HAMILTON INTEGRATED RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD (HIREB) AMENDMENT REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS N.B. ALL changes to research protocols or information/consent documents, advertisements, study instruments, etc. must have HIREB review and approval prior to implementation, except where necessary to eliminate immediate hazards to study participants. Amendments must be submitted in such a way that: The old wording is clearly identified (for example, bolded strikethrough text). The new wording is clearly identified (for example, italicized grey-shaded text). It is clear why each amendment has been made. The amendment can be evaluated in context. Supply a copy of the protocol showing tracked changes or provide a Summary of Changes. It is clear whether each amendment increases risk or discomfort for the participant in any way. Please submit: One copy of a typed completed Amendment Request Form (attached) with original signature of the Locally Responsible Investigator. A cover letter (synopsis) from the Investigator is mandatory unless the amendment is very minor. For changes to existing documents: o One copy of any amended document containing the proposed changes (e.g. protocol, information sheet/consent form, drug or device brochure, advertisement, study instrument, questionnaire, etc.). Ensure that all revised documents have a new version # and version date. o A detailed explanation/justification for each change. o If the information/consent forms or recruitment advertisements have been changed, provide one “clean” copy of amended document(s). o Health Canada Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD/HCNOL) approval: If TPD/HCNOL approved the original protocol, then TPD/HCNOL approval is also required for this amendment. We CANNOT accept the amendment without the TPD/HCNOL approval. o For new documents: o One copy of any new document (e.g. protocol, information sheet/consent form, drug or device brochure, advertisement, study instrument, questionnaire, etc.). o An explanation / rationale for the newly added document(s) must be provided. Submit the Amendment Request form, together with supporting documentation to the address noted below. (DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL): Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board 293 Wellington Street N., Suite 102 Hamilton, ON L8L 8E7 Attn: Anna Hoover 905-521-2100 ext. 44406 HIREB Amendment Form Version October 2015 HAMILTON INTEGRATED RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD (HIREB) AMENDMENT REQUEST 1. Locally Responsible Investigator and contact information: 2. Research Project Title: 3. REB Project #: 4. Please list the NEW version number and version date of ALL documents being submitted for approval: NOTE: THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED. IF YES 5. PROPOSED CHANGES AFFECT: (a) PROTOCOL (If you are submitting a protocol amendment we ask that you attach either a Summary of Changes or a detailed outline of each revision and the rationale) Study objectives, statistical analysis, design or methods Study instruments, questionnaires, etc. Number of participants Participant recruitment methods Eligibility criteria (inclusion/exclusion criteria) Study end date Principal and/or co-investigators: If PI is changing, include a letter signed by the outgoing PI and the incoming PI indicating they both agree to the change. Attach a revised consent form which reflects the change of PI/Co-I. Health Canada Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD/HCNOL) approval: If TPD/HCNOL approved the original protocol, then TPD/HCNOL approval is also required for this amendment. We CANNOT accept without the TPD/HCNOL. Copy of HCNOL Attached [ ]. Other CONSENT FORM INFORMATION SHEET ADVERTISEMENT AND RECRUITMENT MATERIALS ADMINISTRATIVE Change in name of Sponsor Change in contact information Other (specify) OTHER (specify) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 6. Will there be any increase in risk, discomfort or inconvenience to the participants? If YES, provide detailed explanation/justification. [ ] YES 7. What follow-up action do you propose for participants who are already enrolled in the study? Check [ ]: [ ] Inform study participants ASAP [ ] Re-consent participants with the revised the consent/assent forms (append) [ ] Other (please describe) [ ] No action required _____________________________________________ Signature of Locally Responsible Investigator HIREB Amendment Form Version October 2015 ______________________ Date [ ] NO