Identifying Direct Proportion homework

Name________________________________________________________ Day/Block ______________
Identifying Direct Proportion
You have a foldable that shows three ways to recognize direct proportions. Refer to that information
as you complete this assignment.
For each of the three scenarios below, use all three methods shown in the foldable to determine
whether each scenario represents a direct proportion or not.
1. A photographer sells pictures to her clients. The profits (y) correspond to the number of pictures
(x) sold:
Are the values in direct proportion or not? Justify your answer with details from your work.
Name________________________________________________________ Day/Block ______________
2. The typical age (x) for each school grade (y):
Are the values in direct proportion or not? Justify your answer with details from your work.
3. The sales tax (y) you have to pay for the price (x)
of items:
Are the values in direct proportion or not? Justify your answer with details from your work.