Serge Lang Introduction to Modular Forms With 9 Figures Springer Table of Contents Part I. Classical Theory Chapter I. Modular Forms § 1. § 2. §3. § 4. § 5. The Modular Group Modular Forms The Modular Functiony Estimates for Cusp Forms The Meilin Transform 3 3 5 12 12 14 Chapter II. Hecke Operators 16 § 1. Definitions and Basic Relations § 2. Euler Products 16 21 Chapter III. Petersson Scalar Product 24 § 1. § 2. § 3. §4. 24 29 32 35 The Riemann Surface T\§* Congruence Subgroups Differential Forms and Modular Forms The Petersson Scalar Product Appendix by D. Zagier. The Eichler-Selberg Trace Formula on SL2(Z) . . 44 Part II. Periods of Cusp Forms Chapter IV. Modular Symbols 57 § 1. Basic Properties §2. The Manin-Drinfeld Theorem § 3. Hecke Operators and Distributions 57 61 65 Chapter V. Coefficients and Periods of Cusp Forms on 5L2(Z) 68 § 1. The Periods and Their Integral Relations § 2. The Manin Relations 69 73 Vlll Table of Contents §3. Action ofthe Hecke Operators onthe Periods § 4. The Homogeneity Theorem 76 81 Chapter VI. The Eichler-Shimura Isomorphism on SL2(Z) 84 § 1. The Polynomial Representation § 2. The Shimura Product on Differential Forms §3. The Image ofthe Period Mapping § 4. Computation of Dimensions § 5. The Map into Cohomology 85 88 89 93 96 Part III. Modular Forms for Congruence Subgroups Chapter VII. Higher Levels. 101 § 1. § 2. § 3. § 4. §5. §6. 101 105 108 111 112 114 The Modular Set and Modular Forms Hecke Operators Hecke Operators on <?-Expansions The Matrix Operation Petersson Product The Involution Chapter VIII. Atkin-Lehner Theory 118 §1. §2. § 3. §4. 118 122 123 126 Changing Levels Characterization of Primitive Forms The Structure Theorem Proof ofthe Main Theorem Chapter IX. The Dedekind Formalism 138 § 1. The Transformation Formalism §2. Evaluation of the Dedekind Symbol 138 142 Part IV. Congruence Properties and Galois Representations Chapter X. Congruences and Reductiori mod p 151 §1. §2. § 3. § 4. §5. §6. §7. §8. 151 153 154 156 159 162 164 169 Kummer Congruences Von Staudt Congruences ^-Expansions Modular Forms over Z[£, | ] Derivatives of Modular Forms Reductionmodp Modular Forms modp,p>5 The Operation o f ö o n M Tableof Contents ix Chapter XI. Galois Representations 176 § 1. Simplicity §2. SubgroupsofGL2 §3. Applications to Congruences of the Trace of Frobenius 177 180 187 Appendix by Walter Feit. Exceptional Subgroups of GL2 198 Part V. p-Adic Distributions Chapter XII. General Distributions 207 § 1. § 2. § 3. § 4. § 5. 207 210 217 219 221 Definitions Averaging Operators The Iwasawa Algebra Weierstrass Preparation Theorem Modules over Zp[[7]] Chapter XIII. Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 228 § 1. Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials § 2. The Integral Distribution § 3. L-Functions and Bernoulli Numbers 228 233 236 Chapter XIV. The Complex L-Functions 240 §1. The Hurwitz Zeta Function § 2. Functional Equation 240 244 Chapter XV. The Hecke-Eisenstein and Klein Forms 247 §1. Forms ofWeight 1 § 2. The Klein Forms §3. Forms ofWeight 2 247 251 252 Bibliography . . . 255 Subject Index 260