CHAPTER 18 The Measurement of Interrater Agreement The statistical methods described in the preceding chapter for controlling for error are applicable only when the rates of misclassification are known from external sources or are estimable by applying a well-defined standard classification procedure to a subsample of the group under study. For some variables of importance, however, no such standard is readily apparent. To assess the extent to which a given characterization of a subject is reliable, it is clear that we must have a number of subjects classified more than once, for example by more than one rater. The degree of agreement among the raters provides no more than an upper bound on the degree of accuracy present in the ratings, however. If agreement among the raters is good, then there is a possibility, but by no means a guarantee, that the ratings do in fact reflect the dimension they are purported to reflect. If their agreement is poor, on the other hand, then the usefulness of the ratings is severely limited, for it is meaningless to ask what is associated with the variable being rated when one cannot even trust those ratings to begin with. In this chapter we consider the measurement of interrater agreement when the ratings are on categorical scales. Section 18.1 is devoted to the case of the same two raters per subject. Section 18.2 considers weighted kappa to incorporate a notion of distance between rating categories. Section 18.3 is devoted to the case of multiple ratings per subject with different sets of raters. Applications to other problems are indicated in Section 18.4. Section 18.5* relates the results of the preceding sections to the theory presented in Chapter 15 on correlated binary variables. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, Third Edition By Joseph L. Fleiss, Bruce Levin, and Myunghee Cho Paik ISBN 0-471-52629-0 Copyright 䊚 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 598 599 18.1 THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT Table 18.1. Diagnoses on n s 100 subjects by two raters Rater B Rater A Psychotic Neurotic Organic Total Psychotic Neurotic Organic 0.75 0.05 0 0.01 0.04 0 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.80 0.10 0.10 Total 0.80 0.05 0.15 1.00 18.1. THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT Suppose that each of a sample of n subjects is rated independently by the same two raters, with the ratings being on a categorical scale consisting of k categories. Consider the hypothetical example of Table 18.1, in which each cell entry is the proportion of all subjects classified into one of k s 3 diagnostic categories by rater A and into another by rater B. Thus, for example, 5% of all subjects were diagnosed neurotic by rater A and psychotic by rater B. Suppose it is desired to measure the degree of agreement on each category separately as well as across all categories. The analysis begins by collapsing the original k = k table into a 2 = 2 table in which all categories other than the one of current interest are combined into a single ‘‘all others’’ category. Table 18.2 presents the results in general, as well as for neurosis from Table 18.1 in particular. It must be borne in mind that the entries a, b, c, and d in the general table refer to proportions of subjects, not to their numbers. The simplest and most frequently used index of agreement is the overall proportion of agreement, say po s aq d. Ž 18.1 . Table 18.2. Data for measuring agreement on a single category General For Neurosis Rater B Rater B Given Category All Others Total Rater A Neurosis All Others Total Given category All others a c b d p1 q1 Neurosis All others 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.89 0.10 0.90 Total p2 q2 1 Total 0.05 0.95 1.00 Rater A 600 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT Table 18.3. Values of se©eral indices of agreement from data of Table 18.1 Category po ps r pXs A Psychotic Neurotic Organic 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.94 0.53 0.80 0.88 0.06 0.60 0.75 0.96 0.97 0.84 0.75 0.89 0.69 0.50 0.77 po , or a simple variant of it such as 2 po y 1, has been proposed as the agreement index of choice by Holley and Guilford Ž1964. and by Maxwell Ž1977.. For neurosis, the overall proportion of agreement is po s 0.04 q 0.89 s 0.93. This value, along with the overall proportions of agreement for the other two categories, is given in the column labeled po in Table 18.3. The conclusion that might be drawn from these values is that agreement is, effectively, equally good on all three categories, with agreement on organic disorders being somewhat better than on neurosis, and agreement on neurosis being somewhat better than on psychosis. Suppose the category under study is rare, so that the proportion d, representing agreement on absence, is likely to be large and thus to inflate the value of po . A number of indices of agreement have been proposed that are based only on the proportions a, b, and c. Of all of them, only the so-called proportion of specific agreement, say ps s 2a a s , 2 aq b q c p Ž 18.2 . where p s Ž p1 q p 2 .r2, has a sensible probabilistic interpretation. Let one of the two raters be selected at random, and let attention be focused on the subjects assigned to the category of interest. The quantity ps is the conditional probability that the second rater will also make an assignment to that category, given that the randomly selected first rater did. This index was first proposed by Dice Ž1945. as a measure of similarity. The proportion of specific agreement on neurosis is ps s 2 = 0.04 s 0.53, 2 = 0.04 q 0.06 q 0.01 and the values for all three categories are presented in the column headed ps in Table 18.3. The conclusions based on ps are rather different from those based on po . Agreement now seems best on psychosis, rather less good on organic disorders, and much poorer than either on neurosis. 18.1 THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT 601 Define q s 1 y p, or qs 1 bq c q q q2 . s dq , 2Ž 1 2 Ž 18.3 . and suppose that q ) p. Goodman and Kruskal Ž1954. proposed r s Ž aq d . y q 1yq s 2 ay Ž bq c . 2 aq Ž bq c . Ž 18.4 . as an index of agreement; it is motivated less by notions of agreement than by a consideration of the frequencies of correct predictions of a subject’s category when predictions are made with and without knowledge of the joint ratings. r assumes its maximum value of q1 when there is complete agreement, but assumes its minimum value of y1 whenever as 0, irrespective of the value of d wnot, as Goodman and Kruskal Ž1954, p. 758. imply, only when aq ds 0x. For neurosis, r s 2 = 0.04 y Ž 0.06 q 0.01 . s 0.06, 2 = 0.04 q Ž 0.06 q 0.01 . and the values of r for all three categories are listed under the indicated column of Table 18.3. Because of the identity r s 2 ps y 1, Ž 18.5 . the categories are ordered on r exactly as on ps . The proportion of specific agreement ignores the proportion d. If, instead, we choose to ignore a, we would calculate the corresponding index, say pXs s d 2d s , 2 dq b q c q Ž 18.6 . where q s 1 y p. For neurosis pXs s 2 = 0.89 s 0.96, 2 = 0.89 q 0.06 q 0.01 and this value and the other two are presented in the indicated column of Table 18.3. Yet a different picture emerges from these values than from earlier ones. Agreement Žwith respect to absence . on organic disorders and on neurosis seems to be equally good and apparently substantially better than on psychosis. 602 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT Rather than having to choose between ps and pXs , Rogot and Goldberg Ž1966. proposed simply taking their mean, say 1 a d p q pXs . s q , 2Ž s p1 q p 2 q1 q q 2 As Ž 18.7 . as an index of agreement. For neurosis, As 0.04 0.89 q s 0.75. 0.10 q 0.05 0.90 q 0.95 As seen in the indicated column of Table 18.3, the index A orders the three categories in yet a new way: agreement on organic disorders is better than on psychosis, and agreement on organic disorders and on psychosis is better than on neurosis. Yet other indices of agreement between two raters have been proposed Že.g., Fleiss, 1965; Armitage, Blendis, and Smyllie, 1966; Rogot and Goldberg, 1966; and Bennett, 1972., but it should already be clear that there must be more to the measurement of interrater agreement than the arbitrary selection of an index of agreement. The new dimension is provided by a realization that, except in the most extreme circumstances Žeither p1 s q2 s 0 or p 2 s q1 s 0., some degree of agreement is to be expected by chance alone Žsee Table 18.4.. For example, if rater A employs one set of criteria for distinguishing between the presence and the absence of a condition, and if rater B employs an entirely different and independent set of criteria, then all the observed agreement is explainable by chance. Different opinions have been stated on the need to incorporate chance-expected agreement into the assessment of interrater reliability. Rogot and Goldberg Ž1966., for example, emphasize the importance of contrasting observed with expected agreement when comparisons are to be made between different pairs of raters or different kinds of subjects. Goodman and Table 18.4. Chance-expected proportions of joint judgments by two raters, for data of Table 18.2 General For Neurosis Rater B Rater A Given category All others Total Rater B Given Category All Others Total Rater A Neurosis All Others Total p1 p 2 q1 p 2 p 1 q2 q1 q 2 p1 q1 Neurosis All others 0.005 0.045 0.095 0.855 0.10 0.90 p2 q2 1 Total 0.05 0.95 1 18.1 THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT 603 Kruskal Ž1954, p. 758., on the other hand, contend that chance-expected agreement need not cause much concern, that the observed degree of agreement may usually be assumed to be in excess of chance. ŽEven if one is willing to grant this assumption, one should nevertheless check whether the excess is trivially small or substantially large.. Armitage, Blendis, and Smyllie Ž1966, p. 102. occupy a position between that of Rogot and Goldberg and that of Goodman and Kruskal. They appreciate the necessity for introducing chance-expected agreement whenever different sets of data are being compared, but claim that too much uncertainty exists as to how the correction for chance is to be incorporated into the measure of agreement. There does exist, however, a natural means for correcting for chance. Consider any index that assumes the value 1 when there is complete agreement. Let Io denote the observed value of the index Žcalculated from the proportions in Table 18.2., and let Ie denote the value expected on the basis of chance alone Žcalculated from the proportions in Table 18.4.. The obtained excess beyond chance is Io y Ie , whereas the maximum possible excess is 1 y Ie . The ratio of these two differences is called kappa, ˆs Io y Ie . 1 y Ie Ž 18.8 . Kappa is a measure of agreement with desirable properties. If there is complete agreement, ˆs q1. If observed agreement is greater than or equal to chance agreement, ˆG 0, and if observed agreement is less than or equal to chance agreement, ˆF 0. The minimum value of ˆ depends on the marginal proportions. If they are such that Ie s 0.5, then the minimum equals y1. Otherwise, the minimum is between y1 and 0. It may be checked by simple algebra that, for each of the indices of agreement defined abo®e, the same value of ˆ results after the chanceexpected value is incorporated as in Ž18.8. Žsee Problem 18.1.: ˆs 2 Ž ady bc . . p 1 q 2 q p 2 q1 Ž 18.9 . An important unification of various approaches to the indexing of agreement is therefore achieved by introducing a correction for chance-expected agreement. For neurosis, ˆs 2 Ž 0.04 = 0.89 y 0.06 = 0.01 . s 0.50. 0.10 = 0.95 q 0.05 = 0.90 This value and the other two are presented in the final column of Table 18.3. They are close to those found by Spitzer and Fleiss Ž1974. in a review of the 604 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT literature on the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. Agreement is best on organic disorders, less good on psychosis, and poorest on neurosis. The kappa statistic was first proposed by Cohen Ž1960.. Variants of kappa have been proposed by Scott Ž1955. and by Maxwell and Pilliner Ž1968.. All have interpretations as intraclass correlation coefficients Žsee Ebel, 1951.. The intraclass correlation coefficient is a widely used measure of interrater reliability for the case of quantitative ratings. As shown by Fleiss Ž1975. and Krippendorff Ž1970., only kappa is identical Žexcept for a term involving the factor 1rn, where n is the number of subjects. to that version of the intraclass correlation coefficient due to Bartko Ž1966. in which a difference between the raters in their base rates Ži.e., a difference between p1 and p 2 . is considered a source of unwanted variability. Landis and Koch Ž1977a. have characterized different ranges of values for kappa with respect to the degree of agreement they suggest. For most purposes, values greater than 0.75 or so may be taken to represent excellent agreement beyond chance, values below 0.40 or so may be taken to represent poor agreement beyond chance, and values between 0.40 and 0.75 may be taken to represent fair to good agreement beyond chance. Often, a composite measure of agreement across all categories is desired. An overall value of kappa may be defined as a weighted average of the individual kappa values, where the weights are the denominators of the individual kappas wi.e., the quantities p1 q2 q p 2 q1 in Ž18.9.x. An equivalent and more suggestive formula is based on arraying the data as in Table 18.5. The overall proportion of observed agreement is, say, k po s Ý pii , Ž 18.10 . is1 and the overall proportion of chance-expected agreement is, say, k pe s Ý pi . p. i . Ž 18.11 . is1 Table 18.5. Joint proportions of ratings by two raters on a scale with k categories Rater B Rater A 1 2 ⭈⭈⭈ k Total 1 2 . . . k p11 p 21 . . . pk1 p12 p 22 . . . pk 2 ⭈⭈⭈ ⭈⭈⭈ ⭈⭈⭈ p1k p2 k . . . pk k p1. p 2. . . . pk. Total p.1 p.2 ⭈⭈⭈ p. k 1 605 18.1 THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT The overall value of kappa is then, say, po y pe . 1 y pe ˆs Ž 18.12 . For the data of Table 18.1, po s 0.75 q 0.04 q 0.10 s 0.89 and pe s 0.80 = 0.80 q 0.10 = 0.05 q 0.10 = 0.15 s 0.66, so that ˆs 0.89 y 0.66 s 0.68. 1 y 0.66 For testing the hypothesis that the ratings are independent Žso that the underlying value of kappa is zero., Fleiss, Cohen, and Everitt Ž1969. showed that the appropriate standard error of kappa is estimated by $ ˆ. s se0 Ž ( 1 Ž 1 y pe . 'n pe q pe2 y k Ý pi . p. i Ž pi .q p. i . , Ž 18.13 . is1 where pe is defined in Ž18.11.. The hypothesis may be tested against the alternative that agreement is better than chance would predict by referring the quantity k̂ zs $ ˆ. se0 Ž Ž 18.14 . to tables of the standard normal distribution and rejecting the hypothesis if z is sufficiently large Ža one-sided test is more appropriate here than a two-sided test.. For the data at hand, $ ˆ. s se0 Ž 1 Ž 1 y 0.66 . '100 '0.66 q 0.66 2 y 1.0285 s 0.076 and zs 0.68 s 8.95. 0.076 The overall value of kappa is therefore statistically highly significant, and, by virtue of its magnitude, it indicates a good degree of agreement beyond chance. 606 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT Table 18.6. Kappas for indi©idual categories and across all categories of Table 18.1 Category po pe ˆ Psychotic Neurotic Organic Overall 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.89 0.68 0.86 0.78 0.66 0.69 0.50 0.77 0.68 $ se0 Ž ˆ. z 0.100 0.093 0.097 0.076 6.90 5.38 7.94 8.95 Formulas Ž18.10. ᎐ Ž18.14. apply even when k, the number of categories, is equal to two. They may therefore be applied to the study of each category’s reliability, as shown in Table 18.6 for the data of Table 18.1. Note that the overall value of kappa is equal to the sum of the individual differences po y pe Ži.e., of the numerators of the individual kappas. divided by the sum of the individual differences 1 y pe Ži.e., of the denominators of the individual kappas., ˆs Ž 0.90 y 0.68 . q Ž 0.93 y 0.86 . q Ž 0.95 y 0.78 . 0.46 s s 0.68, 0.68 Ž 1 y 0.68 . q Ž 1 y 0.86 . q Ž 1 y 0.78 . ˆ is a weighted average of the individual ˆ ’s. confirming that For testing the hypothesis that the underlying value of kappa Žeither overall or for a single category. is equal to a prespecified value other than zero, Fleiss, Cohen, and Everitt Ž1969. showed that the appropriate standard error of ˆ is estimated by $ se Ž ˆ. s 'A q B y C Ž 1 y pe . 'n , Ž 18.15 . where k As Ý pi i 2 1 y Ž pi .q p . i . Ž 1 y ˆ. , Ž 18.16 . is1 Bs Ž1y ˆ. 2 Ý Ý pi j Ž p. i q pj. . 2 , Ž 18.17 . i/j 2 Cs ˆy pe Ž 1 y ˆ . . Ž 18.18 . The hypothesis that is the underlying value would be rejected if the critical ratio < ˆy < zs $ se Ž ˆ. Ž 18.19 . were found to be significantly large from tables of the normal distribution. 607 18.1 THE SAME PAIR OF RATERS PER SUBJECT An approximate 100Ž1 y ␣ .% confidence interval for is $ $ ˆy z␣ r2 se Ž ˆ . F F ˆq z␣ r2 se Ž ˆ . . Ž 18.20 . Consider testing the hypothesis that the overall value of kappa underlying the data in Table 18.1 is 0.80. The three quantities Ž18.16. ᎐ Ž18.18. needed to ˆ are determine the standard error of A s 0.75 1 y Ž 0.80 q 0.80 . Ž 1 y 0.68 . 2 q 0.04 1 y Ž 0.10 q 0.05 . Ž 1 y 0.68 . 2 q 0.10 1 y Ž 0.10 q 0.15 . Ž 1 y 0.68 . 2 s 0.2995, 2 2 B s Ž 1 y 0.68 . 0.01 Ž 0.80 q 0.10 . q 0.04 Ž 0.80 q 0.10 . 2 2 q0.05 Ž 0.05 q 0.80 . q 0.01 Ž 0.05 q 0.10 . 2 q0 Ž 0.15 q 0.80 . q 0 Ž 0.15 q 0.10 . 2 2 s 0.0079, C s 0.68 y 0.66 Ž 1 y 0.68 . 2 s 0.2198. Thus $ ˆ. s se Ž '0.2995 q 0.0079 y 0.2198 Ž 1 y 0.66 . '100 s 0.087 and zs < 0.68 y 0.80 < s 1.38, 0.087 so the hypothesis that s 0.80 is not rejected. Suppose one wishes to compare and combine g ŽG 2. independent estimates of kappa. The theory of Section 10.1 applies. Define, for the mth estimate, VmŽ ˆm . to be the squared standard error of ˆm , that is, the square of the expression in Ž18.15.. The combined estimate of the supposed common value of kappa is, say, g Ý ˆoverall s ms1 g Ý ms1 ˆm Vm Ž ˆm . 1 Vm Ž ˆm . . Ž 18.21 . 608 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT To test the hypothesis that the g underlying values of kappa are equal, the value of g 2 equal ’s s Ý Ž ˆm y ˆoverall . 2 Ž 18.22 . Vm Ž ˆm . ms1 may be referred to tables of chi squared with g y 1 df. The hypothesis is rejected if the value is significantly large. The limits of an approximate 100Ž1 y ␣ .% confidence interval for the supposed common underlying value are given by ˆoverall " z␣ r2 ) 1 g Ý ms1 1 Vm Ž ˆm . . Ž 18.23 . 18.2. WEIGHTED KAPPA Cohen Ž1968. Žsee also Spitzer et al. 1967. generalized his kappa measure of interrater agreement to the case where the relative seriousness of each possible disagreement could be quantified. Suppose that, independently of the data actually collected, agreement weights, say wi j Ž i s 1, . . . , k; j s 1, . . . , k ., are assigned on rational or clinical grounds to the k 2 cells Žsee Cicchetti, 1976.. The weights are restricted to lie in the interval 0 F wi j F 1 and to be such that wi i s 1 Ž 18.24 . Ži.e., exact agreement is given maximal weight., 0 F wi j - 1 for i/j Ž 18.25 . Ži.e., all disagreements are given less than maximal weight., and wi j s wji Ž 18.26 . Ži.e., the two raters are considered symmetrically.. The observed weighted proportion of agreement is, say, k poŽ w . s k Ý Ý wi j pi j , Ž 18.27 . is1 js1 where the proportions pi j are arrayed as in Table 18.5, and the chanceexpected weighted proportion of agreement is, say, k peŽ w . s k Ý Ý wi j pi . p. j . is1 js1 Ž 18.28 . 609 18.2 WEIGHTED KAPPA Weighted kappa is then given by ˆw s poŽ w . y peŽ w . . 1 y peŽ w . Ž 18.29 . Note that, when wi j s 0 for all i / j Ži.e., when all disagreements are considered as being equally serious., then weighted kappa becomes identical to the overall kappa given in Ž18.12.. The interpretation of the magnitude of weighted kappa is like that of unweighted kappa: ˆw G 0.75 or so signifies excellent agreement, for most purposes, and ˆw F 0.40 or so signifies poor agreement. Suppose that the k categories are ordered and that the decision is made to apply a two-way analysis of variance to the data resulting from taking the numerals 1, 2, . . . , k as bona fide measurements. Bartko Ž1966. gives a formula for the intraclass correlation coefficient derived from this analysis of variance, and Fleiss and Cohen Ž1973. have shown that, aside from a term involving the factor 1rn, the intraclass correlation coefficient is identical to weighted kappa provided the weights are taken as 2 wi j s 1 y Ž iyj. . 2 Ž k y 1. Ž 18.30 . Independently of Cohen Ž1968., Cicchetti and Allison Ž1971. proposed a statistic for measuring interrater reliability that is formally identical to weighted kappa. They suggested that the weights be taken as wi j s 1 y < iyj < . ky1 Ž 18.31 . The sampling distribution of weighted kappa was derived by Fleiss, Cohen, and Everitt Ž1969. and confirmed by Cicchetti and Fleiss Ž1977., Landis and Koch Ž1977a., Fleiss and Cicchetti Ž1978., and Hubert Ž1978.. For testing the hypothesis that the underlying value of weighted kappa is zero, the appropriate estimated standard error of ˆw is $ se0 Ž ˆw . s 1 Ž 1 y peŽ w . . 'n ) k k Ý Ý pi . p. j 2 wi j y Ž wi .q w . j . y peŽ2 w . , Ž 18.32 . is1 js1 where k wi .s Ý p . j wi j Ž 18.33 . js1 and k w. j s Ý pi . wi j , is1 Ž 18.34 . 610 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT The hypothesis may be tested by referring the value of the critical ratio ˆ zs $ w se0 Ž ˆw . Ž 18.35 . to tables of the standard normal distribution. For testing the hypothesis that the underlying value of weighted kappa is equal to a prespecified w other than zero, the appropriate formula for the estimated standard error of ˆw is $ se Ž ˆw . s 1 Ž 1 y peŽ w . . 'n ) = k k Ý Ý pi j 2 wi j y Ž wi .q w . j . Ž 1 y ˆw . y ˆw y peŽ w . Ž 1 y ˆw . 2 . is1 js1 Ž 18.36 . The hypothesis may be tested by referring the value of the critical ratio < ˆ y w < z s $w se Ž ˆw . Ž 18.37 . to tables of the standard normal distribution and rejecting the hypothesis if the critical ratio is too large. It may be shown Žsee Problem 18.4. that the standard errors of unweighted kappa given in Ž18.13. and Ž18.15. are special cases of the standard errors of weighted kappa given in Ž18.32. and Ž18.36. when wii s 1 for all i and wi j s 0 for all i / j. Some attempts have been made to generalize kappa to the case where each subject is rated by each of the same set of more than two raters ŽLight, 1971; Landis and Koch, 1977a.. Kairam et al. Ž1993. use the multivariate multiple noncentral hypergeometric distribution to study kappa in the case of m G 2 fixed raters with a prespecified interview schedule of subjects. Their analysis allows some subjects not to be seen by some raters. We consider in the next section the problem of different raters for different subjects when Ži. k s 2 with varying m i , or Žii. k ) 2 with m i s m for all i. Kraemer Ž1980. considered the case in which k ) 2 with varying m i . 18.3. MULTIPLE RATINGS PER SUBJECT WITH DIFFERENT RATERS Suppose that a sample of n subjects has been studied, with m i being the number of ratings on the ith subject. The raters responsible for rating one 18.3 MULTIPLE RATINGS PER SUBJECT WITH DIFFERENT RATERS 611 subject are not assumed to be same as those responsible for rating another. Suppose, further, that k s 2, that is, that the ratings consist of classifications into one of two categories; the case k ) 2 will be considered later in this section. Finally, let x i denote the number of Žarbitrarily defined . positive ratings on subject i, so that m i y x i is the number of negative ratings on him. Identities between intraclass correlation coefficients and kappa statistics will be exploited to derive a kappa statistic by starting with an analysis of variance applied to the data Žforming a one-way layout. obtained by coding a positive rating as 1 and a negative rating as 0. This was precisely the approach taken by Landis and Koch Ž1977b., except that they took the number of degrees of freedom for the mean square between subjects to be n y 1 instead of, as below, n. Define the overall proportion of positive ratings to be ps Ý nis1 x i , nm Ž 18.38 . ms Ý nis1 m i , n Ž 18.39 . where the mean number of ratings per subject. If the number of subjects is large Žsay, n G 20., the mean square between subjects ŽBMS. is approximately equal to BMS s 1 n n Ý Ž x i y mi p . 2 mi is1 Ž 18.40 . and the mean square within subjects ŽWMS. is equal to WMS s 1 n Ž m y 1. n Ý is1 xi Ž mi y xi . . mi Ž 18.41 . Technically, the intraclass correlation coefficient should be estimated as rs BMS y WMS , BMS q Ž m 0 y 1 . WMS Ž 18.42 . where 2 m0 s m y Ý nis1 Ž m i y m . . n Ž n y 1. m Ž 18.43 . If n is at all large, though, m 0 and m will be very close in magnitude. If m 0 is replaced by m in Ž18.42., the resulting expression for the intraclass 612 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT correlation coefficient, and therefore for kappa, is ˆs BMS y WMS BMS q Ž m y 1 . WMS n Ý s1y is1 xi Ž mi y xi . mi n Ž m y 1 . pq , Ž 18.44 . where q s 1 y p. ˆ has the following properties. If there is no subject-to-subject variation in the proportion of positive ratings Ži.e., if x irm i s p for all i, with p not equal to either 0 or 1., then there is more disagreement within subjects than between subjects. In this case ˆ may be seen to assume its minimum value of y1rŽ m y 1.. If the several proportions x irm i vary exactly as binomial proportions with parameters m i and a common probability p, then there is as much similarity within subjects as between subjects. In this case, the value of ˆ is equal to 0. If each proportion x irm i assumes either the values 0 or 1, then there is perfect agreement within subjects. In this case, ˆ may be seen to assume the value 1. Consider the hypothetical data of Table 18.7 on n s 25 subjects. For these data, the mean number of ratings per subject is ms 81 s 3.24, 25 Table 18.7. Hypothetical ratings by different sets of raters on n s 25 subjects Subject i Number of Raters, mi Number of Positive Ratings, xi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 5 2 4 5 3 4 2 0 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 4 5 3 4 i mi xi 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 2 2 3 2 4 5 3 4 3 3 2 3 0 2 1 1 1 4 2 0 0 3 2 Total 81 46 18.3 MULTIPLE RATINGS PER SUBJECT WITH DIFFERENT RATERS 613 the overall proportion of positive ratings is ps 46 s 0.568, 25 = 3.24 and the value of Ý x i Ž m i y x i .rm i is 25 Ý is1 x i Ž mi y x i . s 6.30. mi The value of kappa in Ž18.44. for these ratings is therefore ˆs 1 y 6.30 25 Ž 3.24 y 1 . = 0.568 = 0.432 s 0.54, indicating only a modest degree of interrater agreement. Fleiss and Cuzick Ž1979. derived the standard error of ˆ appropriate for testing the hypothesis that the underlying value of kappa is 0. Define m H to be the harmonic mean of the number of ratings per subject, that is, mH s n . Ý nis1 1rm i Ž 18.45 . The standard error of ˆ is estimated by $ se0 Ž ˆ. s 1 Ž m y 1 . nm H ' ( 2 Ž m H y 1. q Ž m y m H . Ž 1 y 4 pq . mpq , Ž 18.46 . and the hypothesis may be tested by referring the value of the critical ratio ˆ zs $ se0 Ž ˆ. to tables of the standard normal distribution. For the data of Table 18.7, mH s 25 s 2.935 8.5167 Ž 18.47 . 614 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT and $ se0 Ž ˆ. s 1 Ž 3.24 y 1 . '25 = 2.935 ( = 2 Ž 2.935 y 1 . q Ž 3.24 y 2.935 . Ž 1 y 4 = 0.568 = 0.432 . 3.24 = 0.568 = 0.432 s 0.103. The value of the critical ratio in Ž18.47. is then zs 0.54 s 5.24, 0.103 indicating that ˆ is significantly greater than zero. Suppose, now, that the number of categories into which ratings are made is k G 2. Denote by pj the overall proportion of ratings in category j and by ˆj the value of kappa for category, j, j s 1, . . . , k. Landis and Koch Ž1977b. proposed taking the weighted average ˆs Ý kjs1 pj q j ˆj Ž 18.48 . Ý kjs1 pj q j as an overall measure of interrater agreement, where q j s 1 y pj . The stanˆ has yet to be derived, when the numbers of ratings per dard error of subject vary, to test the hypothesis that the underlying value is zero. When, however, the number of ratings per subject is constant and equal to m, simple expressions for ˆj , ˆ, and their standard errors are available. Define x i j to be the number of ratings on subject i Ž i s 1, . . . , n. into category j Ž j s 1, . . . , k .; note that k Ý xi j s m Ž 18.49 . js1 for all i. The value of ˆj is then ˆj s 1 y Ý nis1 x i j Ž m y x i j . nm Ž m y 1 . pj q j , Ž 18.50 . ˆ is and the value of ˆs 1 y nm2 y Ý nis1 Ý kjs1 x i2j nm Ž m y 1 . Ý kjs1 pj q j . Ž 18.51 . 18.3 MULTIPLE RATINGS PER SUBJECT WITH DIFFERENT RATERS 615 Table 18.8. Fi©e ratings on each of ten subjects into one of three categories Number of Ratings into Category 3 Subject 1 2 3 Ý x i2j js1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 0 4 3 1 5 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 3 5 1 2 0 0 1 4 2 17 13 25 17 13 17 25 17 17 13 Total 20 12 18 174 Algebraically equivalent versions of these formulas were first presented by Fleiss Ž1971., who showed explicitly how they represent chance-corrected measures of agreement. Table 18.8 presents hypothetical data representing, for each of n s 10 subjects, m s 5 ratings into one of k s 3 categories. The three overall proportions are p1 s 20r50s 0.40, p 2 s 12r50s 0.24, and p 3 s 18r50s 0.36. For category 1, the numerator in expression Ž18.50. for ˆ1 is 10 Ý x i1Ž 5 y x i1 . s 1 = Ž 5 y 1. q 2 = Ž 5 y 2. q ⭈⭈⭈ q3 = Ž 5 y 3. s 34, is1 and thus ˆ1 s 1 y 34 s 0.29. 10 = 5 = 4 = 0.40 = 0.60 Similarly, ˆ2 s 0.67 and ˆ3 s 0.35. The overall value of ˆ is, by Ž18.51., ˆs 1 y 10 = 25 y 174 s 0.42. 10 = 5 = 4 = Ž 0.40 = 0.60 q 0.24 = 0.76 q 0.36 = 0.64 . Alternatively, ˆs Ž 0.40 = 0.60 . = 0.29 q Ž 0.24 = 0.76 . = 0.67 q Ž 0.36 = 0.64 . = 0.35 s 0.42. 0.40 = 0.60 q 0.24 = 0.76 q 0.36 = 0.64 616 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT When the numbers of ratings per subject are equal, Fleiss, Nee, and Landis Ž1979. derived and confirmed the following formulas for the approxiˆ and ˆj , each appropriate for testing the hypothesis mate standard errors of that the underlying value is zero: $ ˆ. s se0 Ž '2 Ý kjs1 )ž = ' pj q j nm Ž m y 1 . 2 k Ý pj q j js1 / k y Ý pj q j Ž q j y pj . , Ž 18.52 . js1 and se 0 Ž ˆj . s ( 2 . nm Ž m y 1 . Ž 18.53 . Note that se 0 Ž ˆj . is independent of pj and q j! Further, it is easily checked that formula Ž18.53. is a special case of Ž18.46. when the m i ’s are all equal, because then m s m H s m. For the data of Table 18.8, 3 Ý pj q j s 0.40 = 0.60 q 0.24 = 0.76 q 0.36 = 0.64 s 0.6528 js1 and 3 Ý pj q j Ž q j y pj . s 0.40 = 0.60 = Ž 0.60 y 0.40 . q 0.24 = 0.76 = Ž 0.76 y 0.24 . js1 q 0.36 = 0.64 = Ž 0.64 y 0.36 . s 0.2074, so that $ ˆ. s se0 Ž '2 '0.6528 2 y 0.2074 s 0.072. 0.6528'10 = 5 = 4 Because ˆ 0.42 zs $ s s 5.83, ˆ . 0.072 se0 Ž the overall value of kappa is significantly different from zero Žalthough its magnitude indicates only mediocre reliability .. 617 18.4 FURTHER APPLICATIONS The approximate standard error of each ˆj is, by Ž18.53., se 0 Ž ˆj . s ( 2 s 0.10. 10 = 5 = 4 Each individual kappa is significantly different Ž p - 0.01. from zero, but only ˆ2 approaches a value suggestive of fair reliability. Various approaches have been taken to obtain the standard error of . Fleiss and Davies Ž1982. and Bloch and Kraemer Ž1989. obtain an asymptotic variance, and a jackknife technique is proposed by Fleiss and Davies Ž1982., Schouten Ž1986., and Flack Ž1987.. Flack Ž1987. proposes a skewnesscorrected confidence interval using a jackknife estimate of the third moment of the distribution of delete-one statistics. Donner and Eliasziw Ž1992. obtain a standard error with a method based on a goodness-of-fit test statistic frequently used for clustered binary data. Lee and Tu Ž1994. propose yet another confidence interval for in the case of two raters with binary ratings, by reparameterizing as a monotone function of p11 . Garner Ž1991. obtains the standard error conditioning on the margins. Hale and Fleiss Ž1993. give two variance estimates of depending on whether the rater effect is treated as fixed or random. Lipsitz, Laird, and Brennan Ž1994. provide an asymptotic variance of statistics based on the theory of estimating equations. 18.4. FURTHER APPLICATIONS Even though the various kappa statistics were originally developed and were illustrated here for the measurement of interrater agreement, their applicability extends far beyond this specific problem. In fact, they are useful for measuring, on categorical data, such constructs as ‘‘similarity,’’ ‘‘concordance,’’ and ‘‘clustering.’’ Some examples will be given. 1. In a study of the correlates or determinants of drug use among teenagers, it may be of interest to determine how concordant the attitudes toward drug use are between each subject’s same-sex parent and the subject’s best friend. Either unweighted kappa or weighted kappa ŽSection 18.1. may be used, with rater A replaced by parent and rater B by best friend. 2. Suppose that m monitoring stations are set up in a city to measure levels of various pollutants and that, on each of n days, each station is characterized by whether or not the level of a specified pollutant Že.g., sulfur dioxide. exceeds an officially designated threshold. The version of kappa presented in Section 18.3 may be applied to describe how well Žor poorly. the several stations agree. 3. Consider a study of the role of familial factors in the development of a condition such as adolescent hypertension. Suppose that n sibships are 618 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT studied and that m i is the number of siblings in the ith sibship. The version of kappa presented in Section 18.3 may be applied to describe the degree to which there is familial aggregation in the condition. 4. Many of the indices of agreement cited in Section 18.1 are used in numerical taxonomy ŽSneath and Sokal, 1973. to describe the degree of similarity between different study units; in fact, ps Ž18.2. was originally proposed for this purpose by Dice Ž1945.. Suppose that two units Žpeople, languages, or whatever. are being compared with respect to whether they possess or do not possess each of n dichotomous characteristics. The proportions a᎐d in the left-hand part of Table 18.2 then refer to the proportion of all n characteristics that both units possess, the proportion that one possesses but the other does not, and so on. Corrections for chance-expected similarity in this kind of problem are as important as corrections for chance-expected agreement in the case of interrater reliability. Bloch and Kraemer Ž1989. discuss kappa as a measure of agreement and association. 5. Studies in which several controls are matched with each case or each experimental unit were discussed in Section 13.3. If the several controls in each matched set were successfully matched, the responses by the controls from the same set should be more similar than the responses by controls from different sets. The version of kappa presented in Section 18.2 may be used to describe how successful the matching was. 6. Although is widely used in psychology and educational research, its application extends to periodontal research ŽBoushka et al., 1990., econometrics ŽHirschberg and Slottje, 1989., veterinary epidemiology ŽShourkri, Martin, and Mian, 1995., anesthesiology ŽPosner et al., 1990., neurology ŽKairam et al., 1993., and radiology ŽMusch et al., 1984.. Whether used to measure agreement, or, more generally, similarity, kappa in effect treats all the raters or units symmetrically. When one or more of the sources of ratings may be viewed as a standard, however Žtwo of m s 5 raters, e.g., may be senior to the others, or one of the air pollution monitoring stations in example 2 may employ more precise measuring instruments than the others., kappa may no longer be appropriate, and the procedures described by Light Ž1971., Williams Ž1976., and Wackerley, McClave, and Rao Ž1978. should be employed instead. 18.5.* INTERRATER AGREEMENT AS ASSOCIATION IN A MULTIVARIATE BINARY VECTOR Many problems of interrater agreement can be solved in the framework of clustered categorical data Žsee Chapter 15.. For a binary rating, the notion of interrater agreement is closely related to the correlation among the binary ratings clustered within a subject. Specifically, suppose there are m i raters, each of whom gives a two-category rating to subject i for i s 1, . . . , n. Let the 18.5 INTERRATER AGREEMENT IN A MULTIVARIATE BINARY VECTOR 619 binary indicator Yi j be 1 if rater j judges subject i positive, and 0 if negative, for j s 1, . . . , m i . Then Yi s Ž Yi1 , . . . , Yi m i .⬘ constitutes a vector of binary outcomes, and the dependence among its components can be characterized by the intraclass correlation coefficient ŽICC. or kappa, among many other measures. When m i is the same for all i, the ICC and are identical. One way to specify the distribution of the Yi j ’s is to consider all possible 2 m i mutually exclusive response profiles and assume a 2 m i-variate multinomial distribution. Some authors specify the multivariate distribution of Yi this way, while some focus on the distribution of the total number of positive ratings for subject i, Yiq, and assume it has a beta-binomial distribution; in either case they express kappa in terms of the parameters of the chosen distribution and obtain the maximum likelihood estimate Žmle.. See Verducci, Mack, and DeGroot Ž1988., Shoukri, Martin, and Mian Ž1995., Shoukri and Mian Ž1995., and Barlow Ž1996.. Other authors construct a multivariate distribution using a latent class model; see Aickin Ž1990., Agresti and Lang Ž1993., and Uebersax Ž1993.. In a different approach, the pairwise association between Yi j and Yi k can be expressed as a function of kappa without making a full distributional assumption. Landis and Koch Ž1977b. structure the correlation using a random effects model. They assume Yi j s Pq si q e i j , where P is the probability of a positive rating, the si ’s are independent and identically distributed with mean 0 and variance s 2 , the e i j ’s are similarly distributed with mean 0 and variance e2 , and the si ’s and e i j ’s are mutually independent. Then Yi j and Yi k are conditionally independent given the random effect si which is unique to subject i, but are marginally correlated, because they share the random effect si . See Section 15.5.2 at expression Ž15.42.. The intraclass correlation coefficient is s s 2 . s q e2 2 The authors use a moment estimator to estimate and derive its standard error. Lipsitz, Laird, and Brennan Ž1994. propose a class of estimators for kappa using an estimating-equation approach Žsee Section 15.5.1.. Assuming that each subject has the same probability of a positive rating, say Ps P Ž Yi j s 1., and the same joint probability of being rated positive by a pair of raters for all pairs of raters, P11 s E Ž Yi j Yi k . s P Ž Yi j s 1, Yi k s 1., kappa can be written as a function of the probability of agreement under two assumptions: nonindependence among the elements of Yi , and independence. The probability of agreement without assuming independence, Pa , is Pa s P Ž Yi j s 1, Yi k s 1 . q P Ž Yi j s 0, Yi k s 0 . s P11 q Ž 1 y P . y Ž Py P11 . 4 s P11 q 1 y 2 Pq P11 . Ž 18.54 . 620 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT The chance-expected probability of agreement, Pe , is the probability of agreement under marginal independence among the elements in Yi : 2 Pe s P 2 q Ž 1 y P . . Ž 18.55 . With s Pa y Pe 1 y Pa s1y , 1 y Pe 1 y Pe after substitution of Ž18.54. and Ž18.55. we have s1y Py P11 . P Ž1yP . Ž 18.56 . We can rewrite P11 in terms of P and thus: P11 s P 2 q P Ž 1 y P . . Lipsitz, Laird, and Brennan Ž1994. construct a class of estimating equations each of whose solutions becomes an estimate of kappa. Based on the identities E Ž Yiq . s m i P and E Yiq Ž Yiqy 1.4 s P11 m i Ž m i y 1., the authors construct a joint estimating equation, ž U1 Ž P . U2 Ž , P . / s0 with n U1 Ž P . s Ý is1 Yiqy m i P , ®i and n U2 Ž , P . s Ý is1 Yiq Ž Yiqy 1 . y P11 m i Ž m i y 1 . , wi where ®i and wi are weights to be chosen. The estimating equation is unbiased, that is, EU1Ž P .4 s EU2 Ž , P .4 s 0 for all and P, and, as explained in Section 15.5.1, the solution is consistent and asymptotically normal. Applying further results from the standard theory of estimating equations, the variance of ˆ has a sandwich-type estimator which can be obtained easily. A convenience of this approach is that on choosing the weights ®i and wi appropriately, the solution of the estimating equation coincides with existing kappa statistics, including the kappa statistic of Fleiss 621 18.5 INTERRATER AGREEMENT IN A MULTIVARIATE BINARY VECTOR Ž1971. and the weighted kappa statistic of Schouten Ž1986.. For example, Fleiss’ kappa can be obtained by solving U1 Ž Pˆ. s n n is1 is1 Ý Ui1 s Ý Ž Yiqy m i Pˆ. s 0 Ž 18.57 . and yU2 Ž ˆ , Pˆ. s n n Ý U2 i s Ý is1 is1 ½ Yiq Ž m i y Yiq . y Ž1y ˆ . PˆŽ 1 y Pˆ. m i mi y 1 s 0. 5 Ž 18.58 . The sandwich-type variance of Lipsitz, Laird, and Brennan Ž1994. is asymptotically equivalent to the jackknife variance estimate proposed by Schouten Ž1986.. The sandwich variance of Fleiss’ kappa statistic has the form VarŽ ˆ . s Ý i Vi 2 , where U2 i y Vi s Ž1y . Ž1y2 P . m nP Ž 1 y P . U1i . The authors also show that the asymptotic relative efficiency against the mle assuming a beta-binomial distribution ŽVerducci, Mack, and DeGroot, 1988. is highest for Fleiss’ kappa, lower for weighted kappa ŽSchouten, 1986., and lowest for unweighted kappa, where both ®i and wi are constants. The estimating-equation approach can be extended to the regression case in which kappa is modeled as a function of covariates. Alternative ways of incorporating covariates and testing homogeneity of kappa across covariate levels are discussed by Barlow, Lai, and Azen Ž1991., Barlow Ž1996., and Donner, Eliasziew, and Klar Ž1996.. Both mle and estimating-equation estimators require a large sample size for inferences to be valid. Small-sample properties of kappa estimates have been studied by Koval and Blackman Ž1996. and Gross Ž1986.. Lau Ž1993. provides higher-order kappa-type statistics for a dichotomous attribute with multiple raters. Several authors investigate alternative measures of agreement. Kupper and Hafner Ž1989. discuss correcting for chance agreement when the raters’ attribute selection probabilities are equal, and use a hypergeometric distribution. O’Connell and Dobson Ž1984. describe a class of agreement measures in which kappa is a special case. Uebersax Ž1993. considers a measure of agreement based on a latent-class model. Aickin Ž1990. uses a mixture of distributions assuming independent ratings and perfect agreement, and takes the mixing probability as a measure of agreement. He finds that his measure of agreement has a kappa-like form, but tends to be larger than Cohen’s 622 THE MEASUREMENT OF INTERRATER AGREEMENT kappa except in the case of uniform margins. Agresti Ž1992. and Banerjee, Capozzoli, and McSweeney Ž1999. give a review of measures of agreement, and Smeeton Ž1985. describes the early history of kappa. PROBLEMS 18.1. Prove that, when each of the indices of agreement given by Ž18.2., Ž18.4., Ž18.6., and Ž18.7. is corrected for chance-expected ment using formula Ž18.8., the same formula for kappa Ž18.9. tained. Ž18.1., agreeis ob- 18.2. Prove that, when k s 2, the square of the critical ratio given in Ž18.14. is identical to the standard chi squared statistic without the continuity correction. 18.3. Suppose that g s 3 independent reliability studies of a given kind of rating have been conducted, with results as follows: Study 1 Ž n s 20. Study 2 Ž n s 20. Rater B Rater A q y q y 0.60 0.05 0.20 0.15 Study 3 Ž n s 30. Rater D Rater C q y q y 0.75 0.10 0.05 0.10 Rater F Rater E q y q y 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.20 (a) What are the three values of kappa? What are their standard errors wsee Ž18.15.x? What is the overall value of kappa wsee Ž18.21.x? (b) Are the three estimates of kappa significantly different? wRefer the value of the statistic in Ž18.22. to tables of chi squared with 2 df.x (c) Using Ž18.23., find an approximate 95% confidence interval for the common value of kappa. 18.4. Prove that, when wii s 1 for all i and wi j s 0 for all i / j, the standarderror formulas Ž18.13. and Ž18.32. are identical. Prove that, with this same system of agreement weights, the standard-error formulas Ž18.15. and Ž18.36. are identical. 18.5. Prove that, when k s 2, formulas Ž18.52. and Ž18.53. are identical. REFERENCES 623 REFERENCES Agresti, A. Ž1992.. Modeling patterns of agreement and disagreement. Statist. Methods Med. Res., 1, 201᎐218. Agresti, A. and Lang, J. B. Ž1993.. 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