Indications for Plasma Exchange Indication Code Collagen Vascular 1 2 3 4 Polymyositis Polyarteritis nodosa Scleroderma Vasculitis 710.4 447.6 710.1 447.6 Dermatology 1 2 Pemphigus Dermatomyositis 694.4 710.3 Hematology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Crisis CAPS cGVHD Cold Agglutinin Disease Cryobulinemia Cutaneous T Cell Lymphona HELLP Red Cell Alloimunization in Pregnancy Hyperviscosity Pure Red Cell Aplasia Thrombocytosis TTP aHUS Anti Factor 8 Antibodies 284.9 Metabolic 1 2 3 Hyperlipidemia Hypertriglyceridemia Pruritis (Liver Disease) 272.0 272.4 000.0 Neurology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ADEM CIDP Anti MAG Neuropathy Eaton Lambert Guillan Barre MS Variant Myasthenia Gravis NMO POEMS Paraneoplastic Syndrome Anti GAD Antibody(incl Stiff Person Syndrome) Anti NMDA Antibody Sydenham Chorea Transverse Myelitis 1 2 3 Sickle Cell Malaria Babesiosis Red Blood Cell 283.0 273.2 357.8 000.0 773.0 284.0 289.9 446.6 283.1 999.8 357.8 358.1 357.0 358.0 340.0 203.3 000.0 292.9 357.0 282.6 1 Renal Transplant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ANCA Pulmonary Hemmorhage ANCA Renal Limited Anti GBM Pulmonary Hemmorhage Anti GBM Renal Limited FSGS Native Kidney FSGS Transplanted Kidney Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura MPGN RPGN (not ANCA) 287.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 996.83 996.82 996.84 10 Cardiac Acute Humoral Rejection Liver ABO Incompatible transplant Lung Acute Humoral rejection Lung Transplant Desensitization Pancreas Acute Humoral Rejection Renal Acute Humoral Rejection Renal Live Donor Desensitization ABO Incompatible Renal Live donor Desensitization HLA Incompatible Renal Live Donor Desensitization ABO/HLA Incompatible Renal Deceased Donor Desensitization 1 2 3 4 Autologous Allogeneic ABO Incompatible DLI 8 9 Stem Cell 446.2 583.9 996.8 583.4 996.8 996.85 Simple Descriptors of Diseases Indication Collagen Vascular 1 2 3 4 Polymyositis Polyarteritis nodosa Scleroderma Vasculitis Description Evidence of inflammation of blood vessels in the skin or other organs of patients who do not have Systernic Lupus Erythematosuor P or C ANCA vasculitis or Wegeners Granulomatosus (Granulomatosus Angitis) or microscopic polyangitis or Churg Strauss Vasculitis. ICD Code 447.6 N.B. 2) Lupus (SLE)-Diagnosis of lupus or have ANA positivity with a elevated double stranded DNA antibody and evidence of kidney involvement ICD Code 710.0 Dermatology 1 2 Pemphigus Dermato-myositis Hematology 1 Crisis CAPS 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Metabolic 1 2 3 Neurology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Red Blood Cell 1 2 3 cGVHD Cold Agglutinin Disease Cryo-bulinemia Cutaneous T Cell Lymphona HELLP Red Cell Alloimuniz-ation in Pregnancy Hyper-viscosity Pure Red Cell Aplasia Thrombo-cytosis TTP aHUS Anti Factor 8 Antibodies Hyperlipi-demia Hypertriglyceridemia Pruritis (Liver Disease) ADEM CIDP Anti MAG Neuropathy Eaton Lambert Guillan Barre MS Variant Myasthenia Gravis NMO POEMS Paraneoplastic Syndrome Anti GAD Antibody (including Stiff Person Syndrome) Anti NMDA Antibody Sydenham Chorea Transverse Myelitis Sickle Cell Malaria Babesiosis 3 Renal 1 ANCA Pulmonary Hemmorhage 2 ANCA Renal Limited Anti GBM Pulmonary Hemmorhage Anti GBM Renal Limited FSGS Native Kidney FSGS Transplanted Kidney HenochSchoenlein Purpura 3 4 5 6 7 Transplant 8 9 MPGN RPGN (not ANCA) 1 Cardiac Acute Humoral Rejection Liver ABO Incompatible transplant Lung Acute Humoral rejection Lung Transplant Desensitiz-ation Pancreas Acute Humoral Rejection Renal Acute Humoral Rejection Renal Live Donor Desensitiz-ation ABO Incompatible Renal Live donor Desensiti-zation HLA Incompatible Renal Live Donor Desensiti-zation ABO/HLA Incompatible Renal Deceased Donor Desensitization 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hypersenitivity Angilitis- Patients who have either C or P ANCA vasculitis or Wegeners or granulomatous vasculitis or microscopic polyangilitis or Strauss vasculitis who often have pulmonary hemorrhage kidney involvement plus or minus skin involvement and nerve involvement ICD code 287.0 Goodpasture Syndrome- Patients who suffer from pulmonary hemorrhage and renal failure and either have anti-glomerular basement membrane, antibodies on serology or linear immunoe-Fluorescence on kidney biopsy. ICD code 446.2 Anti GBM Pulmomary Hemorrhage FSGS Native Kidney Focal Segmental Glomeruloscerosis–Patients in the immediate post renal transplant period who develop a nephritic syndrome and on biopsy are known to have focal glomerulscerosis. ICD Code 583.9 A systemic Vasculitis –Mostly seen in children in which they have joint pain, skin rash – which is distal and symmetrical, renal and gut involvement ICD code 996.8 Transplant rejection heart ICD code 996.83 Transplant rejection liver ICD code 996.82 Transplant rejection lung ICD code 996.84 Lung Transplant Desensitization Pancreas Acute Humoral Rejection Transplant rejection kidney ICD code 996.8 Pre-Transplant category- this is for preparation for patients who are pre-sensitized or ABO incompatible and receive plasma exchange both pre and post live related renal transportation. ICDcode 996.8 Renal Live Donor Desensitization HLA Incompatible Renal Live Donor Desensitization ABO/HLA Incompatible Renal Deceased Donor Desensitization 4 Stem Cell 1 2 3 4 Autologous Allogeneic ABO Incompatible DLI 5