Beth Pianezza Principles of Design Week of 2/28/11 DATE Monday TOPIC Proportion Student Generated Supplies: portrait *must be of himself or herself or someone they know * must portray an identifiable emotion RESOURCES Teacher instruction, Demonstration and Keynote presentation Grading criteria: Craftsmanship, accuracy of proportion, accuracy of drawing compared to reference photo, facial features, use and range of shading Other Supplies: handouts, ebony pencils, erasers, blending stubs Tuesday Proportion Student Generated Supplies: portrait *must be of himself or herself or someone they know * must portray an identifiable emotion Teacher instruction, Demonstration and Keynote presentation Proportion Student Generated Supplies: portrait *must be of himself or herself or someone they know * must portray an identifiable emotion Students will draw a portrait using the information they learned about proportion. The portrait must be of himself or herself or someone they know, and must portray an identifiable emotion. They will learn how to crop their selected photo to create a more dynamic composition. Accuracy of proportion and shading will be emphasized Grading criteria: Craftsmanship, accuracy of proportion, accuracy of drawing compared to reference photo, facial features, use and range of shading Other Supplies: handouts, ebony pencils, erasers, blending stubs Wednesday ASSIGNMENT Students will draw a portrait using the information they learned about proportion. The portrait must be of himself or herself or someone they know, and must portray an identifiable emotion. They will learn how to crop their selected photo to create a more dynamic composition. Accuracy of proportion and shading will be emphasized Teacher instruction, Demonstration and Keynote presentation Students will draw a portrait using the information they learned about proportion. The portrait must be of himself or herself or someone they know, and must portray an identifiable emotion. They will learn how to crop their selected photo to create a more dynamic composition. Accuracy of proportion and shading will be emphasized Grading criteria: Craftsmanship, accuracy of proportion, accuracy of drawing compared to reference photo, facial features, use and range of shading Other Supplies: handouts, ebony pencils, erasers, blending stubs Thursday Proportion Student Generated Supplies: portrait *must be of himself or herself or someone they know * must portray an identifiable emotion Teacher instruction, Demonstration and Keynote presentation Grading criteria: Craftsmanship, accuracy of proportion, accuracy of drawing compared to reference photo, facial features, use and range of shading Other Supplies: handouts, ebony pencils, erasers, blending stubs Friday Proportion Student Generated Supplies: portrait *must be of himself or herself or someone they know * must portray an identifiable emotion Other Supplies: handouts, ebony pencils, erasers, blending stubs Students will draw a portrait using the information they learned about proportion. The portrait must be of himself or herself or someone they know, and must portray an identifiable emotion. They will learn how to crop their selected photo to create a more dynamic composition. Accuracy of proportion and shading will be emphasized Teacher instruction, Demonstration and Keynote presentation Students will draw a portrait using the information they learned about proportion. The portrait must be of himself or herself or someone they know, and must portray an identifiable emotion. They will learn how to crop their selected photo to create a more dynamic composition. Accuracy of proportion and shading will be emphasized Grading criteria: Craftsmanship, accuracy of proportion, accuracy of drawing compared to reference photo, facial features, use and range of shading