A Factoring Algorithm for Clifford Appell Decomposition René Schott∗, G. Stacey Staples† Abstract Considered here is the problem of blade factorization in Clifford algebras of arbitrary quadratic form, and the role played by blade factorization in construction of Clifford Appell systems. In particular, a homogeneous multivector of grade k is a Clifford k-blade if it can be factored into the Clifford (geometric) product of k anisotropic vectors that are orthogonal with respect to the quadratic form Q on the underlying vector space. A representation-theoretic view of blade factorization algorithms is presented herein based on operator representations in Clifford algebras. As an application, the role of blade factorization in the construction of a full Clifford Appell system from a given blade is discussed in detail. AMS Subj. Classifications: 15A66, 81R05, 20C40, 60B99 Keywords: Clifford algebras, factoring, algorithms, Appell decomposition, operator calculus, quantum probability, Fock space, fermion 1 Introduction Appell systems can be interpreted as polynomial solutions of generalized heat equations, and in probability theory they can be used to obtain non-central limit theorems. Their analogues have been defined on Lie groups [5], the Schrödinger algebra [4], and quantum groups [3]. Appell systems on Clifford algebras are natural objects of interest for constructing solutions of Clifford evolution equations. The current authors first defined general Appell systems within a Clifford algebra of arbitrary signature in [8], and extended that work by considered left and right invertible Appell systems on the n-particle fermion algebra [12]. The reader is directed to the book [13] for a summary of the authors’ earlier work on Clifford Appell systems and operator calculus. ∗ Université de Lorraine, IECN, UMR 7502, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, F-54506, France, email: schott@loria.fr † Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1653,USA, email: sstaple@siue.edu 1 Other contributions to the study of Appell systems in the context of Clifford algebras include the works of Eelbode [2] and Güerlebeck [6]. Historically, a homogeneous multivector of grade k is considered to be a kblade if it can be factored into an exterior product of k vectors. The vectors occurring in the factorization are not required to be orthogonal, as the exterior multiplication naturally excludes non-orthogonal components. Fast blade factorizations are known to exist in this context [1]. Of specific interest here is the separate problem of blade factorization in Clifford algebras of an arbitrary quadratic form along with the role played by such a process in constructing Clifford Appell systems. A homogeneous multivector of grade k is considered a Clifford k-blade if it can be factored into the Clifford (geometric) product of k anisotropic vectors that are orthogonal with respect to the quadratic form Q on the underlying vector space, V . Note that while every Clifford k-blade is a blade in the traditional (exterior algebra) sense, not every exterior algebra blade is a Clifford blade. Presented herein is the development of a novel blade factorization algorithm based on representations of induced maps. This algorithm makes use of operator representations of the orthogonal group OQ (V ) to yield not only a factorization of the given blade, but to establish simultaneously an anisotropic, Q-orthogonal basis for the blade’s orthogonal complement in V . The algorithm thereby generates a full Appell decomposition of the Clifford algebra C`Q (V ). The examples computed herein were generated with the corresponding author’s CliffMath11‘ package for Mathematica. The package, available for download at http://www.siue.edu/~sstaple, facilitates computations in Clifford algebras of arbitrary signature C`p,q ' C`Q (V ) with canonical Q-orthonormal generators {ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ p + q}. 2 Clifford Operator Calculus & Appell systems Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over R equipped with a nondegenerate quadratic form Q. Associate with Q the symmetric bilinear form 1 [Q(x + y) − Q(x) − Q(y)] , 2 Vk V by and extend to simple k-vectors in hx, yiQ = (2.1) hx1 ∧ x2 ∧ · · · ∧ xk , y1 ∧ y2 ∧ · · · ∧ yk iQ = det hxi , yj iQ . (2.2) Vk V This inner product extends linearly to all of V and by orthogonality to V . Given a product of Q-orthogonal vectors, u = e1 · · · ek , the reversion of u is defined as ũ := ek · · · e1 = (−1)k(k−1)/2 e1 · · · ek = (−1)k(k−1)/2 u. (2.3) Reversion extends linearly to an involution on C`Q (V ). The grade involution is defined by linear extension of û = e1\ · · · ek := (−1)k e1 · · · ek = (−1)k u. 2 (2.4) The Q-inner product and exterior product extend to C`Q (V ) via the canonical vector space isomorphism. The left contraction operator is defined by (cf. [7, Chapter 14]) xyy = hx, yiQ ∀x, y ∈ V ; (2.5) ^ xy(u ∧ v) = (xyu) ∧ v + û ∧ (xyv), ∀u, v ∈ V, x ∈ V ; ^ (u ∧ v)yw = uy(vyw), ∀u, v, w ∈ V. (2.6) (2.7) In particular, left and right contractions are dual to the exterior product and satisfy the following: huyv, wiQ = hv, ũ ∧ wiQ , (2.8) huxv, wiQ = hu, w ∧ ṽiQ . (2.9) The Clifford algebra C`Q (V ) is the real algebra obtained from associative linear extension of the geometric vector product x y := hx, yiQ + x ∧ y, ∀x, y ∈ V. (2.10) Given an arbitrary Q-orthogonal basis {vi : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} for V , multi-index notation for canonical basis blades is adopted in the following manner. Denote the n-set {1, . . . , n} by [n], and denote the associated power set by 2[n] . The ordered product of basis vectors (i.e., algebra generators) is then conveniently denoted by Y vi = vI , (2.11) i∈I for any subset I ⊆ [n], also denoted I ∈ 2[n] . Give a nondegenerate quadratic form Q, define the Q-seminorm of x ∈ V by kxkQ = |hx, xiQ |1/2 . (2.12) A vector x is said to be anisotropic if kxkQ 6= 0. A set S of Q-orthogonal vectors is said to be Q-orthonormal if kxkQ = 1 for all x ∈ S. Note that since Q is non-degenerate, all vectors of a Q-orthogonal basis for V must be anisotropic. Given a collection of Q-orthogonal vectors {xi }, a Q-orthonormal basis {ui : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} for V is obtained by defining ui := xi , kxi kQ (2.13) for each i = 1, . . . , n. In particular, for each i = 1, . . . , n, ui 2 = hui , ui iQ = hxi , xi iQ = ±1. |hxi , xi iQ | These vectors then generate the Clifford algebra C`Q (V ). 3 (2.14) For convenience, the Q-orthonormal basis {ei : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} for V is fixed and always available. Mathematica examples found in later sections are computed relative to this fixed basis. These products of generators are referred to as basis blades for the algebra. The grade of a basis blade is defined to be the cardinality of its multi-index. An arbitrary element u ∈ C`Q (V ) has a canonical basis blade decomposition of the form X u= uI vI , (2.15) I⊆[n] where uI ∈ R for each multi-index X I. The grade-k part of u ∈ C`Q (V ) is then naturally defined by huik := uI vI . It is now evident that C`Q (V ) has a |I|=k canonical vector space decomposition of the form C`Q (V ) = n M hC`Q (V )ik . (2.16) k=0 An arbitrary element u ∈ C`Q (V ) is said to be homogeneous of grade k if huik 6= 0 and hui` = 0 for all ` 6= k. As the degree of a polynomial refers to the maximal exponent appearing in terms of the polynomial, an arbitrary multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) is said to be heterogeneous of grade k if huik 6= 0 and hui` = 0 for ` > k. A general Clifford element u is said to be anisotropic if uũ 6= 0. In this case, u is invertible, and ũ . (2.17) u−1 = uũ A multivector that can be factored into a Clifford product of vectors is referred to as a versor. A versor that can be factored into a product of k-vectors is a k-versor. In general, versors are not homogeneous. Definition 2.1. A homogeneous, grade-k multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) is said to be a Clifford k-blade if and only if i. u is anisotropic, and ii. u can be written as a Clifford product of vectors satisfying u= k Y x` = x1 ∧ · · · ∧ xk (2.18) `=1 for {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ k} ⊂ V . Note that this equality holds if and only if the vectors are Q-orthogonal. Note that any linearly independent collection {v1 , . . . , vk } of anisotropic vectors from V generates a k-blade u ∈ C`Q (V ) by u = hv1 · · · vk ik = v1 ∧ · · · ∧ vk . 4 (2.19) In particular, the grade-k part of a k-versor is a k-blade. The term blade factorization refers to any process by which the constituent vectors of a k-blade are recovered. Such factorizations are obviously not unique. Before constructing Appell systems in Clifford algebras, an operator calculus for Clifford algebras must be discussed. Within the context of this calculus, the construction of Appell systems will be natural. In the authors’ earlier work, the motivation for development of Clifford operator calculus was based on polynomial operator calculus [8, 11]. To begin, raising and lowering operators were defined naturally in terms of polynomial differentiation and integration operators on Clifford multivectors regarded as polynomials in anticommuting variables. The Clifford differentiation operator ∂/∂x is defined for anisotropic x ∈ V by linear extension of ∂ u = xyu. (2.20) ∂x Similarly, the Clifford integrals are defined by Z dx = x , (2.21) Z Z Z dx dy = x dy = y ∧ x. (2.22) These polynomial operators induce combinatorial raising and lowering operators by which Clifford monomials (blades) are “raised” from grade k to grade k + 1 or “lowered” from grade k to grade k − 1. These raising and lowering operators can also be regarded as fermion creation and annihilation operators in the sense of quantum mechanics. Significantly, given a Q-orthogonal basis {xj : 1 ≤ j ≤ n} of V , the exterior product and left contraction act as combinatorial raising and lowering operators on multi-indices of blades in C`Q (V ): ( ϑ({j}, I)xI∪{j} if j ∈ / I, xj ∧ xI = hxj xI i|I|+1 = (2.23) 0 otherwise; and ( xj yxI = hxj xI i|I|−1 = ϑ({j}, I)xI\{j} 0 if j ∈ I, otherwise. (2.24) Here, the product signature map ϑ : 2[n] × 2[n] → {±1} is defined naturally in terms of a counting measure on finite sets. For fixed positive integer j, define the map µj : 2[n] → N0 by µj (I) := |{i ∈ I : i > j}|. In other words, µj (I) is the counting measure of the set {i ∈ I : i > j}. 5 (2.25) For two multi-indices I, J ∈ 2[n] , defining ϑ(I, J) = (−1)( P j∈J µj (I)) Y hx` , x` iQ (2.26) `∈I∩J gives xI xJ = ϑ(I, J)xI4J , where I4J = (I ∪ J) \ (I ∩ J) denotes the setsymmetric difference of I and J. Definition 2.2. Let x be an anisotropic vector in C`Q (V ), and define the xlowering operator Λx on C`Q (V ) by Λx u = ∂ u = xyu ∂x (2.27) for any u ∈ C`Q (V ). The (left) x-lowering operator Λx is correctly regarded as an operator taking elements of grade k to elements of grade k − 1 for k = 1, . . . , n. Definition 2.3. Let x be an anisotropic vector in C`Q (V ) and define the corresponding x-raising operator Ξx on C`Q (V ) by Z Ξx u = u dx = x ∧ u (2.28) for any u ∈ C`Q (V ). The role of raising and lowering operators in the Clifford (geometric) product is made explicit by considering the left regular representation of multiplication by a vector x. Specifically, this is the operator sum (Ξx ⊕ Λx ), as seen by xu = (Ξx ⊕ Λx )u (2.29) for u ∈ C`Q (V ). The relationship between the generalized raising and lowering operators is made clear by the next lemma. Lemma 2.4. For fixed anisotropic vector x in C`Q (V ), the operators Ξx and Λx are dual to each other with respect to the inner product h·, ·iQ ; i.e., hΛx u, wiQ = hu, Ξx wiQ for all u, w ∈ C`Q (V ). Proof. The result follows immediately from (2.8) and the definitions of the lowering and raising operators. Defining the composition of lowering (differential) operators as multivector left contraction operators also makes sense. Specifically, for fixed grade-k basis blade xJ and arbitrary basis blade xI , ∂ ∂ ··· xI = xj1 y(· · ·y(xjk yxI )) := xJ yxI . ∂xj1 ∂xjk 6 (2.30) As a consequence, ( ϑ(J, I)xI\J xJ yxI := 0 if J ⊆ I, otherwise. (2.31) This multivector contraction operator extends linearly to all of C`Q (V ). This contraction operator is correctly regarded as a k th order lowering operator ΛxJ xI = ϑ(J, I)xI\J ∈ hC`Q (V )i|I|−|J| . (2.32) One defines multivector right contraction operators in similar fashion. Due to associativity, the exterior product already has a natural generalization; i.e., xI ∧ xJ = xi1 ∧ · · · ∧ xi|I| ∧ xj1 ∧ · · · ∧ xj|J| . (2.33) Consequently, ( xI ∧ xJ = ϑ(I, J) xI∪J 0 if I ∩ J = ∅, otherwise. (2.34) Note that the general blade product xI xJ has the operator calculus formulation xI xJ = Λxi1 + Ξxi1 ◦ · · · ◦ Λxi|I| + Ξxi|I| eJ . (2.35) A more general analogue to the number operator of quantum mechanics is the grade operator defined on blades by Γ(u1 ∧ · · · ∧ uk ) = k u1 ∧ · · · ∧ uk . (2.36) Lemma 2.5. For any anisotropic vector x ∈ C`Q (V ), the corresponding xlowering and x-raising operators are nilpotent of index 2. That is, Λx 2 := Λx ◦ Λx = 0, 2 Ξx := Ξx ◦ Ξx = 0. (2.37) (2.38) Proof. The result follows immediately from the properties of left contractions and exterior products. 2.1 Blade Appell systems Generally speaking, for an operator X on an algebra A, one sets Zn = {ψ ∈ A : X n+1 ψ = 0} for n ≥ 0, and defines an X -Appell system as a sequence of nonzero functions {ψ0 , ψ1 , . . . , ψn , . . .} satisfying i. ψn ∈ Zn , ∀n ≥ 0, and 7 ii. X ψn = ψn−1 , for n ≥ 1. The system of embeddings Z0 ⊂ Z1 ⊂ Z2 ⊂ · · · is referred to as a canonical X -Appell system decomposition. In the Clifford algebra context, combinatorial raising and lowering operators are natural choices for constructing Appell systems. These operators, which correspond to the creation and annihilation operators of quantum mechanics, map blades of grade k to blades of grade k + 1 and k − 1, respectively. Appell systems are particularly useful as solutions of evolution equations. One straightforward example is ∂t u = Λu, (2.39) where u = u(t) ∈ C`Q (V ) and Λ is an operator acting as generalized differentiation, or combinatorial lowering. Similarly, one can have an equation of the form ∂t u = Ξu, (2.40) where Ξ is a generalized integral, or combinatorial raising. Considering discrete processes of sums of raising and lowering operators gives ∂t u = (Λ + Ξ)u, (2.41) which can be regarded as a random walk on a directed hypercube [9, 10]. Definition 2.6. A collection {ψk : 0 ≤ k ≤ n} ⊂ C`Q (V ) is said to be a blade system if the following conditions are satisfied: i. ψ0 is a nonzero scalar and ψ1 is an anisotropic vector, ii. ψk is a k-blade for 2 ≤ k ≤ n, and iii. ψk−1 yψk ∈ V is an anisotropic vector for each 2 ≤ k ≤ n. Given a blade system {ψk }, it is possible to define raising and lowering operators Ξ and Λ, nilpotent of index 2 satisfying the following: i. Λψj = ±ψj−1 for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, ii. Ξψj−1 = ±ψj for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and iii. Λψ0 = Ξψn = 0. Perhaps the simplest way to construct these operators is to define x1 := ψ1 and xk := ψk−1 yψk , k = 2, . . . n. (2.42) V V k k−1 For each k = 1, . . . , n, the k th lowering operator Λk : Rn → Rn is defined by ( xk yu if u is a k-blade, Λk u := (2.43) 0 otherwise. 8 The lowering operator Λ is then determined by Λ := n M Λk . (2.44) k=1 Vk−1 n Vk n For each k = 1, . . . , n, the k th lowering operator Ξk : R → R is defined by ( xk ∧ u if u is a (k − 1)-blade, (2.45) Ξk u := 0 otherwise, with the convention that the exterior product of a scalar with a vector is taken to be scalar multiplication. The raising operator Ξ is then determined by Ξ := n M Ξk . (2.46) k=1 The blade system {ψk } taken together with the operators Λ and Ξ now constitute an Appell system, referred to herein as a blade Appell system. Definition 2.7. A blade Appell system on C`Q (V ) is defined as a triple Ψ({ψk }, Λ, Ξ), where Λ and Ξ are lowering and raising operators, respectively, such that i. ψ0 is a nonzero scalar and ψ1 is an anisotropic vector, ii. ψk is a k-blade for 2 ≤ k ≤ n, iii. ψk−1 yψk ∈ V is an anisotropic vector for each 2 ≤ k ≤ n, iv. Λψj = ±ψj−1 for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, v. Ξψj−1 = ±ψj for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, and vi. Λψ0 = 0 = Ξψn . The problem at hand is twofold: 1. Given a homogeneous multivector u of grade k, determine whether u is a blade. 2. Given a k-blade, u, construct a blade Appell system Ψ({ψj }, Λ, Ξ) satisfying u = ψk . 9 3 Endomorphisms of V and C`Q (V ) For any homogeneous grade-k multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) satisfying 0 6= uũ ∈ R, define the mapping ϕu : C`Q (V ) → C`Q (V ) by ϕu (x) := u x ũ = uxu−1 . uũ (3.1) For a fixed blade u, the linear map x 7→ uxu−1 is an endomorphism on C`Q (V ) referred to as the conjugation of x by the blade u. More generally, such a mapping will be referred to as blade conjugation. When the blade u is normalized, i.e., uũ = ±1, the map has the form x 7→ uxũ. As illustrated by the next lemma, when u is a Clifford blade the restriction Φu := ϕu V of ϕu to V determines an endomorphism on V . Definition 3.1. An endomorphism A on V is Q-orthogonal if hA(x), A(y)iQ = hx, yiQ . (3.2) The collection of all Q-orthogonal transformations on V forms a group called the orthogonal group of Q, denoted OQ (V ). Specifically, T ∈ OQ (V ) if and only if for every x ∈ V , Q(T x) = Q(x). Lemma 3.2. If a homogeneous, grade-k multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) is a Clifford blade, then 1. 0 6= uũ ∈ R, and 2. u x ũ ∈ V for all x ∈ V . Proof. Suppose u = u1 · · · uk is homogeneous of grade-k. Then uũ = u1 · · · uk uk · · · u1 = k Y hui , ui iQ ∈ R. (3.3) i=1 Moreover, decomposing an arbitrary vector x ∈ V into components parallel and orthogonal to uk , uk xuk = uk (xk + x⊥ )uk = hxk , uk iQ uk − huk , uk iQ x⊥ = αxk + βx⊥ ∈ V, (3.4) for scalars α and β. Associative extension gives uxũ ∈ V . When Φu is an endomorphism on V having eigenvalue λ, let Eλ denote the corresponding eigenspace. A blade test is now given by the following theorem. 10 Theorem 3.3. A homogeneous, grade-k multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) is a blade if and only if Φu is an endomorphism on V with eigenvalues λ1 = (−1)k−1 and λ2 = −λ1 = (−1)k such that dim(Eλ1 ) = k, dim(Eλ2 ) = n − k. Proof. First, the requirement that Φu be an invertible linear transformation on V follows from Lemma 3.2. Next, suppose u is a blade and write u = x1 · · · xk for Q-orthogonal anisotropic vectors {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}. It follows immediately that Φu (xi ) = 1 x1 · · · xk xi xk · · · x1 uũ (−1)k−i Q(xi )(−1)i−1 Y xi Q(x` ) = uũ `6=i k−1 = (−1) uũ xi Y Q(x` ) 1≤`≤k = (−1)k−1 xi uũ = (−1)k−1 xi . (3.5) uũ Hence, {xi : 1 ≤ i ≤ k} is a basis for the eigenspace Eλ1 . Further, if v is Q-orthogonal to B, then Φu (v) = 1 x1 · · · xk vxk · · · x1 uũ Y (−1)k v Q(x` ) = uũ 1≤`≤k = (−1)k uũ v uũ = (−1)k v. (3.6) Hence, v is an eigenvector of Φu associated with eigenvalue λ2 = (−1)k . Since v was arbitrarily chosen from the orthogonal complement of Eλ1 , it follows that dim(Eλ2 ) = n − k. Conversely, consider Φu ∈ End(V ) having the prescribed eigenspaces. Let x ∈ V be an arbitrary anisotropic vector and let B denote a Q-orthogonal basis of V containing x. Rewriting u relative to B, and observing that uxu−1 = x ⇔ ux = xu, consider the case k ∼ = 0 (mod 2). It becomes evident that ux = xu only if each term ui in the expansion of u relative to B commutes with x. Writing ui = b1 · · · bk for Q-orthogonal vectors b1 , . . . , bk , one sees ui x = xui ⇔ b1 · · · bk x = xb1 · · · bk ⇔ xyui = 0. 11 (3.7) Hence, when u is homogeneous of even grade, x is an eigenvector of the transformation Φu corresponding to eigenvalue λ = 1 if and only if x is Qorthogonal to every term in the expansion of u. Similar reasoning shows that when u is homogeneous of odd grade, x is an eigenvector of the transformation Φu corresponding to eigenvalue λ = −1 if and only if x is Q-orthogonal to every term in the expansion of u. On the other hand, suppose x appears in each term of the expansion of u. That is, every term ui in the expansion of u can be written in the form ui = b1 · · · bk−1 x for some Q-orthogonal subset {b1 , . . . , bk−1 } of B. In this case, k even implies k − 1 is odd so that ui x = b1 · · · bk−1 x x = −xb1 · · · bk−1 x = −xui , (3.8) which implies uxu−1 = −x. Hence, x is an eigenvector of Φu corresponding to eigenvalue λ = −1. Similar reasoning shows that when u is homogeneous of odd grade, x is an eigenvector of the transformation Φu corresponding to eigenvalue λ = 1 if and only if x is a factor of every term in the expansion of u. In other words, u = xu0 = x ∧ u0 for some homogeneous u0 of grade k − 1. It follows immediately that u is a blade when Φu has a k-dimensional eigenspace associated with eigenvalue λ1 = (−1)k−1 . Remark 3.4. The geometric significance of the conjugation Φu (x) = uxu−1 is well-known, particularly in the Euclidean signature, where conjugation by normalized blades corresponds to compositions of hyperplane reflections, yielding reflections and rotations in Euclidean space. Theorem 3.5 (Blade factorization). Given an arbitrary homogeneous, grade-k multivector u ∈ C`Q (V ) satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.3. It follows that Φu is a linear transformation of rank n and that any linearly independent set of eigenvectors {v1 , . . . , vk } associated with eigenvalue λ1 = (−1)k−1 give an exterior factorization of the blade u; i.e., u=α k ^ v` = α v[k] (3.9) `=1 for some scalar α. Moreover, there exists a Q-orthogonal basis {w1 , . . . , wk } of Eλ1 such that u has the Clifford (geometric) factorization u=β k Y w` = β w[k] `=1 for some scalar β. Proof. Claim. The homomorphism Φu is an involution, i.e., Φu 2 = I. 12 (3.10) Proof of claim. Letting g denote the grade of u, note that ũ = (−1)g(g−1)/2 , so that uxũ = (−1)g(g−1)/2 uxu = ũxu. Assuming for convenience that uũ = 1, it follows that for arbitrary x ∈ C`Q (V ), Φu (Φu (x)) = u(uxũ)ũ = u(ũxu)ũ = (uũ)x(uũ) = x. (3.11) Since Φu is an involution, the right-regular representation is diagonalizable with eigenvalues ±1 by a standard result in linear algebra. Suppose u = u1 · · · uk for Q-orthogonal vectors u1 , . . . , uk . Then, for each i = 1, . . . , k, Φu (ui ) = uui = ũ uũ (−1)k−i hui , ui iQ (u1 · · · ui−1 )(ui+1 · · · uk uk · · · ui+1 )ui (ui−1 · · · u1 ) uũ k (−1)k−i (−1)i−1 Y huj , uj iQ ui = uũ j=1 = (−1)k−1 uũ ui = (−1)k−1 ui . (3.12) uũ It follows that each factor ui of the blade u is in the eigenspace of Φu corresponding to eigenvalue (−1)k−1 . Moreover, the basis eigenvectors B = {v1 , . . . , vk } of Eλ1 are anisotropic. To see this, note that u = αv1 · · · vk and suppose vi ∈ B is isotropic. Then, Φu (vi ) = uvi Q(vi ) ũ =± uũ uũ Y Q(v` ) = 0, (3.13) 1≤`6=i≤k contradicting Φu (vi ) = (−1)k−1 vi . Note that the eigenvectors of Φu corresponding to eigenvalue λ1 are not necessarily Q-orthogonal. However, since the vectors are anisotropic, a Qorthogonal basis γu = {w1 , . . . , wk } of Eλ1 exists. Since the factors of u span this same k-dimensional subspace of V , a suitable scalar α yields (3.10). Lemma 3.6. The eigenspaces Eλ1 and Eλ2 are orthogonal with respect to the quadratic form Q. Proof. Begin by letting v ∈ Eλ1 and w ∈ Eλ2 . Then, uvu−1 uwu−1 = λ1 λ2 vw = λ1 λ2 (hv, wiQ + v ∧ w) . (3.14) Letting α = hv, wiQ and noting that λ1 λ2 = −1, this implies u(vw)u−1 = −α − v ∧ w. (3.15) On the other hand, noting that vw = α + v ∧ w, one also finds u(vw)u−1 = u (α + v ∧ w) u−1 = α − v ∧ w. Equality of (3.15) and (3.16) then implies α = 0. 13 (3.16) Recalling the eigenvalues λ1 = (−1)k−1 and λ2 = (−1)k associated with conjugation by a blade of grade k, the next result is immediate. 1 Lemma 3.7. Given a k-blade u, the operators (I + λ1 Φu ) and 2 1 (I − λ1 Φu ) act as projections onto Eλ1 and Eλ2 , respectively. 2 Proof. Recall that λ1 = (−1)k−1 and λ2 = (−1)k . If v ∈ Eλ1 , it follows immediately that 1 1 I + (−1)k−1 Φu (v) = v + λ1 2 v = v. (3.17) 2 2 Further, v ∈ Eλ2 implies 1 1 I + (−1)k Φu (v) = v + λ2 2 v = v. 2 2 (3.18) The result then follows from Q-orthogonality of Eλ1 and Eλ2 . For any linear transformation X ∈ L(V ), let ker(X) denote the kernel (or null space) of X. Corollary 3.8. Let u ∈ C`Q (V ) be a Clifford k-blade. Then, for any Qorthogonal basis {x1 , . . . , xk } of ker (I − λ1 Φu ), ∃α ∈ R such that u=α k Y xj . j=1 Definition 3.9. A collection B = {u1 , . . . , uk } of anisotropic vectors in V is said to be Q-orthogonalizable if there exists a permutation σ ∈ Sk such that defining j−1 X huσ(j) , w` i w` , ∀1 ≤ j ≤ k (3.19) wj := uσ(j) − hw` , w` i `=1 yields an anisotropic Q-orthogonal collection {w1 , . . . , wk }. Example 3.10. Applying Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to the collection B = {e2 , e1 + e2 + e3 , e1 } in C`1,2 results in the collection {e2 , e1 + e3 , −e3 } which is not Q-orthogonal. In fact, u2 is isotropic. However, by permuting the elements of B and applying Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to the ordered collection {e1 , e2 , e1 + e2 + e3 }, one obtains the anisotropic, Q-orthogonal collection {e1 , e2 , e3 }. Remark 3.11. It is not difficult to see that when Q corresponds to positive definite or negative definite spaces, every linearly-independent set of vectors is orthogonalizable. 14 Rather than computing the kernel of the operator I − λ1 Φu to obtain a blade factorization, one can simply consider the row space of the rightregular representation of (I − λ2 Φu )/2, provided some k-subset of the rows is Q-orthogonalizable. Corollary 3.12. If applying Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to the rows of the right-regular representation of I − λ2 Φu yields a collection {w1 , . . . , wk } of nonzero anisotropic vectors, then u=α k Y wk i=1 for some scalar, α. Proof. Note that ker(I − λ1 Φu ) = Im(I − λ2 Φu ). Realizations of the endomorphisms of V considered in the examples here are developed as n × n real matrices. The dual of an endomorphism A ∈ End(V ), denoted A∗ , is therefore correctly regarded as the matrix transpose of A. When A is regarded as an endomorphism in the general sense, the argument of A will be made explicit, as in A(x). On the other hand, use of the matrix representation of A will be indicated by the right action of the matrix; i.e., xA. Given a Q-orthogonal basis {ui : 1 ≤ i ≤ n} for V , a right-regular matrix representation of A ∈ End(V ) is determined by Ai j = hui A, uj iQ = hA(ui ), uj iQ . (3.20) The relationships among Q, the Q-inner product, and the right-regular representation of Q are understood by Q(x) = hx, xiQ = xQx∗ . (3.21) Example 3.13. The following example is computed in C`3,4 using Mathematica and the CliffMath11‘ package. a randomly-generated 4-blade u ∈ C`3,4 is depicted in (3.22). The right-regular representation of the corresponding blade conjugation operator is given by (3.23). u = −24e{1,2,3,4} − 36e{1,2,3,5} − 36e{1,2,3,6} − 72e{1,2,3,7} − 24e{1,2,4,7} + 36e{1,2,5,7} + 36e{1,2,6,7} + 120e{1,3,4,5} + 144e{1,3,4,6} + 360e{1,3,4,7} − 36e{1,3,5,6} − 180e{1,3,5,7} − 108e{1,3,6,7} + 120e{1,4,5,7} + 144e{1,4,6,7} − 36e{1,5,6,7} + 108e{2,3,4,5} + 108e{2,3,4,6} + 312e{2,3,4,7} − 144e{2,3,5,7} − 144e{2,3,6,7} + 108e{2,4,5,7} + 108e{2,4,6,7} − 108e{3,4,5,6} − 60e{3,4,5,7} + 252e{3,4,6,7} − 144e{3,5,6,7} + 108e{4,5,6,7} . (3.22) 15 68 − 127 178 − 127 19 127 45 Φ= 127 55 − 127 123 127 19 − 127 178 − 127 83 − 381 46 127 2 127 92 − 381 124 127 46 − 127 19 127 46 127 179 − 127 63 − 127 50 − 127 96 − 127 52 127 45 − 127 2 − 127 63 127 58 − 127 85 127 87 127 63 − 127 55 127 92 381 50 127 85 127 281 381 64 − 127 50 − 127 123 − 127 124 − 127 96 127 87 127 64 − 127 187 127 96 − 127 19 127 46 127 52 − 127 63 − 127 50 − 127 96 − 127 75 − 127 (3.23) In (3.24), the right-regular representation of the operator (I − Φu )/2, which acts by projection onto the eigenspace of λ1 = −1, is constructed. An orthonormal basis ((3.25) - (3.28)) for the row space is then obtained by applying Q-Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization directly to the rows of the matrix. 195 254 89 127 19 − 254 45 (I − Φ)/2 = − 254 55 254 123 − 254 19 254 r v1 = 89 127 232 381 23 − 127 1 − 127 46 381 62 − 127 23 127 19 − 254 23 − 127 153 127 63 254 25 127 48 127 26 − 127 45 254 1 127 63 − 254 185 254 85 − 254 87 − 254 63 254 55 − 254 46 − 381 25 − 127 85 − 254 50 381 32 127 25 127 123 254 62 127 48 − 127 87 − 254 32 127 30 − 127 48 127 19 − 254 23 − 127 26 127 63 (3.24) 254 25 127 48 127 101 127 r r 19 e{3} 195 2 15 e{1} + 89 e{2} − √ e{4} +3 254 24765 3302 49530 r r 19 e{7} 5 3 − 11 e{5} + 41 e{6} − √ 9906 16510 49530 (3.25) 16 r v2 = − 2 11 e{2} − 65 3 1 v3 = 3 r 2 e{3} − 65 r 10 e{4} + 13 r 5 e{5} 26 r 3 e{6} 11 2 + √ − e{7} 3 65 130 (3.26) r r 3 e{5} 3 e{6} 11 e{7} 29 2 e{3} + e{4} − √ − √ + √ 2 29 58 58 3 58 r r 3 e{5} 3 e{6} 2 2 e{4} − √ − √ −3 e{7} v4 = 29 29 58 58 (3.27) (3.28) In (3.29), the Clifford product of the basis vectors of (3.25)-(3.28) is computed. The 4-blade √ u of (3.22) is then recovered by scaling this product by the factor α = −24 381; i.e., u = αΥ. r r r e{1,2,3,4} 1 1 3 3 3 + e{1,2,3,5} + e{1,2,3,6} + e{1,2,3,7} Υ=− √ 2 127 2 127 127 381 r r e{1,2,4,7} 5 e{1,3,4,5} 3 3 1 1 + √ − e{1,2,5,7} − e{1,2,6,7} − √ 2 127 2 127 381 381 r r r 1 3 3 3 −2 e{1,3,4,6} − 5 e{1,3,4,7} + e{1,3,5,6} 127 127 2 127 r r 5 e{1,4,5,7} 5 3 3 3 + e{1,3,5,7} + e{1,3,6,7} − √ 2 127 2 127 381 r r r r 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 −2 e{1,4,6,7} + e{1,5,6,7} − e{2,3,4,5} − e{2,3,4,6} 127 2 127 2 127 2 127 r r r 13 e{2,3,4,7} 3 3 3 3 √ e{2,3,5,7} + 2 e{2,3,6,7} − e{2,4,5,7} − +2 127 127 2 127 381 r r r 5 e{3,4,5,7} 3 7 3 3 3 3 √ − − e{2,4,6,7} + e{3,4,5,6} + e{3,4,6,7} 2 127 2 127 2 127 2 381 r r 3 3 3 +2 e{3,5,6,7} − e{4,5,6,7} (3.29) 127 2 127 3.1 Appell Systems from Blades Given a Clifford k-blade, u, it is now possible to construct a blade Appell system satisfying ψk = u. 1. Set ψk := u. 2. Compute an ordered Q-orthogonalizable basis B = {v1 , . . . , vk } for the null space of I − λ1 Φu . 17 3. Apply Q-Gram Schmidt orthonormalization to the vectors of B to obtain an ordered Q-orthonormal basis B 0 = {w1 , . . . , wk }. Qk 4. Compute the scalar α such that u = i=1 wi . 5. Set ψj−1 := Λwj ψj for j = 1, . . . , k. 6. Compute an ordered Q-orthogonalizable basis B⊥ = {vn+1 , . . . , vn } for the null space of I − λ2 Φu . 7. Apply Q-Gram Schmidt orthonormalization to the vectors of B⊥ to obtain 0 an ordered Q-orthonormal basis B⊥ = {wn+1 , . . . , wn }. 8. Set ψj+1 := Ξwj ψj for j = k, . . . , n. Ln Ln 9. Define Λ := `=1 Λw` and Ξ := `=1 Ξw` , as before. Given any anisotropic Q-orthogonal basis {ei } for V , the pseudoscalar for C`Q (V ) is the n-blade e[n] . For a k-blade u, let u? denote the dual of u, defined implicitly by u? u = e[n] . Note that u? is a blade of grade n − k and satisfies u? u = e[n] = (−1)k(n−k) uu? . (3.30) Example 3.14. In (3.31), the right-regular representation of the operator (I + Φu )/2, which acts by projection onto the eigenspace of λ2 = 1, is constructed. An orthonormal basis, (3.32)-(3.34), for the row space is then obtained by applying Q-Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization directly to the rows of the matrix. 59 254 89 − 127 19 254 45 (I + Φ)/2 = 254 55 − 254 123 254 19 − 254 89 − 127 149 381 23 127 1 127 46 − 381 62 127 23 − 127 19 254 23 127 26 − 127 63 − 254 25 − 127 48 − 127 26 127 45 − 254 1 − 127 63 254 69 254 85 254 87 254 63 − 254 18 55 254 46 381 25 127 85 254 331 381 32 − 127 25 − 127 123 − 254 62 − 127 48 127 87 254 32 − 127 157 127 48 − 127 19 254 23 127 26 − 127 63 (3.31) − 254 25 − 127 48 − 127 26 127 r v6 = 59 e{1} − 89 254 r r 45 e{4} 55 e{5} 19 e{3} 2 −√ +√ e{2} + √ 7493 14986 14986 14986 123 e{6} 19 e{7} − √ +√ 14986 14986 r r 137 e{5} 3 e{4} + √ 17995 53985 r 15 3 − 23 e{6} + 24 e{7} 3599 17995 r r 21 e{5} 9 e{7} 9 e{3} 2 5 +6 e{4} + √ + e{6} − √ . v8 = − √ 305 122 610 610 610 v7 = − 305 e{2} + 24 177 3 e{3} − 32 17995 r (3.32) (3.33) (3.34) In (3.35), the Clifford product of the basis vectors (3.32)-(3.34) is computed. The 3-blade u? is then recovered by scaling this product by the factor α? = 1 1 √ ; i.e., u? = α? Υ? = − Υ. α 24 381 r r r 5 e{1,2,6} 3 3 3 7 3 Υ? = e{1,2,3} − 2 e{1,2,4} − e{1,2,5} − √ 2 127 127 2 127 2 381 r r r r 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 + e{1,2,7} + e{1,3,5} − e{1,3,6} − 2 e{1,4,5} 2 127 2 127 2 127 127 r r r 13 e{1,5,6} 3 3 3 3 3 e{1,4,6} + √ − e{1,5,7} + e{1,6,7} +2 127 2 127 2 127 381 r r r 5 e{2,3,6} 1 3 3 3 3 − + e{2,3,4} − 2 e{2,3,5} + √ e{2,4,5} 2 127 127 2 127 381 r r r r 3 1 3 3 3 5 − e{2,4,6} + e{2,4,7} − 5 e{2,5,6} + 2 e{2,5,7} 2 127 2 127 127 127 r r 5 e{2,6,7} e{3,5,6} 1 3 1 3 + − √ e{3,4,5} − e{3,4,6} − √ 2 127 2 127 381 381 r r r e{5,6,7} 3 1 3 1 3 − e{4,5,6} + e{4,5,7} − e{4,6,7} − √ (3.35) 127 2 127 2 127 381 Example 3.15. Based on Examples 3.13 and 3.14, it is now possible to construct a full blade Appell system Ψ = ({ψk }, Λ, Ξ) in C`3,4 satisfying ψ4 = u. The blade system is seen in (3.36)-(3.38) and (3.39)-(3.41). 19 r 2 ψ3 := Λψ4 = 6 58 e{1,2,3} + 12 e{1,2,4} − 18 e{1,2,5} − 18 e{1,2,6} 29 r 2 +6 22 e{1,2,7} − 246 e{1,3,4} + 79 e{1,3,5} + 21 e{1,3,6} − 132 e{1,3,7} 29 r 2 +6 −60 e{1,4,5} − 72 e{1,4,6} + 66 e{1,4,7} + 18 e{1,5,6} 29 r 2 +6 11 e{1,5,7} + 33 e{1,6,7} − 210 e{2,3,4} + 54 e{2,3,5} + 54 e{2,3,6} 29 r 2 +6 −124 e{2,3,7} − 54 e{2,4,5} − 54 e{2,4,6} + 54 e{2,4,7} + 18 e{2,5,7} 29 r 2 +6 18 e{2,6,7} + 57 e{3,4,5} − 153 e{3,4,6} + 48 e{3,4,7} 29 r 2 +6 54 e{3,5,6} − 46 e{3,5,7} + 78 e{3,6,7} − 54 e{4,5,6} 29 r 2 +6 (3.36) 27 e{4,5,7} − 27 e{4,6,7} − 18 e{5,6,7} 29 ψ2 := Λψ3 = 4 18 e{1,2} + 66 e{1,3} + 90 e{1,4} − 45 e{1,5} − 27 e{1,6} + 4 66 e{1,7} + 62 e{2,3} + 78 e{2,4} − 36 e{2,5} − 36 e{2,6} + 4 62 e{2,7} − 24 e{3,4} + 23 e{3,5} − 39 e{3,6} + 15 e{4,5} − 63 e{4,6} (3.37) + 4 24 e{4,7} + 36 e{5,6} − 23 e{5,7} + 39 e{6,7} r ψ1 := Λψ2 = −12 2 195 e{1} + 178 e{2} − 19 e{3} + 45 e{4} − 55 e{5} 65 r 2 − 12 123 e{6} − 19 e{7} (3.38) 65 r 254 9 e{1,2,3,4,5} + 9 e{1,2,3,4,6} + 26 e{1,2,3,4,7} 59 254 + 12 −12 e{1,2,3,5,7} − 12 e{1,2,3,6,7} + 9 e{1,2,4,5,7} 59 r 254 + 12 9 e{1,2,4,6,7} − 9 e{1,3,4,5,6} − 5 e{1,3,4,5,7} 59 r 254 + 12 21 e{1,3,4,6,7} − 12 e{1,3,5,6,7} + 9 e{1,4,5,6,7} 59 ψ5 := Ξψ4 = 12 r 20 (3.39) r ψ6 := Ξψ5 = 12 762 9 e{1,2,3,4,5,6} + 5 e{1,2,3,4,5,7} − 21 e{1,2,3,4,6,7} 305 r 762 12 e{1,2,3,5,6,7} − 9 e{1,2,4,5,6,7} (3.40) + 12 305 √ ψ7 := Ξψ6 = −24 381 e{1,2,3,4,5,6,7} . 4 (3.41) Conclusion Aside from its role in constructing Appell systems, blade factorization has farreaching implications. For example, the ability to construct full Appell systems from partial data obtained from a single multivector is related to problems of interpolation and approximation using Clifford algebras. Blade factorization also has applications as a form of “Clifford compression.” In particular, a k-blade of an n-dimensional vector space V stored as a linear combination of canonical basis blades can require up to nk scalar coefficients. On the other hand, a suitable choice of basis reduces this to storing k vectors of length n. For example, given a canonical basis for C`10,0 , the canonical multivector expansion of an arbitrary 5-blade may have as many as 10 5 = 252 nonzero coefficients, while the right-regular representation of Φu is a 10 × 10 matrix. Reducing this to a 5-vector basis {x1 , . . . , x5 } for the eigenspace of λ1 results in storing only 50 scalars plus the scaling factor α satisfying u = αx1 · · · x5 . As the dimension increases, so do the savings. References [1] L. Dorst, D. 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