Diary of Warren R. Houghtaling

Diary of 1911-1913
Warren R. Houghtaling
Completed August 3, 2011
February 17, 1911 D.H.H read letter from Martha. Came upstairs and talked to Willie about it. She
wanted $2000 to go to Europe and $3000 additional to live on. Very nasty letter D.H.H said she was
drunk when she wrote it!
February 18, 1911 154’4 W.R.H Saw D.V. Biggs. Miss Dwinger for dinner. Bought David 2 suits clothes
$10 each
June 19, 1911 Cut north lot – 2 ½ loads.
July 14, 1911 First Huckleberries
July 15, 1911 Finished haying- 16 loads- Reagan laid cement walk and steps front house.
July 20, 1911 had cows bred.
July 25, 1911 Harris fixed chimney.
July 27, 1911 First Katydid
July 29, 1911 Cut hedge.
August 9, 1911 Heifer bred Vosburgs
August 11, 1911 Mrs. Waitt died.
August 16, 1911 Church fair
August 17, 1911 Mr. Ackley died.
April 13, 1912 Henry and Irene sailed for Naples on “Berlin”. Went Sharon with Willie 323
April 14, 1912 Sharon. Went driving with Glovers and horses got away.
April 15, 1912 Titanic lost.
April 16, 1912 Returned to N.Y.
April 20, 1912 Sat. Father went Kingston- Willie went Sharon.
May 3, 1912 Fri. Willie went Sharon- I called on Mathilda in hospital.
May 5, 1912 Sunday- Father had slight _____& fell in hall. Telep Willie and she came home.
May 15, 1912 Wed. All went to Sharon. Svts went in morn.
May 21, 1912 Painted hives (Tuesday)
May 22, 1912 Father and Willie went N.Y.
May 24, 1912 Went fishing with Arthur Duane took Jane.
May 25, 1912 2nd lot chickens- 128
May 26, 1912 Sunday McClelland came up
May 27, 1912 Monday 41° Fine day
May 30, 1912 Heavy Thunderstorm
May 31, 1912 Very cold, put up tent
June 1, 1912 Put beds in tent- slept in tent with David.
June 2, 1912 Holtzmann and wife came up 83°
June 3, 1912 Holtzmann went home.
June 4, 1912 took down glass porch
June 5, 1912 Heavy thunderstorm. Jane went to N.Y. to dental with Wilhelmina 80°
June 6, 1912 43° Trimmed rose hedge.
June 7, 1912 David came up for last time to Sharon.
June 8, 1912 Cut hay north lot.
June 10, 1912 First swarm bees
June 12, 1912 Second swarm bees- got hay in from north lot.
June 14, 1912 Floyd Parker came. Ralph Millburn birthday.
June 15, 1912 Very ill, severe chill- sent for Chaffee and trained Nurse Miss Woods. Bina Contant came.
June 17, 1912 First strawberries
June 18, 1912 3d Swarm bees
June 19, 1912 First chard
June 20, 1912 Mathilda’s Birthday. First onions. Bina Contant went home.
June 24, 1912 First peas.
June 28, 1912 Went N.Y. meet Irene and Henry who return on Kr. N de G.
June 29, 1912 Ther. 99° in N.Y.
July 1, 1912 Ther. Sharon 39°
July 3, 1912 Cow should be bred this month. 87°
July 6, 1912 88° No rain 3 wks. Hot.
July 8, 1912 91°
July 9, 1912 92°
July 10, 1912 92- thunderstorm- hot wave broken.
July 17, 1912 Will Taylor and wife called in auto
July 20, 1912 Mrs. Cudlipp came up.
July 23, 1912 got hay in.
July 24, 1912 took off 108lbs honey
July 29, 1912 David went Pt. Washington visit Floyd Parker.
August 1, 1912 Took Mrs. Cudlipp to White Plains. Mrs. Waitt loaned her automobile and Dr. Chaffee
went with them.
August 6, 1912 David and I went Rathbones.
August 12, 1912 returned from Rathbones
August 13, 1912 Went Sharon
August 19, 1912 Mrs. Billings died
August 21, 1912 Tree men working trimming trees.
August 30, 1912 Swarm bees.
September 1, 1912 Started Furnace
September 17, 1912 David went Hotchkiss
September 23, 1912 Went Kingston with father in auto- Saw Clearwater
September 30, 1912 First frost 30°
October 10, 1912 W.R.H 146th
October 16, 1912 Jane and I went N.Y.
April 1, 1913 Edward Klebes left and Floyd Decker came on place.
April 29, 1913 Went to Sharon- First day out of house since been sick.
April 30, 1913 Very tired and weak. We are staying at home place.
May 3, 1913 Sat. Moved to Mrs. Ackley’s.
May 11, 1913 Harry G. Costello and wife came to our house rented it for season.
May 12, 1913 McBurney came to work on place $50 mo.
May 25, 1913 Coleman came up and went back.
May 29, 1913 Blanche and John came on evening train.
May 30, 1913 Decoration day; fine day.
May 31, 1913 Fine day. Blanche and John went over after David. Let Furnace fire out- first time.
June 1, 1913 Blanche and John went home 730. David rode back Hotchkiss on wheel. Weight 138- Slightly
June 2, 1913 Fine day drove with Dr. Morgan around Mudge Pond- Set 3 hens- 45 eggs.
June 3, 1913 “A day in June” Set another hen 15 eggs. Plant Lima beans (N.Y. May 20 Sharon 2 weeks
later = Eye down)
June 4, 1913 Wed. Slept in tent first time: Ther 49°- Miss Johnson and Jane. Cloudy and windy. Peabody
put in new water back range- couldn’t get hot water. Drove with Willie and Miss Johnson by Miss Whites
to Hotchkiss.
June 5, 1913 Thurs. Beautiful day. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan came lunch. Willie and I called on Duane and
Schwabs with Anne’s horse “greylegs”
June 6, 1913 Friday- 50°- 72 Painted Hives- Close and heavy. Good breeze drove down see Fahey with
Anne’s horse. Set hen- 14 eggs- Only 60 chickens left. Bartram about water and saw Costello.
June 7, 1913 Close and Heavy- Cloudy- Thunderstorm 2 p.m. Sat. Set another hen- 15 eggs. David walked
down from H. Planted corn home place.
June 8, 1913 Sun 45° Slept tent. Clear and bright.
June 9, 1913 Mon. 42° 53 Cold. High north wind. Started furnace. Lunched Waitts. Whole family. Mr. W
in N.Y. Saw Bartram and had leak fixed home place
June 10, 1913 Tues. 36° in tent. Beautiful day. First! Called on Anne with David and Willie.
June 11, 1913 Wed. Beautiful day. Warmer 42-76 Mrs. Waitt took Willie and I to Millerton- Set 2 hens 30
eggs. Bristol put in electric bell.
June 12, 1913 Thursday- 54° 78 Beautiful warm day. Took nap in tent. Ralph called and told us all about
pole game. Animal in chicken run. Fox in chicken yard. We have lost half our chicks.
June 13, 1913 Fri 50° 76 Beautiful day David went back Hotchkiss for Commencement. Jim Fahey
brought cow $80. Went Lakeville Mrs. Waitts auto- called on Dr. Morgan. Mrs. M in N.Y. about her eyes.
First Hudson berries.
June 14, 1913 Sat. 55-80 Hot and Fine. Commencement Hotchkiss. First swarm. Mrs. A’s hive. 830 a.m.
Mrs. Ackley came from Bennington.
June 15, 1913 Sun 54° North wind. Beautiful day. Wilhelmina slept in tent. First time. Took walk with Mr.
Len Bartram for Laurel.
June 16, 1913 Mon. Went Hotchkiss after David and brought him and Lesher back. Very hot 60-84.
Wrote Atkinson had ice cream in new tea room with Willie. Smyth ck 200 Rec’d tonight. Anna left 923 for
N.Y and Thursday sails for Sweden.
June 17, 1913 Tues. Willie decided give up her bees. Not doing a thing. Dive Willie to market and Dakin
and Peabody and paid bills. Steve Rosson, Lesher and David went golf links. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan called
in evening- sent strawberries and asparagus. Shot rat who has been eating chickens.
June 18, 1913 Wed. 47- 74 Boys said it was cold in tent. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. McNulty called. Lesher
left 232 p.m. for Millerton. Mrs. Orthcut called afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Waitt called evening brought
strawberries and roses. Cut hay Mrs. A’s lot. Atkinson wrote declining rectorship. Mrs. Ackley was
coming but didn’t.
June 19, 1913 Thur. 48° 68° Beautiful day. Set 2 hens 26 eggs. Our black cow calved today. Heifer calf.
Floyd was haying and went down see about. Colored man drunk in lot ordered him off. McBurney
brought 12 qts cherries can. Got in 2 loads hay. Rain at night. Got in cord birch firewood.
June 20, 1913 Fri. Rain storm First since the 7th Subs for “Evening Teleg”. Need the rain very much.
Wrote Union Dome Sav Bank. Mrs. Ackley Decker came see about cow. Sick. Told him get Dr. Thompson.
June 21, 1913 Sat. Rainy 60- Floyd weights 105 ¾ with wrapper. Stands 5 ft 2 ¾ inches. Cleared off in
morning Mr. Jones and Dr. Morgan called. Ralph and Anne called in evening and took us to Homestead
ice cream parlor. Called on Mrs. Hertzel.
June 22, 1913 Sun- 57°-74° beautiful day. Cool north wind. Wrote Dr. Tuttle and sent specimen.
June 23, 1913 Mon, 53-77 Beautiful day, Haircut. Paid weekly bills- with David and Floyd. A few chicks
came out. Mrs. Jamison called.
June 24, 1913 Tues. 52 70 Went N.Y. with Willie. Fine and hot. More chicks out. Lunch Del’s. Pomeroy
truss. Wanamakers, Hammacher S & Co. Dined Belmont- Dr. Munn called auto took us 58 St. Saw Mrs.
Munn. Called Dr. Tuttle 530 Said I was fine.
June 25, 1913 Wed. 60-80 Hot Cloudy- 2nd Swarm 830 out 34 49 chicks out. Coleman and Taylor called 910
Went Astor & Co. Saw Cockram and Astor Safe Dep Co. Tiffany and got watch and David’s watch. Lunch
Belmont: Left 320 for Sharon.
June 26, 1913 Thur. Cloudy 59. Warm Murky. In evening called on Waitts- found Sedgwicks there dining.
Waitt won his suit for reduction appraisement property. Reqst. Letter Franklin trust ck 450$ Appointed
Ex. Of D.H.H Est.
June 27, 1913 Fri 64 86 Damp, Cloudy, Close. Very hot. Arthur Duane and Dr. Morgan called morningMr. and Mrs. Pillow 530 p.m. David and Floyd went Jamison’s for swim. Bill from Liberty storage- wrote
them. Living Ackley house.
June 28, 1913 Sat 60-76 Floyd went home 9.23. Called on Jones. Saw Mr. Pellew & Boughton & told Dr.
Chaffee about McGowan. Printed photo of house & developed films.
June 29, 1913 Sun 52 78 Beautiful day. Jane, David and I slept in tent. Went church first time,
apportionment Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Morgan and Rev. Mr. Sheppard called $250.72 collection.
June 30, 1913 Mon 60-85 Lovely day. Mrs. Johnson left me today 4 p.m. She has been with me 5 mos.
Hazard and Ralph and Bunny called. David shot Eng. Sparrows. Wrote Mrs. Ackley.
July 1, 1913 Tues. Hottest day of year. 95° in tent. Did nothing. Coleman wrote. Will Probated 26 th Sent
summons and complaint in Supreme Court action. Sent Coleman statement of bills. Stock market seems
to be at bottom. Stock 49.
July 2, 1913 Wed. 70-83 Slept in tent under sheet. Very hot. Swam bees. 8 a.m. North wind and cooler.
Drove to Mr. Haynes for chickens. Baker witness summons and complaint- returned them to Coleman.
Rec’d check from Costello 500$ sent to Astor T. Co. Saw Landon about telephone Called on Dr. Mackey.
July 3, 1913 Thur. 59- 82 Saw Costello’s in front Gillette’s. Disturbance about ice and Floyd. Spoke about
fishing preserve. Miss Laura Wheeler. Lunch.
July 4, 1913, Fri 59- 87 Very hot. Quiet 4th 2 Goslings killed on home place. David went to Hiddens
July 5, 1913 Sat 68 85 Very hot. Pistol practice with David. Jones fireworks. David and Jane went.
July 6, 1913 Sun. 70° 85° Very hot. Bar 29 in. Large swarm 9 a.m. Very dry summer and hot weather.
July 7, 1913 Mon. 54- 76 ½ Cold, Cloudy, big change in weather. Cleared off bright. Mr. Pillow, Dr.
Morgan, Mrs. Orthcut called, separator came.
July 8, 1913 Tues. 46-76 Bar 2922 Beautiful day. Slept in underclothes and 4 blankets in tent. Showers
after 2.
July 9, 1913 Wed. 54°- 73 Bar 2925 Auto ride with Colgate. Cloudy.
July 10, 1913 Thur. 64 – 76 2905 Cloudy, humid, warm, called on Jones and Waitts in morning- afternoon
Mrs. Rhodes called.
July 11, 1913 Fri. 51- 2925 Bar. Lovely day. Weight 141 1/2 . Bees working hard but no swarms. Sent
specimen to Dr. Tuttle and Dr. Munn. Spent afternoon writing Coleman and Taylor.
July 12, 1913 Sat. 49° - 77° Bar 2920 Close. Cloudy- called on Costello’s. Took geese down. Went see Dr.
Schoup at Waitt’s- Wrote Coleman. Holtzmann and Murphy arrived from Fishkill 4 p.m. and left at 530
p.m. Bleecker and Florence arrived. 4 p.m. via Poughkeepsie.
July 13. 1913 Sun. 62°- 83° Bar 2910 Rain all night and warm. Lovely day. Took auto ride Lakeville with
Rathbones. Did not go to church.
July 14, 1913 Mon. 58 – 73 N.W. wind. Cool. Rode in auto Amenia and Millerton. Ice box robbed last
night. Dr. Morgan called. Took off 30 honey bars. Bar 2920. Wilbur came see about robbery. Cow sick:
had Thompson.
July 15, 1913 Tues. 52 – 75 Bar 2930. Bleecker started home 955 a.m. via Pawling.
July 16, 1913 First honey Dakin 16 lb Gillette 12 lb. Wed. 54- 76 Bar 2991 Fine day- windy- Gerald
Eggleston for lunch. Revolver and shot gun practice. Slept 2 hrs. Willie busy all day with bees. Drove
home place. Had words with Mrs. Decker.
July 17, 1913 Thur. 54-76 Bar 2930 Cloudy and warmer. Very bad night. Rectal pains. Stayed house. Did
nothing all day. Mr. Horace Mann called on way to train. Willie busy with bus all day. Didn’t see her.
July 18, 1913 Fri. 60- 76 Bar 2930 Rainy. First real rainy day this summer. Close and humid. Jane sick in
night. Too much candy. Vomiting!
July 19, 1913 Sat. 54°- 81° Bar 2910 Drove to Peabody’s- Market, and Anne’s- afternoon drove Willie
Coleman’s. Lovely day. Warm. Good breeze. Willie sent Mrs. Hertzel box honey. Took off two supers
honey. 36 lbs.
July 20, 1913 Sun. 56-76° Bar 2910 Beautiful day. Went church with Jane and David- Willie didn’t go. Mrs.
Ackley came after lunch from Chappaqua and returned 611 p.m. train. Showers in afternoon Willie
cleaned and finished to date 80 boxes honey.
July 21, 1913 Mon. 53- 77° Bar 2930 Lovely day north wind. Clear and bright. Sick. Dr. Schoeps called see
me. 6 p.m. drove Amenia Union with Dr. Morgan. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan called 830 p.m.
July 22, 1913 Tues 52- 80 Bar 2940 Sick in bed all day. Slept in house- no rain this month- very dry.
July 23, 1913 Wed. 56-81° Bar 2940 Very hot and close. Shower in afternoon. Slept in tent: feel better.
Didn’t go out. Brought up 25 boxes honey. Total 105 boxes.
July 24, 1913 Thurs. 62- 72° Floyd Decker cutting wheat and green oats. Rain a little night. Close. Cloudy.
Little rain. Mrs. Waitts for tea 4 p.m.: Met Mrs. Ogle and 2 ladies. Called on Mrs. Hertzel on way home.
Dakin putting fence front Mrs. Ackley’s.
July 25, 1913 Friday- 60- 73 Bar 2920 Slept in tent last night. Cleared in night- north wind. Calomel. Drove
Jane in buggy afternoon. Walked to P.O. in morning.
July 26, 1913 Sat. 49°- 77 Bar 2946 Cool. Cloudy. Cleared Lovely day. Dr. Morgan called- Said he would
stay. In eve drove Willie down Morehouse and Randall. David went to see “Two Orphans” Casino (25$)
Called on Waitt’s- Brought up 48 boxes honey. Total finished clean to date 153.
July 27, 1913 Sun. 53- 81 Bar 2940 Went to church. Dr. Morgan preached. Ralph and Anne came with
their babies in afternoon. Lovely day. Eve Dr. Schoep called say goodbye.
July 28, 1913 Mon. 60-80 Bar 2938 Wrote Hicks if he wanted honey. Willie drove Millerton with Annevery hot day.
July 29, 1913 Tues. 70-86 Bar 2938 Very damp- very hot. Close murky. David started on his visit to Lesher
at Blueberry Island camp. Shapleigh Me. Mrs. Watson, Miss Hidden called. Gave David 50$. Sent comp.
Sec. Bks. Wrote Coleman. Sent bills paid for his Ck. Haircut. Walked P.O. Saw Mr. Boughton.
July 30, 1913 Wed. 64-87 Bar 2930 Cooler. Thunderstorms north of us cleared atmosphere. No rain here
this north. Hottest day of summer. Went with Waitt to look at his house “Skiff”- Congregational Fair.
Jane went. Spent 40 cents.
July 31, 1913 Thur. 62- 85 Bar 2940 North wind. Good air. No humidity. Lunched at Waitts. Mr. W took
our photos. Ther. Up here 89°. Very hot day. Mr. I.N. Bartram called in evening to see about water in
cottage where Johnson sleeps. Read letter from Holtzmann asking for settlement: said he would come
up to see me. Sent Specimen Dr. Tuttle.
August 1, 1913 Fri. 62 – 74 Bar 2940 Sent Mrs. Ackley check. Paid bills- Fahey’s cow bred at Liner’s.
Showers- cloudy.
August 2, 1913 Sat. 64°- 81 Bar 2928 Warm- hazy- fine. Went Inn with Jane. To meet Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence who arrived 12 o’clock. Vestry meeting 230. Randall, Morehouse, Pillow, Boughton, Schwab
passed revolution giving Dr. Morgan vacation winter and every other summer. Rode to Millerton with
Mr. Waitt in auto.
August 3, 1913 Sun. 53- 82° Bar 2927 Warm day. Good breeze. Walked down home place look at spring.
Just running- didn’t go church. Went Inn called on Mr. Lawrence. Jersey cow calved.
August 4, 1913 Mon. 64- 76 Bar 2976 Few drops rain woke me this morning. Jane and I called on Mr.
Lawrence very windy. Evening Willie and I drove to Leedsville. Dr. Morgan went Bramewell W. Va. for
wedding. Willie very busy with bees: Took off 3 supers got 38 boxes. Sold to date 94 boxes given away
20 boxes.
August 5, 1913 Tues. New moon. 50-76 Bar 2936 Cold last night. Lovely day. Went Millerton with Costello
in his auto. Took Jane. Walked to inn in afternoon- didn’t see Mr. Lawrence. Mrs. Duane called at 1130.
Johnson went down to his mothers with horse and stayed for supper.
August 6, 1913 Wed. 55- 76 Bar 2940 Cloudy Sultry. Arthur Duane called in morning- promised me
Griffon puppy. In afternoon Willie and I called on Anne and her mother and sister. Then drove through
August 7, 1913 Thur. 60-70 Bar 2930 Began rain last night about 8 p.m. and rained for 2 hrs. First rain this
10 weeks. Need it very much. First night have not slept in tent. Willie says I don’t look so well this
morning- got 250 for Jersey calf- shower in afternoon- called on Mr. Lawrence.
August 8, 1913 Fri. 56- 79 Bar 2940 Close and murky. Called on Anne with Willie in morning. Also
Costello’s- Mr. Ussher came up 540 p.m. I met him station. Willie very proud of her honey: has 200 lbs on
hand boxed. Looks very fine.
August 9, 1913 Sat. 65- 81 Bar 8 a.m. 2938 Cloudy. Close. Very close and murky. Seems the hottest day of
summer. David came home 1120 train. Looks fine and had good time. Mr. Ussher went to N.Y. 357 p.m.
Stock market improving. Steel 61.
August 10, 1913 Sun. 70- 85 Bar 2928 Heavy thunderstorm 6 a.m. All family went church. Very hot day.
Wind and rain at 630. Rained later 930 when we went out to tent. Hottest day of year in N.Y. Then in
Herald Sq. at 230 p.m. was 103 1/2. Official record 98. (N.Y. Herald) Had heifer bred. (first time)
August 11, 1913 Mon. 52- 69° Bar 2933 High north wind. Beautifully clear. Awful change in temperature.
My fingers are frozen. Took Mr. Lawrence for drive as far as Kilchner’s. In afternoon walked to library
and called on Mr. Ryan. Photographed the dining room.
August 12, 1913 Tues. 50-73 Bar 2950 Beautiful day. No wind. Took Mr. Lawrence for drive through
Colgates. David and Jane went to circus. Dr. Morgan called- afternoon.
August 13, 1913 Wed. 54- 71. Bar 2943 Morning cloudy. Walked to inn with Jane. Methodist church fair.
Walked to Inn at half past five and saw Mr. Lawrence. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan came to lunch. Asked David
Taylor up for Sunday.
August 14, 1913 Thur. 58- 75 Bar 2940 Cloudy and damp. Drove David to golf links and after brought Mr.
Lawrence up to Kingsland to sit on porch. Afternoon photographed honey and dining room. Very hot in
west. For 10 day ther. In Kansas over 100. No rain. Corn average 30%. Loss 450 Million bushels. Highest
ther. 108-110. Dakin cleaned well.
August 15, 1913 Fri. 56- 77 Bar 2940 Humid. Hazy weather. Walked to inn to see Mr. Lawrence. At 230
Mrs. Morgan came in Mrs. Colgate’s auto and we went to Copake and brought Dr. Morgan home on
time for the Catholic fair. Mr. Bartram called and spent evening. Dakin said 4 ft. water in well.
August 16, 1913 Sat. 58- 83 Bar 2935 Amenia Field Day. Everybody went except us. Very humid and hot
day. The hills are hidden in mist. Walked to Inn with Jane to see Mr. Lawrence- Afternoon rested. I heard
the first “Katydid” today. Willie says she heard them 10 days ago.
August 17, 1913 Sun. 62- 86 Bar 2929 Weigh 138. Can’t seem to get any heavier. Very hot day. Humid.
David the only one who went to church. Mr. Mann and Anne called at 1130 a.m. Rested and read all day.
Went to bed at 8 p.m.
August 18, 1913 Mon. 66- 87 Bar 2930 Very hot. Went to Millerton. 1030 in Bostwick’s auto ($400) called
on Dan J. Gleason who served summons and complaints on Willie, David and Jane. Went Lakeville
bought 1st Conn. white peaches- clings- lovely- small but fine- called at school. Afternoon drove Willie as
far as Duane’s met Arthur on road. Stopped at Anne’s. In eve Mr. Roberts called and took 12 boxes
honey. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Stockbridge left 24 boxes there.
August 19, 1913 Tues. 64- 76 Bar 2947 North wind. Clear and cool slight shower yesterday and storm
north cleared the air. Drove down Duane’s to call Arthur. He was going to station meet friend- talked
with Floyd on return. Afternoon Willie and I called Miss Wheelers, Mrs. Rhodes (out), Mrs. Low: and
Pillows (Out) and Anne’s.
August 20, 1913 Wed. 50- 74 Bar 2964 Wrote M&M about David’s shoes. Began taking ice from Prindle.
Cool. Lovely. Took Mr. Lawrence and Jane to golf club. Afternoon called on Van Cortlandts (out) Mrs.
Herrick (out) Mrs. Dothoul and Waitts- Mr. Mackey’s lecture on Sharon saw Mr. Roberts- said he might
want 100 lbs honey.
August 21, 1913 Thur. 49- 72 ½ Bar 2966 Lovely day. Episcopal church fair. Mr. L and Jane and I took drive
over back road. In afternoon went to fair and drove to Lakeville. Got 2 baskets peaches. Crosby’s
peaches (cling) mountain rose (free) white. Very cold coming home. No rain, very dry. Lena our old
laundress came for visit.
August 22, 1913 Fri. 50- 69 Bar 2936 Cloudy. Strong south wind: rain at 6 p.m. First rain long time. Called
on Costello’s: found Floyd cleaning pond. Gave Floyd Tanglefoot. Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. McNulty called
morning. Mrs. Kenny Schwab called afternoon. Mathilda and Lena took drive. Slept in house. Second
time since June 1st. Put in 3 new Queens.
August 23, 1913 Sat. 52- 75 Bar 2909 Clear: High west wind after rain. Walked to Inn with Jane saw Mr.
Lawrence. At 5 p.m. went to golf club and called on Miss Street. No supper went bed 7 p.m. Slept in
house. Had Fahey’s cow bred again at Liner’s.
August 24, 1913 Sun. 54-74 Bar 2924 Lovely day. Stayed in bed until lunch. Willie, David and Jane went to
church. Anne’s baby Charlotte christened at 4 p.m. by Dr. Morgan. Willie and I godfather and
godmother, Dr. Nies in town called (out). Took photo Anne’s baby Dr. Nies came back and spent
evening. Slept in tent with David and Jane.
August 25, 1913 Mon. 54- 69 Bar 2931 Shopped honey for Ussher. First fall day- Cold! Mrs. Lawrence
called in morning sat by log fire. Afternoon drove to deserted house and took photos- then to golf club.
Norfolk, Litchfield, Sharon, playing for Rhodes cup. Mrs. Rhodes gave tea. Lovely day.
August 26, 1913 Tues. 45- 75 Bar 2930 Cold last night. Fine day. Lena went home 357. Drove Willie down
to market. Grew considerably warm in afternoon and hazy. Carrol Rhodes came lunch with Jane. Crazy
about pony. Took new photo. Mrs. Hertzel’s dog killed by Bostwick’s auto.
August 27, 1913 Wed. 62- 77 Bar 2927 Cloudy, warm. Another big change in temperature. This time all
right. Milbern’s for lunch, also Grace and Mrs. Hollingsworth. Sent to Laurent for lobsters and
artichokes. In afternoon called on Mrs. Schwab and Mr. Van Post. Also Miss Wheeler and Miss Gaint
(out- in N.Y.) Mr. Mackey’s lecture on old houses in Sharon.
August 28, 1913 Thur. 55- 76 Bar 2936 lovely day. Asked Costellos lunch, couldn’t come, so had Harry Van
Cortlandt. Drove Mr. Lawrence around by Randall’s and over Fahey’s hill and took Willie to Rhodes saw
Mr. and Mrs. R. and gave them photos of Carroll on pony. After lunch went to gold club after Willie and
called on Duane’s.
August 29, 1913 Fri. 63- 74 Bar 2910 Rain, thunderstorm at 430 a.m. First good rain in 13 weeks. Mr. and
Mrs. Waitt and Miss Schoeps for lunch. Melons, beef soup. Lobster cold, chickens, artichokes. Orange
ice. Rain and thunder at 930 when went to tent. Willie took off 30 lbs honey. Miss Schoeps returns to
Germany on next Thursday. Waitts going Oct. 16th for two years abroad.
August 30, 1913 Sat. 63- 75 Bar 2910 Thunderstorms at night. Haircut. Two weeks ago thought there
would be no more honey now they are filling up again- the three queens Willie put in week ago
yesterday are doing finely . Mrs. Waitt’s tea at golf club. Willie and I drove down.
August 31, 1913 Sun. 56-75 Bar 2938 Lovely day. Did not go to church. At 230 Mr. Waitt and Miss Schoeps.
Willie and I went to Mrs. Ogles New Malborough (36 mi) in auto. Time 1 hr 40 mins. Lovely place. Grand
view. Kneeland’s staying with her. Home 725 Very tired. Oliver, Chaffeur did not drive well. Marmon car.
September 1, 1913 Mon. 61- 78 Bar 2950 Labor day. Very heavy fog in morning. Drove Willie golf links in
morning and again in afternoon. David picked lots mushrooms on links and Johnson got some off home
place. Weigh 140. Dandy shed.
September 2, 1913 Tues. 60°- 79° Bar 2957 Heavy fogs and dew. Drove Mr. Lawrence to golf club and
brought Jane home she had been gathering mushrooms. Very hot and humid. In afternoon Dr. Morgan
and Mrs. White and Miss Schwab called. Photographed David at golf and gladioli. Sharon school opened.
September 3, 1913 Wed. 65-77 Bar 2948 Drove Mr. Lawrence to golf club and brought Jane home with
basket mushrooms. In afternoon drove Mrs. McLoughlins (wash woman) and called on Anna. They began
improvements on their house today to be done two months. Dr. and Mrs. Morgan went up to meet
September 4, 1913 Thur. 65° - 74° - 2938 Hazy but fine. Dr. Morgan’s relatives came back with them at
noon. Willie went down and fixed flowers. In afternoon packed trunk. Wrote letters.
September 5, 1913 Fri. 60° Bar 2938 Rain during night. Cloudy. David, Jane and I went to Rathbones on 4
p.m. Rained in White Plains. Went out in Taxi. Bleecker’s chauffeur left.
September 6, 1913 Sat. Cleared off. Hot and close. Went to N.Y. on 930. Bought David’s skates and
clothes. Called Dr. Tuttle at 4 p.m. He said I was getting better slowly. Returned.
September 7, 1913 Sun. Bleecker, David and I went to church at Rye.
September 8, 1913 Mon. At Bleecker’s. Put in 3 new queens.
September 9, 1913 Tues. At Bleecker’s.
September 10, 1913 Wed. At Bleecker’s.
September 11, 1913 Thur. At Bleecker’s.
September 12, 1913 Fri.
September 13, 1913 Sat. Returned to Sharon 930. Called on Anne. Windy and Cold.
September 14, 1913 Sun. 45° 65° Bar 2930 Frost. Cold. Beautiful day. Took tea with Mrs. Duane. Did not
go to church. Dr. Nies officiated and called at house. Haven’t tried sleeping in tent- too cold.
September 15, 1913 Mon. 38 60 Bar 2970 Frost. Lovely day. Walked to inn saw Mr. Lawrence. David
played golf all day and Willie went to home place in afternoon to attend to bees and golf grounds to see
David play.
September 16, 1913 Tues. 42 62 Bar 2971 Beautiful day. Called on Mr. Lawrence in morning. After lunch
Johnson and David drove to Hotchkiss with David’s belongings. I spent afternoon in Bartram’s shop and
Walters called with tax bill fire dist. $105.
September 17, 1913 Wed. 53-69 Bar 2958 Cloudy. Called on Mr. Lawrence. Got shooting License. Saw Mr.
Waitt tax office. David began school. Willie and Mathilda drove up and he went on wheel. Mrs.
Hollingsworth and Grace called.
September 18, 1913 Thur. 53 – 72 Bar 2919 Warm, cloudy. First “katydid” Aug. 16. Called on Mr.
Lawrence and ordered enlarging camera from Markress. Wilbur took down sign at cemetery. Letter from
Coleman about children’s guardian. Put up plums. Had bad fall over Boozer who was tied,
September 19, 1913 Fri. 52- 68 Bar 2925 Rain. Called at inn and went up to Lawrence’s room. He is not
feeling well. In afternoon Ralph called. Wrote Ussher. Miss Dunn. Blanche. Printed photos evening.
Furnace going.
September 20, 1913 Sat. 54 62 Bar 2928 Cloudy. Drizzle. Walked to P.O. Left watch of Jane’s at MarkressTook Auto (500) to Hotchkiss: got David and Rosson went Lakeville. Saw Robert’s bought David’s basket
peaches. Went to Millerton saw Dan J. Gleason. Had papers served. Took boys back school. Ret. Home
(130 to 415) Took butter and hot cheese to Dr. and Mrs. Morgan, they returned today. Doctor sick bad
September 21, 1913 Sun. 53 68 Bar 2922 Rain – First time since Dec. 1910 Went to church. Dr. Nies
officiated. Dr. Morgan present. Mr. Jones brought us home in auto. In afternoon Ralph called. Said
goodbye to Mr. Lawrence in morning.
September 22, 1913 Mon. Weigh 144 66 69 Bar 2910 Rain. Warm heavy rain since Friday- Big stormsouth wind- cleared off afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence went to N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Hollingsworth and
Grace went home. Called in afternoon at Anne’s to say good bye. In evening called at Waitts. They were
packing silver and laces as they are going abroad for two years. Called Mrs. Markress and ate grapes.
Weigh 144.
September 23, 1913 Tues. 48 – 60 Bar 2948 Bright, clear. Drove down to Duane’s and photo’d his new
dog: a griffon. At 2 p.m. drove to Hotchkiss. Couldn’t find David left him doz 13x5 honey. Delivered 60
boxes to Robert’s came back by Miss Whites – perfect day. McBurney helping Floyd cut corn. Corn got
touched with frost on 15th.
September 24, 1913 Wed. 47 63 Bar 2960 Lovely day. McBurney and Floyd cutting corn. Finished today.
Willie called on Mrs. Wakeman and I went to see Dr. Morgan. In afternoon drove to Millerton in
runabout. Printed Arthur’s photos. Mathilda made grape jelly. Weigh 155 with clothes on.
September 25, 1913 Thur. 45 – 70 Bar 2958 Lovely day. Walked to home place and told Floyd about
planting pears, peaches and raspberry and grapes. Changed ther. to front of house where it is warm.
Weigh 144 ½ grapes and buttermilk agree. Took down tent.
September 26, 1913 Fri. 45 – 72 Bar 2938 Very heavy fog in morning. Took McBurney down home place
showed him chicken house. Dakin ordered pickets. Afternoon drove Hotchkiss saw David and went
Spurr’s and bought grass seed (550) Waitts called 6 p.m. Del 48 bx Hotchkiss.
September 27, 1913 Sat. 45 65 Bar 2932 Very High N. wind. Bright and clear. Walked to P.O. got plate
back for 3 ¼ x 4 ¼ from Markress. Dr. Chaffee took me over to Stevenson’s near Amenia in afternoon in
auto. They played tennis.
September 28, 1913 Sun. 42 – 70 Bar 2960 Beautiful day. No wind. Bishop Brewster officiated.
Confirmation. Mrs. Waitt joined After lunch called Waitt’s and Anne’s David came home lunch with
Cameron Hall in their auto and returned at 445. E.W. McBurney. Hired man gave notice would leave on
Oct. 1st.
September 29, 1913 Mon. 48 72 Bar 2931 Beautiful day. Furnace going, but makes it too hot. Foliage just
beginning to turn on mountains. Vines and swamps are red and yellow. Leaves falling. Got my enlarging
camera from Markress and also grapes- 3d box for 30 cents each. Willie and I drove Amenia Union.
Called on Johnson’s mother. Mrs. Low operation for gall stones.
September 30, 1913 Tues 48 Bar 2934 Lovely day. Warm hazy. Called on Dr. Morgan and in afternoon
drove Willie down to see Miss Lee and Miss Jackson their English cousins. McBurney left and Johnson’s
brother Rufus comes tomorrow. Mr. Bartram called and chatted about furnace. Hind shoes new on
Dandy. Ordered 4 new queens.
October 1, 1913 Wed. 53 56 Bar 2928 Cloudy. Began rain at 10 a.m. and rained hard all day and night.
High wind. Stayed home all day. Rufus had hard time trying milk cow. She jumped fences and ran to
Liners with Rufus and Johnson after her in rain. Both soaked.
October 2, 1913 Thur. 52 60 Bar 2880 Lowest this fall. Big storm. Rain. Morgan’s and Misses Jackson and
Lee to lunch but I telephoned them come tomorrow on account of the rain. Walked to P.O. Bristol fixed
new lamps and I ordered pump $125. Specimen to Dr. Tuttle over 64.0 360 gals an hour.
October 3, 1913 Fri. 52 – 61 Bar 2887 High wind. Cloudy. Clear. Big lunch. Salmon from Laurent and
saddle lamb. Ice cream apple tarts. English cousins and Dr. Morgan to lunch. Mrs. M. sick cold. Called on
Anne. Her servants all left. Also called on Miss Wheeler. Enlarged David’s and Jane’s photo. The flies
seem to be going, glad to get rid of them.
October 4, 1913 Sat. 54 73 Bar 2910 Clear. Very high wind. Warm. Went to Bostwick’s and ordered
carriage 65$. Went over Hotchkiss and brought David and Rosson Lesher home. They went down to links
play golf. David home. Printed French rules on type writer for him. Jno. F. Scott wrote asking for price
place 50th.
October 5, 1913 Sun. 50 – 75 Bar 2930 Lovely day. Jane has cold and didn’t go to church. Rest of us went.
Drove the boys back to school at 4 p.m. Picked up an extra boy on the road with broken wheel and took
him and wheel in.
October 6, 1913 Mon. 52 77 Lovely day and hot. Bar 2943 Ther. went to 92 in sun on front porch. David
and Leonard Shepley came over at 930 and went to golf links. Herman, Scott, Anderson, Lesher came
later on wheels. Had them all for lunch. Took Shepley and David back as far as Landon’s and they got
their wheels and went back to Hotchkiss. Weight 145’4 Hunyadi. Town election. Dr. Morgan went N.Y.
October 7, 1913 Tues. 62 – 78 Bar 2950 Cloudy and warm. Had Rufus put new pickets in front fence. Took
Carrol and Elizabeth Rhodes around village in buggy and let them drive horse. Print photos all the
afternoon and evening. Mrs. Morgan sick and alone. Doctor gone to N.Y. to convention. Ther went 91 in
sun front house. Waitts left 920.
October 8, 1913 Wed. Opening shooting season. 64 – 69 2950 Cloudy. Rufus digging holes for grape
vines. Went down to superintend the job. Afternoon made enlargements of the boys photos. Willie sick:
bad cold. Vosburgh’s children have scarlet fever. Milburns all went N.Y. for month.
October 9, 1913 Thur. 63 – 73 Bar 2943 Cloudy. Damp. Funny weather. Warm: Looks like rain, but don’ttelep. Miss Barnes to see after Mrs. Morgan who is ill and alone. Doctor in N.Y. at convention and then I
drove down there myself. Rufus picked apples and painted hives. Took Mathilda’s photo. Dandy front
October 10, 1913 Fri. 63 – 80 Bar 2943 Cloudy and warm. Too hot for comfort. Ralph came lunch. Anne in
N.Y. Walked to P.O. in afternoon drove up Hotchkiss. Saw David gave him $5. Willie and Jane went
along. Printed Mathilda’s photos. Willie quite sick with cold. Dr. Chaffee gone Rochester. Telep. Waitts
“Bon Voyage” Mr. Von Post died in N.Y. 86. Weight 145 lbs. Put in 4 queens (new)
October 11, 1913 Sat. 62 all day Bar 2940 Rained a little 430 a.m. Dr. Chaffee called see Willie- bronchitis.
Dr. Morgan returned from N.Y. and called. Afternoon Dr. Chaffee and I went Bog Meadow shooting. Put
up 5 birds. One shot- got nothing. Walked very well. Better than I thought I could. Wrote Mr. Cudlipp to
come up.
October 12, 1913 Sun. 52 62 2920 Very heavy wind and rain. Storm last night. Jane and I went to church
and in afternoon took drive on Sharon Mt. Called at Ralph’s and met Mrs. Mills and Dr. Chaffee. Mr.
Pellow came over. Took Johnsons photo and Boozer.
October 13, 1913 Mon. 40 – 63 Bar 2920 Cloudy. Sprinkle. Dr. Chaffee and I went in motor to milk can
swamp. Put up 15 birds – doctor had 7 shots got nothing. I got 1 shot and 1 partridge and home at 550.
Jane went along. Took BooZer and pups. Pups found my bird. Miss Johnson came.
October 14, 1913 Tues.39 – 59 Bar 2940 High wind: bright. Took Miss Johnson and Jane in morning up
Lime Rock road and back through woods to Merwins. Pups got one fine point- missed bird. Afternoon
Dr. Chaffee and I went through Perkins Swamp and Bog Meadow by mill. Didn’t get a smell. Very high
wind and gale.
October 15, 1913 Wed. 43 65 Bar 2919 Big gale of wind last night. Wrote Mrs. Ackley and telep. 60.
Walked to P.O. twice after lunch. Miss Johnson, Jane and I went up through woods back Merwins.
Rhinehart gave her 13 gray squirrel tails.
October 16, 1913 Thur. 48 65 Bar 2920 High wind. Clear. Dr. Chaffee and I went out all day and got 2
birds (one each). Went through swamp on Sharon Mt. Took his auto- Mr. Cudlipp came up on evening
train. Floyd Decker said he wanted to leave.
October 17, 1913 Fri. Warm 50- 65 Too hot to hunt. Beautiful day. Went from Fairchild’s over Cornwall
Road with Rhinehart left at 8 and got back lunch one bird. Lots of birds but all wild. Went to home place
in afternoon with Mr. Cudlipp and Willie. Paid Rufus 25$ for 2 weeks and told him I’d give him 30$ and
board him. Willie observed yellow bees in hive she re-queened sep 8.
October 18, 1913 Sat 48 – 76- 2930 Cloudy and warm. Dr. Chaffee and I went in auto Westwoods and
over to Ellsworth swamp and Milk Can. Moved a dozen birds and Chaffee missed 2 easy shots. I had only
one shot and long one and I missed. Put up 2 coveys (3 birds each) in Milk Can Swamp. We got no birdsCostello notified us he would leave Nov 1st. Miss Johnson went N.Y. David came over for Sunday.
October 19, 1913 Sun. 48. 60 Bar 2930 Cloudy and windy. Rained last night. David, Jane and I went to
church. After lunch (partridges) I drove him to Hotchkiss (4 p.m.) raining little. At 8 o’clock commenced
raining hard.
October 20, 1913 Mon. 53 62 Bar 2880 Big storm. South east wind and rain. Bar went to 2849 Lowest I
have seen. Rained all day till 4 p.m. I tried to drive to Hotchkiss but rain turned us back. At five walked to
Ralphs he came back today and brought him to supper. Very high S.W. wind at night. All went down put
rocks on leeks.
October 21, 1913 Tues. 44 61 Bar 2880 Cloudy and windy after rain. Jane and I went down in wagon and
Rufus to Drexel place. Hunted over to Bog Meadow and back nary a bird or sign. Missed one jack rabbit.
After lunch all drove Hotchkiss and saw David and Lesher playing golf. Very cold and windy. Johnson
went N.Y. on morning train. Depot in stage.
October 22, 1913 Wed. 38 60 Bar 2952 Lovely day and cold. Mr. Cudlipp went home on morning train. Dr.
Chaffee and I hunted Milk Can Swamp put up 14 birds. I missed 3 easy shots- rotten. Home at 415 p.m.
Neither of us got anything. Wrote David Taylor would come N.Y. on 28 – 29.
October 23, 1913 Thur. 36-62 Bar 2970 Lovely day. N. Wind first good frost ground white. Ice in pans in
chicken yard David had holiday and walked over. Dr. Chaffee and I picked him up and we shot Fairchild’s
swamp. David was the only one who got shots and he missed. Home at 415. Dr. Chaffee had operation on
nurse at hospital for appendicitis. Mr. Eggleston took David back in auto at 630 p.m.
October 24, 1913 Fri. 47 55 Bar 2950 Cloudy, Warmer. Took Mrs. Hertzels Jap. Goto. out over Fairchild’s.
Hard luck met 2 men and 2 eng setter dogs. No birds. Came home lunch. At 3 began to rain. Had haricut.
Called on Mrs. Ackley. Taghanic with Willie and after on Dr. and Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Morgan has been
very sick and shows it. She is not very strong. Mrs. Morgan paid 6$ for her honey. Willie gave her $5 for
October 25, 1913 Sat. 62 62 Bar 2918. Rain and warm. Johnson came back on morning train. Rufus met
him station. Rained all day. Gro Prediger called about his check 525 last Feby and I went to Hoag’s with
him. Mr. Hoag had cashed it. His daughter signed it. George says he never got money.
October 26, 1913 Sun. 56 – 62 Bar 2910 Rain very hard all day. Jane and I went church. Dr. Morgan
preached on Eternity. Hebrews 6-5. Packed in afternoon. Didn’t go out. William and Billie (canaries) Just
beginning to sing after molting season. Flies almost gone. Few around on a/c furnace fire.
October 27, 1913 Mon. 51. Bar 2920 Cloudy and wet after rain. Blanche came on evening train. Went to
place. Saw Costello. Asked him to have glass put on porches.
October 28, 1913 Tues. Light rain- clearing. Went to N.Y. 901 Went to U.L Club. Had room 205. Went
David’s office at 215 met Coleman. 5 p.m. called on Sidney. Got back Club 615. Dined Denning and Fowler.
Spent evening Fowler’s room.
October 29, 1913 Wed. Went see Tuttle 9 a.m. At 1030 met Hack Hall Records. Swore off Est. taxes and
my own. 1130 security bank then club and Astor Trust Co. Abercrombie. Had lunch. Phoned Sidney. Han
625. Telep. Coleman. Hack called 245 and I gave him c/o Han. Left 320 for Sharon. Dr. Coley and Dr.
Buckler on train. Sent to sec Bk.
October 30, 1913 Thur. Clear and cold 45- Bar 2910. Took Roy Dakin out Bog Meadow. He had 3 shots.
We stalked a deer- no birds. Home lunch. Afternoon all went Wiggins Hill. Shoot pheasant Willie saw.
Didn’t find him. Went to home place. Saw Waitts 2nd gardner. Pig died.
October 31, 1913 Fri. 33- 62 Bar 2944 Cold. Cloudy. First snow flurry. Went to home place and saw Dr.
Thompson’s post mortem on pig. Ate some Glass which cut arteries in his throat and killed him. After
lunch Dr. Chaffee and I went Milk Can put up 9 or 10 birds and got none. Too cold for me. Mr. and Mrs.
Pistor called.
November 1, 1913 Sat. 29 – 60 Bar 2955 Cold and bright. Blanche went home on 922. Costellos left at 9
a.m. Went to home place. Everything “ok” moved some things. After lunch went down again. Floyd
moved load. Floyd leaving and moving things to depot. Going White Plains to be carpenter. R. gave me 5
November 2, 1913 Sun. 38 – Bar 2953 Lovely day. Jane and I went church. Dr. Morgan preached. Had a
new man up. After lunch went to place and took some things. Leaves all off trees.
November 3, 1913 Mon. 35 – 70 Bar 2960 Cloudy. Cleared off fine. Moved load on big wagon. Spent
morning and afternoon at place settling things. Rufus doing work. Floyd Decker left for White Plains- he
was no good.
November 4, 1913 Tues. 45 – 73 Bar 2927 Cloudy and Milder. Moved load to home. Afternoon went
again. Arthur Duane called. Mr. Wing from Amenia Union called about getting place. Engaged an
Englishman who had been at Sprague- Cleared fine and windy. Told Wing I’d take him Dec. 1st.
November 5, 1913 Wed. 32 Bar 2950 Beautiful day. Busy morning. Englishman came for month.
November 6, 1913 Thur. Thur. Beautiful day- too busy moving to bother with thermometer.
November 7, 1913 Fri. 25- 62 Bar 2960 Lovely day. Moving all day. Wagon pole broke and came near
having bad accident with gray horses and big wagon on decline at Ackley cottage.
November 8, 1913 Sat. 30- Warm Cloudy Rain. Vestry meeting. I was only one who was there. Busy
morning. Finally got all moved this afternoon- chickens and all except things in cottage. Gray team shed.
November 9, 1913 Sun. 38 – 60 Bar 2880 N.E. Gale and rain. Did not go out- Busy getting settled.
November 10, 1913 Mon. 32 Bar 2884 South to west gale and cold. New man came. Busy all day around
the place. Name is Frank Platt.
November 11, 1913 Tues. Cold and windy. Busy getting settled.
November 12, 1913 Wed. Cold and Windy.
November 13, 1913 Thur. 25 Bar 2920 Very cold and windy. Busy around the house and place. Men
husking corn. Willie moved 4 hives this afternoon. Tuesday, Wed. We went up to Milk Can with Arthur
Duane and he killed 2 birds all this on 12th – missed my shots. Dandy shed. Pony and shoes removed –
turned one Tuesday.
November 14, 1913 Fri. 28 Bar 2950 Cloudy and raw. Rain. Planted raspberries (24 vines) Blackberries
(14) Grapes and 6 dwarf pears. Willie moved hives etc. from Ackley cottage. Finished up today- all this
on Thursday 13- I mixed my dates. Coleman telep. he had check for 50 H.B. sold 34.
November 15, 1913 Sat. This should be 14th Rain. Cold at night cleared in afternoon: stayed home all
day. Husked corn and in afternoon put in some grape vines. Paid Rufus 30$ check. Went shooting with
Arthur Duane 4 birds- 2 each. Milk Can and Smith’s swamps. Sat 15th. Heavy frost. Bartram called about
furnace $275.
November 16, 1913 Sun. Snowing hard all day, but melting ther 32° Sent for David and he came for
dinner. Had partridges- all went to church. Sent him back at 5 p.m. with Rufus. First snow storm season.
November 17, 1913 Mon. Snow over the ground. Rufus and I went to Smith Swamp. Didn’t see any
birds. Suffered with cold. Wore rubber boots and sweater.
November 18, 1913 Tues. Lovely day and warm. Indian summer. Mr. White here to see about porch
door and to drill hole in cellar wall. Rufus and I went out on Lime Rock road and put up two birds in
afternoon. Very wild. Ralph Milburn lunch.
November 19, 1913 Wed. Went to milk can with Rufus got no birds. Weather warm and pleasant. I.N.
Bartram died in night. Very suddenly.
November 20, 1913 Thur. Lovely day. Arthur and I hunted Milk Can and Smith. He got one bird- I got
nothing. Coley’s man and red dog had put up everything.
November 21, 1913 Fri. Lovely Indian summer. Duane and I hunted Spring Swamp. All day got one bird.
Arthur got none. Weigh 137’4. Last day of hunting. Coleman sent supreme court decision upholding
fathers will. I.N. Bartram’s funeral.
November 22, 1913 Sat. Lovely warm: True Indian summer weather. Busy with double windows. Rugs.
Hauled 2 loads gravel. Miss Hance began teach Jane. David came 4 p.m. for birthday.
November 23, 1913 Sun. 65° Warm and cloudy. David, Jane and I attended church. David’s birthday.
Gave him $10. Went to Duane’s and photographed his birds and dog. He gave me pair – killed 10
yesterday. David went back 430. Mrs. Ackley called.
November 24, 1913 Mon. Cloudy 30° - Little snow flurries and rain cold. Frank hauled gravel for front
house walk. Put on storm windows.
November 25, 1913 Tues. Good day ther. 45. Hauled more gravel and worked outside.
November 26, 1913 Wed. Cleared off cold. David and Carl Llewllyn came for Thanksgiving. Hauled gravel
and dug drain by road. Moved last of bee things from Mrs. Ackleys. Harry Bartram put pipe in well. Rufus
filled up trench.
November 27, 1913 Thurs. Thanksgiving. 20° Coldest day so far. In afternoon we all walked through
Colgate’s. Laurent sent Thanksgiving turkey. Boys went back at 7 o’clock. Cloudy all day and feels like
November 28, 1913 Fri. Snow flurries, cold and raw. Put gravel on walks and raked leaves. Banked
cottage. They have just got steam roller on street. Have been building road since first of Oct. Paid
Gostelow $40. Bristol brought electric pump.
November 29, 1913 Sat. Rain and raw. Jane has bad cold and Willie also. Dr. Chaffee came see her in
evening. She thought she had dyptheria- Dr. Morgan called busy all day cleaning carriage house and
moving boxes up into loft. Gostelow came on drunk and in afternoon I fired him.
November 30, 1913 Sun. Cloudy and raw. No one went to church. Willie sick in bed. Chaffee came 1030.
Resign from Pilgrims and Dem Club.
December 1, 1913 Mon. Cloudy and damp. Ther. 26. Frank moved in and began work at 40$ month.
Rufus left. Harpers Bazaar expires Dec. 1/14. Subscribed Jan 24/14. Resign from Pilgrims and Dem Club.
December 2, 1913 Tues. Went N.Y. 930 Mathilda went also. I paid for her ticket. Spent afternoon on
errands and at 4 p.m. went see David Taylor, busy until 7 o’clock. Dr. Munn came see me at club 8 p.m.
Looked for apartments.
December 3, 1913 Wed. Dep. C.W. Turner check for balance 20 shs Ham Bk. Called on Dr. Tuttle. He said
I was doing much better. Afternoon went to Hamburg line see about Jamaica. Went to Mutual life Inc.
December 4, 1913 Thur. Came home 850 a.m. Drew check for all estate bills and sent them and stock ctfs
to David Taylor.
December 5, 1913 Fri. Deloral Separator man called.
December 6, 1913 Sat. David came home for Sunday.
December 7, 1913 Sun. Sent David back school with Frank.
December 8, 1913 Mon. Went to N.Y. Took Suite 71- at hotel Seymour. Parlor two bedrooms and bath
$50 Wk. Willie came down in afternoon with Jane.
December 9, 1913 Tues.
December 10, 1913 Wed. Began sale of household effects etc. estate of D.H.H at Silo’s.
December 11, 1913 Thurs. Sale at Silo’s everyday at 230 p.m.
December 12, 1913 Fri. Sale at Silo’s 230 p.m.
December 13, 1913 Sat. Sale at Silo’s 230. David came down for his vacation.
December 14, 1913 Sun. Called on Mr. Lawrence and in afternoon went to Mrs. Cudlipp and called on
Mrs. Munn.
December 15, 1913 Mon. Got silver from Lincoln safe Dep. 60 and Tiffany and Co. with Hack.
December 16, 1913 Tues. Went Dr. Week’s see about eye glasses and on way down stopped and saw
December 17, 1913 Wed. Sale at Silo’s continuation of silver, etc. Hack and I.
December 18, 1913 Thurs.
December 19, 1913 Fri. Sale of books Silo’s 815 p.m.
December 20, 1913 Sat. Lunched Dell’s and met Arthur Duane gave him photos of dogs.
December 21, 1913 Sun. Jane and I called on Mr. Lawrence.
December 22, 1913 Mon.
December 23, 1913 Tues. Willie, John Munn and I went to Surrogates Court and gave 10th dollar bond
for David and Jane’s legacy.
December 24, 1913 Wed. Went to Bleeckers on 405 train spend Christmas with all family.
December 25, 1913 Thurs. Christmas- Gave Mrs. R. a silver sleigh and 2 lbs marons glace. I rec’d an
umbrella and Jane and David presents.
December 26, 1913 Fri. Stormy, but went N.Y. called Arthur Taylor and got 5 bonds.
December 27, 1913 Sat. Lunched at Gooney Farm Hotel (poor) and walked home.
December 28, 1913 Sun. Attended Christ church and took walk in afternoon.
December 29, 1913 Mon. Returned to Sharon 929 train.
December 30, 1913 Tues. Walked to P.O. lovely day 9°- 34°
December 31, 1913 Wed. Lovely day. Got in 2 loads (7500) Furnace and 1 load range coal. Ther. 14° - 35°
Willie and I took walk to Sprague’s and on return called on Mrs. Morgan.
Dec. 1/13 Joined Luther Burbank Society. Robt. John Santa Rosa Cal.