirect, proportionality a The exist over in one and modern our or ones others biore pluralities. Aver- of the weight men of salary paid teachers Another illustration batting average three-place decimal, but percentage. ular partic- first the come average average and Various these number player's fielding spoken the of and means a Among one the or as It is from be to seem numbers of illustrations. expressed more a in business. of ratio. case which So. omitted a of majorities case team, good are of excess any quantities. two politicallife. the and proportion, ji-^ because for arises as first be not of comparisons and or and Majorities, Pluralities, Averages. forms age at ratio of 2 hats purchase again suggested questions arising any in for and or in case any is often at wholesale at which which would costs bought would the analysis, Necessarily with ratios which that namely, having irrational explanation Equal, Not matter a ment instru- proportion. Seem to plea problems, an for clearer duty, in connection teacher's of Unitary suggested a than that call attention to is it to use a of its reason complicated notation. affords solution a the application solution It is rather arithmetical disrepute by tions solu- exclusive the problems. serviceable into meaningless form "other of in strikingly so plea for a needlessly long to arbitrary largely is not most a fallen has applied by of retention the themselves solution in the proportion 251 PROPORTION present by analysis. of AND Yet another is that of which is often form a eously erron- which is -252 ABITHMETIC MODERN quite similar the numbers which given as so arithmetic the it well is the Explain 2. should The rate common to include while them EXEBCrSES Three direct " indirect? and ratio. by closely How Illustrate. tof adhered be definitions the death as persons. worth is meant what clearly 3. Discuss of Bule definition this 10,000, stating of work. XXIV. 1. What th^t is op 1000 per makes tei'ms 1000 100, many PROBLEMS AND mentioned one of each out of these use in is last the to METHOBS and notation found in the of ratio 4 in. to a yd.f of a circle arerage texts. What 4. 3 yd. is the 2 m.f to What 5. f of its ratio: 2, 3; 1.4, 2.1; to pairs 5, 7; 3.5, 4.9; 7. What of 1 to ratio the area What 6. pk. 2 is ratio bu.f of 1, 4; its circumference f of 10, 15; .3, 1.2; is the present that per following series 3, 12; 14, 21; 25, 35; 3.02, 3.03 f of $5 to ratio 2 ft.f 1 "f $0.25 its eter diam- the same to its areaf to the in 6 in. to bu.f 2 to circumference the numbers ft.f 1 pk. 6 radius the of 3 in. to have .25, 1; 1.6, 6; 1 franc to f $0.25 to 1 mark? his yrs. 8. Show 9. A 2 people; the to at for What the mile? 2 20%. of cost of the recipes or slope distance. is the commercially living 5 people of of is 120% to ratio. a ratio The present for is the to past be Illustrate. his income what it of cost changed to 10 was living! to recipes people. gradient horijsontal A's ratio least 8 used as is increased is the Suggest By the BC/AC. 150' income what ago; 11. to man's cent past salary is whatf 10. for a slope of The of a slope a is meant road road in the which the ratio accompanying rises 100' to of the rise figure the is milef BATIO 12. Wliat is the average gradient gradient is Compare 14. Explain 15. The it is 3 of the is in f weight cubic a of oak the .2 of f of ft. ** that i "=g" his pay turns in a him. take is employee out received pay each "A that ''A the given Explain ^ i8 each. to inversely are Suggest B and proportional B and A by ^f 4f was is is means is Bf" tional?" propor- explain and equal the to of product directly proportional of as is to of 2" in to If what 12" X X following a the of find of per 29 cubic lb.? weight 2" the weighing 122.3 X to is 62.5 water wood pounds the 2" copper substance a 557 weighing table of bar of weight weighing 14' were neither? specific gravity copper XXIII Chapter weight the of .4 cu. ft. 10"; petroleum X 8'; sp. costing $4.50 only months. 6 worn? Which Is is the costing $4.00 shoes could be worn "" petroleum could be the ratio 11 worn of .7 the and months prices equal a to economical? more could 7i 13.596 mercury gr. "" 8.9 be worn months. while months 10 Answer the same 23., is in number 7? of 10.5 $3.00 of graphs water. is the shoes of the in ratio of mercury; time pair What 2 the take loan is the copper pair costing 25. of a the 4' X pair the question of inversely proportional? silver gr. A 24. to it will tune Illustrate quantities what pair costing $2.50 a on plank 4' X ** that witii employee the if" product foot? use cu. sp. A 8 : afford the to of " volume cubic tank 23. average proportion. "Uiy foot, an By silver; work saying Bf as equal an per 22. C : : can it would ratio the the sets lb. of whose Illustrate. of in that Specific gravity foot? mi 20 whose Illustrate. ratio the by directly proportional pounds in railroad of illustrate. interest What per mi. 16 expressions. that Simple 21. of time varies extremes 20. of ^f 4 : employer and meant are Prove elements is 3 fully. an be in similar 19. and f, amount the ''A 18. that should B further with fully What and distance inversely proportional ratio 17. "A feet of terms that 4 : io the What if the in proportion statement 16. for amount proportional each riae 263 PfiOPOETION ^f 13. time; AND to 17 that 5 the is to same 6? ratio to 15 that 3 is to 2? to 16 254 MODERN ARITHMETIC Divide 26. $240 proportional 27. yard of in line What is the A in by drawing in that so their is 40' shadow which diamond by 3'' square. a mechanical miles be will sums when of that a is represented are which in of ratio length the called scale. the cases: represented drawing The distance actual following 300 scale f to the to the baseball square; A whose tree a drawing a scale map A C and PROBLEMS 5. of is meant What any AND is 4.5'. measure 28. and height the A, B, among 3, 4, to Find METHODS by 14" 9" a is 6 inches. by by square; ^^^ a by 3}"; represented 20*^ represented by 5^". Kansas 29. used make to 30. the In best same a on map solve way 9" paper scale the What miles. 200 by by 12"! to be scale 6" be 9"! by for used should Illinois; for Carolina. North 31. What miles 150 the miles 400 is about 32. f of Show is equation 33. will The Reduce 60 in each 250 miles f proportion stated the be miles 50 that a really a f of of is used form 30% 29 problems of 30 literal the of language the and by unitary analysis. 24% 6 by adding cream 20 24 = 30 = reducing in dairymen by to cream of in solution shorthand following gallons length cream: milk. 4% 4 " 24 " 20 Hence milk 4% 34. cream to added to 35. ratio 36. in order reduce and State and should f of discuss proportion How mechanical it to in the milk 3% some the f to of the be How raise arithmetic subject added be cream added 18 the form Explain cream. must 25% be must cream 24% a milk 6% gallons 10 30% have to much How of gallons 60 to 20% much it to 3.6% of given. gallons 12 to gallons of must cream 30% be milkf principal objections to including work. taught in order not to make it OHAPTBR ZXV MENSURATION 264. History. mathematical document, 2000 and period least extending knowledge of at this the mensuration time early of storing was *' called 5 knowledge of triangles. The of It is the the to c, we elements, Almost from has circle,'' which equals area mathematical the ratio For many the great of the area centuries mathematicians a it language of finding of this a circle problem of the 256 to the few 600 putations. com- in Euclid's ; in the ** of of side the ing squara value of the square technical more square occupied day. a mensuration finding means as nature. about problem circle given well years. the about heard means that 300 right from culminated no tians, Egyp- as practical of about for of early Egyptians laws which studies, the geometry the present our one every the whose collected sides had sides Arabs and wholly a developed continued were of was surveyors, they the by Hindus, who owe These between with whose though undertaken Romans facts that relation early triangle even attention figures, which plane the Two connection The that triangle mensuration Greeks, of knew general later area a metical arith- years. special in survejdng. of Babylonians, fragmentary B. the right a the Hebrews, that and part is bams of record 5000 over of covering a received volumes rope-stretchers," 3, 4, and are the grain; important an back problems ; is it previous, years 1700 between Egypt information contained it 1000 in written known oldest the papyrus, was As c. b. at classes Ahmes The of its tt, or radius. attention of 251 MENSURATION to area considered while 1794 In equal w which has places by ^ades, 3i^ is nine to the at long; this of The today, as towards of the the end space, what has construction suggest year to to year, intervening brought to in a but teacher of so that between there this been work is not of development must for recent further here. movement education, the the the offered last of before the objects in to purpose importance two or primary three and repeat primary its continuance be or without world of no year regarding its not of veyor sur- established. relations emphasize may days the leaving school the necessity 360 mensuration into went plane. .It the year until Children years to the primary mensuration previously degrees, probably was the better school. work the The its consideration permit measurements, of lines or inches. histories Until and eight the of ideas r earth with of phases not Years. grammar of in the 360 historical the mathematical will space given was two in it since years the to kindergarten attention 707 to the and measurement other or Four First 265. 4000 interested directed information of to 35 to carrying By 1706 circle into the standard formulas be in they considered that over student again here fact the is still the usual value. Jones ber num- all purposes accurately by W. is, a later and or 3|^. computed circumference computed divided Babylonians to that ; Ceulen the and 3^ was For (V^)^, as by Euler. use due any be suggested common It V2. Shank. places, can was w The the decimal Babylonians it gives irrational von William the it between accurate suflftciently a equator symbol into Ludolph pldces by decimal out like ending, reversed circle equal in a and papyrus it to be proved no Hebrews placed Archimedes Legendbe decimal The of radius find the 3, Ahmes to the Hindus passing, that to given square. a 3.1605 tried and problem the in be mentioned It may and to from years of the 258 ARITHMETIC MODERN final years. in the of the kindergarten offer not can view In METHODS for excuse of years the excellent the in and AND PROBLEMS construction early primary the difficulties to be encountered delaying arithmetic Hence work. done years, as study of mensuration the work one adequate an until the let it proceed last out through- grades. Fundamental 266. with denominate attempt side measuring, the connected Essentials. inventional numbers is the It geometry. the on the other, that of separation a of geometry the on Mensuration three. the is merical, nu- closely so and hand, one teacher must not and Square cubic . measure finding are few a Review 1. 2. should class be simple Add construction work time from with imacquainted introduced it as Do 3. it at to in was teach not This possible. this : measurements time to lowing fol- direction and based side fascinating beginning The once. primary the for formulas of to logical to mention rule. by is the It is necessary that upon grades but of school progress quite be must work be may as made real place the teacher we arrive conclusions. that Lead In to not some proofs exact to up the for formulas inductively application cases, it may found be may proofs rigorous be in the by but well the as rationalization. that realize, however, at of far as ment developrather come for the teacher science exact more geometry. early Make 4. and compass, problems. use of the simple drawing instruments, such ruler, as protractor. Introduce 5. of simple figures. The some work new to rapidly. more of the constantly them done. previously A applying general hints for the teacher's learned. already of volumes and areas without meaningless both are drawing devices latter The scale to and the picturing previously referred were of to conditions under the in use object teaching. Avoid 6. them, " the especially 7. Pay 8. Place special a continual as to standard forms position. attention premium of use to upon local applications. neatness and accuracy. of figures " ^vary 259 MENSURATION Construction 267. carried triangles it is the up of declare to drawing perpendicular be may any taken up their 268. Inductive be may 1. for the on Line out. study of order of Such structions con- parallel lines, in needed as so A they or on, or structing con- may AE work to are in detail who out contain not following these ABCD of (construction will or paper do The parallelogram is constructed heavy Formulas. students which texts Parallelograms: results) of Proof teaching size teacher application. suggestions mere one best. or triangles, parallelograms, and precede the the drawing the that with unquestionably as given size a urging along impossible work as angles work also are be pupils the when triangles they for should work that so Except construction mensuration, taking of areas accurately. the carry the Construction mensuration with along studying are Work. thin cardboard venient con- any give better which ABE Triangle is drawn. tions. explana- is then is cut from cut the D B figure the and 2. out placed in the rectangle AEPD ABCD base C E whose and altitude Triangle: two equal parallelograms position DCP. of the EP base and of the area same as altitude AE parallelogram parallelograms are This pupil is directed Each now F divided as by was the are will result in parallelogram equal to the ABCD. to construct done cutting, and above. one along cut The the 260 MODEBN ABITHMETIC longer and the other also the proper from three to include place The in order with acquainted the Trapezoid: for formula The formula of RighULine figures for which divisible them Circle 5. heavy ruler cardboard, or paper is rolled Let again. circumference which will etc., and will as trapezoids. class value See of make rule on the of area circle shown is the to sum come circumference, advised proved call to a The used ir of the straightedge as explanation Each is sector of nearer the of areas and will also be found = fact now this ratio which its decimal and circle into equal in of formula the of the triangle total area triangles and B^. that for whose of the can i radius formula 'r usual The this teacher formula be X is is the problem interesting. The inscrib- The very may The the nearer to. the teacher used, shown sort a the oriJ2X2X'rX^ attention has tt the this time. at rigorously in geometry. finding name own of the measure he for value division The The his touches diameter 3. of mark this divide now by the triangle formula. is found area the use. common circle. a until also be along most ruler from out circumference the on cut radius a mark closer much Area: " placed is text should circle with all close to thereafter 3.1416 sectors a a child each length of the the 3^ is will Circle 6. Let some child each give values that explain along by a with Beginning circle the of given are and Circumference: " choosing. the dimensions triangles also be found may 265. page the triangles, two hexagons, pentagons, as such into trapezoids is of area Areas Figures: regular figures some thoroughly is known. for which Oeneral 4. triangles altitude. and the is shaped triangles trapezoid into a This of become may base of easily developed by dividing the of various pupils meaning PBOBLEMS construction the use the that AND shorter, diagonal. the along given parts. is advised 3. METHODS history of 261 MENSURATION circumscribing ing of circles in and vice furnishes versa, Bight 7. between relations Take of sides the right triangle using the measure of the be in found the upon that out that given For is well inaccuracies in the sufficient law take the it up in the in square it in the school same is the root, with the If proof is sides 3, 4, 5, for or a2 Hence 4- 62 a^ factors now (c + be ") be any c^ = and thus As for " show rule a are The will the those ing follow- form a : (2) 62 (c (c4-6) (c lated stimu- (1) " selected of ing subject, by introduc- c2 = the on existence integers which as sidered con- better no can curriculum. = may for interest dull simple be this work multiple of these. selecting three as will be integers for sides with some is to right triangle and the text right triangle is about two to results this root cause More otherwise an with triangles in the into point to topic, a knowledge with primary necessity for its place in the square before there year curriculum. only Any erected by geometry. square connection in than connection scheme sides will give inexact of the If is necessary. root root sum inability and used be then, The teacher rigorously consideration right triangle which square the two class. during to and on, a the closely that will accuracy proved for perpendicular for the up construct possible. drawings of course, may, complete square time be can so as quite equal to It the the the two upon relation the taking lengths accurately as cases the law to convenient hypotenuse. the necessary of all with measure but erected of pupil each 3, 4; 5, 7; and as hypotenuse squares construction. study Let figures. any sides, perpendicular the up and squares, right triangle before a solid between in problems excellent Triangle: about them a^ 6). " 6) which The (3) is factored sum of the 262 MODERN latter gives two factors of a^ will 2" ARITHMETIC be both Suppose 2c selected so be both be 6 and hence for then a PROBLEMS difference to as and even is selected 12 their and AND 26. will c above the odd, 2c and or even, the Should be integers. becomes 6) (C"") (0 + (72) which from METHODS 2c = 26 Hence there integers (36) or (4), 74, 40, 30, 26, hence c = 70, 32, 18, 10, hence 6 = = the are and (2), 37, 20, 15, 37, 35, 12 : 20, 16, 12 : (24) or (6) 13. 5. 35, 16, 9, following right triangles 12 one (8), (18) or with all sides 15, 12, 9 : 13, : 12, 5. This joint the of areas Cube 8. two the square and that of pipeds finding the arise bear rectangle do finding the volumes of Parallelopiped: parallelopiped of seldom so the that former. not solids method similar to parallelo- Oblique need and to The absolutely is they cube relation same latter of the The plane figures. to the areas equal areas circles. more or Rectangular and rectangular as of circles whose permits the construction in come for consideration. Bight 9. to- the analogous curved Cylinder: surface of around of the cylinder, dimensions cylinder. are the draw from of the order cylinder a and paper In in treated a other a a one the cylinder. cylinder in the form the height and the the does the to entirely an than more of of the altitude the ference. circum- paper a the piece exposed edge The of area rectangular dimension little line along the find to wrap cylinder, with the Then surface therefore, be relation same triangle the as the manner. Right the right prism bears parallelopiped should, and paper the The rectangular rectangle 10. Prism: and will wrap un- show rectangle whose circumference of the 264 MODEBN of area 4 the sphere must of the volume of whose radius base from made the Hence, volume usually found the noting 269. to industrial such of lines. problems, however, oflfer sufficient interest the domestic conditions assigned to why reason Similarly to the take may as Cutting they should permitted the doU place of possible; cutting 2. sides. Areas of similar out gain problems those on dustrial in- upon the boys. in the lems prob- to these, also, there to to do those solve so. signed as- sufficientlyinterested. are MATERIAL 's clothes cloth) much will permitted be since too work the solve material teacher given be to not be boys if they out this that Problem composition sufficientlyinterested PROBLEM 1. economics ** entirely girls and the to girls should the the gives if girls to desire the and presents actual take community the become boys the case are water contain to left to be would given of of home along The suggested be economy vessel a found be motivation that of |. R^. tt sequel entitled The must variety in ratio Mensuration problems. such f that and in the be inder cyl- a irregular solids in problems given below, will number is R and displaced. for opportunities any no circle, 2R radius of Problems. for is of such will be them of water It is furthermore is great a weight to Volumes by immersing various found be sphere Solids: space. In of the hence, ; altitude clay whose -R will Suggestions Material," of twice that The R^. ir or of the amount excellent for putty Irregular 13. and times cylinder whose 22 is 2 sphere of radius a PBOBIiEMS hemisphere four be AND R^. IT The of METHODS plane circle of the the cover or ABITHMETIC from in patterns placed such boxes in figures vary a the way same as the to make way, etc as square eloth upon on as little (paper waste correspoiLding 265 MENSURATION The 3. yaries Irregular 4. A figure. rule Divide that twice often the 2"vltiply by of the into length of the This whose of surface divided by three the the dividing by records into figure of that equals areas number of trapezoids the of the sum verticals, and even phonograph record. given the following: even an of part separate is the play to found often used area takes plajing are sum it that the areas the trapezoids, of width the as time of leagth the times that number of vertical, last first and times four mentioned, as odd of the divisions ticals. ver- the gives area. Excavations veal in link of links. is 30th the to for the 6. of In acreage 7. The ordinary link the of line AB, The links 30 the B the If at is, then, drawn line 40 BC, The long. in B, links line a taut long, of proof dicular perpen- is desired BG out end the out making running lays surveyor is held of purpose and land surveyors. chain chain for of acre point the B. from borrowed of the the 0; at an manner at end One pinned out the BO to be by this rule. usually computed are may laying after perpendiculax 40 chain work the Hnes to embankments Gunter's A 5. and of from will this equal the be fact 80th the end dicular perpenis left student. rural which communities a architect building. man uses the and team i inch cost can in of do his farm per plans labor including day offers to denote amount good problems. 1 foot in an 266 MODERN The 8. ARITHMETIC of drawing furnishes excellent METHODS eehool problem work Use 10. local One rules is meant and gardens of is considered Volumes of the ratio in of such BC is supposed good a to for similar figures of cylinder containing vary the as and 250 hanging. sq. one man. cubes of figure. lathings as paper cover 's work day in the to- AD computations sidewalks, painting, paint scale to D prices cement gallon application 12. roof a plastering, laying 11. school C of pitch By of measurements. on A 9. and grounds PROBLEMS AND and ft. its corresponding sides. The 13. surface the when and so 14. is twice depth material any for radius the problems on the of the a giv^i volume This base. is least lent excel- provides construction of cisterns, fruit formula in approximating jars, on. Lumbermen number i [smaller is here L in feet board of the use end in.]2 XL-i-S in given feet XXV. 1. Give brief a the log: a 4 " following and the of number = smaller in end feet. board inches. EXERCISES summary of mensuration the measurements developed as by the ancients. Give a 3. Give reports the cone, 4. workf surface and What of of summary the on of sides the between of brief 2. a development the cone, of the right triangle; pyramid, and of the formulas area sphere; of circle. for the volume the relation triangle; of a area pyramid, sphere. use can be made of these historical references in grade 267 MENSURATION What 5. in work should 6. With allied f what other fully should primary the completed f mensuration should topics doselj be illustrate. and mensuration given be rationalization how Explain have mensuration about two Discuss 7. When 8. know arithmetic, who children, the in curriculum grade the pertains particularly to f tion. mensura- Illustrate. What 9. 10. How is meant by rigorous need inductive an formulas of proofs the Illustrate. f proof for be classes grade f Illustrate. Explain 11. the 12. for formulas various How children the how 2-inch many of areas led be can to for prove themselves plane figures. be can squares from cut 3 rectangle a 8 by inches? Compare 13. the the triangle having 14. side How walk 15. an The of 18. per A other for 21. Find is of cent how house a latter f the much, of cent per 36 ft. in sq. and 6 are The with of that latter 20 garden a the latter f If area. ft. 10 lead you to apart of cost Draw and is what yards square The latter is what altitude the what respectively, and is the of one length of the It is to have The floor is to of area to plastering at papering the develop inductively the formulas circle? a windows scale a cottage a class a a 18' room ( cents ) above 13' X X per yard. square 40 at room 9', containing cents per roll work. 8' with X of three and X and cost and the 14' 20' the material 22. of f circumference Find for sides would doors two floor side? How the 5' a former? trapezoid the for required be rods? 60 ground and is what the parallel will cement by the per larger yards former of equilateral an f former is the the 20. is what square cent 19. the The of that plans. Which 20 50 of area former of cent of yards park a the architect's 17. or inclosing with square a perimeter. same square Compare 16. per many of area door rest in on the f pitch is sealed an 2 end X elevations two the to only and a 6 's nailed of roof. on The the side, to X 4'8 X are with windows 2 cottage summer outside and the a 2 4 's. placed drop on both 2' siding. side^ 268 MODEBN 23. the Compute be three Siaggeet 24. of amount will which weather METHODS ABITHMETIG and lumber shingles laid the construct to necessary PBOBLEMS AND problems bearing on above the to cottage. suitable areas 4" for grade a class. l7wo 25. 15' centers %** pulleyB How apart. placed are long parallel journals on belt a is needed with their connect the two longitude in your to pulleys f ifl the What 26. latitude f rotation How of How 27. earth 28. many If circle remaining part a circular a How f feet square many around 5' wide miles many the in length second of yards move you as result a of the f surface 5 walk cement a f acres 30'' automobile in there are park containing a of degree a do hour per per will turns of miles make wheel in traveling milef 29. lathe A 30. a oi in is cut circle from will h, what be the area of the h? the manual training and rooms the shaft above has diameters are 3 o %m each a 4", 6", set 8" of pulleys arranged respectively. Compare as in the the figure speed of whose the lathe with that of 269 MENSURATION fhe shaft and when the belt about passes pulleys and a A, h and B, and e C, 31. Suggest 32. How would relation the farther fielder first base. the children sides the circles on of does suitable right a the discover to for grade the law classes. governing triangle f catcher have to throw right foul line 210 throw to second to first basef to A 34. lead you much than base problems between How 33. three catches How ball a farther much the on he must third ft. than of back to second basef Suggest 35. equal not 36. to take of 38. Suggest 39. How 40. 41. and Find A 44. 14" the size 46. 47. volume cone of of f surface bring and how in up would parallels, and work find to cylinder, a of of angles a plane figures. on the cone? a altitude whose cone surface of the area and with pyramid a gallons windows that of the floor of there are and the upper tent is Draw in a square is 12'^ base S" rainfall 1" a of is cone radius? 8' would the you whose an over sector lead a rectangular Find altitude of 6' entire base area. radius and and this lower a the scale Will schoolroom. your has equal the measure differ angle of as f in pupils solid, making yards many the square. used. is used How for is Z" to should room altitude pattern circle changed 6" a have the lighted Investigate base to well a space. accurate an sector in pyramid a angular an How the which 5*^. the the What pupils surface the of the with and When figures. construction your area 4'. of angle in would you perpendiculars, for thousand conical base but 10". of frustum A integers f square 45. base many 20% about of entire the The lead you the section 43. its of How quarter classes grade work plane of problems area altitude an of all are used. construction the solid, a pyramid, the Find 42. a six would radiue and for be may construction rectangular a suitable 35 sides sizef given a of whose 5. 3, 4, mensuration the up Ex. outline with of problems for up an connection of three made Give 37. right triangles multiple some Suggest triangles you three the to of a tenting develop pyramid, conical the the will tent it formulas cylinder, 8' high require! for and the the 270 ARITHMETIC MODERN A 48. volume 294 of 49. radius A 50. from much of forced in immersed diameter 54. Of Apply What 56. cylindrical 57. 59. the Find radius a a its altitude of 10". pare Com- f a 8"? radius the How surface 3" of X of a 4" the level would water 2" is filled raises water much brick, a entire and X with largest cylinder the turn 10" into stone stone area of high; 4.5" of tomato have had 8", X been of can 350' 4" of one reservoirs radius and the same conclusion? is your and of in the in 54 f Ex. general. economical most barrels? material long, with 53 principle developed cisterns 60 Ex. What the depth of in can is use holding loads the high. the be many 9' were high, and build to necessary 24' base upper road rail- a up wide and a wide? 52' bases equal of building Construct 58. has height. cistern base IS'' base. in. has X dropped f embankment lower the cu. to high the should How 10" if practical the 12" cylinder 3.5" it to 40 away wood stone the the what cut of 4" and 55. of volume Compare volume be of the and Ex. volume place the Find 53. must A out of of areas. block water. is the what been in one cylindrical glass jar, A full 4"; to altitude an is 770 cone PROBLEMS 7", the wood rectangular a 52. base and volumes How 51. the is and dimension the circular a AND base square Find of similar cone their half of a in. cu. volume The if the with pyramid METHODS from heavy and triangular pyramid a paper of prism altitudes. and Construct a circular and cone of cylinder equal bases and altitudes. 60. What 61. Outline with out 62. the a and be formed 66. for models these work in grade have you would for grade work the surface work? your class carry solids. suitable in mentioned formulas the Ex. involving each of 47. of area and the volume developed inductively? the inches and areas volumes of spheres whose radii are 3, 4, respectively. Three How of problems two Compare into of construction solids sphere 65. the Suggest can 10 made measurements How 64. be can the the regular 63. of use of radii single sphere. What clay spheres a much wood is cut largest possible sphere? 1, 2, off from and 3 inches, respectively, are is its radius? a wooden 5" cube in turning out oHftpm zxvi Hittorjr. 270. rbots ing of squares of the which the 1 about 4000 years the irrationals of sides being the extraction 271. Powers. of teaching used text (15)2, as does for Several little ][)g g^ short (a-|-6)2 topic the contain attention 9.3 which cuts and to should large is written in involution {a " is quite called be b)^, 272 3 to (10) the the 7th use sm^l as or 8th of this miles, numbers cm. based etc., the notation, 93,000,000 very the If simple. to as and eliminate regarding it in mention numbers miles, (10)'' be more general. said to ing find- of to in the During studied being exponential the plan good writing cm, needs the of process numbers of between advisable seems ^ell idea the irrational. is fined con- as recognition the were of is perpendicular the systematic it roots as not is written .000003 forms powers Special notation cube Very \i ^jii grade. which of to arithmetic pupils younger led no As of case which course, known. by the doubt roots of in with relation The nlins Greeks The of squares Euclid of acquainted time. as no square was more 2, times early irrationals. of BabyioniaH b6ok One table a table a in fonnd old. this triangle, and 1 of roots and right a 32 are and 60 JEundEmebtal sixth and ettriict- aiid powerd records to doubt no before long sides existence were 1 to of treatment Hindus these from from are fifth existing integers to as earliest integers the the isi seiise The operations. to humbers Bailing in are ftOOtS AM) POWERS upon are both the algebraic interesting HW IPDWBKB ahd they Tisdftil. which (68)" number the 5 5)2 (10a + iOOa? _ is 100 3 X X notice to is hence and 4 annexed to (352)2 (a+6+c)2 gives (352)2" -fllOOa 1 + " kk (52)^ ail9 2)2. p^ khy ^5 + l) +25. 4, hence " rapid the the place of the of product lOOa it is work (300+50+2)2 _ " a For takes 25 that number The 3, " 1200. ^ cftses (60 iOOa(a + (35) 2, a to and 273 first becomes " Applying 2)2 (50 + in stlch ih u^d Me become ending JKDDTS only last (a + a (a + 1) sary neces- two zeros 1). from which, a2+62+c2+2a6+2a*+26c, (300)2+(50)2+(2)2+2X300x50+ 2X300X2+2X50X2 3522 092504 3020 12 123904 This work form is explained from of not 272. the Boots. by with the a number number must extraction must be has advantage the cubed be squared to get roots the 8? as pupils to powers, be made may of After power. raising numbers of root-extraction What It expansion. tained ob- those carrying. any to figures with its This form. accompanying comparing Teach raising acquainted given in the above requiring of verse be can a the are iivwell tion good introduc- by asking incidentally : to get 27? 36? and 25? so on. or what Boots 274 MODERN of METHODS ARITHMETIC numbers simple are time, simultaneously object of this work found now raising with teach is to AND PROBLEMS to As powers. relation the for mentally, little a the between main numbers 0 the should examples and number the number, 273. Square because of its of Boot. form of it is used times is composed 32 as the take of 2 used It is necessary repeated produce to a factor to teach as in mensuration. use factor finding the given a 5 times. root square First of all the a pupils should form, do The the 274. ** of this to Carpenters' Rule" equally good. can BuIq" be used Often those used in form for in all the mixed the upon pupils actually finding Square place Root. of the who explain to insist not, however, must the be may explanation by use ing accompany- liable to get badly drawing Teachers the minutely closely are form permitted are to follow one accompanying understanding they other any below. form required some follow not up. or be an before roots. The penters' ''Car- above form. AND POWEBS universal. is almost which is desired. 17 is square the than less 4.25 The H first of mean is 4.125 3 and takes now and Thus, is 4.1225, the old process. by As For 3^ and is about Forms radicals, of 4^ the what of is old gives process in found in of root the both the usual by terms denominator the manner to numerator VH=^V"- = special changed be to multiplying by certain A deserve on, is radical the VS so first are required the now number the exact root V12= under 3 X multipjied by 2. to in extract and often on, for several the = give numbers which decimal the 2 that V3. These case radical the taken be can V4 as divide we a can The square and divided 5. If the 15 which instance, For betaken. by that and fractions accomplished is such number V75, Vf, in ones This only. proximatio ap- 4.33 that^JDeserve Study. as All consideration. equivalent first work. more Radical 276. the is just the of 3 and mean and and the ^/lS is . which much first the , root one and root, 4.123, which or The get 4.333 3.666 class the =*'12, J77I7 is between 13 of place the 4.12 suflSces. after gives and of the approximation repeated. found number is 4, which number last this divide Second, 17. just found, one of first a number process by number, mean 4, gives This 4.125. 13 given 4, whose case . found, the number, of root square this in the 17, by the given number, the the that Suppose First, find 275 BOOTS is has placed The of root give the required root arranged radical, has as been in tables of the which radical, is then 3 only fractions, give smaller under places and factor outside square simplifications of a root one numbers, 2, 3, 6, and computed on next so to page. 276 MODERN ARIT^^^T1C EXEBCI8E8 XXyi. 1. yfha,% are tl^e fbc f1^^4al9$l^ta)pperatiansf 2. irr^tioiial"wl)|9ifst lUuatxa^. W^X arci siiotiad aguMCi 3* Wxx grade PBOBLEMS ^ND Ml^T^ODS. an^ toot ^ Tao,(b^ ^^^^ cube not ^ft arithnieticf ' in Express 4. fiiqupleindex notation: .000,000,56, 56,000,000, 34,000, .000,075,2. 5. indices: without following the Express 5.4(10)6, 3.8(10)-4, 6.3(10)-", 9.3(10)7, 4.2(10)-". 6. Giy^ orally the following (^5)2, (35)^ (95)\ squares.: (%)^ (125)8,,(54)?, (3?)2, (4a)2, (68)?, (98)2. 7. Give VS^, VIST,VTIB; VlSl?;VR th9 fqllowing orally: ^8^, ^"215;viBsr. 8. inverse 9. Explain of hpw raising How relations f 10. Find would you to a Suggest power. involution can introduce of small the subject at least numbers six be of roots as the examples. used to tj0aeh aumber ^llustrat^. t9 ^ecim^l plw^,; thr^ V?P?" V^^l^ Vl^4fc V 67.2348. 11. the Explain drawing as to a class accompanying the it. derivation of the form imder 273 from POWERS Find JL2. Find 13. 14. y/W, What out'the " at ten What cU8|gQnal as, by the VM, is advi^tage the table VT vT, V2S", the by using y/1, vf, 277 BOOTS under 276: ^ v^lST, V^ilT, simplifying of V^ Rule": "Carpenters' V^ forms the before ing carry- computations? least 1^. values vis; "i^lain 16. Ipng following VT, VT, 15. following the the AND the illustrative the ali"ove to a claf3. grade of 9f tl|i9 placp '" the distance around" a is square! saved by A going reQt%2|^lp wide! BIBLIOGRAPHY V Ci^joxiy 2. Boots F. p. Sv^est examples. percentage in of tea^stu^g 51. by^ I'napectipn* Scientific American^ GYIII: 354. along t^o^ a 9fi CHAPTEB GEOGRAPHICAL 276. MEASUREMENTS Province latitude of time and arithmetical treatment in it where naturally questions these be taken children live, learn its of because about candle, they upon the locate used which learn can be globe at a all of meridians, the size the time this earth's the houses having numbered are lines the two little very the properly elementary early the ball, huge of of of principal similar a its about lines as just have lighted and pointed or explained two a we parallels, apple surface that apple or earth equator, the and globe a the grades which upon proximity principal 278 of arithmetical very part means The and geography treatment in a rotation upon in can In is close night. Towns which earth drawn reference in the the and upon town. Subject. the chapter a geography. the in that day of By arithmetical the consideration flat. be axis an places in to us produces meridians that immense to seems rotated axis of for given from teachers province the Introduction 277. the within lies schools questions successful be for their but is tude longian the placed a necessarily discussion here, up being As belongs. must their standpoint of instead time and longitude involved, of to requiring quantitative Because ' relating between questions are geography. arithmetic the connection the to they ; questions All geographical are consideration in and TIME AND Study. the longitude, and principles XXVn as used streets streets ready-made to streets out parallels correspond to are from tration illusand to 280 ABITHMETIC MODEBN pupils ahooild directed haw they specific. so 279l up clearing the in latitude facility are between longitude explain print 5 P. M. 7 P. fact time be can this of the the that the profitably devoted tt) fact. at above number of to minutes, and factor, 15, gives the understood, Hence, the is not candle and a this the in a good use stances in- different little notion clear of change study, and of the can globe, inclined at similar manner to sun. lem fully understood, the prob- are simple in one evaluation, multiplied by seconds difference seconds multiplied by form of the longitude in arc. Time, giving 15 of a solution in in expressing the difference accompanying globe Some of the during the a and in explaining the at getting moving the for can place into meridian. by matters units minutes, time some candle occur explanation An about eiarth itself degrees, night saipe on and ing interest- as took brought be truth and noon, not reduces hours, again existing Francisco which The day. ference dif- by asking the San event the relation made in an same this strange angle, about of the of can demonstrated proper When the to is in order easily be can places with two the be can the important seasons and lines find can A startling,as well account M. who of newspaper a the places in Pupils this study, morning^ that made addition township and study time. how clear making the and previously referred for be not of matter longitude between in for to clfiss to at need left to be can selves. them- previously mentioned, range Tiixie. and ready introduction Boston this country, an4 Longitude at references in for process more be should reference. for used and more the even the out intersections, as In subtraction. be and do^ but to Street used be may find to older, grow discretion what told where and As their be never BBOBLEMS AND METHODS which time in converting expressed in it must be product in is not to arc. be MEASXIBEMENTS GEQGRAPHICAL AND 12 min. 3 hrs. 32 281 TIME sec 15 8' 48"" Tfaisi poixit accQpted. QKen the pupils uusisited upon at aU This cau of solution numbers by names, isesults obtained, or, it may The inverse reciprocal the process, multiplier form will inverse be have we and found pro^duct a )48. hr. 3 hr. pupils for of to the of the use thing. same Treated as a multiplication in which one for the 32 sec. 34 sec. aecqmpany^ng solution of the prohlen^. 15 Often by the given. The good very of the teacher. simple. as undo are when matters interpretation of 15, and fully to fee too by either multiplicatioii really amounts is problem auch accomplished be form, which earned merely hobbies aceomplished without accompanying feel that to tixxke"are be he however, caa, made are // 0 and minutes time and 8 min. " 12,min. " teachers even and write hr. " carelessly use of seconds 3 " 6' 14" arc in in the viation abbre- the making a place of ment state3 hr. 282 MODEEN min. 6 14 Such sec. Standard 280. United the States time solar of Mexico use Greenwich are subject arising the into the The the to one and name result of its of extent the which the four A of other east. standard prominent of this following points of system Nova the study is based zones including Labrador, east Spain deserves of the upon from and of use importance. consideration resulting of the meridian this of most time of 15th subject the principle zones the a of include fundamental country 2. as bv Isles, France, of mean over the most into integral an adopted and that simple, but because must The 1. tolerated advantages Mexico Germany use 1883, is been British the ; time; consideration Its Throughout is used very in it has that great so problems time be never time, introduced railroads the by countries European Standard countries. City The PROBLEMS must affairs of today. are civilized the AND carelessness Time. of business part METHODS teacher. the by AEITHMETIC division the United Scotia, States New and of time. standard the : and Found- land. 3. Beason 4. The for variation 5. Names the of Seasons 281. the 15 he irregularity in some for time of lines boundary 6. the of International ^^ would The which he hour per be at would back change in roughly date usually referred strictly speaking no to and there international within and upon be have is made such he when he meridian. line in recognition. 24 of rate hours it would change crossed This date as the at and ; did international no west noon from started man meridian, but 180th the a time. traveled is, when would the If prime query as situated standard of Line. noon the follows cities zone. always at zones. zones. principal Date doiy. The next the establishment the prime meridian the the each of between be dates a f line line is line although it has so far ceived re- bIeASUBEMENTS GEOGRAPHICAL latitude. Define North America 2. What 3. St. is its the reason Louis 5. What 6. When of cities prominent in America. latitude of San from that nearer three of cities the Francisco the Ex. fully Explain city. If Chicago from than former in named Give the difference "add and cities three east in from W. long. Cuba extends named cities the two and of Ex. 4f the finding What places? this? showing in in subtract" between map or of when latitude or globe a longitude in you longitude of of longitude London. should in in of this. west made be can is much is the difference South farther longitude. cities three in three is much for Define 4. of latitude the difference the latitude yet Give and 283 TIME EXERCISES XXVII. 1. AND Illustrate use to as a class. is 7. Iceland 325 mi. 84** 58' What factor in 760 is meant Explain class a difference Will noon in in 74*" T 17' W. to is What its Explain of in and later 24* and long. discrepancy. meaning than Minneapolis long. time? longitude or W. factor?" the earlier come and LouiSy to to the and longitude W.*long. 31' from "reducing by 13"* Explain long. on an the 10. mL is problems between St. while long and 8. 9. extends in New of existiiig places. two York, Chicago? use. relation the time reducing the London, Omaha, How earlier much or later? Consider 11. with a 12. one any of study will sail one Explain eonnection in mentioned line. date Why does it follow not around Explain the 15. Suggest three fundamental change three of problems problems Suggest the earth to ' ' gain ' ' a day? to * "lose fully. 14. 16. points time. international the 6 meridian? day? the the of each standard Explain 13.. How. a fully by seasons suitable problems for under mentioned of means suitable class and globe a work under candle. of each 278. for class work on standard time. 17. other Suggest than the an one introduction to mentioned under the subject 279. of longitude and tim" ' ^ ABITHUETIC MOD^I"N Al^B MfiTHODd PBtXidLikMS ftlBLIOGRAt"HY 1. diaries OdTv^n, Edward Co., GhicagOy Willis 2. Johnsdn, 3. Mill, 4. Wilteo^, States. R. Hugli Harvard K Robert E. An Tow Angular of the irc*id, ^dmsiS 111. E. 92-103. pp. pp. W. Cooperative 16-19 Time and p. of Society. 25. Suwritfe drid Sunset in the VMlf^ ZZVni CHAPTEB SERIES Arithmetical 282. topics the ago occupied which weekly, summation. series a arithmetical Especially number of a and so The or of series yearly ; series geometrical a on total arithmetical an illustration series payments the give of summation is less ratio the into in acquire of than and metic. arith- infinite an one, of use reasoning otherwise the the insight an mathematical can it show when terms clubs, savings country. offer good of does standing under- as in the of case lH-i It also of is pupils the because an cents or solution. for processes than 15 monthly upon Geometrical advanced operations deposits series values. iiverage of sum appendix make place, of grades the to 5, 10, the years series unfortunate, first over is the Buying presents The all in seem the few advanced place a would In yearly or the really deposit deposits monthly regular is which found be to are weekly these more This members the given are useful. series of also they arising are in A geometrical and position altogether. conditions for arithmetical of Today omitted Series. Geometrical important an arithmetic. in and the shows i + + law *-h governing changes such the as increase population. Forms 283. texts do to use Smes. include not series, they desire of are offered Since the forms here for them. 285 of many or use the the present application by the teacher of who day these may 286 MODERN ARITHMETIC Arithmetical I AND PROBLEMS series: H- [a + a METHODS d] + [n a-f = [a H- 2"?] -f [a H- 3d] H l] " Xd [a-\-l]Xn 5 : = Geometrical series: a-\l (I S = = last = number term. of of 8 = sum d = difference = ratio r l " 'first term. "= w a " r I + or^ rn-i aX = + -\- ar^ ar terms. first terms. n between between consecutive two the and term any in terms an arithmetical preceding next series. in one metrical geo- a series. Equal If a A^ is sum, equaling each found series: payment from the p, the paid be to in n equal, yearly instalments, of interest rate being r, then p will be formula ^ [l+r]"" If the is, less the " paid off amounts interest on from unpaid the 1 principal portions, are each a, k, then fc]r + a[lH-r] p=[c-\-d+ fc]r + 6[lH-r] p=[d-\- 1c]r + c[l-\-r] P=[h-\-c-\-d p = fc[l + + r], h, year, c, d, that 288 MODERN 4. Define 5. Find ARITHMETIC illustrate and the The (6) the is is Is 7. if What interest 4 8" equal the instalments. 6 first 6 series. terms of 3 terms of 5 fifth and term number total yearly the is 324. of terms attitude present equal, of terms justifiable? ten Suggest 8 first the this is first the (d) What geometrical a PROBLEMS 6 -f 15 -f 12 4- 45 " (c) 6. AND of: sum (a) term METHODS H 135 H " geometrical of i series -j- series toward i -j- in ^ the, whose first -f* grade metic? arith- Whyf will payments buy a $1600 tract of land 6%f and solve two other problems on the paying of debts by BIBLIOGRAPHY"MISCELLANEOUS 1. HoweU, 2. McLellan, D. J. Co., Psychology The Nwnher, of York. A. Mwthods Special in Macmillan Arithmetic. York" John Walsh, 4. New Chas. John. Dewey, and 252-99. 203-251; 112-21; pp. Co., McMurry, New A. and Appleton 3. B. Henry H. Methods D. Arithmetic. in C. " Heath Co., Boston. 5. Words 6. "md for Howell, 8. Patrick, of D. Phillips, B. J. Psychology, of Number for XXI : Forms. 487. Edu- 41-48. pp. W. E. Number Science Popular Forms. Monthly, Genesis D. F. IV: Howell, 12. Scripture, B. E. G. D. 14. Smith, 15. Mikami, Ball, Journal of American Journal American Journal 13-41. Prodigies. 1. The A. Bara W. New York. pp. Arithmetica. and Court, Introduction Historical Co., E. W. Prodigies, Mathematical Yoshio Open mattes. pp. W. Macmillan Literature. American 1. IV: Miller, Forms. Mathematical Henry Psychology, of Number 506. Mitchell, 11. 16. Value Memory 467. : VIII: Psychology, 13. Between of Journal Pedagogical B. Henry G. delation The 504. Psychology, 10. V Beview, XLII: of A. 7. L. American Numbers, Hombrook. eational 9. Edward Thomdike, 129-58. Ginn D. Smith, E. Mathematical to and History Co., Boston. of Japanese Mathe* Chicago. B. Mathematical MaemiUan Becreations. Co., York. New 17. Science 18. A. Crommellin, and Jones, Mathematics, S. I. C. D. XIV: An Arithmetical Curiosity. School 451. Mathematical Wrinkles. Tex.* 289 S. I. Jones, Gunther, INDEX Abacus, 13y 18, 19, 97, 20, Arabic, 113, 130 12-15, Abstract, concrete Accounts to, Areas, 222-^4 257 50, 53-54, irregular motivating, plane 42 38, degrees, 1^7-68 figures, problems, 52 value Quincy, John Adams, Addition combinations, decimals, history, 76, Averages, 99-102 256 Algebraic business 102-3 work, papyrus, discount, 110 for ties, plurali- parts, Banking 138-39 Bankruptcy, Applications, 193-94, 79 teaching, Approximations, multiplication decimals, multiplication Base 249-51 69 and division of and numbers, and of number-system, Basic subject-matter, Bills, 222 Boethius, Bonds, of 222-26 20 219 Bookkeeping, 136 Borda, 52 291 interest, 173 207-15 219-20 accounts, 167-69 division 207 33 20 unitary, 207-8 208 school, 19, results, and 211 savings, short 272-73 Algorithm, usage, functions, formulas mixed majorities Bank: 97-98 76, 104-5, Analysis, subtraction, 251-52 cuts, Aliquot of 80 133-34 of cuts, lessons, method 163 fractions, short of 285-86 105-6 108 checks, 76 series, Austrian 103 ^carrying, order of, 2, 3-6, Assignment : 227-36 228 Arithmetical 173 265 260 literal, introduction, 150 145, figures, Arithmetic, Accuracy: number-system, 18-19 16, Archimedes, 24 : biUs, Ahmes Hindu-, 222-24 11 28-29 292 * * INDEX ' ' Borrowing of 105 United 30, 32, usage, brokerage, 200 multiplication, 11^-16 201-2 insurance, interest, 210-11 151-52 measurements, partnership, and in 51-52 24 263 Construction work: 93-95 early, 85, 146 problems, 173 Cone, right, 29 200 211 abstract, to 200-1 brokerage, interest, Condorcet, 251 simplicity, 28, weighing, Commission Concrete 203 revenue, discount, Computation 199 loss, 201 proportion, Commercial Compound 216-17 186, percentage, profit and : 100-2 addition, 237 graphs, 165-67 21 Warren, Combinations 132-33 fractions, 260-61 Colburn, 200-1 discount, Circle, 13 Nicolas, Circulating decimals, 217-18 corporations, 12-13 number-system, Chuquet, and 15-16 development, Chinese 199 207-8 commission 224 interest, 32-33, 84-85 nimiber 146 banking, Child: enterprises, 200 Standards, States, Business subtraction, commission, Brokerage, Bureau in later, 259 Cajori, F., Converting 147 for rule Carpenters' root, square ** in Cases" 48-49, out addition problem Ceulen, von, Changes in Checks of sources nines: subtraction, and 108-9 division, 122 thermometer, 183-84 and number schools, Counting Course of 42-43 reckoning, subject-matter, 29-30 grades, 108- 28-35 29 31-32 selection, subtraction, 18-19 study: arithmetic, 31 of Criticisms arithmetic 1-3 110 and multiplication division, Cube, Cube 122-23 problems, problems, curtailment, 257 and 40-43 10-12 : addition subjects, Counting multiplication Centigrade eolutions, 192 and : socialization, 36-44 103-4 addition, in Casting Correlation other 274-75 Carrying 217-19 Corporations, 138 Cancellation, 247 factor, 52, 69 262 root, elimination, 272 Curriculum, 28-35 ing, teach- 293 INDEX 29 curtailment, 31-32 grades, selection, 164-65 decimals, 31 fractions, elimination Curtailment, 122-23 checks, of ject-matter, sub- Cylinder, right, 114-15 history, inverse 29 137-38 119 262-63 and measurement Date line, international, Date, where Decimal changed, 159 and short in approximations and division, multiplica-* 167-69 division, circulating, 163 Hindu-Arabic ber-system, num- Degree of Degree of fractions, Denominate grades, fundamental history, Direct 147-49 153-55 152-53 arithmetic, Discipline, formal^ 18-27 150-51 subject-matter, 28 19 Early construction Early number Early number work, lessons, 85 89-95 work, 15-16, 85-87, curtailment and English in Equation of 29 Arithmetic, 47, 82 224 series, 286-87 payment : industries, inverse 231-32 of process, literal,228 50, 77, 229 literal, 227-37 211 Division, proportion, 200-1 solution 119-20 approximations 169 of introduction 5-6 Discount: commercial, 61 numerals, Equal measurements, bank, 77 Enterprises, child, of 62-63 good, subject-matter, 143-47 Development of Elimination operations, reductions, 61-71 88-89 143-57 151-52 equivalents, . 29 257 numbers, 23 165 167 accuracy, first four Dust 162 subject-matter, arc, Drills, Duality 163-64 writing, to of 259 scale, 258 reviews, 159-62 and discipline, 5-6 : forms, 64-66; multiplication, Decrease formal essentials 158-59 reductions of Drawing to introduction, reading Doctrine solving problems, 165-67 160-61 history, 124-25 cuts, 124-25 mensuration, 164-5 extension, 113-28 120-22 order, subtraction, partition, 120 relations, number 158-72 addition tion multiplication, 282 282 point, origin, Decimals, tion, multiplica- of (reverse) with decimals, of Estimating Euclid, 256, 249-50 problems, results, 52 272 229-31 294 INDEX Geographical 257 Euler, Leonhardy early arithmetic, Europe, involution, and Evolution time, 18 272-77 211-12 Exchange, 278-84 early grades, 278-79 fundamental problem, and longitude 81-82 ''Explanations," 123-24 use, thermometers, Fibonacci (Leonardo of 183-84 Gerbert Pisa), 20, 130 Gobar Sylvester II), (Pope numerals, 19, 20 114 31-32 Grades, work, 12-13 Figures, Graphs, 237-44 : essentials, 239 11 reckoning, introduction, cards," Fontana, Nicola Four 65 proportionality, showing (Tartaglia), 237 taught, why of A. Grube, 22-23 W., 20, 54-55, problems, 250 20 discipline,doctrine, 5-6 Formulation 66, 239 problems, Flash Formal 238 10 signaling, "* 256 Geometry, Fahrenheit Finger 280-82 time, series, 286 Geometrical Factors, 279-80 278 province, 272 Exponential Notation, and measurements numerals, 19, Gubar 114 76-77 Gunter, 181 operations, fundamental 98-99 24 Habituation, 129-42 Fractions, 133-34 Hindu- number-system, 15, 16, 18-19 History decimals, 158-59 division, 113-15 133-34 early varieties,187 unit, 129 what pupils 18-20 know, should 129-30 139 256-57 mensuration, operations: measures, 193 numerals, metric system, moneys, 146-47 173-74 153-55 multiplication, 113-15 33, 40, 67-69 percentage, in arithmetic fractions, and 143-47 numbers, 275 three Fundamental subtraction, 97-9" and addition 165 denominate root, subtraction, : 134-36 129 sexagesimal, weights 12- 130-31 reduction, 131-32, Boman Arabic 144 129-30 multiplication, Games, England, of I Henry introduction, square 55 home, "Help," 158-72 division, 137-38 history, 115 Harriot, 138-39 aliquot parts, decimal, 101-2 combination, addition addition, percentage, 16 powers and 186 roots, 272 Europe, 296 "" INDEX Making change/' 106 subtraction, Material for of process Moneys, problems, 39-42, 54- Mathematical division^ Measurements : first four 278-84 history, division, 153-55 operations, 143-45 Mensuration, 134-36 113-15 136 123-25 cuts, 76, 123-25 Multiple, 133-34 258 256-57 plane figures, 259-62 suggestions 115-16 113-28 relations, short 257-58 fundamentals, history, decimals, order, 117-18 256-71 early grades, 76, numbers, number 152-53 reduction, history, mixed 143-47 units, 116 163-64 fractions, 147-48 grades, of addition, with combinations, 151-52 fundamental 115-19 of decimals, equivalent, 42 122 checks, : origin 33-34, 39-40, 167-69 150-51 89-96 grades, geographical, Measures 173 approximations indirect, and primary Gaspard, abbreviation 120 146-47 history, Monge, 2S subject-matter, Multiplication, series, 285-88 Measurement, direct of Motivation, 264-66 55, Modification for problems, 264- Napier, John, Nines, casting addition 20 out: and subtraction, 108- 9 66 Mental Mental multiplication 61-2 arithmetic, discipline, doctrine, Metric claimed disadvantages, in history, 173-74 and teaching, 174-78 games, Number addition teaching, 174, 15-16 : 16, reckoning, 174 division, 122 numeration, early lessons, 179-82 emphasis Notation Number 173-85 system, advantages, 5-6 and 84-96 67-69 10-11 relations: and subtraction, 179-80 76, 110 United used in defining used in pharmacy, Mixed 173-74 States, 146, multiplication the yard, and proportion, 74-75 multiplication, 136 Mode of of 249 Number-systems, subtraction, thought and arithmetic, 72-73 division, 123-25 174 numbers: addition and 146 Chinese and 11 Japanese, Hindu-Arabic, language periods of, Boman, 16 14 12-15 12-13 297 INDEX Number work, early, 15-16, 84-86, 88-89 Numbers, introduction, inverse into separating periods, 14 language, 188-89 equation, and gubar, Hindu- 19, gobar, or 13 Japanese, unitary analysis, 114 Periods 16 Roman, of teaching, Oral arithmetic, Oral drills,good, Pike's 23 Order of priority Order of work: of value, signs, 125-26 how 102-4 Plane division, 120-22 Play, subtraction, Origin 116-19 measures, William, Oughtred, Outlines ": 33 251-52 Pluralities, off, 14 II. (Gerbert), the teacher, 6-7 Pope, Sylvester 115 arithmetic of 145 33 Pointing 143-45 79-80 67-69 store, and weights of 15 figures, bank, 106-8 161-62 lesson, addition, by grades, 20 272-73 Powers, history, 31-32 20 12 taught, Plan, multiplication, 257, 260 decimals, 62-63 14 23 arithmetic, Place 61-62 193-95 number-systems, Pestalozzi, 20, Pi, (^) Object 188 reductions, 12 Arabic, 192 192-93 problems, Chinese 191-92 problems, literal Numerals: 186-89 272 roots, 272-77 Paper construction, Paper folding, Parallelogram, Primary arithmetic, 259 Primary grades, mensuration, rectangular, Partition, division, Payment aid usage, games, 186, history, 186 in 125-26 262 45-60 solving, by formulation, 199 problems, 193 right, changing four difficulties,188-90 fundamental signs, order, 23^24, 46-47, 248-49 186-98 application, 199-206 business 88- 189-92, 201, 229, 230, 232-34, series, 286-87 Percentage, of Problems, 216-21 84-96 95 Prism, 120 216 corporations, 262 Priority 211 payments, Partnership, of Preparation 131 Parallelepiped, Partial 88-95 190 steps in history, judgment seasons, 34 54-57, 66, 76-77 solving, 46-53 45 in "practical,'' solving, 4, 48, 56-57 53 298 INDEX of value goody without 232-33 the Proportion, Rice, 248 245-46 history, 263 261 theorem, Pythagorean and drills,61, M., 1 J. Right cone, Right cylinder, Right prism, 263 262 262 of Right pyramid, 263 Rahn, 115 Right triangle, 261-62 Ratio, 246-48 Roman number 245-55 proportion, 15-16, Reason elimination numbers, writing arithmetic, teaching 30 3, Reasoning: 69 Reckoning, number, Rectangle, 53-54 48 Rule of Savings 262 188-89 numbers, fractions, 133-34, Three, 256 158 245 208 bank, to, 258 Scale, drawing School denominate 276 10-11 Reduction: decimals, 165-67, 272 273-75 Rudolff, Christoff, 20, parallelopiped, Rectangular cube, 275 Rope-stretchers, 15-16 solving problems, 33 bank, Selection of subject-matter, Separating 165-67, into numbers periods, 18814 Series, 285-88 cents, 188-89 Regular rightrline figures, Results, interpretation, 203 Reverse (inverse) 51, 77-78 division, Sexagesimal 260 Shank, 53 Short Revenue, 119 31 152-53 89 per 274- 272 history, table, approximations, square, 273-76 extraction, square, counting, of fractions, 162 for of 75 98-99 Rationalization, and 16 rule carpenters' 24-25 method, Reading notation, Roots: 245-46 history, Rational system, 78-79 20 Radix 11 164 105-6 Riese, Adam, right, Pyramid, Review 259 point, 191-92 subtraction, grades, 229 decimal percentage, notes^ 209 in equation, locating 201 loss, Promissory Proofs literal 45-46 numbers, and Profit interest, 210 37-39 Bocialized, processes, 49- fractions, William, 129 257 cuts: addition, 104-5, 110 interest, 210 multiplication, 76, 123-25 299 INDEX fractions, of multiplication roots, 110 subtraction, Signs, fractions, 274-76 272-73 squaring, 97-98 methods, 105 order of order 36-44 correlation, problems: illustration, 37-39 cones, 263 cubes, 262 spheres, Symbols 22-23 Spiral system, 53-54, 145, Square measure, Square root, 274-75 149 Table Hindu Tables: 158 "Squaring the circle," Squaring, short cut, 273 time, Stocks, Tartaglia 130 Subject-matter, choice, and curtailment, of, of, 6-8 69-70 183-84 20-23 29 devoted arithmetic, to socialization, 36-37 standard, waste, : 282 80-82 Tonstall, Cuthbert, addition, 97-112 Austrian method, ''borrowing," 280-82 longitude, 29 105 105-6 Topical system, Trapezoid, 260 2 measurements, 278-84 6-7 modification, Subtraction 203 preparation geographical 31-32 knowledge, 20 11-12 Time: 28 elimination Fontana), 116 (Nicola value TiUich, 31 151 151 Thermometers, 28 duality, grades, Tests, 28-35 149, numbers, (revenues), Teacher, 33 276 100 Tally, keeping, Taxes Store, playing, roots, square omission, 217-18 basic, of multiplication, 282 Stifel, Michael, 263 arithmetic, 73, 73-7^ denominate 256 20, 158-59 Stevin, Simon, 262 262 132 addition, 276 Standard 262 263-64 of 78, carpenters' rule, 274-75 method, series, 286 : right pyramids, 263-64 table, mathematical right prisms, 23 Sphere, 106-8 work, right parallelepipeds, 42-43 material, 39-40, Speer, of ' right cylinders, 88 early, of Surfaces 36-37 Socialization, Socialized Sum priority, 125-26 133-34 history, 52 use, 163 decimals, 138-39 square 108-10 checks, 21-2 20 300 INDEX Travelers' Triangle, arithmetie, of Unit-fraction, Unitary United 75-79 129 analysis, 249-50 193-94, right cones, right cylinders, right prisms, right pyramids, spheres, Waste 20-21 of bureau 263 262 262 263 263-64 partial and first weights and metric, 180-81 151-52 four origin operations, of arithmetic, of multiplication, units, cubes, irregular 143-45 152-53 98 John, the by Conqueror, 145 31-32 grades, 69-70 tests, 122 52, subtraction, Widman, Written 122-23 problems, 76 Work 108-10 division, 3-6, William : addition, Volumes, 2, 153-55 143-46 reduction, Verification 147-49 grades, history, 143-46 measures, 143-57 measures, fundamental 146-47 money, 80-82 equivalents, 211 payments, time, of Weights 146 standards, Units: Value 262 States: arithmetie, rule, 261-62 259-60, Unifieatioii parallelopipeds, 212 Checks, Yard 69 in defined terms of meter, 146 108-10 54 Zero, 262 solids, 264 13, dif"culties 18 in numbers, 15