Think Ahead Roman Numerals in Anatomy To prepare for the next week of class, you should fully understand and be able to answer the following questions. You can check your answers with the answer key posted on my O drive to be sure you are correct. You can get help with this work from: • • your instructor during office hours the Algebra Alcove in Jones 147 1. Anatomy texts sometimes still use Roman numerals (I, II, II, IV etc.) instead of the much more familiar Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). In the table below fill in the corresponding Arabic numeral: Roman numeral I V X L C M Arabic numeral 2. Remember that when using Roman numerals, when a numeral with a lesser value comes before a numeral with a higher value, as in IV, the first value is subtracted from the second value. So in IV, the I means _____, the V means _____, so the value of IV is _____ . 3. Remember that when using Roman numerals, when a numeral of a higher value comes before a numeral of a lesser value, as in VI, the first value is added to the second value. So in VI, the V means _____ , the I means _____ , so the value of VI is _____ . 4. Convert each of the following to familiar Arabic numerals: 5. Convert each of the following to familiar Arabic numerals: a. IV a. VI b. VL b. XV c. IX c. XVI d. CM d. MC 6. In anatomy, Roman numerals are still commonly used for the cranial nerves and for the digits (fingers and toes) on each hand and each foot. Complete the table with the correct Roman numerals for the 12 cranial nerves and the fingers on one hand: Digit Name of cranial nerve familiar Roman number numeral I thumb Olfactory n. 1 index Optic n. 2 Oculomotor n. 3 Trochlear n. 4 Trigeminal n. 5 ______ Abducens n. 6 ______ Facial n. 7 ______ Vestibulocochlear n. 8 ______ Glossopharyngeal n. 9 ______ Vagus n. 10 ______ Accessory n. 11 ______ Hypoglossal n. 12 finger middle finger ring finger little finger VI IX