Note w/Grade Five Report Card Indicators

Dear Parents,
As you are already aware, our report card is now a standards-based report in all subjects. I would like to clarify
what this means for mathematics. The indicators of Mathematics Development are organized into six strands. These
strands remain constant throughout your child’s K-5 math experience, while the grade level goals change from one year to
the next, building upon the skills from the previous years.
The grade level expectations for each strand are listed below. While they are measured and assessed
throughout the year, their attainment is an end of the year expectation. The various assessments used by your child’s
teacher, as well as district assessments will help you gauge your child’s progress toward attainment of these goals. It is
hoped that the goals will guide your understanding of your child’s grade level mathematical experience. Please note that
the numbers below correspond to the numbered content goals on your child’s report card.
Sharon Jaworski
Elementary Math Coordinator
Grade Five Report Card Indicators
Number Sense and Operations
3. Understands the meanings, uses and representation of numbers
 Read and write whole numbers & decimals; identify places in such numbers and the values of
the digits in those places; use expanded notation to represent whole numbers & decimals.
 Solve problems involving percents & discounts; describe and explain strategies used; identify
the unit whole in situations involving fractions.
 Identify prime & composite numbers; factor numbers; find prime factorizations.
4. Understands equivalent names for numbers
 Use numerical expressions involving one or more of the basic four arithmetic operations,
grouping symbols and exponents to give equivalent names for whole numbers; convert
between base-10, exponential, and repeated-factor notations.
 Use numerical expressions to find & represent equivalent names for fractions, decimals and
percents; use and explain a multiplication and division rules to find equivalent fractions and
fractions in simplest form; convert between fractions & mixed numbers; convert between
fractions, decimals & percents.
5. Understands common numerical relations
 Compare & order rational numbers; use area models, benchmark fractions & analyses of
numerators & denominators to compare & order fractions & mixed numbers; describe
strategies used to compare fractions & mixed numbers.
6. Computes accurately
 Use mental arithmetic, paper & pencil algorithms, & calculators to solve problems involving
the addition & subtraction of whole numbers and decimals & signed numbers; describe the
strategies used & explain how they work.
 Demonstrate automaticity with multiplication facts and proficiency with division facts and
fact extensions.
 Use mental arithmetic, paper & pencil algorithms & calculators to solve problems involving
the multiplication of whole numbers & decimals& division of multidigit whole numbers &
decimals by whole numbers; express remainders as whole numbers or fractions as
appropriate; describe the strategies used & explain how they work.
 Use mental arithmetic, paper & pencil algorithms & calculators to solve problems involving
the addition & subtraction of fractions & mixed numbers; describe the strategies used and
explain how they work.
 Use area models, mental arithmetic, paper & pencil algorithms & calculators to solve
problems involving the multiplication of fractions & mixed numbers; use diagrams, a
common-denominator method & calculators to solve problems involving the division of
fractions; describe the strategies used.
7. Makes reasonable estimates
 Make reasonable estimates for whole number & decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication
& division problems & fractions & mixed number addition subtraction problems; explain how
the estimates were obtained.
8. Understands meanings of operations
 Use repeated addition, arrays, area & scaling to model multiplication & division; use ratios
expressed as words, fractions, percents & with colons; solve problems involving ratios of parts
of a set to the whole set.
Data, Chance and Probability
9. Selects and creates appropriate graphical representation of collected or given data
 Collect & organize data or use given data to create bar graph, line & circle graphs with
reasonable titles, labels, keys & intervals.
10. Analyzes and interprets data
 Use the maximum, minimum, range, mode, median & graphs to ask & answer questions, draw
conclusions and make predictions.
11. Understands and applies basic concepts of probability
 Describe events using “certain, very likely, likely, unlikely, very unlikely, impossible” & other
basic probability terms; use “more likely, equally likely, same chance, 50-50, less likely”&
other basic probability terms to compare events; explain the choice of language.
 Predict the outcomes of experiments, test the predictions using manipulatives & summarize the
results; compare predictions based on theoretical probability with experimental results; use
summaries and comparisons to predict future events; express the probability of an event as a
fraction, decimal or percent.
12. Understands the systems and processes of measurement; uses appropriate techniques, tools, units
and formulas in making measurements
 Estimate length with & without tools; measure length of the nearest 1/8 inch & millimeter;
estimate the measure of angles with & without tools; use tools to draw angles with given
 Describe & use strategies to find the perimeter of polygons & the area of circles, choose & use
appropriated formulas to calculate the area of rectangles, parallelograms and triangles, and
to find the volume of rectangular prisms; define pi as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its
 Describe relationships among U.S. customary units of length; among metric units of length; &
among U.S. customary units of capacity.
13. Uses and understands reference frames
 Use ordered pairs of numbers to name, locate & plot points in the first quadrant of a
coordinate grid.
14. Investigates characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes
 Identify, describe, compare, name & draw right, acute, obtuse, straight & reflex angles;
determine angle measures in vertical & supplementary angles & by applying properties of
sums of angle measures in triangles & quadrangles.
 Describe, compare & classify plane & solid using appropriate geometric terms; identify
congruent figures & describe their properties.
15. Applies transformations and symmetry in geometric situations.
 Identify, describe & sketch examples of reflections, translations & rotations.
Patterns, Relations and Algebra
16. Understands patterns and functions.
 Extend, describe & create numeric patterns; describe rules for patterns & use them to solve
problems; write rules for functions that involve the four basic arithmetic operations; represent
functions using words, symbols, tables & graphs & use those representations to solve
17. Uses algebraic notation to represent and analyze situations and structures.
 Determine whether number sentences are true or false; solve open number sentences & explain
the solutions; use a letter variable to write an open sentence to model a number story; use a
pan balance model to solve linear equations with one unknown
 Evaluate numeric expressions containing grouping symbols and nested grouping symbols;
insert grouping symbols & nested grouping symbols to make number sentences true; describe
& use the precedence of multiplication & division over addition & subtraction.
 Describe & apply the properties of arithmetic.