________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group SCLDMG Meeting Minutes Wednesday 04 December 2013 Beerwah Room, Level 3, Caloundra Administration Building, Omrah Avenue, Caloundra Business 1. Welcome The meeting commenced at 9:00am. Chairman, Mayor Mark Jamieson, welcomed all in attendance. It was acknowledged at the commencement of today’s meeting that due to the funeral of Cr. Des Dwyer business of today’s meeting was reordered. Mayor Jamieson and Andrew Ryan will be departing early and outgoing LDC Alan (Fox) Rogers will assume the chair for the latter half of the meeting. 2. Attendance Recorded as per the attendance sheet. Apologies were recorded from the following:Cr. Chris Thompson, Deputy Chair & Division 4 Councillor Steve Linnane, Deputy LDC Darren Sweedman, QAS Chris White, Queensland Fire & Emergency Services Andrew Allan, Queensland Fire & Emergency Services Gary Seaman, Queensland Fire & Emergency Services John Penney, Queensland Health Terry Malone, SEQ Water Stan Ryan, SES Local Controller, North Heath Collie, Sunshine Coast Council Brian Beswick, Sunshine Coast Council Jason Rainbird, Sunshine Coast Council – Airport Russell Paten, Telstra Noel Killip, Unitywater 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting Adoption of previous minutes from meetings held on Wednesday 18th September 2013. Moved: Seconded: Vote: 4. John Gallina, Sunshine Coast Council Rick Liddy, Queensland Police Service Carried – unanimously Business Arising from previous minutes (Action Register) QPS Restructure is ongoing. EMQ has ceased to exist as at 1/11/13. New organisation is now Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES), with responsibilities in Disaster Management, SES, Fire. Further restructuring will be ongoing and further updates will be provided as they occur. MOA work between Council and QFES will be completed once restructuring is completed. Get Ready Campaign was successfully launched in October. Noted that thanks be extended to the Sunshine Coast daily for their support of this campaign. EMQ Survey was circulated. Andrew Wyatt advised that this was a worthwhile exercise and will most likely be repeated in the future. 1 ________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group 5. Inward and outward correspondence 5.1 Inward (register attached) Correspondence from the Premier of 16/10 noted to have recommendations from the QFCOI implemented through the single State Planning Policy (SPP) and supporting guidance materials was currently being finalised. Encouraged all Councils to use the guidance when available to ensure proper flood controls are included in respective planning schemes to address the commission’s recommendations. Ian Pike from Rural Fire tabled incoming correspondence in response to his previous communications with the Minister regarding the recommendations of the Malone Review into Rural Fire Services in Queensland. Andrew Wyatt spoke to the new model for reporting from Commissioner Lee Johnson. New SitRep and other operational templates will be incorporated into the revised and future LDMP’s and also Guardian procedures during activations. 5.2 Outward (register attached) Adoption of inward and outward correspondence Moved: John GALLINA (SCC) Seconded: Andrew WYATT (QFES) Vote: Carried - unanimously 6. LDMG Priorities 6.1 2014 Local Disaster Management Plan (revised) The Revised LDMP had been circulated in draft format for ratification by members of the LDMG and this meeting. As no major objections were identified, the revised 2014 Sunshine Coast Council and Noosa Shire Council will now be formally proposed for adoption by both Councils. The Transfer Manager for Noosa Shire Council Peter Franks, has ratified the amended plan. The Sunshine Coast Council will consider the revised plan at an ordinary meeting in early 2014. Work will commence in mid 2014 on the new Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Plan. Beverly Wilson from Queensland Health advised that the pandemic procedures contained in the Queensland Health Sub-Plan were out of date. As events, Epidemic, Endemic and Pandemic are all significant risks, therefore updating is essential and will occur in January 2014. 6.2 Membership of LDMG Following discussion the membership of the Sunshine Coast LDMG was determined by exception, as follows:Council Personnel & positions: Chair & Deputy Chair – Mayor and Deputy Mayor Local Disaster Coordinator – Andrew Ryan, Director Infrastructure Services Deputy Local Disaster Coordinator – Steve Linnane, Manager Property Management Deputy Local Disaster Coordinator – John Gallina, Coordinator Disaster Management Community Liaison Officer – Jason Brewer, Manager Healthy Places Media Liaison Officer – Richard O’Leary, Manager Communications 2 ________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Member Organisations: Department of Communities Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES) – Disaster Management Energex Queensland Ambulance Service QFES – Urban Fire QFES – Rural Queensland Health Queensland Police Service Unity Water Non Member Advisors: Maritime Safety Queensland ABC Radio Red Cross SEQ Water Telstra SC Airport EORT Sunshine Coast daily Sunshine Coast Tafe College Surf Life Saving Queensland Telstra Queensland Rail SES Local Controller Sunshine Coast University Action: Secretariat to write to all members and complete requisite paperwork. Ongoing. 6.3 Deamalgamation Update: 6.4 Andrew Ryan provided a verbal update on de-amalgamation. Advised that an agreement is in place should a disaster event occur during the holiday season that IT systems will be preserved – continuity and safety of the community paramount. Discussion ensued re technicalities of the de-amalgamation on 2 January 2014. It would be difficult to know what may occur, however fall back and contingency plans are in place. November Exercise: Exercise Supercell: Fox advised the exercise demonstrated capability on the ground in Noosa for a small to medium event. After 48 hours it would be likely that additional assistance may be required. It was determined that key contact details, with emails and mobile numbers would be circulated. It is likely that Cr. Abbot will become the Chairperson of the Noosa LDMG. 3 ________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group 6.5 Official Handover of Local Disaster Coordinator Role Chairman Mark Jamieson formally welcomed Andrew Ryan as the new Local Disaster Coordinator for the Sunshine Coast Council. Cr. Jamieson also referred to the letter of endorsement from Commissioner Lee Johnson of Andrew’s appointment. Cr. Jamieson then extended best wishes to Alan (Fox) Rogers and thanked him on behalf of the group for his exemplary contribution over the past few years. A gift and presentation was made and unanimous acclamation for Fox was given. At this point Mayor Jamieson and Andrew Ryan had to depart the meeting. Mayor Jamieson wished everyone in attendance all the best for a safe and less challenging summer season. Fox Rogers assumed the chair for the balance of the meeting. 7. Agency Reports 7.1 Emergency Management Qld Andrew tabled the Queensland Disaster Management Training Framework, which is a legislative requirement. Andrew acknowledged that Council has done a lot of work in this area throughout the year. It was also acknowledged that Steve Linnane was the Sunshine Coast Liaison Officer at the district Coordination centre during the November exercise. Andrew pointed out that there is a legislative requirement for training for LDMG members and this will be pursued in 2014. 7.2 Queensland Police A/Senior Sergeant and XO Rick Liddy extended thanks to Fox Rogers on behalf of the DDC and the DDMG. Business as usual and working through the restructuring of QPS. It was noted that as the DDMG now have two Councils to oversee during emergencies, they will most likely operate from Police Headquarters at Carnaby Street in the future. 7.3 Energex Status Report May 2013 Energex Status Report was tabled and discussed. Steve advised there had been presentations with SES for ongoing information, training, Energex responses, with safety being the key component. More of these presentations are planned for the future. 7.4 Queensland Fire & Emergency Services Russell Thompson advised that fire season is in hand and there are no major concerns – perhaps not as much controlled burning as they would like, however as there is rain predicted, the fire season appears manageable. 8. Sub-group Reports 8.1 Community Awareness and Preparedness sub-group This sub-group has not met due to Jo McNaught-Anderson being on extended sick leave. The group has been advised and will remain in contact with John Gallina and the team, should anything of note arise or require action. Melanie has continued providing community talks to various community groups with more planned in 2014 as part of the ongoing Get Ready Queensland Campaign and community messaging. 4 ________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group 8.2 Human Services Sub-Group and Aged Care Sub-Group These two groups are to be continued under the direction of Jason Brewer, Manager Healthy Places, in Council’s Community Services Branch. Further updates on these groups will be provided to the next meeting. 8.3 Community Disaster Management Sub Groups Maleny Group has been very proactive and has requested that the LDMG formally adopt their sub-plan. Fox agreed that this would be ratified. The plan is the same generic plan as has been adopted by other community groups, but this is the first to come out of draft status and be actively presented in the community with community champions driving actions and followup. As the Community Resilience funding has now ceased, the Disaster Management Team will endeavour to maintain relationships with the groups which have been set up to date, so as to not lose the connection with these groups. Council’s Community Development Officers will take a more active role in liaising with these groups (Maleny; Kenilworth/Conondale; Mooloolah/Eudlo). The two northern region groups will revert to Noosa Shire Council (Cooran and Kin Kin). All relevant contact lists and paperwork has been provided to Noosa Council to ensure continuity and useful of these two groups continues. 9. General Business 9.1 NDRRA Update – Cathy Buck Cathy Buck provided an update on work carried out relevant to the NDRRA process to ensure the capture of accurate and appropriate information regarding impact and damage assessment. It is anticipated this improved process will improve the chances of Council receiving more comprehensive reimbursement under this scheme. Claims for 2011 are now finished, however work is still being carried out on 2012 and 2013 claims. QRA has also recognised Noosa as a Council from 1/1/14. 9.2 2013 November Exercise – John Gallina John advised that the Exercise Supercell was very successful and tested out capabilities of the LDCC and the FCC. The draft report will be finalised by 31 December prior to de-amalgamation formally occurring. The report and recommendations will be presented to the next LDMG for consideration and endorsement. 10. General Business Rick Liddy, QPS/OX to DDC tabled a report on managing disruptions to TMR operations. This is a very large report so will not be circulated with minutes. If any member wishes to view this report, please contact Rick directly. 11. Future Meetings The 2014-2015 schedule of meetings is proposed as follows: 2014 Meeting #01 Wednesday 12 March 2014, 9.00 -11:30am – Nambour, LCR, Eddie de Vere Building 2014 Meeting #02 Wednesday 18 June 2014, 9.00 -11:30am – Caloundra, venue to be confirmed 2014 Meeting #03 5 ________________________ Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group Wednesday 10 September 2014, 9.00 -11:30am – Nambour, venue to be confirmed 2014 Meeting #04 Wednesday 10 December 2014, 9.00 -11:30am – Caloundra, venue to be advised Please note Meeting wizards have been sent for these meetings, however dates and venues are subject to change. Meeting closed at 11:30am. 6