Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 Separation of touching handwritten multi-numeral strings based on morphological structural features Donggang Yu*, Hong Yan School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Received 11 February 1999; accepted 20 December 1999 Abstract In this paper, we develop a new method to separate touching handwritten multi-numeral strings using morphological structural features. The touching numeral string is preprocessed with an e$cient algorithm for smoothing, linearization and detection of structural points of image contours. Based on the analysis of morphological structure in a string, the region of the left two numerals is determined. In this way, the task of separating a multi-numeral string is reduced into to process several two-numeral strings. This processing is continued until the touching region found consists of only one numeral. We have tested our method on image samples taken from the US National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) database and the experimental results demonstrate the method is e$cient. 2001 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Touching handwritten numerals; Character recognition; Morphological structural features 1. Introduction It is di$cult to recognize a handwritten numeral string directly when it contains several touching characters [1}5]. Most methods only study how to separate numeral strings which consist of two handwritten numerals [1}5]. In this paper, we develop an e$cient morphological structural technique to separate touching multinumeral strings which may consist of more than two numerals. If a string contains more than two numerals, the region of the left two numerals of this string is determined "rst. In this way, a separation process of a string which consists of more than two numerals is reduced to that of a string which consists of two numerals. After a separation, the separated string is processed in the same method until there is no region left that contains at least two numerals. In Section 2, we introduce a preprocessing method [6,7]. In Section 3, we describe separation algorithm of separating a hand* Corresponding author. Tel.: #61-2-9351-4824; fax: #612-9351-3847. E-mail addresses: (D. Yu), (H. Yan). written multi-numeral strings based on morphological analysis. Finally, experiment result and conclusions are given in Sections 4 and 5. 2. Preprocessing We represent the direction chain code set of kth contour as C "+c , c ,2, c ,2, c , c ,, I G L\ L (1) where i is the index of the contour pixels. Suppose that the starting point is the upper left corner. The di!erence code is de"ned as: d "c !c . In the smoothed conG G> G tour, "d " of all neighboring points equals 0 or 1 [6,7]. G We can convert a smoothed contour to a set of lines. A linearized line consists of ordered pixels. Let its direction chain code set be +cJL[i] (i"0,2, (nJL!1)),, J J (2) where ln is the lnth line of a smoothed contour and nJL J is the number of points of the lnth line. A linearized line consists of ordered pixels which have following 0031-3203/01/$20.00 2001 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 3 1 - 3 2 0 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 1 6 - 9 588 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 Fig. 1. The pattern models and their character representation of di!erent structural points. property if d "cJL[ i]!cJL[ j] (i"0,2, k!1), ( j"0,2, k!1), GH J J (3) then "d ")1 [7]. GH For description and recognition of a shape, we need to make use of reliable structural and geometrical information. The de"nition of di!erent structural feature points is based on pattern models shown in Fig. 1. Sixteen di!erent characters are used to represent these structural points in Fig. 1. The structural points describe the morphological change along the contour of the binary image. They show convex or concave segments in di!erent directions and the relation between the contour point and the background. These structural points can be used to represent morphological structure of a string [7]. For example, the upper convex point (represented with the character `a) and the upper valley point (represented with the character `ma) describe the convex and valley morphological change along the direction of code 4, respectively. For the recognition of handwritten numeral, only the left lateral of its contour contains two convex points of code 7 after analyzing the lateral structures of numerals 3 and 7 (having a line in the middle of vertical part of handwritten numeral 7) [7]. 3. The separation algorithm based on morphological structural features The overall block diagram of our separation algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. The original sample strings are shown in Fig. 3 and their preprocessed results are shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4(d) the size of some characters is big. These are used to help to see those structural points of a string. Besides the above preprocessing the separation algorithm consists of the following main procedures: (1) Subdivide a string into four structural regions. (2) A correction of structural regions. (3) Find a structural region which only consists of the left two numerals of a string. D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 589 Fig. 2. Block of diagram of the separation algorithm. (4) Determine the property of hole contours in the region of two left numerals. (5) Recognize the leftmost numeral of string. (6) Correction of the structural region of two left numerals. (7) Preselect touching point and correct it. (8) Select all other touching points. 3.1. Subdividing a string into four structural regions In terms of recognition by humans, the touching points in a numeral string are located in upper and lower of a numeral string. Let x and y be the middle x and KGB KGB y coordinates of a string, respectively. In terms of the topological property of structural points, structural point 590 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 Fig. 3. The original images of eight numeral strings. `Ra can be used to determine the lower region of an outer contour of a numeral string. Let x and y repJCB JCB resent the x and y coordinates of the left point in the lower region, respectively. Similarly, the right point in the lower region is represented with x and y , respectivePCB PCB ly. If we analyze the required structural regions, the left and right points of the lower region need to meet the following conditions: 1. The y coordinate of the candidate region points (point `Ra) is greater than y . KGB 2. If some points `Ra meet the above condition, the leftmost point `Ra and the rightmost point `Ra of these points `Ra are the left point and the right point of the lower region, respectively. Similarly, the left and right points in the upper region are represented with x , y and x , y , respectively. JQS JQS PQS PQS We use structural points `a to determine the left and right points in the upper region based on a similar method. The region between the two points, (x , y ) JQS JQS and (x , y ), is considered as the upper region. The PQS PQS region between the two points, (x , y ) and (x , y ), JCB JCB PCB PCB is considered as the lower region. The region between the two points, (x , y ) and (x , y ), is considered as the JQS JQS JCB JCB left lateral region. Based on the above procedure, these region points of the sample strings in Fig. 4 can be found and shown in Fig. 5. They are represented by characters characters `a and `Ra, respectively. structures of some sample images, twenty morphological structural models are set up, with the leftmost lateral numeral being 4 or 9. If the leftmost numeral is numeral 4 or 9, then its series of structural points can belong to one of twenty models. However, if a series of the leftmost lateral numeral is one of these models, it is not certain that it is numeral 4 or 9. This is because there are some spurious morphological structures. Therefore, we construct some morphological structural parameters to constrain these spurious structures. For example, one model of these models is: `aP`FaP`f aP`Fa P`[aP`saP`RaP`oaP`OaP`$aP`SaP`]aP `[a P`saP`Ra. The example of Fig. 4(d) belongs to the above model. Two structural parameters are constructed to constrain these spurious structures. These are the y and x coordinate di!erence between two points `Ra in the above model and the left point in the upper region of the string, respectively. We can see that if the "rst point `Ra is above the second point `Ra in the above model and two points `Ra in the above model are on the left of the left point in the upper region or close to it, then the leftmost numeral of Fig. 4(d) is numeral 4 or 9. Similarly, we can construct other structural parameters based on di!erent models. In terms of similar method we can recognize the leftmost numeral if it is numeral 5. If the leftmost numeral is numerals 4, 9 or 5 and there are two points `Ra in their models, then the second point `Ra should be the left point in the lower region. Such an example is shown in Fig. 4(d). 3.2. Correction of the left point in the lower region Based on morphological analysis of numerals, the left stroke of handwritten numeral 4, 9 or 5 is easily to make selection of the left point in the lower region incorrect. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the leftmost numeral is numerals 4, 9 or 5. Because the structural points can describe the morphological change of a shape, we search for a series of structural points from the left point of the upper region to the right point of the lower region. Based on the analyses of the morphological 3.3. Structural region consisting of two left numerals in a string If a string consists of more than two numerals, it is di$cult to separate these numerals directly since its morphological structure is too complicated. A practical method is to determine a region which consists of two left numerals of this string. Similar to the structural region of a string, the structural region of two left numerals is subdivided by four region points which are called the left D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 591 Fig. 4. The preprocessing results and structural points of sample strings. and right points of the upper region and the left and right points of the lower region for two left numerals of a string. It is clear that x and y coordinates of the left points in the region of two left numerals are x , y JQS JQS and x , y , respectively. The x and y coordinates of JCB JCB the right point in the upper region of two left numerals 592 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 Fig. 5. The structural region points and all touching points of sample strings. are represented by x and y , respectively. This PQS PQS preselected region point should satisfy the following conditions: 1. The candidate right point in the upper region of two left numerals is a point `a and its y coordinate is less than 2y /3. KGB D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 2. If a point `a satis"es the above condition 1 and is close to the left point of the upper region, then this point `a is the preselected right point in the upper region of two left numerals. Similarly, the right point in the lower region of two left numerals can be selected and represented as x and PCB y . The left region is between the upper left point and PCB the lower left point. The upper region of two left numerals is between the upper left point and the upper right point. The lower region of two left numerals is between the lower left point and the lower right point. 3.4. Properties of hole contour in the region of two left numerals The property of a hole contour can be used to describe the morphological structure of a shape. Generally, there are six types of hole contour, the upper left hole, the lower left hole, the upper right hole, the lower right hole, the left hole and the right hole in the region of two left numerals. Let xK?V[k], xKGLG[k], yK?V[k] and yKGLG[k] repP J S B resent the x coordinates of the rightmost point and leftmost point and y coordinates of the upper most and lower most point, respectively, where k is the index of a hole contour in the region of two left numerals. In order to determine the property of a hole contour, we make use of a set of parameters to check the geometric position of a hole contour. They are x "x !xK?V[k]#x !xKGLG[k], JSS JQS P JQS J (4) x "x !xK?V[k]#x !xKGLG[k], PSS PQS P PQS J (5) x "x !xK?V[k]#x !xKGLG[k], JBB JCB P JCB J (6) x "x !xK?V[k]#x !xKGLG[k], PBB PCB P PCB J (7) y "y !yK?V[k]#y !yKGLG[k], JSS JQS S JQS B (8) y "y !yK?V[k]#y !yKGLG[k], PSS PQS S PQS B (9) y "y !yK?V[k]#y !yKGLG[k], JBB JCB S JCB B (10) y "y !yK?V[k]#y !yKGLG[k] PBB PCB S PCB B (11) and let x ""x ", x ""x ", x ""x ", x ""x ", JS JSS PS PSS JB JBB PB PBB y ""y ", y ""y ", y ""y " and y ""y ". Based JS JSS PS PSS JB JBB PB PBB on Eqs. (5) and (9) an example of calculating parameters x and y is shown in Fig. 5(c). PSS PSS These feature parameters describe the geometric location of a hole contour in the region of two left numerals. For example, x is the distance along the x direction JS between the upper left region point and a hole contour in the region of two left numerals. Based on these parameters, we can "nd other feature parameters as follows: If x )x , then this situation is represented by u "6 JS PS J else u "6. If u "6, that means this hole contour is close P J 593 to the upper left region point in a string. Otherwise, if u "6, this hole contour is close to the upper right P point in the region of two left numerals. Similarly, if x )x , then this situation is represented by d "6 else JB PB J d "6. If y )y , then d "y /y else d "y /y . P JS JB JS JS JB JS JB JS Based on the value of d , we can de"ne three parameters JS as follows: if 1*d '0.66, then this situation is repreJS sented by l "6. That means this hole contour is located K at about the middle of y coordinate distance between the upper left point and the lower left point. If 0.66*d '0 JS and y (y , then this situation is represented by l "6. JS JB S If l "6, this hole contour is close to the upper position S of y coordinate distance between the the upper left point and the lower left point. Otherwise, if 0.66*d '0 and JS y *y , then this situation is represented by l "6. JS JB B Similarly, we can describe the distance along the y direction between a hole contour and the upper right point or the lower right point in a string. If y )y , then PS PB d "y /y else d "y /y . Based on the value of PS PS PB PS PB PS d , we can de"ne three parameters as follows: If PS 1*d '0.66, then this situation is represented by PS r "6. If 0.66*d '0 and y (y , then this situation K PS PS PB is represented by r "6. If 0.66*d '0 and y *y , S PS PS PB then this situation is represented by r "6. Based on the B above feature data, we can construct three classi"cation cases. In terms of these classi"cation cases, we can determine the property of a hole contour in the region of two left numerals. Case 1: u "6 and d "6. In Case 1, the condition J J u "6, d "6 means that this hole contour is close to J J both the upper left point and lower left point in the direction of x coordinate. In this case, the property of a hole contour is only based on the parameter l , l and S B l . Therefore, the property of a hole contour can be K determined as follows: (1) If l "6, then the hole contour is the upper left hole S contour. (2) If l "6, then the hole contour is the lower left hole B contour. (3) If l "6, then the hole contour is the left hole conK tour. Case 2: u "6 and d "6. Based on the similar analysis P P of Case 1, the result of Case 2 can be described. Case 3: u "6 and d "6 or u "6 and d "6. This J P P J case is more complicated than Cases 1 and 2. In Case 3, the condition u "6 means a hole contour is close to the J upper left point in the direction of x coordinate. However, the condition d "6 means a hole contour is close P to the lower left point in the direction of x coordinate. The case of the conditions u "6 and d "6 is contrary P J to the above case. In these cases, the property of a hole contour is related to l , l , l , r , r and r . There are nine S B K S B K di!erent cases. 594 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 1. If l "6 and r "6, then the hole contour is the upper S S left hole contour. The conditions l "6 and r "6 S S mean that the hole contour is close to the upper position in the region of two left numerals. Therefore, the selected responsible parameter should be l "6 S and the property of this hole contour is the upper left hole contour. 2. If l "6 and r "6, the analysis and result are similar B B to the above Case 3 (1). 3. If l "6 and r "6, then the hole contour is close to S B the upper position in the region of two left numerals to detect from the left lateral in the region of two left numerals and to the lower position in the region of two left numerals to detect from the right lateral in the region of two left numerals, respectively. In this case, assume d "x #x #x #x . A JSS PSS JBB PBB (12) The parameter d describes that the hole contour is A close to the left lateral or right lateral in the region of two left numerals in its entirety. Therefore, (a) If d )0, then the hole contour is close to the left A lateral and the responsible parameter l is selected. S Therefore, this hole contour is the upper left hole contour or the lower left hole contour. (b) If d '0, then the hole contour is close to the right A lateral and the responsible parameter r is seB lected. Therefore, this hole contour is the upper right hole contour or the lower right hole contour. Similar to 3(a) and 3(b) of Case 3, we can describe six other cases based on combination of the parameter l , l , l , r , r and r . Note that the above region points S B K S B K are in the region of two left numerals. Based on the above algorithm the property of all hole contours in Fig. 5 can be detected correctly. 3.5. The recognition of the leftmost numeral Let n represent the leftmost numeral of a string. We JQ can set up some morphological structural models of the leftmost numeral with some types of structural points, the property of hole and the chain components and the structure of a special line in the left region. The order of structural points is searched for in the left region, from the point (x , y ) to the point (x , y ). For example, JQS JQSW JCB JCB there are the following morphological structural models of the leftmost numeral: E Numeral 3: (1) It has one order of structural points, `Sa P`]aP`SaP`]a. This means there are two curves in the convex direction of code 7 along the left lateral of a string. (2) Assume l is the index of a line in which there is L a second structural point `Sa, the line i is between the lines l and l and n is the number of chain code L JCB A 4 on the line i, then if the left lateral numeral is numeral 3, the condition n '3 is met. Using this condition A the numeral 3 can be distinguished from numeral 7 (having a line to overlap on the vertical part of numeral 7). E Numeral 5: (1) It has one order of structural points, SP]. (2) Assume y is the y coordinate of the structural D point `Sa and y "(y !y )/4#y , KKGB JCB JQS JQS (13) then y 'y . This condition and condition 1 mean D KKGB there is one curve in the convex direction of code 7 and this curve is at the upper of the leftmost lateral. (3) There is neither the upper left hole nor the lower left hole. (4) Assume n is the number of chain code 4 beA tween point `Sa and the left point of the lower region, then n '2. This means the lower of the leftmost A contains the direction change of code 4. E Numeral 6 (Normal type): (1) It has one order of structural points, `FaP`[a and no any order of point `SaP`[a. (2) There is the lower left hole. We can describe other structural models for number 0 (normal type), 0 (having no left hole ), 1, 2 (normal type), 2 (having the lower hole), 4 (normal type), 4 (having no upper left hole), 6 (having no left lower hole), 7, 7 (having the line to overlap on the vertical part of numeral 7), 8 (normal type), 8 (only having the lower left hole), 9 (normal type), 9 (having no upper left hole). The recognition algorithm of the leftmost numeral is demonstrated in Fig. 6 based on our models. First, the number of pairs of structural points `Sa and `]a can be checked from l to l in the left lateral region and it is represented by JQS JCB k. If k*2, the leftmost numeral is recognized as numeral 3 or 7 (having a line to overlap on the vertical part of numeral 7). If k"1, the leftmost numeral is recognized as numeral 2, 4, 5, 7 (having no line to overlap on the vertical part of numeral 7) or 9. If k"0, the leftmost numeral is recognized as numeral 0, 1, 6 or 8. If k"1, there is one point `Sa. We use y to analyze the y D coordinate position of this point `Sa. If it is less than y , its position is at the upper of the numeral and KKGB the leftmost numeral is recognized as numeral 2 or 7. Otherwise the leftmost numeral is recognized as numerals 4, 5 or 9. Further, we can recognize each leftmost numeral based on the patterns of the di!erent leftmost numeral. The leftmost numerals of sample strings in Fig. 4 can be recognized correctly in terms of the above algorithm. D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 595 Fig. 6. Block diagram of the leftmost numeral recognition processing. Sometimes, it is not necessary to recognize the leftmost numeral correctly for the separation of a numeral string. For example, although the numeral 0 (without the left hole) and the numeral 6 (without the left lower hole) have the same recognition model, the "rst left structural point `ma of the numeral string is not selected as a touching point, because this structural point `ma belongs to the structural point of the leftmost numeral. It is necessary to note that if the touching model of two left numerals in a string is double touching, it is possible that the recognition result of the leftmost numeral is not correct. For example, if the leftmost numeral is numeral 5 and the touching model is double touching, then it is recognized as numeral 9 based on the above algorithm. After the leftmost numeral of the string in the Fig. 4(f) is separated, the string of two right numerals belongs to this case. Here numeral 5 is touched with numeral numeral 0. Their touching model is double-touching. For any double-touching string there is the touching hole contour. In this case if the leftmost numeral is recognized as numeral 9 and the upper left hole contour is the touching hole contour, then the recognition result of the leftmost numeral should be corrected as numeral 5. Also, there are other cases which should be corrected based on their corresponding correction rules. 3.6. Correction of the preselected structural region points of two left numerals Sometimes, the preselected right point of two left numerals are incorrect because of special numerals such as numerals 4 and 9 (having no upper left hole). Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to correct the preselected right point. For example, if n is numeral 4 or 9 (having no JQ upper left hole contour) and there are more than two points `a in the upper region of two left numerals, then the new right point in the upper region of two left numerals is the third point `a in the upper region of two left numerals. It is necessary to note that all candidate points `a should meet Condition 1 in Section 3.3. We can describe other correction rules based on nine types of unreasonable morphological structures of preselected right point in the upper or lower regions of two left numerals. Based on the procedure described in Section 3.3 and the corresponding correction rules the upper right and lower right points in the region of two left numerals in Fig. 4 can be determined, represented with character `Ua and `Da, and shown in Fig. 5. 596 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 3.7. Preselecting a touching point and its correction In most cases, the touching points are point `ma in the upper region or point `$a in the lower region. Therefore, a touching point is preselected in the lower or upper regions of two left numerals. The preselected touching point can be found by comparing the x coordinates of the "rst left structural point `ma in the upper region with the "rst left structural point `$a in the lower region. The x coordinates of two compared structural points are represented with x [0] and x [0], respectively. If SA BA x [0]*x [0], then the "rst left structural point `ma in SA BA the upper region is the preselected touching point. Otherwise, the "rst left structural point `$a in the lower region is the preselected touching point. In most cases the above preselected point is reasonable, however sometimes this selection is not correct for there are a lot of complicated morphological structures. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to correct the preselected touching point based on some morphological structural conditions. For example if n is numeral 4 and JQ the preselected touching point is point `$a, then sometimes the stroke of numeral 4 make the preselected touching point incorrect. In this case, we take the following correction based on the relative morphological analysis: 1. Search the "rst structural point `Sa from the preselected touching point to the right point of the lower region of two left numerals. 2. If the structural point `Sa is found in Step 1 and its x coordinate is less than (x #x /3) where KGB KGB x "x #(x !x )/2, then the new touching KGB JCB JCB JCB point is the structural point `Sa instead of preselected touching point. The string of Fig. 5(d) belongs to this case. Here the correction result is not good because the horizontal stroke of numeral 4 is not extended. Another example is that sometimes the upper stroke of handwritten numeral 5 makes the preselected touching point incorrect. In this case the correction rule is as follows: 1. If the leftmost numeral is numeral 5 and the preselected touching point is in the upper region of two left numerals, the preselected touching point is changed with a point `$a in the lower region of two left numerals, which is close to the left of the preselected touching point and its y coordinate is less than (2y /3). KGB 2. Furthermore, if the x coordinate of new selected touching point based on Step 1 is less than (2y /3), KGB then search if there is a point which is that it is the lower region of two left numerals, its x coordinate is greater than (2x /3) and less than (4x /3) and its KGB KGB chain code is code 6. If there exists such a point, then this point is "nally selected touching point. The sample string in Fig. 5(f) belongs to this case. Based on Step 1 the preselected touching point is changed. New touching point is in the lower region of two left numerals. However, if it does not meet the condition of Step 2 then the processing of Step 2 is not taken. We can describe other correction rules based on eight types of unreasonable morphological structures of the preselected touching point. Based on the above procedure the touching points of the sample strings in Fig. 4 can be selected and shown in Fig. 5. If the touching point is in the upper region, it is represented with character `ma. If the touching point is in the lower region it is represented with character `$a. 3.8. Selection of the match touching points In order to separate the leftmost numeral from two left numeral strings, we need to "nd other touching points. (1) Determination of single-touching and double-touching models: As we analyze the distribution of structural points in the upper and lower region, we can discover the morphological di!erence between them and determine the touching model of two left numerals. That is if all points `ma in the upper region of two left numerals are below the middle of two left numerals and all points `$a in the lower region of two left numerals are over the middle of two left numerals, then the touching model is double-touching. Otherwise, it is single-touching. Based on this rule, the regions of two left numerals in Figs. 4(c) and (g) are double-touching and other regions of two left numerals in Fig. 4 are single-touching respectively. However, there are some false double-touching situations. In these cases, the responding correction processing is needed. For example, although the region of two left numerals meets the above rule of double touching, there is no hole in this region. Therefore in this case this touching model should be single touching. (2) Determination of the touching hole contour: If the touching model of two left numerals is double touching, then there is a touching hole contour in the region of two left numerals. In general, a touching hole contour is close to the center of the region of two left numerals. Based on this basic rule, touching hole contour of Fig. 5(c) can be determined. However, it is possible that the selected touching hole contour is incorrect based on the above basic rule for some special morphological structures of two left numerals. In these cases the corresponding rules need to be set up. For example there is a rule as follows: If n is numeral 0 (having the left hole contour) JQ in the region of two left numerals, then this left hole D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 contour cannot be selected as the touching hole contour. Based on this rule, the left hole contour in the region of two left numerals in Fig. 5(g) is not the touching hole contour. In this example the lower right hole contour in the region of two left numerals is determined as the touching hole contour. (3) The match touching points: For single touching, there is a match touching point which corresponds to the selected touching point on the outer contour of two left numerals. If the selected touching point is in the upper region, then the corresponding match touching point is in the lower region or otherwise in the upper region. If there is a minimum distance between the selected touching point and a candidate match touching point, then it is a found match touching point. This is a basic algorithm of "nding a match touching point. Except Figs. 5(c) and (g), the touching model of two left numerals in Fig. 5 is single touching and their match touching points can be found based on the above basic rule and represented by character `oa. Also there are some special structural distribution classi"cations between the selected touching point and structural points in the region of candidate points. In these cases, the corresponding processing procedures are needed. 597 For double touching, there is the second touching point which corresponds to the selected touching point. If the selected touching point is in the upper region of two left numerals, the second touching point is in the lower region of two left numerals. Otherwise the second touching point is in the upper region of two left numerals. The second touching point is found by the above basic algorithm. Also there are two match touching points on the touching hole contour. There is the minimum distance between each selected touching point and its corresponding match touching point. The match touching points of double touching are represented by characters `Ua and `Da on the corresponding touching hole contour, respectively. The second touching point of double touching is represented by character `oa. For two sample strings of Figs. 5(c) and (g) their touching points can be found and shown in Figs. 5(c) and (g) based on the above algorithm. 4. Experimental results Based on the proposed separation method, the handwritten string can be e$ciently separated from the left to Fig. 7. The separation results of the numeral strings shown in Fig. 3. 598 D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 the right of a numeral string until no touching region which contains two left numerals can be found. Each step of separation processing creates two parts: the left numeral and the right part of this numeral string. The sample images of Figs. 3(a)}(c) consist of two numerals. Their separation results are shown in Figs. 7(a)}(c). The sample images of Figs. 3(d)}(g) consist of three numerals. After the "rst separating the left numeral and the right part of this string are shown in Figs. 7(d), (f), (h) and (j). After the second separating the left numeral and the right part of this string are shown in Figs. 7(e), (g), (i) and (k). In Fig. 3(h), this sample image contains four handwritten numerals. The "rst, second and third separation results are shown in Figs. 7(l), (m) and (n), respectively, based on our algorithm. All separation result images are smoothed [6]. In order to develop our algorithm we used 600 sample images taken from the NIST database to design the required models in Section 3. The test set consists of 3287 sample images in which each string consists of two numerals and the correct separation rate of the test set is 94.8%. The test set consists of 256 sample images in which each string consists of three numerals and the correct separation rate of the test set is 84.7%. In order to test our algorithm, the separated numerals are identi"ed using an optimized nearest-neighbor classi"er developed by Yan [8]. Based on this recognition algorithm, if both the left and right numerals of a string which consists of two numerals are recognized correctly, then this string is considered being separated correctly. The correct separation rate is only 84%, because although separation of a string is correct, not all separated numerals are recognized correctly by the selected algorithm. Therefore, it is not appropriate to replace the separation rate with the recognition rate [5]. The results obtained using di!erent separation algorithms for the same testing samples of touching hand- written numerals are shown in Table 1. Each sample image of this testing sample set consists of two numerals. Because other methods cannot be used to separate a handwritten touching numeral string which consists of more than two numerals, only experimental results for our method for this situation is shown. Table 1 demonstrates that the method proposed in this paper is better. Our algorithm is e$cient because useful morphological structural features are used to identify touching points of a touching string directly. The isolated numerals do not need to be recognized by a classi"cation procedure in the process of separation. Therefore, the correct separation rate is not in#uenced by the isolated character recognition algorithm. Other algorithms are related to their recognition algorithms. Theoretically, the models of morphological structures can describe any di!erence between two di!erent shapes. Therefore, if we set up more morphological structural models by using more samples, then the correct separation rate will be increased. 5. Conclusion A new and e$cient method has been proposed to separate handwritten numeral strings. The number of numerals of this string may be inde"nite. Based on our technology, the process of separating a string which consists of more than two numerals is reduced to that of a string which consists of two numerals. The algorithm for smoothing, linearization and detection of structural points of image contours is an important preprocessing procedure. It makes some analyses of morphological structures possible. Based on these analyses of morphological structures, the region of two left numerals of a string is extracted. Therefore, the methods for separating a string which only consists of two touching numerals Table 1 Results obtained using di!erent separation algorithms with the same test samples of touching handwritten numeral strings. The rejection and substitution rates are calculated in terms of separated numerals. The number in square brackets are provided in the reference paper Technique used to select touching points Algorithm of this paper (a string consisting of two numerals) Algorithm of this paper (a string consisting of three numerals) Suters et al.'s algorithm [5] (a string consisting of two numerals) Fenrich's algorithm [2] (a string consisting of two numerals) Fujisawa et al.'s algorithm [1] (a string consisting of two numerals) Zhao et al.'s algorithm [3] (a string consisting of two numerals) Rejection rate (%) Substitution rate (%) 0.0 5.2 0.0 0.3 15.3 10.1 5.3 (53.3) 27.1 (5.8) 0.7 (33.5) 21.9 (7.7) 3.4 (38.3) 13.3 (4.4) D. Yu, H. Yan / Pattern Recognition 34 (2001) 587}599 can be used to process this extracted region of two left numerals of a string. Also the described separation algorithm includes detecting the property of hole contour, the recognition of the left numeral, the determination of the single- or the double-touching model, the determination of the touching hole contour, the searching of the touching point or match touching point and some correction procedures in these processes. The experiment results demonstrate that our separation method is e$cient. The correct separation rate is 94.8% for 3287 unseen sample images in which each sample image consists of two handwritten numerals, and 84.7% for 258 unseen sample images in which each sample image consists of three handwritten numerals. These samples are taken from the NIST database. References [1] H. Fujisawa, Y. Nakano, K. Kurino, Segmentation methods for character recognition: from segmentation to document structure analysis, Proc. IEEE 80 (7) (1992) 1079}1092. 599 [2] R. Fenrich, Segmentation of automatically located handwritten numeric strings, in: From Pixels to Features 111: Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992, pp. 47}59. [3] Z. Zhao, M. Suters, H. Yan, Connected handwritten digit separation by optimal contour partition, Proceedings of DICTA-93 Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, 1993, pp. 786}793. [4] N.W. Strathy, C.Y. Suen, A. Krzyzak, Segmentation of handwritten digits using contour features, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1993, pp. 577}580. [5] M. Suters, H. Yan, Connected handwritten digit separation using external boundary curvature, J. Electron. Imaging 3 (3) (1994) 251}256. [6] D. Yu, H. Yan, An e$cient algorithm for smoothing binary image contours, Proceedings of ICPR'96, Vol. 2, 1996, pp. 403}407. [7] D. Yu, H. Yan, An e$cient algorithm for smoothing, linearization and detection of structure feature points of binary image contours, Pattern Recognition 30 (1) (1997) 57}69. [8] H. Yan, Handwritten digit recognition using optimized prototypes, Pattern Recognition Lett. 15 (1994) 207}211. About the Author*DONGGANG YU received his diploma in the Department of Automation and Control Engineering from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, in 1970. From 1970 he worked in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, China, where he taught and did research work on Information Processing as an assistant lecturer and lecturer respectively. He was appointed as associate professor in Electrical Engineering at Dalian University of Technology in 1991. He is currently working on Image Processing and Recognition as a visiting scholar at The University of Sydney, Australia. His research interests are in the areas of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Biomedical Signal Processing. About the Author*HONG YAN received his B.E. degree from Nanking Institute of Posts and Telecommunications in 1982, M.S.E. degree from the University of Michigan in 1984, and Ph.D. degree from Yale University in 1989, all in Electrical Engineering. In 1982 and 1983 he worked on signal detection and estimation as a graduate student and research assistant at Tsinghua University. From 1986 to 1989 he was a research scientist at General Network Corporation, New Haven, CT, USA, where he worked on design and optimization of computer and telecommunications networks. Since 1989 he has been with the University of Sydney where he is currently a Professor in Electrical and Information Engineering. His research interests include computer animation, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, neural and fuzzy algorithms. He is an author or co-author of one book and over 200 technical papers in these areas. Dr. Yan is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust), a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and a member of the International Society of Optical Engineers, the International Neural Network Society, and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.