Bingo Policy-Wild Ball and Odd/Even

Alcohol and Gam ing Division Policy
Bingo Lottery Game Format-Wild Ball & Odd /Even
Approv al Date:
May 12, 2010
Effective Date:
May 12, 2010
Approv ed B y: John MacDonald
Version C on trol: 1.0
Last Revision:
The Alcohol and Gaming Division will consider the use of Wild Ball or Odd/Even as a
type of bingo game for Bingo Lottery licensees and will permit this game .
A single bingo ball is drawn at random from the bingo operating equipment at the
beginning of the bingo game, which would account for multiple balls being called to
determine which numbers will be played. Example: Wild Ball game, a ball is drawn, B6.
The players can dab all numbers ending in 6; Odd/Even game, a ball is drawn, O75.
The players can dab all odd numbers.
Gaming Authorities across Canada permit this type of bingo game and Bingo Lottery
licensees in Nova Scotia have requested these provisions. This policy is intended to
clarify the requirements and promote compliance with the Bingo Lottery regulations.
This Policy applies to any Bingo Lottery licensee with the intent to offer Wild Ball and
Odd/Even as a type of bingo game.
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The playing of Wild Ball game and Odd /Even game will only be permitted if the
first number called for the specific game is generated at random from the bingo
operating equipment to determine which numbers can be considered called.
Bingo Lottery licensees are responsible to ensure that they have approval, in writing,
prior to offering a bingo game which includes Wild Ball and Odd/Even format. Bingo
Lottery licensees should include the details of this type of game in their House Rules.
Section 12 (5) of the Bingo Lottery regulations allows the bingo operator to play a bingo
game only when numbers are generated at random by the bingo operating equipment.
Section 12(5) states:
12(5) Only numbers generated at random by bingo operating equipment shall
determine which and how many players may be awarded a prize for a
particular bingo game and no such numbers, once called during a bingo
game, shall be returned to the bingo operating equipment until the game
is completed.
Jocelyn Colwell, Senior Licensing Officer
Alcohol and Gaming Division
P.O. Box 545
780 Windmill Road
Dartmouth, N.S. B2Y 3Y8
Date: May 12, 2010
Phone: (902) 424-6027
Fax: (902)424-4942
Author: Jocelyn Colwell, Senior Licensing Officer
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