The Arithmetic Connection Author(s): Lesley Lee and David Wheeler Reviewed work(s): Source: Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Feb., 1989), pp. 41-54 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 10/11/2011 15:03 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Educational Studies in Mathematics. LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION ABSTRACT. From test and interview data obtained during an investigation into Grade 10 students' conceptions of algebraic generalisation and justification, we have extracted evidence of the extent to which these students have coordinated the "worlds"of arithmetic and algebra, and can move freely between them. The data show more dissociation than we expected, even among students who were successfulat standardalgebraictasks. Conceiving algebra as "generalisedarithmetic" may obscure the many genuine obstacles that the learner has to overcome in moving from fluent performancein arithmeticto fluent performance in algebra while achieving and maintaininga smooth coordination of both modes of action. Historically,algebragrew out of arithmeticand it ought so to grow afreshfor each individual. (Mathematical Association, The Teaching of Algebra in Schools, p. 5) Our investigations into the algebraic thinking of high school students show that the connection between the algebra and arithmetic in their minds is not always as direct and transparentas the quoted precept might suggest. Introducing algebra to beginning students as "generalisedarithmetic" may be a sensible strategy but there are distinct pedagogical difficulties to be faced if it is adopted. Our account of some of the misconceptionsthat can occur at the arithmetic/algebrainterfacemay give some pointers to the characterof these pedagogicaldifficulties. For this article we have drawn on the results of an open-ended test administeredto 350 Grade 10 students (ages 15-16), on interviewswith 25 of these students, as well as some interviewsfrom a pilot project undertaken two years ago. Our main study was designed to examine students' conceptions of generalisationand justification. Preliminaryfindings have been reported in Lee and Wheeler (1986), and a fuller report is available in Lee and Wheeler (1987). Here, in this article, we focus on what our data tell us about the coordination of arithmetic and algebra in the students' minds as this is indicated by the extent to which they seem able to move into and out of each of these worlds at will. In general we find serious lapses in their coordination of these two worlds though of course not all students exhibit or express the same degree of dissociation between them. EducationalStudies in Mathemalics20 (1989) 41-54. ? 1989 by KluwerAcademicPublishers. 42 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER MOVING FROM ALGEBRA INTO ARITHMETIC One of the four types of questions we used in testing and interviewing students confronted the student with algebraic statements such as: 2x +l 2x+1+7 1 1 1 1 8' 6n 3n 3n' and (a2+b2)3=a6+b6. We asked in each case "Is the statementdefinitelytrue?possibly true?never true?Say how you know." There are two types of response to the request to "say how you know". For the first statement, about equal numbers of students solved the equation to get x = 0 or quoted a rule concerning the cancellingof the 2x's. In the next, studentseither took the left hand side of the statementand manipulatedit, correctlyor incorrectly,to see if it could be made to look like the right hand side, or they quoted an algebraicrule or law (often of their own invention)which they felt covered the situation. Half of the students given the third statement justified its "truth" by producingan exponent law and a third of these recognisedthere would be "mixed terms". Of the 268 students given one or other of these problems only 10 made any attempt to "check with numbers"and only one of these was responding to the third question involving exponents where the production of a single counter-example would have been much more efficientthan the cubing of a2 + b2. The rule-boundapproach of these students can be illustratedby looking at responses to this third statement. In defence of the truth of the exponential statement we were offered some very elaborate explanations such as this written one given by a student from an acceleratedgroup: "This statement is definitely true. There are several laws in dealing with exponents. And the one that applies here is you multiply the number (outside the bracket) with those exponents inside the bracket. You don't add themlike you normallydo. If you had an examplelike a2 + a3, you add them so you get a' but the bracket tells us to multiply." or this oral defence of the truth of the statement: "Well the numbers and letter or letters that the number is attached to is timesed by the number outside the bracket. Since there is a plus sign it takes each number separately. Let's say the equation read as follows (a6+ b6)3 then the answer would read a'8 + b'8 but if the equation read (a4b4)4then the answer would read a 16b16, without the plus the numbers are sort of pulled together.The reason I believe this is true is becauseif you took (a2 + b2)3 and added each one like this (a2 +b2)(a2 +b2)(a2+b 2) THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 43 then by adding each a-equation in each bracket your answer would read a2 + a2 + a which equals a6 and the same goes for b. It all depends on the sign and the number outside the brackets." Other students were content to say "It's a rule" or to write a2x3 + b2x3. Rules were also produced to justify a' + b5 and a8 + b8. And yet studentsgave some hints that they see these "rules"as somewhat arbitrary. One student who had given the rule which would make (a2 + b2)3= a8 + b8 said: "On the otherhandI couldforgetgrade 8 mathand it couldbe that whenyou have a numberinside the bracketyou multiplyit by the outer number. . ." whichwouldgive a6 + b6. Otherssaid, "It's definitely true,from whatwe havelearnedin school but it isjust a theorylike everything in math"; "The statement is definitelytrue if I were to base my answeron today'smathematics."One studentindicatedthat if the expansionweredone by findingthe product of (a2 + b2) (a2 + b2) (a2 + b2) therewould be mixed terms, but if it were done by multiplyingexponents, a2x 3+ b2X 3, then the statement as given would be true. The one student who did substitute numbers also succeeded in demonstrating the truth of the statement. Using a = I and b = 2 he wrote (12+22)3( +4)3= 1+64=65. In spite of the use of numerals the student did not move into arithmeticsince the 1 and the 4 were not added beforecubing. One might say that he too remainedin the world of algebra. In fact all the students who worked this question did so from a strictly algebraicperspectivein spite of the definiteadvantagesof looking at it from an arithmeticperspectivewherea single numericexamplecould immediately settle the matter. In the interviews,when studentsproducedan erroneous"rule"conclusion we asked them to try a few numbers.One might say we pushed them into the world of arithmetic. The substitution request was often made quite specific in that simple values were suggested for the variables. Where students had declared algebraic equality, substitution with numbers produced inequality.This did not always generate the expecteddisequilibrium in the students. Some students when questioned about this indicated that they did not reallyexpect the same result in arithmetic.A studentdoing the (a2 + b2)3 problem in our pilot project explained that numbersand letters behaveddifferentlyand so could be expectedto give differentresults.In most of the interviews,however,we told studentsthat both their resultscould not be correct and in essence forced them to choose between their algebraand their arithmetic. Most in this case voted for the result given by their arithmeticand suspectedthat in the algebrathey had used the "wrongrule". 44 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER In the case of the statement 2x+ 1 2x+1+7 1 8' we asked all three interviewstudentswho cancelled the 2x's to check their response for a certain value of x. This led to general confusion. One said "It's not the same whenyou substitutea number",but confronted with the possibilitiesof crossing out or not, he tended to favor crossing out. On the other hand he did waver, considering,"This is a whole equationso I can't just take part of it and cancel out." He realized that he did work with the numberexample and the algebra in differentways. When asked "Whichis the right way to test that one?", he replied,"That's whereI'm always stuck in math." Another student who expected her substitution x = 1 to work out, immediately questioned her algebraic cancelling when it didn't. She said, "I guess I shouldn'thave takenthe 2x and 2x outfor some reason",but didn't really know why. She admitted that in arithmeticyou can't cancel the 2's (she was putting x = 1) "becauseof the rest of the stuff aroundit. It gets in the way". In her second attempt at the problem she cancelled the 2x + 1 and referringto her previous attempt, said "Iforgot to cancel the I in thefirst try". When a second substitutionattempt did not work out she eventuallyrememberedthat "I can only cancel withmultiplying".The third student also suspected that cancelling the 2x's was the problem after two numerical examples didn't work out. She too could not say why and decided to abandon the problem. Several points are worth underlining here. Firstly, not one of these students(like their test counterparts)had establisheda "substitution"reflex to check their work. Secondly, when a check was imposed on them it did not seem to serve as a correctivetool. Rather it placed them in a dilemma and seemed to force them toward a choice between their algebraic and arithmeticbehaviors. Two of the three intervieweesseemed to trust their arithmetic behavior slightly more but could not use it to resolve the dilemma or to throw any light on their algebra. The third seemed to be used to living with arithmetic/algebracontradictions but leaned more toward algebraic behavior. We see here another illustrationof how algebra and arithmeticare two dissociated worlds for these students. They do not spontaneouslythink of going from algebrainto arithmeticand when they are pushed to do so their algebrais not instructedby their arithmeticas one would suppose it ought to be if they perceivedalgebra as generalisedarithmetic. THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 45 A problem of a type similar to the above three was worded slightly differently. Students were given an erroneous algebraic development of 5/(2 - x) + 5/(2 + x) = 4 which led to the conclusion that 20 = 4 and asked to "explain this result". Only a quarterof the students we tested indicated either explicitly or implicitly that 20 cannot be equal to 4: "As far as I know in mathematics 20 cannot be equal to 4. Maybe 5/(2 - x) + 5(2 + x) # 4." "The answer is fine. It works. But it is not logical. 20 cannot = 4. Plain numberscan't equal other plain numbers!" A third of the students went along entirelywith the erroneous algebraic developmentand its conclusion, 20=4: "Well by following all the proper proceduresto get to the result of four should explain everythingfor instance 5 x 4 = 20 which is true. But if you want step by step explanation how you got to this answer well then, step. 1) find lowest common denominatorwhich is (2- x)(2 + x) 2) then multiply them together with 5. 3) You'll end up with 5(2 + x + 2- x) 4) which then equals 5(4) = 4 Result 20 = 4." "Then 5(4) 5 x 4 is equal to 20 which shows your value for 4. In this case 4 is used as a variable not using its original meaning." And an eighth of the studentsfelt that one cannot stop at 20 = 4 but should either simplify this: "The answer will be 4-20 or 20- 4" "Dividing by 4, 5 = 1" "0 = -16" "Yes it could be 20 = 4 or 1/5 dependingon the sort of answerasked for." or introduce an x into the answer. "Results should be x = 4." "x = 4 or x = 20" As in the previous problems,students gave a justificationby rule for the algebraicdevelopment. That these "rules"could lead to a result which is nonsense in arithmeticdid not appear to be a problem for the majorityof these students. For many the main problem with "the answer" was that LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER 46 they did not get a value of x. It was the unexpectedalgebraicresult that led many students to question the algebraic development, although very few were able to identify the error. Once again students behaved as though algebra were a closed system untroubledby arithmetic. The general acceptance of 20=4 was not the only manifestation of something having gone wrong arithmetically.On looking at the arithmetical work done in this series of four problems, one suspects that some regressionhad taken place. One does not expect even grade seven students to exhibit some of the arithmeticalbehaviourof these grade 10 students.As we have remarked before, some students did not even seem to see the possibility of effecting simple sums and differencesof whole numbers:for example,(I + 4)3 waswrittenas I + 64, (4 + 9)3 as 43 + 93, andthe (8 - 1) in the expression 2 x (8 - 1) was not read as 7. Some work with fractions was also strange. A student who was putting n = 1/4 in the expression 1/6n - 1/3n = 113nwrote the following: 61 6-) 141114 = 3( ') Zil) *- =3 6-- 4 Examplesalso occurred of the "classical"error of subtractingfractions by subtractingtheir numeratorsand denominatorsseparately.One student we interviewedwas asked to do 1/6 - 1/3. Subtractingnumeratorsand denominators she got 0/3. Similarlyshe reduced 1/4 - 1/2 to 0/2. Then looking at her algebraic work (where 0 had been replaced by 1) she changed the numerators in both cases to I because "0 somethings still has to be something".Yet when given 1/3 - 1/6 she proceeded to find a common denominatorand correctlycarriedout the subtraction.Asked why she used a different method here, she said "3 minus 6, 1 can't do it". Zero is a number that takes on a mysterious realm of meanings for these algebra students. The above student felt that when 0 occurredin a numerator it ought to be replaced by 1. Many students did not feel 0 is a full-fledged candidate for a solution to an equation. Some interpreteda 0 solution as the null set or as an exception: "No becausefor 0 it wouldbe true because Omakes everything0", "0 wouldbe the only exception", "x belongs to the null set except whenx is 0". One student used 0/4 in a long substitution attempt without ever treating it as 0 and another said that an x cannot be equal to 0. Not only did these students move with great difficulty from algebra into arithmeticin these problems but their arithmeticappearedto have been disturbed by their algebra. THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 47 MOVING FROM ARITHMETIC INTO ALGEBRA If we look at another series of problems which requiredstudents to move in the opposite direction, from arithmetic into algebra, we see that very similar problems occurred. We refer to three problems, one involving consecutive numbers, The sum of two consecutivenumbersis always an odd number.Theproduct of two consecutive numbers is always an even number. Are these two statementstrue?If they are can you show why? and two others of the "pick-a-number"type, A girl multipliesa numberby 5 and then adds 12. She then subtractsher starting numberand dividesthe result by 4. She notices that the answershe gets is 3 more than the numbershe startedwith. She says, "I thinkthat would happen,whatevernumberI started with."Is she right?Explaincarefullywhy your answeris right. Choose any numberbetween 1 and 10. Add it to 10 and write down the answer. Take thefirst numberawayfrom 10 and writedown the answer.Add your two answers.Whatresultsdo you get? Willthe resultbe the samefor all starting numbers?Explain why your answeris right. (See Note.) These problems did not explicitly request the students "to use algebra" although students were aware that this was an algebra test. Three-quarters of the 352 students who were given one or two of these problems on their test did not use any algebraat all. In the consecutivenumbersquestion, for example, 78 of 118 students avoided any algebraicwork, most giving one or two examples as a demonstrationwith about half of these giving some even/odd arguments.Typical examples of this were: "Well: 2 + 3 = 5v/ 3 + 4 =71 4+5=9v/ 5 + 6 = 1I1v/ Also: 2 x 3=61 3 x 4= 12v 4 x 5=20v/ 5 x 6 = 30v/" "Let I + 2 be the two consecutive numbers.- this adds up to 3 - odd. 2 x I - let's use the same numbers. =2 this is an even number. Yes these two statementsare true Using the same numbers 1 and 2. You can see added = 3 odd multiplied= 2 even." 48 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER When this problemwas worded "Show, using algebra,that the sum of two consecutivenumbersis always an odd number"27% still avoided algebra, giving examples again. And when we examine the work of the 25% and 73% respectivelywho did in fact write some algebraicsymbols (generallyx and x + 1) on their papers, we see that very few of these students actually carriedout the complete algebraicdemonstration.For example, "x + (x + 1) = 2+(2+ 1) = 2 + 3 = 5,/odd 3+(3+ 1) = 3 + 4 = 7,/odd x(x + 1) = 2(2+1) =4+2=6/even 3(3 + 1) = 12,/even" In fact only 10% of the students successfullyused algebra to demonstrate the odd-ness of the sum of consecutive numbers. Results were similar on the other two questions. Only 44 of the 116 studentsgiven the "girl question"used some algebraand half of these used their algebraic formulation only to create examples. When the same question was asked in the form "Using algebra, show that she is right", a third of the students still wrote no algebraicstatements.Very few students actually carriedout a complete algebraicdemonstrationbut relied instead on a few examples. The "choose a number" question elicited the lowest algebraic response rate with only 9 of 118 students even attempting an algebraicexplanation. The series of problems asked the students to establish some fact about numbers. We expected of course that students would move from the arithmetic number situation into the algebraic in order to establish the arithmeticgeneralisation.We found that the studentstended to stay in the arithmeticmode when the problem involved numbers. In fact their reluctance to leave the arithmetic mode here was almost as strong as their reluctanceto abandon the algebraicmode in the first series of questions. Students do not appear to see algebra as generalisedarithmetic.Indeed the question arises whether or not they believe that arithmetic can be generalised.There were indications in both the interviewsand tests that they do not. For instance many of the students who did use some algebra in this series of questions, when asked whether their algebraic work demonstratedthe truth of the proposition, responded negatively or indicated that examples would be preferable.One student, when confronted with a completealgebraicproof said that if she were explainingthe problem to a friend she would "solve it" with algebra and then "prove it by examples".Another studentwho had been pushed and proddedthroughan THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 49 algebraicdemonstrationsaid "It works . .. 'CauseI tried it witha number". The algebraic work was often considered on a par with a single numeric example or, in a few cases, rather less reliable. Even when students believedgeneralisationwas possible they did not see algebra as a tool for establishing such a generalised statement about numbers. Comments such as: "This statementcould possibly be true because with numbersthere is great variations in the way that you go about solving any math question. Numbers have differentpossibilities." "Numbers do go on and on and we can't check them all." "I can't go on tryingevery single numberto find out ... numberscan go on to a certain extent." "You would never think or realize that you can have statementsthat are always true no matter what numbersyou take." certainlymake one wonder whether these students believe that generalisation is possible. VARIATIONS IN THE EXTENT OF ARITHMETIC/ALGEBRA DISSOCIATION There were of course considerableindividual differencesin the degree of algebra/arithmeticdissociationexhibitedby the students;many of these are evident in the examplesgiven above. Those studentswho were quite willing to accept and who even expected differentanswers in their algebraic and arithmeticsolutions to a problemcould be said to have the highest degree of algebra/arithmeticdissociation. An example from our pilot study is typical of this. (See Note.) 5 c 2 Asked for the area of the rectangularshape with sides 5 and c + 2, the student replied "lOc". S: I just took length times width and I took 2 times 5 is 10 and I just put IOcwhatever c is for the variable c. 50 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER I: Okay, um, let's suppose,just for the sake of argument,that c is equal to 4. Okay? Now, what would your answer give if c is 4? S: I'd put 30. I: Good. Uh, how did you get 30? S: Well 4 and 2 is 6 and 6 times 5 is 30. I: Okay. Now does that agree with what you would give if you gave that answerwith c equal to 4? Forget the figure.What would that (points to 1Oc)be if c was equal to 4? S: It would be 40. I: Um, so one way you get 30 and the other way you get 40. S: Yeah. I: Do you want to change your ... if you want to have another go at an answer then you can. S: No. Students such as the one above felt no need to justify or correct incoherences that arose when they were asked to check their algebrawith numbers. Nor did they see any link between their arithmetic work in the second question series and the algebraicsolution that was either imposed or done for them. One student for example after having been dragged through an arduous algebraic demonstration was asked whether it meant that the generalisation was now true. Totally ignoring the algebra she replied "Probably,if you pick a numberout of anywhereand they do workout well, there's a major chance that all the other numbersare going to work out as well."9 Other students seemed to expect some degree of algebra/arithmetic coherence.In the first series of problemsthey appearedslightly uncomfortable or confused when algebraand arithmeticgave two differentresultsand wondered whether one or the other was wrong. For instance, all three students we interviewed who had cancelled the 2x's in the problem involving 2x + I 2x+1+7 1 8 immediately realised something was wrong when they were asked to substitute a number for x: "Oops", "I-guess I shouldn'thave taken the 2x and 2x out for some reason", "It's not the same when you substitute a number... That's where I'm always stuck in math". Similarly, in the problem which concluded with 20 =4, 24 of the 89 students given this question indicatedeither explicitly or implicitlythat 20 # 4 and 13 of these embarked on a check of the algebra in an attempt to find the error. THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 51 A third group of studentsimmediatelyrejectedtheiralgebraicwork when a numeric substitution did not work out. A couple even suggested that algebracould be checked by tryingsome numbers.One student checkedthe statement (a2 + b2)3= a6+ b6 by substituting a = 3 and b =4 and concluded "This statementis never true, also the left numberis always greater than the right number.And here is proof." He then proceeded with an algebraicdemonstration.A few students also used an algebraicdemonstration in the second seriesof problems:six studentsout of 118 did use algebra in the problem "Choose any number between 1 and 10..." and felt that the fact that (10 + x) + (10 - x) = 20 explained the constant result. This last group exhibited the least degree of algebra/arithmeticdissociation. CONCLUDING DISCUSSION The tendency of some students to justify algebraicstatementsby appeal to a rule ratherthan to their experienceof the behaviourof numbersreminds us of the 19th century debate in Britain about the nature of algebra. Was algebra "universal arithmetic" and therefore governed by the known behaviour of quantitative arithmetic or was it a "symbolic system" with essentially arbitraryrules? (Pycior, 1984). The proper historical answer is that algebrais not in any straightforwardsense either of these alternatives, but just as most of the Britishmathematiciansin the second quarterof the 19th century seemed temporarilyunable to transcend the opposing positions in order to resolve them, so many of the studentswe examinedseemed to be at an either/or stage of developmentin which their arithmetic and algebraic behaviourswere not at all comfortably integrated.The question we cannot yet answer, and which is obviously very important to try to answer,is whetherany of these students- all, many, or some of them - will in the natural course of events achieve the coordination they lacked at the time we examinedthem. Our guess is that those who have already decided that algebra just doesn't make any sense are unwittingly shielding themselves from the intellectualconflict that might push their understandinga step further. Davis et al. (1978, p. 127) point out that students doing algebra rarely apply a "check with numbers"strategyeven when recommendedto adopt it. Our analysis shows that the strategy presupposes a reasonably clear understandingof the connection between the worlds of arithmetic and algebra, and that many of the students we examined were not yet clear about the relationship. And, indeed, there are some technical difficulties that everyone has to resolve. First and foremost is the striking difference 52 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER between writing and manipulatingexpressions in algebra and writing and manipulating expressions in arithmetic. In spite of the use of common (operational) signs, what one actually does in the two cases is very different, so different that one cannot be surprised if students do not immediatelyspot the connection. An algebraicexpression may perhaps be transformableinto equivalentforms, but its value cannot be computed.The same expressionwith numericalvalues substitutedfor the lettersis immediately computableand "collapses",losing all its individualcharacter,into a single numeral. The pedagogy of algebra (in so far as it exists) seems to have nothing to offer to help studentsgrasp the arithmetic/algebraconnection that underlies all these differencesbetween two modes of symbolic behaviour. Indeed, some pedagogicaldevices produce a miasmic fog of their own. It is not unknown in traditionalalgebra teaching to offer numericalinstances - of combining arithmeticfractions, say - as clues to the processes to be used in combiningalgebraicfractions.The device, of course, is intendedto serve as a reminder,as a structuralmodel for the algebraicprocedure,not as a validation of the procedure,but one must sympathise with students who are confused about the purpose of exploiting the parallelism.Does it not quite strongly suggest that an algebraic generalisationmay be established from numericalinstances? The parallelismworks because, in a quite strong sense, the algebra of combining fractions is already present in the arithmetic of combining fractions. There is no question here of the algebraicform generalisingthe arithmeticalprocedure:the arithmeticalprocedure is already fully ge1ieralised. Indeed, as with such items as the commutativeand distributivelaws, say, the algebraic form is only the record of a generalisation which is already known. A difficulty for students is to appreciate the purpose of writing down such familiar information about numbers in such a formal way. The arithmetic-algebraconnection is decidedly not plain and simple. Combine the above obscuritieswith the asymmetryembeddedin the use of numericalsubstitutionas a means of validation - one numericalsubstitution may disprove an algebraic statement whereas no finite numberof numericalsubstitutionscan prove it - and one has a situation which might seem designed to confuse everyone but the angels. The peculiararithmeticalbehaviourswe observedin some of the students make us think of Filloy and Rojano's (1984) suggestion that the challenge of dealing with the syntax of a new and unfamiliar (algebraic) language tends to destabilisestudents'semanticcontrol of the familiar(arithmetical) THE ARITHMETIC CONNECTION 53 language. We did not pinpoint this issue in our research so we are not really in a position to confirm or deny this intriguinghypothesis. It does, however, seem plausible to us that the shift from arithmeticallanguage to a formal algebraiclanguage that needs to be coordinatedin complex ways with the first language could well cause temporary lapses in attention to meaning that would give rise to aberrant arithmeticalbehaviours. All of our subjectswould certainlyhave identified20 = 4 as an invalid statement if it had appearedon its own or in an arithmeticalcontext, but setting it at the tail end of a sequence of algebraic statements disturbed the students' normal interpretations.Those students who did try to dissolve their residualunease looked without exception for syntactical"solutions"- e.g. by treating the statement as an equation and dividing both sides, moving one of the numbers to the other side of the equals sign, etc. It surprises us that these aberrant behaviours are still present in students who have been learningalgebra for at least two years. Lapses which might be anticipated in the work of students just embarking on algebra (as with those studied by Filloy and Rojano) now seem to us more serious because they are still occurring after students have attained more surface fluency in the standard algebraic routines. The picture our data yields shows the track leading from arithmeticto algebra to be litteredwith procedural,linguistic,conceptual and epistemological obstacles. It is tempting to describe high school algebra as it is unveiled in our research as a disaster area - an impression that would probably be confirmed by reading reports of the CSMS and SESM researches (Hart, 1981; Booth, 1984) or the writings of Stella Baruk (1977, 1985), say. But the point we would stress in coming to the end of this brief exploration is that the obstacles are real and not all trivial. The students we worked with, in most cases, were neither lazy nor foolish; their teachers, in most cases, were neither lazy nor foolish either. At the end of the research we have an enhanced appreciation of the difficultiesthat have to be overcome in bridging the worlds of arithmetic and algebra, and perhaps a greater dismay at the inability of traditional pedagogy to give teachers or students much help in overcoming them. NOTE The "add and take" problem comes from Alan Bell's (1978) doctoral study, 'The learningof general mathematicalstrategies',and the rectanglequestion from materials produced by the CSMS MathematicsTeam. Sources for the other problemscannot be acknowledgedas we are no longer sure where we first encounteredthem. 54 LESLEY LEE AND DAVID WHEELER REFERENCES Baruk, S.: 1977, Fabrice ou l'ecole des mathematiques,editions du Seuil, Paris. Baruk, S.: 1985, L'dge du capitaine:de l'erreuren mathematiques,editions du Seuil, Paris. Booth, L. R.: 1984, Algebra: Children's Strategies and Errors, NFER-Nelson, Windsor, Berkshire. Davis, R. B., E. Jokusch, and C. McKnight: 1978, 'Cognitive processes in learning algebra', Journalof Children'sMathematicalBehavior2(1), 10-320. Filloy, E. and T. Rojano: 1984, 'La aparici6n del lenguaje arithmetico-algebraico',L'Educazione MatematicaV, 278-306. Hart, K: 1981, Children'sUnderstandingof Mathematics,John Murray, London. Lee, L. and D. Wheeler: 1986, 'High school students' conception of justification in algebra', Proceedingsof the Eighth AnnualMeeting of the N. AmericanChapterof the International Groupfor the Psychology of MathematicsEducation,East Lansing, Michigan. Lee, L. and D. Wheeler: 1987, 'Algebraicthinking in high school students:their conceptions of generalisationand justification', Research report, Concordia University, Montreal. MathematicalAssociation: 1945, The Teachingof Algebra in Schools, London, G. Bell and Sons. (The report was first written in 1929.) Pycior, H. M.: 1984, 'Internalism,externalism and beyond: 19th century British algebra', Historia Mathematica11, 424-441. MathematicsDepartment ConcordiaUniversity Montreal, Quebec CanadaH4B IR6