HFCC Math Lab NAT – 07 Converting Roman Numerals to Arabic Numerals Face value of Roman numerals Some often used characters in Roman numerals and their face value listed below: I One V Five V Five Thousand X Ten X Ten Thousand L Fifty L Fifty Thousand C One Hundred C One Hundred Thousand D Five Hundred D Five Hundred Thousand M One Thousand M One Million Using these characters you can write any positive number from 1 up to 4,999,999. To represent higher numbers you introduce characters similar to one on the second column with more bars. For example, five million is represented by the character V . Place value of Roman numerals Every roman numeral is written as a string of characters. To find the Arabic numeral corresponding to the given Roman numeral, write down the face value of every character in the given string and then either add or subtract the face value. To determine when to add the value and when to subtract the value, use the following rules: • • • Start converting Roman numerals to Arabic numerals from left to right. If the face value of a character is smaller than the character following it, subtract the first character. Otherwise add the first character. Always add the last character in the string. Example 1: Roman numeral XI translates as +10 +1 = +11 in Arabic numerals. Since the face value of X is higher than face value of I, we add the face value of X to the face value of the last character I Example 2: Roman numeral IX translates as –1 +10 = +9 in Arabic numerals. Since the face value of I is smaller than face value of X, we subtract the face value of I from the face value of the last character X. Revised 5/11 1 Sample Problems: Write the Arabic numeral corresponding to the given Roman numerals: Problem 1: V Solution: + 5 = 5 Problem 2: VIII Solution: +5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8 Problem 3: XVI Solution: +10 + 5 + 1 = 16 Problem 4: IV Solution: –1 + 5 = 4 (Remark: Since the face value of the character following I is smaller than the face value of V we subtract the face value of I) Problem 5: LXI Solution: +50 + 10 +1 = 61 Problem 6: XLI Solution: –10 + 50 + 1 = 41 Problem 7: DCLXVI Solution: +500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 666 Problem 8: CDXLIV Solution: –100 +500 – 10 + 50 – 1 + 5 = 444 Problem 9: M M X LX Solution: +1,000,000 + 1,000,000 – 10,000 + 50,000 + 10 = 2,040,010 Problem 10: MMMCMLXXVII Solution: +1000 + 1000 + 1000 – 100 + 1000 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 +1 = 3977 Revised 5/11 2 Exercise Problems: Write the Arabic numeral corresponding to the given Roman numerals 1. MM 2. CCCXXXIII 3. V DLV 4. CDXLIV 5. LXVII 6. XLVIII 7. XXIX 8. CCCXLV 9. XCVI 10. CCXXXIV 11. DCLVI 12. MCXLVIII 13. MMCCCLXVII 14. DXLV MCMLXXIII 15. MMMCDXCIX Revised 5/11 3 Solutions to Exercise Problems: 1. 2, 000, 000 2. 333 3. 5555 4. 444 5. 67 6. 48 7. 29 8. 345 9. 96 10. 234 11. 656 12. 1148 13. 2367 14. 546,973 15. 3499 Useful Websites: http://wolframalpha.com -This website will help you convert any Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. In the space provided enter “21 in Roman Numeral” to get the Roman numeral equivalent value XXI http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/numbers.html - Coverts Roman Numerals to Arabic and vice versa. It also gives strategies for converting Roman Numerals to Arabic Numerals. Revised 5/11 4