Superstar L Andersen-Cox G Fearnley-Whittingstall F Gallagher C Scopes O Crewdson C Deram H Farquhar S Gorton A Hampshire A Hampshire Z Maile L Mayhew W Petschek O Sykes M Turner R Wood T Adamo Z Ahmed O Bell O Heffer D Huang H Martin F Murley A Scott A Shin H Stalder M Von Lewinski T Ward Highly Commended R Baker N Jacobs T Bracken A Chambers J Dunford Wood R Flora F Lagesse R Litton K Patel H Scott J Symonds J Von Lewinski H Wheatland S Gorton Z Maile L Mayhew R Wood H Bell A Grewal S Hack R Litton A Loder A Scott E Snushall M Von Lewinski For finding the negative number mystery sentence first For finding the negative number mystery sentence first For finding the negative number mystery sentence first For finding the negative number mystery sentence first performance at Arbour Vale Winner of angles challenge performance at Arbour Vale Winner of angles challenge performance at Arbour Vale Winner of angles challenge performance at Arbour Vale performance at Arbour Vale performance at Arbour Vale Winner of angles challenge performance at Arbour Vale For solving the surface area superstar question Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Essay on Battle of Waterloo Performance at Arbour Vale Performance at Arbour Vale Bookitch Bookitch For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence For finding the negative number mystery sentence Letter writing from Midsummer Night's Dream Task For finding the negative number mystery sentence For solving the surface area superstar question Runner up in angles challenge Runner up in angles challenge Runner up in angles challenge Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay Waterloo essay