Odd-number hybrid EPI Michael H. Buonocore, David C. Zhu Department of Radiology, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95817 Introduction: This abstract introduces and illustrates the advantages of the "odd-number hybrid" echo planar imaging sequence, defined by using an odd number of interleaved EPI k-space acquisitions to generate images with high-spatial resolution. In "hybrid" (also referred to as "interleaved", or "segmented") EPI, two or more separate interleaved acquisitions are used to acquire different sets of ky lines of data that are combined into one full data set. Usually, an even number of acquisitions is used to build the data set (1,2). Hybrid EPI is particularly sensitive to the generation of ghost artifacts, which arise from the differences in eddy currents and gradient ramping that occur during even (left-to- right trajectory along kx) ky lines versus the odd (right-to-left trajectory along kx) ky lines. In single shot EPI, these effects cause phase errors (denoted "e" and "o" below) that result, upon 2D Fourier Transformation, in N/2 ghost artifacts. These can often be eliminated using phase error information obtained from non-ky encoded reference scans. In even-number hybrid EPI sequences, more ghost artifacts occur because, after combining the data, more complicated modulation of eddy current and gradient ramping phase errors exists as a function of ky. For example, a two-hybrid sequence will produce e-e- o-o-e-e-o-o, etc. pattern of phase errors as a function of ky, and separate image ghosts at N/4 and 3N/4 of the FOV will be generated. Methods: The ghost correction algorithm based on image phase correction (3) does not require reference scans, and instead uses images reconstructed separately from even and odd echos to provide estimates of the eddy current and gradient ramping phase errors. However, it cannot be used for hybrid EPI sequences unless the phase errors follow an alternating pattern (i.e. e-o-e-o-e-o etc.) as a function of ky (3). Even-number hybrid sequences cannot produce this alternating pattern, but odd-number hybrid sequences do. For example, a three-hybrid sequence will produce this pattern by running the first hybrid for the Oth, 3d, 6th, etc. lines, the second hybrid for the 1st, 4 th, 7th, etc. lines, and the third hybrid for the 2nd, 5 , 8th, etc. lines. The first and third hybrids are started in the even kx direction, the second hybrid in the odd kx direction, and the first acquired lines of the first and second hybrid are not used in image reconstruction (see Fig 1). Results: Fig. 2 shows a 128 x 128 two-hybrid EPI sequence (composed of two 64 x 128 acquisitions) with two ghosts (N/4 and 3N/4 spatial shifts) arising from the e-e- o-o- pattern of phase errors. The ghosts can, in principle, be removed with phase information from four reference scans, but good cancellation is not reliable. Ghost correction by image phase correction is not possible, because the parent image is everywhere overlapping with ghost. Fig. 3 shows the 128 x 128 odd-number hybrid sequence (composed of three 44 x 128 acquisitions) causes a single ghost (N/2 spatial shift) to be generated. Fig. 4 shows that the image phase correction algorithm removes the ghost well. Conclusion: The odd-number hybrid EPI sequences have a unique advantage, relative to the even-number hybrid sequences, in that they generate only a single ghost (shifted by N/2) that can be reliably removed with image phase correction. Odd-number hybrid EPI might be successful in systems using high-performance body gradient coils in which eliminating phase and eddy current ghosts via reference scan has been unreliable. References: 1. Butts K., Riederer SJ, Ehman RL, et. al. Magn. Reson. Imaging. 31, 67-72 (1994). 2. McKinnon GC. Mag. Reson. Med. 30, 609-616 (1993). 3. Buonocore MH, Gao L., Mag. Reson. Med. 38 (1): 89100. Ky Sbart of I' hybrid, 11 hybrid, SIt 2' h ybridof 11 31 · _. r I i , I E.nda 1. ,. hybril Fig. 1: The 3-hybrid EPI sequence generates alternating even-odd traversals of k-space. 3 x44 = 132 ky lines (0-131) are acquired, of which 2-129 are used for image reconstruction. Fig. 2: Two-hybrid EPI: 128 x 128 image acquired with two 128 x 64 interleaved EPI acquisitions. Two ghosts are generated from an e-e-o-oetc. pattern of phase errors in the ky direction. Fig. 3: Three-hybrid EPI: 128 x 128 image acquired with three 128 x 44 interleaved EPI acquisitions. One ghost is generated from an eo-e-o- etc. pattern of phase errors in the k, direction. Fig. 4: Image phase correction alg6rithm,applied to Fig. 3 image, removes ghost. The algorithm depends on at least some of the "parent" image (i.e. central strip) not overlapping ghost.