Algebra Readiness Builders Seventh Grade Vocabulary

Algebra Readiness Builders Seventh Grade Vocabulary
Absolute Value – is the distance from zero on the number line.
Adjacent Angles – are a pair of angles immediately next to each other with one side
in common.
Base – is the number or expression in a power that is multiplied by itself.
Circumference – is the distance around a circle.
Congruent – means the same size and shape .
Constant of Proportionality - is the constant value of the ratio of 2 proportional
quantities (x & y).
Conversion – is an exchange from one unit of measure to another.
Complimentary Angles – are two angles whose sum is 90o.
Diameter – is the distance across the circle passing through the center.
Difference – is the answer when you subtract.
Dilation – is a transformation that shrinks or stretches a figure.
Distributive Property - a(b + c) = ab + ac.
Algebra Readiness Builders Seventh Grade Vocabulary
Experimental Probability - is the results when you actually toss a coin 100 times.
Exponent - in the power 75 the 5 is the exponent.
Expression - uses numbers, variables, and operation symbol.
Inequality - is a omparison of two numbers or expressions using >, <, ≤, ≥, or ≠.
Greater than or equal to ≥ Is more than >
No more than <
Not equal to ≠
Greater than >
Less than or equal
Is fewer than <
No more than ≤
At least ≥
Greater than >
Less than or equal to ≤
No less than ≥
At most ≤
Less than <
Is more than >
to ≤
Integers – are natural numbers, their opposites, and “0”.
Lateral Surface Area - is the total area of the surface of a 3D object excluding the
Order of Operations - Grouping Symbols, Exponents, Multiply & Divide, Add & Subtract
Power - is an expression using a base and an exponent.
Probability - is the number of favorable outcomes divided by the total of all possible
Algebra Readiness Builders Seventh Grade Vocabulary
Product - is the answer when you multiply.
Proportion - is an equation stating 2 ratios are equal.
Quotient - is the answer when you divide.
Radius - is the distance from the center of the circle to the edge.
Rate - is a ratio of 2 measures that have different units.
Ratio - is a comparison of numbers or variables that can be written in fraction form.
Rational Number - is a ratio of 2 integers where the denominator ≠ “0”.
Reciprocal – are two numbers whose product is 1.
Reflection - is a mirror view.
Similar Figures - is the ratio of corresponding side lengths are proportional.
Straight Angle - is an angle that measures 180o.
Sum - is the answer when you add.
Algebra Readiness Builders Seventh Grade Vocabulary
Supplementary Angles – are two angles whose sum is 180o.
Term – is one part of an expression that includes a number, a variable, or product of
Theoretical Probability - is the mathematically calculated chances of a specific event
Total Surface Area - is the total area of the surface of a 3D object.
Translation – is to move a figure in any direction without rotation.
Transformation - is a change in position or size.
Unit Rate - is a rate that has a denominator of 1 unit.
Variable - is a letter used to represent a number in equations or expressions.
Vertical Angles – are a pair of angles directly opposite of each other formed by the
intersection of straight lines.
Whole Numbers – are any natural number and “0”.