Math 260 Assignments May 19 to 23 Homework due Wednesday, May 21 Handout (4.1/3, 4.2/1, 2, 10h) Hint for 10h: "x ∈∅" ≡ "FALSE" ≡ "Contradiction". Logic Laws are on pages 17 & 19 Comment: Look at the Logic Implication Laws on page 17 for the last two Set Laws given in 4.2/1 Monday, May 19 Sets, Subsets and set operations. Read §4.1 Tuesday, May 20 Proofs with set operations. DeMorgan’s Laws for Sets I Read §4.2 Wednesday, May 21 More proofs with sets Thursday, May 22 Big Unions and Big Intersections Read §4.3 Friday, May 23 LAST Quiz & Worksheet Quiz: 1. Set operations with intervals (not “Big” ones.) 2. Prove (A B)c = A c B c using a sequence of logically equivalent compound forms. Group Work: One of 4.2/14, 15, 17, 19, 20 or 21 Math 260 Assignments May 26 to June 6 Homework due Thursday, May 29 6.2/4, 14 Monday, May 26 Memorial Day – No School Tuesday, May 27 (Lila Harper’s 59th birthday) Introduction to PMI Practice Problems (do not turn in): 6.1/4 Wednesday, May 28 Practice with PMI Thursday, May 29 Getting ready for the Binomial Theorem (part I) Friday, May 30 In Class PMI Worksheet. Do not turn in. Monday, June 2 Getting ready for the Binomial Theorem (part II) Practice Problems for Exam III handed out. Tuesday, June 3 PMI proof of the Single Variable Binomial Theorem (B.T.) Proof of the Two Variable B.T. using the Single Variable B.T. N.B., You will be asked, on the Final Exam, to prove the Single Variable B.T., using PMI on the Final Exam. (Not on Exam III). Wednesday, June 4 Review for Exam III Come prepared with questions! Thursday, June 5 Exam III Friday, March 14 Exam III returned. Discuss Final Exam. Math 260 Assignments May 9 to May 16 Weekend reading assignment: Read §3.5 Homework due Monday, May 12 3.5/1, 11 Homework due Wednesday, May 14 3.7/5, 10(ii) Monday, May 12 Reductio Ad Absurdum: Proof by Contradiction 1) Euclid’s proof that there are infinitely many primes. Read §3.6 and §3.7 2) 2 is irrational. Tuesday, May 13 Logs and contradiction. Read §3.8 Handout on §3.8: Critique and score the proofs in the handout. Wednesday, May 14 Grade and score the “proofs” in the handout. Thursday, May 15 Review for Exam II. Come prepared with questions! Friday, May 16 Exam II Overview of Exam II Sixty points and seven “problems.” 1. a) Find the Logical Form for a given conditional. b) Negate a logical form. 2. True/False similar to exercise 3.5/1 3. Find and simplify the contrapositive of a (quantified) conditional. N.B., A conditional may have another conditional imbedded as either the antecedent or as the consequent. That is, a conditional may have one of the forms: (i) ( p → q) → r or (ii) p → (q → r). It should be noted that these compound forms are NOT logically equivalent. 4. Given a divisibility test express it arithmetically (including quantifiers) and then apply it to a pair of (base 10) positive integers. 5. Prove one direction of a divisibility test. 6. A mod 3 cases proof. 7. A contradiction proof: log b r is irrational for given r and b. Practice Problem: Prove that log12 is irrational. Homework due Tuesday, May 6 3.3/18 Homework due Wednesday, May 7 Handout: 3.4/1, 6 Extra Credit due Friday, February 14 3.3/21 Monday, May 5 The 7 and 13 divisibility tests Tuesday, May 6 The Contrapositive Proof Read §3.4 Wednesday, May 7 Go over HW 3.4/1 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (FTA) Read §3.5 Thursday, May 8 Proof by cases Friday, May 9 Quiz and Group Worksheet Quiz 1. Find and simplify the contrapositive of a given conditional. 2. Given a divisibility test, express it arithmetically, including quantifiers. 3. Apply this divisibility test to a pair of given positive integers. Group Work 1. Prove one direction of a divisibility test. 2. Do an even/odd contrapositive proof. Practice Problems for the Group Work: 1. Prove for integers q and r, that if 19 (10q + r) , then 19 (q + 2r) . 2. Prove, for all integers x and y, that if 7x 2 − y 2 is odd, then x − y is odd. Homework due Monday, May 12 3.5/1,11 Math 260 Assignments April 28 to May 2 Homework due Wednesday, April 30 3.1/1, 3, 4, 14 Monday, April 28 Introduction to the Direct Proof: The sum of two even numbers is even. Read §3.1 Tuesday, April 29 More on the Direct Proof. Wednesday, April 30 a b and The Division Algorithm, a mod d Read §3.2 and §3.3 Thursday, May 1 Working with mod, A Few Divisibility Tests, The 9 Remainder Rule. Friday, May 2 Quiz III and Group Worksheet #3 Quiz (i) Use 9 Remainder Rule (ii) Negate a conditional (iii) Compute a mod d for given a and d. Worksheet Two proofs: (i) Use the definitions of even and odd. (ii) Use the definitions of x mod d and “divides”. Math 260 Assignments April 21 to April 25 Monday, April 21 Go over Homework Tuesday, April 22 The Distributive & Factor Laws for the quantifiers over “and” and “or” Read §2.7 Wednesday, April 23 Review for Exam I – Come prepared with questions! Thursday, April 24 Exam I Friday, April 25 No class (I will be grading exams) Review for Exam I Sixty points, seven “problems”. 1. Use a truth table to prove that two compound forms are logically equivalent. Recall that we do not use either of the symbols “ ≡ ” or “ ⇔ ” in a truth table. 2. True/False with quantifiers. 3. Negations: DeMoran’s Laws, negating quantifiers, negating conditionals. 4. Counterexamples: When is an object a counterexample? (e.g., see exercise 2.4/5) Construct counterexamples. 5. Logical Forms, implicit quantifiers. 6. Rules of Inference: Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Converse Error, Inverse Error. 7. (True/False) The Distributive and Factor Laws for the quantifiers over ∧ and ∨ . Math 260 Assignments April 11 to April 18 Homework due Monday, April 14 2.4/1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Handout) Extra Credit (due Friday, April 18): 2.4/6 Friday, April 11 Implicit Quantifiers Read §2.4 Monday, April 14 Go over HW Tuesday, April 15 (Euler’s Birthday) Syllogisms and Rules of Inference Read §2.5 Wednesday, April 16 Quiz II and Worksheet 2 Quiz Implicit Quantifiers (see exercise 2.4/4) Worksheet True/False with quantifiers Rules of Inference: Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, Converse Error, Inverse Error Thursday, April 17 Negations: DeMorgan, Conditional Negation Law, DeMorgan’s for Quantifiers Read §2.6 Friday, April 18 Negating multiple quantifiers Homework due Monday, April 21 Handout Math 260 Assignments April 2 to April 10 Homework due Friday, April 4 2.1/1, 2d, 2f, 2h, 5 Comment: Do not turn in the truth tables for exercise 5. Use a ruler to draw your truth tables. Do your HW on one – side only! Otherwise, it will not be graded. When you turn in your HW, fold your paper lengthwise and put your name on the top of the outside. Wednesday, April 2 Statements, Conjunction, Disjunction, Negation. Read §2.1 Thursday, April 3 Read §2.2 Hypothesis, Conclusion, Inclusive or, the Conditional and the Biconditional Friday, April 4 Tautology, Logically Equivalent, Logically Implies, Contradiction. Self – Study: 2.1/7 Read §2.3 Comment: DO NOT use either of the symbols ⇔, ⇒, ≡ in a truth table. Homework due Wednesday, April 9 2.2/ 4 a, b, c, 7 plus HW handout. Monday, April 7 Go over exercise 2.1/7 Sets and Predicates Read §2.3 Self – Study: 2.3/1 Tuesday, April 8 Truth Sets and the element form of a set. Wednesday, April 9 Quantifiers Thursday, April 10 Quiz & Group Worksheet (Worksheet is open book & open notes) Quiz: 1.Truth Table 2. Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency Worksheet: 1. Sequence of Equivalent Compound Forms (E.g., exercise 2.2/7) 2. Truth sets and element form sets. 3. True/False.