SOUTH EAST WALES PPI NETWORK Practitioners’ Meeting Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th January 2012 at the YMCA, Newport. Present Chris Hodson (Vice Chair) Rhian Lewis Nina Weaver Alison Johnstone (Minutes) Eleri Girt Heidi Cook Kathryn Doughton Moira Boliver Bob Hall Wayne Jepson Sheila Harrison Emma-Jayne Lewis Apologies Steven Allen Des Kitto Clive Barnby Dafydd Snelling Helen Jessop Julia Rooney Michelle Tucker Sally Stoat Tracey Good Kate Thomas Toni Muller 1|Page Apologies Several apologies were received (see above). Chris advised that Steve Allen has sadly resigned from the post of Chair due to work commitments. The group discussed the need to identify a new Chair and Vice Chairs. Minutes of the last meeting held on 8th June 2011. Agenda and Minutes were not distributed for this meeting. Matters Arising - Discuss new Chair and Vice Chair arrangements - Discuss potential speakers for future meetings New Chairing arrangements It was decided by the group that Chris Hodson would become Chair. Nina Weaver offered to support with the administration of the meetings (i.e. booking venues, food, circulating papers). Alison Johnstone and Kath Doughton would act as Vice Chairs and coordinate speakers; set agenda’s and support Chris with his duties. Discussion: - Identify whether Welsh Government (WG) would continue to support financing meeting venues. Chris to contact WG. - Chris to contact WG and the Chairs of other networks to identify their positions, and to discuss projects they are focussing on. The project for the South East Network is Monitoring & Evaluating PPI. Future meetings The dates set for 2012-2013 are: - 28th March 2012 (minutes Eleri, deputy Emma) - 4th July 2012 (minutes Rhian, deputy Alison) - 3rd October 2012 (minutes Nina, deputy Rhian) - 9th January 2013 (minutes Emma, deputy Kath) 2|Page The group discussed ideas for potential speakers. Alison will liaise with speakers and coordinate dates for attendance at meetings. - Education Programme for Patients (EPP). Wayne to link with Margaret Rennocks, Self Care Lead for Wales and Sarah Cronin, EPP Principal Trainer. Also a suggestion to ask a local EPP trainer to come along. - To invite a colleague from Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) to discuss Care Standards. Heidi to forward details on to Alison. - To invite Gareth Cook to discuss the Carers Strategies Measure. Sheila to pass details to Alison. - Kath Doughton to give an overview of the Have our Say scheme in Cwm Taf Health Board (booked in for July meeting) - Rhian and Nina to give feedback from their work with the Continence Service (booked in for March meeting) - Dignity in Care. Look to invite Paula Walters from the NHS Centre for Equality & Human Rights. Also a Nurse from Cwm Taf, Rebecca Ailwood who is undertaking Fundamentals of Care work around Dignity. Kath to link with Rebecca. Wayne to speak to Paula. - Digital Storytelling. Ask Sarah Puntoni to come back and provide an update on her work. - Alison advised on the report ‘Accessible Healthcare for People with Sensory Loss in Wales’. Alison will contact Action on Hearing Loss to invite them to meeting to discuss report. (booked in for July meeting) PPI Theme: Monitoring and Evaluation Briefly discussed the theme, Monitoring & Evaluation and the need to map out what we intend to do with this topic. Will agenda this for the next meeting to plan some work. 3|Page Information Sharing: Network members Wayne Jepson - Working with Participation Cymru and NHS Confederation in running Half day PPI Awareness sessions for Board members - Running 3 engagement events with the Consultation Institute. Events focus on engaging with different groups: Hard to Reach; Children and Young People; and Older People - Working with SSIA on Carers Strategy and raising awareness - Planning an event around Social Enterprise in Health & Social Care - Has been involved in planning PPI Training events with different Health Boards, and these are evolving now to involve other Local Service providers Moira - Moira stated that her role is changing and she will no longer be involved in PPI work. Chris thanked Moyra for her longstanding membership on the group and her involvement over the years. Kath - Role is changing and now comes under Planning Directorate. Picking up citizen involvement as well as patient experience now. Alison - Highlighed ‘Accessible Healthcare for People with Sensory Loss in Wales’ report. Will circulate with minutes. - Introduced Pre Hospital Communication Guide produced by London Ambulance Service. The Welsh Ambulance Service are consulting on it at the moment with a view to producing one for Wales. The group were asked to take a booklet and evaluation sheet and send comments back to Alison 4|Page - The Partners in Healthcare Newsletter ‘Network News’ has been produced in an audio format. The group were encouraged to take a copy and promote with appropriate groups - The Partners in Healthcare Team are coordinating ‘Meet Your Ambulance Service’ events across Wales. Stakeholders are invited which include the Health Boards, CHC’s, Voluntary facilitators and local community groups. Members of the public are invited to attend to find out more about ambulance services in their local area. The events are proving effective in engaging and sharing messages with local people and a further 7 events are planned for 2012. Sheila - Submitted a paper to the Board to give an overview of Patient Experience processes and work developments, including how the Health Board deals with immediate feedback; retrospective feedback; Patient Stories; and area specific involvement projects. - Undertaking work with Carers – sending questionnaires to known carers to identify issues - Created a ‘changing places’ room in University Hospital of Wales (UHW) for people to use if they require a larger space to use changing facilities. This has now been built into the planning process for any new estates development. - Working with Macmillan on an Information Centre at the Concourse in UHW, which is hoped to be completed by March. Also working on a Volunteering programme for staff to manage the centre. They have employed a Macmillan Information Officer to coordinate the centre. - Scoping out patient groups across Cardiff & Vale Health Board sites. Over 40 groups identified so far - Working with NHS Direct Wales on delivering Live Information Surgeries at UHW Concourse to provide health information & signposting to patients and the public. 5|Page Heidi - Undertaking a great deal of work in Primary care around Patient and Public Engagement. - Coordinating Patient experience questionnaire locally, where reports are fed into the Local Health Board and Health Inspectorate Wales. Eleri - South East Cancer Network and South West Network have combined, and Eleri is working more closely with her South West colleagues on patient involvement work. Rhian - Volunteer policy has been ratified. Following a request from WG regarding information on volunteering opportunities, Rhian has developed a list of local activities. - Nina and Rhian attended Digital Storytelling training and have since produced their first story, although it has proved challenging using some of the software. Rhian looking at developing a Digital Story Standard. Nina - Still member of various local groups, i.e. Stakeholder Reference Board, Patient Experience Board. - Presenting soon to the Executive Board on recent Panel developments. Bob - Continues to Chair a range of local groups, which enables him to give a broad representative view on local work. Emma - Leading on PPI work for the Speech and Language Therapy Unit. Involved in various work, i.e. looking at development website using service users; looking at signage around the hospital; will be engaging with hard to reach groups about the service. 6|Page - Looking to develop a digital story for a ‘Talk Time’ group for those with Downs Syndrome. Any Other Business No other business raised. Date of the Next Meeting 28th March 2012. 7|Page