Chapter 11 Instructor`s Manual

CHAPTER 11: Gothic Art
Key Works
West façade, Saint-Denis, near Paris, dedicated 1140
Interior of Saint-Denis
View of piers in the nave arcade, Chartres Cathedral, France, 13th century
Jeroboam Worshiping Golden Calves, detail of a lancet under the north rose window, Chartres
Cathedral, early 13th century
Carpenters’ Guild signature window, detail of stained-glass window, Chartres Cathedral, early
13th century
Geometric architectural diagrams from the sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, c. 1225
Geometric analysis of human and animal figures from the sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt,
c. 1225
West façade of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1140–1150
South wall of Chartres Cathedral, 13th century
Apse of Chartres Cathedral, with radiating chapels and flying buttresses, 13th century
The three portals of the west façade, Chartres Cathedral, c. 1140–1150
Tympanum, lintel, and archivolts, central portal, west façade, Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145–1170
Doorjamb statues, west façade, Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145–1170
Stylized drapery, detail of doorjamb statues, south transept, Chartres Cathedral, c. 1145–1170
Saints Theodore, Stephen, Clement, and Lawrence, door jamb statues, south transept, Chartres
Cathedral, 13th century
Teaching Christ, trumeau, south transept, Chartres Cathedral, 13th century
Antichrist as a Three-Headed Tyrant, from the Harley Manuscript, 1527
Nave, Chartres Cathedral, looking east
Rose window and lancets, north transept, Chartres Cathedral, 13th century
Nave vaults, Amiens Cathedral, 1220–1269
West façade, Amiens Cathedral, France, 1220–1269
Nave vaults, Amiens Cathedral, 1220–1269
Beau Dieu, central portal, west façade, Amiens Cathedral, c. 1225–1230
Vierge dorée, south portal, Amiens Cathedral, c. 1250
West façade, Reims Cathedral, France, begun 1211
Nave, Reims Cathedral, 1211–c.1290
Annunciation and Visitation, doorjamb statues, Reims Cathedral, c. 1225–1245
Philip I of France Granting Privileges to the Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, France,
c. 1250
Scene from the Life of Saint Denis, completed 1317
Nave, Saint-Chapelle, Paris, 1243–1248
King David looks down upon Bathsheba bathing and up to God, St. Louis Psalter, Paris, c. 1260.
Choir, Canterbury Cathedral, 1174–1184
View of Canterbury Cathedral
Vault, Corona Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral
Return of the Messengers from the Promised Land, detail of window, Corona Chapel, Canterbury
Cathedral, 13th century
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Salisbury Cathedral, England, begun 1220
Salisbury Cathedral façade, England, completed 1265
Vault, chapter house, Salisbury Cathedral, 1263–1284
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England, founded 1441, vaulting 1508–1515
Cologne Cathedral, begun 1248, Germany
Nave of Cologne Cathedral, Germany
Siena Cathedral, Tuscany, Italy, 1284–1299
Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy, begun 1386
Southeast view of Palma de Mallorca Cathedral, island of Mallorca, begun 1306
Apse, Prague Cathedral, Czech Republic
Doges’ Palace, Venice, Italy, façade dating from the 1420s
Town Hall, Louvain, Belgium, 1448
Aerial view of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, 1858–1879
Maps, Diagrams, and Projections
Plan of Saint-Denis, 1140–1144
Diagram of a ribbed vault
Section diagram of a Gothic cathedral (after E. Viollet-le-Duc)
Plan of Chartres Cathedral
Perspective diagram and cross section of Chartres Cathedral
Diagram of a Gothic portal
Plan of Amiens Cathedral
Plan of Reims Cathedral (after W. Blaser)
Plan of Canterbury Cathedral
Plan of Salisbury Cathedral
Plan of Cologne Cathedral
Key Terms
compound pier
fan vault
flying buttresses
ribbed vault
rose window
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Window on the World
Buddhist and Hindu Developments in East Asia and South Asia
(6th–13th century)
Key Works
Buddha (Shakyamuni or Amitabha) Preaching the Law, Cave 17, Dunhuang Province, China,
early 8th century
Shakyamuni Buddha Preaching on Vulture Peak, Cave 17, Dunhuang Province, China, 8th
Pagoda, Kaifeng, Hunan Province, China, mid-11th century
Five-storied pagoda (Goju-no-to), monastery of Horyu-ji, Nara, Japan, late 7th century
View of the monastery of Horyu-ji, Nara, Japan, late 7th century
Kondō (Golden Hall), Horyu-ji, Nara, late 7th century
Temple of Vishnu, Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, early 6th century
Vishnu Sleeping on Ananta, relief panel, south side, Temple of Vishnu, Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh,
India, early 6th century
West doorway, Temple of Vishnu, Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, 6th century
Mukteshvar Temple of Shiva, Bhubaneshvar, Orissa, India, c. 950
Aerial view of Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Roadway approaching Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Army on the March, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, first half of 12th century
Apsaras, exterior wall of a gallery, Angkor Wat, Cambodia
“Water Nymph,” detail of frieze, Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Bayon temple, Angkor Thom, Cambodia, c. 1200
Towers with monumental faces of Devaraja, Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
Maps, Diagrams, and Projections
Map of East Asia
Diagram section of the Horyu-ji kondō
Drawing of part of the Horyu-ji kondō
Plan of the Temple of Vishnu, Deogarh, Uttar Pradesh, India, early 6th century
Elevation of a typical Orissan temple
Plan of Mukteshvar Temple of Shiva, Bhubaneshvar, Orissa, India, c. 950
Plan of the central complex at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, c. 1113–1150
Key Terms
garbha griha
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60 min., PBS
Chartres Cathedral
30 min., Britannica
French Gothic Architecture: Cathedrals
25 min., VM
Gothic Cathedrals
50 min., VM
In the Shadow of Angkor Wat
55 min., MFA
Late Gothic Art and Architecture: England, 1400–1547
50 min., FFHS
Walls of Light: The History of Stained Glass
85 min., MFA
Gothic Cathedrals of Europe
Mac/Windows, FFHS
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