1965 VICTORIA EXPLANATORY STATEMENT OF THE SCHEDULES TO THE DECIMAL CURRENCY BILL Return to an Order of the House Dated 27th October, 1965 Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed, 27th October, 1965. By Authot~iy: A. C. BROOKS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNB. C-No. 1.-10162/6S-PatcE ls. (lOc) SCHEDULE I-PART A. All the amounts mentioned in this Part are the exact equivalents of the references in the old currency. The majority of the references are "calculating rates" and, if converted to other than exact equivalents, wide discrepancies in amounts to be paid would result. The following are quoted as examples:Act 6261-Ga~ Regulation Act 1958 Section 13 (4) requires that suppliers of gas contribute annually to the Gas Regulation Fund an amount not exceeding One penny for every 2,000 c.ft. of gas sold. Although this is a maximum rate the conversion of the penny to anything other than its exact equivalent (iths of a cent) could affect contributions from suppliers. Act 6324-Money Lenders Act 1958 Section 37 sets the maximum rate of interest chargeable by money lenders on cash orders at Ninepence for each One pound. Rounding off this interest rate would make a sizeable difference in interest payable on cash orders. Act 6377-State Electricity Commission Section 82A provides that the State Electricity Act 1958 Commission shall transfer to the Consolidated Revenue an amount equal to Threepence for each ton of coal produced from its brown coal workings. Unless the Threepence is converted exactly the amount payable calculated in the new currency would vary greatly with the amount which would have been payable if calculated in the old currency. It should be noted that some of the amounts in the new currency are expressed as vulgar fractions whilst others appear as decimal fractions. The fact that One penny equals jths of a cent causes difficulties in that decimal expressions involve recurring fractions. As a result when recurring fractions are involved the amount has been expressed as a vulgar fraction-decimal fractions have been used only where the expression can be locked completely. In summary, the Government feels that the inclusion of these exact equivalents in Part A will facilitate understanding of State legislation. SCHEDULE I-PART B. This Part is entirely devoted to amounts which have been converted to other than exact equivalents. Explanations of the references concerned and the effect of the proposed amendments are appended herewith. SCHEDULE I-PART C. Where substantial portions of an Act have been replaced or altered, Part C has been used for convenience. The references concerned could have been included in either Part A or Part B (whichever is appropriate for the individual Item) but, here again, for easy understanding it is preferable to include them in a separate Part. The Items concerned areItem A-Portion of the Second Schedule to the Companies Act 1961. As this Item refers to companies' share capital prior to 15th November, 1956, any expression of the amount of such capital should remain in the old currency. However if this capital is increased after C·Day, the amount of the increase will be expressed in the new currency. Therefore this particular portion of the Companies Act 1961 will always contain references to money expressed in both currencies and it is therefore preferable that the entire portion, in its amended form, appears in this Bill. Item B-Second Schedule to the Entertainments Tax Act 1958. The scale of entertainments tax expressed in the old currency is graduated in Threepenny rises in both admission prices and tax payable. Obviously, Threepences are not compatible with a decimal currency. The scale has therefore been reconstructed in the new currency and care has been taken to ensure that neither admission prices nor tax will be raised as a direct result of the conversion to decimal currency. Item C-Form 63 of the Second Schedule to the Justices Act 1958. This particular form serves as a sample as to the manner in which this form should be completed. At present it contains examples expressed in the old currency and, to preserve the form's oljginal purpose of serving as a guide and since the form is in considerable use, similar examples are expressed in the new currency. 4 Item D-References to the Closer Settlement Act 1938 and the Land Act 1958. The Third and Fourth Schedules to the Closer Settlement Act 1938 and the Fifth Schedule to the Land Act 1958 all set out repayments of leases dissected between interest and principal. They are based on £100 and were originally inserted as a guide for the Minister in designing repayment tables to cater for individual leases. However with the exception of the Fourth Schedule to the Closer Settlement Act 1938 these tables are no longer operative and it is therefore pointless to include a version of these tables adapted to decimal currency. The position has been amply covered b)' the amendments in this Item which have the effect of providing the relevant sections embodied in the Acts wit~:! sufficient detail to specify the basis for such tables. Item E-Fourth Schedule to the Marine Act 1958. This Schedule sets out a comprehensive table of maximum pilotage rates, some of which include references to eighths of pence in the old currency. The rates to be substituted in the new currency are expressed to the fourth decimal place of a cent and, as pilotage rates are calculated on the tonnage of ships, the rounding off to such a decimal place will have no effect on the actual rates charged. Item F-Second Schedule to the Teaching Service Act 1958. The Second Schedule provides a table of annual pensions payable on retirement to married women teachers. The table in the old currency is based on a contribution of £1, but the table in the new currency has been prepared by the Government Actuary on the basis of a contribution of $10 which is considered a unit more compatible with a decimal currency than the exact conversion of the old unit ($2). SCHEDULE 2. As there are a few references in the Consolidated Acts which are inappropriate to convert to decimal currency, special mention of these references is made in this Schedule. So that there will be no confusion, the two Acts which contain such references are specified to guard against the possibility of the formula provided in Clause 5 of the Bill being used. SCHEDULE 3. Item A-The figures expressed here are to denote the manner in which the new currency is to be recorded. It should be noted that the main intention of providing these examples is to point to the fact that amounts appearing in State legislation after C-Day will be recorded in figures wherever possible. Item B-This Item shows four examples of the manner in which percentages expressed in terms of the old currency are to be expressed after C-Day. The reference to a percentage in money terms has been deleted. Item C-1. Many references to money in Acts are in the form of a proportion and so that these references, when converted to the new currency, will be understood, a comprehensive list of proportions expressed in the old currency and their equivalent proportions in the new currency, has been included in the Bill. 2. Many references to valuations of property, &c., appear in the Acts and there is a danger that an expression such as " amount in the pound " could be converted to " amount in the two dollars " under the formula provided in Clause 5. It is therefore considered advisable to provide examples of the types of expressions which are to remain as expressions based on the unit of currency rather than the exact equivalent. Item D is included for this purpose. SCHEDULE I-PART B. WHERE REFERENCES TO AMOUNTS OF MONEY IN NEW CURRENCY ARE NOT THE EQUIVALENTS OF THE REFERENCES TO AMOUNTS IN THE OLD CURRENCY. No. of Act. Title of Act. Comments. Current Reference. Exact in Decimals. New Reference. -------------------l·-----------------------------------------j--------------j·-------------3705 Insolvency Act 1928 .. Charges per folio for copied documents .. 3d., 9d .• 3d. 2c, Se, 2e 4048 Melbourne and Geelang Debentures In· scribed Stack Act 1932 Charge per folio for copied documents .. 2d. 2c 6221 Coal Mines Act 1958 .. Penalty equivalent !<> amounts not paid by coal mine owners into Accidents Relief Fund. Changing the basis of the current expression to sing!" dollars will not materially affect the receipts into the fund One pound in respect of each and every pound or fraction of pound Two dollars in respect of each and every two dollars or fraction of two dollars One dollar in respect of each and every dollar or fraction of a dollar 6239 Dried Fruits Act 1958 .. Maximum contribution by producers of dried fruits to Dried Fruits Fund. The operative rate is declared by Governor-in-Council and is Ss. 6d. per ton at present so that increasing the ma:dmum to the equivalent of 12s. per ton will not affect the position. of a penny per pound equals lis. 8d. per ton) One-sixteenth of a penny per pound Five ninety-sixths of a cent per pound $1. 20 per ton Maximum charge for conversion of inscribed stock to debentures. The decimal equivalent is included only to facilitate understanding of the converted rate Not exceeding one shilling per cent Not exceeding I 0 cents in $200 (n 6263 Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Act 1958 At a rate not exceeding five cents in One hundred doUan 5 SCHEDULE 1-PART No. of Act, Title of Act. Comments. 6275 Housing Act 1958 .. 6282 Justices Act 1958 .. 6284 lAnd Act 19S8 .. 6289 6293 6302 lAnd Tax Act 1958 B-continued. Current Reference. 2d. Charge for additional folio for copied debenlures Limit for nominal damages against Justices. New reference should correspond to the lowest coin in the decimal currency Minimum fee for bee range area. The fee One half-penny now charged is 2d. per acre so that raising the statutory minimum will not affect the position Valuation of improvements required to be £83 6s. 8d., £41 13s. 4d. carried out by holders of conditional purchase leases Relates to licence fees paid in half payments and is only inserted for clarity These refer to amounts which have to be paid and have therefore been converted in accordance with the pence /cents equivalents in the Commonwealth Act. Marine Act 1958 Minimum charge on ltems returned and according to Department is never used New Reference. lie One farthing Every dollar is only inserted for purposes of Every pound clarity because valuations will be expressed in dollars Complementary to above-these relate to Two pounds, one pound exemptions Maximum rate of land tax levied on mutual One penny for every life assurance societies, building societies pound and racing clubs. New reference is an exact conversion Licensing Act 1958 Exact in Decimals. 2c '/,. of a cent le of a cent le ' / 12 $166.66!, $83.33j $166.66, $83.33 Every $2 Every dollar $4, $2 Two dollars, one dollar 'I, of a cent for every $2 ' / 12 of a cent for every SI Fraction of a pound Fraction of $2 £131 !Ss. 9d., £223 Is. 3d. $263 .87t, $446.12! Fraction of a $263. 88, $446.12 dollar !d. 'I• of a cent le /,c, 2!<:, 16ic le, 2c, 17c 1 630S Markets Act 1958 Maximum tolls which may be levied for specified items at markets, As these amounts could be payable individually they have been converted in accordance with the pence /cents equivalents in the Common· wealth Act. 6310 Melbourne and Metro· politan Board of Works Act 1958 Charge for additional folio of copied debentures 2d. lie 2c 6311 Melbourne and Metrf)« politan Tramways Act Charge for additional folio of copied debentures 2d. lfc 2c '/,of a cent le 1 I d., 3d., Is. 8d. 1958 6317 Milk and Dairy SuperYislon Act 1958 Grading charge where certificate is needed for export-Department advises that no Revenue to State is involved Id. 6324 Money Lenders Act 19S8 Charge per folio for copies of money lenders' records kept by Clerks of Courts and money lenders 9d. 6325 Motor Car Act 1958 .. Deduction made by Motor Registration Branch from third party insurance premiums. New reference must therefore correspond to new coinage Mileage fees payable by insurance companies to ambulance services Registration fees payable by primary producers Se 17!<: Is. 9d. Is. 8d. 16fc 3s. 9d., 7s. 3d. 37!<:, 200 cents in $2 copied 2d. lfc Penalty for straying sheep (because it is a penalty the new reference is a departure from the pence /cents equivalents in the Commonwealth Act) 3d. Partnership Act 1958 .. Reference to a bankrupt paying his creditors less than 20s. in the £. New reference is inserted mainly for clarity 6340 Portland Harbor Trust Act 1958 Charge for additional debentures 6341 Pound• Act 1958 .. 637S Stamps Act 19S8 .. folio for Concessional rate of duty on certain agency receipts These amounts refer to duty payable under the 3rd Schedule of the Stamps Act which is dealt with specifically below Rate of stamp duty for firms operating on bulk payment system. New reference provides the nearest exact equivalent 17c 721<: Twenty shillings in the pound 6330 !Se 38c, 72c I00 cents in the dollar 2c 3c 3d. (Section SI A) 2!<: 3c 3d., £100 (Section S3B 2tc, $200 3c, $200 (a)) 3d. for every £100 and fractional part of £100 (Section 53B 2i cents for every $200 and fractional part of $200 5 cents for every $400 and fractional part of $400 (b)) Stamp duty on receipts of more than £5 but less than £100 Stamp duty on transfers of marketable securities under £10 Stamp duty on warehouseman's certificates Stamp duty on bookmakers' betting tickets (each ticket is impressed with the duty) Stamp duty on sale of cattle. New reference is designed to provide the nearest possible and practicable equivalent Stamp duty on sale of pigs. New reference is also designed to give the most practicable equivalent 6377 State Electricity Com· mission Act l9S8 Charge for additional debentures 6379 State Savings Bank Act Amounts less than Id. are disregarded when crediting interest to depositor's accounts £100 is used in this context as a basis of a percentage These refer to the actual rates of interest and, as the basis (£100) has been halved, so must these references be halved 708S 1958 Wheat Industry Stabili· ration Act 1963 folio for copied The conversion to 1·7 cents is necessary to comply with the Commonwealth legislation relating to the Australian Wheat Board. This charge recoups the Board the cost of shipment of wheat to Tasmania. (a) 3d. (3rd Schedule) Jc (b) 9d. (3rd Schedule) Se '"/,c lie, 1 /,c (c) Id. (3rd Schedule) (d) 2d., I d. (3rd Schedule) (e) Id. in the £ (3rd Schedule) maxi· mum 2s. Id. (/) 2d. in the £ (3rd Schedule) maximum 3s. 4d. 1 /,c in the $2, maximum 20'/.c I fc in the $2, maxi· mum 33tc 2d. le 2c, le 2 cents in the SS, maximum 20 cents 2 cents in $2. SO, maxi· mum 32c 2c Id. (twice) •t~c le every £100 every $200 every $100 Ss., £2, £1, lOs, SOc, $4, $2, $1 2Sc, $2, $1, SOc 2d. lie I' /,.c By Authority: A. C. BllOOltS, Government Printer, Melbourne.