Early American Literature and Its Influences

Early American Literature and Its Influences
Honors 11 English / Mrs. Dibble and Mrs. Lowe
Group Projects
The Native Americans (all parts)
A. In literature book, read pages 12 through 15.
B. Using this information, the information in the
handouts that you were given, and any other useful
information you glean from outside sources, create a
poster discussing the characteristics of Native
Americans (particularly the 4 tribes mentioned) and
their Literature.
C. Read “The Earth on Turtle’s Back” (pages 16-18), “When
Grizzlies Walked Upright” (pages 19-21) and the handout
containing “The Iroquois Creation Story” and “The Pima
Creation Story”. Choose three of the four to perform for the
class in brief skits which convey the main points of the stories.
D. The literature of the Native Americans was passed down through oral
tradition. Create a choral reading and perform this oral story for the class.
You will need to explain what a choral reading is!
The European Explorers (all parts)
A. After doing some research (your US history book or
Google might be excellent sources), make a poster
discussing the different reasons why the European
explorers came over (The Spanish, the French, and
the English). Include the characteristics of the
literature of this time.
B. Google Christopher Columbus on the Internet. Be sure
to look at his journals. Create a skit showing portraying the events for at
least three different entries and make sure one of those includes the letter.
C. Read the poem “Prayer for Columbus” written by Walt Whitman. You
can find this online. Compose and present your own poems concerning
Columbus – one using the info about him you gathered as you researched,
the other written about or in the voice of the Native Americans who
experienced this man.
The Puritans Part One (all sections)
A. In literature book, read pages 5 and 6.
B. Create a poster teaching “What to Know About the Puritans” – include
why they came, the details of their voyage, their arrival and the goals
they had upon their arrival. This should be illustrated. I will expect you
have more than just the information given in your text book.
C. Read the accounts of John Smith and William Bradford in your
textbook (pages 72-80). Create a large Venn Diagram showing the
differences/similarities between the two experiences that are
D. Google the life of a Colonial Puritan Women – example – Ann Bradstreet,
Sarah Kemble Knight, or Mary Rowlandson. Compose a diary entry that
reveals what a typical day in at least two puritan women’s lives.
The Hardcore Puritans (all parts)
A. In literature book, read pages 108 – 112. This is an excerpt
from Jonathan Edwards’ sermon “Sinners in the Hands of
an Angry God.” Find at least 10 examples of figurative
language (similes or metaphors). Illustrate these in a lovely
B. Create a poster showing the religious beliefs of the Puritans and
elaborating on how those influences were seen in Puritan
C. Google a typical Sabbath day during the Puritan era. In a
poster, convey how the day was spent. Be detailed!
D. Create a skit where Edwards delivers his speech and then explain how this
speech was typical of the Puritan times.
African Immigrants (all parts)
A. Read the section on Equiano in your textbook (pages44-47). Take notes on
the coming to America from the perspective of a slave. Don’t just tell us it
was unpleasant. I want details! Make a slave ship – I am mostly concerned
with the lower levels, but perhaps you could have this split open.
B. Create a Big Book relating the Coming to America Experienced by these
Africans. Google information for this.
Our Nation is Born!
A. Read the historical background in your text (pages 128-135) and create a
PowerPoint showcasing the important data.
You should add to the info through research.
Again, the history textbook is a very good
B. Make a salt map of the original colonies,
labeling each.
C. Make a poster explaining the who, what, and
when’s of each colony. Why were they settled
and by whom?