Classifying Numbers Lesson Plan: GCF & LCM

NTPS Math Plan Lesson Overview: Classifying Numbers
Lesson Title:
Classifying Numbers
Quarter 1
Resource and Page Number:
Prime Time, Investigation 2, Lesson 2.3
NTPS Power Standard 2: GCF and LCM
Key Concept(s) addressed:
Numbers and Operations
o Factors and multiples
1 day
WA P.E. 5.2.D
Key Skill(s) addressed:
Determine the least common multiple or the greatest
common factor of two numbers
Identify or determine composite or prime numbers between
1 and 100 in a given situation and/or explain why a number
is a composite or prime number
Language addressed: Venn diagram, factor, multiple, prime and composite numbers, greatest common factor, least
common multiple
Crafting (Launch):
Explain what a Venn diagram is and model one using prime numbers that are less than 10 and multiples of 2
that are less than 10.
Ask suggested questions: Are there any numbers that belong in both circles? Why or why not? Is 2 a prime
number? Why?
Work through Problem 2.3.A as a whole class. Discuss the greatest common factor.
Work through Problem 2.3.C as a whole class. Discuss the least common multiple.
Composing (Explore):
Students will work in rally coach pairs to complete Problem 2.3 B and D.
Students will draw their Venn diagrams on blank paper to present during reflection time.
Reflecting (Summarize):
Student pairs will present their work under the document camera and will explain their thinking.
Teacher asks suggested questions: What is the least of the common multiples? How is it related to the other
common multiples? What is the greatest of the common factors? How is it related to the other common factors?
What elements of this lesson
are concrete?
What elements of this lesson are
Venn diagram
Recommended ACE Questions:
17-21, 36
Additional Notes:
See Labsheets and Transparency scanned below.
What elements of this lesson are abstract?
Classifying numbers
Developing relationships between
factors and multiples
Assessment and Support Resources
Kagan Structures
Rally Coach
Ongoing Practice