Changes to the advertised schedule In the Course Guide ... Topic 1 Energetics and Protein Function Topic 2 Protein Movement Topic 3 Protein Purification Will Actually Be Delivered ... Topic 1 Introduction to the In Vitro Study of Proteins Topic 2 Energetics and Protein Function Topic 3 Protein Purification Revised topic outlines will be posted to Cecil Monday, 2 March 15 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE IN VITRO STUDY OF PROTEINS BIOSCI 350 Topic 1. Monday, 2 March 15 2 Proteins don’t know biology Biology is largely driven by the amazing tasks that proteins perform But proteins don’t know biology !! The influential American protein chemist Charles Tanford termed proteins “Nature’s Robots” From Ernst Haeckel. Kunstformen der Natur (Art forms of Nature). 1904. Monday, 2 March 15 3 Nature’s Robots ? Robots are automatons or selfoperating machines ... once programmed you don’t need to tell them what to do, they already know. Proteins are the self-operating machines which carry out biology. They are “programmed” by their amino acid composition. Sculpture by Mike Rivamonte: Monday, 2 March 15 4 This reductive approach is easy to mock ... However proteins are simply large molecules which operate according to the laws of chemistry and physics. This is a basic precept of Molecular Biology. And this concept underpins what we teach you in BIOSCI 350. Reductive analysis of proteins may not explain all of biology for you. But it will tell you what is physically possible It tells you what nature’s robots can do. Monday, 2 March 15 5 Jiggling and Wiggling One of the primary things proteins do is fluctuate in conformation Even when “at rest” proteins, are highly dynamic entities. As Richard Feynman (Famous Physicist) once noted “…Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jiggling and wiggling of atoms… ” When energy is supplied in a useable form (e.g as ATP) proteins can do remarkable things, such as undertake directed motion (directional and coordinated jiggling and wiggling) To illustrate directed motion by proteins, as well as their “robotic” nature, we’ll look at some remarkable results for the motor proteins that transport cargo along the actin cytoskeleton. Monday, 2 March 15 Sculpture by Mike Rivamonte: 6 Actin and Myosin Actin filaments - in association with the molecular motor Myosin - are responsible for muscle contraction. The actin cytoskeleton is also central to the organization and motility of non muscle cells. Actin filaments visualized in the cell using super resolution fluorescence microscopy. Xu, K., Babcock, H.P., and Zhuang, X. (2012). Dual-objective STORM reveals three-dimensional filament organization in the actin cytoskeleton. Nat Meth 9, 185–188. Monday, 2 March 15 7 Myosin Specialist myosins (e.g Myosins V and VI) carry cargo along actin filaments within a cell. The cargo carrying Myosins V and VI) are “two-legged” and “step” along actin filaments in a processive manner analogous to human walking. All myosins are ATP-dependent molecular motors. Directed movement requires the consumption of stored chemical energy. Monday, 2 March 15 Fig sin (A) a Ca ex tha by by dim et by thi tai co res tai (B et as stu nu of myosin VI immediately following the lever arm is largely Finally, we performed a helical and forms a highly compacted domain, which the quenching and deletion authors of postulated was most consistent with a three-helix evidence that t Model Full-Length Myosin VI bound to an actindefinitive filament. bundle. They further suggested that the region in between the Mukherjea, M. et al. Myosin VI Dimerization Triggers an Unfolding of a three-helix bundle and the cargo-binding domain is a stable RESULTS SAH that Bundle forms thein bulk of thetoLAE necessary for the large Three-Helix Order Extend Its Reach. Mol Cell (2009).doi: step sizes of myosin VI. Lastly, they postulated that the cargo- The Proximal Tail Is a 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.07.010. binding domain of full-length myosin VI is solely responsible for Crystallization of a myos dimerization (see Figure 1). However, this postulate is inconsis- pressed with CaM gave r tent with our earlier observations (Park et al., 2006) that some- tained only residues 770 where proximal to the cargo-binding domain is a region that on data collection and re can allow dimerization of myosin VI, resulting in processive evident that we crystalliz step sizes identical to the full-length dimer. The data of Park nally expressed construc et al. (2006) might be compatible with a model in which a SAH lowed the determination domain provides the LAE of myosin VI if there is a residual (FLA) containing two CaM 8 Atomic Force microscopy In this technique the specimen is scanned with a mechanical probe. The interaction between probe and surface is used to derive an image of the surface. Figure from Nölting, Methods in Modern Biophysics Some beautiful results for membrane proteins ... Müller, D.J., and Dufrêne, Y.F. (2008). Atomic force microscopy as a multifunctional molecular toolbox in nanobiotechnology. Nature Nanotech 3, 261–269. Light is “high” & dark is “low” Human communication channels known as gap junctions form hexameric pores. Monday, 2 March 15 Bovine rhodopsin, the visual Assembly of light-harvesting ii (small pigment of the eye, assembles doughnuts) and light-harvesting i complexes (large doughnuts, into rows of dimers surrounding the reaction centre) 9 AFM used to image Myosin walking along actin Myosin is programmed to walk directionally along actin filaments. Removed from the cell and fueled with ATP it carries out that program. In 2010 in a remarkable experimental tour de force, Toshio Ando and colleagues directly visualized single molecules of Myosin walking along actin using atomic force microscopy (AFM) Video Imaging of Myosin walking along Actin filaments. Kodera, N., Yamamoto, D., Ishikawa, R., and Ando, T. (2010). Video imaging of walking myosin V by high-speed atomic force microscopy. Nature 468, 72–76. Monday, 2 March 15 10 In vitro analysis of protein function Hopefully that helps convince you of this: Because proteins are just large molecules and their functions are programmed by the chemistry and physics of their amino acid chains - you can learn a lot by removing them from their biological environment and studying them in vitro using a variety of biophysical and biochemical techniques A large part of BIOSCI350 will therefore be concerned with in vitro protein analysis Sculpture by Mike Rivamonte: Monday, 2 March 15 11 In vitro analysis of protein function Proteins Like to Be Wet Ensemble and Single Molecule Measurements on Proteins Chemical Equilibrium and The Utility of Equilibrium Studies The implications of the Really Big Numbers involved in Ensemble measurements on proteins. Monday, 2 March 15 12 Proteins like to be wet Water is essential for maintaing the integrity of protein structure. The only significant exceptions are fibrous proteins like keratin, that forms skin, hair and nails. It follows that proteins are generally studied in aqueous solutions. This includes integral membrane proteins, which are typically reconstituted into artificial membrane-like environments to keep them happy. Structural biologists coax proteins into forming ordered solids (crystals) to help generate high resolution structural information. However the word “solid” can be deceiving as protein crystals contain about 50% solvent, on average !!! Shrek the sheep - encased in quite a bit of keratin Monday, 2 March 15 13 Ensemble and Single-Molecule measurements on proteins When we make experimental observations on proteins one important distinction is between: Single-molecule measurements which reflect the behavior of individual molecules Ensemble measurements which reflect the average behavior of a very large numbers of molecules. Although we probably want to explain the action of individual protein molecules, ensemble measurements made on protein solutions are often the best we can do. Monday, 2 March 15 14 Single Molecule Techniques I’ve already shown one example of single molecule analysis - the spectacular AFM experiments from Toshio Ando’s group. It’s worth working through another example, in order to emphasize the differences between single molecule and ensemble measurements. The first single molecule experiments on proteins were the patch clamp experiments devised by Erwin Neher and Bert Sakaman. The patch clamp technique made it possible to record the currents of single ion channels. Monday, 2 March 15 15 Pur i f i ed Sodi umChannel s i n Li pi d Bi l ayer s KELLER ET AL. Single molecule analysis of voltage gated ion channels KELLER ET AL. Pur i f i ed Sodi umChannel s i n Li pi d Bi l ayer s •Voltage gated ion channels mediate the inward sodium current, during an action potential (or nerve impulse) •The top panel shows the current resulting from a single sodium channel at varying applied voltages. B B cl osed cl osed 25 pS •The bottom panel shows the detail of the experiment at an applied voltage of -95 mV i open 25 pS x- 10 Ms- - 1 i open cl osed x- 10 Ms- - 1 cl osed open t - - 10 m ss Vol t age dependence of sodi umchannel gat i ng. ( A) Asi ngl e t r ans- f aci ng umchannel was Hartshorne, open sodi Keller, i ncor por at ed i R.P., nt o a diTalvenheimo, phyt anoyl PC biJ.A., l ayer fCatterall, or med acr oss a 70B.U., Amaper t ur e bat hed i n 0. 5 MNaCl medi umI ( ci s) and 0 . 2 M NaCl medi umI pl us and Montal, M.r ent (1986). Sodium channels t - - 10 m ss1 AW.A., MBTX( t r ans) . The cur was r ecor ded under vol t age-inclplanar amp condilipid t i ons whi l e t he vol Vol t aget w asChannel changed i n 10- m V st eps l ast 1 mi n f gat r om135(channels gating kinetics ofi ng purified sodium - 55 ngl mV.e The FI GURE 1 . bilayers. age dependence of sodi umchannel i ng. A)t o Asi an cur r ent r ecor ds wer e f i l t er ed at 1 kHz, conver t ed t o di gi t al f or m at a sampl ti rng modified by batrachotoxin. Physiol. sodi umchannel i z, ncor att ed o aJ.diGen. phyt PC88, l1–23. ayerS char f ort m ed acr f r equency ofwas 5 kH andpor pl ot ed ati ntr educed speedanoyl on a Goul dbi2200 r ecor der o Amaper( G t oul ur ed, bat I nc hed ., Cl evel H) . aC ( B)l The upper i n and, 0. 5 O MN medi umIr ecor ( ci ds) i sand 0put . 2erM a com - di N giaC t i lzedmedi si gnalu r ecor ded at an appl i ed vol um e of V= m V - 95 dedunder e condi t i ons aspi ncondi A. Af t16 1 AMBTX( t r ans) . The cur r ent was r ecor undersam vol t agecl am teri o FI GURE 1 . Monday, 2 March 15 KELLER ET AL. Single molecule analysis of voltage gated ion channels Pur i f i ed Sodi umChannel s i n Li pi d Bi l ayer s KELLER ET AL. Pur i f i ed Sodi umChannel s i n Li pi d Bi l ayer s It’s apparent that: •The channel is undergoing rapid and seemingly random transitions between conducting and non conducting states •Channel opening is strongly voltage dependent B ✴At large voltages a channel spends most ofB cl osed its time in the closed state (no sodium ions cl osed25 pS pass through, and hence no current) i 25 pS open ✴As the voltage decreases, the channel spends increasing amounts of time in the open state. x- 10 Ms- - 1 i open cl osed x- 10 Ms- - 1 cl osed open t - - 10 m ss Vol t age dependence of sodi umchannel gat i ng. ( A) Asi ngl e t r ans- f aci ng umchannel was Hartshorne, open sodi Keller, i ncor por at ed i R.P., nt o a diTalvenheimo, phyt anoyl PC biJ.A., l ayer fCatterall, or med acr oss a 70B.U., Amaper t ur e bat hed i n 0. 5 MNaCl medi umI ( ci s) and 0 . 2 M NaCl medi umI pl us and Montal, M.r ent (1986). Sodium channels t - - 10 m ss1 AW.A., MBTX( t r ans) . The cur was r ecor ded under vol t age-inclplanar amp condilipid t i ons whi l e t he vol Vol t aget w asChannel changed i n 10- m V st eps l ast 1 mi n f gat r om135(channels gating kinetics ofi ng purified sodium - 55 ngl mV.e The FI GURE 1 . bilayers. age dependence of sodi umchannel i ng. A)t o Asi an cur r ent r ecor ds wer e f i l t er ed at 1 kHz, conver t ed t o di gi t al f or m at a sampl ti rng modified by batrachotoxin. Physiol. sodi umchannel i z, ncor att ed o aJ.diGen. phyt PC88, l1–23. ayerS char f ort m ed acr f r equency ofwas 5 kH andpor pl ot ed ati ntr educed speedanoyl on a Goul dbi2200 r ecor der o Amaper( G t oul ur ed, bat I nc hed ., Cl evel H) . aC ( B)l The upper i n and, 0. 5 O MN medi umIr ecor ( ci ds) i sand 0put . 2erM a com - di N giaC t i lzedmedi si gnalu r ecor ded at an appl i ed vol um e of V= m V - 95 dedunder e condi t i ons aspi ncondi A. Af t17 1 AMBTX( t r ans) . The cur r ent was r ecor undersam vol t agecl am teri o FI GURE 1 . Monday, 2 March 15 Single molecule analysis of voltage gated ion channels B cl osed 25 pS Detailed analysis of this data yields a wealth of information about the channel opening mechanism a Bottom view P2 Selectivity filter S5 Central cavity Side view S6 gure 2 | NavAb pore module. a, Pore-lining S6 helices of NavAb (yellow) Monday, 2 March 15 ARTICLE RESEARCH Ms- - 1 cl osed open NavAb Kv1.2 c Side view S6 S4–S5 linker t - - 10 m ss Vol t age dependence of sodi umchannel gat i ng. ( A) Asi ngl e t r ans- f aci ng sodi Keller, umchannel was Hartshorne, B.U., i ncor por at ed i R.P., nt o a diTalvenheimo, phyt anoyl PC biJ.A., l ayer fCatterall, or med acr oss a 70S65 interaction site Amaper t ur e bat hed i n 0. aCl medi umI ( cichannels s) and 0 . 2 in Mplanar NaCl medi umI pl us W.A., and Montal, M.MN (1986). Sodium lipid 1 AMBTX( t r ans) . The cur r ent was rS4–S5 ecor ded under vol t age- cl amp condi t i ons whi l e kinetics ofi ng purified t he bilayers. vol t age wasChannel changed gating i n 10- m V st eps linker l ast 1 mi n f sodium r om- 135channels t o - 55 mV. The cur r ent modified r ecor ds werby e batrachotoxin. f i l t er ed at S6 1 kHz,J. conver ed t o di gi88, t al f1–23. or m at a sampl i ng Gen. tPhysiol. f r equency of 5 kHz, and pl ot t ed at r educed speed on a Goul d 2200 S char t r ecor der ( Goul d, I nc ., Cl evel and, OH) . ( B) The upper r ecor d i s a comput er - di gi t i zed si gnal r ecor ded at an appl i ed vol ume of V= - 95 mV under same condi t i ons as i n A. Af t er f i l t er i ng at 2 kHz, t he rS6 ecorinteraction ds wer e di site gi t i zed at a sampl i ng i nt er val of 100 As . A dow e nwar d def l ect i on i s a channel openi ng event and t he next upwar d st ep i s associ at ed wi t h channel cl osi ng. Tr ansi t i ons bet ween t he cl osed and open st at es ar e Extracellular i ndi cat ed by t he ar r ows . The l ower r ecor d i s t he r econst r uct i on of t he si gnal by a funnel pat t er n- r ecogni t i on comput er pr ogr am( Labar ca et al ., 1984) . P Pore module of the voltage gated Sodium channel x- 10 b The first crystal structure of a voltage gated sodium channel was solved in 2011 and elegantly explains NavAb these observations. The “activation gate” at the MlotiK bottom of the KcsA central channel is connected to voltage S6 NaK sensing domains (not shown in the figure) which force the channel open under suitable applied voltage. d i open Activation gate FI GURE 1 . Payandeh, J., Scheuer, T., Zheng, N., and Catterall, W.A. (2011). The crystal structure of a voltage-gated sodium channel. Nature 475, 353–359. atoms of Met 221 in NavAb. c, Site for interaction of S6 with S4–S5 linkers (top, 18 convenient to work with the fraction of channels (denoted p) than w concentration of channels (they differ only by a constant, namely th concentration of channels in the system). The fraction of channels in a given also referred to as the occupancy of that state. Ensemble analysis of Observed rate constants voltage gated ion channels Notice that the observed or macroscopic time constant (τ), or its recipro Of course its also possible to make ensemble measurements on voltage gated ion channels For example the figure on the right shows the decay of a miniature endplate current (MEPC) at the neuromuscular junction. Several thousand voltage-gated channels are involved, a large enough number to produce a smooth curve in which the contribution of individual channels cannot be detected. We’ll skip the experimental details. Suffice to say in this experiment the observed current should be proportional Fig. 1. Endplate current evoked by nerve stimulation (−130 mV, inward current sho The observed current is shown by the filled circles; the continuous line is a fi to the fraction of the channels that are open. downward). Endplate evoked by Reproduced nerve stimulation single exponential curve withcurrent a time constant of 7.1 ms. with permission f Colquhoun & Sheridan (1981). (-130 mV, inward current shown downward). While there is still lots of information here about channel activity (and biological function !!) the experiments shed little light on single channel behavior (The random behavior of the individual channels is hidden) Monday, 2 March 15 From Colquhoun and Hawkes. The Interpretation of single channel recordings. In Microelectrode Techniques: The Plymouth Workshop Handbook 2nd Edition. 1994. 19 Back to ensemble measurements Some simple bulk solution properties Density Among the simplest ensemble measurements we can make are measurements of bulk solution properties: Viscosity Heat Capacity (The amount of heat energy required to change a solution’s temperature) Freezing point ... Monday, 2 March 15 20 Reasons we might care to measure such stuff, Part 1 Measuring these simple properties might be needed to interpret data generated by more advanced biophysical techniques e.g. Interpretation of protein sedimentation experiments in the analytical ultracentrifuge requires measurement of solution densities The experiment involves spinning your protein solution at very high speed: Monday, 2 March 15 ... causing a protein molecule to experience the following forces: Buoyant Force Frictional Force The sedimentation force and the frictional force depend on protein shape and mass!! Sedimentation Force Density matters because it determines the buoyant force: 21 Reasons we might care to measure such stuff, Part 2 As a protein is added to a solution at increasingly high concentrations the protein will start to change the solution properties. This may tell us something informative Viscosity measurements on protein solutions can yield information about protein conformation We will illustrate these points by taking a more detailed look at viscosity Heat capacity measurements on protein solutions can yield information about protein stability. Monday, 2 March 15 22 Viscosity •A measure of the resistance to flow. •It corresponds to the informal notion of the “thickness” of a liquid. •Viscosity is essentially, “fluid friction” FROM EMINA MIRIC, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Monday, 2 March 15 23 Watch the units They are not intuitive, and there are a lot of minor variations: Viscosity might be reported in Poise (P): 1 Poise (P) = 1 or centiPoise (cP): 1 centiPoise = 10-2 P = 10-2 or Pascal seconds (Pa.sec): 1 Pa.sec = 1 kg.m-1.sec-1 = 10 P or milli Pascal seconds (mPa.sec): 1 mPa.sec = 10-3 Pa.sec = 10-3 kg.m-1.sec-1 = 1 cP Monday, 2 March 15 VISCOSITY OF WATER AT 20 °C ~ 1 cP VISCOSITY OF GLYCEROL AT 20 °C ~ 1400 cP VISCOSITY OF MAPLE SYRUP AT 20 °C ~ 3200 cP 24 VISCOSITY IS VERY SENSITIVE TO TEMPERATURE Monday, 2 March 15 25 When would we need to measure solution viscosity? For any technique which follows protein transport through solution, knowledge of solution viscosity is required to correctly interpret the results. Monday, 2 March 15 26 e.g. Techniques which measure the speed of proteins diffusing freely: The Initial Situation • Dynamic light scattering • Pulse-field gradient NMR ... Techniques which measure the movement of proteins under an applied force: Some short time (μS) later. • Sedimentation velocity experiments in the ultracentrifuge ... Monday, 2 March 15 27 As the protein concentration increases it starts to to measurably impact solution viscosity This can actually tell us something about protein shape ... Monday, 2 March 15 28 FROM SERDYUK, ZACCAI AND ZACCAI (2007) When a solution contains proteins at significant concentration, they will alter solution viscosity. η/ηo c h = h o Q1 + k 1 c + k 2 c + g V h 2 Q = + 1 k 1 c + k 2 c + gV ho 2 The effect is generally described by a power series expansion. Monday, 2 March 15 η Solution viscosity ηo Solvent viscosity c Weight concentration of protein 29 Intrinsic Viscosity The first order parameter k1 of the power series expansion is given a special name. FROM SERDYUK, ZACCAI AND ZACCAI (2007) η/ηo It is termed the intrinsic viscosity - and it is very sensitive to molecular shape. Intrinsic viscosity is generally given the symbol [η] in the literature. c h 2 Q = + 1 k 1 c + k 2 c + gV ho Note that helpfully - the “intrinsic viscosity” (k1 or [η]) is not actually a viscosity & is generally expressed in units cm3/g Monday, 2 March 15 30 FROM SERDYUK, ZACCAI AND ZACCAI (2007) INTRINSIC VISCOSITY VERSUS TEMPERATURE FOR RIBONUCLEASE WHEN A PROTEIN UNFOLDS THE POLYPETIDE CHAIN BECOMES AN EXTENDED AND IRREGULAR COIL. IT’S INTRINSIC VISCOSITY INCREASES MARKEDLY. T STUDYING PROTEIN STABILITY USING VISCOSITY MEASUREMENTS Monday, 2 March 15 31 Some Even More Useful Ensemble Measurements ... A host of more powerful techniques involve measuring the interaction of protein solutions with electromagnetic radiation of varying kinds. Tom Brittain will discuss some of these Monday, 2 March 15 Absorption Scattering Fluorescence Polarization Magnetic resonance 32 Some Even More Useful Ensemble Measurements ... X-ray Crystallography is the highest resolution imaging technique available in biology (Chris Squire will talk about it later in the course). But it’s useful to note that it too, is an ensemble averaged measurement. The image that’s formed is an average one, resulting from the millions of protein molecules found in the crystal. This can complicate interpretation: Monday, 2 March 15 Electron density isosurface associated with an Arginine side chain that can exist in one of two conformational states in a protein crystal Wlodawer et al. Protein crystallography for non-crystallographers, or how to get the best (but not more) from published macromolecular structures. FEBS J (2007) 33 Chemical Equilibrium A lot of experimental investigations of proteins are done under equilibrium conditions. But what is chemical equilibrium? And how could it be relevant to biology? Monday, 2 March 15 34 No net change with time Chemical Equilibrium is best viewed as state of balance. In a system at equilibrium there are no net changes in composition. Every chemical process is balanced by its inverse. Protein-ligand binding example: At equilibrium the concentrations of the protein [A] the free ligand [B] and the complex [A.B] do not change with time. The word net is key. Chemical equilibrium is is essentially a statistical concept, that emerges when we average over the behavior of many many molecules. When a solution is at equilibrium, a great deal is still happening at the molecular level. An individual protein molecule will continue to bind and release ligand at equilibrium. However there are no changes to be seen at the macroscopic level. All bulk solution properties would be constant with time. However the net rates of complex formation and dissociation are balanced, so there is no macroscopic change in composition. Monday, 2 March 15 However this does not mean changes are not occurring at the microscopic level. 35 A little math to make things clearer? Rate constants and Rate equations are used to describe ensemble kinetic behavior (At a single molecule level the rate constants kon and koff will reflect the mean lifetimes of the various species - i.e how long does the complex A.B hang around before it dissociates?) kon koff d 6A.B@ dt = k ON 6A@6B@ - k OFF 6A.B@ Rate of Association Rate of Dissociation Invoking rate constants we can write a rate equation (a differential equation) which expresses the change in the concentration of the complex with time: The Association reaction is second order - the rate is proportional to the concentration of two species The Dissociation reaction is first order - the rate is proportional to the concentration of one species Monday, 2 March 15 36 A little math to make things clearer? d 6A.B@ dt = k ON 6A@6B@ - k OFF 6A.B@ Rate of Association - Rate of Dissociation Now at chemical equilibrium concentrations are unchanging so d[AB]/dt = 0 k ON ! A$!B$ - k OFF ! A.B$ = 0 k ON ! A$!B$ = k OFF ! A.B$ Rate of Association Monday, 2 March 15 = Rate of Dissociation “Every chemical process is balanced by its inverse” 37 Some biological processes which can be usefully treated in terms of chemical equilibrium •The processes on the right are often treated in terms of chemical equilibrium. usefully •Because biological systems are demonstrably not at equilibrium (a cell at equilibrium is dead) many people have a nagging feeling that equilibrium models cannot be relevant to biology. •However there are many problems in biology for which equilibrium models are not just a good starting point, but the most insightful way to understand a phenomenon. •Equilibrium models are useful in biological settings when certain processes happen much faster than others. (i.e. their applicability rests on the separation of time scales) Monday, 2 March 15 Phillips, Kondev &Theriot. Physical Biology of The Cell 38 When we make ensemble measurements on protein solutions, REALLY big numbers of molecules are involved The numbers involved in ensemble average measurements on protein are difficult to comprehend. For simplicity, lets say we are making a measurement on 1ml of protein solution with the protein concentration at 1 μM (= 1x10-6 mol/L) There’s about 6 x 1014 protein molecules in that solution or 600 000 000 000 000 in long hand. Monday, 2 March 15 "Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space 39 The implications of large numbers The Fine Print It’s really important that you understand the implications of these huge numbers. Unfortunately that means we need to do some statistics (but only the elementary kind) The Short Story A two state ion channel, with each state equally probable, can be modeled with a coin toss. Let’s return to our voltage gated ion channel and suppose that it’s strictly two state (either open or shut) Then imagine we have a bunch of channels and tune the applied voltage so that each channel spends 50% of its time open and 50% shut. Mathematically the problem of describing the channel state can be reduced to a coin toss. For any given channel at a fixed point in time, heads says it’s open, and tails says it’s shut ! Our model is stochastic as it must be (While we can measure the state of single ion channel, we certainly can’t predict it) Monday, 2 March 15 40 4 channels and four coins Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Let’s start out with a small collection of channels - say 4. = If we examine each channel in turn, what’s the probability of any sequence of outcomes? Each specific sequence is as likely as any other = = = Monday, 2 March 15 41 Onward to Multiplicity Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 But actually - we don’t really care about the probability of a particular configuration of our 4 channels (we’ll call this the micro-state) What we care about is an aggregate or macroscopic property - how many channels are open, and how many are shut (will call this the macro-state) That’s what’s going to determine the ion current in a biological situation !! This is all the possible micro-states with 1 channel shut (these would all give rise to the same ion current, and hence for our purposes, they are equivalent) In other words if we want a macro-state with one channel shut, there’s 4 micro-states that achieve this The macro-state therefore has a multiplicity of 4 Monday, 2 March 15 42 More micro-states and macro-states Now let’s complete the picture. This system has 16 micro-states and 5 macro-states We can compute the probability of each Macro-state (0 channels shut, 1 channel shut, 2 channels shut ...) quite simply: P(Macro-state) = Multiplicity(Macro-state) / Total number of microstates Monday, 2 March 15 43 The final result, part 1 Four 4 channels here’s the multiplicity of each of the macro-states plotted on a graph If you had a lot of time and patience you could repeat this exercise for increasing numbers of channels Alternatively you could derive an equation (the bionomial distribution) which would give you the result directly !! Monday, 2 March 15 44 The final result, part 2 Let’s forget the equation and just plot the result Notice how each distribution is always centered on the point with 1/2 heads and 1/2 tails. This is the point of maximum multiplicity Notice also that as N becomes large the distribution becomes extremely sharp. The multiplicity of the systems with large N drops precipitously as we move just a little bit away from the most probable point (50% heads, 50% tails) We will not prove it, but as N becomes large our (Binomial) distribution becomes indistinguishable from a Gaussian (Normal) distribution Monday, 2 March 15 N.B if we were to normalize by the total number of micro-states these graphs of multiplicity would turn into probability distributions 45 The take home message While the ion channels are behaving stochastically (randomly) and we cannot predict their individual behavior, when we have a huge population of such channels, the predictions we can make about the population are effectively deterministic. As N becomes large - 600 000 000 000 000 for example (!!) the state with maximum multiplicity is the state which is observed - in this case is a 50/50 mix of heads and tails (or open and shut channels) Monday, 2 March 15 46 A couple more points and we’ll stop We could replay this fun (!) game with a loaded dice and nothing would really change. The system would still tend to the state of maximum multiplicity With the probabilities as shown on the left we would end up with a 70/30 mix of open and shut channels at large N. Monday, 2 March 15 X X p=0.7 p=0.3 47 And what about energy? This probabilistic description is all very well, but can we relate the probabilities of our two states to their energies? Intuition would tell us that if each state of an ion channel (open or shut) has the same probability of occurring, it should have the same energy. And if one state of an ion channel has a higher probability of occurring, it should have a lower energy. Monday, 2 March 15 48 Boltzmann Thermodynamics of Biological Processes It turns out that solving that problem is seriously difficult, but it was done by Ludwig Boltzmann before the molecular nature of matter was even fully accepted. A 10 ms 2 pA C O This is one of the greatest acts of scientific genius ever. B State Energy Weight Exploring this idea would takes us deep into the world of statistical mechanics, a step too far for this course eclosed e–βeclosed However we can just inspect the results of Boltzmann’s great leap and check that they make sense to us. eopen e–βeopen Monday, 2 March 15 Figure 2.2 States weights for ion chann Garcia, H.G., Kondev, J., Orme,and N., Theriot, J.A., and Phillips, R. (2011). Thermodynamics of biological processes. Meth Enzymol 492, 27–59. how the channel transitions back and forth be et al., 1986). By evaluating the fraction of time compute the open (and closed) probability. (B corresponding energies and the Boltzmann w channel being open as a function of the differen states. This difference in energy can be tune 49 B Equation derived from the Boltzmann treatment Thermodynamics of Biological Processes p open = A - bf10 ms - bf e +e open closed 2 pA B 1 = - bDf 1+e Closed Open where Energy Δε State = εclosed - εopen (J) and eclosed 1 b = k T eopen B Weight e–βeclosed e–βeopen Energy We eclosed e–βe eopen 31 e–β Figure 2.2 States and weights for ion C the channel transitions back and f how 1 et al., 0.9 1986). By evaluating the fraction o compute the open (and closed) probab 0.8 0.7 corresponding energies and the Boltzm 0.6 channel being open as a function of the d 0.5 states. 0.4 This difference in energy can voltages and tension on the membrane. 0.3 popen e - bf open State 0.2 0.1 idea that all the channels in a popu 0 −10 −8the −6 −4 −2 0 2is 4assumed 6 8 10 to words, system ∆e = e closed-eopen (kBT ) probability for a single channel ex the average fraction of channels in a Garcia, H.G., Kondev, J., Orme, N., Theriot, J.A., and Phillips, R. kB = the Boltzmann constant = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K (2011). Thermodynamics of biological processes. Meth Enzymol Figure 2.2 States and weights for ion channel dynamics. (A) Current trace showing given instant. For cases where th 492, 27–59. how the channel transitions back and forth between reasonable), the open and statistical closed states (Keller te mechanics T = By Temperature (K) et al., 1986). evaluating the fraction of time spent in either of these two states, we can the states from their compute the open (and closed) probability. (B) Stateseach of theoftwo-state ion channel, the ene from their probabilities. corresponding energies and the Boltzmann weights.energies (C) Plot of the probability of the to thebetween same cartoon channel being open as a function of the difference in energy the opendepiction and closedof50th Monday, 2 March 15 What do you need to know? After reviewing the material for this topic, and doing some reading and thinking, you should be able to recognize and explain: The difference between ensemble and single molecule measurements. Some reasons we might want to measure simple solution properties, with solution viscosity as a specific more detailed example. The nature of the equilibrium state and the reasons equilibrium studies are relevant to biology. Why we can predict ensemble or collective behavior of molecules very accurately even when we can’t predict the state of any individual molecule. That a mathematical connection can be made between the probability of a molecular state and its energy (though you don’t have to understand the derivation of this result). Monday, 2 March 15 51