ECE 7740 – The Early Preparation of the Mathematical Mind
Class participation and
The evaluation of their work will take into account the quality of their
discussion is expected at a
class participation as well as the written summary of their findings
higher conceptual level than
which must include two or more references.
that of undergraduates.
Graduate students will conduct
a systematic examination of
issues related to specific topics
for class discussion.
Provide evidence of having
The evaluation of their work will be based upon the degree to which
read and understood 4
they have applied higher order thinking skills in their review of the
assigned texts instead of 3 by
additional text.
Survey the literature related to The evaluation of this paper will be based upon the quality of the
to The Early Preparation of the
student’s research and his/her ability to relate the research findings
Mathematical Mind and
to the conceptual framework of this course.
identify and report on studies
that support and/or inform the
research based conceptual
framework of this course.
Prepare a 10 page report.
(Undergraduates do not have
this assignment.)
Be prepared to demonstrate a
The evaluation of the student’s presentation will be based upon the
degree to which it demonstrates developmentally appropriate
sequence of 3 or 4 Montessori
instruction that exemplifies Montessori best practices.
materials presentations you
have mastered in this course to
students in the Traditional
M.Ed. Program.
(Undergraduates do not have
this assignment.)
Be prepared to 1) demonstrate
your knowledge of how to
design the learning
environment by ordering and
structuring the mathematics
materials correctly on the
classroom shelves; 2)
demonstrate the ability to
diagnose the developmental
needs of children you observe;
and 3) demonstrate the ability
to present the developmentally
The evaluation of #1 will be based upon the degree to which the
student is able to perform this assignment in the model classroom.
The evaluation of #2 will be based upon the degree to which the
student is able to perform the assignment with children at the
practicum site.
The evaluation of #3 will be based upon the degree to which the
student is able to perform the assignment with children at the
practicum siate.
appropriate mathematics
materials in the correct
sequence to children based
upon their level of
Fieldwork assignment:
graduate students will carefully
observe the behavior of one
particular child for periods of
15 to 30 minutes on three
different occasions and submit
a report.
Prepare effectively for tests and
examinations. The Final
Examination will include
questions related to your
The evaluation of their report will be based upon their interpretation
of the observed behavior in light of the information and insights they
have been given in this course.
The evaluation of their answers to these questions will provide
additional evidence of the work that graduate students have done to
fulfill the graduate level requirements of this course.