Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Ken Ono Emory University Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Thanks to the , Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Thanks to the , undergrads and I play by... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Thanks to the , undergrads and I play by......shooting off Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Thanks to the , undergrads and I play by......shooting off and getting in trouble , Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Thanks to the , undergrads and I play by......shooting off and getting in trouble ....and by proving theorems in number theory. , Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Our toys include.... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Our toys include.... (Prime numbers) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Our toys include.... (Prime numbers) (Partitions) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Child’s play... Our toys include.... (Prime numbers) (Partitions) (Numbers and Number Fields) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Some theorems on primes Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Some theorems on primes Theorem (Euclid) There are infinitely many prime numbers. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Some theorems on primes Theorem (Euclid) There are infinitely many prime numbers. Theorem (Prime Number Theorem) If π(x) := #{p ≤ x : prime}, then π(x) ∼ x . ln x Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Theorem (Dirichlet) If 0 ≤ r < t are integers for which gcd(r , t) = 1, then let πr ,t (x) := #{p ≤ x : prime and p ≡ r (mod t)}. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Theorem (Dirichlet) If 0 ≤ r < t are integers for which gcd(r , t) = 1, then let πr ,t (x) := #{p ≤ x : prime and p ≡ r Then in terms of Euler’s phi-function, we have πr ,t (x) ∼ 1 x · . φ(t) ln x (mod t)}. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Theorem (Dirichlet) If 0 ≤ r < t are integers for which gcd(r , t) = 1, then let πr ,t (x) := #{p ≤ x : prime and p ≡ r (mod t)}. Then in terms of Euler’s phi-function, we have πr ,t (x) ∼ 1 x · . φ(t) ln x Example (Half of the primes are of the following forms:) 3n + 1, 3n + 2 4n + 1, 4n + 3 6n + 1, 6n + 5 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Arithmetic progressions of primes Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Arithmetic progressions of primes Theorem (van der Corput (1939)) There are ∞ly many length 3 arithmetic progressions of primes. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Arithmetic progressions of primes Theorem (van der Corput (1939)) There are ∞ly many length 3 arithmetic progressions of primes. Example Here are examples of arithmetic progressions of length 3: (3, 3 + 2, 3 + 2 · 2) = (3, 5, 7), (5, 5 + 42, 5 + 2 · 42) = (5, 47, 89), (43, 43 + 30, 43 + 2 · 30) = (43, 73, 103). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers How long can these get? Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers How long can these get? Theorem (Green-Tao (2000s)) For every k there are ∞ly many length k AP of primes. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers How long can these get? Theorem (Green-Tao (2000s)) For every k there are ∞ly many length k AP of primes. Example Length 10 example: 199, 409, 619, 829, 1039, 1249, 1459, 1669, 1879, 2089. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Different problem Question Can you find k consecutive primes which end with the digit 1? Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Different problem Question Can you find k consecutive primes which end with the digit 1? Example We have the following consecutive primes 181, 191, 241, 251, .. . 4831, 4861, 4871. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A great theorem... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A great theorem... Theorem (Shiu (2000)) Let p1 = 2, p2 = 3, . . . be the primes in order. If gcd(r , t) = 1, then for every positive integer k there is an n for which pn ≡ pn+1 ≡ pn+2 ≡ · · · ≡ pn+k ≡ r (mod t). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A cool theorem... Theorem (Monks, Peluse, Ye) “Special” sets of primes have arbitrarily long sequences of primes in any arithmetic progression. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A cool theorem... Theorem (Monks, Peluse, Ye) “Special” sets of primes have arbitrarily long sequences of primes in any arithmetic progression. Corollary Define the sequence of integers Nπ := {bπc, b2πc, b3πc, . . . }. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A cool theorem... Theorem (Monks, Peluse, Ye) “Special” sets of primes have arbitrarily long sequences of primes in any arithmetic progression. Corollary Define the sequence of integers Nπ := {bπc, b2πc, b3πc, . . . }. Let pπ (n) be the nth prime in this sequence, and so pπ (1) = 3, pπ (2) = 31, pπ (3) = 37, . . . . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A cool theorem... Theorem (Monks, Peluse, Ye) “Special” sets of primes have arbitrarily long sequences of primes in any arithmetic progression. Corollary Define the sequence of integers Nπ := {bπc, b2πc, b3πc, . . . }. Let pπ (n) be the nth prime in this sequence, and so pπ (1) = 3, pπ (2) = 31, pπ (3) = 37, . . . . Then for every gcd(r , t) = 1 and every k there exists an n for which Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers A cool theorem... Theorem (Monks, Peluse, Ye) “Special” sets of primes have arbitrarily long sequences of primes in any arithmetic progression. Corollary Define the sequence of integers Nπ := {bπc, b2πc, b3πc, . . . }. Let pπ (n) be the nth prime in this sequence, and so pπ (1) = 3, pπ (2) = 31, pπ (3) = 37, . . . . Then for every gcd(r , t) = 1 and every k there exists an n for which pπ (n) ≡ pπ (n + 1) ≡ pπ (n + 2) ≡ pπ (n + k) ≡ r (mod t). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers More on strings of prime Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers More on strings of prime Example The first 6 consecutive primes ≡ 5 (mod 7) in Nπ is 26402437, 26402507, 26402591, 26402843, 26402899, 26402927. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers More on strings of prime Example The first 6 consecutive primes ≡ 5 (mod 7) in Nπ is 26402437, 26402507, 26402591, 26402843, 26402899, 26402927. Remark Special sets includes primes in the sets Nα := {bαc, b2αc, b3αc, . . . } α irrational real alg. int., N ∗ := {bn log log nc : n = 1, 2, 3, . . . }. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Prime Numbers Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences The Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 · · · Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences The Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 · · · Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences The Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 · · · Conjecture (Folklore) These are the only perfect powers! Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Perfect Powers in the Fibonacci Sequence Theorem (Siksek, Bugeaud, Mignotte, Annals of Math 2006) F0 = 0p , F1 = 1p , F6 = 23 , and F12 = 122 are the only perfect powers in the Fibonacci sequence. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Perfect Powers in the Fibonacci Sequence Theorem (Siksek, Bugeaud, Mignotte, Annals of Math 2006) F0 = 0p , F1 = 1p , F6 = 23 , and F12 = 122 are the only perfect powers in the Fibonacci sequence. Proof. Modularity of elliptic curves :-) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Lucas Sequences Definition (Lucas Sequence) A Lucas sequence un is a nondegenerate integral linear binary recurrence relation defined by un+2 = bun+1 + cun with u0 = 0 and u1 = 1. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Lucas Sequences Definition (Lucas Sequence) A Lucas sequence un is a nondegenerate integral linear binary recurrence relation defined by un+2 = bun+1 + cun with u0 = 0 and u1 = 1. Definition (Companion Sequence) The companion sequence vn is defined by vn+2 = bvn+1 + cvn with v0 = 2 and v1 = b. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Lucas Sequences A Lucas sequence (b, c) has characteristic polynomial and roots √ b ± b 2 + 4c 2 g (z) = z − bz − c, α, β = . 2 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Lucas Sequences A Lucas sequence (b, c) has characteristic polynomial and roots √ b ± b 2 + 4c 2 g (z) = z − bz − c, α, β = . 2 Fact 1. un = αn −β n α−β vn = αn + β n 2. u2k = uk vk 3. (b 2 + 4c)un2 = vn2 − 4(−c)n Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Specific Examples Theorem (Silliman, Vogt) For the following values of b and c: (b, c) = (3, −2), (5, −6), (7, −12), (17, −72), (9, −20) the Lucas sequence un has no nontrivial pth powers, except u2 = 32 in (9, −20). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences General Bound Conjecture (Frey-Mazur) Let E , E 0 be two elliptic curves defined over Q. If E [p] ∼ = E 0 [p] for some p > 17, then E and E 0 are isogenous. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences General Bound Conjecture (Frey-Mazur) Let E , E 0 be two elliptic curves defined over Q. If E [p] ∼ = E 0 [p] for some p > 17, then E and E 0 are isogenous. Theorem (Silliman, Vogt) Assume the Frey Mazur conjecture. Then a pth power un = y p satisfies p ≤ Ψ(b, c). where Ψ(b, c) is an explicit constant. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences More Examples Example The sequence (3, 1): 0, 1, 3, 10, 33, 109, 360, 1189, 3927, 12970, 42837, 141481, · · · We haven’t found any nontrivial perfect powers . . . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences More Examples Example The sequence (3, 1): 0, 1, 3, 10, 33, 109, 360, 1189, 3927, 12970, 42837, 141481, · · · We haven’t found any nontrivial perfect powers . . . Theorem (Silliman, Vogt) Assume the Frey-Mazur Conjecture. There are no nontrivial powers in the sequences (b, c) = (3, 1), (5, 1), and (7, 1). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Recurrence sequences Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Beautiful identities Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Beautiful identities Euler proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 24n ) = q − q 25 − q 49 + q 121 + q 169 − q 289 · · · . n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Beautiful identities Euler proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 24n ) = q − q 25 − q 49 + q 121 + q 169 − q 289 · · · . n=1 Jacobi proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 8n )3 = q − 3q 9 + 5q 25 − 7q 49 + 9q 81 − 11q 121 + · · · . n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Beautiful identities Euler proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 24n ) = q − q 25 − q 49 + q 121 + q 169 − q 289 · · · . n=1 Jacobi proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 8n )3 = q − 3q 9 + 5q 25 − 7q 49 + 9q 81 − 11q 121 + · · · . n=1 Gauss proved that q ∞ Y (1 − q 16n )2 = q+q 9 +q 25 +q 49 +q 81 +q 121 +q 169 +q 225 +· · · (1 − q 8n ) n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Such rare identities have been discovered by: Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Such rare identities have been discovered by: Crazy combinatorial manipulation of power series. Higher identities such as Jacobi’s ∞ Y (1 − q 2n )(1 + z 2 q 2n−1 )(1 + z −2 q 2n−1 ) = n=1 Modular forms. X m∈Z 2 z 2m q m . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Nekrasov-Okounkov Theory Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Nekrasov-Okounkov Theory Deeper structure for such identities. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Partitions Nekrasov-Okounkov Theory Deeper structure for such identities. One doesn’t have to multiply out and combine terms. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Partitions Definition A nonincreasing sequence of positive integers summing to n is a partition of n. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Partitions Definition A nonincreasing sequence of positive integers summing to n is a partition of n. p(n) := # {partitions of n} . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Partitions Definition A nonincreasing sequence of positive integers summing to n is a partition of n. p(n) := # {partitions of n} . Example {Partitions of 4} = {4 , 3 + 1, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1} Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Partitions Definition A nonincreasing sequence of positive integers summing to n is a partition of n. p(n) := # {partitions of n} . Example {Partitions of 4} = {4 , 3 + 1, 2 + 2, 2 + 1 + 1, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1} =⇒ p(4) = 5. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Generating function for p(n) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Generating function for p(n) Lemma We have that ∞ X n=0 n p(n)q = ∞ Y n=1 1 . 1 − qn Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Wishful thinking Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Wishful thinking Question Is there a “combinatorial theory” of infinite products where coefficient of q n = “formula in partitions of n”? Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Hooklengths of partitions Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Hooklengths of partitions Definition Hooks are the maximal ∗ ∗ ∗···∗ ∗ ∗ .. . ∗ in the Ferrers board of λ. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Hooklengths of partitions Definition Hooks are the maximal ∗ ∗ ∗···∗ ∗ ∗ .. . ∗ in the Ferrers board of λ. Hooklengths are their lengths, and H(λ) = { multiset of hooklengths of λ} Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov An example Example (λ = 5 + 3 + 2) 7 6 4 2 1 4 3 1 2 1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov An example Example (λ = 5 + 3 + 2) 7 6 4 2 1 4 3 1 2 1 An so H(λ) = {1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7}. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Nekrasov-Okounkov q-series Definition For z ∈ C, let Oz (q) := X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) 1− z . h2 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Example (λ = 5 + 3 + 2) 7 6 4 2 1 4 3 1 2 1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Example (λ = 5 + 3 + 2) 7 6 4 2 1 4 3 1 2 1 The λ-contribution to Oz (q) is Y z q 10 · 1− 2 h h∈H(λ) z 2 z z 2 z z 1− 1− 1− 1− = q 10 (1 − z)3 1 − 4 9 16 36 49 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited Letting z = 4, we consider O4 (q) = X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) 4 1− 2 h . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited Letting z = 4, we consider O4 (q) = X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) We only need λ where every hook h 6= 2. 4 1− 2 h . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited Letting z = 4, we consider O4 (q) = X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) 4 1− 2 h . We only need λ where every hook h 6= 2. =⇒ {Triangular partitions 1 + 2 + · · · + k} Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited. λ 0 1 2+1 3+2+1 8|λ| + 1 1 9 25 49 H(λ) φ {1} {1, 1, 3} {1, . . . , 5} Q (1 − 4/h2 ) 1 −3 5 −7 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited. λ 0 1 2+1 3+2+1 8|λ| + 1 1 9 25 49 H(λ) φ {1} {1, 1, 3} {1, . . . , 5} Q (1 − 4/h2 ) 1 −3 5 −7 And so we have =⇒ qO4 (q 8 ) = q − 3q 9 + 5q 25 − 7q 49 + · · · Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A famous identity revisited. λ 0 1 2+1 3+2+1 H(λ) φ {1} {1, 1, 3} {1, . . . , 5} 8|λ| + 1 1 9 25 49 Q (1 − 4/h2 ) 1 −3 5 −7 And so we have =⇒ qO4 (q 8 ) = q − 3q 9 + 5q 25 − 7q 49 + · · · Jacobi? = q ∞ Y (1 − q 8n )3 n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Big Identity Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Big Identity Theorem (Nekrasov-Okounkov) If z is complex, then Oz (q) := X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) 1− ∞ z Y = (1 − q n )z−1 . h2 n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Big Identity Theorem (Nekrasov-Okounkov) If z is complex, then Oz (q) := X λ q |λ| · Y h∈H(λ) 1− ∞ z Y = (1 − q n )z−1 . h2 n=1 Remark Letting z = 0 gives the generating function for p(n). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi-type identities Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi-type identities Question 1 When do the sums below vanish? A(a, b; n) := X Y |λ|=n h∈Ha (λ) ab 1− 2 h . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi-type identities Question 1 When do the sums below vanish? A(a, b; n) := X Y |λ|=n h∈Ha (λ) 2 ab 1− 2 h . Are there more identities of Euler, Gauss and Jacobi-type? Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Euler, Gauss, and Jacobi-type identities Question 1 When do the sums below vanish? A(a, b; n) := X Y |λ|=n h∈Ha (λ) ab 1− 2 h . 2 Are there more identities of Euler, Gauss and Jacobi-type? 3 If so, find them all. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A cool theorem Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A cool theorem Theorem (Clader, Kemper, Wage) The list of all pairs (a, b) for which “almost all” the A(a, b; n) vanish are (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 7), (1, 9), (1, 11), (1, 15), (1, 27), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 5), (2, 7), (3, 3), (3, 5), (3, 9), (4, 5), (4, 7), (7, 9), (7, 15). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov A cool theorem Theorem (Clader, Kemper, Wage) The list of all pairs (a, b) for which “almost all” the A(a, b; n) vanish are (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 7), (1, 9), (1, 11), (1, 15), (1, 27), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 5), (2, 7), (3, 3), (3, 5), (3, 9), (4, 5), (4, 7), (7, 9), (7, 15). Remark These pairs are the Euler, Gauss and Jacobi identities for X A(a, b; n)q n := ∞ Y (1 − q an )b . (1 − q n ) n=1 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Nekrasov-Okounkov Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Number fields Wrong Definition This is a number field. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Number fields Wrong Definition This is a number field. . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Number fields Wrong Definition This is a number field. . Definition A finite dimensional field extension of Q is called a number field. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields An invariant Remark The discriminant ∆K ∈ Z \ {0} of a number field K does: Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields An invariant Remark The discriminant ∆K ∈ Z \ {0} of a number field K does: “Measures” the volume of algebraic integers. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields An invariant Remark The discriminant ∆K ∈ Z \ {0} of a number field K does: “Measures” the volume of algebraic integers. Controls some properties of primes (ramification). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Quadratic fields √ If D is square-free and K := Q( D), then ( D if D ≡ 1 (mod 4), ∆K := 4D otherwise. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Quadratic fields √ If D is square-free and K := Q( D), then ( D if D ≡ 1 (mod 4), ∆K := 4D otherwise. Example For example, we have Q(i) =⇒ ∆ = −4 √ Q( 2) =⇒ ∆ = 8. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Distribution of quadratic fields Notation. Let N2 (X ) := #{quad fields with |∆| ≤ X }. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Distribution of quadratic fields Notation. Let N2 (X ) := #{quad fields with |∆| ≤ X }. X 102 104 106 N2 (X ) 61 6086 607925 N2 (X )/X 0.6100 . . . 0.6086 . . . 0.6079 . . . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Distribution of quadratic fields Notation. Let N2 (X ) := #{quad fields with |∆| ≤ X }. X 102 104 106 N2 (X ) 61 6086 607925 N2 (X )/X 0.6100 . . . 0.6086 . . . 0.6079 . . . Theorem (Easy) We have that N2 (X ) 6 = 2 = 0.607927 . . . . X →+∞ X π lim Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields General Number Fields Conjecture (Linnik) If we let Nn (X ) := #{degree n fields with |∆| ≤ X }, then Nn (X ) ∼ cn · X . Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields General Number Fields Conjecture (Linnik) If we let Nn (X ) := #{degree n fields with |∆| ≤ X }, then Nn (X ) ∼ cn · X . Theorem (Easy, Davenport-Heilbronn (70s), Bhargava (2000s)) Linnik’s Conjecture is true for n = 2, 3, 4, 5. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields General results Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields General results Theorem (Schmidt (1995), Ellenberg-Venkatesh (2006)) We have that Nn (X ) n n+2 X 4 if 6 ≤ n ≤ 84393, exp(C √log n) X if n > 84393. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Related Functions Notation. If G is a finite group, then let Nn (G ; X ) := number of deg n fields with |∆| ≤ X whose Galois closure has Galois group G Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Related Functions Notation. If G is a finite group, then let Nn (G ; X ) := number of deg n fields with |∆| ≤ X whose Galois closure has Galois group G Remark Estimating Nn (G ; X ) is easy only for n = 2 and G = Z/2Z. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Prime cyclic cases Theorem (Wright (1989)) If p is an odd prime, then there is a constant c(p) for which 1 Np (Z/pZ; X ) = c(p) · X p−1 + O(X 1/p ). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Prime cyclic cases Theorem (Wright (1989)) If p is an odd prime, then there is a constant c(p) for which 1 Np (Z/pZ; X ) = c(p) · X p−1 + O(X 1/p ). Conjecture (Cohen, Diaz y Diaz, Olivier (2006)) We have that 1 N3 (Z/3Z; X ) = c(3) · X 2 + O(X 1/6 ). Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields A cool theorem... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields A cool theorem... Theorem (Lee-Oh) Assuming the GRH, if p is an odd prime, then 1 1 1 Np (Z/pZ; X ) = c(p) · X p−1 + X 3(p−1) · Rp (log X ) + O(X 4(p−1) ), where Rp (x) is a polynomial of degree bp(p − 2)/3c − 1. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields A cool theorem... Theorem (Lee-Oh) Assuming the GRH, if p is an odd prime, then 1 1 1 Np (Z/pZ; X ) = c(p) · X p−1 + X 3(p−1) · Rp (log X ) + O(X 4(p−1) ), where Rp (x) is a polynomial of degree bp(p − 2)/3c − 1. Corollary (Lee-Oh) Assuming GRH, the Cohen, Diaz y Diaz, Olivier Conjecture is true. Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Linear regression when p = 3: Slope ∼ 1 6 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates Number Fields Linear regression when p = 3: Slope ∼ 1 6 3 2 1 5 10 15 20 25 -1 -2 x − axis = log10 (X ) 1 y − axis = log10 N3 (Z/3Z; X ) − c(3) · X 2 Cool theorems proved by undergraduates In conclusion... Our summer toys include.... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates In conclusion... Our summer toys include.... (Prime numbers) (Partitions) (Numbers and Number Fields) Cool theorems proved by undergraduates In conclusion... So, we basically.... Cool theorems proved by undergraduates In conclusion... So, we basically.... ....prove theorems, and...explode stuff...