student project4

The human genome project not only can help in identifying the criminals, but
also the development of Human behavioral genetics. However, these two
improvements will be lead to many social consequences such as discrimination and
the law's view of the bounds of individual conduct.
Genes are controlling the characteristic of people. Only one-tenth of a single
percent of DNA (about 3 million bases) differs from one person to the next. Scientists
can use these variable regions to generate a DNA profile of an individual, using
samples from blood, bone, hair, and other body tissues and products. In criminal cases,
this generally involves obtaining samples from crime-scene evidence and a suspect,
extracting the DNA, and analyzing it for the presence of a set of specific DNA regions
(markers). Scientists find the markers in a DNA sample by designing small pieces of
DNA (probes) that will each seek out and bind to a complementary DNA sequence in
the sample. A series of probes bound to a DNA sample creates a distinctive pattern for
an individual. Forensic scientists compare these DNA profiles to determine whether
the suspect's sample matches the evidence sample. A marker by itself usually is not
unique to an individual; if, however, two DNA samples are alike at four or five
regions, odds are great that the samples are from the same person. If the sample
profiles don't match, the person did not contribute the DNA at the crime scene.
However, the process of this is very time consuming. The database of the human
genome project has stored the different kind in formation of genes. The police can
find out the characteristic of the criminals according to the database. This database
shortens the time to investigate. We can find out the criminals even they just left a hair
in the scene.
Human behavioral genetics, a relatively new field, seeks to understand both
the genetic and environmental contributions to individual variations in human
behavior. Human genome project put a big afford on this. By collecting and analyzing
the DNA of the criminals, we can find the common factors among them. Before these
people do something bad, we can prevent it happen. However, it often is difficult to
define the behavior in question. Behaviors, like all complex traits, involve multiple
genes, a reality that complicates the search for genetic contributions. Although the
database of the human genome project has stored the information, it is not ready for
prediction. If the population or the environment changes, the heritability most likely
will change as well. Most important, heritability statements provide no basis for
predictions about the expression of the trait in question in any given individual.
Behaviors change in response to alterations in biological structures or processes. For
example, a brain injury can turn a polite, mild-mannered person into a foul-mouthed,
aggressive boor, and we routinely modify the behavioral manifestations of mental
illnesses with drugs that alter brain chemistry. Hence, the personality is created by
interaction of both genes and environment.
Finally, although the project contributes to the society, discrimination will
become a serious problem. Predisposition of violence or antisocial, thrill-seeking
behavior and the health of a person will bring a lot of inconvenience. If the people
predispose to have a cancer, the insurance company will use a legally justified reason
to reject them from mortgage insurance. Although the genes control the human body,
it is just a potential. The people may not suffer from illness if they keep them body
healthy. It implies that the environment can cause individual variations in human.
Predictive diagnostic information derived from genetic tests should not be suppressed
in the absence of measures. Genetic causation is over determined in both concept and
A growing scientific and popular focus on genes and behavior has
contributed to a resurgence of behavioral genetic determinism—the belief that
genetics is the major factor in determining behavior. This could lead to grievous social
consequences. The criminal law also recognizes a version of the reasonable person
standard. Criminal negligence is defined by reference to a reasonable person. The
main rationales for the reasonable person standard are the required conduct of the
individual and the outcomes of cases are more predictable, having a unitary, objective
standard allows individuals to have reasonable expectations of the behavior of others,
it is easy for juries to apply, it can adapt and change over time, it does not need
detailed codification. It is not clear whether or how behavioral genetic discoveries and
claims will affect the law's fundamental assumptions about individuals as responsible
agents. If the unitary standard were replaced with a more subjective standard, it would
cause a significant change in the law's view of the bounds of individual conduct.
As the human genome project finished, clone man will become the next
investigation. People have many opinions on this tropic. The Raelians sponsored by
chemist Brigitte Boisselier and her cloning company has created a clone. Clone men
are the debacle on the human history. One like Art Caplan, Ph.D, who is a MSNBC
contributor, say clone man devalues the life. It is against the natural law. It is linked to
abortion and is a tool to raise the dead as well as to manufacture armies of clones. The
new-bored clone body may face the health problem because the technology now is
still not enough to prevent. Or the parents may start choosing the kind of body they
want. In addition, base on religious objection, God created human beings with
different characteristic, it means that human is specific. According to the original
Humanist Manifesto say, Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and
not created and believes that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as a
result of a continuous process. Cloning cannot create men. Moreover, the people can
live forever by downloading their memories into a cloned body. It may cause the
population problem. Death cannot be prevented and this kind of technology violates
the natural law. And should we regard the life of clone man the same as the human
beings? What is the meaning of the life of clone? If they just used for medical use, it
will be a tragedy.
Besides, it is said to be a breakthrough in health care. Firstly, the
one, who need an organ to save their lives, can survivals by this technology. The
doctor can create an organ that has the same genetic makeup by cloning. Or if the
patient have a serious health problem, clone man will be helpful. The patient will be
survival by downloading the memories into the healthy clone man. Hence, they can
have the new life. Secondly, the talent and skill can be restored. Clone man has the
same genetic make up as the parent. It implies that the clone will have the same
potential. These people can finish the tasks although the normal lifetime is not long
enough. Life is short, the time is not enough for people, and this technology can solve
this problem. Clone man just has the medical use, and contribute to the human beings.