Location of Curriculum Content Associated with CSWE EPAS Competency Practice Behaviors Designed to accompany Research for Effective Social Work Process, Second Edition, by Judy L. Krysik and Jerry Finn Undergraduate Level Course Objectives (# in syllabus) Competency List Practice Behavior and Content Course Units of content (if used) Assignments 1.Discuss the role of social work values and ethics in knowledge development, practice evaluation, and the resolution of social problems and practice issues EPAS 2.1.2 Recognize and manage personal values in a way that allows professional values to guide practice. The Context of Social Work Research 1. Readings: a. Krysik & Finn, Chapter 1 and 2 2. Exercises: a. Discuss the role of research in working with the Sanchez family (case study). b. Discussion of ethical issues in example research projects as presented in the chapter. c. Video: The Deadly Deception – Examples of ethical violations in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. 3. Assignments: a. Examination of potential ethical issues in research. b. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. 2.Critically analyze research studies and the application of research findings to generalist social work practice as a EPAS 2.1.3 The Politics and Ethics of Social Work Research Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and The Politics and Ethics of Social Work Research The Research Process 1. Readings: a. Krysik & Finn, Chapters 1 and 2 2. Exercises: a. Explore systematic reviews prepared by the Campbell Collaboration http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/ as examples of evidence based practice. b. Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics 1 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) knowledgeable research consumer. Competency 3.Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research designs. EPAS 2.1.6 List Practice Behavior and Content practice wisdom Course Units of content (if used) http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/ - Explore differences in health beliefs and how they might be reflected in designing research studies. 3. Assignments: a. Identifying evidence-based practice interventions. b. Peer-reviewed journal article critique. c. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. Analyze models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation. Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. Use research evidence to inform practice. Assignments The Research Process Single-subject Research Qualitative Research Group Research Designs 1. Readings: a. Krysik and Finn, Chapter 4-6 2. Exercises: a. Qualitative and quantitative research questions related to the same social problem or practice issue. b. Coding and memoing qualitative data. c. Carla Washburn (case study) understanding reactions to the death of an adult child from diverse qualitative traditions. d. Alcohol Impact Zone (case study) – Develop explanatory, descriptive, and explanatory research questions and identify appropriate group research designs. e. National Association of Social Workers Center for Workforce Studies Survey Instrument http://workforce.socialworkers.org/studies/survey_i nstr.pdf - Develop research designs to compare social work groups across various areas of interest. 3. Assignments: d. Peer-reviewed journal article critique. a. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. 2 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) Competency List Practice Behavior and Content 4. Discuss the application of quantitative and qualitative research methods in the development of social work knowledge and the evaluation of social work practice. EPAS 2.1.6 EPAS 2.1.10 a-d Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. Use research evidence to inform practice. Develop a mutually agreedon focus of work and desired outcomes. Collect, organize, and interpret client data. Develop mutually agreedon intervention goals and objectives. Select appropriate intervention strategies. Course Units of content (if used) The Research Process Single-subject Research Qualitative Research Group Research Designs Assignments 1. Readings: a. Krysik and Finn, Chapter 3-6 2. Exercises: a. Consider the Riverton case. How might you go about developing the research problem in working with this community? b. Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/ - Explore differences in health beliefs and how they might be reflected in designing research studies. c. Operationalize key social work concepts. d. Present single subject research data using a spreadsheet program. e. Code and memo qualitative data. f. Carla Washburn case understanding reactions to the death of an adult child from diverse qualitative traditions. g. Riverton case – Develop explanatory, descriptive, and explanatory research questions and identify appropriate group research designs. h. National Association of Social Workers Center for Workforce Studies Survey Instrument http://workforce.socialworkers.org/studies/survey_i nstr.pdf - Develop research designs to compare social work groups across various areas of interest. 3. Assignments: a. Identifying evidence-based practice interventions. b. Peer-reviewed journal article critique. c. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. 3 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) 5.Formulate appropriate research questions, operationalize variables of interest, collect relevant data, and develop a beginning understanding of methods to analyze and interpret results. Competency EPAS 2.1.6 List Practice Behavior and Content Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions Course Units of content (if used) Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. The Research Process Use research evidence to inform practice. Measurement Sampling Implementation - From Data Collection to Data Entry Describing the Data Bivariate Statistics and Statistical Inference Assignments 1. Readings: a. Krysik and Finn, Chapter 3, 7-11. 2. Exercises: a. Utilizing various random sampling methods. a. Oversampling of African Americans in the General Social Survey.SPSS or Excel tutorial: Developing a database. a. Operationalizing key social work concepts. b. Measuring grief and loss using the Carla Washburn case study. c. Strengths and limitations of the NASW Workforce d. Calculating measures of central tendency and dispersion. e. Data displays: Professional Development. NASW Membership Workforce Study questionnaire. f. Identifying appropriate statistical tests for example research questions. g. Poker chips visual demonstration of statistical significance and p-values. 3. Assignments: e. Peer-reviewed journal article critique. a. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. 4 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) Competency List Practice Behavior and Content 6.Design a singlesystem research study to evaluate of one’s own practice. EPAS 2.1.10a-d Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. Use research evidence to inform practice. Develop a mutually agreedon focus of work and desired outcomes. Course Units of content (if used) The Research Process Single-subject Research Evaluation of Social Work Services Assignments 1. Readings: a. Krysik and Finn, Chapter 3, 4 and 12 2. Exercises: a. Consider the Riverton case study; how might you go about developing the research problem in working with this community? a. Operationalizing variables. b. Presenting single subject research data using a spreadsheet program. a. Measuring objectives in the Riverton case. c. Social work education needs assessment. 3. Assignment: Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. Collect, organize, and interpret client data. Develop mutually agreedon intervention goals and objectives. Select appropriate intervention strategies. 5 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) Competency 7.Describe the characteristics of effective program evaluation. EPAS 2.1. 10a-d List Practice Behavior and Content Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions Develop a mutually agreedon focus of work and desired outcomes. Collect, organize, and interpret client data. Course Units of content (if used) Evaluation of social work services Assignments 1. Readings: Krysik and Finn, Chapter 12 2. Exercises: a. Measuring objectives in the Riverton case. b. Social work education needs assessment. 3. Assignments: a. Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. b. Peer-reviewed journal article critique. Develop mutually agreedon intervention goals and objectives. Select appropriate intervention strategies. 6 Course Objectives (# in syllabus) Competency List Practice Behavior and Content Critically analyze, monitor, and evaluate interventions 4. Demonstrate a beginning understanding of appropriate communication strategies in disseminating research findings. EPAS 2.1.1 EPAS 2.1.3 Demonstrate professional demeanor in communication. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication. Course Units of content (if used) Writing and Presenting Research Assignments 1. Readings: a. Krysik and Finn, Chapter 13 2. Exercises: a. Recognizing plagiarism. b. Evaluating research reports. 3. Assignment: Evaluating one’s one practice: Single subject design or program evaluation. 7