Six Traits Paragraph Writing Rubric 6 Exemplary 5 Strong main theme supporting details Evident main idea with some support which may be general or limited 3 Developing 2 Emerging 1 Beginning Purpose and Lacks central main idea may idea; be unclear and development is cluttered by minimal or nonirrelevant detail existent May be unclear because paragraph has competing ideas for thesis Strong order and Organization is Attempts at Lack of Lack of Organization Effectively organized in logical structure appropriate, but organization; structure; coherence; structure and creative conventional may be a “list” disorganized and confusing Inviting intro introduction manner of items hard to follow and satisfying Attempt at No identifiable conclusion Creative and closure introduction and Beginning and Appears to start beginning or engaging intro and conclusion ending not clear or stop in the ending conclusion middle of something Expressive, Appropriate to Evident Voice may be Writing tends to Writing is lifeless Voice engaging, sincere audience and commitment to inappropriate or be flat or stiff No hint of the personality purpose topic non-existent Strong sense of Stereotypic, writer sense of audience Writer behind Inconsistent or Writing may copied tone and audience the words comes formulaic seem mechanical voice Shows emotion: through personality humour, honesty, suspense or life Language is Words may be Monotonous, Limited range of Word Choice Precise, carefully Descriptive, chosen broad range of functional and correct but often repetitious, words precision words appropriate mundane sometimes Strong, fresh, vivid Some vocabulary effectiveness inappropriate images misused Word choice Descriptions Common words imagery energizes writing may be overdone chosen at times High degree of Easy flow and Generally in Some awkward Often choppy Difficult to Sentence craftsmanship rhythm control constructions follow or read Monotonous Fluency aloud Effective variation Good variety in Lacks variety in Common simple sentence patterns rhythm, flow in sentence patterns length and length and pattern used Disjointed, Frequent run-on variety structure structure confusing, Several sentences rambling sentences begin Some sentence the same way fragments Strong control Control of most Limited control Frequent Numerous Conventions Exceptionally strong control of of conventions; writing of conventions; significant errors errors distract the age appropriate, standard errors are few conventions; some errors in may impede reader and make spelling, caps, conventions of and minor errors reflect risks common patterns readability the text difficult punctuation, writing with unusual or or structures do Errors frequent to read grammar sophisticated not interfere with Complex in common Errors may be structures unduly conventions patterns and made more than understanding attempted structures one way for the same pattern or structure Idea Paragraph centred A main idea or around a topic is clear significant idea or Clear, focused, topic interesting idea Exceptionally clear, with appropriate focused, engaging detail with relevant, strong supporting detail 4 Proficient Main idea may be cloudy because supporting detail is too general or even off-topic Adapted for Regina Public Schools from Vicki Spandel, Creating Writers Regina, SK Canada