English - Credicorp

Personal data:
Passport number:
Telephone & fax number:
Porfirio E. Ortiz Gutiérrez.
Costa Rican born.
2283-5798, 2283-3689, mobile 8383-5999,
E-mail address: portiz@credicorpcr.com
University Education:
Bachelor in Business Administration. Specialty: Marketing and
Production, graduated at the University of Costa Rica.
Master in Business Administration. Specialty: International
Business, graduated at the National University of San Diego
Master in Business Administration. Specialty: Finances and
Banking, graduated at the National University of San Diego,
Post-Graduate Studies in Political Economics; graduated at the
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Master in Public Administration. Specialty: Developing Countries;
graduated at the Universiteit van Antwerpen Ruca, Belgium.
Professional Experience:
Senior Credit Officer for ten years in three different Banks:
Bancoop, former First National Bank of Boston and Interfin Bank.
CFO, Group Controller and CEO for ten years in Transnational
Corporations of: England (CFO-Tootal Thread), Switzerland (Group
Controller Worldwide, and CEO for Costa Rica–Precious Woods),
Germany (CFO-Mercedes-Benz) & Canada (CEO PayGen Intl.).
Sales and Marketing Manager Worldwide of Xeltron, S.A.
International Trade Officer of the Embassy of Costa Rica in Belgium,
at the European Community, for four years (1990-1994).
Actually is the President and founder partner of CREDICORP, S.A.
Other activities:
INCAE: “Credit evaluation with PC’s, under inflationary conditions”.
Alajuela, Costa Rica. A branch of Harvard University in Costa Rica.
International Trade Center from UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva,
Switzerland for International Trade Officers: “Investment Promotion
and Exports to Central America in the 1990’s”, given by the United
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and José María Peralta School, given for
International University of Kristiansand, Norway: “The German
Economy and the European Challenges in the 90’s”.
N.G.O. Youth for Development & Cooperation, Girona, Spain: “The
North & South Cooperation for the Education for Development
Economic and financial advisor for the IDB Interamerican
Development Bank in different projects, through the Industrial
Chamber of Costa Rica, Cooperatives, Banco Nacional, Banco
Improsa and Unacoop. Complete use of MS Office and internet.
Professor of Finances and Banking at the University of San José,
UIA and the University Latina. Writer of economical articles for
Costa Rican journals as “La Nación and La República”, as well as
Actualidad Económica Magazine, and is a member of its
Professional Association of Financists & Economists of Costa Rica.
English & Spanish, very good; German, French & Dutch, Good.
Portugese, basic knowledge.
What is CREDICORP? CREDICORP is a mortgage broker company,
oriented to support and facilitate the acquisition of credit needs for firms and projects
(located in Costa Rica), to meet their own financial requirements. Our company
offers all the technical support to submit credit proposals to Banks and/or Financial
Institutions, including the creation and development of an accurate Business Plan
with Financial and Strategic Risk Analysis as well as all the information requested
from the local Banks. We aim to provide credit committees with the right “data” so
they can approve the credit transactions in a timely and accurate way.
What do we sell? To be concrete and precise, “accurate and documented
information”. There are other attributes which give added value to our service
such as logistic support, internal contacts with Banks, lower costs, longer loan
terms, better interest rates and commissions, which at the end improves your cash
flow, reducing the project risks and therefore increasing the probabilities for success.
Who forms CREDICORP? We are an interdisciplinary group of financial
analysts, certified public accountants, real state brokers, lawyers and engineers,
with more then 20 years of experience in transnational corporations, banks, and
other financial institutions, with a very high prestige in the market. These
professionals have studied in Universities of various countries including United
States, Belgium, Norway, Switzerland, Spain and Costa Rica, and have international
In which language can CREDICORP communicate with you? The
mentioned group of advisors speaks different languages such as Spanish, English,
German, French, Dutch and Portugese.
How can you get in touch with CREDICORP? We are located in the near
of “Plaza del Sol” in Curridabat, positioned in the market with a very strong image
and high prestige in the country, looking forward to offering an integrated service (as
the only one in Costa Rica), as a Mortgage Broker Company. The direct phone
number of CREDICORP is (506) 2283 5798, mobile phone of the President (Mr.
Ortiz) (506) 8383 5999, and its e-mail address: “portiz@credicorpcr.com”.
What are the credit facilities offered by CREDICORP for financing?
Specific loans for:
a) Real state purchasing land and development; new projects and running
b) Fixed assets as machinery and equipment, buildings, warehouses, shopping
centers, commercial stores, hotels, cabins, houses, cars, etc.
c) Debt restructuring and debt conversion from local currency into dollars -and
vice versa-, and even a combination of both of them simultaneously
 Revolving lines of credit for:
a) Working capital for local transactions and / or import - export
b) Factoring, “back to back” operations
c) Letters of credit, Trusts, leasing operations, etc.
All of them in dollars and colones.
“CREDICORP, the easiest way to finance projects in Costa Rica…”. Call us now!!!