EV76C560/660/661 1 line mode Rev. 0.4 Dec 13 / ViP BRIEF DESCRIPTION - Procedure for switching the EV76C560/660/661 matrix sensor in 1 line mode. Application Note APPLICABLE PRODUCT - EV76C560 - EV76C660/661 EOS-AN016 KEYWORDS - 1 line mode - line rate 1. DESCRIPTION This document gives the procedure to switch the EV76C560 matrix sensor in a “1 line mode”. This mode allows using the matrix sensor like a line scan sensor. The new image frequency unit will be the “line rate”, in line per second. Two different modes will be available: A continuous line mode, at more than 12k lines/s. An interrupted line mode using frame readout and synchronization signals, at more than 63k lines/s. Figure 1 : Continuous mode timing Figure 2 : Interrupted mode timing (classic frame synchronization signals) FEN LEN Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 PRELIMINARY Line 1024 1/4 PRELIMINARY 2. CONTINUOUS LINE MODE USEFUL REGISTERS This part gives a list of the useful registers to program for activating the continuous line mode. Table 1 : Continuous line mode registers programming Register Address (hex) Register name Bits Register Value Action / Comments Extra_line_nb [15:12] h1 Reduce to 2 lines Line_length [10:0] h70 For a CLK_CHAIN at 85.5MHz Roi_expanded [8] 1 Roi Expanded On Clamp_auto_en [9] 0 The clamp is manual h0A Roi_max_id [13:12] b00 Only one ROI : ROI 1 selected h0B Roi_video_en [3] 0 No video mode h12 Reg_roi_0l_1 [10:0] Between d6 and d1024 Every useful line of the matrix can be chosen h13 Reg_roi_h_1 [10:0] d1 The width is one single line h14 Reg_roi_0c_1 [10:0] d6 Default value, can be changed h15 Reg_roi_w_1 [10:0] d1280 Default value, can be changed h39 Init_line_nb [14:12] d0 Initialisation time reduce to minimum h04 h07 To achieve the following line rate, the overlap readout mode must be enabled (if not, the line rate will be reduced): With a CLK_CHAIN = 48MHz, the maximum line rate is 7200 lines/s (line length is d200). With a CLK_CHAIN = 85.5MHz, the maximum line rate is up to 12600 lines/s (line length is d112). The default line mode is defined without context or histogram data: - 2/4 If only the context is enabled, extra_line_nb must be set to 3 - If only the histogram is enabled, extra_line_nb must be set to 2 - If the context and the histogram are enabled, extra_line_nb must be set to 4 EOS-AN016 Rev. 0.4 Dec 13 / ViP PRELIMINARY EOS-AN016 3. INTERRUPTED LINE MODE USEFUL REGISTERS This part gives a list of the useful registers to program for activating the interrupted line mode. The user can choose one line (among the 1024 matrix useful lines). The sensor will read always this same line during the ROI height. This mode is a line scan with frame synchronization. Basically, if the physical line 512 is chosen, the sensor will read this line 1024 times (by default, but can be changed). Table 2 : Interrupted line mode registers programming Register Address (hex) Register name Bits h04 Extra_line_nb [15:12] h1 Reduce to 2 lines h04 Line_length [10:0] h70 For a CLK_CHAIN at 85.5MHz h07 Roi_expanded [8] 1 Roi Expanded On h07 Clamp_auto_en [9] 0 The clamp is manual h0A Roi_max_id [13:12] 00 Only one ROI : ROI 1 selected Register Value Action / Comments h0B Roi_video_en [3] 0 No video mode h0B Roi_readout_mode [5:4] b10 ERS readout mode h0B Roi_overlap_mode [2] 1 Overlap mode enabled h12 Reg_roi_0l_1 [10:0] d6 Default value, can be changed h13 Reg_roi_h_1 [10:0] d1024 Default value, can be changed h14 Reg_roi_0c_1 [10:0] d6 Default value, can be changed h15 Reg_roi_w_1 [10:0] d1280 Default value, can be changed h39 Init_line_nb [14:12] d2 Initialisation time at 2 lines h75 Line mode [11] 1 Specific line mode enabled Line number [10:0] d511 Line 511 is reset, can be changed Line mode [11] 1 Specific line mode enabled Line number [10:0] d512 Line 512 is read, can be changed h75 h76 h76 The following line rate can be achieved, depending on the CLK_CHAIN: With a CLK_CHAIN = 48MHz, the maximum line rate is up to 35600 lines/s (line length is d200). With a CLK_CHAIN = 85.5MHz, the maximum line rate is up to 63600 lines/s (line length is d112). The line rate can be reduced by increasing the value of the line_length register. But it will at the same time increase the integration time. The time between two frames is done versus the readout mode in the following table. Table 3 : time between frames adjustments Readout mode Overlap Init_line Clamp enable Roi expanded Time between frames ERS On 2 Off On 95.3 µs (6 lines) ERS On 0 On Off 190 µs (12 lines) Important note: if Context and/or Histogram are output, the bitfield Extra_line_nb must be set at 3. 3/4 Rev. 0.4 Dec 13 / ViP PRELIMINARY 4. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Using the line modes, the user will take care of some specific adjustments: Image offset level adjustment using the register 38h (clamp_manual_offset) Image offset improvement with register 41h: value 9630h for Global Shutter mode, value 9605h for ERS / Global Reset modes. Table 4 : Register h41 values versus readout mode Register Address (hex) Value Global Shutter (hex) Value Global Reset / ERS (hex) h41 h9630 h9605 4/4 EOS-AN016 Rev. 0.4 Dec 13 / ViP