Multi-Use Facility Addition to the Humboldt

Proposed Multi-Use
Uniplex Addition
For Public Discussion
January 28, 2016
• The concept of an expansion of the Uniplex arose as a result of the Our Humboldt
planning process. Thirty years earlier, community leaders envisioned the Uniplex,
which at the time was considered by some to big a facility for a small town.
• In 2014, Praxis Consulting produced a final consultation report on the development
of Centennial Park. This work built on the plans for expanding the Uniplex
completed by Aecom in 2009
• The recommendations ranked the priority of the features to eventually built in the park,
of which a field house and replacement for the theatre space lost when the former high
school theatre was demolished
• Council endorsed the concept of a multi-use addition to the Uniplex, and in 2015
commissioned P3Architecture Partnership (P3A) to complete a Feasibility Study which
included a preliminary design and costing for the addition
P3A Feasibility Study
• Report was received by City Council in December 2015
• Referred to 2016 Priority Setting and Budget Process
• Includes elements of existing building assessment, community engagement,
design charrette and public meetings
• Recommendations indicate that moving to detailed design will obtain more
detailed capital cost and operating estimates, and that current downturn may
result in a more competitive bid for final design and construction costs
Proposed Timeline
Confirm Council
Appoint Steering
Committee &
Concept /
Develop &
Fundraising &
Furnishing &
Year ???
Vision and Results
Project Vision
• Adaptive, highly functional building and a regional hub for cultural, recreational,
conference and community development activities
• Project Results
• Reflect a strong sense of community
• Sustainable, flexible and adaptable design
Administrative/Governance Results
• On time, and on budget
Project Summary
The Feasibility Study identified the following activities to be considered in the
development of the new Multi-Use Facility
• Multi use space including a field house and performance centre
• Improved program opportunities
• Increased economic development opportunities
• Activities can include indoor soccer, dance competitions, cultural programs
and performing arts along with wellness and fitness programs
• Expansion of space for larger provincial and regional conferences and events
• Opportunities for increased partnerships in niche program areas including
gymnastics, junior hockey and child minding
Program Summary
Field House
Performance Centre
v '
S)i Conference Space and Common Areas
Gymnastics Facility (optional)
Design Options
: .- •.: •:. •.:,.- . . .
Option A
• These were the building blocks
that were used to come up with
two Hybrid and one Final Option.
• Key features dealt with issues of:
• sightlines to Highway 5
• Pathways and entranceways into
the building
• Centralizing building services and
food service areas
• Accommodating the gymnasitics
program space
Design Options
Option B
10.2 Site Plan [1:2000]
10.1 Main Floor Plan [1:750]
Option 1 - Vi size soccer
pitch (57,318 sq ft)
$ 17,960,600
Option 1 - included in
(10,000 sq ft, 25% shared)
$ 2,304,000
Performance Centre
Total Cost
Option 2-VA size soccer
pitch (31,350 sq ft)
$ 9,953,144
Not included in project
Option 2 - 350 seats
(14,909 sq ft)
Option 1 - 300 seats
(14,909 sq ft)
$ 8,400,000
$ 7,870,602
Full Program Build Out
$ 28,664,600
Reduced Program Buildout
$ 17,823,746
tions contain all key elements that were suggested to P3A during the
n. Future discussions will be needed to identify what the community will
ised on what can be afforded and the priorities set by City Council.
ii i
Facility Questions and a Start Date
Which elements or features of the Joint Use Facility are more important or
less important to include in the final design?
Which services should or should not be supported by municipal taxes, and
When should finalizing the design occur, and how should these costs be paid
Should the community start fundraising in 2016 or 2017? Why or why not?
What other community programs or services would be impacted?
How much can the City afford to spend on this addition?
How much should be community be prepared to fundraise for this addition?
How do we involve surrounding municipalities in the planning and funding of this
regional facility?
How long will it take to raise the fundraising target?
• Should fundraising wait for the City, the region, federal or provincial grants to be
announced? What is the minimum percentage of the costs would you expect
governments to provide for this project to move forward to construction?
Cost Questions
• Construction costs, without furnishings or equipment, are estimated to cost
$240 per square foot
• If an organization wants its own space in the facility 24 hours/7 days/365 days
per year, how much should it have to fundraise?
• For shared space with multiple users, how much should the City be prepared
to subsidize the space with municipal taxes and grants?
• How much should user or rental fees in the addition be subsidized by
municipal taxes and grants?
Any other Questions or Comments?
• How should the City gather and communicate future discussions and decisions
regarding the project?
• Open house meetings, held annually,
• Set up web site page with feasibility reports and this document
• Social media updates
• Give formal notice of any proposed municipal contribution before budget passed
through the Municipal section of the local newspaper and municipal website
• What other ways should the City gather everyone priorities?
Closing Questions
• What action should be considered by Council for 2016 ?
• Collect more information on the costs and fundraising efforts experienced by
similar size and types of projects over the past five years
• Provide an opportunity for the public to provide input on the design before further
planning takes place
• Confirm the design and future participation and fundraising by the different sport
and cultural groups
• Request the sport and cultural groups to speak to surrounding municipalities to
encourage participation in the project as regional partners
• Consult with the public on the amount of municipal funding out of taxes or a
municipal levy which should be put into reserves each year to support the building
of an addition
• Organize a community building and/or fundraising committee
• Leave room for the next term of Council to input into the decisions for the project