BRAUNTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Additional Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on Monday, 24 October 2011 Present Cllrs Mrs Shapland, in the Chair, Mrs Chesters, Mrs Smith, Lucas, Anderson, Mrs Spear, Mrs Blackmore, Mrs Woodford, Cornick and Bonds. A member of the public stated that he felt residential parking permits in Caen Street car park would be detrimental to local businesses, as customer parking bays would be reduced. A second member of the public noted that if residential parking permits were introduced in Caen Street car park this would be initially for a trial period. She requested by what criteria would the trial be monitored and would there be an impact study on local businesses carried out. She further requested what need there was for permits in Braunton. The Chairman explained that if the Council approves a trial residential parking permit scheme in Caen Street car park, it would monitor and consult with the public during the trial period. She was unable to comment any further as the Council had taken no decisions. She invited the public to remain in the meeting, as it would be discussed later on the agenda. 173/2011/12 Apologies Were received from Councillor Spear. 174/2011/12 Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council Declarations of Interest The Chairman informed Members that North Devon Homes would be holding a Housing Crisis in North Devon event, on Friday 18 November 2011 at 9.30am at the Cedars Hotel, Barnstaple. 175/2011/12 Councillor Mrs Spear declared a Personal interest in Minute number 180/2011/12 (b) 52943, as the applicant is known to her. Councillor Mrs Blackmore declared a Personal interest in Minute number 179/2011/12, as she is the Chairman of the Vivian Moon Centre. Councillor Mrs Shapland declared a Personal interest in Minute number 180/2011/12 (b) 52943, as the applicant is known to her. Councillor Mrs Chesters declared a Personal interest in Minute 180/2011/12 (e) 52965, as she has been involved in talks with the applicant. 176/2011/12 Finance The cheques on the schedule were approved and drawn in the sum of £6,098.33. 178/2011/12 Environment Agency Flood Defence Improvements , Braunton The Chairman welcomed Jim Faux from the Environment Agency. Mr Faux introduced Mr Martin Priest from Team Van Oord, the appointed Contractor to carry out the flood defence improvements in Braunton, and his colleague Mr Clive Evans from Halcrows. Mr Faux tabled a revised plan for the rebuild of the Memorial Shelter, attached as Appendix A. Members were happy with the revised stone structure and timber roof and seating. RESOLVED: That in principle the Council would approve the draft plans for the new Memorial Shelter. Mr Faux circulated amongst Members a plan showing the proposed area in Caen Street overflow car park, to be used by the Contractor as a Compound until 12 April 2012. RESOLVED: That the extended area to be used as a compound in Cean Street overflow car park be approved. Members also considered the Environment Agencies draft agreement with the Parish Council regarding the use of Councils land whilst the Flood Defence Improvements are being carried out. RESOLVED: That in principle the draft agreement be approved, subject to a clause being included that the Environment Agency will reinstate any damage caused to Caen Street car park. Mr Faux further explained that the Environment Agency would be erecting a notice board in the Memorial Gardens on the right hand side on approach to the Bowling Club. The notice board will provide information relating to the flood defence works and contact details of the Environment Agency and the appointed Contractor. The Environment Agency will be holding a starting ceremony involving local school children. The ceremony will be held on Thursday 10 November 2011 and the Chairman of the Flood Defence Committee extends an invitation to all Councillors to attend. The Council thanked Mr Faux for the work he had done regarding the flood defence works in Braunton. 179/2011/12 Parking Issues in Parish Council Car Parks The Council considered the notes of the Working Party meeting held on the 17 October 2011 attached as appendix B. Members discussed the revised recommendations for a 12-month residential parking permit scheme in Caen Street car park. Councillor Mrs Chesters was concerned that the Council did not have adequate information regarding costs to enter into a 12-month permit trial. She was also concerned that the 12-month trial would be irreversible and due to the decision being rushed through Council there was not the opportunity for sufficient public consultation. She was further concerned that a 12 month permit trial would haemorrhage money from the car park account Councillor Mrs Chugg left the meeting at 7.40pm. Councillor Bonds was also concerned that the public and local businesses had not been consulted on the proposed 12-month permit trial. Cllr Cornick reminded Members that there was a public referendum held in 2008, which showed the majority in favour of permits. Councillor Mrs Smith proposed a amendment to defer the 12 month residential permit trial in Caen Street car park for a further 12 months, to allow for finances to be put in place and internal systems be put place in the office structure to provide a permit scheme which is acceptable to the Councils auditors. She was also concerned that the Environment Agencies plans to use the overflow car park as a compound until the12 April 2012 would complicate the permit trail. Councillor Woodford was in favour of the 12 month permit trial, she referred to trials which are carried out in the NHS and felt that a trial period would enable the Council to move forward, but she was aware that the Council should be sensitive to strong opinions on the issue of permits, but this could be due to the fear of the unknown. Councillor Mrs Chesters was still concerned regarding changes to North Devon Councils agreement with the Council as they currently carry out the enforcement. Councillor Mrs Chesters requested if North Devon Council had provided any revised costs for this service if permits are introduced. The Parish Clerk reported that costs had not yet been received from North Devon Council. It was agreed that costs be brought to the November full Council for consideration. Members noted that one of the reasons for introducing residential permits in Caen Street car park was to alleviate the issue of displacement in the village. Councillor Lucas felt that this would not be alleviated until the County Council has painted double yellow lines on the roads. Councillor Mrs Chesters was also concerned that residential permits would take up valuable spaces in the car park, which could be used by visitors to village. The Museum of British Surfing would be opening next April and the Council does not know what affect this will have on the car park. Councillor Lucas seconded the amendment to defer for a further 12 months the introduction of a 12 month trial for residential parking permits in Caen Street car park. The vote was 5 in favour of the amendment and 6 against. The amendment fell. RESOLVED: That the recommendations made by the Working Party held on 17 October 2011, as detailed below, be approved; a. Parking permits be available to all parishioners of Braunton, subject to them providing proof of residency. b. To allow mixed permit/pay and display parking in the overflow car park, the main car park to remain as short-stay parking. c. That a residential parking permit for Caen Street car park to cost £175 per annum. d. parking permits must show vehicle registration (maximum of two registration numbers), start date, expiry date, name of car park and owner of car park. e. the number of parking permits available to be unlimited but permit holders are not guaranteed a space. f. Permits will not be transferable and must be repurchased at full cost if lost. g. Permits to be issued during a specific time period set by the Council, and only issued outside of this time if to an existing holder. h. Number of enforcement visits to be readdressed once costs have been received from NDC. (6.5) 180/2010/11 Planning (a) 52892 Outline application for erection of one dwelling together with new parking/access arrangement for existing dwelling at garden of 13 Cavie Crescent, Braunton. Comment Recommend Approval. (10.1) Councillors Mrs Spear and Mrs Shapland declared a Personal interest the following application. (b) 52943 Application for consent for works to trees covered by a tree preservation order in respect of felling 1 beech tree at S Merryn, Higher Park Road, Braunton. Comment Recommend approval, Subject to the professional opinion of Mr Andy Jones, Tree Officer at North Devon Council (N/C) (c) 52941 Installation of PV & hot water solar panels to main roof of Hotel at Saunton Sands Hotel, Saunton, Braunton. Comment Recommend approval. (N/C) Council wished to make its views known to North Devon Council that it would welcome more applications of this nature. (d) 52957 Extension to dwelling at Wimbledon, Ash Road, Braunton. Comment Recommend approval. (9.2abs) Councillor Mrs Chesters declared a Personal interest in the following application. (e) 52965 Extension to dwelling together with part conversion of roof space to provide additional living accommodation (resubmission of 52315) at 42 Willoway Lane, Braunton. Comment Recommend approval. (N/C) NOTICES OF DECISION Permission for Development 52762 Erection of conservatory at Spionkop, West Hill, Braunton. 52721 listed building application for installation of chimney liner, wood burner & flue to existing chimney & fireplace at Broadgate House, Broadgate Close, Braunton. 52437 Extensions to dwelling at 5 Willand Road, Braunton. Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development 52163 28 Silvan Drive, Braunton, North Devon EX33 2EQ The meeting closed at 8.44pm ............................................... The Chairman