Study Guide - District 95

Unit 1 Study Guide
In section one, you learned how to:
Identify, describe, and justify patterns in arithmetic and in multiplication tables.
Perform integer addition and multiplication.
Explain the rules for multiplying and adding negative integers.
Subtract using an integer, which is the same as using the integer’s opposite to add.
Apply the basic rules of arithmetic to whole numbers.
The following questions will help you check your understanding.
1. Circle the number -4 in your addition table.
a. Write an addition problem that the table shows.
b. Find another way to write an addition problem with an answer of -4.
2. Use the multiplication table to find each product.
a. (4)(-2)
b. (-4)(-2)
c. (-4)(0)
d. (-4)(2)
e. Is it true that a negative number times a positive number is a negative number?
Explain by using the multiplication table.
3. Use the basic rules of arithmetic to rewrite each calculation as an easier one. Find each
a. 8  99
b. 20  18 5
In section two, you learned how to:
Draw line segments with different endpoints and scales
Think of fractions and real numbers as points on a number line
Represent a rational number in many different ways
Extend the basic rules of addition and multiplication from the integers to the real
The following questions will help you check your understanding.
1 4 4
4. Place the numbers 2, , , ,1.1,and on a number line.
3 5 5
a. Are any of these numbers equivalent? If so, which numbers are equivalent?
b. Which positive number in the list is least?
5. Sasha starts at 0 on the number line. She moves 3 units to the right, 5 units to the left, 4
more units to the left, and 1 unit to the right.
a. On what number on the number line does Sasha land?
b. Write an addition problem to model Sasha’s moves.
6. Find each product.
1 4 
a. 20   
2 5 
1 2 4 
   
2 7 7 
2 3 3 
   
3 8 4 
In section three, you learned how to:
Explain why the algorithms you commonly use for addition, subtraction, and
multiplication work.
Use nontraditional algorithms that can be faster in some cases.
Become more familiar with the basic rules of arithmetic.
Perform arithmetic with integers and fractions.
The following questions will help you check your understanding.
7. Without actually adding, explain how you know that both sums give the same answer.
a. 212 + 18 + 35
b. 235 + 12 + 18
8. What fraction do you add to each of the following to get a sum of 1?
1 1
4 2
3 5
4 8