8th Grade Writing Rubric for FCAT Style Prompts FOCUS 6 Focused and purposeful and reflects insight into the writing situation. 2 1 Conveys a sense of completeness and wholeness with adherence to main idea. Pattern provides for a logical progression of ideas. CONVENTIONS Few, if any, convention errors in mechanics, usage, punctuation, and spelling. Focused on the topic and may include extraneous or loosely related material. Generally focused but may contain extraneous or loosely related material. An organizational pattern is apparent, although some lapses may occur. Exhibits some sense of completeness or wholeness. An organizational pattern has been attempted but may lack a sense of completeness or wholeness. Generally follows the conventions of mechanics, usage, and spelling. Related to the topic but includes extraneous or loosely related material. May only minimally address the topic. Little evidence of an organizational pattern may be demonstrated and may lack a sense of completeness or wholeness. 5 3 SUPPORT Substantial, specific, relevant, concrete. Shows commitment to and involvement with the subject. May use creative writing strategies. Mature command of language and freshness of expression. Sentence structure is varied and complete. Organizational pattern Ample support. Mature provides a logical command of language, including progression of ideas precision in word choice. (some lapses may Variation in sentence structure, occur). Conveys a sense and with rare exceptions, of completeness or sentences are complete. wholeness. Focused on the topic. 4 ORGANIZATION The paper is a fragmentary listing of related ideas or sentences or both. Support, including word choice, is adequate although development may be uneven. Little variation in sentence structure, and most sentences are complete. Some support included, but development is erratic. Word choice is adequate but may be limited, predictable, or occasionally vague. Little, if any variation in sentence structure. Generally follows the conventions of mechanics, usage, and spelling. Knowledge of the conventions and mechanics and usage is usually demonstrated, and commonly used words are usually spelled correctly. Development is inadequate or Errors in basic illogical. Word choice is limited, conventions of inappropriate, or vague. Little, if mechanics and any, variation in sentence usage may occur, structure, and gross errors in and commonly sentence structure may appear. used words may be misspelled. Little, if any, development of Frequent and support or a pattern is apparent. blatant errors may Limited or inappropriate word occur in the basic choice may obscure meaning. conventions of Gross errors in sentence structure mechanics and and usage. usage. Commonly used words may be misspelled.