0 CHAPTER 8 EQUITY MULTIPLES When investing in a stock, our interests primarily lie in whether the equity in a company is fairly priced. It follows logically that we look at equity multiples, where we relate the market value of equity to the earnings or book value of equity in that company. In this chapter, we begin by looking at the variants on equity multiples ranging from the widely used PE ratios to less common multiples such as price to free cash flow to equity. We then examine the distributional characteristics of the most widely used equity multiples and the determinants of these multiples. We close the chapter with a series of applications where we use the analytical tools developed to make judgments on valuation. Definitions of Equity Multiples An equity multiple requires two inputs, one for the market value of the equity and one for the variable to which equity value is scaled – earnings, book value of equity or revenues, for instance. In this section, we will first consider how best to estimate the market value of equity and then move on to look at the choices when it comes to scaling variables. Measuring the Market Value of Equity All equity multiples are scaled to the market value of equity. With publicly traded firms, measuring the market value of equity may seem like a trivial exercise since there is after all only one stock price at any point in time. There are, however, three decisions that we have to make that can have consequences for how we measure equity value: 1. Per Share or Aggregate Equity Value: The market value of equity can be computed on a per share basis or as an aggregate value (the market capitalization or market cap). Since the latter is computed by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the share price, the effects of using one over the other on equity multiples may seem inconsequential but there are conditions under which the two will diverge. One is when there are multiple classes of shares in the same company, trading at different stock prices. The market capitalization will include the market values of all outstanding shares, whereas the market 1 price will reflect only the class of shares considered. The other is when there is a divergence between the number of shares outstanding today (primary shares) and the potential number that can be outstanding if management options, convertibles and warrants are exercised (diluted shares). The market capitalization is usually computed using the former but the earnings per share and book value per share are often computed using the latter. 2. Cum-Cash or Ex-Cash: The market value of equity for a publicly traded firm will incorporate the company’s holdings of cash and marketable securities. Thus, the market capitalization of $ 300 billion for Microsoft in November 2005 includes the $ 40 billion in cash held by the company. The interest income earned by the company on its cash holdings is reported as part of the overall net income of that company. In conventional practice, analysts use the total market value of equity and the total net income or book value of equity to compute equity multiples. While this is internally consistent, the risk and return characteristics of cash holdings are so different from the risk and return characteristics of operating assets, it may make sense (especially when cash balances comprise a large proportion of the firm) to compute the market value of equity net of cash holdings. This net market value of equity can be considered to be the market value of equity in non-cash or operating assets. 3. Equity Options: One reason for the disconnect between per share and aggregate values of equity is the existence of management options. Management options, in particular, and company-issued equity options (including warrants and convertible bonds), in general, create a second claim on the equity in a company (in addition to the primary claim from common stockholders). The total market value of equity in a company with substantial management and other equity options outstanding is therefore the market capitalization plus the estimated or observed market value of equity options. In other words, Microsoft’s market capitalization of $ 300 billion reflects the value of just the common stock in the company; the estimated value of management options outstanding at the company should be added to the market capitalization to get to total market value of equity. Needless to say, most analysts do not make this adjustment and we will consider the implications in the next section. 2 Scaling Variable As we noted in chapter 7, consistency requires us to scale equity values to equity variables. Equity multiples can be stated in terms of earnings, book value and revenues and we will examine the choices in this section: a. Equity Earnings Variables: In a conventional accounting statement, we begin with revenues, net out operating expenses to arrive at operating income and subtract out financial expenses and taxes to estimate net income. When computing equity multiples, it is clearly inappropriate to use operating income as our measure of earnings because it accrues to all claim holders in the firm. With net income, though, the measure that we choose to use has to match up to how we compute market value of equity. Table 8.1 summarizes the consistent choices, given different measures of equity value: Table 8.1: Equity Earnings Measures and Equity Market Value Measure of Equity Value Measure of Equity Earnings Price per share Earnings per share Aggregate Market value of Equity Net Income Net Market Equity = Market Value of Net Income minus After-tax interest Equity minus Cash income from cash Option augmented Equity = Market Value Net Income1 of Equity + Value of Management Options With each of these measures, there are other judgments that will have to be made. For instance, all of these measures of equity earnings can be computed before and after extraordinary items. The key is to come up with a measure of earnings that is comparable across different firms. With that objective in mind, it is quite clear that we should exclude extraordinary items. However, there is one more measurement question that we will have to confront when measuring earnings per share. Should we use primary, partially diluted or fully diluted earnings per share? We believe that all of these measures create potential comparison problems. If we use primary earnings per share, we are ignoring management 1 While it may seem logical to add back the expenses associated with new option grants back to net income (especially in the aftermath of the new FASB 123R), we do not think it makes sense to do so. These expenses are for the current period, whereas the options being added back to the value of equity reflect all options granted historically which are still outstanding. 3 and other options outstanding and will bias our analyses towards finding companies that have disproportionately large numbers of these options outstanding to be under valued. If we use diluted earnings per share, we are assuming that the number of options outstanding is a sufficient measure of the option overhang over equity and thus we meet out equal penalties to firms with equivalent numbers of options outstanding. This can be a problem when some companies have long-term, deep in-the-money options outstanding and other companies have short term, at-the-money or out-of-the-money options outstanding. Clearly, the options will affect equity value more at the former and less in the latter, but using fully diluted earnings per share will bias us towards finding the former to be under valued.2 The advantage of using the option augmented equity approach is that it considers the values of options outstanding rather than just the number of options. b. Equity Cash flow Measures: There are many analysts and investors who are wary of accounting measures of earnings and with good reason. They prefer cash flow measures and they have two choices with equity multiples. One is an approximate measure of cash earnings, obtained by adding depreciation and other non-cash charges back to net income. The other is the measure of free cash flow to equity introduced in chapter 3, where we netted out reinvestment needs and debt cashflows to get to a final measure of cash flow. As with earnings numbers, the definitions of cash flow should be consistent with the measure of equity value used. If the equity value is the aggregate market value of equity, we should use total net income to estimate free cash flows to equity. If the equity value is net of cash, the free cash flow to equity should also net out interest income from cash. c. Equity Book Value Measures: The other logical measure to scale the market value of equity to is to the book value of equity. Here again, the measure of book equity that we use should be consistent with the measure of market equity. Table 8.2 summarizes the choices: Table 8.2: Book Equity Measures and Equity Market Value Measure of Equity Value 2 Measure of Book Equity To see why, note that the stock price will be depressed more when there are millions of deep in-themoney options outstanding than when these options are out-of-the-money. Dividing the price by the diluted earnings per share will therefore yield a lower PE ratio and a stock that looks cheaper. 4 Price per share Book Value of Equity per share Aggregate Market value of Equity Book Value of Equity (Shareholder’s Equity on balance sheet) Net Market Equity = Market Value of Book Value of Equity minus Cash Equity minus Cash Option augmented Equity = Market Value Book Value of Equity plus Book Value of of Equity + Value of Management Options Management Options granted (if any) Note that shareholder’s equity (book value of equity) includes retained earnings and any other accounting adjustments made to book equity. One big issue that faces analysts with book equity is what to do with goodwill arising from acquisitions. The reason is that the accounting for goodwill can make comparisons between acquisitive and non-acquisitive firms difficult. To see why, note that companies that grow through internal investments are not required to record the value of growth potential as part of their assets or in shareholder’s equity. A company that grows through acquisitions has to record the market value paid for the acquisition and the difference between the market value and book value of the acquired company as goodwill; the goodwill can be considered to be a premium paid for the growth assets of the acquired company.3 In practical terms, this will mean that the price to book ratios of acquisitive companies will generally look lower (and more attractive from an investment standpoint) than non-acquisitive companies. d. Revenue Measures: There are many analysts who divide the market value of equity by the revenues of the firm to estimate a price to sales ratio. This measure is inconsistent, since revenues belong to the entire firm and not just to its equity investors. Notwithstanding this, analysts often prefer to use price to sales ratios to enterprise value to sales ratios (which would be more consistent). The reason they may be able to get away with this practice, without major errors creeping into their analysis, may lie in the sectors where the usage of this multiple is most common. One is technology, where firms tend to have little or no debt, thus making firm value and equity value almost equivalent. The other is retailing, where firms historically have maintained homogeneous debt ratios 3 Goodwill can also be a repository for synergy, control and over payment, thus making it an imperfect measure of acquired company growth assets. 5 (usually in the form of operating leases). In both sectors, though, changes are underway that put this long-standing practice at risk. In the technology sector, companies now often hold large and divergent cash balances. Using price to sales ratios for these firms will bias analysts towards finding companies with relatively small cash balances to be under valued; one easy fix for this problem is to use equity values netted for cash. In retailing, different companies have adopted different practices when it comes to opening new stores. Some continue to use operating leases, but others have increasingly chosen to invest in real estate directly by buying their store sites either with equity or debt. Using price to sales ratios will bias analysts towards finding companies with more financial leverage (either through operating leases or real estate debt) to be cheap relative to companies without this leverage. Distributional Characteristics of Equity Multiples In chapter 7, we noted that most multiples have distributions that are skewed towards positive values and that the distributions themselves are volatile and change over time. Equity multiples are no exception to this general rule. In this section, we will examine the distributions of some widely used equity multiples. a. Price Earnings Ratio The price earnings ratio is the ratio of the market value of equity to the earnings generated for equity investors: PE = Market Value of Equity Equity Earnings While it is conventionally computed using the current price price per share and diluted earnings per share, the alternative measures of market equity – aggregate value of equity, ! equity net of cash and option-augmented equity – can be used with the consistent measure of earnings (see table 8.1). Figure 8.1 presents the distribution of PE ratios for U.S. stocks in January 2006. The current PE, trailing PE and forward PE ratios are all presented in this figure. 6 Table 8.3 presents summary statistics on all three measures of the price earnings ratio starting with the mean and the standard deviation, and including the median, 10th and 90th percentile values.4 Table 8.3: Summary Statistics – PE Ratios for U.S. Stocks Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Kurtosis Skewness Minimum Maximum Count 90th percentile 10th percentile 4 Current PE 43.58 3.74 20.67 241.96 1871.78 38.68 0.75 12712.82 4179 54.21 11.22 Trailing PE 40.52 7.38 19.04 463.62 3611.60 58.97 3.12 28518.28 3947 44.31 10.17 Forward PE 29.93 1.81 18.18 88.57 474.76 19.35 4.38 2710.00 2397 28.14 13.75 The mean and the standard deviation are the summary statistics that are most likely to be affected by these outliers. 7 Looking at all three measures of the PE ratio, the average is consistently higher than the median, reflecting the fact that PE ratios can be very high numbers but cannot be less than zero. This asymmetry in the distributions is captured in the skewness values. The current PE ratios are also higher than the trailing PE ratios, which, in turn, are higher than the forward PE ratios. There were 7123 firms in the overall sample, but only 4179 survived the positive earnings cut and had PE ratios. With forward PE ratios, we lose more firms since we need analyst estimates of earnings per share for the next year; any firm that is not followed by analysts is eliminated from the sample. The bias that we averred to in chapter 7, resulting from not being able to compute multiples for some firms, is clearly a significant problem with PE ratios. b. PEG Ratio Portfolio managers and analysts sometimes compare PE ratios to the expected growth rate to identify undervalued and overvalued stocks. As a natural outgrowth, the PEG ratio is defined to be the price earnings ratio divided by the expected growth rate in earnings per share: PEG ratio = PE ratio Expected Growth Rate For instance, a firm with a PE ratio of 20 and a growth rate of 10% is estimated to have a PEG ratio of 2. Consistency requires the growth rate used in this estimate be the expected growth rate in earnings per share or net income, rather than operating income, because this is an equity multiple. Given the many definitions of the PE ratio, which version should we use to estimate the PEG ratio? The answer depends upon the base on which the expected growth rate is computed. If the expected growth rate in earnings per share is based upon earnings in the most recent year (current earnings), the PE ratio that should be used is the current PE ratio. If it based upon trailing earnings, the PE ratio used should be the trailing PE ratio. The forward PE ratio should never be used in this computation, 8 since it may result in a double counting of growth.5 The cross sectional distribution of PEG ratios across all U.S. firms in January 2006 is examined in Figure 8.2. In estimating these PEG ratios, the analyst estimates of growth in earnings per share over the next 5 years is used in conjunction with the current PE. Any firm, therefore, that has negative earnings per share or lacks an analyst estimate of expected growth is dropped from the sample. This may be a source of bias, since larger and more liquid firms are more likely to be followed by analysts. PEG ratios are most widely used in analyzing technology firms. Figure 8.3 contains the distribution of PEG ratios for technology stocks in January 2006, using analyst estimates of growth again to arrive at the PEG ratios. 5 Too see why, assume that the earnings per share is currently $1.00, is expected to double to $ 2.00 next year and grow 4% a year for the following four years. The expected growth rate over the next 5 years will be 18.53%, largely because of the expected growth next year. If we use the forward earnings per share of $ 2.00 to compute the PE ratio and proceed to divide by the expected growth rate of 18.53% (to arrive at a low PEG ratio), we have double counted next year’s growth. 9 Note that of the 516 technology firms for which PE ratios were estimated, only 279 have PEG ratios available; the 237 firms for which analyst estimates of growth were not available have been dropped from the sample. Table 8.4 includes the summary statistics for PEG ratios for technology stocks and non-technology stocks. Table 8.4: PEG Ratios: Technology versus Non-technology Stocks All firms Technology firms Mean 2.64 2.54 Standard Error 0.17 0.25 Median 1.70 1.66 Skewness 20.11 9.92 Range 234.24 60.43 Minimum 0.00 0.34 Maximum 234.24 60.78 Count 2178 279 Largest(100) 6.15 2.03 Smallest(100) 0.57 1.33 The mean PEG ratio for technology stocks is slightly lower than the mean PEG ratio for all stocks. In addition, the mean is higher than the median for both groups. In both groups, there are a significant number of firms with outlandishly high PEG ratios. 10 c. Price to Book Ratio The market value of the equity in a firm reflects the market’s expectations of the firm’s earning power and cashflows. The book value of equity is the difference between the book value of assets and the book value of liabilities, a number that is largely determined by accounting conventions. The price to book ratio is computed by dividing the market value of equity by the current book value of equity. Price to Book Ratio = PBV = Market Value of Equity Book value of Equity To get a sense of what comprises a high, low or average price to book value ratio, we computed the ratio for every ! firm listed in the United States and Figure 8.4 summarizes the distribution of price to book ratios in January 2006. Note that this distribution is heavily skewed, as is evidenced by the fact that the average price to book value ratio of firms is 5.33 while the median price to book ratio is much lower at 2.32. As with the earnings multiples, there is a large number of firms with very high price to book ratios (exceeding 10). Another point worth making about price to book ratios is that there are firms with negative book values of equity – the result of continuously losing money – where price to book ratios cannot be computed. In this sample of 7123 firms, there were 1467 firms 11 where this occurred. In contrast, though, almost 3000 firms had negative earnings and PE ratios could not be computed for them. d. Price to Sales Ratio A revenue multiple measures the value of the equity or a business relative to the revenues that it generates. As with other multiples, other things remaining equal, firms that trade at low multiples of revenues are viewed as cheap relative to firms that trade at high multiples of revenues. Price to Sales Ratio = Market Value of Equity Revenues While this ratio is inconsistently defined, it is still widely used and figure 8.5 summarizes ! the distribution of price to sales ratios for U.S. companies in January 2006. One advantage that revenue multiples have over earnings and book value multiples is that there are far fewer firms where the multiple cannot be computed and thus less bias in the 12 comparison process.6 The only firms that we lose in this computation are those where there is no clearly specified revenue, as is the case with banks and other financial service firms. Another difference between the price to sales ratio and the other equity multiples is in the nature of the distributions. Unlike the PE and PBV ratio distributions that have sharply pronounced peaks, the price to sales ratio distribution is more uniformly distributed. In other words, there are wide variations across sectors and there is no typical price to sales ratio that applies across firms or sectors. Analysis of Equity Multiples There are two key questions that we need to address with every multiple. The first relates to the variables that determine that multiple and the second to the relationship between each of the variables and the multiple. In this section, we will consider both issues. Determinants of Equity Multiples In chapter 7, we laid the groundwork for analyzing equity multiples by starting with a stable growth dividend discount model and then stating multiples in terms of fundamentals. Table 8.5 reviews our findings: Table 8.5: Determinants of Equity Multiples: Stable Growth Model Multiple Analyzed Stable Growth DDM Model Value of equity P0 = P0 Payout Ratio * (1 + g n ) = PE = EPS 0 k e - gn PE Ratio (using current earnings) PE Ratio (using forward earnings) DPS1 FCFE1 or P0 = k e " gn k e " gn ! ! ! PEG Ratio P0 Payout Ratio = PE = EPS1 k e - gn PEG = ! Payout Ratio g( k - g ) e n ! 6 While revenues can never be negative, they can be zero and there are about 100 firms in the sample with no revenues but with some market value for equity. In addition, the definition of revenues is hazy for financial service firms. 13 P/FCFE P0 1 = FCFE1 k e - gn Market to Book Equity P0 ROE * Payout Ratio * (1 + g n ) = PBV = BV0 k -g ! Price to Sales Ratio ! e n P0 Profit Margin * Payout Ratio * (1+ g n ) = PS = Sales 0 k -g e n The models can either be stated in terms of actual dividends (payout ratio) or potential ! dividends (FCFE/ Earnings). All of the equity multiples, other than the PEG ratio, increase as the payout ratio and the growth rate increase and decrease with the riskiness of the firm. While these are the only variables that matter for the earnings multiples, the return on equity and the net profit margin are the additional variables that determine price to book and price to sales ratios respectively. The equity multiple for a high growth firm can also be related to fundamentals. In the special case of the two-stage dividend discount model, this relationship can be made explicit fairly simply. When a firm is expected to be in high growth for the next n years and stable growth thereafter, the dividend discount model can be written as follows: # (EPS0 )(Payout Ratio )(1 +g)%%1" $ P0 = (1+g) n &( (1+ k e,hg) n (' k e,hg - g + (EPS0 )(Payout Ratio n )(1 +g)n (1 + gn ) (k e,st - gn )(1 + k e,hg)n where, EPS0 = Earnings per share in year 0 (Current year) g = Growth rate in the first n years ke,hg = Cost of equity in high growth period ke,st = Cost of equity in stable growth period Payout = Payout ratio in the first n years gn = Growth rate after n years forever (Stable growth rate) Payout Ration = Payout ratio after n years for the stable firm Divide both sides of the equation by EPS0, we can estimate the PE ratio for a high growth firm: 14 P0 = EPS0 " (1+ g)n % ' Payout Ratio * (1+ g)* $ 1! n # (1 + k e,hg ) & ke, h g - g Payout Ratio n * (1+ g)n *(1 + gn ) + n (ke, st - gn )(1 + k e,hg ) Thus the PE ratio for a high growth firm is determined by the same three variables that determined PE ratios for a stable growth firm – the payout ratio, the riskiness of the firm and the expected growth rate in earnings. The only practical difference is that we have to estimate these inputs twice a high growth firm, once for the high growth period and once for stable growth. This formula is general enough to be applied to any firm, even one that is not paying dividends right now. In fact, the ratio of FCFE to earnings can be substituted for the payout ratio for firms that pay significantly less in dividends than they can afford to. Extending the same approach, we can derive the fundamental equations for PEG, price to book and price to sales ratios: # n & 1 + g) ( ( % (Payout Ratio )(1+ g)%%1" n( ( n $ (1 + k e,hg) ' (Payout Ratio n )(1+ g) (1 + gn ) PEG = + n g(k e,hg - g) g(k e,st - g n )(1+ k e,hg) ) , # (1 + g)n & + . %1" ( Payout Ratio 1+ g ( ) ( ) % ( n + P0 $ ' (Payout Ratio n )(1+ g) (1+ g n ).. = ++(ROE h g) + (ROE st ) n . BV0 k e,hg - g (k e,st - g n )(1+ k e,hg) + . +* .# & # n & 1+ g) ( ( % ( % % (Payout Ratio )(1+ g)%%1" ( n( ( n % Price $ (1+ k e,hg) ' (Payout Ratio n )(1+ g) (1+ g n ) ( = (Net Margin)% + ( n Sales k e,hg - g % ( (k e,st - g n )(1+ k e,hg) % ( % ( $ ' While the equations look daunting, the conclusions are comforting. The determinants for all three of these multiples, like the PE ratio, are unchanged from the stable growth setting. While all of the equations above are based upon a two-stage dividend discount model, they can be generalized to the FCFE model by replacing the payout ratio with the 15 ratio of FCFE to net income. There are two advantages to this substitution. The first is that we get more realistic estimates of the multiples for companies that are not paying out their FCFE as dividends. The second is that that the FCFE/Net income or potential payout ratio is not constrained to be greater than zero. In other words, if the FCFE is negative because the firm reinvests more than its net income, the potential payout ratio can be negative at least for the high growth phase. A negative potential payout ratio indicates that the firm will have to raise new equity during its high growth phase to fund its reinvestment, and this expected dilution will push the PE ratio down today. Illustration 8.1: Estimating equity multiples for a high growth firm in the two-stage model Assume that we are estimating equity multiples for a firm that had the following characteristics: • The firm reported net income of $15 million on revenues of $150 million last year and equity invested of $75 million. The resulting net margin and return on equity are shown below. Net Margin = 15/150 = 10% Sales/ Book Value of Equity = 150/75 = 2.00 Return on Equity = Net Margin * Sales/ BV of Equity = 10% *2 = 20% The firm is expected to maintain these values in perpetuity. • The firm paid out 10% of its earnings as dividends, resulting in a retention ratio of 90%. Assume also that the firm pays out its FCFE as dividends and that it is expected to maintain this payout ratio for the next 5 years. • The expected growth rate in net income over the next five years can be computed from the retention ratio and the return on equity: Expected growth rate = Return on equity * Retention ratio = 20%*.90 = 18% • After the fifth year, we will assume that the expected growth rate in net income will drop to 4%. Since the return on equity continues to be 20%, the stable period payout ratio is 80%: Stable period payout ratio = 1 – g/ ROE = 1- .04/.20 = .80 or 80% • We will assume that the beta for equity is 1.00 in perpetuity. With a riskfree rate of 5% and a market risk premium of 4%, the cost of equity is 9%. 16 Cost of equity = Riskfree Rate + Beta * Risk Premium =5% + 1*4% = 9% We can now estimate the price earnings ratio for this firm: # 1.18 5 & ( (0.1)(1.18)%%1" 5 5( 1.09 $ ' (0.8)(1.18) (1.04) PE = + = 25.38 0.09 " 0.18 (0.09 " 0.04)(1.09) 5 The estimated PE ratio for this firm is 25.38 and the PEG ratio for the firm is 1.41: ! # (1.18) 5 &( % 0.1 1.18 1" ( )( )% 5( (0.8)(1.18) 5 (1.04) $ (1.09) ' PEG = + = 141 or 1.41 5 0.18(0.09 - 0 .18) 0.18(0.09 - 0.04)(1.09) The price to book ratio for this firm can be estimated using the return on equity of 20% as ! an input: # 1.18 5 & ( 5( (0.8) 1.18 5 (1.04) $ 1.09 ' + 0.20 = 5.08 0.09 " 0.18 (0.09 " 0.04) 1.09 5 (0.1)(1.18)%%1" PBV = 0.20 ( ) ( ) This stock trades at well above book value, which should come as no surprise since its ! return on equity is much higher than its cost of equity. The price to sales ratio can be computed with the net profit margin (of 10%): # & 5 & # % (0.1)(1.25)%1" (1.25) ( ( 5 % % (1.115) 5 ( (0.50)(1.25) (1.08) (( $ ' PS = 0.10% + = 2.54 5 % 0.115 - 0.25 0.115 - 0.08)(1.115) ( ( % ( % ( $ ' Based upon this firm’s fundamentals, you would expect its equity to trade at 2.54 times ! revenues. Relationship between Multiples and Fundamentals In the last section, we laid out equations that make explicit the relationship between the fundamental variables that drive value – cash flows, growth and risk – and equity multiples. When analyzing companies, though, we are called upon to make judgments on how differences on a variable translate into difference in a multiple. For instance, while we can show fairly easily that, other things remaining equal, companies with higher growth should trade at higher equity multiples, we need to be explicit about 17 how these multiples will change as growth changes. In this section, we will use the fundamental equations from the last section to try to address this question. The Growth Effect Equity values are sensitive to expectations about the growth rate during the high growth period. Thus, in the illustration above, the expected growth rate of 18% during the high growth period of five years played a significant role in determining all of the equity multiples. But what if the expected growth rate is different from our expectations? Clearly, equity values will increase if the expected growth rate turns out to be higher than 18% and decrease if it turns out to be lower. In table 8.6, we summarize the effects of changing the expected growth rate during the high growth period on equity multiples, while holding all other inputs (payout ratio, return on equity, cost of equity, length of the high growth period and stable growth inputs) fixed. Table 8.6: Equity Multiples and Expected Growth Rate Growth Rate during high growth period 0% PE 11.20 PEG ∞ PBV 2.24 PS 1.12 2% 12.35 6.18 2.47 1.24 4% 13.59 3.40 2.72 1.36 6% 14.93 2.49 2.99 1.49 8% 16.38 2.05 3.28 1.64 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 17.93 19.60 21.40 23.32 25.38 27.58 29.94 32.45 35.13 37.99 41.03 44.26 47.69 51.34 55.20 59.29 1.79 1.63 1.53 1.46 1.41 1.38 1.36 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.40 1.43 1.45 1.48 3.59 3.92 4.28 4.66 5.08 5.52 5.99 6.49 7.03 7.60 8.21 8.85 9.54 10.27 11.04 11.86 1.79 1.96 2.14 2.33 2.54 2.76 2.99 3.25 3.51 3.80 4.10 4.43 4.77 5.13 5.52 5.93 18 All of the equity multiples, other than the PEG ratio, of a high growth firm increase with the expected extraordinary growth rate - the higher the expected growth, the higher the values for the multiples. In Illustration 8.1, for instance, the PE ratio that was estimated to be 25.38, with a growth rate of 18%, drops to 16.38, if the expected growth rate during the high growth period is only 8%. Similar trends are visible with price to book and price to sales ratios. With PEG ratios, however, the ratio initially decreases as the expected growth increases but after bottoming out at about 1.35 when the expected growth rate is 24-26%, it begins rising again. There are two immediate and important implications. The first is that, contrary to the claims of its adherents, the PEG ratio does not fully control for differences in growth across companies. As a general rule, lower growth companies will look over valued on a PEG ratio basis and this is a direct result of the assumption of linearity made in the PEG ratio; after all, if linearity held, the PEG ratio for a firm with an expected growth rate of 0 should also be zero. The second is that, unlike other multiples where the direction of the relationship between growth and the value of the multiple is predictable, the effect of growth on PEG ratios can vary depending upon the expected growth rates being compared. Put another way, when comparing two companies, one with an expected growth rate of 4% and the other with an expected growth rate of 15%, we know that the PEG ratio will bias us against the lower growth firm and towards the higher growth firm. However, when comparing two companies with expected growth rates of 30% and 40%, the PEG ratio may bias us against the higher growth firm and towards the lower growth firm. The effect of changes in the expected growth rate on equity multiples can also vary depending upon the level of interest rates. The intuition for this is straightforward. The value of growth lies in the future and as interest rates rise, the value of expected growth decreases. Consequently, surprises about expected growth have a bigger impact when interest rates are low than when they are high. This is illustrated in figure 8.6, where we look at the impact of changing the expected growth rate on the PE ratio under four different riskless rates – 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. 19 The PE ratio is much more sensitive to changes in expected growth rates when interest rates are low than when they are high. There is a possible link between this finding and how markets react when firms announce earnings. When a firm reports earnings that are significantly higher than expected (a positive surprise) or lower than expected (a negative surprise), investors’ perceptions of the expected growth rate for this firm can change concurrently, leading to a price effect. We would expect to see much greater price reactions for a given earnings surprise, positive or negative, in a low-interest rate environment than you would in a high-interest rate environment. There is one other dimension on which we can examine the effect of high growth and that is through the length of the growth period (while holding the expected growth rate fixed). In other words, what if the firm, instead of maintaining an 18% growth rate for the next 5 years was able to do so for only 3 years? What if it could keep high growth going for 8 years? Table 8.7 summarizes the impact of lengthening the growth period of each of the equity multiples: Table 8.7: Length of Growth Period and Equity Multiples Growth Years 0 PE 16.64 PEG 0.92 PBV 3.33 PS 1.66 20 1 18.12 1.01 3.62 1.81 2 19.73 1.10 3.95 1.97 3 21.46 1.19 4.29 2.15 4 23.34 1.30 4.67 2.33 5 25.38 1.41 5.08 2.54 6 27.58 1.53 5.52 2.76 7 29.97 1.66 5.99 3.00 8 32.55 1.81 6.51 3.26 9 35.35 1.96 7.07 3.53 10 38.38 2.13 7.68 3.84 The effects are predictable. If the firm is able to sustain high growth for longer, all of the equity multiples will register higher values. In chapter 4, we argued that the key determinant of the length of the growth period was the competitive position of the firm; the larger and more sustainable its competitive advantages, the longer the growth period, we argued. This table suggests that, other things remaining equal, firms in stronger competitive positions will trade at higher multiples, for any given expected growth rate, than firms with weaker competitive positions. The Risk Effect Risk enters the equation through the cost of equity. While we use beta as our measure of equity risk, the logic of higher risk increasing the cost of equity will apply no matter what risk and return model we choose to use. Holding other variables constant, increasing the risk of equity will decrease all equity multiples. In table 8.8, we examine the effect of changing the beta (and through it the cost of equity) on all of the equity multiples: Table 8.8: Risk and Equity Multiples Beta 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Cost of Equity 7.00% 8.00% 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% 12.00% 13.00% 14.00% 15.00% PE 45.91 33.04 25.38 20.32 16.74 14.09 12.05 10.44 9.14 PEG 2.55 1.84 1.41 1.13 0.93 0.78 0.67 0.58 0.51 PBV 9.18 6.61 5.08 4.06 3.35 2.82 2.41 2.09 1.83 PS 4.59 3.30 2.54 2.03 1.67 1.41 1.20 1.04 0.91 21 As risk increases, equity multiples decrease across the board. A firm with a cost of equity of 15% will trade at 9.14 times earnings, even though its expected earnings growth rate is 18%. The same can be said about PEG, price to book and price to sales ratios. From a practical standpoint, this should add a note of caution to those analyses where the PE ratios of PEG ratios of firms in a sector are compared to each other with the intent of finding under and over valued stocks. Without controlling for differences in risk, this type of analysis will be biased towards finding riskier companies to be cheap (because they will trade at lower multiples) and safer companies to be expensive. From the firm’s viewpoint, this relationship also suggests that at very high risk levels, a firm’s equity multiples are likely to increase more as the risk decreases than as growth increases. For many young firms that are viewed as both very risky and having good growth potential, reducing risk may increase equity value much more than increasing expected growth. The Quality of Investments Effect The focus on expected earnings growth among investors and analysts can sometimes blind us to an obvious fact. Not all growth is created equal and companies that generate growth more efficiently (with less investment) should trade at higher equity values than firms that generate the same growth less efficiently. The simplest way to see this is to go back to the fundamental determinants of expected earnings growth: Earnings growth rate = Retention ratio * Return on equity In our base case, we used a return on equity of 20% and a retention ratio of 90% to arrive at an expected growth rate of 18%. But there are other combinations of return on equity and retention ratios that would have generated the same growth rate. For instance, a firm with a 30% return on equity would have been able to grow its earnings at 18% while retaining only 60% of its earnings. Conversely, a firm with a return on equity of 15% would have required a retention ratio of 120% to generate a growth rate of 18%; in effect, the firm would have to issue new equity each year.7 In table 8.9, we summarize the 7 There is also a secondary effect. The retention ratio in stable growth also changes to allow the firm to continue growing at 4% forever. As the return on equity drops, the terminal value of equity will also decrease as a consequence. 22 impact of changing the return on equity, while keeping the expected growth rate at 18%, on equity multiples: Table 8.9: Return on Equity and Equity Multiples Implied Return on Retention Ratio Equity 8% 225% 10% 180% 12% 150% 14% 129% 16% 113% 18% 100% 20% 90% 22% 82% 24% 75% 26% 69% 28% 64% 30% 60% As the return on equity increases, PE PEG 7.48 0.42 13.45 0.75 17.43 0.97 20.27 1.13 22.40 1.24 24.05 1.34 25.38 1.41 26.46 1.47 27.37 1.52 28.13 1.56 28.79 1.60 29.36 1.63 the equity multiples all go up. PBV PS 0.60 0.75 1.34 1.34 2.09 1.74 2.84 2.03 3.58 2.24 4.33 2.41 5.08 2.54 5.82 2.65 6.57 2.74 7.31 2.81 8.06 2.88 8.81 2.94 At very low returns on equity, the firm will have to issue substantial new equity to sustain its high earnings growth, and the equity value per share decreases to reflect the potential dilution. If returns on equity dip below the cost of equity, growth can start destroying equity value. In this particular illustration, when the return on equity drops below the cost of equity of 10%, increasing the growth rate will reduce equity values. In our discussion of companion variables in chapter 7, we argued that the multiple that is most closely connected with return on equity is the price to book equity ratio. If we define the difference between the return on equity and the cost of equity as the measure of excess returns to equity investors, there is clearly a link between the excess returns earned and whether a firm trades at below or above book equity. In figure 8.7, we present the effects of changing excess equity returns on the price to book equity ratio: 23 When the excess returns are negative, the stock trades at below book equity. In fact, when the return on equity is expected to be equal to the cost of equity in perpetuity, the stock trades at book value. Ignoring return on equity differences when comparing price to book equity ratios across companies would be folly and lead us to conclude that low return on equity stocks are cheap (since they trade at low multiples of book equity). Another, albeit less direct, measure of earnings quality is the net profit margin that a company generates. Again, using the linkage between net margins and returns on equity stated in the earlier section, we can state the expected growth rate as a function of the net margin: Expected Growth rate = Net Margin * Sales/BV of Equity * Retention Ratio In illustration 8.1, we assumed that the firm maintained a net margin of 10% and had a sales to book equity ratio of 2.00, thus allowing us to have a return on equity of 20%. In table 8.10, we examine the impact of changing the net margin, while keeping the expected growth rate and sales to book equity ratio fixed. In other words, if the margin drops to 5%, we will assume that the retention ratio will have to change to allow the firm to grow at 18% for the high growth period: 24 Table 8.10: Net Margin and Equity Multiples Net Margin 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% PE 7.48 17.43 22.40 25.38 27.37 28.79 29.85 30.68 31.35 PEG 0.42 0.97 1.24 1.41 1.52 1.60 1.66 1.70 1.74 PBV 0.60 2.09 3.58 5.08 6.57 8.06 9.55 11.05 12.54 PS 0.30 1.05 1.79 2.54 3.28 4.03 4.78 5.52 6.27 As the net margin increases, all of the equity values increase. Since net margin is the companion variable for price to sales ratios, we examine the impact of changing the margin on price to sales ratios in figure 8.8: When comparing companies on a price to sales ratio basis, we have to bring in the effect of net margins. Companies that have low net margins, either because they have no pricing power or because they adopt high volume/low price strategies (discount retailers, for 25 example) should trade at lower multiples of revenues than firms that maintain higher margins. A Bias Summary With each of the variables we have discussed in this section, we have listed some of the potential problems that can be created when they are ignored while doing analyses. At the risk of repeating much of what we have said, we can summarize the biases that can be created by ignoring any or all of the variables in table 8.11: Table 8.11: Comparison Biases created by Omitting Variables Variable ignored Companies that will look cheap Expected growth rate Low growth companies during high growth period (with PE, PBV and PS) High growth companies (with PEG ratios) Length of Growth Period Companies with minimal or short-lived competitive advantages Risk of equity Companies with high equity risk, either because they are in riskier businesses or because they have high debt ratios. Return on equity Companies that earn low returns on equity, relative to their costs of equity. Net Profit Margin Companies that adopt volume leader strategies (high volume, low price) Companies that will look expensive High growth companies (with PE, PBV and PS) Low growth companies (with PEG ratios) Companies with strong and sustainable competitive advantages Companies with low equity risk, either because they are in more stable businesses or because they are less financially levered. Companies that earn high excess equity returns Companies that adopt price leader strategies (low volume, high price) The key question then becomes how best to control for differences in these variables when doing relative valuation. That is the question we will examine in the next section. Applications of Equity Multiples Now that we have looked at the determinants of equity multiples and how the multiples change as the fundamental variables change, we can turn our attention to the proverbial bottom line. In this section, we will begin by looking at the conventional use of multiples in sectors to make valuation judgments and then extend our discussion to 26 entire markets. We will also consider how to compare multiples across time and across markets. Comparing Equity Multiples across firms in a sector The most common approach using equity multiples is to choose a group of firms in the same sector as the firm that we are trying to value, to calculate the average value for the multiple for this group and to subjectively adjust this average for differences between the firm being valued and the comparable firms. While doing this, analysts implicitly assume that firms in the same sector are equally risky and that controlling for risk is therefore not necessary. Even if we accept this heroic assumption as reasonable, relative valuations range the spectrum. Some relative valuations do not control for any of the other variables that we argued affect the multiples that firms trade at while others do control at least partially for some of the differences. Reviewing the determinants of equity multiples from earlier in the chapter, we outline all of the variables that affect each multiple in table 8.12: Table 8.12: Equity Multiples and Fundamentals Multiple Used Fundamental Determinants PE Payout ratio, Expected Growth, Equity Risk PEG Payout ratio, Expected Growth, Equity Risk P/FCFE Risk, Expected Growth P/BV of Equity Payout ratio, Expected Growth, Equity Risk, Return on Equity P/Sales Payout ratio, Expected Growth, Equity Risk, Net Margin Note that the companion variable for each multiple is italicized in the table. At the minimum, we would expect analysts to control for at least this variable. However, the other variables continue to affect multiples and assumptions, both explicit and implicit, about these variables can determine what looks cheap or expensive. The best way to see the biases created by not controlling for all of the variables that affect multiples is by looking at relative valuations done across sectors. In the three illustrations that follow, we will examine the use of equity multiples and different ways of controlling for the fundamentals. 27 Illustration 8.2: Comparing PE across software companies The following table summarizes the trailing PE ratios for software firms listed in the United States in January 2006. The earnings per share used are estimated over the most recent four quarters for each firm and the stock price is as of December 29, 2005. Table 8.13: PE Ratios and Expected Growth Rates Company Name Accenture Ltd. Adobe Systems Affiliated Computer ANSYS Inc. Automatic Data Proc. BearingPoint BMC Software Borland Software CACI Int'l 'A' Ceridian Corp. Citrix Sys. Cognizant Technology Computer Sciences Compuware Corp. DST Systems Electronic Data Sys. Fair Isaac First Data Corp. Fiserv Inc. Henry (Jack) & Assoc. Infosys Techn. ADR Intergraph Corp. Intuit Inc. Keane Inc. Manhattan Assoc. ManTech Int'l 'A' McAfee Inc. Mercury Interactive Microsoft Corp. Moldflow Corp. Novell Inc. Oracle Corp. Paychex Inc. Red Hat Inc. PE 19.34 38.03 16.82 39.53 25.62 37.13 53.85 12.77 21.62 65.97 29.16 67.96 18.49 45.94 20.83 77.84 26.58 17.83 20.21 23.11 50.50 37.66 25.72 19.46 27.42 39.24 47.06 25.06 22.68 23.18 53.51 18.63 43.39 100.44 Expected Growth Rate 13.00% 19.50% 5.50% 16.00% 10.00% 21.50% 25.00% 8.00% 17.00% 17.00% 15.50% 29.00% 10.00% 21.50% 12.50% 26.50% 13.00% 7.00% 16.00% 16.50% 27.00% 29.00% 11.50% 19.00% 11.50% 17.50% 22.00% 18.50% 13.50% 27.00% 18.00% 19.50% 15.00% 34.50% 28 RSA Security SEI Investments Siebel Systems Sybase Inc. Symantec Corp. Synopsys Inc. Transaction Sys. 'A' Verint Systems 23.74 22.61 47.64 30.27 33.57 18.44 30.50 61.51 31.00% 10.50% 14.00% 11.00% 15.00% 7.00% 17.50% 26.00% Borland Software has the lowest PE ratio of 12.77 while Red Hat has the highest PE ratio of 100.44. Even if we assume that these firms are of equivalent risk, the differences in PE ratios can be explained by differences in growth potential. To capture this, the analyst estimates of expected growth in earnings per share over the next 5 years for each company are shown in the last column. Regressing the PE ratio of each firm against the expected growth rate a yields the following results (with t statistics in brackets below each coefficient). PE Ratio = 4.24 R2 =42% + 177.12 Expected Growth (0.71) (5.59) Firms with higher growth have significantly higher PE ratios than firms with lower expected growth. In fact, every 1% difference in expected growth rates increases the PE ratio by 1.77. Using this regression, we estimate the predicted PE ratio for Adobe Systems, which has an expected growth rate of 19.50%: Expected PE ratio for Adobe Systems = 4.24 + 177.12 (0.195) = 38.78 At its actual PE ratio of 38.03, Adobe is very slightly under valued (by approximately 1.93%): Adobe under (over) valuation = (38.03/38.78) -1 = -1.93% In table 8.14, we estimate the predicted PE ratios and the percent under or over valuation for each of the companies in the sample. Table 8.14: Predicted PE ratios for software companies Company Name Accenture Ltd. Adobe Systems Affiliated Computer ANSYS Inc. Automatic Data Proc. BearingPoint PE 19.34 38.03 16.82 39.53 25.62 37.13 Predicted PE 27.27 38.78 13.98 32.58 21.95 42.32 Under or Over Value -29.07% -1.93% 20.27% 21.32% 16.69% -12.26% 29 BMC Software Borland Software CACI Int'l 'A' Ceridian Corp. Citrix Sys. Cognizant Technology Computer Sciences Compuware Corp. DST Systems Electronic Data Sys. Fair Isaac First Data Corp. Fiserv Inc. Henry (Jack) & Assoc. Infosys Techn. ADR Intergraph Corp. Intuit Inc. Keane Inc. Manhattan Assoc. ManTech Int'l 'A' McAfee Inc. Mercury Interactive Microsoft Corp. Moldflow Corp. Novell Inc. Oracle Corp. Paychex Inc. Red Hat Inc. RSA Security SEI Investments Siebel Systems Sybase Inc. Symantec Corp. Synopsys Inc. Transaction Sys. 'A' Verint Systems 53.85 12.77 21.62 65.97 29.16 67.96 18.49 45.94 20.83 77.84 26.58 17.83 20.21 23.11 50.50 37.66 25.72 19.46 27.42 39.24 47.06 25.06 22.68 23.18 53.51 18.63 43.39 100.44 23.74 22.61 47.64 30.27 33.57 18.44 30.50 61.51 48.52 18.41 34.35 34.35 31.70 55.61 21.95 42.32 26.38 51.18 27.27 16.64 32.58 33.47 52.06 55.61 24.61 37.89 24.61 35.24 43.21 37.01 28.15 52.06 36.12 38.78 30.81 65.35 59.15 22.84 29.04 23.73 30.81 16.64 35.24 50.29 10.98% -30.66% -37.07% 92.05% -7.99% 22.22% -15.76% 8.54% -21.03% 52.09% -2.53% 7.16% -37.97% -30.94% -3.00% -32.27% 4.50% -48.64% 11.42% 11.35% 8.92% -32.29% -19.44% -55.48% 48.14% -51.97% 40.82% 53.70% -59.86% -1.00% 64.07% 27.59% 8.94% 10.81% -13.44% 22.30% RSA Security is the most undervalued company in the sample (with a 59.86% under valuation) and Ceridian is the most overvalued company in the group (with a 92.05% over valuation). 30 Illustration 8.3: Comparing PEG ratios across semiconductor companies Many analysts use the PEG ratio to compare the pricing of firms with different expectations of growth. Table 8.15 summarizes the PE ratios, expected growth rates (as predicted by analysts for the next 5 years) and the resulting PEG ratios of semiconductor firms in January 2006. Table 8.15: PEG Ratios for Semiconductor Firms Company Name Taiwan Semic. ADR Mattson Technology Inc. National Semic. Int'l Rectifier Bell Microproducts MIPS Technologies Inc Motorola Inc. Altera Corp. Maxim Integrated Intel Corp. Analog Devices Cree Inc. STMicroelectronics Texas Instruments Linear Technology Semtech Corp. QLogic Corp. Microchip Technology Fairchild Semic. Xilinx Inc. Catalyst Semiconductor Inc Rudolph Technologies Inc NVIDIA Corp. Rambus Inc. Supertex Inc. Intersil Corp. 'A' PE 16.12 13.68 25.11 27.34 21.13 17.44 29.35 27.99 23.29 21.36 24.97 34.63 27.55 29.31 26.86 23.90 16.86 30.76 36.79 30.05 21.68 33.72 63.08 49.73 87.71 41.98 Expected Growth Rate 50.00% 40.00% 65.00% 28.50% 20.00% 16.00% 26.50% 24.50% 19.50% 17.50% 19.00% 26.00% 20.00% 20.50% 18.00% 16.00% 9.50% 16.00% 19.00% 14.50% 10.00% 15.00% 26.00% 14.50% 25.00% 10.50% PEG Ratio 0.32 0.34 0.39 0.96 1.06 1.09 1.11 1.14 1.19 1.22 1.31 1.33 1.38 1.43 1.49 1.49 1.77 1.92 1.94 2.07 2.17 2.25 2.43 3.43 3.51 4.00 Taiwan Semiconductor’s ADR, with a PEG ratio of 0.32, looks like the cheapest stock in the group and Intersil with a PEG ratio of 4.00 comes out as the most over valued stock. There does, however, seem to be a pattern with the higher growth companies bunched together at the top of the table with low PEG ratios. The relationship between PEG ratios 31 and expected growth rates does not appear to be linear, as is clear when we look at the scatter plot in figure 8.9: Figure 8.9: PEG Ratios versus Expected Growth – Semiconductor Firms 5 PEG Ratio 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Expected Growth Rate To allow for the non-linear relationship, we regress the PEG ratio against the natural log of the expected growth rate:8 PEG = -0.32 - 1.23 ln(Expected Growth Rate) R2 = 33.52% (0.58) (3.69) Consider Intel. Intel with a PEG ratio of 1.22 is trading at a higher PEG ratio than the average of 1.64 for the sector, suggesting, at least on a preliminary basis, an undervalued stock. Plugging in the expected growth rate of 17.50%, the predicted PEG ratio based upon this regression is: Predicted PEG ratio = -0.32 - 1.23 ln(.175 ) = 1.82 Intel, given its expected growth rate, is undervalued by almost 33% on a PEG ratio basis, at least based upon this regression. 8 Using the natural log of the expected growth rate narrows the differences across companies on the growth dimension and makes the relationship between PEG and growth more linear. 32 As a final note, there is one other reason why Taiwan Semiconductor looks cheap on a PEG ratio basis. It is one of the few emerging market companies in this sector and the additional risk associated with its status may be depressing its PE ratio. Illustration 8.4: Comparing PBV ratios across banks If the essence of misvaluation is finding firms that have price to book ratios that do not go with their equity return spreads, the mismatch can be brought home by plotting the price to book value ratios of firms against their returns on equity. In figure 8.10, we report on the price to book ratios for banks in the United States in January 2006 against the returns on equity each reported over the most recent financial year. Figure 8.10: Price to Book versus ROE: U.S. Banks in January 2006 4 .0 Cull en/F rost Banker s Me llon Fina ncia l Cor Synovus Fina ncial Bank of Haw aii State Stree t Corp. Compa ss Bancshare s 3 .5 PBV 3 .0 We lls Fa rgo Ba nk of New York PNC Fina ncial Ser v. 2 .5 M&T Bank Corp . 2 .0 Ba nk of Ame rica Wa chovia Corp. SunTrust Banks Nor th For k Bancorp 1 .5 JPMorga n Chase 1 .0 R sq = 0.6532 0 10 20 30 ROE The firms that fall in the upper left hand quadrant (with high price to book ratios and low returns on equity) are over valued, whereas those that fall in the lower right hand quadrant (with low returns on equity and high price to book ratios) are under valued. Note that 65.32% of the differences in price to book ratios across U.S. banks is explained by differences in returns on equity. The regression line and the 95% confidence intervals (represented by the outside lines) indicate that there are no banks that are under or over valued enough to be outside this range. Put another way, once we adjust for differences 33 in returns on equity, all of the banks in this sample look fairly valued on a price to book basis. Regressing the price to book against return on equity for U.S. banks, we obtain the following: PBV = 0.434 + 14.12 ROE (1.37) R2 = 63.9% (6.86) This regression can be used to estimate predicted price to book ratios for the banks in the sample in Table 8.17. Table 8.17: Predicted Price to Book Ratios – U.S. Banks Company Name JPMorgan Chase Regions Financial North Fork Bancorp SunTrust Banks Wachovia Corp. Popular Inc. Bank of America KeyCorp TD Banknorth Inc. BB&T Corp. M&T Bank Corp. Zions Bancorp. PNC Financial Serv. Mercantile Bankshares AmSouth Bancorp. Bank of New York City National Corp. Wells Fargo Compass Bancshares Wilmington Trust State Street Corp. Bank of Hawaii Synovus Financial Mellon Financial Corp. Hudson United Bancorp Cullen/Frost Bankers Commerce Bancorp NJ PBV Predicted PBV Under/Over value 1.31 1.53 -14.34% 1.46 1.58 -7.12% 1.51 1.31 14.69% 1.68 1.82 -7.61% 1.76 1.99 -11.42% 1.87 2.66 -29.88% 1.88 2.44 -22.72% 1.92 2.33 -17.61% 2.08 2.40 -13.33% 2.18 2.46 -11.46% 2.18 2.21 -1.65% 2.41 2.49 -3.24% 2.49 2.70 -7.51% 2.51 2.12 18.17% 2.65 3.11 -14.68% 2.69 2.62 2.59% 2.74 2.59 5.78% 2.84 3.05 -6.89% 3.02 2.99 1.01% 3.05 2.65 15.16% 3.14 2.36 33.41% 3.25 3.44 -5.36% 3.36 2.77 21.31% 3.49 3.19 9.59% 3.57 3.87 -7.85% 3.57 2.86 24.73% 3.66 2.75 33.18% 34 The most under valued firm in the group is Popular Inc., trading almost 30% below its predicted value. State Street is the most over valued bank in the group, trading 33.41% above its predicted value. Illustration 8.5: Comparing price to sales ratios across specialty retailers Price to sales ratios are used widely to analyze retail firms. In figure 8.11, the price to sales ratios of specialty retail firms in the U.S. are plotted against the net profit margins of these firms. Figure 8.11: Price to Sales Ratios and Net Profit Margins 8 Coach Inc. Chico's FAS 6 PS We ight Watcher s Urba n Outfi tters NuCo2 Inc 4 Coldwa ter Cree k b ebe store s inc Cla ire 's Stores 2 Ame r. Eagle O utfi tte Chil dren's Pl ace RadioS hack Corp. Cir cuit City Stor es 0 R sq = 0.6810 0 10 20 30 Net Margin Firms with higher net margins tend to have higher price to sales ratios, while firms with lower margins have lower price to sales ratios. As with PE, PEG and price to book ratios, a regression of price to sales ratios against net profit margins for specialty retailers backs up this conclusion. Price to Sales Ratio = -0.107 + 25.45 Net Profit Margin (0.67) R2= 67.6% (11.50) This regression has 63 observations and the t-statistics are reported in brackets. The predicted price to sales ratio for Coach, one of the specialty retailers in the group, which has an net profit margin of 21.41%, can be estimated. 35 Predicted Value to Sales Ratio = -0.107 + 25.452 (0.2141) = 5.34 With an actual value to sales ratio of 7.19, Talbot’s can be considered to be over valued, relative to other firms in the specialty retail sector. Comparing Equity Multiples across firms in the market In the last section, comparable firms were narrowly defined to be other firms in the same business. In this section, we consider ways in which we can expand the number of comparable firms by looking at an entire sector or even the market. There are two advantages to this more expansive analysis. The first is that the estimates may become more precise as the number of comparable firms increase. The second is that it allows us to pinpoint when firms in a small sub-group are being under or over valued relative to the rest of the sector or the market. Since the differences across firms will increase when we loosen the definition of comparable firms, we have to adjust for these differences. The simplest way of doing this is with a multiple regression, with the equity multiples as the dependent variable and proxies for risk, growth and payout forming the independent variables. In this section, we present the results of market regressions for each of the equity multiples. a. PE Ratio In the regression, run in January 2006, the PE ratios were regressed against payout ratios (in most recent financial year), betas (from Value Line) and expected growth (analyst consensus estimates for the next 5 years) for all firms in the market. PE = 6.75 (4.83) + 113.10 (Expected Growth rate) -0.919 (Beta) + 7.33 (Payout ratio) (29.66) (0.76) (5.64) R squared = 30.6% With the sample size expanding to 2163 firms, this regression represents a broader measure of relative value. Other things remaining equal, this regression suggests that: • The PE ratio increases 1.131 for every 1% increase in the expected growth rate in earnings per share over the next 5 years. • An increase in the beta of 1 reduces the PE ratio by roughly 0.92 • An increase in the payout ratio of 1% increases the PE ratio by 0.07 For instance, a firm with an expected growth rate of 12%, a beta of 1.2 and a payout ratio of 20% will have a predicted PE ratio: 36 Predicted PE = 6.75 + 113.1 (0.12) – 0.919 (1.20) + 0.073 (0.20) = 20.68 This regression has a low R-squared, but it is more a reflection of the noise in PE ratios than it is on the regression methodology. As we will see, the market regressions for price to book value and price to sales ratios tend to be better behaved and have higher Rsquared than PE ratio regressions. While the coefficients in this regression all have the predicted signs – PE ratios increase with growth and payout and decrease as risk increases – this is not always the case. In fact, similar regressions run in 2003 and 2004 had the wrong sign for the beta coefficient, with higher beta companies have higher PE ratios instead of lower ones. This occurs largely because the independent variables in this regression are themselves correlated with each other, with high growth companies tending to be risky with low payout ratios.9 b. PEG Ratio When comparing PEG ratios across firms, then, it is important that we control for differences in risk, growth and payout ratios when making the comparison. While we can attempt to do this subjectively, the complicated relationship between PEG ratios and these fundamentals can pose a challenge. A far more promising route is the regression approach used for PE ratios and to relate the PEG ratios of the firms being compared to measures of risk, growth potential and the payout ratio for these firms. As with the PE ratio, the comparable firms in this analysis can be defined narrowly (as other firms in the same business), more expansively as firms in the same sector or as all firms in the market. In running these regressions, all the caveats that were presented for the PE regression continue to apply. The independent variables continue to be correlated with each other and the relationship is both unstable and likely to be nonlinear. In fact, Figure 8.12, which provides a scatter plot of PEG ratios against growth rates, for all U.S. stocks in January 2006, indicates the degree of non-linearity. 9 This creates a phenomenon known as multicollinearity in the regression. To illustrate the problems this will create, assume (as is reasonable) that high growth companies also have high betas and low payout ratios. The beta then becomes a proxy not only for risk but also for growth, and the coefficient in the regression will reflect the dominant factor. In 2003 and 2004, betas were better proxies for growth than risk, which explains the positive coefficient on betas in the regressions from those years. 37 Figure 8.12: PEG Ratios versus Expected Growth Rates 20 10 PEG Ratio 0 -10 -20 0 20 40 60 80 1 00 Expected Growth in E PS: next 5 y ears In running the regression, especially when the sample contains firms with very different levels of growth, we should transform the growth rate to make the relationship more linear. A scatter plot of PEG ratios against the natural log of the expected growth rate in figure 8.13, for instance, yields a much more linear relationship. 38 Figure 8.13: PEG Ratios versus ln(Expected Growth Rate) 20 10 PEG Ratio 0 -10 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 LNGR OWTH The results of the regression of PEG ratios against ln(expected growth), beta and payout ratio is reported below for the entire market. PEG Ratio = 4.27 – 0.83 ln(Growth) -0.417 (Beta) + 0.769 (Payout) (1.76) R squared = 21.5% (25.35) (4.49) (12.46) Number of firms = 2159 (Growth is entered as an absolute value in this regression) As with the PE ratio regression, this regression can be used to estimate predicted PEG ratios for individual companies though the R-squared is even lower than it was for PE ratios. Across the market, higher growth and higher risk companies tend to have lower PEG ratios than the more stable, lower growth companies. c. Price to Book Ratios In the earlier section, we noted that price to book ratios are heavily influenced by returns on equity. In January 2006, we regressed the price to book ratio against the fundamentals identified in the last section – the return on equity (from the most recent 39 financial year), the payout ratio, the beta and the expected growth rate over the next 5 years (from analyst forecasts). PBV = -0.49 + 17.60 ROE (2.69) (47.51) +0.16 Payout ratio (3.06) -0.534 Beta (3.72) + 11.90 Growth rate (26.91) The regression has an R-squared of 55.6%, a significant improvement on the PE and PEG ratio regressions. The return on equity is clearly the variable that has the strongest relationship with the price to book ratio, as evidenced by the high t statistic on the coefficient. Every 1% improvement in return increases the price to book ratio by 0.176. The strong positive relationship between price to book ratios and returns on equity is not unique to the United States. In fact, table 8.18 summarizes regression for other countries of price to book against returns on equity run at different points in time: Table 8.18: Price to Book and Returns on Equity: Market Regressions Country Regression Details Regression Equation Greece May 2001 PBV = 2.11 + 11.63 ROE Entire (R2=17.5%) market: 272firms Brazil October 2000 PBV = 0.77 + 3.78 (ROE) (R2=17.3%) (Entire market: Portugal June 1999 PBV = -1.94 + 16.34 ROE + 2.83 Beta (R2=78%) (Entire market – 74 firms) India November 1997 PBV = -1.68 + 24.03 ROE (R2=51%) (50 largest firms) In each of the markets, firms with higher returns on equity have higher price to book ratios, though the strength of the relationship is greater in Portugal and India and lesser in Greece and Brazil. d. Price to Sales Ratios To examine differences in price to sales ratios across companies in the market, we used the variables that we identified in the last section as its determinants – the expected growth in earnings per share, the payout ratio, the beta and the net margin (again from the most recent financial year): 40 PS = -1.648 + 23.6 Net Margin +0.12 Payout ratio+0.361 Beta +8.80 Growth rate (10.55) (46.89) (3.49) (3.72) (19.63) The R-squared on the regression is 58.4% and the sample size is 1877 firms with data available on all of the independent variables. There are two troublesome components to this regression. The first is that the coefficient on beta has the wrong sign – riskier firms have higher price to sales ratios in this regression whereas our prediction would be that they should have lower. We explained the reasons for this when we talked about price earnings ratios. The second is that the intercept is a large negative number, which by itself is not uncommon, but can result in negative predicted price to sales ratios at least for some firms. To alleviate the second problem, the regression was rerun without an intercept, with the following results: PS = 21.8 Net Margin (44.76) +0.06 Payout ratio (3.49) - 0.832 Beta +8.39 Growth rate (8.78) (18.26) Not only is this regression less likely to yield negative predicted values, but the coefficient on beta now has the right sign: higher beta companies have lower price to sales ratios. Comparing Equity Multiples across time Analysts and market strategists often compare the PE ratio of a market to its historical average to make judgments about whether the market is under or over valued. Thus, a market which is trading at a PE ratio which is much higher than its historical norm is often considered to be over valued, whereas one that is trading at a ratio lower is considered under valued. While reversion to historic norms remains a very strong force in financial markets, we should be cautious about drawing too strong a conclusion from such comparisons. As the fundamentals (interest rates, risk premiums, expected growth and payout) change over time, the PE ratio will also change. Other things remaining equal, for instance, we would expect the following. • An increase in interest rates should result in a higher cost of equity for the market and a lower PE ratio. 41 • A greater willingness to take risk on the part of investors will result in a lower risk premium for equity and a higher PE ratio across all stocks. • An increase in expected growth in earnings across firms will result in a higher PE ratio for the market. • An increase in the return on equity at firms will result in a higher payout ratio for any given growth rate and a higher PE ratio for all firms. In other words, it is difficult to draw conclusions about PE ratios without looking at these fundamentals. A more appropriate comparison is therefore not between PE ratios across time, but between the actual PE ratio and the predicted PE ratio based upon fundamentals existing at that time. Illustration 8.6: PE Ratios across time for the S&P 500 While PE ratios are more widely used in practice, market strategists often prefer to focus on the inverse of the number, the earnings to price ratio (or the earnings yield). To illustrate, a PE ratio of 20 translates into an earnings yield of 5%, which, in turn, can be compared to the dividend yield or the treasury bond rate. Figure 8.14 summarizes the Earnings/Price ratios for S&P 500 and treasury bond rates at the end of each year from 1960 to 2005. There is a strong positive relationship between E/P ratios and T.Bond rates, as evidenced 42 by the correlation of 0.69 between the two variables. In addition, there is evidence that the term structure also affects the E/P ratio. In the following regression, we regress E/P ratios against the level of T.Bond rates and the yield spread (T.Bond - T.Bill rate), using data from 1960 to 2005. E/P = 0.0209 + 0.7437 T.Bond Rate – 0.3274 (T.Bond Rate-T.Bill Rate) (2.44) (6.64) R2 = 49.09% (1.33) Other things remaining equal, this regression suggests that • Every 1% increase in the T.Bond rate increases the E/P ratio by 0.7437% (and thus reduces the PE ratio). This is not surprising but it quantifies the impact that higher interest rates have on the PE ratio. • Every 1% increase in the difference between T.Bond and T.Bill rates reduces the E/P ratio by 0.3274%. Flatter or negative sloping term yield curves seem to correspond to lower PE ratios and upwards sloping yield curves to higher PE ratios. While, at first sight, this may seem surprising, the slope of the yield curve, at least in the United States, has been a leading indicator of economic growth with more upward sloped curves going with higher growth. Based upon this regression, we predict E/P ratio at the beginning of 2006, with the T.Bill rate at 4.31% and the T.Bond rate at 4.39%. E/P2006 = 0.0209 + 0.7437 (0.0439)- 0.3274 (0.0439-0.0431)= 0.0533 PE2006 = 1 1 = = 18.77 E/P2006 0.0533 Since the S&P 500 was trading at a multiple of 18.27 times earnings in early 2006, this would !have indicated a market that is almost correctly priced. This regression can be enriched by adding other variables, which should be correlated to the price-earnings ratio, such as expected growth in GNP and payout ratios, as independent variables. In fact, a fairly strong argument can be made that the influx of technology stocks into the S&P 500 over the last decade, the increase in return on equity at U.S. companies over the same period and a decline in risk premiums could all explain the increase in PE ratios over the period. Illustration 8.7: Comparing Price to Book Value Ratios across time In illustration 8.6, we looked at changes in the price to earnings ratios for the U.S, market from 1960 to 2005. Over that period, the price to book value ratio for the market 43 has also increased. In Figure 8.15, we report on the price to book ratio for the S&P 500 on one axis and the return on equity for S&P 500 firms on the other. The increase in the price to book ratio over the last two decades can be at least partially explained by the increase in return on equity over the same period. Comparing Equity Multiples across Countries Comparisons are often made between price-earnings ratios in different countries with the intention of finding undervalued and overvalued markets. Markets with lower PE ratios are viewed as under valued and those with higher PE ratios are considered over valued. Given the wide differences that exist between countries on fundamentals, it is clearly misleading to draw these conclusions. For instance, you would expect to see the following, other things remaining equal: • Countries with higher real interest rates should have lower PE ratios than countries with lower real interest rates. • Countries with higher expected real growth should have higher PE ratios than countries with lower real growth. 44 • Countries that are viewed as riskier (and thus command higher risk premiums) should have lower PE ratios than safer countries • Countries where companies are more efficient in their investments (and earn a higher return on these investments) should trade at higher PE ratios. Illustration 8.8: Comparing PE ratios across markets This principle can be extended to broader comparisons of PE ratios across countries. Table 8.19 summarizes PE ratios across different countries in January 2006, together with interest rates (short term and long term) at the time. Table 8.19: PE Ratios for Markets – January 2006 Country Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Norway Peru Philipines Poland PE Dividend Yield 10 yr rate 14.65 2.03% 14.00% 16.98 3.86% 5.19% 16.93 1.29% 3.30% 12.74 3.21% 3.30% 14.59 5.70% 21.00% 20.88 1.97% 3.95% 16.45 3.15% 7% 18.36 3.30% 3.09% 12.84 1.54% 8.25% 29.06 1.58% 3.69% 13.98 1.62% 3.28% 16.90 2.64% 3.23% 15.00 2.42% 3.30% 15.02 2.14% 3.30% 20.83 2.49% 3.30% 14.45 3.50% 4.19% 13.52 2.37% 8.00% 20.33 1.28% 7.10% 11.06 2.89% 13.54% 14.70 3.84% 3.30% 45.01 0.95% 1.46% 14.19 4.67% 4.11% 11.30 1.80% 5.30% 17.69 3.46% 3.29% 14.43 3.20% 3.63% 13.14 3.30% 9% 11.15 2.63% 11.90% 11.76 2.20% 5.07% Short term rate 8.00% 5.64% 2.48% 2.48% 18.03% 3.35% 5.28% 2.90% 6.35% 2.16% 2.46% 2.41% 2.48% 2.48% 2.48% 4.18% 6.30% 5.64% 15.00% 2.48% 0.25% 3.20% 8.14% 1.70% 2.60% 3.44% 7.69% 4.62% 45 Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK USA Venezuela 16.59 8.89 13.03 11.09 11.67 16.38 16.02 18.29 13.81 10.33 11.44 18.60 18.27 5.17 3.19% 1.80% 4.29% 2.76% 0.56% 2.85% 2.39% 1.59% 3.83% 3.64% 1.94% 3.56% 1.80% 12.19% 3.30% 15.01% 3.18% 7.45% 5.59% 3.30% 3.28% 1.96% 3.77% 5.38% 15.50% 4.09% 4.37% 13.50% 2.48% 13.00% 3.22% 7.15% 4.07% 2.48% 1.68% 0.99% 1.35% 4.50% 14.77% 4.59% 4.23% 11.50% A naive comparison of PE ratios suggests that Japanese stocks, with a PE ratio of 45.01, are overvalued, while Russian and Venezuelan stocks are undervalued, with single digit PE ratios. However, differences in PE ratios across countries reflect differences in interest rates across countries, with lower (higher) PE ratios in countries with higher (lower) interest rates. Table 8.20 summarizes the correlation between PE ratios, interest rates and dividend yields: Table 8.20: Correlation Matrix: PE Ratio and Interest Rates- January 2006 PE Ratio LT Rate ST Rate LT minus ST Rate PE Ratio LT Rate 1.00 -0.425 -0.448 -0.041 1.00 0.939 0.406 1.00 0.066 ST Rate LT – ST Rate 1.00 Across the sample, PE ratios are higher in countries with lower interest rates – both short and long term. In addition, PE ratios tend to be higher in countries with more upward sloping yield curves (measured by the difference between short term and long term rates), reflecting their role as proxies for future growth. There is a mix of developed market and emerging market countries in our sample and the PE ratios tend to be lower for the latter. To provide at least partial control for this difference, we introduce a dummy variable, set to 1 for emerging markets and 0 for 46 developed markets. A cross-sectional regression of PE ratio on the long term interest rate, the slope of the yield curve (the difference between the long term and short term rate) and the emerging market dummy variable (EMDUM) yields the following: PE Ratio = 22.51 – 67.78 (LT rate) + 96.85 (LT rate– ST rate) -4.83 EMDUM (11.03) (3.33) (1.59) (2.35) The R-squared of the regression is 24.7% and the coefficients indicate statistical significance. Other things remaining equal, this regression suggests that a 1% difference in long-term rates translates into a difference of 0.68 in the PE ratio and that emerging markets trade at lower PE ratios than developed markets. Based upon this regression, the predicted PE ratios for the countries are shown in Table 8.21. Table 8.21:Predicted PE Ratios for Markets – January 2006 Country Australia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philipines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand UK Germany France Spain Switzerland Belgium Italy Sweden Netherlands Greece Norway Finland Portugal South Africa PE Predicted PE Under(Over) Value 16.98 18.55 -8.48% 18.36 15.77 16.45% 14.45 14.85 -2.67% 20.33 14.28 42.38% 11.06 7.09 56.09% 45.01 22.69 98.38% 14.19 15.77 -10.04% 11.15 13.69 -18.55% 13.03 15.48 -15.84% 11.67 15.36 -24.03% 13.81 17.47 -20.93% 10.33 14.88 -30.59% 18.60 19.25 -3.38% 15.02 16.23 -7.48% 15.00 16.23 -7.61% 16.38 16.23 0.89% 18.29 17.29 5.79% 12.74 16.23 -21.53% 14.7 16.23 -9.45% 16.02 17.00 -5.79% 17.69 16.99 4.14% 20.83 16.23 28.30% 14.43 16.21 -11.01% 16.9 16.28 3.79% 16.59 16.23 2.19% 11.09 17.75 -37.51% 47 Russia Poland Hungary Czech Republic Austria Denmark Turkey USA Canada Mexico Brazil Argentina Venezuela Chile Colombia Peru 8.89 11.76 13.52 29.06 16.93 13.98 11.44 18.27 20.88 11.3 14.59 14.65 5.17 16.45 12.84 13.14 9.45 14.68 13.90 16.66 21.06 21.08 12.71 19.68 20.41 11.33 6.32 14.00 10.46 14.60 13.93 16.96 -5.91% -19.87% -2.74% 74.45% -19.63% -33.67% -9.97% -7.17% 2.30% -0.31% 130.88% 4.65% -50.59% 12.68% -7.80% -22.53% Brazil emerges as the most over valued market in the group, whereas Venezuela is the most under valued market. Conclusion With equity multiples, we scale the market value of equity to some measure of equity earnings, book value or even revenues. The most commonly used equity multiple is the price earnings ratio, where the market value of equity is scaled to net income. Even that simple ratio is defined in different ways by different analysts, and we began this chapter by looking at the variations. We then considered variations on the PE ratio as well as price to book equity and price to sales ratios; the latter is not a consistently defined multiple but still remains widely used. Equity multiples are ultimately determined by the same fundamentals that determine the value of equity in a discounted cash flow model - expected growth in earnings, equity risk and cash flow potential. Firms with higher growth, lower risk and higher payout ratios, other things remaining equal, should trade at much higher multiples of earnings, book value of equity and revenues than other firms. To the extent that there are differences in fundamentals across countries, across time and across companies, the multiples will also vary. A failure to control for these differences in fundamentals can lead to erroneous conclusions based purely upon a direct comparison of multiples. 48 There are several ways in which equity multiples can be used in valuation. One way is to compare multiples across a narrowly defined group of comparable firms and to control for differences in growth, risk and payout subjectively. Another is to expand the definition of a comparable firm to the entire sector (such as technology) or the market and to control for differences in fundamentals using statistical techniques, such as regressions.